TCAP Testing Starts In


Literacy Department is a team of literacy professionals with extensive knowledge of foundational skills standards, instruction, and strategies. Assembled to thwart the literacy deficits in the early grades, the team provides ongoing, consistent support that focuses on enhancing teachers’ ability to implement high quality foundational skills instruction that ultimately propels students to high levels of literacy achievement.


Our vision is to equip educators with the early literacy knowledge, skills, and resources needed to advance student literacy achievement to proficiency by grade 3.


Our mission is to help create supportive literacy environments where students are consistently engaged in meaningful and varied opportunities to read, write, listen, speak and think about texts. In order to ensure our mission is accomplished, we avow to:

  • Build and strengthen educator's content and pedagogical knowledge of foundational literacy standards, skills, and strategies
  • Curate and design high quality instructional resources that are timely, relevant, and useful for improving foundational literacy teaching and learning.
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