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Application Process to Request District Data

Applicants interested in requesting Shelby County Schools data should submit a complete application packet to the District. A complete application packet includes:

Please note: An additional fee will be applied to cover the cost of creating the requested data file. Further, a request for District data could be denied if the complexity of the data file request requires an exceptional amount of time and effort on the part of District staff. Requests for data of students with disabilities will not be approved.

The Application Request for Data or Conducting Research should be emailed to [email protected]. Please send documents in Word format, not as a PDF.

For payment of the $25 application fee, we can accept only a check or money order made out to Shelby County Schools. The check or money order should include the applicant’s name printed in the memo line and be mailed or delivered to:

Department of Research & Performance Management Coe – Room 304
Shelby County Schools
160 S. Hollywood Street
Memphis, TN 38112

The following links may provide helpful tips:
Data available from the District
Publicly available data
Checklist for complete application
Frequently Asked Questions


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