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Boy and girl students waving and smiling at camera

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SCS is proud to announce the upcoming Virtual Family Forum: Recruitment, Summer Literacy and Community Resources, taking place Thursday, December 2, 2021, 5pm - 7pm.

SCS Family Forums provide an opportunity for all parents to gather, learn and share important information to support student learning and success in school. Click the following links to join the live virtual sessions on Microsoft Teams.

For questions about the forum, please email [email protected].

Breakout Session 1: 5:20pm – 6:10pm

  • RTI2 In a Virtual World: The Parent Edition *LIVE Teams Event
    • In this session, parents will have the opportunity to learn how Response to Instruction and Intervention (RTI2) support students with a skill deficit in the areas of reading, writing, and math by providing highly specialized academic support to improve academic readiness.
  • Collaborate to Celebrate *LIVE Teams Event
    • Resources needed to support students and parents in becoming their best selves.

Breakout Session 2: 6:10pm – 7:00pm

  • Supporting English Learners (ELS) at Home *LIVE Teams Event
    • Families will explore ways to help their children with homework and how to increase their English language proficiency through useful and practical strategies. Additionally, families will learn of different organizations and agencies that can assist parents/guardians in working with their children.
  • ReThink ED: SEL Implementation and Parent Portal Access *LIVE Teams Event
    • This session will increase participants' knowledge of the ReThink Ed SEL curriculum and online supports. The ReThink Ed lessons are CASEL and district-aligned. By attending this session, participants will: develop an understanding of the comprehensive K-12 ReThink curriculum provided to students; know the CASEL standards (self-awareness, self-management, responsible decision-making, relationship skills, and social awareness) and skills that aid in developing the social-emotional competencies necessary to create a safe and supportive school, family, and community environments; Review access portal steps to get on the ReThink platform.
  • Clinical High Risk: The Signs and Symptoms *LIVE Teams Event
    • The Clinical High-Risk for Psychosis (CHR-P) program aims to improve the behavioral functioning of youth and young adults 12 to 25 year olds who are experiencing symptoms of psychosis. This program is designed to assist young people with resuming age-appropriate social, academic, and/or vocational activities. In this presentation, you will learn about the CHRP services offers and its purpose to delay or prevent the onset of psychosis symptoms. Please join us to learn more about youth mental health and what you can do to assist. This session is presented by the CHIRP Program at CMI Healthcare Services.


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