List of Titles for State Law

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4771 Result(s) Found.
 Line #  Title
 1  "And the winner is..." 
 2  "Fire! fire!" said Mrs. McGuire 
 3  "Twas the night b'fore Christmas : an African-American version 
 4  'Twas The Night Before Thanksgiving 
 5  --if you grew up with George Washington 
 6  -ag as in flag 
 7  -ake as in cake 
 8  -am as in ham 
 9  -an as in fan 
 10  -ap as in cap 
 11  -aw as in paw 
 12  -ay as in clay 
 13  -est as in nest 
 14  -ip as in ship 
 15  -ore as in core 
 16  -ot as in knot 
 17  4 x 4s and pickups 
 18  5-Minute Basketball Stories 
 19  8 class pets + 1 squirrel [divided by] 1 dog = chaos 
 20  The 12 most amazing American battles 
 21  The 12 most amazing American inventions 
 22  The 12 most amazing American monuments & symbols 
 23  The 12 most amazing American myths & legends 
 24  The 12 most amazing American natural wonders 
 25  13 ways to eat a fly 
 26  13 ways to eat a fly 
 27  The 18th emergency 
 28  20 hungry piggies 
 29  20,000 baseball cards under the sea 
 30  26 Fairmount Avenue 
 31  50 below zero 
 32  50 facts about speed & power 
 33  100th day worries 
 34  377Ankylosaurus 
 35  The 500 hats of Bartholomew Cubbins 
 36  The 1963 March on Washington : speeches and songs for civil rights 
 37  2006 National Football League megastars 
 38  An A from Miss Keller 
 39  A, B, see! 
 40  Aaron Rodgers 
 41  Aaron Slater and the sneaky snake 
 42  ABC of cars and trucks, 
 43  ABC, I like me! 
 44  Abe Lincoln : his wit and wisdom from A to Z 
 45  Abe Lincoln : log cabin to White House 
 46  Abiyoyo : based on a South African lullaby and folk story 
 47  The abominable snowman 
 48  About fish : a guide for children 
 49  Abraham Lincoln 
 50  Abraham Lincoln 
 51  Abraham Lincoln 
 52  The absent author 
 53  The absolute value of Mike 
 54  Abuela 
 55  Abuelita and me 
 56  Abyssinian cats 
 57  Across the stream 
 58  Across the wide and lonesome prairie : the Oregon Trail diary of Hattie Campbell, 1847 
 59  Act 
 60  Actual size 
 61  Ada 
 62  Ada Twist and the disappearing dogs 
 63  Ada Twist and the perilous pants 
 64  Ada Twist, scientist 
 65  Adding it up : based on Timothy goes to school and other stories 
 66  Addy learns a lesson : a school story 
 67  Addy saves the day : a summer story 
 68  Addy's cookbook : a peek at dining in the past with meals you can cook today 
 69  Addy's surprise : A Christmas story 
 70  Adjectives 
 71  The adventures of a South Pole pig : [a novel of snow and courage] 
 72  The adventures of Ali Baba Bernstein 
 73  Adventures of Chuck E. Beaver & Gerty Goose moves away. 
 74  The adventures of Johnny May 
 75  The adventures of Laura and Jack 
 76  The adventures of Sherlock Holmes 
 77  The adventures of Sojourner : the mission to Mars that thrilled the world 
 78  The adventures of Super Diaper Baby : the first graphic novel 
 79  Aesop for children 
 80  Africa 
 81  African American answer book, biography : 325 questions drawn from the expertise of Harvard's Du Bois Institute 
 82  African American answer book, sports : 325 questions drawn from the expertise of Harvard's Du Bois Instite. 
 83  African American literature : an anthology of nonfiction, fiction, poetry, and drama 
 84  African elephants and baboons 
 85  African rock pythons 
 86  African-American children's stories : a treasury of tradition and pride 
 87  African-American inventors 
 88  African-American voices 
 89  After the dinosaurs : mammoths and fossil mammals 
 90  After the goat man 
 91  Afternoon of the elves 
 92  Afternoon on the Amazon 
 93  Against all odds 
 94  Ahyoka and the talking leaves 
 95  Air 
 96  Air 
 97  Aircraft carriers 
 98  The airplane 
 99  Al Gore : Vice President 
 100  Alabama 
 101  Aladdin and the enchanted lamp 
 102  The Alamo 
 103  Alaska 
 104  Alaskan brown bears 
 105  Albert Einstein 
 106  Albert Einstein : genius of the twentieth century 
 107  Albert Pujols 
 108  Albert's Christmas 
 109  Alcohol--what it is, what it does 
 110  Aldo Applesauce 
 111  Aldo Ice Cream 
 112  Alex Rodriguez 
 113  Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day 
 114  Alexander and the wind-up mouse. 
 115  Alexander Graham Bell 
 116  Alexander Graham Bell 
 117  Alexander, who used to be rich last Sunday 
 118  Alexander, who's not (do you hear me? I mean it!) going to move 
 119  Alexi Lalas : soccer sensation 
 120  Alexia Ellery Finsdale : San Francisco, 1905 
 121  Alice in Wonderland 
 122  Aliens and UFOs 
 123  Aliens are coming! : the true account of the 1938 War of the worlds radio broadcast 
 124  Aliens ate my homework 
 125  Aliens don't wear braces 
 126  Aliens for dinner 
 127  Aliens for lunch 
 128  Alison goes for the gold 
 129  Alison of Arabia 
 130  Alison on the trail 
 131  Alison rides the rapids 
 132  Alison saves the wedding 
 133  Alison walks the wire 
 134  All about frogs 
 135  All about heat 
 136  All about matter 
 137  All about owls 
 138  All about people : Scholastic reference. 
 139  All about sign language : talking with your hands 
 140  All about Stacy 
 141  All eyes on the pond 
 142  All in just one cookie 
 143  All Kinds of Families 
 144  All stations! distress! : April 15, 1912, the day the Titanic sank 
 145  All the birds in the world 
 146  All the colors of the Earth 
 147  All the colors of the earth 
 148  All the colors of the rainbow 
 149  All the places to love 
 150  All together now 
 151  Allen Jay and the Underground Railroad 
 152  Allergic 
 153  Alligator baby 
 154  Alligator smiling in the sawgrass. 
 155  Alligators 
 156  Alligators & crocodiles 
 157  Allosaurus 
 158  Almost home 
 159  Almost home 
 160  Almost late to school : and more school poems 
 161  Almost starring Skinnybones 
 162  Almost to freedom 
 163  Aloha! 
 164  Alphabatics 
 165  Alphabet adventure 
 166  Alphabet mystery 
 167  The alphabet tree. 
 168  The alphabet zoo, 
 169  Always inventing : a photobiography of Alexander Graham Bell 
 170  Amanda Bean's amazing dream : a mathematical story 
 171  Amanda Pig and her big brother Oliver 
 172  Amanda Pig, schoolgirl 
 173  Amazing airplanes 
 174  The amazing bone 
 175  Amazing gorillas! 
 176  Amazing insects and spiders 
 177  Amazing life cycle books set : v.1. 
 178  The amazing life of Azaleah Lane 
 179  The amazing Mr. Franklin, or, The boy who read everything 
 180  Amazing NASCAR races 
 181  The amazing rain forest 
 182  Amazing schemes within your genes 
 183  Amazon parrots 
 184  The amazon rainforest 
 185  Amber Brown sees red 
 186  Amber on the Mountain 
 187  Ambulances 
 188  Amelia Bedelia, bookworm 
 189  Amelia Earhart 
 190  Amelia Earhart : courage in the sky 
 191  Amelia Earhart : Flying for Adventure 
 192  Amelia Fang and the barbaric ball 
 193  America's champion swimmer : Gertrude Ederle 
 194  America's first traitor : Benedict Arnold betrays the colonies 
 195  An American army of two 
 196  American curl cats 
 197  American dreams 
 198  The American flag 
 199  American Indian crafts kids can do! 
 200  The American Revolution 
 201  An American story 
 202  Amigo 
 203  Amphibians 
 204  Amphibians 
 205  Amphibians 
 206  Amphibians 
 207  Amusement park 
 208  Amzat and his brothers : three Italian tales 
 209  Anansi and the moss-covered rock 
 210  Anastasia at your service 
 211  Anastasia has the answers 
 212  Anastasia's chosen career 
 213  Anastasia, ask your analyst 
 214  And I mean it, Stanley 
 215  And if the moon could talk 
 216  And still the turtle watched 
 217  And then what happened, Paul Revere? 
 218  Andrew Jackson 
 219  Andromeda 
 220  Anfernee Hardaway 
 221  Angel child, dragon child 
 222  Angels 
 223  Animal adventures 
 224  Animal groups : how animals live together 
 225  Animal heroes : true rescue stories 
 226  Animal talk 
 227  The animal, the vegetable, and John D Jones 
 228  Animals 
 229  Animals and nature : Scholastic reference. 
 230  Animals called mammals 
 231  Animals hibernating : how animals survive extreme conditions 
 232  Animals in camouflage 
 233  Animals in fall 
 234  Animals in fall : preparing for winter 
 235  Animals in the desert 
 236  Animals in the fall 
 237  Animals migrating : how, when, where and why animals migrate 
 238  Animals of the rain forest 
 239  Animals of the sea and shore, 
 240  Animals of the sea. 
 241  Animals on board 
 242  Animals On the Farm 
 243  Animals that Live in the Sea 
 244  Animals under the ground 
 245  Anisett Lundberg : California, 1851 
 246  Annabel the actress starring in Gorilla my dreams 
 247  Anne Frank 
 248  Anne of the island 
 249  Annie Bananie---best friends to the end 
 250  Annie Oakley 
 251  Anno's journey/ 
 252  Antarctica 
 253  Antarctica 
 254  Antonia Novello, U.S. surgeon general 
 255  Antonio Brown : football star 
 256  Ants 
 257  Ants 
 258  Ants in my pants 
 259  Any day but today! 
 260  Ape cape 
 261  The apes 
 262  Apollo 11 
 263  Apollo 13 
 264  Apple fractions 
 265  Apple trees 
 266  Apples : and how they grow 
 267  Apples of your eye 
 268  Apples to applesauce 
 269  April Fool! 
 270  Apt. 3 
 271  Arabian horses 
 272  Archaeopteryx 
 273  Archie's amazing game 
 274  An Arctic year 
 275  Are mountains growing taller? : questions and answers about the changing earth 
 276  The Area 51 files 
 277  Aretha Franklin 
 278  Aretha Franklin : Motown superstar 
 279  Arf and the greedy grabber 
 280  Argentina 
 281  The Aristocats 
 282  Arizona 
 283  Arkansas 
 284  Around the table that Grandad built 
 285  The art box 
 286  The art lesson 
 287  The artful alphabet 
 288  Arthur accused! 
 289  Arthur and the 1,001 dads 
 290  Arthur and the best coach ever 
 291  Arthur and the big blow-up 
 292  Arthur and the Crunch Cereal Contest 
 293  Arthur and the double dare 
 294  Arthur and the poetry contest 
 295  Arthur and the popularity test 
 296  Arthur and the Scare-your-pants-off club 
 297  Arthur and the seventh-inning stretcher 
 298  Arthur and the true Francine 
 299  Arthur babysits 
 300  Arthur goes to camp 
 301  Arthur lost and found 
 302  Arthur makes the team 
 303  Arthur meets the President 
 304  Arthur rocks with Binky 
 305  Arthur tricks the tooth fairy 
 306  Arthur writes a story 
 307  Arthur's April fool 
 308  Arthur's birthday 
 309  Arthur's chicken pox 
 310  Arthur's Christmas 
 311  Arthur's eyes 
 312  Arthur's family vacation 
 313  Arthur's first sleepover 
 314  Arthur's Halloween costume 
 315  Arthur's loose tooth 
 316  Arthur's mystery envelope 
 317  Arthur's nose 
 318  Arthur's pet business 
 319  Arthur's prize reader 
 320  Arthur's teacher trouble 
 321  Arthur's Thanksgiving 
 322  Arthur's TV trouble 
 323  Arthur's underwear 
 324  Arthur's valentine 
 325  Arthur, for the very first time 
 326  The Articles of Confederation 
 327  As good as anybody : Martin Luther King Jr. and Abraham Joshua Heschel's amazing march towards freedom 
 328  As the crow flies 
 329  Asia 
 330  Asia 
 331  Ask me anything 
 332  Ask the bones : scary stories from around the world 
 333  The assault on Fort Wagner : Black soldiers make a stand in South Carolina battle 
 334  Astronomy 
 335  At home by the ocean 
 336  At home on the ranch 
 337  At school : long ago and today 
 338  At the football game : learning the symbols <, >, and = 
 339  Atlanta Hawks 
 340  Atlantic 
 341  The atmosphere 
 342  Attack of the 50-foot Fly Guy 
 343  Attack of the shadow smashers 
 344  The attacks of September 11, 2001 
 345  Aunt Clara Brown : official pioneer 
 346  Aunt Eater loves a mystery 
 347  Aunt Flossie's hats (and crab cakes later) 
 348  Aunt Isabel tells a good one 
 349  Auntie Claus 
 350  Aunts 
 351  Australia 
 352  Australia 
 353  Australia and New Zealand 
 354  Auto racing 
 355  Avalanches 
 356  Avengers K. 
 357  Aztec 
 358  B is for Bethlehem : a Christmas alphabet 
 359  B-e-s-t friends 
 360  Babe Didrikson Zaharias : all-around athlete 
 361  Babe Ruth and the baseball curse 
 362  Babe, the sheep pig : pigs and robbers 
 363  Babies on the go 
 364  Baby 
 365  Baby animals 
 366  Baby penguins 
 367  Baby whales drink milk 
 368  Baby-sitters on Board! 
 369  Baby-sitting is a dangerous job 
 370  Babymouse. 
 371  Babysitting basics : caring for kids 
 372  Back home 
 373  Backstreet Boys 
 374  Backyard food chains 
 375  Backyard habitats 
 376  The bad guys in open wide and say arrrgh! 
 377  The Bad Guys in the baddest day ever 
 378  The bad guys in they're bee-hind you! 
 379  Bad hair day 
 380  A Bad Kitty Christmas 
 381  Bad Kitty does not like Thanksgiving 
 382  Bad Kitty for president 
 383  Bad kitty gets a phone 
 384  Bad Kitty joins the team 
 385  Bad Kitty meets the baby 
 386  Bad Kitty vs. the babysitter 
 387  Bad, bad bunnies 
 388  The bald bandit 
 389  The bald eagle 
 390  Bald eagles 
 391  Bald eagles 
 392  Balinese cats 
 393  The ballad of Lucy Whipple 
 394  Balto and the great race 
 395  Banana blitz 
 396  The banza : a Haitian story 
 397  Barack Obama 
 398  Barack Obama : man of destiny 
 399  The Barefoot book of fairy tales 
 400  A bargain for Frances. 
 401  Barn dance! 
 402  Barney's Horse 
 403  Barnyard banter 
 404  Barry Sanders : football's rushing champ 
 405  Bartholomew and the oobleck 
 406  Baseball 
 407  Baseball 
 408  Baseball and softball 
 409  The baseball birthday party 
 410  Baseball fever 
 411  Baseball flyhawk 
 412  Baseball pals 
 413  Baseball's best : five true stories 
 414  Baseball's greatest pitchers 
 415  Basketball 
 416  Basketball 
 417  Basketball 
 418  Basketball : amazing but true stories! 
 419  Basketball : math on the court 
 420  Basketball angles : understanding angles 
 421  Basketball in action 
 422  The bathwater gang 
 423  Batman battles the Joker 
 424  Batman tales : once upon a crime 
 425  Batman versus the riddler 
 426  Batman's guide to crime and detection 
 427  Bats and other animals with amazing ears 
 428  The battle for Imperia 
 429  The Battle of Bull Run : Confederate forces overwhelm Union troops 
 430  The Battle of Gettysburg : the Civil War's biggest battle 
 431  The Battle of Gettysburg, 1863 
 432  Be a perfect person in just three days 
 433  Be you! 
 434  Beading : bracelets, barrettes, and beyond 
 435  The beak strikes! 
 436  Beaks 
 437  Bean and plant 
 438  Beanpole 
 439  The bear ate your sandwich 
 440  Bears 
 441  Bears : life in the wild 
 442  Bears make the best reading buddies 
 443  Bears odd, bears even 
 444  The bears on Hemlock Mountain 
 445  Bears! 
 446  Bears, bears, everywhere 
 447  The beast in Ms. Rooney's room 
 448  Beastly tales : Yeti, Bigfoot, and the Loch Ness Monster 
 449  Beatrice doesn't want to 
 450  Beautiful ballerinas 
 451  Beauty and the beast 
 452  Beavers 
 453  Because I could not stop my bike : and other poems 
 454  Because I love you 
 455  Because of you, John Lewis : the true story of a remarkable friendship 
 456  Becoming a citizen 
 457  Bed + time = bedtime 
 458  Bedtime mouse 
 459  The bee tree 
 460  Bees! 
 461  Bees, Wasps, and Ants 
 462  Beetles 
 463  Beezus and Ramona 
 464  Before the ever after 
 465  Before we eat : from farm to table 
 466  Behind the couch 
 467  Bein' with you this way 
 468  Being a governor 
 469  The bell rang 
 470  Belly laughs 
 471  Beluga whales and their babies 
 472  Ben Yokoyama and the cookie of doom 
 473  Ben Yokoyama and the cookie thief 
 474  Ben Yokoyama and the cookies of chaos 
 475  Beneath 
 476  Beneath the stone : a Mexican Zapotec tale 
 477  Benjamin Banneker 
 478  Benjamin Franklin 
 479  Benjamin Franklin 
 480  Benjamin Franklin 
 481  Benjamin Franklin 
 482  Benny uncovers a mystery 
 483  Benny's new friend  
 484  The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the coughing catfish 
 485  The Berenstain Bear scouts and the really big disaster 
 486  The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the terrible talking termite 
 487  The Berenstain Bear Scouts in Giant Bat Cave 
 488  The Berenstain Bear scouts scream their heads off 
 489  The Berenstain Bears accept no substitutes 
 490  The Berenstain Bears and Mama's new job 
 491  The Berenstain Bears and the bad dream 
 492  The Berenstain Bears and the blame game 
 493  The Berenstain Bears and the bully 
 494  The Berenstain Bears and the double dare 
 495  The Berenstain Bears and the dress code 
 496  The Berenstain bears and the drug free zone 
 497  The Berenstain bears and the excuse note 
 498  The Berenstain Bears and the galloping ghost 
 499  The Berenstain bears and the ghost of the forest 
 500  The Berenstain Bears and the giddy grandma 
 501  The Berenstain Bears and the Green-eyed Monster 
 502  The Berenstain Bears and the homework hassle 
 503  The Berenstain Bears and the in-crowd 
 504  The Berenstain Bears and the messy room 
 505  The Berenstain Bears and the missing dinosaur bone 
 506  The Berenstain Bears and the prize pumpkin 
 507  The Berenstain bears and the real Easter eggs 
 508  The Berenstain Bears and the red-handed thief 
 509  The Berenstain Bears and the slumber party 
 510  The Berenstain Bears and the spooky old tree 
 511  The Berenstain Bears and the trouble with friends 
 512  The Berenstain bears and the trouble with grownups 
 513  The Berenstain Bears and the week at Grandma's 
 514  The Berenstain Bears and the wheelchair commando 
 515  The Berenstain Bears and too much junk food 
 516  The Berenstain bears and too much pressure 
 517  The Berenstain Bears and too much teasing 
 518  The Berenstain bears and too much TV 
 519  The Berenstain bears and too much vacation 
 520  The Berenstain Bears at Camp Crush 
 521  The Berenstain Bears big bear, small bear 
 522  The Berenstain Bears dollars & sense 
 523  The Berenstain bears don't pollute (anymore) 
 524  The Berenstain Bears forget their manners 
 525  The Berenstain bears get in a fight 
 526  The Berenstain Bears get stage fright 
 527  The Berenstain Bears get the gimmies 
 528  The Berenstain Bears go platinum 
 529  The Berenstain bears go to school 
 530  The Berenstain bears go to the doctor 
 531  The Berenstain Bears in the dark 
 532  The Berenstain Bears in the freaky funhouse 
 533  The Berenstain Bears in the house of mirrors 
 534  The Berenstain Bears learn about strangers 
 535  The Berenstain Bears meet Santa Bear 
 536  The Berenstain Bears think of those in need 
 537  The Berenstain Bears trick or treat 
 538  The Berenstain Bears visit the dentist 
 539  The Berenstain Bears' funny valentine 
 540  The Berenstain Bears' mad, mad, mad toy craze 
 541  The Berenstain Bears' media madness 
 542  The Berenstain Bears' moving day 
 543  The Berenstain bears' new baby 
 544  The Berenstain Bears' new neighbors 
 545  The Berenstain Bears' trouble at school 
 546  The Berenstain bears' trouble with money 
 547  The Berenstain Bears' trouble with pets 
 548  The Berenstain Bears, no girls allowed 
 549  Bessie Coleman : daring to fly 
 550  Best babysitters ever 
 551  The best book of martial arts 
 552  The best book of snakes 
 553  The best Christmas pageant ever. 
 554  Best friends 
 555  Best friends for Frances 
 556  The best pet yet 
 557  The best pet? 
 558  The best vacation ever 
 559  Best wishes 
 560  Betcha! 
 561  Bethany Hamilton : follow your dreams! 
 562  Betsy Ross 
 563  Betsy Ross 
 564  Betsy Ross 
 565  Better boxing for boys./ 
 566  Betty Doll 
 567  Beverly Billingsly borrows a book 
 568  Beverly Cleary 
 569  Beware of low-flying corn muffins 
 570  Beyonce Knowles 
 571  Beyond the lemonade stand : starting small to make it big! 
 572  Beyond the ridge 
 573  The bicycle man 
 574  Big 
 575  Big and small 
 576  Big as a giant snail : discovering the world's most gigantic animals 
 577  The big balloon race 
 578  Big Bigfoot's secret vacation 
 579  Big Bird's copycat day 
 580  The big book of real trains 
 581  Big brothers are the best 
 582  The big bunny and the Easter eggs 
 583  Big cats 
 584  The Big Dipper 
 585  The big egg hunt 
 586  Big George : how a shy boy became President Washington 
 587  A big guy took my ball! 
 588  The big leaf pile 
 589  Big Max 
 590  Big Nate : Mr. popularity 
 591  Big Nate flips out 
 592  Big Nate goes bananas! 
 593  Big Nate in a Class by Himself 
 594  Big red barn 
 595  Big rig 
 596  Big ship rescue! 
 597  Big shot 
 598  Big sisters are the best 
 599  The big snow 
 600  The big storm 
 601  Big top bonanza 
 602  The big wave 
 603  The big white ghost 
 604  The biggest dinosaurs 
 605  The biggest house in the world. 
 606  Biggest, strongest, fastest 
 607  Bigmama's 
 608  The bike lesson 
 609  Bike riding 
 610  Bill Clinton 
 611  Bill Clinton : president of the 90s 
 612  The Bill of Rights 
 613  Bill Peet : an autobiography. 
 614  Billy and Blaze 
 615  Billy Tartle in Say cheese! 
 616  Bingo Brown and the language of love 
 617  Binky rules 
 618  The Bionic Bunny show 
 619  The Bippolo Seed and other lost stories 
 620  Bird-eating spiders 
 621  Birds 
 622  Birds 
 623  Birds 
 624  Birds 
 625  Birds of a feather. 
 626  The birth and growth of a nation : hands-on projects about symbols of American liberty 
 627  The birthday bear 
 628  Birthdays in different places 
 629  The bite of the gold bug : a story of the Alaskan gold rush 
 630  Black abolitionists and freedom fighters 
 631  Black and white. 
 632  Black bears 
 633  Black bears 
 634  Black civil rights champions 
 635  Black cowboys 
 636  The black snowman 
 637  Black widow spiders 
 638  Blair's nightmare 
 639  The blob that ate everyone 
 640  The blobfish book 
 641  Bloomers! 
 642  A Blossom promise 
 643  Blubber 
 644  Blue 
 645  Blue whale vs. mosquito 
 646  Blue whales 
 647  Blues journey 
 648  BMX bikes 
 649  BMX racing 
 650  Bo Jackson : Playing the games. 
 651  Bo's magical new friend 
 652  Boa constrictors 
 653  Boats, boats, boats 
 654  Bob Fulton's amazing soda-pop stretcher, : an international spy story. 
 655  Bob, not Bob! 
 656  The bodies in the Bessledorf Hotel 
 657  Body pairs 
 658  Bonaparte 
 659  A book is just like you! : all about the parts of a book 
 660  The book of turtles 
 661  Booker T. Washington 
 662  Booker T. Washington 
 663  Booker T. Washington 
 664  Booker T. Washington 
 665  Booker T. Washington : African-American leader 
 666  Booker T. Washington : leader and educator 
 667  The Boonsville Bombers 
 668  The bootmaker and the elves 
 669  Bored Bella Learns About Fiction and Nonfiction 
 670  The boss babysitter 
 671  The bossy gallito = : El gallo de bodas ; a traditional Cuban folktale 
 672  The Boston Massacre : five colonists killed by British soldiers 
 673  The Boston Tea Party : angry colonists dump British tea 
 674  Bottlenose dolphins 
 675  Bow wow 
 676  A bowl full of peace : a true story 
 677  Box : Henry Brown mails himself to freedom 
 678  The box that Watch found 
 679  The box turtle 
 680  The boxcar at the center of the universe 
 681  The Boxcar children / : Blue Bay Mystery 
 682  A boy and a jaguar 
 683  The boy and the goats 
 684  The boy and the gorilla 
 685  The boy of the three-year nap 
 686  The boy who ate dog biscuits 
 687  The boy who crashed to Earth 
 688  The boy who cried wolf, 
 689  The boy who harnessed the wind 
 690  Boy, were we wrong about the solar system! 
 691  Boys of steel : the creators of Superman 
 692  Bozo the clone 
 693  Braces for Cori 
 694  Brachiosaurus 
 695  Brad and Butter play ball! 
 696  Brave Irene 
 697  The bravest cat! : the true story of Scarlett 
 698  The bravest of us all 
 699  Brawl of the wild 
 700  Bread and jam for Frances 
 701  The bread sister of Sinking Creek 
 702  Bread, bread, bread 
 703  Breaking barriers 
 704  Breakout at the bug lab 
 705  Bret and his pet 
 706  Brett Favre 
 707  Bridge to Terabithia 
 708  Bridges 
 709  Britannica ImageQuest 
 710  Britannica School 
 711  Britannica student encyclopedia. 
 712  The Broccoli tapes 
 713  Bronco Charlie and the Pony Express 
 714  The bronze bow 
 715  Brothers 
 716  The Brothers Grimm 
 717  Brothers of the knight 
 718  Brown angels : an album of pictures and verse 
 719  Brown Cow Farm; : a counting book. 
 720  Brown honey in broomwheat tea : poems 
 721  Brown Sunshine of Sawdust Valley 
 722  Bruce's big storm 
 723  Bruh Rabbit and the tar baby girl 
 724  Bruises 
 725  Buck-Buck the chicken 
 726  Bud, not Buddy 
 727  Buddy 
 728  Buffalo before breakfast 
 729  Buffalo Bills 
 730  Bug dance 
 731  Bug faces 
 732  The bug scientists 
 733  Bugs, beetles, and butterflies 
 734  Building sets of ten 
 735  Buildings 
 736  Bully trouble 
 737  Bunny bungalow 
 738  The bunny hop 
 739  Bunny money 
 740  The burning questions of Bingo Brown 
 741  Bus station mystery. 
 742  Buses 
 743  Buster makes the grade 
 744  Buster's dino dilemma 
 745  Buster's new friend 
 746  The busy spring 
 747  The butter battle book 
 748  Butterflies 
 749  Butterflies and moths 
 750  Butterflies in the garden 
 751  The butterfly 
 752  Butterfly house 
 753  Butterfly kisses 
 754  By the dawn's early light : the story of the Star spangled banner 
 755  Cabin fever 
 756  The cafeteria lady from the Black Lagoon 
 757  Cal Ripken, Jr. 
 758  California 
 759  The California gold rush 
 760  California's redwood forest 
 761  Calvin Coolidge 
 762  Cam Jansen and the barking treasure mystery 
 763  Cam Jansen and the birthday mystery 
 764  Cam Jansen and the catnapping mystery 
 765  Cam Jansen and the chocolate fudge mystery 
 766  Cam Jansen and the ghostly mystery 
 767  Cam Jansen and the mystery at the haunted house 
 768  Cam Jansen and the mystery at the monkey house 
 769  Cam Jansen and the mystery of Flight 54 
 770  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the Babe Ruth baseball 
 771  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the carnival prize 
 772  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the circus clown 
 773  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the dinosaur bones 
 774  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the gold coins 
 775  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the television dog 
 776  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the U.F.O 
 777  Cam Jansen and the scary snake mystery 
 778  Cam Jansen and the school play mystery 
 779  Cam Jansen and the Triceratops Pops mystery 
 780  Cam Newton 
 781  Cam Newton : football star 
 782  Camp 
 783  Camp-out 
 784  The camp-out mystery 
 785  The camping trip that changed America : Theodore Roosevelt, John Muir, and our National Parks 
 786  Can do, Jenny Archer 
 787  Can I help? 
 788  Can it rain cats and dogs? : questions and answers about weather 
 789  Can snakes crawl backward? : questions and answers about reptiles 
 790  Can you count to a googol? 
 791  Can you hear a shout in space? : questions and answers about space exploration 
 792  Can't get enough shark stuff : fun facts, awesome info, cool games, silly jokes, and more! 
 793  Can't You Make Them Behave, King George? 
 794  The Canada geese quilt 
 795  Canals 
 796  The canary caper 
 797  The candy corn contest 
 798  The canoe trip mystery 
 799  Caps for sale : a tale of a peddler, some monkeys, and their monkey business 
 800  Captain Marvel : frost giants among us! 
 801  Captain Underpants and the attack of the talking toilets : another epic novel 
 802  Captain Underpants and the invasion of the incredibly naughty cafeteria ladies from outer space (and the subsequent assault of the equally evil lunchroom zombie nerds) : the third epic novel 
