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Student Equity, Enrollment & Discipline (S.E.E.D.)

The Office of S.E.E.D. strives to empower principals, support parents, and enrich students every day while ensuring that federal funding continues as a result of the Office for Civil Rights compliance. Our office cultivates positive climates to ensure that school environments are conducive for instruction.

Our Mission: 

The Department of Student Equity Enrollment and Discipline is to ensure district-wide compliance with the Office of Civil Rights (OCR). 

This task is ultimately accomplished by: 

  • providing guidance to all administrative staff during unusually complex or volatile situations.
  • communicating and clarifying state, local and federal educational laws to all stakeholders.
  • regulating standardized processes for discipline, enrollment, attendance, transfers, homebound education.
  • ensuring 504 Compliance.
  • providing mandated trainings and ensuring the accuracy of state reported discipline and attendance data.
  • Per SCS Board Policy 6022, ensuring that the Student Code of Conduct is implemented.

Our Vision: 

Our vision is to create a school community that is sensitive and responsive to the needs of an increasingly diverse population. 

The Office of Student Equity, Enrollment and Discipline (S.E.E.D.) strives to empower principalssupport parents and enrich students every day, while ensuring that federal funding continues as a result of Office of Civil Rights (OCR) compliance. 

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