The Truancy Department works to reduce truancy by offering support and services to truant youth and their families. Our goals are to:
- Offer early intervention to parents and truant children
- Work with schools to help improve attendance of truant students
- Collaborate with community partners to promote regular attendance
Unexcused absences can result in truancy. Whenever your child is absent, please be sure to send a written excuse to the school office so his or her absence can possibly be excused.
Policy and Law
Truancy is a legal term that refers only to unexcused absences. A Tennessee student is considered truant at five (5) unexcused absences and may be subject to legal intervention. The five (5) days of unexcused absences need not be five (5) consecutive days of unexcused absences.
Under the “compulsory education” laws in Tennessee, children must regularly attend school from the time they are 6 years old until they turn 18. Except as otherwise provided by law, a child may be truant under the law who is less than six (6) years of age, provided that a child may be withdrawn six (6) weeks of initial enrollment without penalty. (MSCS Policy 6006)
Progressive Truancy Intervention
Memphis-Shelby County Schools employs a progressive truancy intervention plan that aims to enforce the compulsory attendance law, provide support to families of truant students, and minimize the need for legal action. (Ref. Policy 6016)
The first tier of intervention requires, at minimum, a conference with the student, parent/guardian and administrator, or designee that results in a student attendance plan. Subsequent tiers should include individualized assessment of the reasons a student has been absent, and if necessary, referrals to school/district-based services or community agencies aimed at addressing the attendance issue. Referral to Juvenile Court will be the final option.
Truancy Offices
Airways Office
2601 Ketchum St
Memphis, TN 38114
Claybrook Office
205 N Claybrook
Memphis, TN 38104
Flicker Street Office
130 Flicker St
Memphis, TN 38112
Grays Creek Office
2800 Grays Creek Rd
Arlington, TN 38002
Hickory Ridge Mall Office
6075 Winchester Road
Memphis, TN 38115
MSCS Parent Welcome Center Office
2687 Avery
Memphis, TN 38112
Program Philosophy
The educational staff of the Homebound (HB) Program is dedicated to instructional support of students who are confined to the home in meeting state standards. Working closely with the family, the medical community, and home schools HB teachers provide general education instruction via flexible methods.
A student is eligible for the Homebound Program if the following criteria are met:
- Certification by a licensed physician, clinical phycologist, psychiatrist, or neurologist that the student is expected to be absent from school due to a physical or psychiatric condition for at least 15 consecutive school days.
- Student is confined to home, hospital, or facility
- Student is able to participate and benefit from an instructional program
- Student is undergoing medical care for illness or injury
- Student can receive instructional services without endangering the health and safety of the instructor
- The student must be enrolled in SCS prior to the referral to the HB Program
- The Parent/Guardian signs the HB agreement that outlines all the HB policies and procedures
How to Request Services
An application for HB instruction can be obtained from the student’s home school or by calling the HB office at 901-416-6007. After the application form is completed by the parent/guardian and licensed physician, it must be mailed, faxed or delivered to:
Must a student be absent for 15 days before applying to the HBprogram?
No. If the student has a medical condition and the doctor certifies in writing by completing the HB request form that the student is expected to be absent for at least 15 consecutive school days, the student may be eligible for the program.
Can a student attend school part-time and be in the HB program?
Is this program the same as home school?
No. The HB program is a public-school education program with specific eligibility for students who cannot attend school because of a medically verified condition. A home education program is a non-public school, parent/guardian choice option, where student instruction is directed by the parent/guardian.
Are teachers fully certified?
Yes, they meet the highly qualified requirement.
Is there a different curriculum for homebound students?
No. Homebound students receive instruction from the same curriculum as students in the regular classroom.