About Us
The Office and its major departments – Facilities, Nutrition Services, Transportation, Procurement – strive to provide world class business operations that support high student achievement.

It is the mission of the Department of Facilities to provide the highest quality, best maintained and most reliable environmental conditions and facilities services conducive for supporting our students and staff.
Procurement Services
Procurement Services is responsible for purchasing all goods and services for schools, offices, teachers and staff for the best value. We are committed to bid practices that offer all vendors open and fair competition that comply with Board policies and all regulations governing the procurement process.

Nutrition Services
The Department of Nutrition Services creates and serves nutritious meals to all students. We have increased participation in breakfast, lunch and dinner. Our core programs include traditional breakfast and lunch, breakfast in the classroom, grab n’ go lunch and supper.

The Department of Transportation’s mission is to ensure that all eligible students are provided safe, efficient and dependable transportation services to and from school, supporting a positive learning experience on a daily basis.

Facilities Planning and Property Management
The purpose of the Department of Facilities Planning and Property Management is to conduct multiple geographic, enrollment, and capacity analyses while monitoring regional development trends to ensure our students have adequate accommodations to facilitate learning. This office also manages all district real estate and space planning functions.