TCAP Testing Starts In

Office of Academics

The Office of Academics is committed to the planning, development, implementation, assessment, and continuous improvement of teaching and learning and related student and staff supports to ensure all Memphis-Shelby County Schools students achieve high academic standards for career and college readiness.

The Office and its major departments work to act strategically, leverage resources effectively, improve individual and system learning and build capacity to support, accelerate and sustain significant school improvement district-wide.

We are committed to preparing well-rounded graduates who compete globally, because they persevere through challenges, think critically, advocate for and drive their own learning experiences, and collaborate effectively with diverse peers.

Every day, Memphis-Shelby County School students will experience high levels of success with challenging content in our classrooms and show consistent academic growth and achievement each year.




Reading on grade-level by the end of third grade is one of the most critical milestones in education. Shelby County Schools' Academic Office will engage in several strategies focused on improving early literacy instruction and increasing reading proficiency and growth across the district. To find out more,
To find out more, click here.

High-level Initiatives

  • Literacy Laureates
  • Paraprofessionals (2nd grade)
  • Senior Reading Advisors (targeting 6th & 9th grade Tier II and Tier III students)
  • Literacy Commitment


Members of the high school task force work to develop projects designed to bolster high school achievement. These projects have three focus areas: people, resources, and development. Each focus area lead oversees a cross-functional team to develop strategies to address high school achievement. To find out more about one of the initiatives click here.

High-level Initiatives

  • ACT Workshops
  • PSAT for all 9th graders
  • Expand Advanced Academics
  • Staff EOC courses/increase school staff diversity


Every day, students are exposed to robust Tier 1 curriculum in a positive behavior environment that incorporates ongoing universal screening for students who require additional support and ongoing assessments to inform instruction. Students must be prepared both instructionally and socially for the rigors of college and career. The Office of Academics is committed to ensuring that the instruction and support students receive throughout their academic experience aligns to the aspirations they have beyond high school.

High-level Initiatives

  • Content Cadres
  • Equity Walks
  • Mastery Connect Formative Assessment Implementation


Educational equity ensures that all children—regardless of their circumstances—are receiving high-quality, grade-level, and standards-aligned instruction with access to first-class materials and resources. We are committed to eliminating opportunity and achievement gaps and garnering success for all students by identifying and addressing personal and institutional bias and barriers.

High-level Initiatives

  • Digital Schools pilot (9 high schools)
  • CLUE (increase % of underrepresented students)
  • Increase diversity in teacher staffing pool
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