Social Media

Social media is our fastest growing communication platform and one of the most counted-on information sources in the District. We use social media to share important updates, resources and opportunities with families, staff and the greater community. It’s also our best way to highlight positive news involving our schools, students and staff.

Additionally, we support schools with social media by helping to create accounts, provide user training and developing content strategies, including approved ad purchases. Departmental social media accounts should be approved by the Communications Department.

Our official District social accounts are:

Tips for effective social media:

  • The more visual your posts are, the better – so always include photos or videos when you can.
  • Post often. Original posts about your own school are important, but you can also “share" or "retweet" content from other social media sources that your feel is relevant to your parents and stakeholders.
  • Be timely. Social media allows us to share updates immediately, so try to post news, updates and photos in the moment whenever possible.
  • Use your social media pages to highlight partner involvement at your school. If your partners are on social media, tag them in your posts to help boost exposure.
  • Be responsive. Social media can be an important two-way communication tool, so if people contact you directly, be sure to respond in a timely manner.

160 South Hollywood Street
Room 208
Memphis, Tennessee 38112

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