As part of the Reimagining 901 restructuring strategy, Memphis-Shelby County Schools (MSCS) has announced several key leadership transitions. To help drive academic success, two significant leadership advancements have been made in the Office of Academics. Moreover, to maintain safe learning environments for employees and students, a Deputy Chief of Security has been named to support the MSCS Safety and Security team.
“In order to effectively provide targeted support, it is necessary to narrow the focus for grade bands, said Superintendent Dr. Joris M. Ray. "I am confident that our ongoing academic restructuring strategies will accelerate and sustain student success."
Academic Department Transitions
The Chief of Schools position, which was vacant, has been repurposed to fulfill the need for more direct support for Middle and High Schools and the following appointments have been announced:
Docia Generette-Walker has been named the Assistant Superintendent of High Schools. An educator for more than 25 years, Generette-Walker received a bachelor's degree from Alcorn State University and a master's degree from Jackson State University. She previously served as Principal of Middle College High School and was named Tennessee Department of Education’s State Principal of the Year in 2016. Generette-Walker was most recently the Director of College, Career and Technical Education.
Dr. Daniel Jack has been named the Assistant Superintendent of Middle Schools. Dr. Jack has served in the field of education for 25 years. He received his bachelor’s degree from Grambling State University and his master’s degree from Christian Brothers University. Dr. Jack most recently served as Principal of Ridgeway Middle School and remains on the Nomination Committee representing West Tennessee for the Tennessee Principals Association.
Two of the District’s existing Assistant Superintendents will continue their focus to support elementary schools.
Safety and Security Transition
As part of the District's commitment to maintain safety and security, the following positions have been created to support the team led by Chief of Safety and Security Carolyn Jackson.
Deputy Chief of Security - Greg Sanders joined the MSCS Department of Safety and Security in 2019, after serving as a 29-year veteran for the Memphis Police Department. Under his previous role as Director of Safety, the District implemented new intervention and prevention strategies for students experiencing social emotional trauma, violent aggressive behavior and gang involvement.
Director of Security - Terrence Riley, a veteran of the United States Marine Corps, joined MSCS in 2007. Riley has been assigned to multiple divisions with the MSCS Safety and Security Department. Under his previous role as Safety and Security Major, Riley was instrumental in coordinating and leading training for all officers. In addition, he provided oversight for the day-to-day operations of officers in school and working after hour school events.
Director of Safety - Dr. Lakira Elliott, a lifelong Memphian and product of Memphis City Schools, joined MSCS in 2015. She is an advocate for student's overall well being as it relates to social emotional health and creating a safe learning environment. Using data driven strategies she has implemented programs that have reduced behavior incidents that lead to suspensions and expulsions.