
High quality images are important visual elements that can help make print and digital communications stand out. However, poor quality images can be distracting and compromise the credibility of a message or organization.

  • Photos should always be taken with the highest possible resolution (300 dpi for photo).
    TIP: iPhone users can use the HDR setting for high-resolution photos.
  • Blury, stretched, pixelated or poorly framed images should never be used.

blured/pixelated image

stretched image

good image

  • Never use images from external websites that are not copyright approved.
  • Always use images that accurately reflect the District or school (racial diversity, age, gender, etc.).
  • Always ensure students have proper parental consent to be included in photos that may be used for external purposes.


Need an image?

The Communications Department has a database of high quality images for use in communication materials. If you are interested in using one of our approved photos, please contact Graphic Services at 416-5678.


160 South Hollywood Street
Room 208
Memphis, Tennessee 38112

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