 803  Captain Underpants and the perilous plot of Professor Poopypants : the fourth epic novel 
 804  Captain Underpants and the revolting revenge of the radioactive robo-boxers : the tenth epic novel 
 805  The capture of New Orleans : Union fleet takes control of the lower Mississippi River 
 806  Caring for your fish 
 807  Carnivores in the food chain 
 808  The Carolina Panthers 
 809  The carp in the bathtub 
 810  Cars 
 811  Cars 
 812  Cars of the past 
 813  Cars on the move 
 814  Carter G. Woodson : the father of black history 
 815  Carver, a life in poems 
 816  A case for Jenny Archer 
 817  The case of the black-hooded hangmans 
 818  The case of the booby-trapped pickup 
 819  The case of the car-barkaholic dog 
 820  The case of the cool-itch kid 
 821  The case of the cracked compass 
 822  The case of the double bumblebee sting 
 823  The case of the double cross 
 824  The case of the fiddle-playing fox 
 825  The case of the Halloween ghost 
 826  The case of the hungry stranger 
 827  The case of the midnight rustler 
 828  The case of the most ancient bone 
 829  The case of the sabotaged school play 
 830  The case of the stolen baseball cards 
 831  The case of the threatened king 
 832  Casey Jones 
 833  Cassie's journey : going West in the 1860s 
 834  Castle 
 835  The castle mystery 
 836  Castles 
 837  Cat and mouse in a haunted house 
 838  The cat in the hat 
 839  The cat in the hat comes back! 
 840  The cat in the hat, 
 841  Cat Kid comic club 
 842  The cat's quizzer 
 843  Catch that pass! 
 844  The catcher's mask : a Peach Street Mudders story 
 845  Cats 
 846  Cattle 
 847  The cave of stars 
 848  Cavecat Pete 
 849  Caves and caverns 
 850  The celery stalks at midnight 
 851  Cells 
 852  Cells 
 853  Celou Sudden Shout, Idaho, 1826 
 854  Ceramics: 
 855  Chalk 
 856  Chalk 
 857  Challenge at second base 
 858  Champion Rose 
 859  Change sings : a children's anthem 
 860  Changes for Kirsten 
 861  Changes for Molly : a winter story 
 862  Changing matter 
 863  Changing shape 
 864  Changing weather 
 865  Charles Schulz 
 866  Charlie Anderson 
 867  A Charlie Brown Christmas, 
 868  Charlie the ranch dog 
 869  Charlotte Hornets 
 870  Charlotte Shakespeare and Annie the Great 
 871  Charlotte's web 
 872  Chasing the moon to China 
 873  Chasmosaurus 
 874  Cheer all-stars : best of the best 
 875  Cheer basics : rules to cheer by 
 876  Cheerleading 
 877  Cheetahs 
 878  A chemical nightmare : bald eagle comeback 
 879  The Cherokee 
 880  Chester 
 881  Chester and Uncle Willoughby 
 882  Chester Arthur 
 883  Chester's way 
 884  Chewing gum : a sticky treat 
 885  The chewing gum book 
 886  Cheyenne Rose 
 887  Chickasaw 
 888  Chicken Little 
 889  The chicken or the egg? 
 890  Chicken Sunday 
 891  Chickens 
 892  Chickens 
 893  Chickens aren't the only ones 
 894  Chickens on the move 
 895  Child of the wolves 
 896  Children 
 897  Children of flight Pedro Pan 
 898  Children of the fire 
 899  Chimpanzees 
 900  Chimpanzees 
 901  Chimpanzees & bonobos 
 902  The Chinese mirror 
 903  Chipper flipper 
 904  Chirping crickets 
 905  Chita's Christmas tree 
 906  Chocolate : savor the flavor 
 907  A chocolate bar 
 908  Chocolate fever 
 909  The chocolate sundae mystery 
 910  Chomp! : fierce facts about the bite force, crushing jaws, and mighty teeth of Earth's champion chewers 
 911  Christa McAuliffe, teacher in space 
 912  Christmas around the world 
 913  Christmas comes to the forest : The adventures of Chuck E. Beaver and friends. 
 914  The Christmas Day kitten 
 915  The Christmas gift 
 916  Christmas in France 
 917  The Christmas revolution 
 918  The Christmas spurs 
 919  Christopher Columbus 
 920  Christopher Columbus 
 921  Christopher Columbus 
 922  Chuck has a big truck 
 923  Cinder-Elly 
 924  Cinderella at the ball 
 925  Cinderella; Illustrated by John Patience. 
 926  Circle of gold 
 927  The circle of Ter-Roar 
 928  Circles 
 929  The civil rights movement in America 
 930  The Civil War 
 931  The Civil War 
 932  Civil War sub : the mystery of the Hunley 
 933  Clara and Davie : [the true story of young Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross] 
 934  Clara and the bookwagon 
 935  Clara Barton 
 936  Clara Barton 
 937  Clash 
 938  Class act 
 939  Class president 
 940  Classifying living things 
 941  Classifying plants and animals 
 942  Claudia and the new girl : a graphic novel 
 943  Clean getaway 
 944  Clean house 
 945  Clean-sweep campers 
 946  The clear and simple thesaurus dictionary 
 947  Clifford and the grouchy neighbors 
 948  Clifford at the circus 
 949  Clifford grows up 
 950  Clifford keeps cool 
 951  Clifford makes a friend 
 952  Clifford takes a trip 
 953  Clifford the firehouse dog 
 954  Clifford visits the hospital 
 955  Clifford's birthday party 
 956  Clifford's Christmas 
 957  Clifford's class trip 
 958  Clifford's family 
 959  Clifford's first Christmas 
 960  Clifford's first Halloween 
 961  Clifford's first school day 
 962  Clifford's good deeds 
 963  Clifford's Halloween 
 964  Clifford's happy Easter 
 965  Clifford's happy Mother's Day 
 966  Clifford's manners 
 967  Clifford's puppy days 
 968  Clifford's sports day 
 969  Clifford's tricks 
 970  Clifford, the big red dog 
 971  Clifford, the small red puppy 
 972  Clifford, we love you 
 973  Climate change 
 974  Climbing Everest 
 975  Climbing Kansas mountains 
 976  Clink clank 
 977  A cloak for the dreamer 
 978  Clothes and toys 
 979  Clothing in different places 
 980  The cloud book : words and pictures 
 981  The cloud castle 
 982  Clouds 
 983  Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 
 984  Clovis Crawfish and he Spinning Spider 
 985  Clovis Crawfish and his friends 
 986  Clovis Crawfish and Petit Papillon 
 987  Clovis Crawfish and the big betail 
 988  Clovis Crawfish and the curious crapaud 
 989  Clovis Crawfish and the orphan Zo-Zo 
 990  Clovis Crawfish and the singing Cigales 
 991  The clue at the zoo 
 992  Clyde Tombaugh and the search for planet X 
 993  Clydesdale horses 
 994  Cobi Jones : soccer star 
 995  The cobweb confession 
 996  Cocker spaniels 
 997  Cockroaches 
 998  The codebreaker kids 
 999  Coding 
 1000  Coding to create and communicate 
 1001  The coin counting book 
 1002  The cold & hot winter 
 1003  A cold day 
 1004  The cold winter day 
 1005  Colin Powell 
 1006  Colin Powell : straight to the top 
 1007  Collaborations 
 1008  Colorado 
 1009  Columbus Day 
 1010  Come back, Amelia Bedelia 
 1011  Come next spring 
 1012  Come on, rain! 
 1013  Come Sunday 
 1014  Comets, stars, the Moon, and Mars : space poems and paintings 
 1015  The comic adventures of Old Mother Hubbard and her dog. 
 1016  Coming on home soon 
 1017  Commercial Appeal 
 1018  Common dolphins 
 1019  Communication then and now 
 1020  The complete adventures of Curious George 
 1021  Computer clues 
 1022  Conestoga wagons 
 1023  The Confederate States of America 
 1024  Connecticut 
 1025  The conspiracy of the secret nine 
 1026  Constitutional rights 
 1027  Construction countdown 
 1028  Continents in my world 
 1029  The cookie house 
 1030  Cookies and crutches 
 1031  Cookies and milk 
 1032  The cool bean 
 1033  Cool cards : creatng fun and fascinating collections! 
 1034  Cool cars 
 1035  Cool cuts 
 1036  Cool stamps : creating fun and fascinating collections! 
 1037  Cooler ruler 
 1038  Coping with anger 
 1039  The copper lady 
 1040  Copperheads 
 1041  Corduroy 
 1042  Corduroy lost and found 
 1043  Corduroy makes a cake 
 1044  Corduroy takes a bow 
 1045  Corduroy writes a letter 
 1046  Coretta Scott 
 1047  Coretta Scott King 
 1048  Coretta Scott King 
 1049  Coretta Scott King 
 1050  Corn is maize : the gift of the Indians 
 1051  Corn-- on and off the cob 
 1052  Cory Coleman, grade 2 
 1053  A cotton T-shirt 
 1054  Could be worse! 
 1055  Count on us : a Tennessee number book 
 1056  Counting crocodiles 
 1057  Counting in the city 
 1058  Counting in the desert 1-2-3 
 1059  Counting in the oceans 1-2-3 
 1060  Counting on Katherine 
 1061  Counting your way : number nursery rhymes 
 1062  The country bunny : and the little gold shoes 
 1063  Covered wagons : hands-on projects about America's westward expansion 
 1064  Cow's fart! 
 1065  Cowboy bunnies 
 1066  Cowgirl Megan 
 1067  Cows 
 1068  Coyote steals the blanket : an Ute tale 
 1069  Crab moon 
 1070  Cracking the wall : the struggles of the Little Rock Nine 
 1071  Crayons rock! 
 1072  Crazy Hair Day 
 1073  Creepy carrots! 
 1074  Creepy crayon! 
 1075  Creepy pair of underwear! 
 1076  Creepy spiders 
 1077  Cricket and the crackerbox kid 
 1078  Cricket songs; Japanese haiku. 
 1079  Crickets 
 1080  Crimson Twill : witch in the city 
 1081  Crispin : the cross of lead 
 1082  Crocodile teeth : geometric shapes in action 
 1083  Crowning glory : poems 
 1084  The cuckoo clock of doom 
 1085  Cultures around the world 
 1086  Curious George flies a kite 
 1087  The curse of King Tut's mummy 
 1088  The curse of the cheese pyramid 
 1089  The curse of the incredible priceless corncob 
 1090  Curses are the worst 
 1091  Custodians 
 1092  The Cutest Jungle animals ever! 
 1093  The Cybil war 
 1094  Cycles of the seasons 
 1095  Cyrus the unsinkable sea serpent 
 1096  Dachshunds 
 1097  Daily Memphian 
 1098  Daisy-head Mayzie 
 1099  Dakota dugout 
 1100  Dalmatians 
 1101  Dance for fun! 
 1102  Dancing hands : how Teresa Carreno played the piano for President Lincoln 
 1103  Danger in Quicksand Swamp 
 1104  Daniel Boone 
 1105  Daniel Boone 
 1106  Daniel's duck 
 1107  Daphne's book 
 1108  Dare to dream! 
 1109  The daring escape of Ellen Craft 
 1110  The dark 
 1111  The dark stairs : a Herculeah Jones mystery 
 1112  The dark-thirty : Southern tales of the supernatural 
 1113  David and the giant 
 1114  David gets in trouble 
 1115  David goes to school 
 1116  Davy Crockett 
 1117  Davy Crockett 
 1118  Davy Crockett 
 1119  Davy Crockett : a life on the frontier 
 1120  A day at the museum 
 1121  The day I saw my father cry 
 1122  A day in the life of an illustrator 
 1123  The day Jimmy's boa ate the wash 
 1124  Day of the Dragon King 
 1125  The day the crayons came home 
 1126  The day the crayons quit 
 1127  The day the crayons quit 
 1128  A day with an airplane pilot 
 1129  Days with Frog and Toad 
 1130  Dazzling division : games and activities that make math easy and fun 
 1131  The Dead Sea : the saltiest sea 
 1132  The deadly dungeon 
 1133  Dealing with addition 
 1134  Dealing with bullies 
 1135  Dear Malala, we stand with you 
 1136  Dear Mr. Henshaw 
 1137  Dear Mrs. Parks : a dialogue with today's youth 
 1138  December secrets 
 1139  The Declaration of Independence 
 1140  Decoding genes with Max Axiom, super scientist 
 1141  Decomposers in the food chain 
 1142  Deep down underground 
 1143  The deep end 
 1144  The deep end 
 1145  Deer 
 1146  Deinonychus 
 1147  Deion Sanders : prime time 
 1148  Delaware 
 1149  Delightful decimals and perfect percents : games and activities that make math easy and fun 
 1150  Desert ecosystems 
 1151  Desert food chains 
 1152  The desert is theirs 
 1153  Deserts 
 1154  DeShawn days 
 1155  Destination: Antarctica 
 1156  The destruction of Pompeii, AD 79 
 1157  Detective Camp 
 1158  Detective dinosaur 
 1159  Detroit Lions 
 1160  Detroit Pistons 
 1161  Devon rex cats 
 1162  Dewey : there's a cat in the library! 
 1163  Diamondback rattlesnakes 
 1164  Dian Fossey and the mountain gorillas 
 1165  Diary of a wimpy kid : do-it-yourself book 
 1166  Diary of a wimpy kid : Greg Heffley's journal 
 1167  Diary of an awesome friendly kid : Rowley Jefferson's journal 
 1168  Did dinosaurs live in your backyard? : questions and answers about dinosaurs 
 1169  Did I ever tell you how lucky you are? 
 1170  Did I ever tell you how lucky you are? 
 1171  Did you hear about Jake? 
 1172  Did you hear the news? 
 1173  Did you see one jump? 
 1174  Diego 
 1175  Different states of matter 
 1176  Dig a tunnel 
 1177  Digby 
 1178  Digby and Kate and the beautiful day 
 1179  Digging up dinosaurs 
 1180  Dill spill 
 1181  Dillon Press Children's Atlas. 
 1182  A dime = 10c 
 1183  Dimes 
 1184  Dimetrodon 
 1185  Dingoes at dinnertime 
 1186  The dinkey donkey 
 1187  Dinosaur babies 
 1188  The dinosaur bone battle between O.C. Marsh and Edward Drinker Cope 
 1189  Dinosaur days 
 1190  The dinosaur mystery 
 1191  Dinosaur tails and armor 
 1192  The dinosaur who lived in my backyard 
 1193  Dinosaurs 
 1194  Dinosaurs : a nonfiction companion to Dinosaurs before dark 
 1195  Dinosaurs before dark 
 1196  Dinosaurs! : strange and wonderful 
 1197  Dinosaurs, dragonflies & diamonds : all about natural history museums 
 1198  Diper overlode 
 1199  Dirt bike racers 
 1200  Dirt bike runaway 
 1201  Dirty Larry 
 1202  The disappearing friend mystery 
 1203  Discover and explore : based on Timothy goes to school and other stories 
 1204  Discover space 
 1205  Discover the planets 
 1206  Disney's Pocahontas. 
 1207  Disney's princess treasury. 
 1208  Diving dolphin 
 1209  Do all spiders spin webs? : questions and answers about spiders 
 1210  Do bananas chew gum? 
 1211  Do bears sleep all winter? : questions and answers about bears 
 1212  Do dolphins really smile? 
 1213  Do something in your community 
 1214  Do something in your world 
 1215  Do stars have points? : questions and answers about stars and planets 
 1216  Do tarantulas have teeth? : questions and answers about poisonous creatures 
 1217  Do tornadoes really twist? : questions and answers about tornadoes and hurricanes 
 1218  Do whales have belly buttons? : questions and answers about whales and dolphins 
 1219  Doctor De Soto 
 1220  Doctor De Soto goes to Africa 
 1221  Does a yak get a haircut? 
 1222  Does it always rain in the rain forest? : questions and answers about tropical rain forests 
 1223  Dog and Cat make a splash 
 1224  Dog days 
 1225  Dog finds lost dolphins! : and more true stories of amazing animal heroes 
 1226  Dog Man 
 1227  Dog man : brawl of the wild 
 1228  Dog Man and Cat Kid 
 1229  Dog Man unleashed 
 1230  A dog named Sam 
 1231  The dog that stole home 
 1232  The dog who cried "Woof!" 
 1233  Dog-faced bats 
 1234  Doggone dogs! 
 1235  Dogku 
 1236  Dogs 
 1237  Dogs : [all the canine facts, photos, and fun that you can get your paws on!] 
 1238  Dogs are smart! 
 1239  Dogs helping kids with feelings 
 1240  Dogs lick their butts! 
 1241  Dogsong 
 1242  A dollar for Penny 
 1243  Dolphin talk : whistles, clicks, and clapping jaws 
 1244  Dolphins 
 1245  Dolphins and porpoises 
 1246  Dolphins at daybreak 
 1247  Dominican Republic 
 1248  Domino addition 
 1249  Don't be afraid, Amanda 
 1250  Don't call me Beanhead! 
 1251  Don't let the pigeon drive the bus 
 1252  Don't touch my hair! 
 1253  Don't worry, bee happy 
 1254  Don't worry, Murray 
 1255  The donut chef 
 1256  Doodles from the Boogie Down 
 1257  The doorbell rang 
 1258  Dork diaries : tales from a not-so-fabulous life 
 1259  Dorks in New York! 
 1260  The dot 
 1261  Double down 
 1262  The double life of Pocahontas 
 1263  Double trouble 
 1264  The down & up fall 
 1265  Down by the station 
 1266  Down comes the rain 
 1267  Down in the sea : the octopus 
 1268  Downhill Megan 
 1269  Dr. Seuss 
 1270  Dr. Seuss' The cat in the hat movie storybook 
 1271  Dr. Seuss's 'tis the season : a holiday celebration 
 1272  Dr. Seuss's 123 
 1273  Dr. Seuss's ABC. 
 1274  Dr. Seuss's ABC. 
 1275  Dr. Seuss's book of animals 
 1276  Dr. Seuss's book of colors 
 1277  Dr. Seuss's Sleep book. 
 1278  Dr. Seuss's you are kind : featuring Horton the elephant 
 1279  Dracula doesn't drink lemonade 
 1280  Dragon bones and dinosaur eggs : a photobiography of explorer Roy Chapman Andrews 
 1281  Dragon run 
 1282  Dragonflies 
 1283  Dragonflies 
 1284  Dragonfly's tale 
 1285  Dragons love tacos 
 1286  Dragsters 
 1287  The dramatic life of Azaleah Lane 
 1288  Draw 50 flowers, trees, and other plants 
 1289  Drawing 
 1290  Drawing and learning about bugs : using shapes and lines 
 1291  Drawing and learning about cars : using shapes and lines 
 1292  Drawing and learning about faces : using shapes and lines 
 1293  Drawing and learning about horses : using shapes and lines 
 1294  Drawing and learning about jungle animals : using shapes and lines 
 1295  Drawing and learning about monster trucks : using shapes and lines 
 1296  Drawing and learning about monsters : using shapes and lines 
 1297  Dream freedom 
 1298  The dream keeper : and other poems 
 1299  Dream planes 
 1300  Dream snow 
 1301  Dream trains 
 1302  Dreamers 
 1303  Drinking water 
 1304  Drones 
 1305  Drums at Saratoga 
 1306  Duck for President 
 1307  Duck! Rabbit! 
 1308  Duck, duck, goose! : (a coyote's on the loose!) 
 1309  Ducks! 
 1310  Duke Ellington 
 1311  Dump days 
 1312  The dune buggy mystery 
 1313  Dwayne Johnson : actor and pro wrestler 
 1314  Dwight D. Eisenhower 
 1315  Dwyane Wade 
 1316  Eaglet's world 
 1317  An ear is not an ear 
 1318  Earth 
 1319  Earth 
 1320  Earth Day-- hooray! 
 1321  The earth is mostly ocean 
 1322  Earth movers 
 1323  Earth's crust 
 1324  Earth's moon 
 1325  Earth's resources 
 1326  Earthquake in the early morning 
 1327  Earthquake! : a story of old San Francisco 
 1328  Earthquakes 
 1329  Earthquakes 
 1330  East Side story 
 1331  Easter parade 
 1332  Easy-to-make spaceships that really fly 
 1333  The easy-to-read little engine that could 
 1334  Eating ice cream with a werewolf 
 1335  Ecology : the study of ecosystems 
 1336  The edible pyramid : good eating every day 
 1337  Edith herself 
 1338  Ee 
 1339  Efan the great 
 1340  Egg : nature's perfect package 
 1341  Eggs 
 1342  Egypt 
 1343  The Egyptian Cinderella 
 1344  Eight princesses and a magic mirror 
 1345  El Cucuy is scared, too! 
 1346  Elbert's bad word 
 1347  Eleanor Roosevelt, first lady of the world 
 1348  Electrical wizard : how Nikola Tesla lit up the world 
 1349  Electricity 
 1350  Electricity 
 1351  Electricity and magnetism 
 1352  Electronics 
 1353  Elephant in the dark 
 1354  The elephant's child. 
 1355  Elephants 
 1356  Elephants 
 1357  Elephants past and present 
 1358  Eleven kids, one summer 
 1359  Elizabeth imagined an iceberg 
 1360  Ella Fitzgerald : the tale of a vocal virtuosa 
 1361  Ella the elegant elephant 
 1362  Ellen Elizabeth Hawkins : Mobeetie, Texas, 1886 
 1363  Elves don't wear hard hats 
 1364  Elvis the turnip-- and me 
 1365  Ember 
 1366  Emily Arrow promises to do better this year 
 1367  Emma 
 1368  Emma Eileen Grove : Mississippi 1865 
 1369  Emmitt Smith 
 1370  The emperor and the nightingale 
 1371  The emperor's new clothes 
 1372  The empty envelope 
 1373  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the dead eagles 
 1374  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the disgusting sneakers 
