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Data & Research Requests

Conducting Research in MSCS

The MSCS Research department serves as the Institutional Review Board (IRB) to review research proposals by individuals and organizations interested in collecting data or requesting data files from MSCS to answer research questions.

MSCS Research prioritizes research and evaluation projects that focus on supporting our schools and students. Guidelines for eligibility and application requirements have been updated to establish application and research timelines that minimize interference with classroom instruction. We have also developed an online application form to streamline the submission process.


Eligibility Criteria

  1. MSCS will only accept and review applications from the following groups:
    • Current MSCS Staff: Employees currently working in the Memphis-Shelby County Schools system who are completing graduate degrees.
    • Faculty from Local Colleges and Universities: Faculty researchers employed by educational institutions located in Memphis.
    • Researchers Fulfilling State or Federal Reporting Requirements: Researchers conducting studies or completing evaluations mandated by state or federal government agencies.
    • Organizations Proposing Research Partnerships: Entities seeking to collaborate with the District on research initiatives.
  2. MSCS school staff cannot conduct research in the school in which they work.
    • MSCS generally does not permit applicants who are current MSCS school staff to ask their own faculty, staff, or students to participate in their research to avoid potential supervisory conflicts, to ensure participation is truly voluntary, and to foster objectivity in the research process.
    • The only exceptions are classroom-level action research or if conducting research on-site is an explicit degree requirement.

Application Fees and Data Work Costs

  1. Application Fees
    • Internal staff: $25
    • External local faculty: $50
    • Grant researchers and organizations seeking partnership: $100
  2. Data Work Costs (In addition to application Fees)
    • Internal staff: Data work totaling less than 3 hours is included in the application fee; work totaling 3 or more hours will incur a $25/hr fee starting with hour 3. Total data work fee will not exceed $100.
    • External local faculty: Data work totaling less than 3 hours is included in the application fee; work totaling 3 or more hours will incur a $50/hr fee starting with hour 3. Total data work fee will not exceed $200
    • Institutional Request for Data: Data work totaling less than 3 hours included in the application fee; work totaling 3 or more hours will incur a $100/hr fee starting with hour 3. Total data work fee will not exceed $300

Application Periods

  • Fall Submission Period (8/5/24 – 10/31/24):
    • Type of applications accepted:
      • Proposals to collect your own, original data requiring direct contact with MSCS employees or students*
      • Requests for existing District data
    • Timeline: Submission: Applications will be accepted until October 31st and reviewed on a rolling basis. Final decisions will be made by the end of fall semester on December 20th.**
  • Spring Submission Period (1/6/25 – 3/31/25):
    • Type of applications accepted:
      • Fall 2025 proposals to collect your own, original data requiring direct contact with MSCS employees or students*
      • Requests for existing District data
    • Timeline: Applications will be accepted until March 31st and reviewed on a rolling basis. Final decisions will be made by the end of spring semester on May 23rd.**
  • Summer: No applications will be accepted during June and July, as these months fall outside the academic year.

*Primary, original data collection applications (e.g., surveys, focus groups, interviews) for the 2024-25 SY will only be accepted in the Fall Submission Period. Primary, original data collection that occurs in April or May is not permitted, due to school testing.

**Application decision dates listed above do NOT include time for data file creation, which is dependent upon complexity of requests and department availability to fill requests.


Application Guidelines & Restrictions


  • Applications will not be reviewed until ALL components are submitted, including receipt of application fee. (See application for list of required components)
  • Completing the application process does not guarantee approval.
  • In addition to filling out the application form, you are required to submit the following documents (additional documents may be requested based on your research proposal):
    1. Approved IRB Application.
    2. IRB Approval Letter.
    3. Drafts of Active Consent/Assent Form(s). The following components are required to be included:
      • A brief description of the study, including its purpose.
      • What is required of study participants.
      • Specifics about time commitment, study duration, and meeting times and places.
      • Risks and benefits to participants.
      • Assurances that participation is voluntary.
      • Assurances that not participating, opting out, or discontinuing participation will not negatively affect participants.
      • Assurances that data will be confidential and securely stored.
      • Name and contact information for the researcher (and committee chair for graduate students) for participants and/or parents.
      • Print and signature line indicating consent or place to type name in electronic form indicating consent
    4. Drafts of Survey/Interview/Focus Group Questions.


  • Research questions that do not clearly benefit the District are likely to be rejected.
  • Research proposals to collect data (e.g., surveys, observations, interviews, etc.) from students and school staff during the school day are likely to be rejected, given the large volume of assessments and surveys already conducted within the District and the cumulative impact this has on instructional time.
  • Requests to collect or request data identifying students with disabilities will not be approved.
  • Factors Considered During Review:
    1. Protection of Participants
    2. Impact on Instructional Time
    3. Administrative Burden on schools and Central Office
    4. Quality of Proposed Research

To begin, click on the links below.

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