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3 SCS kids in classroom

Every day, Shelby County School students experience high levels of success with challenging content in our classrooms and show consistent academic growth and achievement each year. We are committed to preparing well-rounded graduates who compete globally because they persevere through challenges, think critically, advocate for and drive their own learning experiences, and collaborate effectively with diverse peers.

Click the picture below to access our Fall 2022 Catalog

PD Catalog

Content Resources

ELA Professional Learning Resources

Click the ELA content area icon to find presentations, handouts, and one-page summaries of past PD sessions.

ELA Professional Learning Offerings

Access the list of the current course offerings from the ELA department.

Math Professional Learning Resources

Click the Math content area icon to find presentations, handouts, and one-page summaries of past PD sessions.

Math Professional Learning Offerings

Access the list of the current course offerings from the Math department.

Science Professional Learning Resources

Click the Science content area icon to find presentations, handouts, and one-page summaries of past PD sessions.

Science Professional Learning Offerings

Access the list of the current course offerings from the Science department.


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