 1375  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the secret pitch 
 1376  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the sleeping dog 
 1377  Encyclopedia Brown carries on 
 1378  Encyclopedia Brown finds the clues 
 1379  Encyclopedia Brown keeps the peace 
 1380  Encyclopedia Brown sets the pace 
 1381  Encyclopedia Brown shows the way 
 1382  Encyclopedia Brown solves them all 
 1383  Encyclopedia Brown takes the cake 
 1384  Encyclopedia Brown takes the case 
 1385  Encyclopedia Brown tracks them down 
 1386  Encyclopedia Brown's book of strange but true crimes 
 1387  Encyclopedia of world geography 
 1388  The end of the American Revolutionary War : the colonists defeat the British at Yorktown 
 1389  Endangered and extinct animals of the forests 
 1390  Endangered and extinct animals of the islands and oceans 
 1391  Endangered and extinct animals of the mountains, deserts, and grasslands 
 1392  Endangered and extinct animals of the rivers, lakes, and wetlands 
 1393  Endangered and extinct prehistoric animals 
 1394  Endangered animals 
 1395  Endangered animals of the desert 
 1396  Endangered animals of the jungle 
 1397  Endangered forest animals 
 1398  Enemy Pie 
 1399  Energy 
 1400  Energy makes things happen 
 1401  Engelbert the elephant 
 1402  Equality & diversity 
 1403  Eric the math bear 
 1404  Ernie and the twiddlebug town fair 
 1405  Ernie gets lost 
 1406  Escape from Horrorland 
 1407  Esther's story 
 1408  The eternal spring of Mr. Ito 
 1409  Europe 
 1410  Europe 
 1411  Evander Holyfield : heavyweight champion 
 1412  Evelyn Del Rey is moving away 
 1413  Even monsters need haircuts 
 1414  Even or odd? 
 1415  Everett Anderson's Christmas coming 
 1416  The Everglades : the largest marsh in the United States 
 1417  Everglades National Park 
 1418  Every child's book of nursery songs. 
 1419  Every dog has his day 
 1420  Everyday science experiments in the backyard 
 1421  Everyday science experiments in the car 
 1422  Everyday science experiments in the gym 
 1423  Everyday science experiments in the kitchen 
 1424  Everyday science experiments in the playground 
 1425  Everyday science experiments with food 
 1426  Everything you need to know : an encyclopedia for inquiring young minds 
 1427  Everywhere with you 
 1428  Evicted! : the struggle for the right to vote 
 1429  Evil genius 
 1430  Evil Queen Tut and the great ant pyramids 
 1431  Exotic shorthair cats 
 1432  Explore Earth's five oceans 
 1433  Explore Earth's seven continents 
 1434  Explore the tropical rain forest 
 1435  The explorer of Barkham Street 
 1436  Exploring ecosystems 
 1437  Exploring space 
 1438  Exploring the solar system 
 1439  Exploring the world of pottery, 
 1440  The extraordinary adventures of an ordinary hat 
 1441  Extreme sports : a chapter book 
 1442  The Exxon Valdez : tragic oil spill 
 1443  Eye of the storm 
 1444  Eye to eye : how animals see the world 
 1445  The eyes of Gray Wolf 
 1446  Fabulous fractions : games and activities that make math easy and fun 
 1447  Factory robots 
 1448  The falcon's feathers 
 1449  Fall 
 1450  Fall pumpkins : orange and plump 
 1451  Families 
 1452  Families in many cultures 
 1453  Family pictures = Cuadros de familia 
 1454  A family's dream 
 1455  Fancy feet 
 1456  Farewell to Manzanar 
 1457  Farm animals : classifying and sorting 
 1458  Farm flu 
 1459  Farmer duck 
 1460  The farthest-away mountain 
 1461  Fast friends 
 1462  Fast pitch 
 1463  The fastest dinosaurs 
 1464  The fattest, tallest, biggest snowman ever 
 1465  Fearsome alligators 
 1466  Feathered dinosaurs 
 1467  Feel the wind 
 1468  Feeling things 
 1469  Feelings 
 1470  Felita 
 1471  Fergus and Zeke for president 
 1472  Fetch-22 
 1473  Fiesta! : Cinco de mayo 
 1474  Fifth grade, here comes trouble 
 1475  The fifty states 
 1476  Fifty-two ways to use paperbacks: for grades K-6/ 
 1477  The fight for union. 
 1478  Fighter planes 
 1479  Fighting fires 
 1480  Fighting for equal rights : a story about Susan B. Anthony 
 1481  Finders keepers for Franklin 
 1482  Finding Buck McHenry 
 1483  Finding the Titanic 
 1484  Finding Winnie : the true story of the world's most famous bear 
 1485  A fine white dust 
 1486  Fingernail art : dazzling fingers and terrific toes 
 1487  Fire at the Triangle factory 
 1488  Fire engines 
 1489  Fire in the valley 
 1490  Firefighters A to Z 
 1491  Fireflies! 
 1492  Firefly's world of facts 
 1493  First big book of the ocean 
 1494  First brother or sister 
 1495  First day jitters 
 1496  First dictionary for young readers. 
 1497  The first dinosaur eggs and Roy Chapman Andrews 
 1498  First grade dropout 
 1499  The first Thanksgiving 
 1500  Fish 
 1501  Fish 
 1502  Fish 
 1503  Fish face 
 1504  Fish is fish. 
 1505  Fisherman bats 
 1506  Fishing in the air 
 1507  Five little ducks 
 1508  Five little pumpkins 
 1509  Flags and seals 
 1510  Flash, crash, rumble, and roll 
 1511  The fledgling 
 1512  Flies are fascinating 
 1513  Flight : the journey of Charles Lindbergh 
 1514  The flight of the Union 
 1515  The flimflam man 
 1516  Flip it gymnastics 
 1517  Floating in space 
 1518  Flora & Ulysses : the illuminated adventures 
 1519  Floratorium 
 1520  Florence Kelley 
 1521  Florence Nightingale 
 1522  Florida 
 1523  Flossie & the fox 
 1524  Flowers 
 1525  Flowers 
 1526  Flowers, fruits, and seeds 
 1527  Fly away home 
 1528  Fly guy presents : monster trucks 
 1529  Fly Guy presents scary creatures! 
 1530  Fly Guy presents space 
 1531  Flying dinosaurs : pterodactyls 
 1532  Flying fox bats 
 1533  Fog magic 
 1534  Folktales and fairy tales of Africa, 
 1535  Follow the water from brook to ocean 
 1536  Following freedom 
 1537  Food 
 1538  Food chains in a backyard habitat 
 1539  Food chains in a desert habitat 
 1540  Food chains in a forest habitat 
 1541  Food chains in a meadow habitat 
 1542  Food chains in a pond habitat 
 1543  Food chains in a tide pool habitat 
 1544  Food webs 
 1545  Foods in different places 
 1546  The fool of the world and the flying ship 
 1547  Foot + stool = footstool 
 1548  Football 
 1549  Football 
 1550  Football fugitive 
 1551  For the love of bowling 
 1552  Forces and motion 
 1553  Forensic science 
 1554  Forest food chains 
 1555  Forests 
 1556  Forever Amber Brown 
 1557  Fort 
 1558  Fossils 
 1559  Fossils 
 1560  Fossils tell of long ago 
 1561  The four gallant sisters 
 1562  The fourth grade wizards 
 1563  Fox has a problem 
 1564  Fox in a trap 
 1565  Fox in socks 
 1566  Fox in socks 
 1567  Fox on stage 
 1568  Fox on the job 
 1569  The fox went out on a chilly night : an old song 
 1570  Foxes and their homes 
 1571  Fraction action 
 1572  Fraction fun 
 1573  France 
 1574  Francine the superstar 
 1575  Francine, believe it or not 
 1576  Francisco Vasquez de Coronado 
 1577  Frank and Bean. 
 1578  Frankenstein doesn't start food fights 
 1579  Frankenstein moved in on the fourth floor 
 1580  Franklin and Harriet 
 1581  Franklin and the thunderstorm 
 1582  Franklin and the tooth fairy 
 1583  Franklin fibs 
 1584  Franklin goes to school 
 1585  Franklin goes to the hospital 
 1586  Franklin has a sleepover 
 1587  Franklin in the dark 
 1588  Franklin is bossy 
 1589  Franklin is lost 
 1590  Franklin is messy 
 1591  Franklin plays the game 
 1592  Franklin rides a bike 
 1593  Franklin wants a pet 
 1594  Franklin's baby sister 
 1595  Franklin's bad day 
 1596  Franklin's blanket 
 1597  Franklin's Christmas gift 
 1598  Franklin's class trip 
 1599  Franklin's Halloween 
 1600  Franklin's neighborhood 
 1601  Franklin's new friend 
 1602  Franklin's school play 
 1603  Franklin's secret club 
 1604  Franklin's Thanksgiving 
 1605  Frederick 
 1606  Frederick Douglass 
 1607  Frederick Douglass : fighter against slavery 
 1608  Frederick Douglass, freedom fighter. 
 1609  Frederick. 
 1610  Freedom in Congo Square 
 1611  Freedom of speech 
 1612  Freedom train; : the story of Harriet Tubman. 
 1613  Freshwater dolphins 
 1614  Frida Kahlo : Mysterious Painter 
 1615  Friday's journey 
 1616  Friendly dolphins 
 1617  Friends rock 
 1618  Frindle 
 1619  Frog and toad all year 
 1620  Frog and Toad together 
 1621  The frog prince, continued 
 1622  Frogs 
 1623  Frogs 
 1624  From cotton to t-shirt 
 1625  From egg to chicken 
 1626  From flower to honey 
 1627  From grass to milk 
 1628  From milk to cheese 
 1629  From oil to gas 
 1630  From peanuts to President 
 1631  From sand to glass 
 1632  From shoot to apple 
 1633  From tadpole to frog 
 1634  From tadpole to frog 
 1635  From the dinosaurs of the past to the birds of the present 
 1636  From tree to paper 
 1637  From tree to table 
 1638  From wheat to bread 
 1639  Frontier schools and schoolteachers 
 1640  Frontier women who helped shape the American West 
 1641  A frosty day 
 1642  Fruit trees produce produce 
 1643  Fudge 
 1644  Fuel and energy 
 1645  Full of fall 
 1646  Fun days 
 1647  Fun food word problems starring fractions 
 1648  The funniest animals ever! 
 1649  The funny little woman. 
 1650  The furry news : how to make a newspaper 
 1651  Future purrfect 
 1652  Gabby Douglas 
 1653  The gadget war 
 1654  Galileo 
 1655  Galimoto 
 1656  Game day 
 1657  Gandhi 
 1658  The garden of Abdul Gasazi 
 1659  Garfield's knock-knock jokes 
 1660  Gargoyles don't drive school buses 
 1661  Garter snakes 
 1662  Gateway Arch 
 1663  Gathering the sun : an alpahabet in Spanish and English 
 1664  Gator or croc? 
 1665  Gemini 
 1666  Genies don't ride bicycles 
 1667  Gentle Annie : the true story of a Civil War nurse 
 1668  Geography from A to Z : a picture glossary 
 1669  Geometry smarts! 
 1670  George Bush 
 1671  George Eastman 
 1672  George W. Bush 
 1673  George Washington 
 1674  George Washington 
 1675  George Washington 
 1676  George Washington 
 1677  George Washington 
 1678  George Washington Carver 
 1679  George Washington Carver 
 1680  George Washington Carver 
 1681  George Washington Carver : scientist and inventor 
 1682  George Washington elected : how America's first president was chosen 
 1683  Georgia 
 1684  Georgia O'Keeffe 
 1685  Geothermal energy and bio-energy 
 1686  Gerald McBoing Boing 
 1687  German shepherds 
 1688  German shepherds 
 1689  Germs make me sick! 
 1690  Get ready to play Tee Ball 
 1691  The getaway 
 1692  Gettysburg 
 1693  The ghost belonged to me : a novel 
 1694  The Ghost Fox 
 1695  A ghost named Fred 
 1696  The ghost of Camp Whispering Pines 
 1697  The ghost of Popcorn Hill 
 1698  The ghost on the mountain 
 1699  The ghost ship mystery 
 1700  Ghost town at sundown 
 1701  Ghosts 
 1702  Ghosts don't eat potato chips 
 1703  Giant lizards 
 1704  Giant pandas 
 1705  Giant pandas : gifts from China 
 1706  Giants Beware! (Chronicles Of Claudette, Book 1) 
 1707  Gibberish 
 1708  Gibbons 
 1709  A gift for Mama 
 1710  The gift of the sacred dog 
 1711  Gigantic : how big were the dinosaurs? 
 1712  Giggle, giggle, quack 
 1713  Gila monsters meet you at the airport 
 1714  Ginger Brown : the Nobody Boy 
 1715  Gingerbread baby 
 1716  The gingerbread boy 
 1717  Gingersnap 
 1718  Giraffes 
 1719  Giraffes 
 1720  Giraffes and their babies 
 1721  The girl who loved caterpillars : a twelfth-century tale from Japan 
 1722  The girl who loved the wind, 
 1723  The girl who loved wild horses 
 1724  The girl who struck out Babe Ruth 
 1725  The girls in the circle 
 1726  Give it a try! 
 1727  Give it! : a moneybunny book 
 1728  Give me half! 
 1729  The giver 
 1730  The giving tree 
 1731  Glow : animals with their own night-lights 
 1732  Go eat worms! 
 1733  Go fish 
 1734  The go-around dollar 
 1735  Goal! 
 1736  Goats 
 1737  Goblin Monday 
 1738  Goblins don't play video games 
 1739  Going to a restaurant 
 1740  Going to the library 
 1741  Going up? 
 1742  The gold dust letters 
 1743  Gold fever! 
 1744  The gold rush 
 1745  The Golden Christmas treasury : 25 stories, poems, and carols 
 1746  Golden retrievers 
 1747  Goldilocks and the three hares 
 1748  Goldilocks returns 
 1749  Goldilocks returns 
 1750  Golf 
 1751  Gone fishing : a novel in verse 
 1752  The good egg 
 1753  The Good Egg and the talent show 
 1754  The Good Humor man 
 1755  A good kind of trouble 
 1756  Good mushrooms and bad toadstools 
 1757  A good night for freedom 
 1758  Good sports : rhymes about running, jumping, throwing, and more 
 1759  A good team 
 1760  Good trick, walking stick! 
 1761  The good, the bad, and the bossy 
 1762  The good-bye book 
 1763  Good-bye Stacey, good-bye 
 1764  Good-bye, Chicken Little 
 1765  Goosebumps movie novel 
 1766  Gorillas 
 1767  Gorillas 
 1768  Gorillas 
 1769  Gorillas and their babies 
 1770  Grace the pirate 
 1771  Grains to bread 
 1772  The Grand Canyon 
 1773  The Grand Canyon : the widest canyon 
 1774  Grandad Bill's song 
 1775  Grandfather Tang's story 
 1776  Grandfather's journey 
 1777  Grandfather's shape story 
 1778  Grandma Moses 
 1779  Grandpa's corner store 
 1780  Grandparents are the greatest because-- 
 1781  Grant Hill 
 1782  Grant Hill : basketball all-star 
 1783  Grasshopper on the road 
 1784  Grassland ecosystems 
 1785  Grasslands 
 1786  Gravity 
 1787  Gray whales 
 1788  Great African Americans in business 
 1789  Great African Americans in entertainment 
 1790  Great African Americans in film 
 1791  Great African Americans in history 
 1792  Great African Americans in jazz 
 1793  Great African Americans in music 
 1794  Great African Americans in sports 
 1795  Great African Americans in the arts 
 1796  Great African Americans in the Olympics 
 1797  The great ball game : a Muskogee story 
 1798  The great bicycle race mystery 
 1799  Great black heroes : five brilliant scientists 
 1800  The great flood mystery 
 1801  Great graphs and sensational statistics : games and activities that make math easy and fun 
 1802  The great kapok tree : a tale of the Amazon rain forest 
 1803  The great leprechaun chase 
 1804  The great Mom swap 
 1805  The great quarterback switch 
 1806  The great ships 
 1807  Great Smoky Mountains National Park 
 1808  The great white shark 
 1809  Great white sharks 
 1810  Great white sharks 
 1811  Great white sharks 
 1812  Great white sharks 
 1813  Great-Grandpa's in the litter box 
 1814  The greedy triangle 
 1815  The greedy triangle 
 1816  The greedy triangle 
 1817  The green book 
 1818  Green eggs and ham 
 1819  Green eggs and ham 
 1820  Green Wilma 
 1821  Gregory, the terrible eater 
 1822  Grime and punishment 
 1823  Grin and bear it : the wit & wisdom of Corduroy 
 1824  Grizzly bears 
 1825  Grizzly bears 
 1826  Grizzly riddles 
 1827  Grizzwold 
 1828  Groovy geometry : games and activities that make math easy and fun 
 1829  The grouchy ladybug 
 1830  Grover's just so-so stories 
 1831  The growling bear mystery 
 1832  Growth and development : cells and DNA 
 1833  Grumpy pumpkins 
 1834  Guess how much I love you 
 1835  Guide dogs : seeing for people who can't 
 1836  Guilty by a hair! : real-life DNA matches! 
 1837  The Gulf of Mexico 
 1838  Gumshoe Goose, private eye 
 1839  Gus and grandpa 
 1840  Gus and Grandpa ride the train 
 1841  Gymnastics 
 1842  Gymnastics skills : beginning tumbling 
 1843  H.A. Rey 
 1844  Hailstones and halibut bones : adventures in color 
 1845  Hair love 
 1846  Hairy, scary, ordinary : what is an adjective? 
 1847  Half magic 
 1848  A half-dollar = 50c 
 1849  Half-pipe homonyms 
 1850  Halloween ball 
 1851  The Halloween house 
 1852  Halloween's spooky history 
 1853  Hamburgers : bad news for cows 
 1854  The hammerhead shark 
 1855  Hamsters & gerbils 
 1856  Hamsters make terrible roommates 
 1857  Hand rhymes 
 1858  Hang a left at Venus 
 1859  Hansel and Gretel 
 1860  Hansel and Gretel 
 1861  Hanson 
 1862  Happy birthday to you! 
 1863  Happy Easter, dear dragon 
 1864  The happy Hocky family! 
 1865  Happy Mother's Day! : featuring Jim Henson's Sesame Street Muppets 
 1866  Happy Narwhalidays 
 1867  Happy Valentine's Day, Miss Hildy! 
 1868  Harbor me 
 1869  Hard luck 
 1870  Harold and the purple crayon 
 1871  Harriet Beecher Stowe 
 1872  Harriet Tubman 
 1873  Harriet Tubman 
 1874  Harriet's hare 
 1875  Harry goes to day camp 
 1876  Harry S. Truman 
 1877  Has a cow saved your life? 
 1878  Hatchling 
 1879  Hats off for the Fourth of July! 
 1880  Hattie and the fox 
 1881  The haunted cabin mystery 
 1882  The haunted hotel 
 1883  The haunted mask 
 1884  The haunted mask 2 
 1885  The haunted mountain, 
 1886  The haunted school 
 1887  Haunting with the stars 
 1888  Have you seen my invisible dinosaur? 
 1889  Hawaii 
 1890  Heartbreaker 
 1891  Heat 
 1892  Heather and the Pink Poodles 
 1893  Heather at the barre 
 1894  Heather goes to Hollywood 
 1895  Heather takes the reins 
 1896  Heather, belle of the ball 
 1897  Heating 
 1898  Heckedy Peg 
 1899  Hedgie's surprise 
 1900  Helen Keller 
 1901  Helen Keller 
 1902  Helen Keller 
 1903  Helen Keller 
 1904  Helga's dowry : a troll love story 
 1905  Hello winter! 
 1906  The hello, goodbye window 
 1907  Hello, Universe 
 1908  Henny Penny 
 1909  Henny-Penny 
 1910  Henry Aaron 
 1911  Henry and Mudge and Annie's good move : the eighteenth book of their adventures 
 1912  Henry and Mudge and Annie's perfect pet : the twentieth book of their adventures 
 1913  Henry and Mudge and Mrs. Hopper's house : the twenty-second book of their adventures 
 1914  Henry and Mudge and the forever sea : the sixth book of their adventures 
 1915  Henry and Mudge and the long weekend : the eleventh book of their adventures 
 1916  Henry and Mudge and the snowman plan : the nineteenth book of their adventures 
 1917  Henry and Mudge and the tall tree house : the twenty-first book of their adventures 
 1918  Henry and Mudge and the wild wind : the twelfth book of their adventures 
 1919  Henry and Mudge in puddle trouble : the second book of their adventures 
 1920  Henry and Mudge in the family trees : the fifteenth book of their adventures 
 1921  Henry and Mudge in the sparkle days : the fifth book of their adventures 
 1922  Henry and Ribsy 
 1923  Henry and the clubhouse 
 1924  Henry and the paper route 
 1925  Henry David Thoreau : In Step with Nature 
 1926  Henry Ford 
 1927  Henry Hudson 
 1928  Henry the fourth 
 1929  Henry the Navigator 
 1930  Henry's Freedom Box 
 1931  Henry, like always 
 1932  Her seven brothers 
 1933  Her stories : African American folktales, fairy tales, and true tales 
 1934  Herbie Jones and the dark attic 
 1935  Herbivores in the food chain 
 1936  The hero and the crown 
 1937  A hero and the Holocaust : the story of Janusz Korczak and his children 
 1938  Heroes of the Civil War 
 1939  Heroes under pressure 
 1940  The heroine of the Titanic : a tale both true and otherwise of the life of Molly Brown 
 1941  Heroine of the Titanic : the real unsinkable Molly Brown 
 1942  The Hessian's secret diary 
 1943  Hey Otter! Hey Beaver! 
 1944  Hey, Didi Darling 
 1945  Hey, elephant! 
 1946  Hiawatha 
 1947  Hibernation 
 1948  Hidden figures : the true story of four black women and the space race 
 1949  The hidden staircase. 
 1950  The high rise glorious skittle skat roarious sky pie angel food cake 
 1951  High-tech inventions : a chapter book 
 1952  Hill of fire 
 1953  Hillary Rodham Clinton 
 1954  Hippos 
 1955  Hippos are huge! 
 1956  Hippos throw poop! 
 1957  The history of baseball 
 1958  The history of basketball 
 1959  The history of figure skating 
 1960  The history of football 
 1961  The history of hockey 
 1962  The history of money 
 1963  The history of rock & roll 
 1964  The hit-away kid 
 1965  Hobie Hanson, you're weird 
 1966  The Hoboken chicken emergency 
 1967  The Hobyahs 
 1968  Hockey legends 
 1969  The hockey machine 
 1970  Holes 
 1971  Holes 
 1972  Holly, reindeer, and colored lights; : the story of the Christmas symbols. 
 1973  The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments : King James Version. 
 1974  Home then and now 
 1975  Home to Medicine Mountain 
 1976  Homes in different places 
 1977  Homes in many cultures 
 1978  Homes of the Presidents. 
 1979  Homesteading 
 1980  Honda : the boy who dreamed of cars 
 1981  Honey, I love 
 1982  Honeybee rescue : a backyard drama 
 1983  Hoop heroes 
 1984  Hooray for Snail! 
 1985  Hooray, a pinata! 
 1986  Hoover, Roosevelt, and Truman 
 1987  Hop on Pop 
 1988  Hop on Pop 
 1989  Hop, skip, run 
 1990  Hopper hunts for spring 
 1991  Hopscotch love : a family treasury of love poems 
 1992  Horrible Harry and the ant invasion 
 1993  Horrible Harry and the dragon war 
 1994  Horrible Harry and the Drop of Doom 
 1995  Horrible Harry and the dungeon 
 1996  Horrible Harry and the kickball wedding 
 1997  Horrible Harry at Halloween 
 1998  Horrible Harry goes to sea 
 1999  Horrible Harry in room 2B 
 2000  Horrible Harry moves up to third grade 
 2001  Horrible Harry's secret 
 2002  The horror at Chiller House 
 2003  The horror at Happy Landings 
 2004  Horse fever : a guide for horse lovers and riders 
 2005  The horse in Harry's room 
 2006  A horse named Seabiscuit 
 2007  Horsepower : the wonder of draft horses 
 2008  Horses 
 2009  Horses past and present 
 2010  Horton and the Kwuggerbug : and more lost stories 
 2011  Horton hears a Who! 
 2012  Horton hears a Who! 
 2013  Hot air : the (mostly) true story of the first hot-air balloon ride 
 2014  The hot dog man. 
 2015  Hot rods 
 2016  Hotdog! 
 2017  Hottest NASCAR machines 
 2018  Hour of freedom : American history in poetry 
 2019  Hour of the Olympics 
 2020  A house for Hermit Crab 
 2021  Houseboat mystery. 
 2022  Houston Rockets 
 2023  How a seed grows 
 2024  The how and why wonder book of horses 
 2025  How animal babies stay safe 
 2026  How animals saved the people : animal tales from the South 
 2027  How do airplanes fly? 
 2028  How do bats see in the dark? : questions and answers about night creatures 
 2029  How do dinosaurs say good night? 
 2030  How do eggs hatch? 
 2031  How do flies walk upside down? : questions and answers about insects 
 2032  How do frogs swallow with their eyes? : questions and answers about amphibians 
 2033  How do seeds sprout? 
 2034  How do you burp in space? : and other tips every space tourist needs to know 
 2035  How do you know it's fall? 
 2036  How do you know it's spring? 
 2037  How do you know it's summer? 
 2038  How do you lift a lion? 
 2039  How do you lift a lion? 
 2040  How do you spell unfair? : MacNolia Cox and the National Spelling Bee 
 2041  How I became a pirate 
 2042  How I fixed the year 1000 problem 
 2043  How I got my shrunken head 
 2044  How I learned geography 
 2045  How many seeds in a pumpkin? 
 2046  How many stars in the sky? 
 2047  How many stars in the sky? 
 2048  How many? How much? : based on Timothy goes to school and other stories 
 2049  How much is $1.00? 
 2050  How much is $5.00? 
 2051  How much is $10.00? 
 2052  How much is $20.00? 
 2053  How much is $50.00? 
 2054  How much is $100.00? 
 2055  How much is a million? 
 2056  How much is that guinea pig in the window? 
 2057  How my parents learned to eat 
 2058  How people immigrate 
 2059  How the Grinch stole Christmas 
 2060  How the Grinch stole Christmas 
 2061  How the reindeer got their antlers 
 2062  How the rooster saved the day/ 
 2063  How the turtle got its shell : tales from around the world 
 2064  How things move 
 2065  How things work 
 2066  How to catch a class pet 
 2067  How to cook a gooseberry fool : unusual recipes from around the world 
 2068  How to dork your diary 
 2069  How to draw cars 
 2070  How to draw dinosaurs 
 2071  How to draw dinosaurs 
 2072  How to draw dinosaurs 
 2073  How to draw dogs 
 2074  How to draw horses 
 2075  How to draw landscapes, seascapes, and cityscapes 
 2076  How to draw pets 
 2077  How to draw Tennessee's sights and symbols 
 2078  How to draw trucks and cars 
 2079  How to draw wild animals 
 2080  How to eat fried worms 
 2081  How to kill a monster 
 2082  How to read a book 
 2083  How to speak dolphin in three easy lessons 
 2084  How to talk like a bear 
 2085  How to write a poem 
 2086  Howl of the wind dragon 
 2087  The Huckabuck family : and how they raised popcorn in Nebraska and quit and came back 
 2088  Human rights & liberty 
 2089  Human Rights Day, 
 2090  Humpback whale 
 2091  Humpback whales 
 2092  Humpback whales 
 2093  Hunches in bunches 
 2094  The hundred penny box 
 2095  A hunger for learning : a story about Booker T. Washington 
 2096  The hungry hummingbird 
 2097  The Hunt-Phelan Home : Awakening of a mystery. 
 2098  Hurricane Child 
 2099  I am a good citizen 
 2100  I am a good citizen 
 2101  I am a good friend! 
 2102  I am a super girl! 
 2103  I am Abraham Lincoln 
 2104  I am Albert Einstein 
 2105  I am amazing! 
 2106  I am Amelia Earhart 
 2107  I am born to be awesome! 
 2108  I am brave! 
 2109  I am caring 
 2110  I Am Enough 
 2111  I am friendly 
 2112  I am Harriet Tubman 
 2113  I am Helen Keller 
 2114  I am Lucille Ball 
 2115  I am Martin Luther King, Jr. 
 2116  I am mighty! 
 2117  I am Muhammad Ali 
 2118  I am not going to get up today! 
 2119  I am not going to get up today! 
 2120  I am Oprah Winfrey 
 2121  I am responsible 
 2122  I am Rosa Parks 
 2123  I am Ruby Bridges 
 2124  I am Sacagawea 
 2125  I am superman 
 2126  I am water 
 2127  I can bowl 
 2128  I can lick 30 tigers today! : and other stories 
 2129  I can play soccer 
 2130  I can read a map 
 2131  I can read with my eyes shut 
 2132  I can read with my eyes shut! 
 2133  I can ride a bike 
 2134  I can use a computer 
 2135  I can use a dictionary 
 2136  I can use the telephone 
 2137  I can write a letter 
 2138  I can't take you anywhere 
 2139  I don't want to be a frog 
 2140  I don't want to be a frog 
 2141  I don't want to clean my room and other poems about chores 
 2142  I eat poop, : a dung bettle story 
 2143  I got the rhythm 
 2144  I got the school spirit 
 2145  I had trouble in getting to Solla Sollew 
 2146  I had trouble in getting to Solla Sollew 
 2147  I have a sister, my sister is deaf 
 2148  I hop 
 2149  I know how we fight germs 
 2150  I like animals. 
 2151  I like cars 
 2152  I Like Myself! 
 2153  I live at a military post 
 2154  I live in a city 
 2155  I live in a town 
 2156  I live on a farm 
 2157  I love America! : a treasury of popular stories, history, poems, and songs 
 2158  I love my new toy! 
 2159  I love you, Mommy! 
 2160  I pledge allegiance 
 2161  I promise 
 2162  I speak English for my mom 
 2163  I spy spooky night : a book of picture riddles 
 2164  I survived hurricane Katrina, 2005 
 2165  I survived the American Revolution, 1776 
 2166  I survived the attack of the grizzlies, 1967 
 2167  I swapped my dog 
 2168  I thought my soul would rise and fly : the diary of Patsy, a freed girl 
 2169  I use math at the doctor's 
 2170  I use math at the store 
 2171  I use math in the kitchen 
 2172  I use math on a trip 
 2173  I want to be a race car driver 
 2174  I want to be a scientist 
 2175  I will be fierce 
 2176  I wish I were-- a pirate 
 2177  I wish I were-- a princess 
 2178  I wish it would snow! 
 2179  I wish that I had duck feet 
 2180  I wonder what it's like to be a butterfly 
 2181  I wonder what it's like to be a spider 
 2182  I wonder what it's like to be an earthworm 
 2183  I wonder why encyclopedia 
 2184  I yam a donkey! 
 2185  I'll always love you 
 2186  I'm going to be famous 
 2187  I, too, sing America : three centuries of African American poetry 
 2188  I-know-not-what, I-know-not-where : a Russian tale 
 2189  Ice cream : the cold creamy treat 
 2190  Ice magic 
 2191  Ice-cold birthday 
 2192  Icebergs, ice caps, and glaciers 
 2193  Ichthyosaurus 
 2194  Ichthyosaurus and little Mary Anning 
 2195  Ida Early comes over the mountain 
 2196  Ida, always 
 2197  Idaho 
 2198  If America were a village : a book about the people of the United States 
 2199  If animals trick-or-treated 
 2200  If I had your vote 
 2201  If I only had a horn : young Louis Armstrong 
 2202  If I ran the circus 
 2203  If I ran the circus 
 2204  If I ran your school 
 2205  If I was a horse 
 2206  If the dinosaurs came back 
 2207  If you are a hunter of fossils 
 2208  If you give a moose a muffin 
 2209  If you give a mouse a cookie 
 2210  If you give a mouse a cookie 
 2211  If you hopped like a frog 
 2212  If you made a million 
 2213  If you take a mouse to the movies 
 2214  If you were a kid in the thirteen colonies 
 2215  Iggy Peck and the mysterious mansion 
 2216  Iguanodon 
 2217  Illinois 
 2218  Imogene's antlers 
 2219  Imogene's antlers 
 2220  In a people house 
 2221  In Aunt Lucy's kitchen 
 2222  In daddy's arms I am tall : African Americans celebrating fathers 
 2223  In my family = : En mi familia 
 2224  In my momma's kitchen 
 2225  In plain sight 
 2226  In the land of the big red apple 
 2227  In the month of Kislev : a story for Hanukkah 
 2228  In the ocean 
 2229  In the tall, tall grass 
 2230  In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson 
 2231  In-line skating : check it out! 
 2232  The Incas 
 2233  Inch by inch 
 2234  Inclined planes and wedges 
 2235  The incredible book eating boy 
 2236  The Incredible Hulk 
 2237  India 
 2238  Indian rhinos and their babies 
 2239  Insect eaters 
 2240  Insects 
 2241  Insects and other invertebrates 
 2242  Inside an ant colony 
 2243  Inspiring stories of sportsmanship 
 2244  The International Space Station 
 2245  Interrupting chicken 
 2246  Interrupting chicken : cookies for breakfast 
 2247  Interrupting chicken and the elephant of surprise 
 2248  Into the ring 
 2249  Into the sky 
 2250  Inventions and inventors 
 2251  Invertebrates 
 2252  Invisible 
 2253  The invisible island 
 2254  Ira sleeps over 
 2255  Ireland 
 2256  Is a camel a mammal? 
 2257  Is a dolphin a fish? : questions and answers about dolphins 
 2258  Is this a house for Hermit Crab? 
 2259  Is this your class pet? 
 2260  Is your mama a llama? 
 2261  Isaiah Dunn saves the day 
 2262  Island boy : story and pictures 
 2263  Island Rose 
 2264  Islandborn 
 2265  Israel 
 2266  It all began with a drip, drip, drip ... 
 2267  It could still be a cat 
 2268  It could still be a desert 
 2269  It could still be a dinosaur 
 2270  It could still be coral 
 2271  It is cloudy 
 2272  It is snowing 
 2273  It is stormy 
 2274  It is windy 
 2275  It's a dog's life 
 2276  It's a good thing there are insects 
 2277  It's a tiger! 
 2278  It's fall! 
 2279  It's Justin Time, Amber Brown 
 2280  It's summer! 
 2281  It's winter! 
 2282  Ivy + Bean doomed to dance 
 2283  J.K. Rowling 
 2284  Jabari tries 
 2285  Jack & Jim  
 2286  Jack & the beanstalk 
 2287  Jack and the beanstalk 
 2288  Jack and the beanstalk = : Juan y los frijoles magicos 
 2289  Jack the giant chaser : an Appalachian tale 
 2290  Jack, the seal, and the sea 
 2291  Jackie Robinson 
 2292  Jackie Robinson 
 2293  Jackie Robinson 
 2294  Jaguar vs. skunk 
 2295  The jaguar's jewel 
 2296  Jamaica tag-along 
 2297  Jamaica tag-along 
 2298  Jamaica's find 
 2299  Jamberry 
 2300  James Madison 
 2301  James Monroe 
 2302  James Weldon Johnson 
 2303  Jamestown : hands-on projects about one of America's first communities 
 2304  Jamie O'Rourke and the pooka 
 2305  Jane Goodall : Naturalist 
 2306  Janie's private eyes 
 2307  Japan 
 2308  Jeff Gordon : NASCAR champion 
 2309  Jefferson 
 2310  Jellyfish 
 2311  Jellyfish 
 2312  Jenius : the amazing guinea pig 
 2313  Jenny Archer to the rescue 
 2314  Jesse Jackson 
 2315  Jesse Jackson : a biography 
 2316  Jesse Owens 
 2317  Jesse Owens : legendary track star 
 2318  Jessi Ramsey, pet-sitter 
 2319  Jessi's secret language 
 2320  Jessi's secret language : a graphic novel 
 2321  Jim Abbott against all odds 
 2322  Jim Bowie 
 2323  Jim Thorpe 
 2324  Jimmy Carter 
 2325  Jimmy's boa and the big splash birthday bash 
 2326  Jimmy's boa bounces back 
 2327  Jo and the bandit 
 2328  Jobs people do 
 2329  John Adams 
 2330  John Brown 
 2331  John Cabot 
 2332  John F. Kennedy 
 2333  John F. Kennedy 
 2334  John F. Kennedy, America's youngest president 
 2335  John Henry 
 2336  John Henry 
 2337  John Henry Holliday 
 2338  John Henry, : steel-drivin' man, 
 2339  John Philip Duck 
 2340  John Quincy Adams 
 2341  Johnny Appleseed 
 2342  Johnny Appleseed 
 2343  Johnny Appleseed 
 2344  Johnny Appleseed 
 2345  Johnny Appleseed 
 2346  Johnny Appleseed : a tall tale 
 2347  The Joplin Tornado, 2011 
 2348  Josefina learns a lesson : a school story 
 2349  The Josefina story quilt 
 2350  Josefina's surprise : a Christmas story 
 2351  Joseph had a little overcoat 
 2352  Joshua's dream : a journey to the land of Israel 
 2353  Joshua's Masai mask 
 2354  Josie's Beau 
 2355  A journey through the weather 
 2356  A journey to the New World : the diary of Remember Patience Whipple 
 2357  Juan Bobo : four folktales from Puerto Rico 
 2358  Juan Ponce de Leon 
 2359  Juana & Lucas 
 2360  Judo 
 2361  Judy Moody and the missing mood ring 
 2362  Judy Moody, girl detective 
 2363  Julian, dream doctor 
 2364  Julius 
 2365  Jump back, Honey 
 2366  Jumper : a day in the life of a backyard jumping spider 
 2367  Junie B. Jones : aloha-ha-ha! 
 2368  Junie B. Jones and a little monkey business 
 2369  Junie B. Jones and her big fat mouth 
 2370  Junie B. Jones and some sneaky peeky spying 
 2371  Junie B. Jones and that meanie Jim's birthday 
 2372  Junie B. Jones and the mushy gushy valentime 
 2373  Junie B. Jones and the stupid smelly bus 
 2374  Junie B. Jones and the stupid smelly bus 
 2375  Junie B. Jones and the yucky blucky fruitcake 
 2376  Junie B. Jones has a monster under her bed 
 2377  Junie B. Jones has a monster under her bed 
 2378  Junie B. Jones has a peep in her pocket 
 2379  Junie B. Jones has a peep in her pocket 
 2380  Junie B. Jones is (almost) flower girl 
 2381  Junie B. Jones is a beauty shop guy 
 2382  Junie B. Jones is a beauty shop guy 
 2383  Junie B. Jones is a graduation girl 
 2384  Junie B. Jones is a party animal 
 2385  Junie B. Jones is a party animal 
 2386  Junie B. Jones is Captain Field Day 
 2387  Junie B. Jones is Captain Field Day 
 2388  Junie B. Jones is not a crook 
 2389  Junie B. Jones loves handsome Warren 
 2390  Junie B. Jones loves handsome Warren 
 2391  Junie B. Jones smells something fishy 
 2392  Junie B., first grader (at last!) 
 2393  Junie B., first grader : jingle bells, Batman smells! (P.S. so does May.) 
 2394  Junie B., first grader : shipwrecked 
 2395  Junie B., first grader : toothless wonder 
 2396  Juniper. 
 2397  Jupiter 
 2398  Jupiter 
 2399  Just a daydream 
 2400  Just a dream 
 2401  Just Gus 
 2402  Just like a mama 
 2403  Just like a mama 
 2404  Just like always 
 2405  Just like Jesse Owens 
 2406  Just like me 
 2407  Just make some art! 
 2408  Just me and my little brother 
 2409  Just my friend and me 
 2410  Just the Two of Us 
 2411  Justina and the best biscuits in the world. 
 2412  Kamala Harris : first female vice president 
 2413  Kangaroos 
 2414  Kansas 
 2415  Kansas City Chiefs 
 2416  Karate 
 2417  Karate contractions 
 2418  Karen's kittycat club 
 2419  Karen's roller skates 
 2420  Karen's witch : a graphic novel 
 2421  Karts 
 2422  Kate and the beanstalk 
 2423  Kate Shelley and the midnight express 
 2424  Katharine Hepburn 
 2425  Keep climbing, girls 
 2426  Keep the lights burning, Abbie 
 2427  Keeping fit 
 2428  The keeping quilt 
 2429  Keisha leads the way 
 2430  Keisha to the rescue 
 2431  Keisha's maze mystery 
 2432  Keisha, the Fairy Snow Queen 
 2433  Ken Griffey, Jr. 
 2434  Kevin Durant 
 2435  Kevin Durant : basketball star 
 2436  Kevin Durant in the community 
 2437  Key to the playhouse 
 2438  Key to the treasure 
 2439  Kick push 
 2440  Kicks 
 2441  The kid who only hit homers 
 2442  A kid's guide to how flowers grow 
 2443  A kid's guide to how fruit grows 
 2444  A kid's guide to how herbs grow 
 2445  A kid's guide to how plants grow 
 2446  A kid's guide to how trees grow 
 2447  A kid's guide to how vegetables grow 
 2448  The kidnapped king 
 2449  Kids in sports : a chapter book 
 2450  Kids talk about bravery 
 2451  Kilauea : Hawaii's most active volcano 
 2452  Killer bees 
 2453  Killer whales 
 2454  King & Kayla and the case of the downstairs ghost 
 2455  King & Kayla and the case of the lost library book 
 2456  King cobras 
 2457  King cobras 
 2458  King of the mound : my summer with Satchel Paige 
 2459  The king's fountain. 
 2460  The King's stilts 
 2461  The Kingfisher dinosaur encyclopedia 
 2462  The Kingfisher first picture atlas 
 2463  Kings of the mountains 
 2464  Kipper's snowy day 
 2465  Kira-kira 
 2466  Kirsten learns a lesson : a school story 
 2467  Kirsten saves the day : a summer story 
 2468  Kirsten's surprise : a Christmas story 
 2469  Kitchen math 
 2470  The kite song 
 2471  Kitten 
 2472  Kitten's first full moon 
 2473  The knight at dawn 
 2474  The knight at dawn 
 2475  Knight Owl 
 2476  Knights and castles : a nonfiction companion to The knight at dawn 
 2477  Knights don't teach piano 
 2478  Knock knock : my dad's dream for me 
 2479  Knock knock jokes 
 2480  Knots on a counting rope 
 2481  Knuffle Bunny : a cautionary tale 
 2482  Knuffle Bunny too : a case of mistaken identity 
 2483  The koala : the bear that's not a bear 
 2484  Koala Lou 
 2485  Koalas 
 2486  Kobe Bryant 
 2487  Koko's kitten 
 2488  Korea 
 2489  Krakatoa : history's loudest volcano 
 2490  Kwanzaa 
 2491  The Kwanzaa contest 
 2492  Lab magic 
 2493  Labor Day 
 2494  Labrador retrievers 
 2495  Ladybug or ladybird, are they the same? 
 2496  The ladybug. 
 2497  Ladybugs 
 2498  Laila Ali 
 2499  Laila Ali : champion boxer 
 2500  Lan's plant 
 2501  Lana llama 
 2502  The land of Gray Wolf 
 2503  The landing of the Pilgrims 
 2504  Langston Hughes 
 2505  Langston Hughes : great American writer 
 2506  The largest dinosaurs 
 2507  Larry Bird 
 2508  Lasers and holograms 
 2509  Last stop on Market Street 
 2510  The last straw 
 2511  The last straw 
 2512  The latchkey dog 
 2513  Laura & Nellie 
 2514  Laura Bush 
 2515  Laura Charlotte 
 2516  Laura Ingalls Wilder 
 2517  Laura Ingalls Wilder 
 2518  Laura Ingalls Wilder 
 2519  Laura Ingalls Wilder : growing up in the little house 
 2520  Lazy lions, lucky lambs 
 2521  Leaf-cutting ants 
 2522  LeAnn Rimes 
 2523  Learning about achievement from the life of Maya Angelou 
 2524  Learning about assertiveness from the life of Oprah Winfrey 
 2525  Learning about bravery from the life of Harriet Tubman 
 2526  Learning about charity from the life of Princess Diana 
 2527  Learning about compassion from the life of Florence Nightingale 
 2528  Learning about courage from the life of Christopher Reeve 
 2529  Learning about creativity from the life of Steven Spielberg 
 2530  Learning about dedication from the life of Frederick Douglass 
 2531  Learning about determination from the life of Gloria Estefan 
 2532  Learning about dignity from the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. 
 2533  Learning about fairness from the life of Susan B. Anthony 
 2534  Learning about forgiveness from the life of Nelson Mandela 
 2535  Learning about honesty from the life of Abraham Lincoln 
 2536  Learning about integrity from the life of Eleanor Roosevelt 
 2537  Learning about leadership from the life of George Washington 
 2538  Learning about love from the life of Mother Teresa 
 2539  Learning about public service from the life of John F. Kennedy, Jr. 
 2540  Learning about resilience from the life of Lance Armstrong 
 2541  Learning about responsibility from the life of Colin Powell 
 2542  Learning about strength of character from the life of Muhammad Ali 
 2543  Learning about teamwork from the lives of Hillary and Norgay 
 2544  Learning about the work ethic from the life of Cal Ripken, Jr. 
 2545  Learning to read. 
 2546  The leaves in October 
 2547  Leaving home 
 2548  LeBron James 
 2549  LeBron James 
 2550  LeBron James 
 2551  LeBron James : basketball star 
 2552  The legend of the bluebonnet : an old tale of Texas 
 2553  The legend of the Indian paintbrush 
 2554  Legs 
 2555  Lemonade for sale 
 2556  The lemonade trick 
 2557  Leon Blum 
 2558  Leonardo DiCaprio 
 2559  Leontyne Price, opera superstar 
 2560  Leopards 
 2561  Leprechauns don't play basketball 
 2562  A lesson for Martin Luther King Jr. 
 2563  Let it begin here! : April 19, 1775 : the day the American Revolution began 
 2564  Let me help! 
 2565  Let sleeping dogs lie 
 2566  Let's add bills 
 2567  Let's add coins 
 2568  Let's add money 
 2569  Let's celebrate Christmas : a book of drawing fun /  
 2570  Let's celebrate Thanksgiving : a book of drawing fun /  
 2571  Let's do karate! 
 2572  Let's downhill ski! 
 2573  Let's go camping! 
 2574  Let's go home, Little Bear 
 2575  Let's go rock collecting 
 2576  Let's go to a baseball game 
 2577  Let's go to a park 
 2578  Let's go to a play 
 2579  Let's have a play 
 2580  Let's make a dump truck with everyday materials 
 2581  Let's make letters : ABC kids 
 2582  Let's play baseball! 
 2583  Let's play basketball! 
 2584  Let's play football 
 2585  Let's play soccer 
 2586  Let's reduce garbage! 
 2587  Let's reuse! 
 2588  Let's save water! 
 2589  Let's skateboard! 
 2590  Let's snowboard! 
 2591  Let's subtract bills 
 2592  Let's subtract coins 
 2593  Let's subtract money 
 2594  Let's take a field trip to a beehive 
 2595  Let's take a field trip to a cave 
 2596  Let's take a field trip to a coral reef 
 2597  Let's take a field trip to a tide pool 
 2598  Let's take a field trip to an ant colony 
 2599  Let's take a field trip to the deep sea 
 2600  Let's talk about tongues 
 2601  Let's visit some islands 
 2602  Let's visit the library 
 2603  Let's visit the post office 
 2604  Letters and sounds : based on Timothy goes to school and other stories 
 2605  Lewis and Clark 
 2606  Lewis and Clark 
 2607  Lewis and Clark 
 2608  The Lewis and Clark Expedition : the Corps of Discovery 
 2609  Lewis and Clark's voyage of discovery 
 2610  Liang and the magic paintbrush 
 2611  Libby loves science : states of matter 
 2612  The Liberty Bell 
 2613  The librarian from the black lagoon 
 2614  The librarian of Basra : a true story from Iraq 
 2615  The librarian who measured the earth 
 2616  The library 
 2617  The library 
 2618  A library 
 2619  The library fish 
 2620  Library Fish learns to read 
 2621  Library Lil 
 2622  Library Lon 
 2623  Library mouse 
 2624  The life cycle of a lion 
 2625  The life cycle of a tree 
 2626  The life cycle of an opossum. 
 2627  Life during the Civil War 
 2628  Life in a tide pool 
 2629  Life in a wetland 
 2630  Life in the mountains 
 2631  Life in the oceans 
 2632  Life in the polar lands 
 2633  Life in the rainforests 
 2634  Life in the woodlands 
 2635  Life on earth : the story of evolution 
 2636  Life. Is. Not. Fair. 
 2637  Lift 
 2638  Light 
 2639  Light 
 2640  Light and color 
 2641  A light in the attic 
 2642  The lighthouse mystery. 
 2643  Lights, action, land-ho! 
 2644  Lights, camera, action! : making movies and TV from the inside out 
 2645  Lil Mouse is in the house! 
 2646  Lili at ballet 
 2647  Lily's story : a puppy tale 
 2648  The Lincoln Memorial 
 2649  Lincoln, Johnson, and Grant 
 2650  The Lion King : Simba's pride 
 2651  A lion to guard us 
 2652  Lionel and his friends 
 2653  Lionel in the fall 
 2654  Lions 
 2655  Lions at lunchtime 
 2656  Listen to the storyteller : a trio of musical tales from around the world 
 2657  The littl autoe. 
 2658  Little bear 
 2659  Little Bear goes to kindergarten 
 2660  Little Bear's grandpa 
 2661  Little Bird's bad word 
 2662  The little book of big riddles 
 2663  Little Brown Bear won't go to school! 
 2664  The little butterfly 
 2665  Little cats 
 2666  Little Critter's Christmas book 
 2667  Little critter's This is my school 
 2668  The Little Dipper 
 2669  The little drummer boy 
 2670  Little farm in the Ozarks 
 2671  Little Gorilla 
 2672  The little island 
 2673  Little Miss Spider 
 2674  Little monster's Mother Goose 
 2675  Little neighbors 
 2676  A little pigeon toad 
 2677  Little polar bear 
 2678  Little Prince Know-It-All 
 2679  Little Puff 
 2680  The little rabbit 
 2681  Little Red Quacking Hood 
 2682  Little Red Riding Hood 
 2683  Little Red Riding Hood 
 2684  The Little Rock Nine : young champions for school integration 
 2685  The little sail boat. 
 2686  Little sharks, big sharks 
 2687  A little shopping 
 2688  Little soup's turkey. 
 2689  Little Whistle 
 2690  The little witch's birthday book 
 2691  Littlejim 
 2692  The Littles and the Trash Tinies 
 2693  The Littles go exploring 
 2694  The Littles to the rescue 
 2695  Live lions live on land 
 2696  Living or nonliving? 
 2697  Lizzie Logan, second banana 
 2698  Llama Llama back to school 
 2699  Llama Llama Time To Share 
 2700  Lo & behold 
 2701  Locked in the library! 
 2702  Locomotion 
 2703  Logan likes Mary Anne! : a graphic novel 
 2704  Lon Po Po : a Red-Riding Hood story from China 
 2705  The long haul 
 2706  A long way to go 
 2707  Look out for turtles! 
 2708  Look out kindergarten, here I come! 
 2709  Look out, Washington, D.C.! 
 2710  Look what I can do 
 2711  Look who's playing first base 
 2712  The look-it-up book of Presidents. 
 2713  Looking at Lincoln 
 2714  Looking through a microscope 
 2715  Loose-tooth Luke 
 2716  The Lorax 
 2717  Loretta and the little fairy 
 2718  Loretta Little looks back : three voices go tell it : a monologue novel 
 2719  Los 500 sombreros de Bartolom Cubbins 
 2720  Lost & found 
 2721  The lost Christmas star 
 2722  Lost dog 
 2723  Lost in translation 
 2724  The lost library 
 2725  Loud crowd 
 2726  The loud librarian 
 2727  Louie 
 2728  Louie and Bear bite back 
 2729  Louie and Bear in the land of anything goes 
 2730  Louis Armstrong : king of jazz 
 2731  Louis the fish 
 2732  Love flute : story and illustrations 
 2733  Love to Langston 
 2734  Love you, soldier 
 2735  Low power 
 2736  Lucky dog days 
 2737  The lucky lottery 
 2738  Lucky me! 
 2739  Luke on the loose : a Toon book 
 2740  Luli and the language of tea 
 2741  The Lunch Bunch 
 2742  Lunch lady and the cyborg substitute 
 2743  Lupe Lopez : reading rock star! 
 2744  M & M and the haunted house game 
 2745  M.E. and Morton 
 2746  Ma Dear's aprons 
 2747  Macca the alpaca 
 2748  Madam C.J. Walker 
 2749  Madam C.J. Walker : building a business empire 
 2750  Madam C.J. Walker : inventor and millionaire 
 2751  Madeline 
 2752  Madeline and the gypsies 
 2753  Madeline Finn and the library dog 
 2754  Madeline's Christmas 
 2755  Madeline's rescue : story and pictures 
 2756  Mae Jemison : awesome astronaut 
 2757  Maebelle's suitcase 
 2758  The magic beans 
 2759  A magic crystal? 
 2760  The magic fan 
 2761  The magic hill 
 2762  Magic Johnson : hero on and off court 
 2763  The magic nutcracker 
 2764  The magic school bus : in the time of the dinosaurs 
 2765  The magic school bus : inside the Earth 
 2766  The magic school bus at the waterworks 
 2767  The magic school bus explores the senses 
 2768  The magic school bus gets crabby 
 2769  The magic school bus inside a beehive 
 2770  The magic school bus inside a hurricane 
 2771  The magic school bus inside Ralphie : a book about germs 
 2772  The magic school bus inside the human body 
 2773  The magic school bus kicks up a storm : a book about weather 
 2774  The magic school bus on the ocean floor 
 2775  The magic school bus wet all over : a book about the water cycle. 
 2776  The magic school bus, lost in the solar system 
 2777  The magic show mystery 
 2778  The magical fellowship 
 2779  The magician's boy 
 2780  Magnets 
 2781  Magnets 
 2782  The magnificent mummy maker 
 2783  Mahalia : a life in gospel music 
 2784  Mahalia Jackson: queen of gospel song. 
 2785  Maine 
 2786  Maine coon cats 
 2787  Maine coon cats 
 2788  Maizy Chen's last chance 
 2789  Make like a tree and leave 
 2790  Make way for ducklings 
 2791  Make-believe ball player 
 2792  Makeda makes a birthday treat 
 2793  Makeda makes a home for Subway 
 2794  Making laws : a look at how a bill becomes a law 
 2795  Making maps : where's the party? 
 2796  Making Music 
 2797  The making of a writer 
 2798  Making things move 
 2799  The mako shark 
 2800  Malcolm X 
 2801  Malcolm X : by any means necessary : a biography 
 2802  Mama Africa! : how Miriam Makeba spread hope with her song 
 2803  Mama built a little nest 
 2804  Mama, do you love me? 
 2805  Mammals 
 2806  Mammals 
 2807  The man who tricked a ghost 
 2808  The man who walked between the towers 
 2809  Mandie and the hidden treasure 
 2810  Mango, Abuela, and me 
 2811  Maniac Magee : a novel 
 2812  The Manx : the cat with no tail 
 2813  Manx cats 
 2814  Many moons 
 2815  Map math 
 2816  Maple syrup 
 2817  Marc Brown 
 2818  March 
 2819  The march from Selma to Montgomery : African Americans demand the vote 
 2820  March on! : the day my brother Martin changed the world 
 2821  Marcus makes a movie 
 2822  Marcus makes it big 
 2823  A mare for Young Wolf 
 2824  Margaret and the moon : how Margaret Hamilton saved the first lunar landing 
 2825  Margaret Bourke-White 
 2826  Marian Anderson : amazing opera singer 
 2827  Marian Wright Edelman, children's champion 
 2828  Marianthe's story, painted words : Marianthe's story, spoken memories 
 2829  Mario Lemieux 
 2830  Marjory Stoneman Douglas, friend of the Everglades 
 2831  Marmee's surprise : a Little women story 
 2832  Mars 
 2833  Mars 
 2834  Martha calling 
 2835  Martha Washington 
 2836  Martin & Mahalia : his words, her song 
 2837  Martin Luther King 
 2838  Martin Luther King Jr. 
 2839  Martin Luther King Jr. 
 2840  Martin Luther King, Jr. 
 2841  Martin Luther King, Jr. 
 2842  Martin Rising : Requiem Ror a King 
 2843  Marvin K. Mooney, will you please go now! 
 2844  Marvin K. Mooney, will you please go now! 
 2845  Marvin Redpost, a flying birthday cake? 
 2846  Marvin Redpost, class president 
 2847  Marvin Redpost, super fast, out of control! 
 2848  Mary Alice Peale, Philadelphia, 1777 
 2849  Mary Anne saves the day : a graphic novel 
 2850  Mary Anning : fossil hunter 
 2851  Mary McLeod Bethune : voice of Black hope 
 2852  Mary Walker wears the pants : the true story of the doctor, reformer, and Civil War hero 
 2853  Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen 
 2854  Maryland 
 2855  Massachusetts 
 2856  Master Plan for Tennessee schools : preparing for the twenty-first century. 
 2857  Materials 
 2858  Materials. 
 2859  Math at the store 
 2860  Matt Ryan : football star 
 2861  Matter comes in all shapes 
 2862  Matthew Henson 
 2863  Maurice Sendak 
 2864  Maurice Strong : working for planet Earth 
 2865  Max : story & pictures 
 2866  Max's words 
 2867  Maxie, Rosie, and Earl--partners in grime 
 2868  Maya 
 2869  Maya Angelou : greeting the morning 
 2870  Maybe something beautiful : how art transformed a neighborhood 
 2871  Maybe you should fly a jet! : maybe you should be a vet! 
 2872  Mayflower treasure hunt 
 2873  Me and my dragon 
 2874  Me and my pet cat 
 2875  Me and my pet dog 
 2876  Me and my pet fish 
 2877  Me and my pet rabbit 
 2878  Me on the map 
 2879  Me too! 
 2880  Me, Mop, and the Moondance Kid 
 2881  Meadow food chains 
 2882  Meanwhile back at the ranch 
 2883  Measurement mania : games and activities that make math easy and fun 
 2884  Medgar Evers 
 2885  Medical entrepreneurs 
 2886  Medical marvels : a chapter book 
 2887  Medical math 
 2888  A medieval feast 
 2889  Meet A. A. Milne 
 2890  Meet Addy : an American girl 
 2891  Meet Beverly Cleary 
 2892  Meet Danitra Brown 
 2893  Meet E. B. White 
 2894  Meet Josefina : an American girl 
 2895  Meet Kirsten : an American girl 
 2896  Meet Laura Ingalls Wilder 
 2897  Meet Molly : an American girl 
 2898  Meet Samantha : an American girl 
 2899  Meet the Boxcar Children 
 2900  Meet the cafeteria workers 
 2901  Meet the librarian 
 2902  Meet the school secretary 
 2903  Meg Mackintosh and the case of the missing Babe Ruth baseball 
 2904  Megan and the Borealis Butterfly 
 2905  Megan in ancient Greece 
 2906  Megan's balancing act 
 2907  Megan's island 
 2908  Megan's masquerade 
 2909  Mei Li, 
 2910  Mel fell 
 2911  The meltdown 
 2912  Memoirs of a goldfish 
 2913  Memoirs of a tortoise 
 2914  Memorial Day 
 2915  Memorial Day 
 2916  The memory string 
 2917  The Memphis Grizzlies 
 2918  Memphis, Martin, and the mountaintop : the sanitation strike of 1968 
 2919  Merci Suarez plays it cool 
 2920  Merci Suárez Changes Gears 
 2921  Mercury 
 2922  Mercury and Venus 
 2923  Mercy Watson to the rescue 
 2924  Merry Christmas, dear dragon 
 2925  Merry Christmas, Miss McConnell! 
 2926  Merry Christmas, Strega Nona 
 2927  Mesmerized : how Ben Franklin solved a mystery that baffled all of France 
 2928  Messy Bessey 
 2929  Metal : let's look at a knife and fork 
 2930  Meteorologist 
 2931  Mexico 
 2932  Mi casa is my home 
 2933  Mia Hamm : soccer superstar 
 2934  Miami Dolphins 
 2935  Michael Jordan 
 2936  Michael Vick 
 2937  Michelle Obama : first lady and superhero 
 2938  Michigan 
 2939  The midnight children 
 2940  The midnight fox 
 2941  Midnight on the moon 
 2942  The midwife's apprentice 
 2943  Mieko and the fifth treasure 
 2944  Mighty spiders! 
 2945  Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel 
 2946  Mike's mystery. 
 2947  Milk from cow to carton 
 2948  The milk makers 
 2949  Milk to ice cream 
 2950  Millard Fillmore 
 2951  Millicent and the wind 
 2952  A million fish--more or less 
 2953  Millions to measure 
 2954  Mine! 
 2955  Minnesota 
 2956  Minnesota Vikings 
 2957  Minnie's Diner : a multiplying menu 
 2958  The minstrel in the tower 
 2959  Miracle at the plate 
 2960  Miranda the great. 
 2961  Mirandy and Brother Wind 
 2962  Mirandy and Brother Wind 
 2963  Mirette on the high wire 
 2964  Mishmash and the substitute teacher /  
 2965  Miss Alaineus : a vocabulary disaster 
 2966  Miss Bindergarten gets ready for kindergarten 
 2967  Miss Bindergarten stays home from kindergarten 
 2968  Miss Nelson has a field day 
 2969  Miss Nelson is back 
 2970  Miss Viola and Uncle Ed Lee 
 2971  Missing May 
 2972  The missing mummy 
 2973  The missing tooth 
 2974  Mission to Mars 
 2975  Mississippi 
 2976  Misty Copeland 
 2977  The mixed-up chameleon 
 2978  Moldylocks and the three beards 
 2979  Mole and Shrew all year through 
 2980  Molly in the middle 
 2981  Molly learns a lesson : a school story 
 2982  Molly Pitcher 
 2983  Molly saves the day : a summer story 
 2984  Molly the brave and me 
 2985  Molly's Pilgrim 
 2986  Molly's surprise : a Christmas story 
 2987  Money math 
 2988  The Monitor : the iron warship that changed the world 
 2989  Monkey me and the golden monkey 
 2990  Monkey me and the new neighbor 
 2991  Monkey me and the pet show 
 2992  Monkey me and the school ghost 
 2993  The monster in the third dresser drawer 
 2994  Monster mama 
 2995  Monster rabbit runs amuck! 
 2996  Monster vehicles 
 2997  Montana 
 2998  The moon 
 2999  The moon 
 3000  The moon 
 3001  Moonlight madness 
 3002  More or less 
 3003  More really silly jokes 
 3004  Morris and Boris at the circus 
 3005  Morris goes to school 
 3006  Morris's disappearing bag 
 3007  Moses the kitten 
 3008  Mosquitoes 
 3009  The most beautiful place in the world 
 3010  The most excellent book of how to do card tricks 
 3011  The most wonderful doll in the world 
 3012  Mother Bruce 
 3013  A mother for Choco 
 3014  Mother Teresa 
 3015  Mother Teresa 
 3016  Mother Teresa : protector of the sick 
 3017  Mothering heights 
 3018  Motion 
 3019  Motocross cycles 
 3020  Motorcycles 
 3021  Mount Everest : the highest mountain 
 3022  Mount Pelee : the deadliest volcano eruption of the twentieth century 
 3023  Mount Rushmore 
 3024  Mount St. Helens : the smoking mountain 
 3025  Mount Vesuvius : Europe's mighty volcano of smoke and ash 
 3026  Mountain biking : check it out! 
 3027  Mountain men of the West 
 3028  Mountain top mystery. 
 3029  Mouse soup 
 3030  Mouse tales 
 3031  Move it! : motion, forces and you 
 3032  Move! 
 3033  Mr. Brown can moo! Can you? 
 3034  Mr. Brown can moo! Can you? : Dr. Seuss's book of wonderful noises 
 3035  Mr. Corbett is in orbit! 
 3036  Mr. Jensen & cat. 
 3037  Mr. Lincoln's way 
 3038  Mr. Peale's bones 
 3039  Mr. Putter & Tabby feed the fish 
 3040  Mr. Putter & Tabby paint the porch 
 3041  Mr. Putter & Tabby take the train 
 3042  Mr. Putter and Tabby bake the cake 
 3043  Mr. Putter and Tabby fly the plane 
 3044  Mr. Putter and Tabby pick the pears 
 3045  Mr. Putter and Tabby pour the tea 
 3046  Mr. Putter and Tabby row the boat 
 3047  Mr. Putter and Tabby walk the dog 
 3048  Mr. Tucket 
 3049  Mrs. Brice's mice 
 3050  Mrs. Katz and Tush 
 3051  Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's farm. 
