Graphic Design

We provide graphic design support for all MSCS schools and departments in alignment with the District’s branding and style guidelines. Our designers can assist with standardized items, such as letterhead, presentations and signage, and creative promotional materials, like flyers, brochures, advertisements, fact sheets and marketing items, etc.


Tips for graphic design:

  • Materials intended for mass distribution (internally or externally) should be approved by Communications to ensure they meet branding and style guidelines.
  • The MSCS logo should be featured prominently on any materials used for mass communication. No departmental logos or unapproved program logos should be used.
  • The District’s Title VI statement should be included on all materials distributed externally.
  • Text should be clear and concise. Include contact information and/or directions to find additional details.
  • Use only images that are high-resolution, and do not use any images that are not copyright-approved.
  • Provide ample notice for support requests. Most design projects take 2-4 weeks to allow time for edits and approvals.

To request graphic design support, contact Dawn Newberry, [email protected], or Bob Labonia, [email protected].


160 South Hollywood Street
Room 208
Memphis, Tennessee 38112

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