TCAP Testing Starts In

   Learning walks to observe instructional practices, culture-climate, academic challenge levels, and alignment.    March - Ongoing
   Hold student focus groups for direct feedback and solutions to improve the MSCS student experience.    March - Ongoing
      May 2, 10, 14 - Legacy Builders
   Examine campus counseling program visibility, effectiveness, and targeted programming.    May 1 - June 30
   Review K-3, 4 Fundamental Skills Literacy Plan and implementation effectiveness, milestone metrics for the Memphis Early Literacy Community Partnership Plan and plans for grade 5-12.    May 1 - In Progress
   Review Early Warning Intervention System for identifying struggling learners and plan to intensify efforts toward improving achievement and on-track rate districtwide.    April, May, and June
   Prioritize meetings with principals of continuously underperforming schools. Review improvement plans.    April 15 - 19
   Data Review: FAFSA, Common App/Black Common App, ASVAB, Naviance/Xello, college and military enrollment, employment offers, and three-year scholarship data.    March - Ongoing
   Academic Audit: Examine curriculum materials and review cycle, alignment (written/taught/assessed), instructional framework, assessments and assessment calendar, teaching and learning framework.    May 1 - 31
      Teacher Focus Group
   Comprehensive School Profile Review: 3- and 5-year data, programs, partnerships, staff performance, re-enrollment, gaps and patterns in achievement with supports and resources.    March - Ongoing
   Review K-12 access to and participation in co/extracurricular programs, advanced pathways, apprenticeships, internships, arts, world languages, credentialing programs, and service learning.    May 1 - 31
   Review master schedules, ACT/SAT, National Merit Scholars, process for identifying and supporting Emergent Bilingual and Multilinguals and students with an IEP, 504, and/or BIP.    March - Ongoing
   Review Code of Conduct/related policies, implementation of MTSS-remediation, recovery, intervention, tutoring, acceleration, and social supports.    June
   Review Panorama data and identify strategies to improve relationships, morale, and the MSCS experience for all.    March - Ongoing
   Explore campus efforts toward increasing student voice, celebrating achievement, promoting college/career/life readiness and improving relationships with all kids.    May and June
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