 3052  Mrs. Wishy-Washy's Farm 
 3053  Much bigger than Martin 
 3054  Mud fore [e crossed out] sale 
 3055  The mud pony : a traditional Skidi Pawnee tale 
 3056  Mud! 
 3057  Mufaro's beautiful daughters : An African tale 
 3058  Muggie Maggie 
 3059  Muhammad Ali 
 3060  Mulan 
 3061  Mummies and pyramids : a nonfiction companion to Mummies in the morning 
 3062  Mummies don't coach softball 
 3063  Mummies in the morning : the graphic novel 
 3064  Mummies made in Egypt 
 3065  The murder of Hound Dog Bates : a novel 
 3066  The music teacher from the Black Lagoon 
 3067  Mustang 
 3068  Mutts 
 3069  My best friend : a book about friendship 
 3070  My best friend is invisible 
 3071  My Black me: a beginning book of Black poetry. 
 3072  My brain 
 3073  My breakfast : a book about a great morning meal 
 3074  My brother, my sister, and I 
 3075  My day at the baseball game : a book about a special day 
 3076  My dog : a book about a special pet 
 3077  My dog Toby 
 3078  My ears 
 3079  My eyes 
 3080  My family is forever 
 3081  My father doesn't know about the woods and me 
 3082  My first trip to the farm 
 3083  My five senses 
 3084  My heart 
 3085  My house 
 3086  My kingdom of darkness 
 3087  My librarian is a camel : how books are brought to children around the world 
 3088  My life as a potato 
 3089  My little island 
 3090  My man Blue : poems 
 3091  My name is Bert 
 3092  My name is Brain Brian 
 3093  My name is not Isabella 
 3094  My rotten redheaded older brother 
 3095  My son, the time traveler 
 3096  My suburban community 
 3097  My visit to the dinosaurs 
 3098  My war with Mrs. Galloway 
 3099  My Weird School. 
 3100  Mysteries of the universe 
 3101  Mysteriously yours, Maggie Marmelstein 
 3102  The mystery at Peacock Hall 
 3103  The mystery at Snowflake Inn 
 3104  The mystery at the ballpark 
 3105  The mystery at the dog show 
 3106  The mystery at the fair 
 3107  The mystery bookstore 
 3108  The mystery horse 
 3109  The mystery in the snow 
 3110  The mystery in Washington, D.C. 
 3111  The mystery of the blue ring 
 3112  The mystery of the hairy tomatoes 
 3113  The mystery of the hidden beach 
 3114  The mystery of the hot air balloon 
 3115  The mystery of the lake monster 
 3116  The mystery of the lost village 
 3117  The mystery of the missing cat 
 3118  The mystery of the missing dog 
 3119  The mystery of the pirate ghost 
 3120  The mystery of the pirate ship 
 3121  The mystery of the purple pool 
 3122  The mystery of the queen's jewels 
 3123  The mystery of the singing ghost 
 3124  The mystery of the stolen bike 
 3125  The mystery of the stolen boxcar 
 3126  The mystery of the stolen music 
 3127  The mystery of the wild ponies 
 3128  The mystery on stage 
 3129  Mystery on the docks 
 3130  The mystery on the ice 
 3131  The NAACP : an organization working to end discrimination 
 3132  Nana Upstairs & Nana Downstairs 
 3133  The napping house 
 3134  Nappy hair 
 3135  Narwhal's otter friend 
 3136  Nasreen's secret school : a true story from Afghanistan 
 3137  Nat Turner 
 3138  Nate the great 
 3139  Nate the Great and me : the case of the fleeing Fang 
 3140  Nate the Great and the crunchy Christmas 
 3141  Nate the Great and the fishy prize 
 3142  Nate the great and the Halloween hunt 
 3143  Nate the Great and the lost list 
 3144  Nate the Great and the monster mess 
 3145  Nate the Great and the mushy valentine 
 3146  Nate the Great and the musical note 
 3147  Nate the Great and the phony clue 
 3148  Nate the Great and the pillowcase 
 3149  Nate the Great and the sticky case 
 3150  Nate the Great and the stolen base 
 3151  Nate the Great goes down in the dumps 
 3152  Nate the Great goes undercover 
 3153  Nate the Great saves the King of Sweden 
 3154  Nate the Great stalks stupidweed 
 3155  Nate the Great, San Francisco detective 
 3156  Nathan Hale 
 3157  National Geographic Kids almanac 2011. 
 3158  Native-American life 
 3159  Natural landmarks 
 3160  Nature lover 
 3161  Nebraska 
 3162  Nellie Bly : reporter for the world 
 3163  Nelson Mandela : determined to be free 
 3164  Nettie's trip South 
 3165  Nevada 
 3166  Never spit on your shoes 
 3167  Never trust a cat who wears earrings 
 3168  Neville 
 3169  The new children's encyclopedia. 
 3170  A new coat for Anna 
 3171  New girl 
 3172  New Hampshire 
 3173  New Jersey 
 3174  New Mexico 
 3175  New shoes for Silvia 
 3176  New York 
 3177  New York Knicks 
 3178  Next spring an oriole 
 3179  Next stop, New York City! 
 3180  Niagara Falls 
 3181  Niagara Falls 
 3182  Nic Bishop frogs. 
 3183  A nickel = 5c 
 3184  Nien Cheng : prisoner in China 
 3185  Nigel and the moon 
 3186  The night before Christmas 
 3187  Night city 
 3188  Night creatures 
 3189  Night of the living dummy 
 3190  The night of the living dummy II 
 3191  Night of the living mummy 
 3192  Night of the ninjas 
 3193  Night of the whale 
 3194  Night raiders along the Cape 
 3195  Night tree 
 3196  Nightwalkers 
 3197  The Nile River 
 3198  The Nile River : the longest river 
 3199  Ninja! 
 3200  The ninth nugget 
 3201  No arm in left field 
 3202  NO is all I know 
 3203  No matter what 
 3204  No, David! 
 3205  Nobody's orphan 
 3206  Norma Jean, jumping bean 
 3207  North America 
 3208  North America 
 3209  North Carolina 
 3210  North Dakota 
 3211  Norway 
 3212  Not I, not I 
 3213  Not the piano, Mrs. Medley! 
 3214  The not-so-jolly-Roger 
 3215  Nothin' but net 
 3216  Nothing at all! 
 3217  Nothing but miracles : from leaves of grass 
 3218  Nothing but trouble 
 3219  Nothing fits a dinosaur 
 3220  Nothosaurus 
 3221  Nouns and verbs have a field day 
 3222  Now & Ben : the modern inventions of Benjamin Franklin 
 3223  Nuclear power 
 3224  Numbears : a counting book 
 3225  Number the stars 
 3226  Number the stars 
 3227  Nurse sharks 
 3228  The nutcracker 
 3229  Nutty knows all 
 3230  Nutty, the movie star 
 3231  Oa 
 3232  Oak trees 
 3233  An occasional cow 
 3234  Ocean ecosystems 
 3235  Oceanarium 
 3236  Oceans 
 3237  An octopus is amazing 
 3238  Oddhopper opera : a bug's garden of verses 
 3239  Odell Beckham Jr. 
 3240  Odell Beckham Jr. : football star 
 3241  Officer Buckle and Gloria 
 3242  Oh say can you say? 
 3243  Oh, the places you'll go! 
 3244  Oh, the thinks you can think! 
 3245  Ohio 
 3246  Oil spill! 
 3247  Oklahoma 
 3248  The Oklahoma City bombing : terror in the heartland 
 3249  Old Macdonald had a truck 
 3250  The Old South : a picture book to remember her by 
 3251  The old woman and her pig 
 3252  The old woman who loved to read 
 3253  Oliver & Amanda and the big snow 
 3254  Oliver Button is a sissy 
 3255  Oliver Pig at school 
 3256  Oliver's back-yard circus 
 3257  Oliver, Amanda, and Grandmother Pig 
 3258  Olivia 
 3259  Olivia Helps With Christmas 
 3260  Olympic swimming and diving 
 3261  On a beam of light : a story of Albert Einstein 
 3262  On Mother's lap 
 3263  On my honor 
 3264  On purpose 
 3265  On the playground : how do you build place value? 
 3266  On the prairie 
 3267  On the wing : American birds in migration 
 3268  On with the show! 
 3269  Once there was a tree 
 3270  Once upon a dark November 
 3271  Once upon a zombie : tales for brave readers 
 3272  The one and only Bob 
 3273  One cool friend 
 3274  One crazy summer 
 3275  One day in the alpine tundra 
 3276  One day in the desert 
 3277  One day in the prairie 
 3278  One day in the tropical rain forest 
 3279  One day in the woods 
 3280  One fine day 
 3281  One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish 
 3282  One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish 
 3283  The one in the middle is the green kangaroo 
 3284  One last shot 
 3285  One of the third grade Thonkers 
 3286  One of three 
 3287  One Saturday morning 
 3288  One tiny turtle 
 3289  One tough turkey : a Thanksgiving story 
 3290  One well : the story of water on Earth 
 3291  An online visit to Africa 
 3292  An online visit to Asia 
 3293  An online visit to Australia 
 3294  An online visit to Europe 
 3295  An online visit to North America 
 3296  An online visit to South America 
 3297  Only one woof 
 3298  Opal Lee and what it means to be free : the true story of the grandmother of Juneteenth 
 3299  Operation Iraqi Freedom 
 3300  Oprah Winfrey 
 3301  Oprah Winfrey : reaching out to others 
 3302  The orange outlaw 
 3303  Orangutans 
 3304  Oregon 
 3305  The Oregon Trail 
 3306  Organ transplants 
 3307  Oriental shorthair cats 
 3308  Origami : the fun and funky art of paper folding 
 3309  The original adventures of Hank the Cowdog 
 3310  Orion 
 3311  Orlando Magic 
 3312  Oscar, cat-about-town 
 3313  The other side : shorter poems 
 3314  Otherwise known as Sheila the Great. 
 3315  Otis 
 3316  Our amazing sun 
 3317  Our friend Hedgehog : the story of us 
 3318  Our pool 
 3319  Our solar system 
 3320  Our solar system 
 3321  Our sun 
 3322  Out of the dust 
 3323  Out of the dust 
 3324  Out of wonder : poems celebrating poets 
 3325  The outrageously big activity, play and project book. 
 3326  Outside and inside dinosaurs 
 3327  Over in the meadow. 
 3328  Overdue kangaroo 
 3329  The owl and the pussycat 
 3330  Owl at home 
 3331  Owl Moon 
 3332  Owls 
 3333  Owls and their homes 
 3334  Owls in the family 
 3335  Ox-cart man 
 3336  P.J. 
 3337  Pablo Picasso 
 3338  Pablo's tree 
 3339  The Pacific Ocean : the largest ocean 
 3340  Pages of music 
 3341  The pain and the great one 
 3342  Pal the pony 
 3343  Palace of books 
 3344  Paletero man 
 3345  Palomino horses 
 3346  Pan + cake = pancake 
 3347  Panama 
 3348  Pancakes, pancakes! 
 3349  The panda puzzle 
 3350  the panda puzzle 
 3351  Pandas 
 3352  Papa Lucky's shadow 
 3353  Papa Small. 
 3354  Paper : let's look at a comic book 
 3355  The paper crane 
 3356  Paper money 
 3357  The paperboy 
 3358  Parents 
 3359  Parents in the pigpen, pigs in the tub 
 3360  Parents' Day surprise 
 3361  Parker dresses up 
 3362  Pass it on : African-American poetry for children 
 3363  A passion for elephants : the real life adventure of field scientist Cynthia Moss 
 3364  The patchwork quilt 
 3365  Patrick Mahomes 
 3366  Patrick's dinosaurs 
 3367  Patrick's dinosaurs on the Internet 
 3368  Paul Bunyan 
 3369  Paul Bunyan 
 3370  Paul Bunyan : a tall tale 
 3371  Paul Bunyan and his blue ox, 
 3372  Paul Bunyan tricks a dragon. 
 3373  Paul Revere and the bell ringers 
 3374  Paul Robeson 
 3375  Paying taxes 
 3376  Peacocks 
 3377  Peanut-butter pilgrims 
 3378  Pecos Bill : a tall tale 
 3379  Pedal power 
 3380  Pee Wee & Plush : a Park Pals adventure 
 3381  The Pee Wee Jubilee 
 3382  Pee Wees on first 
 3383  Penguin chick 
 3384  Penguins and their homes 
 3385  Pennsylvania 
 3386  A penny = 1c 
 3387  The People Could Fly : American Black Folktales 
 3388  People in fall 
 3389  People of the rain forest 
 3390  Peppe the lamplighter 
 3391  Pepper's journal : a kitten's first year 
 3392  Peppermints in the parlor 
 3393  Peregrine falcons 
 3394  Perfect princess pets! : a collection of six early readers 
 3395  The perfect Thanksgiving 
 3396  Perfect, the pig 
 3397  Persian cats 
 3398  Persian cats 
 3399  Personal drones 
 3400  Perspectives 
 3401  Peru 
 3402  The pet show 
 3403  The pet-sitting peril 
 3404  Pete the Cat and his four groovy buttons 
 3405  Pete the cat and the bedtime blues 
 3406  Pete the Cat and the Cool Cat Boogie 
 3407  Pete the Cat and the Cool Cat Boogie 
 3408  Pete the cat and the itsy bitsy spider 
 3409  Pete the cat and the missing cupcakes 
 3410  Pete the Cat and the new guy 
 3411  Pete the cat and the perfect pizza party 
 3412  Pete the cat and the supercool science fair 
 3413  Pete the cat and the treasure map 
 3414  Pete the cat checks out the library 
 3415  Pete the cat checks out the library 
 3416  Pete the cat plays hide-and-seek 
 3417  Pete the Cat saves Christmas 
 3418  Pete the Cat storybook favorites : groovy adventures 
 3419  Pete the cat's 12 groovy days of Christmas 
 3420  Pete the cat's got class 
 3421  Pete the Cat's groovy guide to kindness : tips from a cool cat on how to be kind 
 3422  Pete the cat's groovy guide to love 
 3423  Pete the cat's world tour 
 3424  Pets 
 3425  Pets 
 3426  Pets are smart 
 3427  Petunia 
 3428  Peyton & Eli Manning in the community 
 3429  Peyton Manning 
 3430  Ph 
 3431  Photosynthesis 
 3432  Pi-shu, the little panda 
 3433  The piano 
 3434  Piano starts here : the young Art Tatum 
 3435  Picking peas for a penny 
 3436  The picnic 
 3437  A picture book of Amelia Earhart 
 3438  A picture book of animal opposites 
 3439  A picture book of Benjamin Franklin 
 3440  A picture book of Christopher Columbus 
 3441  A picture book of Davy Crockett 
 3442  A picture book of George Washington Carver 
 3443  A picture book of Harriet Tubman 
 3444  A picture book of Helen Keller 
 3445  A picture book of Jackie Robinson 
 3446  A picture book of John F. Kennedy 
 3447  A picture book of Louis Braille 
 3448  A picture book of Patrick Henry 
 3449  A picture book of Paul Revere 
 3450  A picture book of Rosa Parks 
 3451  A picture book of Sojourner Truth 
 3452  A picture book of Thomas Alva Edison 
 3453  A picture book of Thomas Jefferson 
 3454  A picture of freedom : the diary of Clotee, a slave girl 
 3455  Picture the sky 
 3456  Piecing me together 
 3457  Pierre the penguin : a true story 
 3458  Pig the tourist 
 3459  The pigeon finds a hot dog! 
 3460  The piggy in the puddle 
 3461  Pigs 
 3462  Pigs 
 3463  Pigs 
 3464  Pigs go to market : fun with math and shopping 
 3465  Pigs on a blanket : fun with math and time 
 3466  The Pilgrim Village mystery 
 3467  Pilgrims and Native Americans : hands-on projects about life in early America 
 3468  The pilgrims are marching 
 3469  Pink and Say 
 3470  Pinkalicious 
 3471  Pinkalicious and the pink drink 
 3472  Pinkalicious schooltastic storybook favorites 
 3473  Pinkerton, behave! 
 3474  Pinkeye 
 3475  Pinky and Rex 
 3476  Pinky and Rex and the bully 
 3477  Pinky and Rex and the double-dad weekend 
 3478  Pinky and Rex and the perfect pumpkin 
 3479  A pinky is a baby mouse : and other baby animal names 
 3480  Pinto horses 
 3481  Pioneer life from A to Z 
 3482  Pioneer sisters 
 3483  The pioneers go west 
 3484  Pippi in the South Seas, 
 3485  Piranhas and other fish 
 3486  Pirates : a nonfiction companion to Pirates past noon 
 3487  Pirates don't change diapers 
 3488  Pirates don't wear pink sunglasses 
 3489  Pirates past noon 
 3490  Pirates past noon : the graphic novel 
 3491  Pisces 
 3492  The pizza mystery 
 3493  Pizza! : a slice of history 
 3494  Pizza, pigs, and poetry : how to write a poem 
 3495  A place for Zero : a math adventure 
 3496  Places in time : a new atlas of American history 
 3497  Plain girl 
 3498  Planets 
 3499  The planets 
 3500  Planets 
 3501  The planets 
 3502  The planets in our solar system 
 3503  Plant structures 
 3504  Planting the trees of Kenya : the story of Wangari Maathai 
 3505  Plants give us many kinds of food 
 3506  Plants of the rain forest 
 3507  Plastic : let's look at the frisbee 
 3508  Play ball, Amelia Bedelia 
 3509  Play with counting! 
 3510  Play with sorting! 
 3511  Playground science 
 3512  Please bury me in the library 
 3513  Please try to remember the first of Octember! 
 3514  Plesiosaurus 
 3515  Pluto 
 3516  Pocahontas 
 3517  Pocahontas 
 3518  Pocahontas 
 3519  A pocket for Corduroy 
 3520  A pocketful of cricket. 
 3521  Polar bear math : learning about fractions from Klondike and Snow 
 3522  Polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear? 
 3523  Polar bears 
 3524  Polar bears 
 3525  Polar bears 
 3526  Polar bears past bedtime 
 3527  The Polar Express 
 3528  Pond food chains 
 3529  The Pony Express : hands-on projects about early communication 
 3530  The poodle of doom 
 3531  Poodles 
 3532  Poopsie gets lost 
 3533  The popcorn book 
 3534  Pope John XXIII 
 3535  Poppleton : book one 
 3536  Poppleton and friends : book two 
 3537  Poppleton everyday : book three 
 3538  Poppleton forever : book four 
 3539  Porch lies : tales of slicksters, tricksters, and other wily characters 
 3540  Pork 
 3541  Porsche 
 3542  Possum magic 
 3543  Potato pants! 
 3544  Poultry on the farm 
 3545  The pout-pout fish 
 3546  The Powder Puff puzzle 
 3547  Power machines 
 3548  Prairie songs 
 3549  Prayer for a child, 
 3550  Prehistoric Pinkerton 
 3551  Preschool to the rescue 
 3552  A present for Grandfather 
 3553  Presents for Santa 
 3554  The presidency 
 3555  President Biden : 46th U.S. President 
 3556  President's Day 
 3557  Presidents 
 3558  The Presidents 
 3559  Pressure play 
 3560  Pretzels : one of the world's oldest snack foods 
 3561  The price of freedom : how one town stood up to slavery 
 3562  The prince left his prints 
 3563  Prince William 
 3564  The princess and the pea 
 3565  Princess Diana : royal ambassador 
 3566  Princess Megan 
 3567  The princess who lost her hair : an Akamba legend 
 3568  The principal's new clothes 
 3569  Problem solving and word problem smarts! 
 3570  Producers in the food chain 
 3571  Professor Diggins' dragons. 
 3572  Promises to keep : How Jackie Robinson changed America 
 3573  Protoceratops 
 3574  Prudence Crandall : teacher for equal rights 
 3575  Puerto Rico 
 3576  Puerto Rico 
 3577  Pug's sleepover 
 3578  Pulleys 
 3579  Pumas 
 3580  The pumpkin book 
 3581  Pumpkin pie recipes. 
 3582  Pumpkin, pumpkin 
 3583  Pumpkins 
 3584  Punctuation : commas, periods, and question marks 
 3585  Punk-tuation celebration 
 3586  A pup called Trouble 
 3587  Puppy bus 
 3588  Purple climbing days 
 3589  The purple coat 
 3590  Pushing the limits : a chapter book 
 3591  Puss in boots 
 3592  Pythons 
 3593  Pythons 
 3594  Quack and count 
 3595  A quarter = 25c 
 3596  Quarters 
 3597  The Queen of Kindergarten 
 3598  The quest for California's gold 
 3599  Questions and answer encyclopedia : The USA 
 3600  Quick as a cricket 
 3601  The quickest kid in Clarksville 
 3602  The quicksand question 
 3603  The quiltmaker's gift 
 3604  R.L. Stine 
 3605  Rabbit 
 3606  Rabbits, rabbits, & more rabbits 
 3607  Raccoons are for loving. 
 3608  The race around the world 
 3609  Race cars 
 3610  Race cars : science, technology, engineering 
 3611  Radiant child : the story of young artist Jean-Michel Basquiat 
 3612  Radio Man = : Don Radio : a story in English and Spanish 
 3613  Ragtime Tumpie 
 3614  Rain forest ecosystems 
 3615  Rain forest rose 
 3616  Rain school 
 3617  Rainbow fish and the big blue whale 
 3618  Rainbow Stew 
 3619  Rainbows 
 3620  Ralph Ellison 
 3621  Ramona and her father 
 3622  Ramona forever 
 3623  Ramona the pest 
 3624  Ranching 
 3625  Rapunzel 
 3626  Rapunzel 
 3627  Rattle + snake = rattlesnake 
 3628  Rattlesnakes 
 3629  Rattlesnakes 
 3630  Ray Charles. 
 3631  Read me a story : a child's book of favorite tales 
 3632  Ready to read : based on Timothy goes to school and other stories 
 3633  Ready-to-use library skills games : reproducible activities for building location and literature skills 
 3634  The real McCoy : the life of an African-American inventor 
 3635  Real pigeons eat danger 
 3636  Really big cats 
 3637  Rebel bicycle club 
 3638  Rechenka's eggs 
 3639  Record breakers : a chapter book 
 3640  Red-headed woodpeckers 
 3641  Red-hot hightops 
 3642  Red-tailed hawks 
 3643  The relatives came 
 3644  Release the hounds! 
 3645  The remarkable rescue at Milkweed Meadow 
 3646  Remember the bridge : poems of a people 
 3647  Rent a third grader 
 3648  Reptiles 
 3649  Reptiles 
 3650  Rescue on the Outer Banks 
 3651  Return of the home run kid 
 3652  The return of the Indian 
 3653  Return to Yellowstone : gray wolf comeback 
 3654  Revolutionary War on Wednesday 
 3655  Rhinoceros 
 3656  Rhinos 
 3657  Rhinos 
 3658  Rhinos and oxpeckers 
 3659  Rhinos at recess 
 3660  Rhode Island 
 3661  Ribsy 
 3662  Richard Allen 
 3663  Richard Nixon 
 3664  The riddle of the red purse 
 3665  The riddle of the stegosaurus, 
 3666  Riddle-iculous math 
 3667  A ride to remember : a civil rights story 
 3668  Ridiculous tongue twisters 
 3669  Riding to Washington 
 3670  Rikki-tikki-tavi 
 3671  Rinaldo, the sly fox 
 3672  Riptide 
 3673  Rise of the balloon goons 
 3674  Rise of the earth dragon 
 3675  The rise of the goldfish 
 3676  River of life 
 3677  A river ran wild : an environmental history 
 3678  Rivers 
 3679  The road to Memphis 
 3680  Roberto Clemente : young ball player 
 3681  Robin Hood 
 3682  RoboBaby 
 3683  Rocks : hard, soft, smooth, and rough 
 3684  Rocks and fossils 
 3685  The Rocky Mountain fur trade 
 3686  Rodrick rules 
 3687  Roget's II : the new thesaurus 
 3688  Roll of thunder, hear my cry 
 3689  Romeo and Juliet--together (and alive!) at last 
 3690  Room for rent, 
 3691  Rooster wore skinny jeans 
 3692  Rosa 
 3693  Rosa loves to read 
 3694  Rosa Parks 
 3695  Rosa Parks 
 3696  Rose faces the music 
 3697  A Rose for Pinkerton 
 3698  Rose's magic touch 
 3699  Rosie and the rustlers 
 3700  Rosie Revere and the Raucous Riveters 
 3701  Rosie Swanson : fourth-grade geek for president 
 3702  Rosie's big city ballet 
 3703  Rowley Jefferson's awesome friendly adventure 
 3704  Roxaboxen 
 3705  Roxanne Bookman : live at five! 
 3706  A rubber tire 
 3707  Ruby Bridges goes to school : my true story 
 3708  Ruby Mae has something to say 
 3709  Ruby-throated hummingbirds 
 3710  Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer 
 3711  Rugby 
 3712  Rumpelstiltskin's daughter 
 3713  Run to the rainbow 
 3714  The runaway bunny 
 3715  The runaway racehorse 
 3716  Runaway Radish 
 3717  The runaway soup and other stories 
 3718  Running back to Ludie 
 3719  Running for public office 
 3720  Russell Westbrook : basketball star 
 3721  Russian blue cats 
 3722  Ruth Law thrills a nation 
 3723  SACS : Oakshire Elem. Schools. 
 3724  Sadako 
 3725  Sadako and the thousand paper cranes 
 3726  The saggy baggy elephant 
 3727  The Sahara desert 
 3728  The Sahara desert : the biggest desert 
 3729  Saint George and the dragon : a golden legend 
 3730  Saint Patrick's Day 
 3731  Sal & Gabi fix the universe 
 3732  The salamander room 
 3733  Sally Ride 
 3734  Sam and the tigers : a new telling of Little Black Sambo 
 3735  Sam Johnson and the blue ribbon quilt 
 3736  Sam. 
 3737  Samantha learns a lesson : a school story 
 3738  Samantha saves the day : a summer story 
 3739  Samantha's surprise : a Christmas story 
 3740  Sami and the time of the troubles 
 3741  Sammy Sosa : home run hitter 
 3742  Samuel de Champlain 
 3743  The San Francisco earthquake, 1906 
 3744  Sand sharks 
 3745  The sand tiger shark 
 3746  The Santa Fe Trail 
 3747  Sarah Anne Hartford : Massachusetts, 1651 
 3748  Sarah Emma Edmonds was a great pretender : the true story of a Civil War spy 
 3749  Sarah, plain and tall 
 3750  Saturn 
 3751  Saturn 
 3752  Saudi Arabia 
 3753  Save me a seat 
 3754  Save the rain forests 
 3755  Saving Sweetness 
 3756  Saving the Liberty Bell 
 3757  Saving the rain forests 
 3758  Saving the sun dragon 
 3759  Scared stiff 
 3760  Scaredy cat! 
 3761  Scary, scary Halloween 
 3762  Scavengers and parasites in the food chain 
 3763  Scholastic children's dictionary. 
 3764  Scholastic's The magic school bus gets ants in its pants : a book about ants 
 3765  Scholastic's The magic school bus gets programmed : a book about computers 
 3766  Scholastic's The magic school bus in the haunted museum : a book about sound 
 3767  The school bus driver from the Black Lagoon 
 3768  School days 
 3769  School in many cultures 
 3770  School Library Journal 
 3771  The school skeleton 
 3772  School then and now 
 3773  The schoolchildren's blizzard 
 3774  Schools in different places 
 3775  The schoolyard mystery 
 3776  Science 
 3777  The Science Chef : 100 Fun Food Experiments and Recipes for Kids 
 3778  Science fair projects : energy 
 3779  Science fun : simple experiments and projects 
 3780  Science project ideas about animal behavior 
 3781  Science project ideas about the moon 
 3782  Science project ideas about trees 
 3783  Scorpions 
 3784  Scottie Pippen : the do-everything superstar 
 3785  Screws 
 3786  Scruffy the tugboat 
 3787  Sea anemones and clown fish 
 3788  Sea monsters don't ride motorcycles 
 3789  Sea otters 
 3790  Sea turtles past and present 
 3791  Seals 
 3792  Seals, sea lions & walruses 
 3793  Searching for Laura Ingalls : a reader's journey 
 3794  Seasons 
 3795  The seasons of Arnold's apple tree 
 3796  Seasons of the year 
 3797  Secondhand star 
 3798  The secret at the Polk Street School 
 3799  The secret birthday message. 
 3800  Secret coders 
 3801  The secret of the attic 
 3802  The secret Santa 
 3803  Secret weapon 
 3804  Secrets and surprises 
 3805  The secrets of animal flight 
 3806  Sedimentary rocks and the rock cycle 
 3807  Seeds and seedlings 
 3808  Seeds of freedom : the peaceful integration of Huntsville, Alabama 
 3809  Sense of taste 
 3810  Sense of touch 
 3811  September 11, 2001 : attack on New York City 
 3812  Sequoyah : the Cherokee man who gave his people writing 
 3813  Serena and Venus Williams 
 3814  Serving on a jury 
 3815  Serving your community 
 3816  The sesame seed snatchers 
 3817  Seven blind mice 
 3818  The seven Chinese brothers 
 3819  The seven continents 
 3820  The sewer rat stink 
 3821  Shadow over second 
 3822  Shadow over second : a Peach Street Mudders story 
 3823  The shape of me and other stuff 
 3824  The shape of me and other stuff 
 3825  The shape of things 
 3826  Shapes and patterns in nature 
 3827  Shaquille O'Neal 
 3828  The shark : silent hunter 
 3829  The shark attacks of 1916 
 3830  The shark attacks of 1916 
 3831  Shark! : the truth behind the terror 
 3832  Sharks 
 3833  Sharks 
 3834  Sharks 
 3835  Sharks and cleaner fish 
 3836  Sharks and other creatures of the deep 
 3837  She's wearing a dead bird on her head! 
 3838  Sheep 
 3839  Sheepherding dogs : rounding up the herd 
 3840  Sheila Rae, the brave 
 3841  Shel Silverstein 
 3842  Shellfish aren't fish 
 3843  Sheryl Swoopes 
 3844  Shh! we're writing the Constitution 
 3845  Shhhh 
 3846  Shiloh 
 3847  Ships and how to draw them. 
 3848  A shocker on Shock Street 
 3849  Shoot for the hoop 
 3850  The shortest kid in the world 
 3851  Shortstop from Tokyo 
 3852  Shots fired at Fort Sumter : Civil War breaks out! 
 3853  Should I share my ice cream? 
 3854  The show-and-tell war 
 3855  Showtime! 
 3856  Shrek! 
 3857  The shy little kitten 
 3858  Siamese cats 
 3859  Siamese cats 
 3860  A Sick Day for Amos McGee 
 3861  Sideways stories from Wayside School 
 3862  Silly Tilly 
 3863  Silver 
 3864  The silver cow : a Welsh tale 
 3865  Simon and the better bone 
 3866  Simone Biles 
 3867  Singing Sam 
 3868  A single shard 
 3869  Sink or swim 
 3870  The sinking of the Titanic, 1912 : the graphic novel 
 3871  Sir Francis Drake 
 3872  Sir Walter Raleigh 
 3873  Sisters 
 3874  Sisters & brothers : sibling relationships in the animal world 
 3875  Sisters : Venus and Serena Williams 
 3876  Sit-ins and freedom rides : the power of nonviolent resistance 
 3877  Sitting Bull 
 3878  Sitting Bull 
 3879  Six dots : a story of young Louis Braille 
 3880  Skateboard tough 
 3881  Skateboarding 
 3882  Skateboarding 
 3883  Skateboarding : check it out! 
 3884  Skating to spelling success 
 3885  The skeleton inside you 
 3886  Skeletons don't play tubas 
 3887  Skippyjon Jones class action 
 3888  The sky is full of stars 
 3889  Sky watcher 
 3890  Slacker 
 3891  Slappy's tales of horror 
 3892  Slavery in America 
 3893  Sleeping babies 
 3894  Sleeping beauty. 
 3895  Sleepy dog 
 3896  Slower than a snail 
 3897  The slumber party payback 
 3898  Small Pig 
 3899  A smart, smart school 
 3900  Smashy town 
 3901  Smelling things 
 3902  The smiliest animals ever! 
 3903  Snaggle doodles 
 3904  The snake by the lake 
 3905  Snakes 
 3906  Snakes are hunters 
 3907  Snakes! 
 3908  Snakey riddles 
 3909  The Sneetches, and other stories 
 3910  Snot stew 
 3911  Snow 
 3912  Snow is falling 
 3913  Snow leopards and their babies 
 3914  Snow monkeys 
 3915  The snow walker 
 3916  Snow White 
 3917  Snow White and Rose Red 
 3918  Snow-White and the seven dwarfs : a tale from the Brothers Grimm 
 3919  Snowboarding : check it out! 
 3920  The Snowman storybook 
 3921  Snowmen at Christmas 
 3922  The Snowy Day 
 3923  So far from home : the diary of Mary Driscoll, an Irish mill girl 
 3924  So hungry! 
 3925  So many houses 
 3926  Soccer 
 3927  Soccer 
 3928  The soccer shoe clue 
 3929  Sofia Valdez and the vanishing vote 
 3930  Softball : a step-by-step guide 
 3931  Soil : let's look at a garden 
 3932  Solar power 
 3933  Somebody loves you, Mr. Hatch 
 3934  Something beautiful 
 3935  Something big has been here 
 3936  Something queer in the Wild West 
 3937  Something, someday 
 3938  Sometimes I'm Bombaloo 
 3939  Somewhere in the bayou 
 3940  Song and dance man 
 3941  Song Lee and the hamster hunt 
 3942  Song Lee in room 2B 
 3943  The song of the Christmas mouse 
 3944  Song of the water boatman & other pond poems 
 3945  Sorting 
 3946  Soul looks back in wonder 
 3947  Sound 
 3948  Souperchicken 
 3949  South Africa 
 3950  South America 
 3951  South America 
 3952  South Dakota 
 3953  Southwest sunrise 
 3954  The Space Atlas 
 3955  Space case 
 3956  Space Dog and Roy 
 3957  Space station seventh grade 
 3958  Space stations : living and working in space 
 3959  Space word problems starring ratios and proportions 
 3960  Spacebusters : the race to the moon 
 3961  Spaceships 
 3962  The Spanish kidnapping disaster 
 3963  Sparkly new friends 
 3964  Spear-nosed bats 
 3965  Spectacular stone soup 
 3966  Spending money 
 3967  Sperm whales 
 3968  The Sphynx : the hairless cat 
 3969  Spider-man : Spider-sense of adventure 
 3970  Spiders 
 3971  Spike it, Mo! 
 3972  The spike-tailed dinosaur : stegosaurus 
 3973  Spinning in space : a book about the planets 
 3974  Splish splash 
 3975  Sponges are skeletons 
 3976  The Spook's tale and other horrors 
 3977  A spoon for every bite 
 3978  Sports 
 3979  Sports cars 
 3980  Sports great Patrick Ewing 
 3981  Sports great Scottie Pippen 
 3982  Sports word problems starring decimals and percents 
 3983  Spotted dolphins 
 3984  Spring 
 3985  Spring and the shadow man 
 3986  Spring sprouts 
 3987  A spy in the king's colony 
 3988  The spy on third base 
 3989  Squanto's journey : the story of the first Thanksgiving 
 3990  The squeaky door 
 3991  Squirrels and chipmunks 
 3992  Stage fright on a summer night 
 3993  Stamping art : imprint your designs 
 3994  Stan and Jan Berenstain 
 3995  Stand tall, Molly Lou Melon 
 3996  Stanley 
 3997  Stanley and the magic lamp 
 3998  A star in my orange : looking for nature's shapes 
 3999  The star maiden : an Ojibway tale 
 4000  The star-spangled banner 
 4001  Stargazing 
 4002  Starring first grade 
 4003  Stars 
 4004  Stars 
 4005  The stars beneath our feet 
 4006  The start of the American Revolutionary War : Paul Revere rides at midnight 
 4007  Start the game : geometry in sports 
 4008  The Statue of Liberty 
 4009  Statues and monuments 
 4010  Stay away from Simon! 
 4011  Stay away from the junkyard! 
 4012  Stay in line 
 4013  Staying home alone on a rainy day. 
 4014  Stealing home 
 4015  Steffie and me. 
 4016  Stella Diaz has something to say 
 4017  Stella Diaz never gives up 
 4018  Stella's dancing days 
 4019  Stellaluna 
 4020  Step right up : how Doc and Jim Key taught the world about kindness 
 4021  Stephen Curry 
 4022  Stephen Curry 
 4023  Stepping out with Grandma Mac 
 4024  Stevie. 
 4025  Stick and Stone 
 4026  Stick dog 
 4027  Stick Dog chases a pizza 
 4028  Stick Dog craves candy 
 4029  Stillwater and Koo save the world 
 4030  Stink : the incredible shrinking kid 
 4031  Stone soup : an old tale 
 4032  Stop that noise! 
 4033  Storm chasers : on the trail of deadly tornadoes 
 4034  Storm in the night 
 4035  The stormy day rescue 
 4036  The story about Ping 
 4037  The story of Ferdinand, 
 4038  The story of Johnny Appleseed 
 4039  The story of jumping mouse : a native American legend 
 4040  The story of Malcolm X, civil rights leader 
 4041  The story of Muhammad Ali : heavyweight champion of the world 
 4042  The story of our national ballads. 
 4043  The story of the amulet, 
 4044  The story of the beagle 
 4045  The story of the golden retriever 
 4046  The story of the Saint Bernard 
 4047  The story of Thurgood Marshall : justice for all 
 4048  A story, a story; : an African tale, 
 4049  Storytime : first tales for sharing 
 4050  A stranger came ashore : a story of suspense 
 4051  Strega Nona's magic lessons 
 4052  Stuck together 
 4053  Sugar 
 4054  Sukey and the mermaid 
 4055  Summer of my German soldier 
 4056  The sun 
 4057  The sun 
 4058  Sun + screen = sunscreen 
 4059  The sun : our nearest star 
 4060  Sun bears 
 4061  The sun, the moon, and the stars 
 4062  Sunken treasure 
 4063  A sunny day 
 4064  Sunny-side up 
 4065  Sunset of the sabertooth 
 4066  Sunshine 
 4067  Sunshine makes the seasons 
 4068  Super family! 
 4069  Super sums : addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division 
 4070  Superbikes 
 4071  Supercroc found 
 4072  Superfudge 
 4073  Superman versus Mongul 
 4074  The Supreme Court 
 4075  The surprise party 
 4076  Surprise! 
 4077  Sweater weather 
 4078  Sweet dreams : how animals sleep 
 4079  Swimmy. 
 4080  Swish! : the slam-dunking, alley-ooping, high-flying Harlem Globetrotters 
 4081  Switch on, switch off 
 4082  Swollobog 
 4083  Sybil Ludington's midnight ride 
 4084  Sylvester and the magic pebble 
 4085  Tabby cats 
 4086  Tabby cats 
 4087  Tacos today 
 4088  Tailypo! 
 4089  Taipans 
 4090  Take this hammer, 
 4091  Taking care of my hair 
 4092  The tale of Peter Rabbit 
 4093  The tale of Peter Rabbit  
 4094  The tale of the mandarin ducks 
 4095  Talent show trouble 
 4096  Tales from a not-so-best friend forever 
 4097  Tales from a not-so-dorky drama queen 
 4098  Tales from a not-so-friendly frenemy 
 4099  Tales from a not-so-glam TV star 
 4100  Tales from a not-so-graceful ice princess 
 4101  Tales from a not-so-happily ever after 
 4102  Tales from a not-so-happy birthday 
 4103  Tales from a not-so-happy heartbreaker 
 4104  Tales from a not-so-perfect pet sitter 
 4105  Tales from a not-so-perfect pet sitter 
 4106  Tales from a not-so-popular party girl 
 4107  Tales from a not-so-secret crush catastrophe 
 4108  Tales from a not-so-smart Miss Know-It-All 
 4109  Tales from a not-so-talented pop star 
 4110  Tales from a not-so-talented pop star 
 4111  The tales of Uncle Remus : the adventures of Brer Rabbit 
 4112  Talk about a family 
 4113  The talking earth 
 4114  The talking eggs : a folktale from the American South 
 4115  The talking T. Rex 
 4116  Tambora : a killer from Indonesia 
 4117  Tara Lipinski 
 4118  The tarantula in my purse : and 172 other wild pets 
 4119  Tarantula spiders 
 4120  Tarantula spiders 
 4121  Tarantulas on the brain 
 4122  Tasting things 
 4123  Tat Rabbit's treasure 
 4124  Tawny scrawny lion 
 4125  Teach us, Amelia Bedelia 
 4126  Teacher's pet. 
 4127  Teacher's portfolio of library skills lessons & activities 
 4128  The teachers march! : how Selma's teachers changed history 
 4129  Teammates 
 4130  Technology 
 4131  Teddy bear tears 
 4132  Tee hee 
 4133  TEL Tennessee Electronic Library 
 4134  Ten thank-you letters 
 4135  Tennessee 
 4136  Tennessee 
 4137  Tennessee 
 4138  Tennessee : the Volunteer State 
 4139  The Tennessee Titans 
 4140  The Tennessee Titans story 
 4141  Tennis : play like a pro 
 4142  Tennis legends 
 4143  Terrell Davis : Super Bowl running back 
 4144  The terrible tiger. 
 4145  Terrible tyrannosaurs 
 4146  Th 
 4147  The thank you book 
 4148  Thank you, Jackie Robinson 
 4149  Thank You, Omu! 
 4150  Thanksgiving in the White House 
 4151  Thanksgiving is here! 
 4152  Thanksgiving recipes 
 4153  That cat! 
 4154  That mushy stuff 
 4155  That's my carrot! 
 4156  That's our librarian! 
 4157  Thelma the unicorn 
 4158  Theodore and the talking mushroom. 
 4159  Theodore Roosevelt 
 4160  Theodore Roosevelt 
 4161  There is a carrot in my ear : and other noodle tales 
 4162  There was a party for Langston 
 4163  There was an old lady who swallowed a dragon! 
 4164  There was an old lady who swallowed a fly 
 4165  There was an old lady who swallowed a worm! 
 4166  There's a girl in my hammerlock 
 4167  There's a nightmare in my closet 
 4168  There's a wocket in my pocket! 
 4169  There's a wocket in my pocket! 
 4170  There's an alligator under my bed 
 4171  There's an owl in the shower 
 4172  There's nothing to d-o-o-o! 
 4173  These happy golden years 
 4174  They all saw a cat 
 4175  They are the best! 
 4176  They call me Woolly : what animal names can tell us 
 4177  They could still be mountains 
 4178  Thidwick, the big-hearted moose 
 4179  A thief on Morgan's plantation 
 4180  The third wheel 
 4181  The thirteenth pearl 
 4182  This book is my best friend 
 4183  This book is not for you! 
 4184  This child, every child : a book about the world's children 
 4185  This is just to say : poems of apology and forgiveness 
 4186  This is the way we go to school : a book about children around the world 
 4187  This story is not about a kitten 
 4188  Thomas Alva Edison 
 4189  Thomas Edison 
 4190  Thomas Edison 
 4191  Thomas Jefferson 
 4192  Thomas Jefferson 
 4193  Thoroughbred horses 
 4194  Those remarkable women of the American revolution 
 4195  Three Aesop fox fables 
 4196  The three bears 
 4197  Three bite rule 
 4198  Three brave women 
 4199  Three by the sea 
 4200  Three cheers for good times! 
 4201  Three cheers for Keisha 
 4202  A three hat day 
 4203  The three little pigs 
 4204  The three little pugs 
 4205  The three little superpigs and Goldilocks and the three bears 
 4206  The three little tamales 
 4207  The three pigs 
 4208  Three terrible trins 
 4209  Three young pilgrims 
 4210  Through Grandpa's eyes 
 4211  Through moon and stars and night skies 
 4212  Through the medicine cabinet 
 4213  Thunder and lightning 
 4214  Thunder cake 
 4215  Thurgood Marshall 
 4216  Thurgood Marshall 
 4217  Tiger is a scaredy cat 
 4218  Tiger sharks 
 4219  Tiger Woods 
 4220  Tiger Woods 
 4221  Tiger Woods : golf's shining young star 
 4222  Tigers 
 4223  Tigers 
 4224  Tigers at twilight 
 4225  Tight times 
 4226  Tik-Tok of Oz 
 4227  Time for Andrew : a ghost story 
 4228  Time of wonder 
 4229  Time to sleep 
 4230  The timid little kitten 
 4231  The tin can man 
 4232  The tinderbox 
 4233  Tiny life in your home 
 4234  The tiny seed 
 4235  Titanic 
 4236  The Titanic sinks! 
 4237  To change a planet 
 4238  To market! To market! 
 4239  To root, to toot, to parachute : what is a verb? 
 4240  To the rescue 
 4241  Toads 
 4242  Together we grow 
 4243  Tomie dePaola 
 4244  Toni Morrison 
 4245  Toning the sweep 
 4246  Too many toys 
 4247  Too much trash! 
 4248  The toolbox, 
 4249  Tools rule! 
 4250  Tooter Pepperday 
 4251  Tooth bandits 
 4252  The tooth book 
 4253  Top 10 basketball slam dunkers 
 4254  The top and bottom of the world 
 4255  The top is on top 
 4256  Top wing-- 
 4257  Tortillas and lullabies = : tortillas y cancioncitas 
 4258  The tortoise's tug of war. 
 4259  Tough to tackle 
 4260  Tough-luck Karen 
 4261  Town mouse, country mouse 
 4262  Toys and games : then and now 
 4263  Toys galore 
 4264  Toys, games, and fun in American history 
 4265  Track star sentences 
 4266  Tracks in the wild 
 4267  The trading game 
 4268  The Trail of Tears 
 4269  The trail of the screaming teenager 
 4270  Trains 
 4271  The Transcontinental Railroad 
 4272  Transportation : automobiles to zeppelins 
 4273  Transportation in different places 
 4274  Transportation then and now 
 4275  Trapdoor spiders 
 4276  Trapped beyond the magic attic 
 4277  Travel math 
 4278  The travels of Doctor Doolittle. 
 4279  Treasure Island 
 4280  Treasure map 
 4281  A treasury of Christmas songs and carols 
 4282  A tree is nice 
 4283  Trees and plants in the rain forest 
 4284  Trees to paper 
 4285  Trex 
 4286  Triangles 
 4287  Triceratops 
 4288  Triceratops 
 4289  The trip 
 4290  Trivia queen, 3rd grade supreme 
 4291  Troll teacher 
 4292  Trombone Shorty 
 4293  The trouble with Tyrannosaurus Rex 
 4294  Troy Aikman 
 4295  The true blue scouts of Sugar Man Swamp 
 4296  The true book of spiders. 
 4297  The true story of the three little pigs/ 
 4298  Trumpeter's tale; : the story of young Louis Armstrong. 
 4299  The truth of me : about a boy, his grandmother, and a very good dog 
 4300  Tukama tootles the flute : a tale from the Antilles 
 4301  Tummy trouble 
 4302  Tundra 
 4303  Tundra ecosystems 
 4304  A turkey for Thanksgiving 
 4305  Turkeys, pilgrims, and Indian corn : the story of the thanksgiving symbols 
 4306  Turtles 
 4307  Turtles 
 4308  Tut's mummy lost-- and found 
 4309  The Twelve Days of Christmas 
 4310  The twelve days of Christmas in Tennessee 
 4311  The twelve days of Christmas in Tennessee 
 4312  Twenty thousand fleas under the sea 
 4313  The twenty-four-hour lipstick mystery 
 4314  Twinkle, twinkle, little bug 
 4315  Twinkle, twinkle, little star 
 4316  Twinnies 
 4317  Twins 
 4318  The twits 
 4319  Two Bobbies : a true story of Hurricane Katrina, friendship, and survival 
 4320  Two of a kind 
 4321  Two of everything : a Chinese folktale 
 4322  Tyrannosaurus rex 
 4323  Tyrannosaurus rex 
 4324  Tyrannosaurus rex and Barnum Brown 
 4325  The ugly duckling 
 4326  The ugly truth 
 4327  Uncle Elephant 
 4328  Uncle Jed's barbershop 
 4329  Uncles 
 4330  Uncommon farm animals 
 4331  Uncommon traveler : Mary Kingsley in Africa 
 4332  The undefeated 
 4333  Under, over, by the clover : what is a preposition? 
 4334  The underground railroad 
 4335  United tweets of America 
 4336  Unstoppable 
 4337  The unwilling umpire 
 4338  Up close : a chapter book 
 4339  Up north at the cabin 
 4340  Up the learning tree 
 4341  Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto 
 4342  Us and Uncle Fraud 
 4343  US Army Rangers 
 4344  Using a ruler 
 4345  Using a scale 
 4346  Using a thermometer 
 4347  Using magnets 
 4348  Using plants 
 4349  Utah 
 4350  Utah Jazz 
 4351  Uu 
 4352  V is for volunteer : a Tennessee alphabet 
 4353  Vacation under the volcano 
 4354  Valentine Frankenstein 
 4355  The Valentine star 
 4356  Valentine's Day Is Cool 
 4357  Valley Forge 
 4358  The value of fantasy : the story of Hans Christian Andersen 
 4359  Vampire bats 
 4360  The vampire's vacation 
 4361  Vampires don't wear polka dots 
 4362  The vanishing rain forest 
 4363  Vasalisa and her magic doll 
 4364  Vasco da Gama 
 4365  Vegetables, vegetables! 
 4366  Velociraptor 
 4367  The velveteen rabbit, or, How toys become real 
 4368  Venezuela 
 4369  The Vengekeep prophecies 
 4370  Venus 
 4371  Venus & Serena Williams in the community 
 4372  Venus and Serena Williams 
 4373  Vermont 
 4374  The very clumsy click beetle 
 4375  The very hungry caterpillar 
 4376  The very lonely firefly 
 4377  The very quiet cricket 
 4378  The Vietnam Memorial 
 4379  The view from Saturday 
 4380  The view from the very best house in town 
 4381  Viking ships at sunrise 
 4382  The village of round and square houses 
 4383  Vincent van Gogh 
 4384  Violet the pilot 
 4385  Virginia 
 4386  A visit to Mexico 
 4387  Visiting Langston 
 4388  Viva Heather! 
 4389  Volcano! : when a mountain explodes 
 4390  Volcanoes 
 4391  Volcanoes inside and out 
 4392  Voting 
 4393  Voyage of the Half Moon 
 4394  Vultures 
 4395  The wagon train 
 4396  Wait for me, Little Tiger! 
 4397  Waiting For the Biblioburro 
 4398  Waiting for the whales 
 4399  Wakeboarding : check it out! 
 4400  Walk two moons 
 4401  Walking with dinosaurs : a natural history 
 4402  The wall in the middle of the book 
 4403  Wall Street 
 4404  Wallabies and their babies 
 4405  Walt Disney sport goofy encyclopedia : Swimming and diving. 
 4406  Walt Disney's sport goofy encyclopedia : Adventure sports. 
 4407  Walt Disney's sport goofy encyclopedia : Ancient & folk sports. 
 4408  Walt Disney's sport goofy encyclopedia : Animals in sports. 
 4409  Walt Disney's sport goofy encyclopedia : Children's Games. 
 4410  Walt Disney's sport goofy encyclopedia : Field events. 
 4411  Walt Disney's sport goofy encyclopedia : Golf & target sports. 
 4412  Walt Disney's sport goofy encyclopedia : Racket sports. 
 4413  Walt Disney's sport goofy encyclopedia : Soccer. 
 4414  Walt Disney's sport goofy encyclopedia ; : All about gymnastics. 
 4415  Walt Disney's Sport Goofy Encylopedia: Adventure Sports 
 4416  Walter the baker 
 4417  Walter White and the power of organized protest 
 4418  Want a ride? 
 4419  Wanted-- Mud Blossom 
 4420  War eagle; : the story of a Civil War mascot. 
 4421  Warm as wool 
 4422  Warren G. Harding 
 4423  Washington 
 4424  The Washington Monument 
 4425  Washington, D.C. 
 4426  Watch out for the lion! 
 4427  Watch out! Man-eating snake 
 4428  Water 
 4429  Water power 
 4430  Watercress 
 4431  The Watsons go to Birmingham--1963 : a novel 
 4432  Way to go! 
 4433  Way up and over everything 
 4434  We are going to be pals! 
 4435  We are going to be pals! 
 4436  We are growing! 
 4437  We are heroes! 
 4438  We are in a book! 
 4439  We are starlings : inside the mesmerizing magic of a murmuration 
 4440  We are the ship : the story of Negro League baseball 
 4441  We could fly 
 4442  We don't eat our classmates 
 4443  We live in a city 
 4444  We live in a small town 
 4445  We live in a state capital 
 4446  We live in a suburb 
 4447  We live in the country 
 4448  We live on a farm 
 4449  We need plants 
 4450  We will rock our classmates 
 4451  We're going on a book hunt 
 4452  Weather 
 4453  Weather 
 4454  Weather 
 4455  Weather : rain or shine 
 4456  Weather and natural disasters 
 4457  Weather math 
 4458  Weathering and erosion 
 4459  Webster's intermediate dictionary : a new school dictionary. 
 4460  Webster's new elementary dictionary. 
 4461  Webster's School dictionary. 
 4462  The Wednesday surprise 
 4463  Weird but true! 5 : 300 outrageous facts. 
 4464  Weird but true! 6 : 300 outrageous facts. 
 4465  Weird friends : unlikely allies in the animal kingdom 
 4466  Welcome Comfort 
 4467  Welcome to Addy's world, 1864 
 4468  Welcome to dead house 
 4469  Welcome to the green house 
 4470  Welcome to the river of grass 
 4471  Werewolves don't go to summer camp 
 4472  Werewolves don't run for president 
 4473  Weslandia 
 4474  West Virginia 
 4475  Wetland ecosystems 
 4476  Wetlands 
 4477  The whale shark 
 4478  Whale sharks 
 4479  Whales 
 4480  Whales 
 4481  Whales & dolphins 
 4482  What a day in the park! 
 4483  What am I? : very first riddles 
 4484  What are my jobs? 
 4485  What are pulleys? 
 4486  What are the Summer Olympics? 
 4487  What are the Winter Olympics? 
 4488  What can it be? : riddles about the senses 
 4489  What color is camouflage? 
 4490  What do animals do in fall? 
 4491  What do sharks eat for dinner? : questions and answers 
 4492  What do you hear when cows sing? : and other silly riddles 
 4493  What do you see in a cloud? 
 4494  What does gravity do? 
 4495  What happened to Patrick's dinosaurs? 
 4496  What happened to the dinosaurs? 
 4497  What happens in fall? 
 4498  What happens in spring? 
 4499  What happens to a hamburger? 
 4500  What is a presidential election? 
 4501  What is Congress? 
 4502  What is gravity? 
 4503  What is Groundhog Day? 
 4504  What is it? 
 4505  What is Juneteenth? 
 4506  What is NASA? 
 4507  What is Nintendo? 
 4508  What is the civil rights movement? 
 4509  What is the weather? 
 4510  What is Veterans Day? 
 4511  What is voting? 
 4512  What magnets can do 
 4513  What makes a magnet? 
 4514  What on earth is a pangolin? 
 4515  What on earth is a skink? 
 4516  What on earth is a tuatara? 
 4517  What people wore during the American Revolution 
 4518  What people wore during the Civil War 
 4519  What people wore during the westward expansion 
 4520  What people wore in early America 
 4521  What people wore on southern plantations 
 4522  What pet should I get? 
 4523  What was cooking in Abigail Adams's White House? 
 4524  What was cooking in Dolley Madison's White House? 
 4525  What was cooking in Edith Roosevelt's White House? 
 4526  What was cooking in Julia Grant's White House? 
 4527  What was cooking in Martha Washington's presidential mansions? 
 4528  What was cooking in Mary Todd Lincoln's White House? 
 4529  What was the Battle of Gettysburg? 
 4530  What was the Lewis and Clark Expedition? 
 4531  What will Mommy do when I'm at school? 
 4532  What's an average kid like me doing way up here? 
 4533  What's cooking, Jenny Archer? 
 4534  What's faster than a speeding cheetah? 
 4535  What's inside a caterpillar cocoon? : and other questions about moths & butterflies 
 4536  What's inside earth? 
 4537  What's inside lakes? 
 4538  What's inside the moon? 
 4539  What's inside the ocean? 
 4540  What's inside the sun? 
 4541  What's inside trees? 
 4542  What's it like to be a fish? 
 4543  What's opposite? 
 4544  What's smaller than a pygmy shrew? 
 4545  What's the matter with Herbie Jones? 
 4546  What's the matter, Mr. Giraffe? 
 4547  What's the place value? 
 4548  What's under the log? 
 4549  What's up, pup? : how our furry friends communicate and what they are saying 
 4550  What's your favorite animal? 
 4551  Wheel of subject-verb agreement 
 4552  When a storm comes up 
 4553  When Africa was home 
 4554  When birds could talk and bats could sing : the adventures of Bruh Sparrow, Sis Wren, and their friends 
 4555  When Bluebell sang 
 4556  When can you play again? 
 4557  When Daddy prays 
 4558  When I Grow Up 
 4559  When I was young in the mountains 
 4560  When sea becomes sky 
 4561  When sheep cannot sleep : the counting book 
 4562  When Sophie gets angry-- really, really angry... 
 4563  When Stella was very, very small 
 4564  When things aren't going right, go left 
 4565  When will this cruel war be over? : the Civil War diary of Emma Simpson 
 4566  When winter comes 
 4567  Where are the night animals? 
 4568  Where did the butterfly get its name? : questions and answers about butterflies and moths 
 4569  Where do bears sleep? 
 4570  Where do you think you're going, Christopher Columbus? 
 4571  Where does the garbage go? 
 4572  Where fireflies dance = : Ahi, donde bailan las luciernagas 
 4573  Where have all the pandas gone? : questions and answers about endangered animals 
 4574  Where is my country? 
 4575  Where is my home? 
 4576  Where is my state? 
 4577  Where is my town? 
 4578  Where land meets sea 
 4579  Where the sidewalk ends 
 4580  Where the wild things are 
 4581  Which would you rather be? 
 4582  A whiff of pine, a hint of skunk : a forest of poems 
 4583  The whipping boy 
 4584  The White House 
 4585  White House white-out 
 4586  The white stallion 
 4587  White-sided dolphins 
 4588  Who are you today? 
 4589  Who can vote? 
 4590  Who do people vote for? 
 4591  Who got game? : baseball : amazing but true stories 
 4592  Who is Simone Biles? 
 4593  Who sparked the Montgomery bus boycott? : Rosa Parks 
 4594  Who swallowed Harold? : and other poems about pets 
 4595  Who was a daring pioneer of the skies? : Amelia Earhart 
 4596  Who was Dr. Seuss? 
 4597  Who was Elvis Presley? 
 4598  Who was George Washington Carver? 
 4599  Who was her own work of art? : Frida Kahlo 
 4600  Who was Jackie Robinson? 
 4601  Who was Jesse Owens? 
 4602  Who was Louis Armstrong? 
 4603  Who was Martin Luther King, Jr.? 
 4604  Who was Maya Angelou? 
 4605  Who was Rosa Parks? 
 4606  Who was Sacagawea? 
 4607  Who was Sojourner Truth? 
 4608  Who was the first man on the moon? Neil Armstrong 
 4609  Who was the greatest? : Muhammad Ali 
 4610  Who was the voice of the people? : Cesar Chavez 
 4611  Who will be my friends? 
 4612  Who's the deadliest? 
 4613  Who's the fastest? 
 4614  The whole wide world : a question and answer book 
 4615  Whoosh! : Lonnie Johnson's super-soaking stream of inventions 
 4616  Why can't I fly? 
 4617  Why did the monster cross the road? 
 4618  Why did the underwear cross the road? 
 4619  Why do birds sing? 
 4620  Why do snakes hiss? : and other questions about snakes, lizards, and turtles 
 4621  Why do volcanoes blow their tops? : questions and answers about volcanoes and earthquakes 
 4622  Why do wolves howl? : questions and answers about wolves 
 4623  Why does it rain? 
 4624  Why don't haircuts hurt? : questions and answers about the human body 
 4625  Why frogs are wet 
 4626  Why mosquitoes buzz in people's ears : a West African tale 
 4627  Why should people vote? 
 4628  Why we have Thanksgiving 
 4629  Wiggling worms at work 
 4630  Wild about us! 
 4631  Wild and woolly mammoths 
 4632  Wild animals : classifying and sorting 
 4633  The wild Christmas reindeer 
 4634  The wild robot protects 
 4635  Wild West lawmen and outlaws 
 4636  The wildlife 1 2 3 : a nature counting book 
 4637  Will Rogers 
 4638  Will Smith 
 4639  Will you be my friend? 
 4640  Will you sign here, John Hancock? 
 4641  William C. Handy; father of the blues. 
 4642  William H. Harrison 
 4643  The William problem 
 4644  Willie Jerome 
 4645  Willow Chase, Kansas Territory, 1847 
 4646  Wilma Mankiller 
 4647  Wilma Rudolph 
 4648  Wilma unlimited : how Wilma Rudolph became the world's fastest woman 
 4649  The wimpy kid movie diary : the next chapter 
 4650  Wind 
 4651  Wind power 
 4652  Wings 
 4653  The winter of red snow : the Revolutionary War diary of Abigail Jane Stewart 
 4654  The winter room 
 4655  Wisconsin 
 4656  The wish giver : three tales of Coven Tree 
 4657  The Witch of Blackbird Pond 
 4658  The witch of Fourth Street and other stories 
 4659  The witch who went for a walk 
 4660  Wizard and Wart 
 4661  Wizards don't need computers 
 4662  Wolf in the snow 
 4663  Wolf Roland 
 4664  Wolf spiders 
 4665  Wolf's coming! 
 4666  Wolfie the bunny 
 4667  Wolfsnail : a backyard predator 
 4668  Wolves 
 4669  Wolves and coyotes 
 4670  Wombat said come in 
 4671  Women in the Marines : the boot camp challenge 
 4672  Women in the West 
 4673  Women inventors & their discoveries 
 4674  Women of he U.S. Congress 
 4675  Wonder Kid meets the evil lunch snatcher 
 4676  Wonderful Alexander and the Catwings 
 4677  Woo hoo! You're doing great! 
 4678  Woodland forest ecosystems 
 4679  Wool 
 4680  Woolly monkey 
 4681  Word problems using operations and algebraic thinking 
 4682  Words of stone 
 4683  Words with wings : a treasury of African American poetry and art 
 4684  Work 
 4685  World Almanac for Kids 
 4686  The world almanac for kids 2007 
 4687  The world almanac for kids 2011 
 4688  The world around us : based on Timothy Goes to School and other stories 
 4689  The World Book encyclopedia 
 4690  World News Digest 
 4691  The world of dinosaurs 
 4692  World War I 
 4693  World War II 
 4694  The world's best class plant 
 4695  Worm and Caterpillar are friends 
 4696  The worst best school year ever 
 4697  Worth fighting for; : a history of the Negro in the United States during the Civil War and Reconstruction 
 4698  Would you rather be a bullfrog? 
 4699  Wrecking ball 
 4700  Wrecking ball 
 4701  The Wright brothers 
 4702  A wrinkle in time 
 4703  Wrinkle-faced bats 
 4704  Wrinkle-faced bats 
 4705  The wrong crowd 
 4706  Wyoming 
 4707  Yaks yak : animal word pairs 
 4708  A year down yonder 
 4709  The year of the perfect Christmas tree : an Appalachian story 
 4710  Yellow Bird and me 
 4711  The yellow boat 
 4712  Yo, hungry wolf! : a nursery rap 
 4713  Yorkshire terriers 
 4714  Yoshi and the ocean : a sea turtle's incredible journey home 
 4715  You forgot your skirt, Amelia Bloomer! : a very improper story 
 4716  You read to me, I'll read to you : very short fairy tales to read together (in which wolves are tamed, trolls are transformed, and peas are triumphant) 
 4717  You read to me, I'll read to you : very short Mother Goose tales to read together 
 4718  You want women to vote, Lizzie Stanton? 
 4719  You wouldn't want to be a 19th-century coal miner in England : a dangerous job you'd rather not have 
 4720  You wouldn't want to be a Civil War soldier! : a war you'd rather not fight 
 4721  You wouldn't want to be a crusader! : a war you'd rather not fight 
 4722  You wouldn't want to be a mammoth hunter! : dangerous beasts you'd rather not encounter 
 4723  You wouldn't want to be a medieval knight! : armor you'd rather not wear 
 4724  You wouldn't want to be a medieval knight! : armor you'd rather not wear 
 4725  You wouldn't want to be a nurse during the American Civil War! : a job that's not for the squeamish 
 4726  You wouldn't want to be a Roman gladiator! : gory things you'd rather not know 
 4727  You wouldn't want to be an American colonist! : a settlement you'd rather not start 
 4728  You wouldn't want to be at the Boston Tea Party! : wharf water tea you'd rather not drink 
 4729  You wouldn't want to be in a medieval dungeon! : prisoners you'd rather not meet 
 4730  You wouldn't want to be on the first flying machine! : a high-soaring ride you'd rather not take 
 4731  You wouldn't want to be Tutankhamen! : a mummy who really got meddled with 
 4732  You wouldn't want to live without antibiotics! 
 4733  You wouldn't want to live without bacteria! 
 4734  You wouldn't want to live without books! 
 4735  You wouldn't want to live without cell phones! 
 4736  You wouldn't want to live without clean water! 
 4737  You wouldn't want to live without clocks and calendars! 
 4738  You wouldn't want to live without dentists! 
 4739  You wouldn't want to live without electricity! 
 4740  You wouldn't want to live without extreme weather! 
 4741  You wouldn't want to live without fire! 
 4742  You wouldn't want to live without insects! 
 4743  You wouldn't want to live without money! 
 4744  You wouldn't want to live without plastic! 
 4745  You wouldn't want to live without soap! 
 4746  You wouldn't want to live without the internet! 
 4747  You wouldn't want to live without toilets! 
 4748  You wouldn't want to live without vaccinations! 
 4749  You wouldn't want to live without writing! 
 4750  You're aboard spaceship Earth 
 4751  Young Abraham Lincoln : log-cabin president 
 4752  Young Cam Jansen and the baseball mystery 
 4753  Young Cam Jansen and the lost tooth 
 4754  Young Cam Jansen and the missing cookie 
 4755  Young Cam Jansen and the new girl mystery 
 4756  Young Wolf and Spirit Horse 
 4757  Your place in the universe 
 4758  Your skin and mine 
 4759  Zachary Taylor 
 4760  Zap! I'm a mind reader 
 4761  Zara's rules for record-breaking fun 
 4762  Zatanna and the house of secrets : a graphic novel 
 4763  The zebra wall 
 4764  Zebras 
 4765  Zebras 
 4766  Zelda strikes again! 
 4767  Zion Williamson 
 4768  Zipping, zapping, zooming bats 
 4769  Zombies and electricity 
 4770  Zombies and forces and motion 
 4771  Zombies don't play soccer 
 Line #  Title
 1  "And the winner is..." 
