Services Research

What are comprehensive services?

Head Start comprehensive services include:

  • Education
  • Screenings and follow-up for health, development, and behavior
  • Health and safety
  • Social and emotional health
  • Nutrition
  • Family goal-setting
  • Social services
  • Transition services
  • Services for children with disabilities

Comprehensive services are delivered in a learning environment that is individualized to support children's growth in the five essential domains. A minimum of 10 percent of a program's total enrollment must be children with disabilities. Additionally, Head Start services are designed to be responsive to each child and family's ethnic, cultural, and linguistic heritage.


How many children and families receive services?

Over a million children are served by Head Start programs every year, including children in every U.S. state and territory and in American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) communities. In fiscal year (FY) 2013:

  • Head Start programs served 932,164 children and their families.
  • Early Head Start programs served 150,100 children and 6,391 pregnant women and their families.
  • Migrant and Seasonal Head Start (MSHS), which serves children from birth to age 5, served an additional 31,907 children.
  • AIAN programs served 21,055 Head Start children, 4,240 Early Head Start children, and 482 pregnant women and their families.


What Head Start research is conducted by HHS?

HHS commissions research to better understand the different variations in programs and to guide program improvement in both Head Start and Early Head Start. For example, Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey (FACES) and Baby FACES provide a picture of children's development and academic readiness over their time in Head Start and Early Head Start. HHS also commissions shorter term studies such as the Head Start CARES project, which compared different curricula directed at social and emotional development. Learn more about recent research and projects on Head Start and Early Head Start.


Pre-k team member at pre-k screening

Pre-K/Head Start Eligibility

  • Age for Pre-K: MSCS Pre-K is open children in Shelby County who turn 4 years-old by August 15th.
  • Age for Head Start: Head Start is open to children in Shelby County who turn 3 years-old by August 15th.
  • Eligibility: Priority is given to students who meet Federal Poverty Guidelines and who are categorically eligible:( SNAP, TANF, child receives SSI or if child is in foster care.)
  • Wait List: Students on the wait list will be considered if space is available.
  • Have questions? Call (901) 416-3450 or email [email protected].

Another pre-k team member at pre-k screening

Application Checklist & Requirements

  • Required Documents: Review the list of required documents for the eligibility interview on the flyers below. Documents can be submitted online with the application or emailed to [email protected].
  • Acceptance: Emails will be sent to parents once the eligibility interview is completed as to the next steps in the registration process. Once all components of the registration process are completed, parents whose children meet the eligibility criteria will be sent an email to notify acceptance into the program. Parents whose children are not eligible will also be sent an email.
  • Orientation: Parents of accepted students must attend the mandatory orientation before the child can begin attending class. The classroom teacher will contact the parent for orientation at the beginning of the school year.
  • Apply: Submit one online application per household even if registering for multiple children. Once you have submitted the application, check your email for an email from GoEngage to verify your email address and to activate your Parent portal account. This must be done within 24 hours of application submission. This step is important as all correspondence will be sent through GoEngage.
  • Eligibility Interview: Once the application has been submitted, please use this link to schedule an eligibility interview. The required documents must be uploaded to your parent portal and brought to the eligibility interview. Interviews will be held in-person at various locations across the city.
  • FAQs: 2025-26 Application FAQs

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