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Disparity Study

In September 2016, Shelby County Schools Board of Education contracted MGT of America Consulting, LLC to conduct their Business Market Availability and Disparity Study (Study) for the Shelby County School District (District). The Study was conducted in a manner consistent with disparity study best practices, controlling local legal precedents, and constitutional law in order to properly advise the District about the legal basis for potential remedies, if necessary. This Study consisted of fact-finding to analyze District procurement trends and practices for the study period from July 1, 2011, through June 30, 2016; to evaluate the impact of race- and gender-neutral remedial efforts; and to evaluate various options for future program development. MGT’s methodology included a review of the disparity study’s legal framework; a policy and procedures review; analyses of utilization, availability, and statistical disparity; anecdotal research; private sector analyses; and findings, commendations, and recommendations.

Click here to view Final Report


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