 2  "Fire! fire!" said Mrs. McGuire 
 3  "Twas the night b'fore Christmas : an African-American version 
 4  'Twas The Night Before Thanksgiving 
 5  --if you grew up with George Washington 
 6  -ag as in flag 
 7  -ake as in cake 
 8  -am as in ham 
 9  -an as in fan 
 10  -ap as in cap 
 11  -aw as in paw 
 12  -ay as in clay 
 13  -est as in nest 
 14  -ip as in ship 
 15  -ore as in core 
 16  -ot as in knot 
 17  4 x 4s and pickups 
 18  5-Minute Basketball Stories 
 19  8 class pets + 1 squirrel [divided by] 1 dog = chaos 
 20  The 12 most amazing American battles 
 21  The 12 most amazing American inventions 
 22  The 12 most amazing American monuments & symbols 
 23  The 12 most amazing American myths & legends 
 24  The 12 most amazing American natural wonders 
 25  13 ways to eat a fly 
 26  13 ways to eat a fly 
 27  The 18th emergency 
 28  20 hungry piggies 
 29  20,000 baseball cards under the sea 
 30  26 Fairmount Avenue 
 31  50 below zero 
 32  50 facts about speed & power 
 33  100th day worries 
 34  377Ankylosaurus 
 35  The 500 hats of Bartholomew Cubbins 
 36  The 1963 March on Washington : speeches and songs for civil rights 
 37  2006 National Football League megastars 
 38  An A from Miss Keller 
 39  A, B, see! 
 40  Aaron Rodgers 
 41  Aaron Slater and the sneaky snake 
 42  ABC of cars and trucks, 
 43  ABC, I like me! 
 44  Abe Lincoln : his wit and wisdom from A to Z 
 45  Abe Lincoln : log cabin to White House 
 46  Abiyoyo : based on a South African lullaby and folk story 
 47  The abominable snowman 
 48  About fish : a guide for children 
 49  Abraham Lincoln 
 50  Abraham Lincoln 
 51  Abraham Lincoln 
 52  The absent author 
 53  The absolute value of Mike 
 54  Abuela 
 55  Abuelita and me 
 56  Abyssinian cats 
 57  Across the stream 
 58  Across the wide and lonesome prairie : the Oregon Trail diary of Hattie Campbell, 1847 
 59  Act 
 60  Actual size 
 61  Ada 
 62  Ada Twist and the disappearing dogs 
 63  Ada Twist and the perilous pants 
 64  Ada Twist, scientist 
 65  Adding it up : based on Timothy goes to school and other stories 
 66  Addy learns a lesson : a school story 
 67  Addy saves the day : a summer story 
 68  Addy's cookbook : a peek at dining in the past with meals you can cook today 
 69  Addy's surprise : A Christmas story 
 70  Adjectives 
 71  The adventures of a South Pole pig : [a novel of snow and courage] 
 72  The adventures of Ali Baba Bernstein 
 73  Adventures of Chuck E. Beaver & Gerty Goose moves away. 
 74  The adventures of Johnny May 
 75  The adventures of Laura and Jack 
 76  The adventures of Sherlock Holmes 
 77  The adventures of Sojourner : the mission to Mars that thrilled the world 
 78  The adventures of Super Diaper Baby : the first graphic novel 
 79  Aesop for children 
 80  Africa 
 81  African American answer book, biography : 325 questions drawn from the expertise of Harvard's Du Bois Institute 
 82  African American answer book, sports : 325 questions drawn from the expertise of Harvard's Du Bois Instite. 
 83  African American literature : an anthology of nonfiction, fiction, poetry, and drama 
 84  African elephants and baboons 
 85  African rock pythons 
 86  African-American children's stories : a treasury of tradition and pride 
 87  African-American inventors 
 88  African-American voices 
 89  After the dinosaurs : mammoths and fossil mammals 
 90  After the goat man 
 91  Afternoon of the elves 
 92  Afternoon on the Amazon 
 93  Against all odds 
 94  Ahyoka and the talking leaves 
 95  Air 
 96  Air 
 97  Aircraft carriers 
 98  The airplane 
 99  Al Gore : Vice President 
 100  Alabama 
 101  Aladdin and the enchanted lamp 
 102  The Alamo 
 103  Alaska 
 104  Alaskan brown bears 
 105  Albert Einstein 
 106  Albert Einstein : genius of the twentieth century 
 107  Albert Pujols 
 108  Albert's Christmas 
 109  Alcohol--what it is, what it does 
 110  Aldo Applesauce 
 111  Aldo Ice Cream 
 112  Alex Rodriguez 
 113  Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day 
 114  Alexander and the wind-up mouse. 
 115  Alexander Graham Bell 
 116  Alexander Graham Bell 
 117  Alexander, who used to be rich last Sunday 
 118  Alexander, who's not (do you hear me? I mean it!) going to move 
 119  Alexi Lalas : soccer sensation 
 120  Alexia Ellery Finsdale : San Francisco, 1905 
 121  Alice in Wonderland 
 122  Aliens and UFOs 
 123  Aliens are coming! : the true account of the 1938 War of the worlds radio broadcast 
 124  Aliens ate my homework 
 125  Aliens don't wear braces 
 126  Aliens for dinner 
 127  Aliens for lunch 
 128  Alison goes for the gold 
 129  Alison of Arabia 
 130  Alison on the trail 
 131  Alison rides the rapids 
 132  Alison saves the wedding 
 133  Alison walks the wire 
 134  All about frogs 
 135  All about heat 
 136  All about matter 
 137  All about owls 
 138  All about people : Scholastic reference. 
 139  All about sign language : talking with your hands 
 140  All about Stacy 
 141  All eyes on the pond 
 142  All in just one cookie 
 143  All Kinds of Families 
 144  All stations! distress! : April 15, 1912, the day the Titanic sank 
 145  All the birds in the world 
 146  All the colors of the Earth 
 147  All the colors of the earth 
 148  All the colors of the rainbow 
 149  All the places to love 
 150  All together now 
 151  Allen Jay and the Underground Railroad 
 152  Allergic 
 153  Alligator baby 
 154  Alligator smiling in the sawgrass. 
 155  Alligators 
 156  Alligators & crocodiles 
 157  Allosaurus 
 158  Almost home 
 159  Almost home 
 160  Almost late to school : and more school poems 
 161  Almost starring Skinnybones 
 162  Almost to freedom 
 163  Aloha! 
 164  Alphabatics 
 165  Alphabet adventure 
 166  Alphabet mystery 
 167  The alphabet tree. 
 168  The alphabet zoo, 
 169  Always inventing : a photobiography of Alexander Graham Bell 
 170  Amanda Bean's amazing dream : a mathematical story 
 171  Amanda Pig and her big brother Oliver 
 172  Amanda Pig, schoolgirl 
 173  Amazing airplanes 
 174  The amazing bone 
 175  Amazing gorillas! 
 176  Amazing insects and spiders 
 177  Amazing life cycle books set : v.1. 
 178  The amazing life of Azaleah Lane 
 179  The amazing Mr. Franklin, or, The boy who read everything 
 180  Amazing NASCAR races 
 181  The amazing rain forest 
 182  Amazing schemes within your genes 
 183  Amazon parrots 
 184  The amazon rainforest 
 185  Amber Brown sees red 
 186  Amber on the Mountain 
 187  Ambulances 
 188  Amelia Bedelia, bookworm 
 189  Amelia Earhart 
 190  Amelia Earhart : courage in the sky 
 191  Amelia Earhart : Flying for Adventure 
 192  Amelia Fang and the barbaric ball 
 193  America's champion swimmer : Gertrude Ederle 
 194  America's first traitor : Benedict Arnold betrays the colonies 
 195  An American army of two 
 196  American curl cats 
 197  American dreams 
 198  The American flag 
 199  American Indian crafts kids can do! 
 200  The American Revolution 
 201  An American story 
 202  Amigo 
 203  Amphibians 
 204  Amphibians 
 205  Amphibians 
 206  Amphibians 
 207  Amusement park 
 208  Amzat and his brothers : three Italian tales 
 209  Anansi and the moss-covered rock 
 210  Anastasia at your service 
 211  Anastasia has the answers 
 212  Anastasia's chosen career 
 213  Anastasia, ask your analyst 
 214  And I mean it, Stanley 
 215  And if the moon could talk 
 216  And still the turtle watched 
 217  And then what happened, Paul Revere? 
 218  Andrew Jackson 
 219  Andromeda 
 220  Anfernee Hardaway 
 221  Angel child, dragon child 
 222  Angels 
 223  Animal adventures 
 224  Animal groups : how animals live together 
 225  Animal heroes : true rescue stories 
 226  Animal talk 
 227  The animal, the vegetable, and John D Jones 
 228  Animals 
 229  Animals and nature : Scholastic reference. 
 230  Animals called mammals 
 231  Animals hibernating : how animals survive extreme conditions 
 232  Animals in camouflage 
 233  Animals in fall 
 234  Animals in fall : preparing for winter 
 235  Animals in the desert 
 236  Animals in the fall 
 237  Animals migrating : how, when, where and why animals migrate 
 238  Animals of the rain forest 
 239  Animals of the sea and shore, 
 240  Animals of the sea. 
 241  Animals on board 
 242  Animals On the Farm 
 243  Animals that Live in the Sea 
 244  Animals under the ground 
 245  Anisett Lundberg : California, 1851 
 246  Annabel the actress starring in Gorilla my dreams 
 247  Anne Frank 
 248  Anne of the island 
 249  Annie Bananie---best friends to the end 
 250  Annie Oakley 
 251  Anno's journey/ 
 252  Antarctica 
 253  Antarctica 
 254  Antonia Novello, U.S. surgeon general 
 255  Antonio Brown : football star 
 256  Ants 
 257  Ants 
 258  Ants in my pants 
 259  Any day but today! 
 260  Ape cape 
 261  The apes 
 262  Apollo 11 
 263  Apollo 13 
 264  Apple fractions 
 265  Apple trees 
 266  Apples : and how they grow 
 267  Apples of your eye 
 268  Apples to applesauce 
 269  April Fool! 
 270  Apt. 3 
 271  Arabian horses 
 272  Archaeopteryx 
 273  Archie's amazing game 
 274  An Arctic year 
 275  Are mountains growing taller? : questions and answers about the changing earth 
 276  The Area 51 files 
 277  Aretha Franklin 
 278  Aretha Franklin : Motown superstar 
 279  Arf and the greedy grabber 
 280  Argentina 
 281  The Aristocats 
 282  Arizona 
 283  Arkansas 
 284  Around the table that Grandad built 
 285  The art box 
 286  The art lesson 
 287  The artful alphabet 
 288  Arthur accused! 
 289  Arthur and the 1,001 dads 
 290  Arthur and the best coach ever 
 291  Arthur and the big blow-up 
 292  Arthur and the Crunch Cereal Contest 
 293  Arthur and the double dare 
 294  Arthur and the poetry contest 
 295  Arthur and the popularity test 
 296  Arthur and the Scare-your-pants-off club 
 297  Arthur and the seventh-inning stretcher 
 298  Arthur and the true Francine 
 299  Arthur babysits 
 300  Arthur goes to camp 
 301  Arthur lost and found 
 302  Arthur makes the team 
 303  Arthur meets the President 
 304  Arthur rocks with Binky 
 305  Arthur tricks the tooth fairy 
 306  Arthur writes a story 
 307  Arthur's April fool 
 308  Arthur's birthday 
 309  Arthur's chicken pox 
 310  Arthur's Christmas 
 311  Arthur's eyes 
 312  Arthur's family vacation 
 313  Arthur's first sleepover 
 314  Arthur's Halloween costume 
 315  Arthur's loose tooth 
 316  Arthur's mystery envelope 
 317  Arthur's nose 
 318  Arthur's pet business 
 319  Arthur's prize reader 
 320  Arthur's teacher trouble 
 321  Arthur's Thanksgiving 
 322  Arthur's TV trouble 
 323  Arthur's underwear 
 324  Arthur's valentine 
 325  Arthur, for the very first time 
 326  The Articles of Confederation 
 327  As good as anybody : Martin Luther King Jr. and Abraham Joshua Heschel's amazing march towards freedom 
 328  As the crow flies 
 329  Asia 
 330  Asia 
 331  Ask me anything 
 332  Ask the bones : scary stories from around the world 
 333  The assault on Fort Wagner : Black soldiers make a stand in South Carolina battle 
 334  Astronomy 
 335  At home by the ocean 
 336  At home on the ranch 
 337  At school : long ago and today 
 338  At the football game : learning the symbols <, >, and = 
 339  Atlanta Hawks 
 340  Atlantic 
 341  The atmosphere 
 342  Attack of the 50-foot Fly Guy 
 343  Attack of the shadow smashers 
 344  The attacks of September 11, 2001 
 345  Aunt Clara Brown : official pioneer 
 346  Aunt Eater loves a mystery 
 347  Aunt Flossie's hats (and crab cakes later) 
 348  Aunt Isabel tells a good one 
 349  Auntie Claus 
 350  Aunts 
 351  Australia 
 352  Australia 
 353  Australia and New Zealand 
 354  Auto racing 
 355  Avalanches 
 356  Avengers K. 
 357  Aztec 
 358  B is for Bethlehem : a Christmas alphabet 
 359  B-e-s-t friends 
 360  Babe Didrikson Zaharias : all-around athlete 
 361  Babe Ruth and the baseball curse 
 362  Babe, the sheep pig : pigs and robbers 
 363  Babies on the go 
 364  Baby 
 365  Baby animals 
 366  Baby penguins 
 367  Baby whales drink milk 
 368  Baby-sitters on Board! 
 369  Baby-sitting is a dangerous job 
 370  Babymouse. 
 371  Babysitting basics : caring for kids 
 372  Back home 
 373  Backstreet Boys 
 374  Backyard food chains 
 375  Backyard habitats 
 376  The bad guys in open wide and say arrrgh! 
 377  The Bad Guys in the baddest day ever 
 378  The bad guys in they're bee-hind you! 
 379  Bad hair day 
 380  A Bad Kitty Christmas 
 381  Bad Kitty does not like Thanksgiving 
 382  Bad Kitty for president 
 383  Bad kitty gets a phone 
 384  Bad Kitty joins the team 
 385  Bad Kitty meets the baby 
 386  Bad Kitty vs. the babysitter 
 387  Bad, bad bunnies 
 388  The bald bandit 
 389  The bald eagle 
 390  Bald eagles 
 391  Bald eagles 
 392  Balinese cats 
 393  The ballad of Lucy Whipple 
 394  Balto and the great race 
 395  Banana blitz 
 396  The banza : a Haitian story 
 397  Barack Obama 
 398  Barack Obama : man of destiny 
 399  The Barefoot book of fairy tales 
 400  A bargain for Frances. 
 401  Barn dance! 
 402  Barney's Horse 
 403  Barnyard banter 
 404  Barry Sanders : football's rushing champ 
 405  Bartholomew and the oobleck 
 406  Baseball 
 407  Baseball 
 408  Baseball and softball 
 409  The baseball birthday party 
 410  Baseball fever 
 411  Baseball flyhawk 
 412  Baseball pals 
 413  Baseball's best : five true stories 
 414  Baseball's greatest pitchers 
 415  Basketball 
 416  Basketball 
 417  Basketball 
 418  Basketball : amazing but true stories! 
 419  Basketball : math on the court 
 420  Basketball angles : understanding angles 
 421  Basketball in action 
 422  The bathwater gang 
 423  Batman battles the Joker 
 424  Batman tales : once upon a crime 
 425  Batman versus the riddler 
 426  Batman's guide to crime and detection 
 427  Bats and other animals with amazing ears 
 428  The battle for Imperia 
 429  The Battle of Bull Run : Confederate forces overwhelm Union troops 
 430  The Battle of Gettysburg : the Civil War's biggest battle 
 431  The Battle of Gettysburg, 1863 
 432  Be a perfect person in just three days 
 433  Be you! 
 434  Beading : bracelets, barrettes, and beyond 
 435  The beak strikes! 
 436  Beaks 
 437  Bean and plant 
 438  Beanpole 
 439  The bear ate your sandwich 
 440  Bears 
 441  Bears : life in the wild 
 442  Bears make the best reading buddies 
 443  Bears odd, bears even 
 444  The bears on Hemlock Mountain 
 445  Bears! 
 446  Bears, bears, everywhere 
 447  The beast in Ms. Rooney's room 
 448  Beastly tales : Yeti, Bigfoot, and the Loch Ness Monster 
 449  Beatrice doesn't want to 
 450  Beautiful ballerinas 
 451  Beauty and the beast 
 452  Beavers 
 453  Because I could not stop my bike : and other poems 
 454  Because I love you 
 455  Because of you, John Lewis : the true story of a remarkable friendship 
 456  Becoming a citizen 
 457  Bed + time = bedtime 
 458  Bedtime mouse 
 459  The bee tree 
 460  Bees! 
 461  Bees, Wasps, and Ants 
 462  Beetles 
 463  Beezus and Ramona 
 464  Before the ever after 
 465  Before we eat : from farm to table 
 466  Behind the couch 
 467  Bein' with you this way 
 468  Being a governor 
 469  The bell rang 
 470  Belly laughs 
 471  Beluga whales and their babies 
 472  Ben Yokoyama and the cookie of doom 
 473  Ben Yokoyama and the cookie thief 
 474  Ben Yokoyama and the cookies of chaos 
 475  Beneath 
 476  Beneath the stone : a Mexican Zapotec tale 
 477  Benjamin Banneker 
 478  Benjamin Franklin 
 479  Benjamin Franklin 
 480  Benjamin Franklin 
 481  Benjamin Franklin 
 482  Benny uncovers a mystery 
 483  Benny's new friend  
 484  The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the coughing catfish 
 485  The Berenstain Bear scouts and the really big disaster 
 486  The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the terrible talking termite 
 487  The Berenstain Bear Scouts in Giant Bat Cave 
 488  The Berenstain Bear scouts scream their heads off 
 489  The Berenstain Bears accept no substitutes 
 490  The Berenstain Bears and Mama's new job 
 491  The Berenstain Bears and the bad dream 
 492  The Berenstain Bears and the blame game 
 493  The Berenstain Bears and the bully 
 494  The Berenstain Bears and the double dare 
 495  The Berenstain Bears and the dress code 
 496  The Berenstain bears and the drug free zone 
 497  The Berenstain bears and the excuse note 
 498  The Berenstain Bears and the galloping ghost 
 499  The Berenstain bears and the ghost of the forest 
 500  The Berenstain Bears and the giddy grandma 
 501  The Berenstain Bears and the Green-eyed Monster 
 502  The Berenstain Bears and the homework hassle 
 503  The Berenstain Bears and the in-crowd 
 504  The Berenstain Bears and the messy room 
 505  The Berenstain Bears and the missing dinosaur bone 
 506  The Berenstain Bears and the prize pumpkin 
 507  The Berenstain bears and the real Easter eggs 
 508  The Berenstain Bears and the red-handed thief 
 509  The Berenstain Bears and the slumber party 
 510  The Berenstain Bears and the spooky old tree 
 511  The Berenstain Bears and the trouble with friends 
 512  The Berenstain bears and the trouble with grownups 
 513  The Berenstain Bears and the week at Grandma's 
 514  The Berenstain Bears and the wheelchair commando 
 515  The Berenstain Bears and too much junk food 
 516  The Berenstain bears and too much pressure 
 517  The Berenstain Bears and too much teasing 
 518  The Berenstain bears and too much TV 
 519  The Berenstain bears and too much vacation 
 520  The Berenstain Bears at Camp Crush 
 521  The Berenstain Bears big bear, small bear 
 522  The Berenstain Bears dollars & sense 
 523  The Berenstain bears don't pollute (anymore) 
 524  The Berenstain Bears forget their manners 
 525  The Berenstain bears get in a fight 
 526  The Berenstain Bears get stage fright 
 527  The Berenstain Bears get the gimmies 
 528  The Berenstain Bears go platinum 
 529  The Berenstain bears go to school 
 530  The Berenstain bears go to the doctor 
 531  The Berenstain Bears in the dark 
 532  The Berenstain Bears in the freaky funhouse 
 533  The Berenstain Bears in the house of mirrors 
 534  The Berenstain Bears learn about strangers 
 535  The Berenstain Bears meet Santa Bear 
 536  The Berenstain Bears think of those in need 
 537  The Berenstain Bears trick or treat 
 538  The Berenstain Bears visit the dentist 
 539  The Berenstain Bears' funny valentine 
 540  The Berenstain Bears' mad, mad, mad toy craze 
 541  The Berenstain Bears' media madness 
 542  The Berenstain Bears' moving day 
 543  The Berenstain bears' new baby 
 544  The Berenstain Bears' new neighbors 
 545  The Berenstain Bears' trouble at school 
 546  The Berenstain bears' trouble with money 
 547  The Berenstain Bears' trouble with pets 
 548  The Berenstain Bears, no girls allowed 
 549  Bessie Coleman : daring to fly 
 550  Best babysitters ever 
 551  The best book of martial arts 
 552  The best book of snakes 
 553  The best Christmas pageant ever. 
 554  Best friends 
 555  Best friends for Frances 
 556  The best pet yet 
 557  The best pet? 
 558  The best vacation ever 
 559  Best wishes 
 560  Betcha! 
 561  Bethany Hamilton : follow your dreams! 
 562  Betsy Ross 
 563  Betsy Ross 
 564  Betsy Ross 
 565  Better boxing for boys./ 
 566  Betty Doll 
 567  Beverly Billingsly borrows a book 
 568  Beverly Cleary 
 569  Beware of low-flying corn muffins 
 570  Beyonce Knowles 
 571  Beyond the lemonade stand : starting small to make it big! 
 572  Beyond the ridge 
 573  The bicycle man 
 574  Big 
 575  Big and small 
 576  Big as a giant snail : discovering the world's most gigantic animals 
 577  The big balloon race 
 578  Big Bigfoot's secret vacation 
 579  Big Bird's copycat day 
 580  The big book of real trains 
 581  Big brothers are the best 
 582  The big bunny and the Easter eggs 
 583  Big cats 
 584  The Big Dipper 
 585  The big egg hunt 
 586  Big George : how a shy boy became President Washington 
 587  A big guy took my ball! 
 588  The big leaf pile 
 589  Big Max 
 590  Big Nate : Mr. popularity 
 591  Big Nate flips out 
 592  Big Nate goes bananas! 
 593  Big Nate in a Class by Himself 
 594  Big red barn 
 595  Big rig 
 596  Big ship rescue! 
 597  Big shot 
 598  Big sisters are the best 
 599  The big snow 
 600  The big storm 
 601  Big top bonanza 
 602  The big wave 
 603  The big white ghost 
 604  The biggest dinosaurs 
 605  The biggest house in the world. 
 606  Biggest, strongest, fastest 
 607  Bigmama's 
 608  The bike lesson 
 609  Bike riding 
 610  Bill Clinton 
 611  Bill Clinton : president of the 90s 
 612  The Bill of Rights 
 613  Bill Peet : an autobiography. 
 614  Billy and Blaze 
 615  Billy Tartle in Say cheese! 
 616  Bingo Brown and the language of love 
 617  Binky rules 
 618  The Bionic Bunny show 
 619  The Bippolo Seed and other lost stories 
 620  Bird-eating spiders 
 621  Birds 
 622  Birds 
 623  Birds 
 624  Birds 
 625  Birds of a feather. 
 626  The birth and growth of a nation : hands-on projects about symbols of American liberty 
 627  The birthday bear 
 628  Birthdays in different places 
 629  The bite of the gold bug : a story of the Alaskan gold rush 
 630  Black abolitionists and freedom fighters 
 631  Black and white. 
 632  Black bears 
 633  Black bears 
 634  Black civil rights champions 
 635  Black cowboys 
 636  The black snowman 
 637  Black widow spiders 
 638  Blair's nightmare 
 639  The blob that ate everyone 
 640  The blobfish book 
 641  Bloomers! 
 642  A Blossom promise 
 643  Blubber 
 644  Blue 
 645  Blue whale vs. mosquito 
 646  Blue whales 
 647  Blues journey 
 648  BMX bikes 
 649  BMX racing 
 650  Bo Jackson : Playing the games. 
 651  Bo's magical new friend 
 652  Boa constrictors 
 653  Boats, boats, boats 
 654  Bob Fulton's amazing soda-pop stretcher, : an international spy story. 
 655  Bob, not Bob! 
 656  The bodies in the Bessledorf Hotel 
 657  Body pairs 
 658  Bonaparte 
 659  A book is just like you! : all about the parts of a book 
 660  The book of turtles 
 661  Booker T. Washington 
 662  Booker T. Washington 
 663  Booker T. Washington 
 664  Booker T. Washington 
 665  Booker T. Washington : African-American leader 
 666  Booker T. Washington : leader and educator 
 667  The Boonsville Bombers 
 668  The bootmaker and the elves 
 669  Bored Bella Learns About Fiction and Nonfiction 
 670  The boss babysitter 
 671  The bossy gallito = : El gallo de bodas ; a traditional Cuban folktale 
 672  The Boston Massacre : five colonists killed by British soldiers 
 673  The Boston Tea Party : angry colonists dump British tea 
 674  Bottlenose dolphins 
 675  Bow wow 
 676  A bowl full of peace : a true story 
 677  Box : Henry Brown mails himself to freedom 
 678  The box that Watch found 
 679  The box turtle 
 680  The boxcar at the center of the universe 
 681  The Boxcar children / : Blue Bay Mystery 
 682  A boy and a jaguar 
 683  The boy and the goats 
 684  The boy and the gorilla 
 685  The boy of the three-year nap 
 686  The boy who ate dog biscuits 
 687  The boy who crashed to Earth 
 688  The boy who cried wolf, 
 689  The boy who harnessed the wind 
 690  Boy, were we wrong about the solar system! 
 691  Boys of steel : the creators of Superman 
 692  Bozo the clone 
 693  Braces for Cori 
 694  Brachiosaurus 
 695  Brad and Butter play ball! 
 696  Brave Irene 
 697  The bravest cat! : the true story of Scarlett 
 698  The bravest of us all 
 699  Brawl of the wild 
 700  Bread and jam for Frances 
 701  The bread sister of Sinking Creek 
 702  Bread, bread, bread 
 703  Breaking barriers 
 704  Breakout at the bug lab 
 705  Bret and his pet 
 706  Brett Favre 
 707  Bridge to Terabithia 
 708  Bridges 
 709  Britannica ImageQuest 
 710  Britannica School 
 711  Britannica student encyclopedia. 
 712  The Broccoli tapes 
 713  Bronco Charlie and the Pony Express 
 714  The bronze bow 
 715  Brothers 
 716  The Brothers Grimm 
 717  Brothers of the knight 
 718  Brown angels : an album of pictures and verse 
 719  Brown Cow Farm; : a counting book. 
 720  Brown honey in broomwheat tea : poems 
 721  Brown Sunshine of Sawdust Valley 
 722  Bruce's big storm 
 723  Bruh Rabbit and the tar baby girl 
 724  Bruises 
 725  Buck-Buck the chicken 
 726  Bud, not Buddy 
 727  Buddy 
 728  Buffalo before breakfast 
 729  Buffalo Bills 
 730  Bug dance 
 731  Bug faces 
 732  The bug scientists 
 733  Bugs, beetles, and butterflies 
 734  Building sets of ten 
 735  Buildings 
 736  Bully trouble 
 737  Bunny bungalow 
 738  The bunny hop 
 739  Bunny money 
 740  The burning questions of Bingo Brown 
 741  Bus station mystery. 
 742  Buses 
 743  Buster makes the grade 
 744  Buster's dino dilemma 
 745  Buster's new friend 
 746  The busy spring 
 747  The butter battle book 
 748  Butterflies 
 749  Butterflies and moths 
 750  Butterflies in the garden 
 751  The butterfly 
 752  Butterfly house 
 753  Butterfly kisses 
 754  By the dawn's early light : the story of the Star spangled banner 
 755  Cabin fever 
 756  The cafeteria lady from the Black Lagoon 
 757  Cal Ripken, Jr. 
 758  California 
 759  The California gold rush 
 760  California's redwood forest 
 761  Calvin Coolidge 
 762  Cam Jansen and the barking treasure mystery 
 763  Cam Jansen and the birthday mystery 
 764  Cam Jansen and the catnapping mystery 
 765  Cam Jansen and the chocolate fudge mystery 
 766  Cam Jansen and the ghostly mystery 
 767  Cam Jansen and the mystery at the haunted house 
 768  Cam Jansen and the mystery at the monkey house 
 769  Cam Jansen and the mystery of Flight 54 
 770  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the Babe Ruth baseball 
 771  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the carnival prize 
 772  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the circus clown 
 773  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the dinosaur bones 
 774  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the gold coins 
 775  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the television dog 
 776  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the U.F.O 
 777  Cam Jansen and the scary snake mystery 
 778  Cam Jansen and the school play mystery 
 779  Cam Jansen and the Triceratops Pops mystery 
 780  Cam Newton 
 781  Cam Newton : football star 
 782  Camp 
 783  Camp-out 
 784  The camp-out mystery 
 785  The camping trip that changed America : Theodore Roosevelt, John Muir, and our National Parks 
 786  Can do, Jenny Archer 
 787  Can I help? 
 788  Can it rain cats and dogs? : questions and answers about weather 
 789  Can snakes crawl backward? : questions and answers about reptiles 
 790  Can you count to a googol? 
 791  Can you hear a shout in space? : questions and answers about space exploration 
 792  Can't get enough shark stuff : fun facts, awesome info, cool games, silly jokes, and more! 
 793  Can't You Make Them Behave, King George? 
 794  The Canada geese quilt 
 795  Canals 
 796  The canary caper 
 797  The candy corn contest 
 798  The canoe trip mystery 
 799  Caps for sale : a tale of a peddler, some monkeys, and their monkey business 
 800  Captain Marvel : frost giants among us! 
 801  Captain Underpants and the attack of the talking toilets : another epic novel 
 802  Captain Underpants and the invasion of the incredibly naughty cafeteria ladies from outer space (and the subsequent assault of the equally evil lunchroom zombie nerds) : the third epic novel 
