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November 2020 Family Forum

Teacher smiling at camera and student writing.

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SCS is proud to announce the upcoming Virtual Family Forum: Family & Community Resources, taking place Saturday, November 14, 2020, 10 a.m. - noon.

SCS Family Forums provide an opportunity for all parents to gather, learn and share important information to support student learning and success in school. Click the following links to join the live virtual sessions on Microsoft Teams.

Click the following links to join the live virtual sessions on Microsoft Teams. For questions about the forum, please email [email protected].

Breakout Session 1: 10:25 am – 11:10 am

  • Science Support Resources K-12 SCS Curriculum & Instruction (Science) and ESL *Live Event
    • In this workshop, parents will be equipped with the knowledge of the available Science Curriculum & Instruction resources for parents and students.
  • LITE Memphis: Entrepreneurship for Teens (LITE Foundation in English and Spanish) *Regular Microsoft Teams Meeting
    • LITE Memphis is a non-profit with the goal of creating wealth in communities of color, by way of entrepreneurship. The organization works with teens to create and launch their own business ventures, providing funding along the way. LITE also offers 8 years of comprehensive support upon the completion of the program. This includes access to PAID internships in the student's field of interest. The programming is in English but offers Spanish speaking support. This session will share programming information and introduce a former LITE finalist who will discuss their participation in the program, their business venture, and how LITE assisted them in creating wealth for themselves and their family.
  • Support for Students With Disabilities (SCS Department of Exceptional Children and Health Services) *Live Event
    • The Department of Exceptional Children and Health Services will share information regarding supports when returning to school, along with supports for families opting to remain virtual.

Breakout Session 2: 11:15 am – 12:00 pm

  • HIV: Beyond the Kitchen Table Talk SCS Department of Exceptional Children and Health Services *Regular Microsoft Teams Meeting
    • This session led by SCS Coordinated School Health will provide parents with tools and information pertaining to HIV. This session will give attendees the knowledge and confidence to help break the stigma. Discussion topics include: Information, Statistics, and Criminalization.
  • The Middle School Years *Regular Microsoft Teams Meeting
    • Parents tend to be involved in early education (i.e., elementary school), but middle school and high school are also very important times in the education process. This session will discuss the middle school years.
  • Crowning Confidence *Regular Microsoft Teams Meeting
    • Brandi Jo Middleton is the 2019 Mrs. Tennessee. She is a mom, wife. She is a licensed esthetician, cosmetologist, as well as a runs a global makeup business online called Younique.
      Crowning Confidence is a 5-Step strategy to teach women how to heal through any obstacle that they are facing and will help attendees find the crown inside their heart daily. In this session, Brandi Jo will share her life story, including issues with obesity, hair loss, depression, post-partum, and an eating disorder of 25 years of anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating. Because of what she went through, she is dedicated to empowering other women. Her mission is to help every woman around the world and cure the epidemic of insecurity! When a woman is truly confident, she can change the world!


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