Preparing For TNReady

Students in grades 3-8 and those enrolled in certain high school courses will be taking the state's TNReady assessments. For the 2019-2020 school year, the TNReady assessments will be administered only in paper and pencil format.
Shelby County School students will test on the following subjects.
Grades 3–8: Students in grades 3–8 will take assessments in math, English language arts (ELA), social studies, and science. Students in grade 3–8 with the most significant cognitive disabilities (about one percent of the student population) will take the MSAA for ELA and math and the TCAP Alternative assessment for social studies and science.
High school: High school students will take state assessments for courses with End of Course exams (EOCs):
- English I/II
- Algebra I/Geometry/Algebra II or Integrated Math I/II/III
- U.S. History/Geography
- Biology
- Students in grade 10 with the most significant cognitive disabilities (about one percent of the student population) will take the TCAP Alternative assessment for science. Similarly, students in grade 11 with the most significant cognitive disabilities (about one percent of the student population) will take the MSAA for ELA and math.