 803  Captain Underpants and the perilous plot of Professor Poopypants : the fourth epic novel 
 804  Captain Underpants and the revolting revenge of the radioactive robo-boxers : the tenth epic novel 
 805  The capture of New Orleans : Union fleet takes control of the lower Mississippi River 
 806  Caring for your fish 
 807  Carnivores in the food chain 
 808  The Carolina Panthers 
 809  The carp in the bathtub 
 810  Cars 
 811  Cars 
 812  Cars of the past 
 813  Cars on the move 
 814  Carter G. Woodson : the father of black history 
 815  Carver, a life in poems 
 816  A case for Jenny Archer 
 817  The case of the black-hooded hangmans 
 818  The case of the booby-trapped pickup 
 819  The case of the car-barkaholic dog 
 820  The case of the cool-itch kid 
 821  The case of the cracked compass 
 822  The case of the double bumblebee sting 
 823  The case of the double cross 
 824  The case of the fiddle-playing fox 
 825  The case of the Halloween ghost 
 826  The case of the hungry stranger 
 827  The case of the midnight rustler 
 828  The case of the most ancient bone 
 829  The case of the sabotaged school play 
 830  The case of the stolen baseball cards 
 831  The case of the threatened king 
 832  Casey Jones 
 833  Cassie's journey : going West in the 1860s 
 834  Castle 
 835  The castle mystery 
 836  Castles 
 837  Cat and mouse in a haunted house 
 838  The cat in the hat 
 839  The cat in the hat comes back! 
 840  The cat in the hat, 
 841  Cat Kid comic club 
 842  The cat's quizzer 
 843  Catch that pass! 
 844  The catcher's mask : a Peach Street Mudders story 
 845  Cats 
 846  Cattle 
 847  The cave of stars 
 848  Cavecat Pete 
 849  Caves and caverns 
 850  The celery stalks at midnight 
 851  Cells 
 852  Cells 
 853  Celou Sudden Shout, Idaho, 1826 
 854  Ceramics: 
 855  Chalk 
 856  Chalk 
 857  Challenge at second base 
 858  Champion Rose 
 859  Change sings : a children's anthem 
 860  Changes for Kirsten 
 861  Changes for Molly : a winter story 
 862  Changing matter 
 863  Changing shape 
 864  Changing weather 
 865  Charles Schulz 
 866  Charlie Anderson 
 867  A Charlie Brown Christmas, 
 868  Charlie the ranch dog 
 869  Charlotte Hornets 
 870  Charlotte Shakespeare and Annie the Great 
 871  Charlotte's web 
 872  Chasing the moon to China 
 873  Chasmosaurus 
 874  Cheer all-stars : best of the best 
 875  Cheer basics : rules to cheer by 
 876  Cheerleading 
 877  Cheetahs 
 878  A chemical nightmare : bald eagle comeback 
 879  The Cherokee 
 880  Chester 
 881  Chester and Uncle Willoughby 
 882  Chester Arthur 
 883  Chester's way 
 884  Chewing gum : a sticky treat 
 885  The chewing gum book 
 886  Cheyenne Rose 
 887  Chickasaw 
 888  Chicken Little 
 889  The chicken or the egg? 
 890  Chicken Sunday 
 891  Chickens 
 892  Chickens 
 893  Chickens aren't the only ones 
 894  Chickens on the move 
 895  Child of the wolves 
 896  Children 
 897  Children of flight Pedro Pan 
 898  Children of the fire 
 899  Chimpanzees 
 900  Chimpanzees 
 901  Chimpanzees & bonobos 
 902  The Chinese mirror 
 903  Chipper flipper 
 904  Chirping crickets 
 905  Chita's Christmas tree 
 906  Chocolate : savor the flavor 
 907  A chocolate bar 
 908  Chocolate fever 
 909  The chocolate sundae mystery 
 910  Chomp! : fierce facts about the bite force, crushing jaws, and mighty teeth of Earth's champion chewers 
 911  Christa McAuliffe, teacher in space 
 912  Christmas around the world 
 913  Christmas comes to the forest : The adventures of Chuck E. Beaver and friends. 
 914  The Christmas Day kitten 
 915  The Christmas gift 
 916  Christmas in France 
 917  The Christmas revolution 
 918  The Christmas spurs 
 919  Christopher Columbus 
 920  Christopher Columbus 
 921  Christopher Columbus 
 922  Chuck has a big truck 
 923  Cinder-Elly 
 924  Cinderella at the ball 
 925  Cinderella; Illustrated by John Patience. 
 926  Circle of gold 
 927  The circle of Ter-Roar 
 928  Circles 
 929  The civil rights movement in America 
 930  The Civil War 
 931  The Civil War 
 932  Civil War sub : the mystery of the Hunley 
 933  Clara and Davie : [the true story of young Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross] 
 934  Clara and the bookwagon 
 935  Clara Barton 
 936  Clara Barton 
 937  Clash 
 938  Class act 
 939  Class president 
 940  Classifying living things 
 941  Classifying plants and animals 
 942  Claudia and the new girl : a graphic novel 
 943  Clean getaway 
 944  Clean house 
 945  Clean-sweep campers 
 946  The clear and simple thesaurus dictionary 
 947  Clifford and the grouchy neighbors 
 948  Clifford at the circus 
 949  Clifford grows up 
 950  Clifford keeps cool 
 951  Clifford makes a friend 
 952  Clifford takes a trip 
 953  Clifford the firehouse dog 
 954  Clifford visits the hospital 
 955  Clifford's birthday party 
 956  Clifford's Christmas 
 957  Clifford's class trip 
 958  Clifford's family 
 959  Clifford's first Christmas 
 960  Clifford's first Halloween 
 961  Clifford's first school day 
 962  Clifford's good deeds 
 963  Clifford's Halloween 
 964  Clifford's happy Easter 
 965  Clifford's happy Mother's Day 
 966  Clifford's manners 
 967  Clifford's puppy days 
 968  Clifford's sports day 
 969  Clifford's tricks 
 970  Clifford, the big red dog 
 971  Clifford, the small red puppy 
 972  Clifford, we love you 
 973  Climate change 
 974  Climbing Everest 
 975  Climbing Kansas mountains 
 976  Clink clank 
 977  A cloak for the dreamer 
 978  Clothes and toys 
 979  Clothing in different places 
 980  The cloud book : words and pictures 
 981  The cloud castle 
 982  Clouds 
 983  Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 
 984  Clovis Crawfish and he Spinning Spider 
 985  Clovis Crawfish and his friends 
 986  Clovis Crawfish and Petit Papillon 
 987  Clovis Crawfish and the big betail 
 988  Clovis Crawfish and the curious crapaud 
 989  Clovis Crawfish and the orphan Zo-Zo 
 990  Clovis Crawfish and the singing Cigales 
 991  The clue at the zoo 
 992  Clyde Tombaugh and the search for planet X 
 993  Clydesdale horses 
 994  Cobi Jones : soccer star 
 995  The cobweb confession 
 996  Cocker spaniels 
 997  Cockroaches 
 998  The codebreaker kids 
 999  Coding 
 1000  Coding to create and communicate 
 1001  The coin counting book 
 1002  The cold & hot winter 
 1003  A cold day 
 1004  The cold winter day 
 1005  Colin Powell 
 1006  Colin Powell : straight to the top 
 1007  Collaborations 
 1008  Colorado 
 1009  Columbus Day 
 1010  Come back, Amelia Bedelia 
 1011  Come next spring 
 1012  Come on, rain! 
 1013  Come Sunday 
 1014  Comets, stars, the Moon, and Mars : space poems and paintings 
 1015  The comic adventures of Old Mother Hubbard and her dog. 
 1016  Coming on home soon 
 1017  Commercial Appeal 
 1018  Common dolphins 
 1019  Communication then and now 
 1020  The complete adventures of Curious George 
 1021  Computer clues 
 1022  Conestoga wagons 
 1023  The Confederate States of America 
 1024  Connecticut 
 1025  The conspiracy of the secret nine 
 1026  Constitutional rights 
 1027  Construction countdown 
 1028  Continents in my world 
 1029  The cookie house 
 1030  Cookies and crutches 
 1031  Cookies and milk 
 1032  The cool bean 
 1033  Cool cards : creatng fun and fascinating collections! 
 1034  Cool cars 
 1035  Cool cuts 
 1036  Cool stamps : creating fun and fascinating collections! 
 1037  Cooler ruler 
 1038  Coping with anger 
 1039  The copper lady 
 1040  Copperheads 
 1041  Corduroy 
 1042  Corduroy lost and found 
 1043  Corduroy makes a cake 
 1044  Corduroy takes a bow 
 1045  Corduroy writes a letter 
 1046  Coretta Scott 
 1047  Coretta Scott King 
 1048  Coretta Scott King 
 1049  Coretta Scott King 
 1050  Corn is maize : the gift of the Indians 
 1051  Corn-- on and off the cob 
 1052  Cory Coleman, grade 2 
 1053  A cotton T-shirt 
 1054  Could be worse! 
 1055  Count on us : a Tennessee number book 
 1056  Counting crocodiles 
 1057  Counting in the city 
 1058  Counting in the desert 1-2-3 
 1059  Counting in the oceans 1-2-3 
 1060  Counting on Katherine 
 1061  Counting your way : number nursery rhymes 
 1062  The country bunny : and the little gold shoes 
 1063  Covered wagons : hands-on projects about America's westward expansion 
 1064  Cow's fart! 
 1065  Cowboy bunnies 
 1066  Cowgirl Megan 
 1067  Cows 
 1068  Coyote steals the blanket : an Ute tale 
 1069  Crab moon 
 1070  Cracking the wall : the struggles of the Little Rock Nine 
 1071  Crayons rock! 
 1072  Crazy Hair Day 
 1073  Creepy carrots! 
 1074  Creepy crayon! 
 1075  Creepy pair of underwear! 
 1076  Creepy spiders 
 1077  Cricket and the crackerbox kid 
 1078  Cricket songs; Japanese haiku. 
 1079  Crickets 
 1080  Crimson Twill : witch in the city 
 1081  Crispin : the cross of lead 
 1082  Crocodile teeth : geometric shapes in action 
 1083  Crowning glory : poems 
 1084  The cuckoo clock of doom 
 1085  Cultures around the world 
 1086  Curious George flies a kite 
 1087  The curse of King Tut's mummy 
 1088  The curse of the cheese pyramid 
 1089  The curse of the incredible priceless corncob 
 1090  Curses are the worst 
 1091  Custodians 
 1092  The Cutest Jungle animals ever! 
 1093  The Cybil war 
 1094  Cycles of the seasons 
 1095  Cyrus the unsinkable sea serpent 
 1096  Dachshunds 
 1097  Daily Memphian 
 1098  Daisy-head Mayzie 
 1099  Dakota dugout 
 1100  Dalmatians 
 1101  Dance for fun! 
 1102  Dancing hands : how Teresa Carreno played the piano for President Lincoln 
 1103  Danger in Quicksand Swamp 
 1104  Daniel Boone 
 1105  Daniel Boone 
 1106  Daniel's duck 
 1107  Daphne's book 
 1108  Dare to dream! 
 1109  The daring escape of Ellen Craft 
 1110  The dark 
 1111  The dark stairs : a Herculeah Jones mystery 
 1112  The dark-thirty : Southern tales of the supernatural 
 1113  David and the giant 
 1114  David gets in trouble 
 1115  David goes to school 
 1116  Davy Crockett 
 1117  Davy Crockett 
 1118  Davy Crockett 
 1119  Davy Crockett : a life on the frontier 
 1120  A day at the museum 
 1121  The day I saw my father cry 
 1122  A day in the life of an illustrator 
 1123  The day Jimmy's boa ate the wash 
 1124  Day of the Dragon King 
 1125  The day the crayons came home 
 1126  The day the crayons quit 
 1127  The day the crayons quit 
 1128  A day with an airplane pilot 
 1129  Days with Frog and Toad 
 1130  Dazzling division : games and activities that make math easy and fun 
 1131  The Dead Sea : the saltiest sea 
 1132  The deadly dungeon 
 1133  Dealing with addition 
 1134  Dealing with bullies 
 1135  Dear Malala, we stand with you 
 1136  Dear Mr. Henshaw 
 1137  Dear Mrs. Parks : a dialogue with today's youth 
 1138  December secrets 
 1139  The Declaration of Independence 
 1140  Decoding genes with Max Axiom, super scientist 
 1141  Decomposers in the food chain 
 1142  Deep down underground 
 1143  The deep end 
 1144  The deep end 
 1145  Deer 
 1146  Deinonychus 
 1147  Deion Sanders : prime time 
 1148  Delaware 
 1149  Delightful decimals and perfect percents : games and activities that make math easy and fun 
 1150  Desert ecosystems 
 1151  Desert food chains 
 1152  The desert is theirs 
 1153  Deserts 
 1154  DeShawn days 
 1155  Destination: Antarctica 
 1156  The destruction of Pompeii, AD 79 
 1157  Detective Camp 
 1158  Detective dinosaur 
 1159  Detroit Lions 
 1160  Detroit Pistons 
 1161  Devon rex cats 
 1162  Dewey : there's a cat in the library! 
 1163  Diamondback rattlesnakes 
 1164  Dian Fossey and the mountain gorillas 
 1165  Diary of a wimpy kid : do-it-yourself book 
 1166  Diary of a wimpy kid : Greg Heffley's journal 
 1167  Diary of an awesome friendly kid : Rowley Jefferson's journal 
 1168  Did dinosaurs live in your backyard? : questions and answers about dinosaurs 
 1169  Did I ever tell you how lucky you are? 
 1170  Did I ever tell you how lucky you are? 
 1171  Did you hear about Jake? 
 1172  Did you hear the news? 
 1173  Did you see one jump? 
 1174  Diego 
 1175  Different states of matter 
 1176  Dig a tunnel 
 1177  Digby 
 1178  Digby and Kate and the beautiful day 
 1179  Digging up dinosaurs 
 1180  Dill spill 
 1181  Dillon Press Children's Atlas. 
 1182  A dime = 10c 
 1183  Dimes 
 1184  Dimetrodon 
 1185  Dingoes at dinnertime 
 1186  The dinkey donkey 
 1187  Dinosaur babies 
 1188  The dinosaur bone battle between O.C. Marsh and Edward Drinker Cope 
 1189  Dinosaur days 
 1190  The dinosaur mystery 
 1191  Dinosaur tails and armor 
 1192  The dinosaur who lived in my backyard 
 1193  Dinosaurs 
 1194  Dinosaurs : a nonfiction companion to Dinosaurs before dark 
 1195  Dinosaurs before dark 
 1196  Dinosaurs! : strange and wonderful 
 1197  Dinosaurs, dragonflies & diamonds : all about natural history museums 
 1198  Diper overlode 
 1199  Dirt bike racers 
 1200  Dirt bike runaway 
 1201  Dirty Larry 
 1202  The disappearing friend mystery 
 1203  Discover and explore : based on Timothy goes to school and other stories 
 1204  Discover space 
 1205  Discover the planets 
 1206  Disney's Pocahontas. 
 1207  Disney's princess treasury. 
 1208  Diving dolphin 
 1209  Do all spiders spin webs? : questions and answers about spiders 
 1210  Do bananas chew gum? 
 1211  Do bears sleep all winter? : questions and answers about bears 
 1212  Do dolphins really smile? 
 1213  Do something in your community 
 1214  Do something in your world 
 1215  Do stars have points? : questions and answers about stars and planets 
 1216  Do tarantulas have teeth? : questions and answers about poisonous creatures 
 1217  Do tornadoes really twist? : questions and answers about tornadoes and hurricanes 
 1218  Do whales have belly buttons? : questions and answers about whales and dolphins 
 1219  Doctor De Soto 
 1220  Doctor De Soto goes to Africa 
 1221  Does a yak get a haircut? 
 1222  Does it always rain in the rain forest? : questions and answers about tropical rain forests 
 1223  Dog and Cat make a splash 
 1224  Dog days 
 1225  Dog finds lost dolphins! : and more true stories of amazing animal heroes 
 1226  Dog Man 
 1227  Dog man : brawl of the wild 
 1228  Dog Man and Cat Kid 
 1229  Dog Man unleashed 
 1230  A dog named Sam 
 1231  The dog that stole home 
 1232  The dog who cried "Woof!" 
 1233  Dog-faced bats 
 1234  Doggone dogs! 
 1235  Dogku 
 1236  Dogs 
 1237  Dogs : [all the canine facts, photos, and fun that you can get your paws on!] 
 1238  Dogs are smart! 
 1239  Dogs helping kids with feelings 
 1240  Dogs lick their butts! 
 1241  Dogsong 
 1242  A dollar for Penny 
 1243  Dolphin talk : whistles, clicks, and clapping jaws 
 1244  Dolphins 
 1245  Dolphins and porpoises 
 1246  Dolphins at daybreak 
 1247  Dominican Republic 
 1248  Domino addition 
 1249  Don't be afraid, Amanda 
 1250  Don't call me Beanhead! 
 1251  Don't let the pigeon drive the bus 
 1252  Don't touch my hair! 
 1253  Don't worry, bee happy 
 1254  Don't worry, Murray 
 1255  The donut chef 
 1256  Doodles from the Boogie Down 
 1257  The doorbell rang 
 1258  Dork diaries : tales from a not-so-fabulous life 
 1259  Dorks in New York! 
 1260  The dot 
 1261  Double down 
 1262  The double life of Pocahontas 
 1263  Double trouble 
 1264  The down & up fall 
 1265  Down by the station 
 1266  Down comes the rain 
 1267  Down in the sea : the octopus 
 1268  Downhill Megan 
 1269  Dr. Seuss 
 1270  Dr. Seuss' The cat in the hat movie storybook 
 1271  Dr. Seuss's 'tis the season : a holiday celebration 
 1272  Dr. Seuss's 123 
 1273  Dr. Seuss's ABC. 
 1274  Dr. Seuss's ABC. 
 1275  Dr. Seuss's book of animals 
 1276  Dr. Seuss's book of colors 
 1277  Dr. Seuss's Sleep book. 
 1278  Dr. Seuss's you are kind : featuring Horton the elephant 
 1279  Dracula doesn't drink lemonade 
 1280  Dragon bones and dinosaur eggs : a photobiography of explorer Roy Chapman Andrews 
 1281  Dragon run 
 1282  Dragonflies 
 1283  Dragonflies 
 1284  Dragonfly's tale 
 1285  Dragons love tacos 
 1286  Dragsters 
 1287  The dramatic life of Azaleah Lane 
 1288  Draw 50 flowers, trees, and other plants 
 1289  Drawing 
 1290  Drawing and learning about bugs : using shapes and lines 
 1291  Drawing and learning about cars : using shapes and lines 
 1292  Drawing and learning about faces : using shapes and lines 
 1293  Drawing and learning about horses : using shapes and lines 
 1294  Drawing and learning about jungle animals : using shapes and lines 
 1295  Drawing and learning about monster trucks : using shapes and lines 
 1296  Drawing and learning about monsters : using shapes and lines 
 1297  Dream freedom 
 1298  The dream keeper : and other poems 
 1299  Dream planes 
 1300  Dream snow 
 1301  Dream trains 
 1302  Dreamers 
 1303  Drinking water 
 1304  Drones 
 1305  Drums at Saratoga 
 1306  Duck for President 
 1307  Duck! Rabbit! 
 1308  Duck, duck, goose! : (a coyote's on the loose!) 
 1309  Ducks! 
 1310  Duke Ellington 
 1311  Dump days 
 1312  The dune buggy mystery 
 1313  Dwayne Johnson : actor and pro wrestler 
 1314  Dwight D. Eisenhower 
 1315  Dwyane Wade 
 1316  Eaglet's world 
 1317  An ear is not an ear 
 1318  Earth 
 1319  Earth 
 1320  Earth Day-- hooray! 
 1321  The earth is mostly ocean 
 1322  Earth movers 
 1323  Earth's crust 
 1324  Earth's moon 
 1325  Earth's resources 
 1326  Earthquake in the early morning 
 1327  Earthquake! : a story of old San Francisco 
 1328  Earthquakes 
 1329  Earthquakes 
 1330  East Side story 
 1331  Easter parade 
 1332  Easy-to-make spaceships that really fly 
 1333  The easy-to-read little engine that could 
 1334  Eating ice cream with a werewolf 
 1335  Ecology : the study of ecosystems 
 1336  The edible pyramid : good eating every day 
 1337  Edith herself 
 1338  Ee 
 1339  Efan the great 
 1340  Egg : nature's perfect package 
 1341  Eggs 
 1342  Egypt 
 1343  The Egyptian Cinderella 
 1344  Eight princesses and a magic mirror 
 1345  El Cucuy is scared, too! 
 1346  Elbert's bad word 
 1347  Eleanor Roosevelt, first lady of the world 
 1348  Electrical wizard : how Nikola Tesla lit up the world 
 1349  Electricity 
 1350  Electricity 
 1351  Electricity and magnetism 
 1352  Electronics 
 1353  Elephant in the dark 
 1354  The elephant's child. 
 1355  Elephants 
 1356  Elephants 
 1357  Elephants past and present 
 1358  Eleven kids, one summer 
 1359  Elizabeth imagined an iceberg 
 1360  Ella Fitzgerald : the tale of a vocal virtuosa 
 1361  Ella the elegant elephant 
 1362  Ellen Elizabeth Hawkins : Mobeetie, Texas, 1886 
 1363  Elves don't wear hard hats 
 1364  Elvis the turnip-- and me 
 1365  Ember 
 1366  Emily Arrow promises to do better this year 
 1367  Emma 
 1368  Emma Eileen Grove : Mississippi 1865 
 1369  Emmitt Smith 
 1370  The emperor and the nightingale 
 1371  The emperor's new clothes 
 1372  The empty envelope 
 1373  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the dead eagles 
 1374  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the disgusting sneakers 
