About Us

The Department of Finance is responsible for managing the overall budget development, accounting, treasury, financial reporting, financial services operation and position control for the District. This includes managing internal controls to mitigate risk; creating and presenting financial status and financial condition reports to internal and external parties, ensuring that the official accounting records of the District are complete and accurate; safeguarding the assets of the District to minimize risk of financial loss; and creating tools to provide high-quality financial information that support the District’s strategic management incentives.
Strategic Goals
The strategic goals of the Department of Finance directly align with the District’s Goal 2: Design Effective Business Operations. The Department is responsible for planning, managing, compiling and monitoring the District-wide budget and presenting a balanced budget to the Board. The Department’s primary goal is to issue timely and accurate financial reporting. We also ensures that accounts payable and payroll transactions are handled in an accurate and efficient manner.
The Payroll Department is responsible for all payroll functions, as well as time and attendance reporting for the District.
Accounts Payable
The Accounts Payable Department seeks to ensure the timely disbursement of payments to vendors, contractors, and others in compliance with District policies and contractual terms.
Accounting & Reporting
The Accounting & Reporting Department is responsible for presenting monthly and annual financial conditions, along with other information necessary for the understanding of the District's financial affairs.
Budget & Fiscal Planning
The Budget and Fiscal Planning Department's primary objective is to provide financial planning management services to schools, District departments, the Superintendent, the Board of Education and community stakeholders to ensure financial integrity and effective use of resources. In addition, the Department maximizes the District's resources by identifying cost-saving measures, monitoring fiscal trends and assisting other divisions in developing their budgets, evaluating performance indicators and making improvements to the budget process.