Textbooks are provided to schools based on student enrollment. The school’s designated textbook coordinator should order all textbooks using the textbook-ordering link, which will be provided to all principals and or/their designee. Please contact Meryl Isabel, Textbook Services Manager, for access to ordering textbooks.

- Each principal is asked to identify a textbook coordinator.
- The Textbook Coordinator Information Form must be signed by the principal and submitted to Meryl Isabel, Textbook Services Manager. Please click here to access the Textbook Coordinator Information Form.
- All textbook coordinators should use Booktracks to maintain the school’s textbook inventory.
- Booktracks training will be offered throughout the school year.
- Booktracks is a textbook management program and is utilized in all Memphis-Shelby County Schools in order to accurately track textbooks in all schools. Please click here to access Booktracks.
- Benefits of Booktracks:
- Provides an automated interface with the district student information system for patron data maintenance with a daily update of additions, updates, and transfers.
- Universal circulation system - Centralized access with full administrative control over the configuration of patron/student classes, circulation periods, policies, fines, etc.
- Increased material accountability - Enables automated routine tasks such as backups and importing student data.
- Unlimited user access - A web-based system that does not require a java-client application or other client software to be installed on local computers.
- Offers invaluable reporting features such as: inventory in schools and district level reports.
Booktracks is a valuable management tool and has revolutionized the manner in which textbooks are tracked in Memphis-Shelby County Schools.
Textbook Adoption Cycle
Textbooks are reviewed, evaluated, and purchased on a six-year state-rotating schedule determined by the State Department of Education. Please click here to access the Tennessee Department of Education Textbook Review, Approval and Adoption Process.
Please click here to review the newly adopted 2023 Mathematics textbooks for the District.