 1375  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the secret pitch 
 1376  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the sleeping dog 
 1377  Encyclopedia Brown carries on 
 1378  Encyclopedia Brown finds the clues 
 1379  Encyclopedia Brown keeps the peace 
 1380  Encyclopedia Brown sets the pace 
 1381  Encyclopedia Brown shows the way 
 1382  Encyclopedia Brown solves them all 
 1383  Encyclopedia Brown takes the cake 
 1384  Encyclopedia Brown takes the case 
 1385  Encyclopedia Brown tracks them down 
 1386  Encyclopedia Brown's book of strange but true crimes 
 1387  Encyclopedia of world geography 
 1388  The end of the American Revolutionary War : the colonists defeat the British at Yorktown 
 1389  Endangered and extinct animals of the forests 
 1390  Endangered and extinct animals of the islands and oceans 
 1391  Endangered and extinct animals of the mountains, deserts, and grasslands 
 1392  Endangered and extinct animals of the rivers, lakes, and wetlands 
 1393  Endangered and extinct prehistoric animals 
 1394  Endangered animals 
 1395  Endangered animals of the desert 
 1396  Endangered animals of the jungle 
 1397  Endangered forest animals 
 1398  Enemy Pie 
 1399  Energy 
 1400  Energy makes things happen 
 1401  Engelbert the elephant 
 1402  Equality & diversity 
 1403  Eric the math bear 
 1404  Ernie and the twiddlebug town fair 
 1405  Ernie gets lost 
 1406  Escape from Horrorland 
 1407  Esther's story 
 1408  The eternal spring of Mr. Ito 
 1409  Europe 
 1410  Europe 
 1411  Evander Holyfield : heavyweight champion 
 1412  Evelyn Del Rey is moving away 
 1413  Even monsters need haircuts 
 1414  Even or odd? 
 1415  Everett Anderson's Christmas coming 
 1416  The Everglades : the largest marsh in the United States 
 1417  Everglades National Park 
 1418  Every child's book of nursery songs. 
 1419  Every dog has his day 
 1420  Everyday science experiments in the backyard 
 1421  Everyday science experiments in the car 
 1422  Everyday science experiments in the gym 
 1423  Everyday science experiments in the kitchen 
 1424  Everyday science experiments in the playground 
 1425  Everyday science experiments with food 
 1426  Everything you need to know : an encyclopedia for inquiring young minds 
 1427  Everywhere with you 
 1428  Evicted! : the struggle for the right to vote 
 1429  Evil genius 
 1430  Evil Queen Tut and the great ant pyramids 
 1431  Exotic shorthair cats 
 1432  Explore Earth's five oceans 
 1433  Explore Earth's seven continents 
 1434  Explore the tropical rain forest 
 1435  The explorer of Barkham Street 
 1436  Exploring ecosystems 
 1437  Exploring space 
 1438  Exploring the solar system 
 1439  Exploring the world of pottery, 
 1440  The extraordinary adventures of an ordinary hat 
 1441  Extreme sports : a chapter book 
 1442  The Exxon Valdez : tragic oil spill 
 1443  Eye of the storm 
 1444  Eye to eye : how animals see the world 
 1445  The eyes of Gray Wolf 
 1446  Fabulous fractions : games and activities that make math easy and fun 
 1447  Factory robots 
 1448  The falcon's feathers 
 1449  Fall 
 1450  Fall pumpkins : orange and plump 
 1451  Families 
 1452  Families in many cultures 
 1453  Family pictures = Cuadros de familia 
 1454  A family's dream 
 1455  Fancy feet 
 1456  Farewell to Manzanar 
 1457  Farm animals : classifying and sorting 
 1458  Farm flu 
 1459  Farmer duck 
 1460  The farthest-away mountain 
 1461  Fast friends 
 1462  Fast pitch 
 1463  The fastest dinosaurs 
 1464  The fattest, tallest, biggest snowman ever 
 1465  Fearsome alligators 
 1466  Feathered dinosaurs 
 1467  Feel the wind 
 1468  Feeling things 
 1469  Feelings 
 1470  Felita 
 1471  Fergus and Zeke for president 
 1472  Fetch-22 
 1473  Fiesta! : Cinco de mayo 
 1474  Fifth grade, here comes trouble 
 1475  The fifty states 
 1476  Fifty-two ways to use paperbacks: for grades K-6/ 
 1477  The fight for union. 
 1478  Fighter planes 
 1479  Fighting fires 
 1480  Fighting for equal rights : a story about Susan B. Anthony 
 1481  Finders keepers for Franklin 
 1482  Finding Buck McHenry 
 1483  Finding the Titanic 
 1484  Finding Winnie : the true story of the world's most famous bear 
 1485  A fine white dust 
 1486  Fingernail art : dazzling fingers and terrific toes 
 1487  Fire at the Triangle factory 
 1488  Fire engines 
 1489  Fire in the valley 
 1490  Firefighters A to Z 
 1491  Fireflies! 
 1492  Firefly's world of facts 
 1493  First big book of the ocean 
 1494  First brother or sister 
 1495  First day jitters 
 1496  First dictionary for young readers. 
 1497  The first dinosaur eggs and Roy Chapman Andrews 
 1498  First grade dropout 
 1499  The first Thanksgiving 
 1500  Fish 
 1501  Fish 
 1502  Fish 
 1503  Fish face 
 1504  Fish is fish. 
 1505  Fisherman bats 
 1506  Fishing in the air 
 1507  Five little ducks 
 1508  Five little pumpkins 
 1509  Flags and seals 
 1510  Flash, crash, rumble, and roll 
 1511  The fledgling 
 1512  Flies are fascinating 
 1513  Flight : the journey of Charles Lindbergh 
 1514  The flight of the Union 
 1515  The flimflam man 
 1516  Flip it gymnastics 
 1517  Floating in space 
 1518  Flora & Ulysses : the illuminated adventures 
 1519  Floratorium 
 1520  Florence Kelley 
 1521  Florence Nightingale 
 1522  Florida 
 1523  Flossie & the fox 
 1524  Flowers 
 1525  Flowers 
 1526  Flowers, fruits, and seeds 
 1527  Fly away home 
 1528  Fly guy presents : monster trucks 
 1529  Fly Guy presents scary creatures! 
 1530  Fly Guy presents space 
 1531  Flying dinosaurs : pterodactyls 
 1532  Flying fox bats 
 1533  Fog magic 
 1534  Folktales and fairy tales of Africa, 
 1535  Follow the water from brook to ocean 
 1536  Following freedom 
 1537  Food 
 1538  Food chains in a backyard habitat 
 1539  Food chains in a desert habitat 
 1540  Food chains in a forest habitat 
 1541  Food chains in a meadow habitat 
 1542  Food chains in a pond habitat 
 1543  Food chains in a tide pool habitat 
 1544  Food webs 
 1545  Foods in different places 
 1546  The fool of the world and the flying ship 
 1547  Foot + stool = footstool 
 1548  Football 
 1549  Football 
 1550  Football fugitive 
 1551  For the love of bowling 
 1552  Forces and motion 
 1553  Forensic science 
 1554  Forest food chains 
 1555  Forests 
 1556  Forever Amber Brown 
 1557  Fort 
 1558  Fossils 
 1559  Fossils 
 1560  Fossils tell of long ago 
 1561  The four gallant sisters 
 1562  The fourth grade wizards 
 1563  Fox has a problem 
 1564  Fox in a trap 
 1565  Fox in socks 
 1566  Fox in socks 
 1567  Fox on stage 
 1568  Fox on the job 
 1569  The fox went out on a chilly night : an old song 
 1570  Foxes and their homes 
 1571  Fraction action 
 1572  Fraction fun 
 1573  France 
 1574  Francine the superstar 
 1575  Francine, believe it or not 
 1576  Francisco Vasquez de Coronado 
 1577  Frank and Bean. 
 1578  Frankenstein doesn't start food fights 
 1579  Frankenstein moved in on the fourth floor 
 1580  Franklin and Harriet 
 1581  Franklin and the thunderstorm 
 1582  Franklin and the tooth fairy 
 1583  Franklin fibs 
 1584  Franklin goes to school 
 1585  Franklin goes to the hospital 
 1586  Franklin has a sleepover 
 1587  Franklin in the dark 
 1588  Franklin is bossy 
 1589  Franklin is lost 
 1590  Franklin is messy 
 1591  Franklin plays the game 
 1592  Franklin rides a bike 
 1593  Franklin wants a pet 
 1594  Franklin's baby sister 
 1595  Franklin's bad day 
 1596  Franklin's blanket 
 1597  Franklin's Christmas gift 
 1598  Franklin's class trip 
 1599  Franklin's Halloween 
 1600  Franklin's neighborhood 
 1601  Franklin's new friend 
 1602  Franklin's school play 
 1603  Franklin's secret club 
 1604  Franklin's Thanksgiving 
 1605  Frederick 
 1606  Frederick Douglass 
 1607  Frederick Douglass : fighter against slavery 
 1608  Frederick Douglass, freedom fighter. 
 1609  Frederick. 
 1610  Freedom in Congo Square 
 1611  Freedom of speech 
 1612  Freedom train; : the story of Harriet Tubman. 
 1613  Freshwater dolphins 
 1614  Frida Kahlo : Mysterious Painter 
 1615  Friday's journey 
 1616  Friendly dolphins 
 1617  Friends rock 
 1618  Frindle 
 1619  Frog and toad all year 
 1620  Frog and Toad together 
 1621  The frog prince, continued 
 1622  Frogs 
 1623  Frogs 
 1624  From cotton to t-shirt 
 1625  From egg to chicken 
 1626  From flower to honey 
 1627  From grass to milk 
 1628  From milk to cheese 
 1629  From oil to gas 
 1630  From peanuts to President 
 1631  From sand to glass 
 1632  From shoot to apple 
 1633  From tadpole to frog 
 1634  From tadpole to frog 
 1635  From the dinosaurs of the past to the birds of the present 
 1636  From tree to paper 
 1637  From tree to table 
 1638  From wheat to bread 
 1639  Frontier schools and schoolteachers 
 1640  Frontier women who helped shape the American West 
 1641  A frosty day 
 1642  Fruit trees produce produce 
 1643  Fudge 
 1644  Fuel and energy 
 1645  Full of fall 
 1646  Fun days 
 1647  Fun food word problems starring fractions 
 1648  The funniest animals ever! 
 1649  The funny little woman. 
 1650  The furry news : how to make a newspaper 
 1651  Future purrfect 
 1652  Gabby Douglas 
 1653  The gadget war 
 1654  Galileo 
 1655  Galimoto 
 1656  Game day 
 1657  Gandhi 
 1658  The garden of Abdul Gasazi 
 1659  Garfield's knock-knock jokes 
 1660  Gargoyles don't drive school buses 
 1661  Garter snakes 
 1662  Gateway Arch 
 1663  Gathering the sun : an alpahabet in Spanish and English 
 1664  Gator or croc? 
 1665  Gemini 
 1666  Genies don't ride bicycles 
 1667  Gentle Annie : the true story of a Civil War nurse 
 1668  Geography from A to Z : a picture glossary 
 1669  Geometry smarts! 
 1670  George Bush 
 1671  George Eastman 
 1672  George W. Bush 
 1673  George Washington 
 1674  George Washington 
 1675  George Washington 
 1676  George Washington 
 1677  George Washington 
 1678  George Washington Carver 
 1679  George Washington Carver 
 1680  George Washington Carver 
 1681  George Washington Carver : scientist and inventor 
 1682  George Washington elected : how America's first president was chosen 
 1683  Georgia 
 1684  Georgia O'Keeffe 
 1685  Geothermal energy and bio-energy 
 1686  Gerald McBoing Boing 
 1687  German shepherds 
 1688  German shepherds 
 1689  Germs make me sick! 
 1690  Get ready to play Tee Ball 
 1691  The getaway 
 1692  Gettysburg 
 1693  The ghost belonged to me : a novel 
 1694  The Ghost Fox 
 1695  A ghost named Fred 
 1696  The ghost of Camp Whispering Pines 
 1697  The ghost of Popcorn Hill 
 1698  The ghost on the mountain 
 1699  The ghost ship mystery 
 1700  Ghost town at sundown 
 1701  Ghosts 
 1702  Ghosts don't eat potato chips 
 1703  Giant lizards 
 1704  Giant pandas 
 1705  Giant pandas : gifts from China 
 1706  Giants Beware! (Chronicles Of Claudette, Book 1) 
 1707  Gibberish 
 1708  Gibbons 
 1709  A gift for Mama 
 1710  The gift of the sacred dog 
 1711  Gigantic : how big were the dinosaurs? 
 1712  Giggle, giggle, quack 
 1713  Gila monsters meet you at the airport 
 1714  Ginger Brown : the Nobody Boy 
 1715  Gingerbread baby 
 1716  The gingerbread boy 
 1717  Gingersnap 
 1718  Giraffes 
 1719  Giraffes 
 1720  Giraffes and their babies 
 1721  The girl who loved caterpillars : a twelfth-century tale from Japan 
 1722  The girl who loved the wind, 
 1723  The girl who loved wild horses 
 1724  The girl who struck out Babe Ruth 
 1725  The girls in the circle 
 1726  Give it a try! 
 1727  Give it! : a moneybunny book 
 1728  Give me half! 
 1729  The giver 
 1730  The giving tree 
 1731  Glow : animals with their own night-lights 
 1732  Go eat worms! 
 1733  Go fish 
 1734  The go-around dollar 
 1735  Goal! 
 1736  Goats 
 1737  Goblin Monday 
 1738  Goblins don't play video games 
 1739  Going to a restaurant 
 1740  Going to the library 
 1741  Going up? 
 1742  The gold dust letters 
 1743  Gold fever! 
 1744  The gold rush 
 1745  The Golden Christmas treasury : 25 stories, poems, and carols 
 1746  Golden retrievers 
 1747  Goldilocks and the three hares 
 1748  Goldilocks returns 
 1749  Goldilocks returns 
 1750  Golf 
 1751  Gone fishing : a novel in verse 
 1752  The good egg 
 1753  The Good Egg and the talent show 
 1754  The Good Humor man 
 1755  A good kind of trouble 
 1756  Good mushrooms and bad toadstools 
 1757  A good night for freedom 
 1758  Good sports : rhymes about running, jumping, throwing, and more 
 1759  A good team 
 1760  Good trick, walking stick! 
 1761  The good, the bad, and the bossy 
 1762  The good-bye book 
 1763  Good-bye Stacey, good-bye 
 1764  Good-bye, Chicken Little 
 1765  Goosebumps movie novel 
 1766  Gorillas 
 1767  Gorillas 
 1768  Gorillas 
 1769  Gorillas and their babies 
 1770  Grace the pirate 
 1771  Grains to bread 
 1772  The Grand Canyon 
 1773  The Grand Canyon : the widest canyon 
 1774  Grandad Bill's song 
 1775  Grandfather Tang's story 
 1776  Grandfather's journey 
 1777  Grandfather's shape story 
 1778  Grandma Moses 
 1779  Grandpa's corner store 
 1780  Grandparents are the greatest because-- 
 1781  Grant Hill 
 1782  Grant Hill : basketball all-star 
 1783  Grasshopper on the road 
 1784  Grassland ecosystems 
 1785  Grasslands 
 1786  Gravity 
 1787  Gray whales 
 1788  Great African Americans in business 
 1789  Great African Americans in entertainment 
 1790  Great African Americans in film 
 1791  Great African Americans in history 
 1792  Great African Americans in jazz 
 1793  Great African Americans in music 
 1794  Great African Americans in sports 
 1795  Great African Americans in the arts 
 1796  Great African Americans in the Olympics 
 1797  The great ball game : a Muskogee story 
 1798  The great bicycle race mystery 
 1799  Great black heroes : five brilliant scientists 
 1800  The great flood mystery 
 1801  Great graphs and sensational statistics : games and activities that make math easy and fun 
 1802  The great kapok tree : a tale of the Amazon rain forest 
 1803  The great leprechaun chase 
 1804  The great Mom swap 
 1805  The great quarterback switch 
 1806  The great ships 
 1807  Great Smoky Mountains National Park 
 1808  The great white shark 
 1809  Great white sharks 
 1810  Great white sharks 
 1811  Great white sharks 
 1812  Great white sharks 
 1813  Great-Grandpa's in the litter box 
 1814  The greedy triangle 
 1815  The greedy triangle 
 1816  The greedy triangle 
 1817  The green book 
 1818  Green eggs and ham 
 1819  Green eggs and ham 
 1820  Green Wilma 
 1821  Gregory, the terrible eater 
 1822  Grime and punishment 
 1823  Grin and bear it : the wit & wisdom of Corduroy 
 1824  Grizzly bears 
 1825  Grizzly bears 
 1826  Grizzly riddles 
 1827  Grizzwold 
 1828  Groovy geometry : games and activities that make math easy and fun 
 1829  The grouchy ladybug 
 1830  Grover's just so-so stories 
 1831  The growling bear mystery 
 1832  Growth and development : cells and DNA 
 1833  Grumpy pumpkins 
 1834  Guess how much I love you 
 1835  Guide dogs : seeing for people who can't 
 1836  Guilty by a hair! : real-life DNA matches! 
 1837  The Gulf of Mexico 
 1838  Gumshoe Goose, private eye 
 1839  Gus and grandpa 
 1840  Gus and Grandpa ride the train 
 1841  Gymnastics 
 1842  Gymnastics skills : beginning tumbling 
 1843  H.A. Rey 
 1844  Hailstones and halibut bones : adventures in color 
 1845  Hair love 
 1846  Hairy, scary, ordinary : what is an adjective? 
 1847  Half magic 
 1848  A half-dollar = 50c 
 1849  Half-pipe homonyms 
 1850  Halloween ball 
 1851  The Halloween house 
 1852  Halloween's spooky history 
 1853  Hamburgers : bad news for cows 
 1854  The hammerhead shark 
 1855  Hamsters & gerbils 
 1856  Hamsters make terrible roommates 
 1857  Hand rhymes 
 1858  Hang a left at Venus 
 1859  Hansel and Gretel 
 1860  Hansel and Gretel 
 1861  Hanson 
 1862  Happy birthday to you! 
 1863  Happy Easter, dear dragon 
 1864  The happy Hocky family! 
 1865  Happy Mother's Day! : featuring Jim Henson's Sesame Street Muppets 
 1866  Happy Narwhalidays 
 1867  Happy Valentine's Day, Miss Hildy! 
 1868  Harbor me 
 1869  Hard luck 
 1870  Harold and the purple crayon 
 1871  Harriet Beecher Stowe 
 1872  Harriet Tubman 
 1873  Harriet Tubman 
 1874  Harriet's hare 
 1875  Harry goes to day camp 
 1876  Harry S. Truman 
 1877  Has a cow saved your life? 
 1878  Hatchling 
 1879  Hats off for the Fourth of July! 
 1880  Hattie and the fox 
 1881  The haunted cabin mystery 
 1882  The haunted hotel 
 1883  The haunted mask 
 1884  The haunted mask 2 
 1885  The haunted mountain, 
 1886  The haunted school 
 1887  Haunting with the stars 
 1888  Have you seen my invisible dinosaur? 
 1889  Hawaii 
 1890  Heartbreaker 
 1891  Heat 
 1892  Heather and the Pink Poodles 
 1893  Heather at the barre 
 1894  Heather goes to Hollywood 
 1895  Heather takes the reins 
 1896  Heather, belle of the ball 
 1897  Heating 
 1898  Heckedy Peg 
 1899  Hedgie's surprise 
 1900  Helen Keller 
 1901  Helen Keller 
 1902  Helen Keller 
 1903  Helen Keller 
 1904  Helga's dowry : a troll love story 
 1905  Hello winter! 
 1906  The hello, goodbye window 
 1907  Hello, Universe 
 1908  Henny Penny 
 1909  Henny-Penny 
 1910  Henry Aaron 
 1911  Henry and Mudge and Annie's good move : the eighteenth book of their adventures 
 1912  Henry and Mudge and Annie's perfect pet : the twentieth book of their adventures 
 1913  Henry and Mudge and Mrs. Hopper's house : the twenty-second book of their adventures 
 1914  Henry and Mudge and the forever sea : the sixth book of their adventures 
 1915  Henry and Mudge and the long weekend : the eleventh book of their adventures 
 1916  Henry and Mudge and the snowman plan : the nineteenth book of their adventures 
 1917  Henry and Mudge and the tall tree house : the twenty-first book of their adventures 
 1918  Henry and Mudge and the wild wind : the twelfth book of their adventures 
 1919  Henry and Mudge in puddle trouble : the second book of their adventures 
 1920  Henry and Mudge in the family trees : the fifteenth book of their adventures 
 1921  Henry and Mudge in the sparkle days : the fifth book of their adventures 
 1922  Henry and Ribsy 
 1923  Henry and the clubhouse 
 1924  Henry and the paper route 
 1925  Henry David Thoreau : In Step with Nature 
 1926  Henry Ford 
 1927  Henry Hudson 
 1928  Henry the fourth 
 1929  Henry the Navigator 
 1930  Henry's Freedom Box 
 1931  Henry, like always 
 1932  Her seven brothers 
 1933  Her stories : African American folktales, fairy tales, and true tales 
 1934  Herbie Jones and the dark attic 
 1935  Herbivores in the food chain 
 1936  The hero and the crown 
 1937  A hero and the Holocaust : the story of Janusz Korczak and his children 
 1938  Heroes of the Civil War 
 1939  Heroes under pressure 
 1940  The heroine of the Titanic : a tale both true and otherwise of the life of Molly Brown 
 1941  Heroine of the Titanic : the real unsinkable Molly Brown 
 1942  The Hessian's secret diary 
 1943  Hey Otter! Hey Beaver! 
 1944  Hey, Didi Darling 
 1945  Hey, elephant! 
 1946  Hiawatha 
 1947  Hibernation 
 1948  Hidden figures : the true story of four black women and the space race 
 1949  The hidden staircase. 
 1950  The high rise glorious skittle skat roarious sky pie angel food cake 
 1951  High-tech inventions : a chapter book 
 1952  Hill of fire 
 1953  Hillary Rodham Clinton 
 1954  Hippos 
 1955  Hippos are huge! 
 1956  Hippos throw poop! 
 1957  The history of baseball 
 1958  The history of basketball 
 1959  The history of figure skating 
 1960  The history of football 
 1961  The history of hockey 
 1962  The history of money 
 1963  The history of rock & roll 
 1964  The hit-away kid 
 1965  Hobie Hanson, you're weird 
 1966  The Hoboken chicken emergency 
 1967  The Hobyahs 
 1968  Hockey legends 
 1969  The hockey machine 
 1970  Holes 
 1971  Holes 
 1972  Holly, reindeer, and colored lights; : the story of the Christmas symbols. 
 1973  The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments : King James Version. 
 1974  Home then and now 
 1975  Home to Medicine Mountain 
 1976  Homes in different places 
 1977  Homes in many cultures 
 1978  Homes of the Presidents. 
 1979  Homesteading 
 1980  Honda : the boy who dreamed of cars 
 1981  Honey, I love 
 1982  Honeybee rescue : a backyard drama 
 1983  Hoop heroes 
 1984  Hooray for Snail! 
 1985  Hooray, a pinata! 
 1986  Hoover, Roosevelt, and Truman 
 1987  Hop on Pop 
 1988  Hop on Pop 
 1989  Hop, skip, run 
 1990  Hopper hunts for spring 
 1991  Hopscotch love : a family treasury of love poems 
 1992  Horrible Harry and the ant invasion 
 1993  Horrible Harry and the dragon war 
 1994  Horrible Harry and the Drop of Doom 
 1995  Horrible Harry and the dungeon 
 1996  Horrible Harry and the kickball wedding 
 1997  Horrible Harry at Halloween 
 1998  Horrible Harry goes to sea 
 1999  Horrible Harry in room 2B 
 2000  Horrible Harry moves up to third grade 
 2001  Horrible Harry's secret 
 2002  The horror at Chiller House 
 2003  The horror at Happy Landings 
 2004  Horse fever : a guide for horse lovers and riders 
 2005  The horse in Harry's room 
 2006  A horse named Seabiscuit 
 2007  Horsepower : the wonder of draft horses 
 2008  Horses 
 2009  Horses past and present 
 2010  Horton and the Kwuggerbug : and more lost stories 
 2011  Horton hears a Who! 
 2012  Horton hears a Who! 
 2013  Hot air : the (mostly) true story of the first hot-air balloon ride 
 2014  The hot dog man. 
 2015  Hot rods 
 2016  Hotdog! 
 2017  Hottest NASCAR machines 
 2018  Hour of freedom : American history in poetry 
 2019  Hour of the Olympics 
 2020  A house for Hermit Crab 
 2021  Houseboat mystery. 
 2022  Houston Rockets 
 2023  How a seed grows 
 2024  The how and why wonder book of horses 
 2025  How animal babies stay safe 
 2026  How animals saved the people : animal tales from the South 
 2027  How do airplanes fly? 
 2028  How do bats see in the dark? : questions and answers about night creatures 
 2029  How do dinosaurs say good night? 
 2030  How do eggs hatch? 
 2031  How do flies walk upside down? : questions and answers about insects 
 2032  How do frogs swallow with their eyes? : questions and answers about amphibians 
 2033  How do seeds sprout? 
 2034  How do you burp in space? : and other tips every space tourist needs to know 
 2035  How do you know it's fall? 
 2036  How do you know it's spring? 
 2037  How do you know it's summer? 
 2038  How do you lift a lion? 
 2039  How do you lift a lion? 
 2040  How do you spell unfair? : MacNolia Cox and the National Spelling Bee 
 2041  How I became a pirate 
 2042  How I fixed the year 1000 problem 
 2043  How I got my shrunken head 
 2044  How I learned geography 
 2045  How many seeds in a pumpkin? 
 2046  How many stars in the sky? 
 2047  How many stars in the sky? 
 2048  How many? How much? : based on Timothy goes to school and other stories 
 2049  How much is $1.00? 
 2050  How much is $5.00? 
 2051  How much is $10.00? 
 2052  How much is $20.00? 
 2053  How much is $50.00? 
 2054  How much is $100.00? 
 2055  How much is a million? 
 2056  How much is that guinea pig in the window? 
 2057  How my parents learned to eat 
 2058  How people immigrate 
 2059  How the Grinch stole Christmas 
 2060  How the Grinch stole Christmas 
 2061  How the reindeer got their antlers 
 2062  How the rooster saved the day/ 
 2063  How the turtle got its shell : tales from around the world 
 2064  How things move 
 2065  How things work 
 2066  How to catch a class pet 
 2067  How to cook a gooseberry fool : unusual recipes from around the world 
 2068  How to dork your diary 
 2069  How to draw cars 
 2070  How to draw dinosaurs 
 2071  How to draw dinosaurs 
 2072  How to draw dinosaurs 
 2073  How to draw dogs 
 2074  How to draw horses 
 2075  How to draw landscapes, seascapes, and cityscapes 
 2076  How to draw pets 
 2077  How to draw Tennessee's sights and symbols 
 2078  How to draw trucks and cars 
 2079  How to draw wild animals 
 2080  How to eat fried worms 
 2081  How to kill a monster 
 2082  How to read a book 
 2083  How to speak dolphin in three easy lessons 
 2084  How to talk like a bear 
 2085  How to write a poem 
 2086  Howl of the wind dragon 
 2087  The Huckabuck family : and how they raised popcorn in Nebraska and quit and came back 
 2088  Human rights & liberty 
 2089  Human Rights Day, 
 2090  Humpback whale 
 2091  Humpback whales 
 2092  Humpback whales 
 2093  Hunches in bunches 
 2094  The hundred penny box 
 2095  A hunger for learning : a story about Booker T. Washington 
 2096  The hungry hummingbird 
 2097  The Hunt-Phelan Home : Awakening of a mystery. 
 2098  Hurricane Child 
 2099  I am a good citizen 
 2100  I am a good citizen 
 2101  I am a good friend! 
 2102  I am a super girl! 
 2103  I am Abraham Lincoln 
 2104  I am Albert Einstein 
 2105  I am amazing! 
 2106  I am Amelia Earhart 
 2107  I am born to be awesome! 
 2108  I am brave! 
 2109  I am caring 
 2110  I Am Enough 
 2111  I am friendly 
 2112  I am Harriet Tubman 
 2113  I am Helen Keller 
 2114  I am Lucille Ball 
 2115  I am Martin Luther King, Jr. 
 2116  I am mighty! 
 2117  I am Muhammad Ali 
 2118  I am not going to get up today! 
 2119  I am not going to get up today! 
 2120  I am Oprah Winfrey 
 2121  I am responsible 
 2122  I am Rosa Parks 
 2123  I am Ruby Bridges 
 2124  I am Sacagawea 
 2125  I am superman 
 2126  I am water 
 2127  I can bowl 
 2128  I can lick 30 tigers today! : and other stories 
 2129  I can play soccer 
 2130  I can read a map 
 2131  I can read with my eyes shut 
 2132  I can read with my eyes shut! 
 2133  I can ride a bike 
 2134  I can use a computer 
 2135  I can use a dictionary 
 2136  I can use the telephone 
 2137  I can write a letter 
 2138  I can't take you anywhere 
 2139  I don't want to be a frog 
 2140  I don't want to be a frog 
 2141  I don't want to clean my room and other poems about chores 
 2142  I eat poop, : a dung bettle story 
 2143  I got the rhythm 
 2144  I got the school spirit 
 2145  I had trouble in getting to Solla Sollew 
 2146  I had trouble in getting to Solla Sollew 
 2147  I have a sister, my sister is deaf 
 2148  I hop 
 2149  I know how we fight germs 
 2150  I like animals. 
 2151  I like cars 
 2152  I Like Myself! 
 2153  I live at a military post 
 2154  I live in a city 
 2155  I live in a town 
 2156  I live on a farm 
 2157  I love America! : a treasury of popular stories, history, poems, and songs 
 2158  I love my new toy! 
 2159  I love you, Mommy! 
 2160  I pledge allegiance 
 2161  I promise 
 2162  I speak English for my mom 
 2163  I spy spooky night : a book of picture riddles 
 2164  I survived hurricane Katrina, 2005 
 2165  I survived the American Revolution, 1776 
 2166  I survived the attack of the grizzlies, 1967 
 2167  I swapped my dog 
 2168  I thought my soul would rise and fly : the diary of Patsy, a freed girl 
 2169  I use math at the doctor's 
 2170  I use math at the store 
 2171  I use math in the kitchen 
 2172  I use math on a trip 
 2173  I want to be a race car driver 
 2174  I want to be a scientist 
 2175  I will be fierce 
 2176  I wish I were-- a pirate 
 2177  I wish I were-- a princess 
 2178  I wish it would snow! 
 2179  I wish that I had duck feet 
 2180  I wonder what it's like to be a butterfly 
 2181  I wonder what it's like to be a spider 
 2182  I wonder what it's like to be an earthworm 
 2183  I wonder why encyclopedia 
 2184  I yam a donkey! 
 2185  I'll always love you 
 2186  I'm going to be famous 
 2187  I, too, sing America : three centuries of African American poetry 
 2188  I-know-not-what, I-know-not-where : a Russian tale 
 2189  Ice cream : the cold creamy treat 
 2190  Ice magic 
 2191  Ice-cold birthday 
 2192  Icebergs, ice caps, and glaciers 
 2193  Ichthyosaurus 
 2194  Ichthyosaurus and little Mary Anning 
 2195  Ida Early comes over the mountain 
 2196  Ida, always 
 2197  Idaho 
 2198  If America were a village : a book about the people of the United States 
 2199  If animals trick-or-treated 
 2200  If I had your vote 
 2201  If I only had a horn : young Louis Armstrong 
 2202  If I ran the circus 
 2203  If I ran the circus 
 2204  If I ran your school 
 2205  If I was a horse 
 2206  If the dinosaurs came back 
 2207  If you are a hunter of fossils 
 2208  If you give a moose a muffin 
 2209  If you give a mouse a cookie 
 2210  If you give a mouse a cookie 
 2211  If you hopped like a frog 
 2212  If you made a million 
 2213  If you take a mouse to the movies 
 2214  If you were a kid in the thirteen colonies 
 2215  Iggy Peck and the mysterious mansion 
 2216  Iguanodon 
 2217  Illinois 
 2218  Imogene's antlers 
 2219  Imogene's antlers 
 2220  In a people house 
 2221  In Aunt Lucy's kitchen 
 2222  In daddy's arms I am tall : African Americans celebrating fathers 
 2223  In my family = : En mi familia 
 2224  In my momma's kitchen 
 2225  In plain sight 
 2226  In the land of the big red apple 
 2227  In the month of Kislev : a story for Hanukkah 
 2228  In the ocean 
 2229  In the tall, tall grass 
 2230  In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson 
 2231  In-line skating : check it out! 
 2232  The Incas 
 2233  Inch by inch 
 2234  Inclined planes and wedges 
 2235  The incredible book eating boy 
 2236  The Incredible Hulk 
 2237  India 
 2238  Indian rhinos and their babies 
 2239  Insect eaters 
 2240  Insects 
 2241  Insects and other invertebrates 
 2242  Inside an ant colony 
 2243  Inspiring stories of sportsmanship 
 2244  The International Space Station 
 2245  Interrupting chicken 
 2246  Interrupting chicken : cookies for breakfast 
 2247  Interrupting chicken and the elephant of surprise 
 2248  Into the ring 
 2249  Into the sky 
 2250  Inventions and inventors 
 2251  Invertebrates 
 2252  Invisible 
 2253  The invisible island 
 2254  Ira sleeps over 
 2255  Ireland 
 2256  Is a camel a mammal? 
 2257  Is a dolphin a fish? : questions and answers about dolphins 
 2258  Is this a house for Hermit Crab? 
 2259  Is this your class pet? 
 2260  Is your mama a llama? 
 2261  Isaiah Dunn saves the day 
 2262  Island boy : story and pictures 
 2263  Island Rose 
 2264  Islandborn 
 2265  Israel 
 2266  It all began with a drip, drip, drip ... 
 2267  It could still be a cat 
 2268  It could still be a desert 
 2269  It could still be a dinosaur 
 2270  It could still be coral 
 2271  It is cloudy 
 2272  It is snowing 
 2273  It is stormy 
 2274  It is windy 
 2275  It's a dog's life 
 2276  It's a good thing there are insects 
 2277  It's a tiger! 
 2278  It's fall! 
 2279  It's Justin Time, Amber Brown 
 2280  It's summer! 
 2281  It's winter! 
 2282  Ivy + Bean doomed to dance 
 2283  J.K. Rowling 
 2284  Jabari tries 
 2285  Jack & Jim  
 2286  Jack & the beanstalk 
 2287  Jack and the beanstalk 
 2288  Jack and the beanstalk = : Juan y los frijoles magicos 
 2289  Jack the giant chaser : an Appalachian tale 
 2290  Jack, the seal, and the sea 
 2291  Jackie Robinson 
 2292  Jackie Robinson 
 2293  Jackie Robinson 
 2294  Jaguar vs. skunk 
 2295  The jaguar's jewel 
 2296  Jamaica tag-along 
 2297  Jamaica tag-along 
 2298  Jamaica's find 
 2299  Jamberry 
 2300  James Madison 
 2301  James Monroe 
 2302  James Weldon Johnson 
 2303  Jamestown : hands-on projects about one of America's first communities 
 2304  Jamie O'Rourke and the pooka 
 2305  Jane Goodall : Naturalist 
 2306  Janie's private eyes 
 2307  Japan 
 2308  Jeff Gordon : NASCAR champion 
 2309  Jefferson 
 2310  Jellyfish 
 2311  Jellyfish 
 2312  Jenius : the amazing guinea pig 
 2313  Jenny Archer to the rescue 
 2314  Jesse Jackson 
 2315  Jesse Jackson : a biography 
 2316  Jesse Owens 
 2317  Jesse Owens : legendary track star 
 2318  Jessi Ramsey, pet-sitter 
 2319  Jessi's secret language 
 2320  Jessi's secret language : a graphic novel 
 2321  Jim Abbott against all odds 
 2322  Jim Bowie 
 2323  Jim Thorpe 
 2324  Jimmy Carter 
 2325  Jimmy's boa and the big splash birthday bash 
 2326  Jimmy's boa bounces back 
 2327  Jo and the bandit 
 2328  Jobs people do 
 2329  John Adams 
 2330  John Brown 
 2331  John Cabot 
 2332  John F. Kennedy 
 2333  John F. Kennedy 
 2334  John F. Kennedy, America's youngest president 
 2335  John Henry 
 2336  John Henry 
 2337  John Henry Holliday 
 2338  John Henry, : steel-drivin' man, 
 2339  John Philip Duck 
 2340  John Quincy Adams 
 2341  Johnny Appleseed 
 2342  Johnny Appleseed 
 2343  Johnny Appleseed 
 2344  Johnny Appleseed 
 2345  Johnny Appleseed 
 2346  Johnny Appleseed : a tall tale 
 2347  The Joplin Tornado, 2011 
 2348  Josefina learns a lesson : a school story 
 2349  The Josefina story quilt 
 2350  Josefina's surprise : a Christmas story 
 2351  Joseph had a little overcoat 
 2352  Joshua's dream : a journey to the land of Israel 
 2353  Joshua's Masai mask 
 2354  Josie's Beau 
 2355  A journey through the weather 
 2356  A journey to the New World : the diary of Remember Patience Whipple 
 2357  Juan Bobo : four folktales from Puerto Rico 
 2358  Juan Ponce de Leon 
 2359  Juana & Lucas 
 2360  Judo 
 2361  Judy Moody and the missing mood ring 
 2362  Judy Moody, girl detective 
 2363  Julian, dream doctor 
 2364  Julius 
 2365  Jump back, Honey 
 2366  Jumper : a day in the life of a backyard jumping spider 
 2367  Junie B. Jones : aloha-ha-ha! 
 2368  Junie B. Jones and a little monkey business 
 2369  Junie B. Jones and her big fat mouth 
 2370  Junie B. Jones and some sneaky peeky spying 
 2371  Junie B. Jones and that meanie Jim's birthday 
 2372  Junie B. Jones and the mushy gushy valentime 
 2373  Junie B. Jones and the stupid smelly bus 
 2374  Junie B. Jones and the stupid smelly bus 
