About Us
Nutrition Services is responsible for all district cafeterias, from the acquisition of food, supplies and equipment to the preparation and serving of nutritious breakfast and lunch meals to 104,000 students on a daily basis. Nutrition Services plays an important role in supporting the educational achievements of students, as “you cannot teach a hungry child”. We strive to serve appealing, tasty, and nutritious meals in a pleasant atmosphere at an affordable cost.
Nutrition Services is also on the forefront of the Farm to School movement. Farm to School connects schools (K-12) and local farms with the objectives of serving healthy meals in school cafeterias, improving student nutrition, providing agriculture, health and nutrition education opportunities, and supporting local and regional farmers.
Mealviewer - Mealviewer is a digital signage program that can be viewed on a desktop, mobile app or digital monitors in schools that gives quick access to view school menus and nutritional information.
Information can be viewed anytime, anywhere. Mealviewer helps to drive participation, engage students by promoting healthy meal choices, and provide valuable feedback using student surveys.
Meal Viewer
Click here to download from the App Store.
Click here to download from Google Play.
MySchoolBucks is a safe secure online payment service. This provides a simple and easy way to add money to your child’s meal account, view account balances and view recent purchases.

My School Bucks
USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.