School Readiness

What is school readiness?

The Office of Head Start (OHS) defines school readiness as children being ready for school, families ready to support their children's learning, and schools ready for the children who enter their doors. Children's school readiness is measured by the skills set out in the five domains of the Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework:

  • Language and Literacy
  • Cognition and General Knowledge
  • Approaches to Learning
  • Physical Development and Health
  • Social and Emotional Development


Families are engaged in their children's learning and development and are poised to support the lifelong success of their child. Head Start recognizes that parents are their children's primary teachers and advocates.

Schools become ready for children when Head Start programs, parents, and schools work together to promote school readiness and engage families as their children make the transition to kindergarten. Learn more about school readiness.


Pre-k team member at pre-k screening

Pre-K/Head Start Eligibility

  • Age for Pre-K: MSCS Pre-K is open children in Shelby County who turn 4 years-old by August 15th.
  • Age for Head Start: Head Start is open to children in Shelby County who turn 3 years-old by August 15th.
  • Eligibility: Priority is given to students who meet Federal Poverty Guidelines and who are categorically eligible:( SNAP, TANF, child receives SSI or if child is in foster care.)
  • Wait List: Students on the wait list will be considered if space is available.
  • Have questions? Call (901) 416-3450 or email [email protected].

Another pre-k team member at pre-k screening

Application Checklist & Requirements

  • Required Documents: Review the list of required documents for the eligibility interview on the flyers below. Documents can be submitted online with the application or emailed to [email protected].
  • Acceptance: Emails will be sent to parents once the eligibility interview is completed as to the next steps in the registration process. Once all components of the registration process are completed, parents whose children meet the eligibility criteria will be sent an email to notify acceptance into the program. Parents whose children are not eligible will also be sent an email.
  • Orientation: Parents of accepted students must attend the mandatory orientation before the child can begin attending class. The classroom teacher will contact the parent for orientation at the beginning of the school year.
  • Apply: Submit one online application per household even if registering for multiple children. Once you have submitted the application, check your email for an email from GoEngage to verify your email address and to activate your Parent portal account. This must be done within 24 hours of application submission. This step is important as all correspondence will be sent through GoEngage.
  • Eligibility Interview: Once the application has been submitted, please use this link to schedule an eligibility interview. The required documents must be uploaded to your parent portal and brought to the eligibility interview. Interviews will be held in-person at various locations across the city.
  • FAQs: 2025-26 Application FAQs

Begin the Journey to College and Career Readiness!

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