Pathway to AP Courses

The AP Path

  • 6th-8th Grade — Honors courses and PSAT 8/9 (8th grade) (Khan Academy)
  • 9th Grade — AP and Pre-AP courses and PSAT 8/9 (Khan Academy) 
  • 10th Grade — AP courses and Pre-AP courses and PSAT10 (Khan Academy)
  • 11th Grade — AP courses and SAT (Khan Academy) and PSAT/NMSQT (Khan Academy)
  • 12th Grade — AP courses

Pieces of the Path

Pre-AP Courses: Pre-AP offers 12 courses across multiple domains: English, math, science, world history and geography, and the arts. All share a focus on the critical thinking skills that will prepare students for college and careers. All give teachers the ability to customize the courses to meet the needs of their students.

AP Courses:Research, Seminar, Art and Design: 2-D Design, Art and Design (formerly Studio Art): 3-D Design, Art and Design (formerly Studio Art): Drawing, Art History, Biology, Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Chemistry, Chinese Language and Culture, Computer Science A, Computer Science Principles, English Language and Composition, English Literature and Composition, Environmental Science, European History, French Language and Culture, German Language and Culture, Government and Politics (Comparative), Government and Politics (US), Human Geography, Italian Language and Culture, Japanese Language and Culture, Latin, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Music Theory, Pre-Calculus, Physics 1: Algebra-Based, Physics 2: Algebra-Based, Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism, Physics C: Mechanics, Psychology, Spanish Language and Culture, Spanish Literature and Culture, Statistics, US History, World History: Modern

PSAT 8/9: The PSAT 8/9 is the first exam in the College Board's “SAT Suite of Assessments” and is offered to 8th and 9th graders. The purpose of the PSAT 8/9 is to establish a starting point in terms of college and career readiness as students transition to high school.

Khan Academy: The PSAT, NMSQT, and SAT come with a free, highly personalized practice plan and supporting practice tools for all students. Students who sign up for PSAT, NMSQT, and SAT Practice on Khan Academy have access to a practice plan built just for them. When they link their College Board and Khan Academy accounts, students receive a personalized study plan based on their results on tests so they can focus on the skills they need to work on most.

NMSQT: The PSAT/NMSQT is a standardized test that 11th graders (and some 10th graders) take in October. Like the SAT, it measures the knowledge and skills in reading, writing, and math students learn in the classroom-the same knowledge and skills your child needs to succeed in college and career. Students who take the PSAT/NMSQT qualify for a chance to win scholarships and recognition from the National Merit Scholarship Corporation and our other scholarship partners. Learn more about the scholarships.

SAT: The SAT is a standardized test that measures a student's skills in three core areas: Critical Reading, Math, and Writing. Students in grades 11 and 12 take the SAT so that they can submit their scores to colleges as part of the college application process.

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