TCAP Testing Starts In

Homeless/Unaccompanied Youth/Foster Care

The SCS Homeless Education Program is designed to facilitate the enrollment, attendance and success of children and youth experiencing Homelessness. Specifically, this program ensures immediate enrollment for students in grades Pre-K-12 who are experiencing homelessness and collaborates with schools, parents, caregivers and community agencies to ensure students have transportation to and from school, school supplies and materials, uniforms, and other supports that eliminate barriers to learning and access to public education. McKinney-Vento Subgrant and Title I, Part A, funds are provided to assist the district in meeting the needs of children and youth participating in the SCS Homeless Education Program.

Homeless and Unaccompanied Student Info and Forms

Foster Care Students

SCS collaborates with the Department of Children’s Services to ensure students placed in foster care have access to education services and supports. Specifically, students in foster care have the right to participate in all school and extracurricular programs and to remain at their schools of origin upon charges to their foster placements.

For more information and form click on the link: Foster Care Info and Forms

Dr. Karen Ball-Johnson, Senior Manager serves as the point of contact for SCS. For more information or assistance, please contact her via email at [email protected] or call 901-416-7393.

For more information, you may contact the following individuals:

Micah Towns., Migrant Education Program Manager
[email protected]

Rosamond Griffin., Enrollment Manager
[email protected]

Taylor Payne., Homeless Liaison
[email protected]



SCS FC Best Interest Determination Form
SCS FCH Progress Monitoring Form
SCS Procedures for Foster Care Enrollment-1

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