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Monitoring and Supporting Student Success

Student achievement is the District’s highest priority. In 3rd grade, students are no longer “learning to read” but they begin “reading to learn.” If students are not reading on grade level by the time they begin 3rd grade, half of the curriculum they will be taught for the remainder of their school years will be beyond their understanding. The Literacy Commitment is a collaborative effort between schools, parents, and community to ensure our students reach reading readiness.

As a District, we are monitoring and supporting student success in grades K-2 using a universal screener (iReady). Any time a student is not meeting grade-level expectations, families are notified. Reading readiness updates shared during school meetings, parent-teacher conferences, report cards, and Academic Support Plan letters.

The information below shows the Normative scores/Lexile levels (benchmarks) students are expected to meet for grade-level consideration.

Monitoring & Supporting Student Success​ | Identifying At-Risk Students (Not used for retention)

Universal Screener Assessment – iReady​

​Kindergarten Measure
Fall: 352
​Winter: 385
Spring: 412​

First Grade Measure
Fall: 412
​Winter: 443
Spring: 471

Second Grade Measure
Fall: 475
Winter: 503
Spring: 519

Third Grade Measure
Fall: 517
Winter: 535-536
Spring: 548

Fouth Grade Measure
Fall: 550-551
Winter: 566
Spring: 575

Literacy Commitment Literacy Commitment Literacy Commitment Literacy Commitment


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