 2375  Junie B. Jones and the yucky blucky fruitcake 
 2376  Junie B. Jones has a monster under her bed 
 2377  Junie B. Jones has a monster under her bed 
 2378  Junie B. Jones has a peep in her pocket 
 2379  Junie B. Jones has a peep in her pocket 
 2380  Junie B. Jones is (almost) flower girl 
 2381  Junie B. Jones is a beauty shop guy 
 2382  Junie B. Jones is a beauty shop guy 
 2383  Junie B. Jones is a graduation girl 
 2384  Junie B. Jones is a party animal 
 2385  Junie B. Jones is a party animal 
 2386  Junie B. Jones is Captain Field Day 
 2387  Junie B. Jones is Captain Field Day 
 2388  Junie B. Jones is not a crook 
 2389  Junie B. Jones loves handsome Warren 
 2390  Junie B. Jones loves handsome Warren 
 2391  Junie B. Jones smells something fishy 
 2392  Junie B., first grader (at last!) 
 2393  Junie B., first grader : jingle bells, Batman smells! (P.S. so does May.) 
 2394  Junie B., first grader : shipwrecked 
 2395  Junie B., first grader : toothless wonder 
 2396  Juniper. 
 2397  Jupiter 
 2398  Jupiter 
 2399  Just a daydream 
 2400  Just a dream 
 2401  Just Gus 
 2402  Just like a mama 
 2403  Just like a mama 
 2404  Just like always 
 2405  Just like Jesse Owens 
 2406  Just like me 
 2407  Just make some art! 
 2408  Just me and my little brother 
 2409  Just my friend and me 
 2410  Just the Two of Us 
 2411  Justina and the best biscuits in the world. 
 2412  Kamala Harris : first female vice president 
 2413  Kangaroos 
 2414  Kansas 
 2415  Kansas City Chiefs 
 2416  Karate 
 2417  Karate contractions 
 2418  Karen's kittycat club 
 2419  Karen's roller skates 
 2420  Karen's witch : a graphic novel 
 2421  Karts 
 2422  Kate and the beanstalk 
 2423  Kate Shelley and the midnight express 
 2424  Katharine Hepburn 
 2425  Keep climbing, girls 
 2426  Keep the lights burning, Abbie 
 2427  Keeping fit 
 2428  The keeping quilt 
 2429  Keisha leads the way 
 2430  Keisha to the rescue 
 2431  Keisha's maze mystery 
 2432  Keisha, the Fairy Snow Queen 
 2433  Ken Griffey, Jr. 
 2434  Kevin Durant 
 2435  Kevin Durant : basketball star 
 2436  Kevin Durant in the community 
 2437  Key to the playhouse 
 2438  Key to the treasure 
 2439  Kick push 
 2440  Kicks 
 2441  The kid who only hit homers 
 2442  A kid's guide to how flowers grow 
 2443  A kid's guide to how fruit grows 
 2444  A kid's guide to how herbs grow 
 2445  A kid's guide to how plants grow 
 2446  A kid's guide to how trees grow 
 2447  A kid's guide to how vegetables grow 
 2448  The kidnapped king 
 2449  Kids in sports : a chapter book 
 2450  Kids talk about bravery 
 2451  Kilauea : Hawaii's most active volcano 
 2452  Killer bees 
 2453  Killer whales 
 2454  King & Kayla and the case of the downstairs ghost 
 2455  King & Kayla and the case of the lost library book 
 2456  King cobras 
 2457  King cobras 
 2458  King of the mound : my summer with Satchel Paige 
 2459  The king's fountain. 
 2460  The King's stilts 
 2461  The Kingfisher dinosaur encyclopedia 
 2462  The Kingfisher first picture atlas 
 2463  Kings of the mountains 
 2464  Kipper's snowy day 
 2465  Kira-kira 
 2466  Kirsten learns a lesson : a school story 
 2467  Kirsten saves the day : a summer story 
 2468  Kirsten's surprise : a Christmas story 
 2469  Kitchen math 
 2470  The kite song 
 2471  Kitten 
 2472  Kitten's first full moon 
 2473  The knight at dawn 
 2474  The knight at dawn 
 2475  Knight Owl 
 2476  Knights and castles : a nonfiction companion to The knight at dawn 
 2477  Knights don't teach piano 
 2478  Knock knock : my dad's dream for me 
 2479  Knock knock jokes 
 2480  Knots on a counting rope 
 2481  Knuffle Bunny : a cautionary tale 
 2482  Knuffle Bunny too : a case of mistaken identity 
 2483  The koala : the bear that's not a bear 
 2484  Koala Lou 
 2485  Koalas 
 2486  Kobe Bryant 
 2487  Koko's kitten 
 2488  Korea 
 2489  Krakatoa : history's loudest volcano 
 2490  Kwanzaa 
 2491  The Kwanzaa contest 
 2492  Lab magic 
 2493  Labor Day 
 2494  Labrador retrievers 
 2495  Ladybug or ladybird, are they the same? 
 2496  The ladybug. 
 2497  Ladybugs 
 2498  Laila Ali 
 2499  Laila Ali : champion boxer 
 2500  Lan's plant 
 2501  Lana llama 
 2502  The land of Gray Wolf 
 2503  The landing of the Pilgrims 
 2504  Langston Hughes 
 2505  Langston Hughes : great American writer 
 2506  The largest dinosaurs 
 2507  Larry Bird 
 2508  Lasers and holograms 
 2509  Last stop on Market Street 
 2510  The last straw 
 2511  The last straw 
 2512  The latchkey dog 
 2513  Laura & Nellie 
 2514  Laura Bush 
 2515  Laura Charlotte 
 2516  Laura Ingalls Wilder 
 2517  Laura Ingalls Wilder 
 2518  Laura Ingalls Wilder 
 2519  Laura Ingalls Wilder : growing up in the little house 
 2520  Lazy lions, lucky lambs 
 2521  Leaf-cutting ants 
 2522  LeAnn Rimes 
 2523  Learning about achievement from the life of Maya Angelou 
 2524  Learning about assertiveness from the life of Oprah Winfrey 
 2525  Learning about bravery from the life of Harriet Tubman 
 2526  Learning about charity from the life of Princess Diana 
 2527  Learning about compassion from the life of Florence Nightingale 
 2528  Learning about courage from the life of Christopher Reeve 
 2529  Learning about creativity from the life of Steven Spielberg 
 2530  Learning about dedication from the life of Frederick Douglass 
 2531  Learning about determination from the life of Gloria Estefan 
 2532  Learning about dignity from the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. 
 2533  Learning about fairness from the life of Susan B. Anthony 
 2534  Learning about forgiveness from the life of Nelson Mandela 
 2535  Learning about honesty from the life of Abraham Lincoln 
 2536  Learning about integrity from the life of Eleanor Roosevelt 
 2537  Learning about leadership from the life of George Washington 
 2538  Learning about love from the life of Mother Teresa 
 2539  Learning about public service from the life of John F. Kennedy, Jr. 
 2540  Learning about resilience from the life of Lance Armstrong 
 2541  Learning about responsibility from the life of Colin Powell 
 2542  Learning about strength of character from the life of Muhammad Ali 
 2543  Learning about teamwork from the lives of Hillary and Norgay 
 2544  Learning about the work ethic from the life of Cal Ripken, Jr. 
 2545  Learning to read. 
 2546  The leaves in October 
 2547  Leaving home 
 2548  LeBron James 
 2549  LeBron James 
 2550  LeBron James 
 2551  LeBron James : basketball star 
 2552  The legend of the bluebonnet : an old tale of Texas 
 2553  The legend of the Indian paintbrush 
 2554  Legs 
 2555  Lemonade for sale 
 2556  The lemonade trick 
 2557  Leon Blum 
 2558  Leonardo DiCaprio 
 2559  Leontyne Price, opera superstar 
 2560  Leopards 
 2561  Leprechauns don't play basketball 
 2562  A lesson for Martin Luther King Jr. 
 2563  Let it begin here! : April 19, 1775 : the day the American Revolution began 
 2564  Let me help! 
 2565  Let sleeping dogs lie 
 2566  Let's add bills 
 2567  Let's add coins 
 2568  Let's add money 
 2569  Let's celebrate Christmas : a book of drawing fun /  
 2570  Let's celebrate Thanksgiving : a book of drawing fun /  
 2571  Let's do karate! 
 2572  Let's downhill ski! 
 2573  Let's go camping! 
 2574  Let's go home, Little Bear 
 2575  Let's go rock collecting 
 2576  Let's go to a baseball game 
 2577  Let's go to a park 
 2578  Let's go to a play 
 2579  Let's have a play 
 2580  Let's make a dump truck with everyday materials 
 2581  Let's make letters : ABC kids 
 2582  Let's play baseball! 
 2583  Let's play basketball! 
 2584  Let's play football 
 2585  Let's play soccer 
 2586  Let's reduce garbage! 
 2587  Let's reuse! 
 2588  Let's save water! 
 2589  Let's skateboard! 
 2590  Let's snowboard! 
 2591  Let's subtract bills 
 2592  Let's subtract coins 
 2593  Let's subtract money 
 2594  Let's take a field trip to a beehive 
 2595  Let's take a field trip to a cave 
 2596  Let's take a field trip to a coral reef 
 2597  Let's take a field trip to a tide pool 
 2598  Let's take a field trip to an ant colony 
 2599  Let's take a field trip to the deep sea 
 2600  Let's talk about tongues 
 2601  Let's visit some islands 
 2602  Let's visit the library 
 2603  Let's visit the post office 
 2604  Letters and sounds : based on Timothy goes to school and other stories 
 2605  Lewis and Clark 
 2606  Lewis and Clark 
 2607  Lewis and Clark 
 2608  The Lewis and Clark Expedition : the Corps of Discovery 
 2609  Lewis and Clark's voyage of discovery 
 2610  Liang and the magic paintbrush 
 2611  Libby loves science : states of matter 
 2612  The Liberty Bell 
 2613  The librarian from the black lagoon 
 2614  The librarian of Basra : a true story from Iraq 
 2615  The librarian who measured the earth 
 2616  The library 
 2617  The library 
 2618  A library 
 2619  The library fish 
 2620  Library Fish learns to read 
 2621  Library Lil 
 2622  Library Lon 
 2623  Library mouse 
 2624  The life cycle of a lion 
 2625  The life cycle of a tree 
 2626  The life cycle of an opossum. 
 2627  Life during the Civil War 
 2628  Life in a tide pool 
 2629  Life in a wetland 
 2630  Life in the mountains 
 2631  Life in the oceans 
 2632  Life in the polar lands 
 2633  Life in the rainforests 
 2634  Life in the woodlands 
 2635  Life on earth : the story of evolution 
 2636  Life. Is. Not. Fair. 
 2637  Lift 
 2638  Light 
 2639  Light 
 2640  Light and color 
 2641  A light in the attic 
 2642  The lighthouse mystery. 
 2643  Lights, action, land-ho! 
 2644  Lights, camera, action! : making movies and TV from the inside out 
 2645  Lil Mouse is in the house! 
 2646  Lili at ballet 
 2647  Lily's story : a puppy tale 
 2648  The Lincoln Memorial 
 2649  Lincoln, Johnson, and Grant 
 2650  The Lion King : Simba's pride 
 2651  A lion to guard us 
 2652  Lionel and his friends 
 2653  Lionel in the fall 
 2654  Lions 
 2655  Lions at lunchtime 
 2656  Listen to the storyteller : a trio of musical tales from around the world 
 2657  The littl autoe. 
 2658  Little bear 
 2659  Little Bear goes to kindergarten 
 2660  Little Bear's grandpa 
 2661  Little Bird's bad word 
 2662  The little book of big riddles 
 2663  Little Brown Bear won't go to school! 
 2664  The little butterfly 
 2665  Little cats 
 2666  Little Critter's Christmas book 
 2667  Little critter's This is my school 
 2668  The Little Dipper 
 2669  The little drummer boy 
 2670  Little farm in the Ozarks 
 2671  Little Gorilla 
 2672  The little island 
 2673  Little Miss Spider 
 2674  Little monster's Mother Goose 
 2675  Little neighbors 
 2676  A little pigeon toad 
 2677  Little polar bear 
 2678  Little Prince Know-It-All 
 2679  Little Puff 
 2680  The little rabbit 
 2681  Little Red Quacking Hood 
 2682  Little Red Riding Hood 
 2683  Little Red Riding Hood 
 2684  The Little Rock Nine : young champions for school integration 
 2685  The little sail boat. 
 2686  Little sharks, big sharks 
 2687  A little shopping 
 2688  Little soup's turkey. 
 2689  Little Whistle 
 2690  The little witch's birthday book 
 2691  Littlejim 
 2692  The Littles and the Trash Tinies 
 2693  The Littles go exploring 
 2694  The Littles to the rescue 
 2695  Live lions live on land 
 2696  Living or nonliving? 
 2697  Lizzie Logan, second banana 
 2698  Llama Llama back to school 
 2699  Llama Llama Time To Share 
 2700  Lo & behold 
 2701  Locked in the library! 
 2702  Locomotion 
 2703  Logan likes Mary Anne! : a graphic novel 
 2704  Lon Po Po : a Red-Riding Hood story from China 
 2705  The long haul 
 2706  A long way to go 
 2707  Look out for turtles! 
 2708  Look out kindergarten, here I come! 
 2709  Look out, Washington, D.C.! 
 2710  Look what I can do 
 2711  Look who's playing first base 
 2712  The look-it-up book of Presidents. 
 2713  Looking at Lincoln 
 2714  Looking through a microscope 
 2715  Loose-tooth Luke 
 2716  The Lorax 
 2717  Loretta and the little fairy 
 2718  Loretta Little looks back : three voices go tell it : a monologue novel 
 2719  Los 500 sombreros de Bartolom Cubbins 
 2720  Lost & found 
 2721  The lost Christmas star 
 2722  Lost dog 
 2723  Lost in translation 
 2724  The lost library 
 2725  Loud crowd 
 2726  The loud librarian 
 2727  Louie 
 2728  Louie and Bear bite back 
 2729  Louie and Bear in the land of anything goes 
 2730  Louis Armstrong : king of jazz 
 2731  Louis the fish 
 2732  Love flute : story and illustrations 
 2733  Love to Langston 
 2734  Love you, soldier 
 2735  Low power 
 2736  Lucky dog days 
 2737  The lucky lottery 
 2738  Lucky me! 
 2739  Luke on the loose : a Toon book 
 2740  Luli and the language of tea 
 2741  The Lunch Bunch 
 2742  Lunch lady and the cyborg substitute 
 2743  Lupe Lopez : reading rock star! 
 2744  M & M and the haunted house game 
 2745  M.E. and Morton 
 2746  Ma Dear's aprons 
 2747  Macca the alpaca 
 2748  Madam C.J. Walker 
 2749  Madam C.J. Walker : building a business empire 
 2750  Madam C.J. Walker : inventor and millionaire 
 2751  Madeline 
 2752  Madeline and the gypsies 
 2753  Madeline Finn and the library dog 
 2754  Madeline's Christmas 
 2755  Madeline's rescue : story and pictures 
 2756  Mae Jemison : awesome astronaut 
 2757  Maebelle's suitcase 
 2758  The magic beans 
 2759  A magic crystal? 
 2760  The magic fan 
 2761  The magic hill 
 2762  Magic Johnson : hero on and off court 
 2763  The magic nutcracker 
 2764  The magic school bus : in the time of the dinosaurs 
 2765  The magic school bus : inside the Earth 
 2766  The magic school bus at the waterworks 
 2767  The magic school bus explores the senses 
 2768  The magic school bus gets crabby 
 2769  The magic school bus inside a beehive 
 2770  The magic school bus inside a hurricane 
 2771  The magic school bus inside Ralphie : a book about germs 
 2772  The magic school bus inside the human body 
 2773  The magic school bus kicks up a storm : a book about weather 
 2774  The magic school bus on the ocean floor 
 2775  The magic school bus wet all over : a book about the water cycle. 
 2776  The magic school bus, lost in the solar system 
 2777  The magic show mystery 
 2778  The magical fellowship 
 2779  The magician's boy 
 2780  Magnets 
 2781  Magnets 
 2782  The magnificent mummy maker 
 2783  Mahalia : a life in gospel music 
 2784  Mahalia Jackson: queen of gospel song. 
 2785  Maine 
 2786  Maine coon cats 
 2787  Maine coon cats 
 2788  Maizy Chen's last chance 
 2789  Make like a tree and leave 
 2790  Make way for ducklings 
 2791  Make-believe ball player 
 2792  Makeda makes a birthday treat 
 2793  Makeda makes a home for Subway 
 2794  Making laws : a look at how a bill becomes a law 
 2795  Making maps : where's the party? 
 2796  Making Music 
 2797  The making of a writer 
 2798  Making things move 
 2799  The mako shark 
 2800  Malcolm X 
 2801  Malcolm X : by any means necessary : a biography 
 2802  Mama Africa! : how Miriam Makeba spread hope with her song 
 2803  Mama built a little nest 
 2804  Mama, do you love me? 
 2805  Mammals 
 2806  Mammals 
 2807  The man who tricked a ghost 
 2808  The man who walked between the towers 
 2809  Mandie and the hidden treasure 
 2810  Mango, Abuela, and me 
 2811  Maniac Magee : a novel 
 2812  The Manx : the cat with no tail 
 2813  Manx cats 
 2814  Many moons 
 2815  Map math 
 2816  Maple syrup 
 2817  Marc Brown 
 2818  March 
 2819  The march from Selma to Montgomery : African Americans demand the vote 
 2820  March on! : the day my brother Martin changed the world 
 2821  Marcus makes a movie 
 2822  Marcus makes it big 
 2823  A mare for Young Wolf 
 2824  Margaret and the moon : how Margaret Hamilton saved the first lunar landing 
 2825  Margaret Bourke-White 
 2826  Marian Anderson : amazing opera singer 
 2827  Marian Wright Edelman, children's champion 
 2828  Marianthe's story, painted words : Marianthe's story, spoken memories 
 2829  Mario Lemieux 
 2830  Marjory Stoneman Douglas, friend of the Everglades 
 2831  Marmee's surprise : a Little women story 
 2832  Mars 
 2833  Mars 
 2834  Martha calling 
 2835  Martha Washington 
 2836  Martin & Mahalia : his words, her song 
 2837  Martin Luther King 
 2838  Martin Luther King Jr. 
 2839  Martin Luther King Jr. 
 2840  Martin Luther King, Jr. 
 2841  Martin Luther King, Jr. 
 2842  Martin Rising : Requiem Ror a King 
 2843  Marvin K. Mooney, will you please go now! 
 2844  Marvin K. Mooney, will you please go now! 
 2845  Marvin Redpost, a flying birthday cake? 
 2846  Marvin Redpost, class president 
 2847  Marvin Redpost, super fast, out of control! 
 2848  Mary Alice Peale, Philadelphia, 1777 
 2849  Mary Anne saves the day : a graphic novel 
 2850  Mary Anning : fossil hunter 
 2851  Mary McLeod Bethune : voice of Black hope 
 2852  Mary Walker wears the pants : the true story of the doctor, reformer, and Civil War hero 
 2853  Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen 
 2854  Maryland 
 2855  Massachusetts 
 2856  Master Plan for Tennessee schools : preparing for the twenty-first century. 
 2857  Materials 
 2858  Materials. 
 2859  Math at the store 
 2860  Matt Ryan : football star 
 2861  Matter comes in all shapes 
 2862  Matthew Henson 
 2863  Maurice Sendak 
 2864  Maurice Strong : working for planet Earth 
 2865  Max : story & pictures 
 2866  Max's words 
 2867  Maxie, Rosie, and Earl--partners in grime 
 2868  Maya 
 2869  Maya Angelou : greeting the morning 
 2870  Maybe something beautiful : how art transformed a neighborhood 
 2871  Maybe you should fly a jet! : maybe you should be a vet! 
 2872  Mayflower treasure hunt 
 2873  Me and my dragon 
 2874  Me and my pet cat 
 2875  Me and my pet dog 
 2876  Me and my pet fish 
 2877  Me and my pet rabbit 
 2878  Me on the map 
 2879  Me too! 
 2880  Me, Mop, and the Moondance Kid 
 2881  Meadow food chains 
 2882  Meanwhile back at the ranch 
 2883  Measurement mania : games and activities that make math easy and fun 
 2884  Medgar Evers 
 2885  Medical entrepreneurs 
 2886  Medical marvels : a chapter book 
 2887  Medical math 
 2888  A medieval feast 
 2889  Meet A. A. Milne 
 2890  Meet Addy : an American girl 
 2891  Meet Beverly Cleary 
 2892  Meet Danitra Brown 
 2893  Meet E. B. White 
 2894  Meet Josefina : an American girl 
 2895  Meet Kirsten : an American girl 
 2896  Meet Laura Ingalls Wilder 
 2897  Meet Molly : an American girl 
 2898  Meet Samantha : an American girl 
 2899  Meet the Boxcar Children 
 2900  Meet the cafeteria workers 
 2901  Meet the librarian 
 2902  Meet the school secretary 
 2903  Meg Mackintosh and the case of the missing Babe Ruth baseball 
 2904  Megan and the Borealis Butterfly 
 2905  Megan in ancient Greece 
 2906  Megan's balancing act 
 2907  Megan's island 
 2908  Megan's masquerade 
 2909  Mei Li, 
 2910  Mel fell 
 2911  The meltdown 
 2912  Memoirs of a goldfish 
 2913  Memoirs of a tortoise 
 2914  Memorial Day 
 2915  Memorial Day 
 2916  The memory string 
 2917  The Memphis Grizzlies 
 2918  Memphis, Martin, and the mountaintop : the sanitation strike of 1968 
 2919  Merci Suarez plays it cool 
 2920  Merci Suárez Changes Gears 
 2921  Mercury 
 2922  Mercury and Venus 
 2923  Mercy Watson to the rescue 
 2924  Merry Christmas, dear dragon 
 2925  Merry Christmas, Miss McConnell! 
 2926  Merry Christmas, Strega Nona 
 2927  Mesmerized : how Ben Franklin solved a mystery that baffled all of France 
 2928  Messy Bessey 
 2929  Metal : let's look at a knife and fork 
 2930  Meteorologist 
 2931  Mexico 
 2932  Mi casa is my home 
 2933  Mia Hamm : soccer superstar 
 2934  Miami Dolphins 
 2935  Michael Jordan 
 2936  Michael Vick 
 2937  Michelle Obama : first lady and superhero 
 2938  Michigan 
 2939  The midnight children 
 2940  The midnight fox 
 2941  Midnight on the moon 
 2942  The midwife's apprentice 
 2943  Mieko and the fifth treasure 
 2944  Mighty spiders! 
 2945  Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel 
 2946  Mike's mystery. 
 2947  Milk from cow to carton 
 2948  The milk makers 
 2949  Milk to ice cream 
 2950  Millard Fillmore 
 2951  Millicent and the wind 
 2952  A million fish--more or less 
 2953  Millions to measure 
 2954  Mine! 
 2955  Minnesota 
 2956  Minnesota Vikings 
 2957  Minnie's Diner : a multiplying menu 
 2958  The minstrel in the tower 
 2959  Miracle at the plate 
 2960  Miranda the great. 
 2961  Mirandy and Brother Wind 
 2962  Mirandy and Brother Wind 
 2963  Mirette on the high wire 
 2964  Mishmash and the substitute teacher /  
 2965  Miss Alaineus : a vocabulary disaster 
 2966  Miss Bindergarten gets ready for kindergarten 
 2967  Miss Bindergarten stays home from kindergarten 
 2968  Miss Nelson has a field day 
 2969  Miss Nelson is back 
 2970  Miss Viola and Uncle Ed Lee 
 2971  Missing May 
 2972  The missing mummy 
 2973  The missing tooth 
 2974  Mission to Mars 
 2975  Mississippi 
 2976  Misty Copeland 
 2977  The mixed-up chameleon 
 2978  Moldylocks and the three beards 
 2979  Mole and Shrew all year through 
 2980  Molly in the middle 
 2981  Molly learns a lesson : a school story 
 2982  Molly Pitcher 
 2983  Molly saves the day : a summer story 
 2984  Molly the brave and me 
 2985  Molly's Pilgrim 
 2986  Molly's surprise : a Christmas story 
 2987  Money math 
 2988  The Monitor : the iron warship that changed the world 
 2989  Monkey me and the golden monkey 
 2990  Monkey me and the new neighbor 
 2991  Monkey me and the pet show 
 2992  Monkey me and the school ghost 
 2993  The monster in the third dresser drawer 
 2994  Monster mama 
 2995  Monster rabbit runs amuck! 
 2996  Monster vehicles 
 2997  Montana 
 2998  The moon 
 2999  The moon 
 3000  The moon 
 3001  Moonlight madness 
 3002  More or less 
 3003  More really silly jokes 
 3004  Morris and Boris at the circus 
 3005  Morris goes to school 
 3006  Morris's disappearing bag 
 3007  Moses the kitten 
 3008  Mosquitoes 
 3009  The most beautiful place in the world 
 3010  The most excellent book of how to do card tricks 
 3011  The most wonderful doll in the world 
 3012  Mother Bruce 
 3013  A mother for Choco 
 3014  Mother Teresa 
 3015  Mother Teresa 
 3016  Mother Teresa : protector of the sick 
 3017  Mothering heights 
 3018  Motion 
 3019  Motocross cycles 
 3020  Motorcycles 
 3021  Mount Everest : the highest mountain 
 3022  Mount Pelee : the deadliest volcano eruption of the twentieth century 
 3023  Mount Rushmore 
 3024  Mount St. Helens : the smoking mountain 
 3025  Mount Vesuvius : Europe's mighty volcano of smoke and ash 
 3026  Mountain biking : check it out! 
 3027  Mountain men of the West 
 3028  Mountain top mystery. 
 3029  Mouse soup 
 3030  Mouse tales 
 3031  Move it! : motion, forces and you 
 3032  Move! 
 3033  Mr. Brown can moo! Can you? 
 3034  Mr. Brown can moo! Can you? : Dr. Seuss's book of wonderful noises 
 3035  Mr. Corbett is in orbit! 
 3036  Mr. Jensen & cat. 
 3037  Mr. Lincoln's way 
 3038  Mr. Peale's bones 
 3039  Mr. Putter & Tabby feed the fish 
 3040  Mr. Putter & Tabby paint the porch 
 3041  Mr. Putter & Tabby take the train 
 3042  Mr. Putter and Tabby bake the cake 
 3043  Mr. Putter and Tabby fly the plane 
 3044  Mr. Putter and Tabby pick the pears 
 3045  Mr. Putter and Tabby pour the tea 
 3046  Mr. Putter and Tabby row the boat 
 3047  Mr. Putter and Tabby walk the dog 
 3048  Mr. Tucket 
 3049  Mrs. Brice's mice 
 3050  Mrs. Katz and Tush 
 3051  Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's farm. 
 3052  Mrs. Wishy-Washy's Farm 
 3053  Much bigger than Martin 
 3054  Mud fore [e crossed out] sale 
 3055  The mud pony : a traditional Skidi Pawnee tale 
 3056  Mud! 
 3057  Mufaro's beautiful daughters : An African tale 
 3058  Muggie Maggie 
 3059  Muhammad Ali 
 3060  Mulan 
 3061  Mummies and pyramids : a nonfiction companion to Mummies in the morning 
 3062  Mummies don't coach softball 
 3063  Mummies in the morning : the graphic novel 
 3064  Mummies made in Egypt 
 3065  The murder of Hound Dog Bates : a novel 
 3066  The music teacher from the Black Lagoon 
 3067  Mustang 
 3068  Mutts 
 3069  My best friend : a book about friendship 
 3070  My best friend is invisible 
 3071  My Black me: a beginning book of Black poetry. 
 3072  My brain 
 3073  My breakfast : a book about a great morning meal 
 3074  My brother, my sister, and I 
 3075  My day at the baseball game : a book about a special day 
 3076  My dog : a book about a special pet 
 3077  My dog Toby 
 3078  My ears 
 3079  My eyes 
 3080  My family is forever 
 3081  My father doesn't know about the woods and me 
 3082  My first trip to the farm 
 3083  My five senses 
 3084  My heart 
 3085  My house 
 3086  My kingdom of darkness 
 3087  My librarian is a camel : how books are brought to children around the world 
 3088  My life as a potato 
 3089  My little island 
 3090  My man Blue : poems 
 3091  My name is Bert 
 3092  My name is Brain Brian 
 3093  My name is not Isabella 
 3094  My rotten redheaded older brother 
 3095  My son, the time traveler 
 3096  My suburban community 
 3097  My visit to the dinosaurs 
 3098  My war with Mrs. Galloway 
 3099  My Weird School. 
 3100  Mysteries of the universe 
 3101  Mysteriously yours, Maggie Marmelstein 
 3102  The mystery at Peacock Hall 
 3103  The mystery at Snowflake Inn 
 3104  The mystery at the ballpark 
 3105  The mystery at the dog show 
 3106  The mystery at the fair 
 3107  The mystery bookstore 
 3108  The mystery horse 
 3109  The mystery in the snow 
 3110  The mystery in Washington, D.C. 
 3111  The mystery of the blue ring 
 3112  The mystery of the hairy tomatoes 
 3113  The mystery of the hidden beach 
 3114  The mystery of the hot air balloon 
 3115  The mystery of the lake monster 
 3116  The mystery of the lost village 
 3117  The mystery of the missing cat 
 3118  The mystery of the missing dog 
 3119  The mystery of the pirate ghost 
 3120  The mystery of the pirate ship 
 3121  The mystery of the purple pool 
 3122  The mystery of the queen's jewels 
 3123  The mystery of the singing ghost 
 3124  The mystery of the stolen bike 
 3125  The mystery of the stolen boxcar 
 3126  The mystery of the stolen music 
 3127  The mystery of the wild ponies 
 3128  The mystery on stage 
 3129  Mystery on the docks 
 3130  The mystery on the ice 
 3131  The NAACP : an organization working to end discrimination 
 3132  Nana Upstairs & Nana Downstairs 
 3133  The napping house 
 3134  Nappy hair 
 3135  Narwhal's otter friend 
 3136  Nasreen's secret school : a true story from Afghanistan 
 3137  Nat Turner 
 3138  Nate the great 
 3139  Nate the Great and me : the case of the fleeing Fang 
 3140  Nate the Great and the crunchy Christmas 
 3141  Nate the Great and the fishy prize 
 3142  Nate the great and the Halloween hunt 
 3143  Nate the Great and the lost list 
 3144  Nate the Great and the monster mess 
 3145  Nate the Great and the mushy valentine 
 3146  Nate the Great and the musical note 
 3147  Nate the Great and the phony clue 
 3148  Nate the Great and the pillowcase 
 3149  Nate the Great and the sticky case 
 3150  Nate the Great and the stolen base 
 3151  Nate the Great goes down in the dumps 
 3152  Nate the Great goes undercover 
 3153  Nate the Great saves the King of Sweden 
 3154  Nate the Great stalks stupidweed 
 3155  Nate the Great, San Francisco detective 
 3156  Nathan Hale 
 3157  National Geographic Kids almanac 2011. 
 3158  Native-American life 
 3159  Natural landmarks 
 3160  Nature lover 
 3161  Nebraska 
 3162  Nellie Bly : reporter for the world 
 3163  Nelson Mandela : determined to be free 
 3164  Nettie's trip South 
 3165  Nevada 
 3166  Never spit on your shoes 
 3167  Never trust a cat who wears earrings 
 3168  Neville 
 3169  The new children's encyclopedia. 
 3170  A new coat for Anna 
 3171  New girl 
 3172  New Hampshire 
 3173  New Jersey 
 3174  New Mexico 
 3175  New shoes for Silvia 
 3176  New York 
 3177  New York Knicks 
 3178  Next spring an oriole 
 3179  Next stop, New York City! 
 3180  Niagara Falls 
 3181  Niagara Falls 
 3182  Nic Bishop frogs. 
 3183  A nickel = 5c 
 3184  Nien Cheng : prisoner in China 
 3185  Nigel and the moon 
 3186  The night before Christmas 
 3187  Night city 
 3188  Night creatures 
 3189  Night of the living dummy 
 3190  The night of the living dummy II 
 3191  Night of the living mummy 
 3192  Night of the ninjas 
 3193  Night of the whale 
 3194  Night raiders along the Cape 
 3195  Night tree 
 3196  Nightwalkers 
 3197  The Nile River 
 3198  The Nile River : the longest river 
 3199  Ninja! 
 3200  The ninth nugget 
 3201  No arm in left field 
 3202  NO is all I know 
 3203  No matter what 
 3204  No, David! 
 3205  Nobody's orphan 
 3206  Norma Jean, jumping bean 
 3207  North America 
 3208  North America 
 3209  North Carolina 
 3210  North Dakota 
 3211  Norway 
 3212  Not I, not I 
 3213  Not the piano, Mrs. Medley! 
 3214  The not-so-jolly-Roger 
 3215  Nothin' but net 
 3216  Nothing at all! 
 3217  Nothing but miracles : from leaves of grass 
 3218  Nothing but trouble 
 3219  Nothing fits a dinosaur 
 3220  Nothosaurus 
 3221  Nouns and verbs have a field day 
 3222  Now & Ben : the modern inventions of Benjamin Franklin 
 3223  Nuclear power 
 3224  Numbears : a counting book 
 3225  Number the stars 
 3226  Number the stars 
 3227  Nurse sharks 
 3228  The nutcracker 
 3229  Nutty knows all 
 3230  Nutty, the movie star 
 3231  Oa 
 3232  Oak trees 
 3233  An occasional cow 
 3234  Ocean ecosystems 
 3235  Oceanarium 
 3236  Oceans 
 3237  An octopus is amazing 
 3238  Oddhopper opera : a bug's garden of verses 
 3239  Odell Beckham Jr. 
 3240  Odell Beckham Jr. : football star 
 3241  Officer Buckle and Gloria 
 3242  Oh say can you say? 
 3243  Oh, the places you'll go! 
 3244  Oh, the thinks you can think! 
 3245  Ohio 
 3246  Oil spill! 
 3247  Oklahoma 
 3248  The Oklahoma City bombing : terror in the heartland 
 3249  Old Macdonald had a truck 
 3250  The Old South : a picture book to remember her by 
 3251  The old woman and her pig 
 3252  The old woman who loved to read 
 3253  Oliver & Amanda and the big snow 
 3254  Oliver Button is a sissy 
 3255  Oliver Pig at school 
 3256  Oliver's back-yard circus 
 3257  Oliver, Amanda, and Grandmother Pig 
 3258  Olivia 
 3259  Olivia Helps With Christmas 
 3260  Olympic swimming and diving 
 3261  On a beam of light : a story of Albert Einstein 
 3262  On Mother's lap 
 3263  On my honor 
 3264  On purpose 
 3265  On the playground : how do you build place value? 
 3266  On the prairie 
 3267  On the wing : American birds in migration 
 3268  On with the show! 
 3269  Once there was a tree 
 3270  Once upon a dark November 
 3271  Once upon a zombie : tales for brave readers 
 3272  The one and only Bob 
 3273  One cool friend 
 3274  One crazy summer 
 3275  One day in the alpine tundra 
 3276  One day in the desert 
 3277  One day in the prairie 
 3278  One day in the tropical rain forest 
 3279  One day in the woods 
 3280  One fine day 
 3281  One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish 
 3282  One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish 
 3283  The one in the middle is the green kangaroo 
 3284  One last shot 
 3285  One of the third grade Thonkers 
 3286  One of three 
 3287  One Saturday morning 
 3288  One tiny turtle 
 3289  One tough turkey : a Thanksgiving story 
 3290  One well : the story of water on Earth 
 3291  An online visit to Africa 
 3292  An online visit to Asia 
 3293  An online visit to Australia 
 3294  An online visit to Europe 
 3295  An online visit to North America 
 3296  An online visit to South America 
 3297  Only one woof 
 3298  Opal Lee and what it means to be free : the true story of the grandmother of Juneteenth 
 3299  Operation Iraqi Freedom 
 3300  Oprah Winfrey 
 3301  Oprah Winfrey : reaching out to others 
 3302  The orange outlaw 
 3303  Orangutans 
 3304  Oregon 
 3305  The Oregon Trail 
 3306  Organ transplants 
 3307  Oriental shorthair cats 
 3308  Origami : the fun and funky art of paper folding 
 3309  The original adventures of Hank the Cowdog 
 3310  Orion 
 3311  Orlando Magic 
 3312  Oscar, cat-about-town 
 3313  The other side : shorter poems 
 3314  Otherwise known as Sheila the Great. 
 3315  Otis 
 3316  Our amazing sun 
 3317  Our friend Hedgehog : the story of us 
 3318  Our pool 
 3319  Our solar system 
 3320  Our solar system 
 3321  Our sun 
 3322  Out of the dust 
 3323  Out of the dust 
 3324  Out of wonder : poems celebrating poets 
 3325  The outrageously big activity, play and project book. 
 3326  Outside and inside dinosaurs 
 3327  Over in the meadow. 
 3328  Overdue kangaroo 
 3329  The owl and the pussycat 
 3330  Owl at home 
 3331  Owl Moon 
 3332  Owls 
 3333  Owls and their homes 
 3334  Owls in the family 
 3335  Ox-cart man 
 3336  P.J. 
 3337  Pablo Picasso 
 3338  Pablo's tree 
 3339  The Pacific Ocean : the largest ocean 
 3340  Pages of music 
 3341  The pain and the great one 
 3342  Pal the pony 
 3343  Palace of books 
 3344  Paletero man 
 3345  Palomino horses 
 3346  Pan + cake = pancake 
 3347  Panama 
 3348  Pancakes, pancakes! 
 3349  The panda puzzle 
 3350  the panda puzzle 
 3351  Pandas 
 3352  Papa Lucky's shadow 
 3353  Papa Small. 
 3354  Paper : let's look at a comic book 
 3355  The paper crane 
 3356  Paper money 
 3357  The paperboy 
 3358  Parents 
 3359  Parents in the pigpen, pigs in the tub 
 3360  Parents' Day surprise 
 3361  Parker dresses up 
 3362  Pass it on : African-American poetry for children 
 3363  A passion for elephants : the real life adventure of field scientist Cynthia Moss 
 3364  The patchwork quilt 
 3365  Patrick Mahomes 
 3366  Patrick's dinosaurs 
 3367  Patrick's dinosaurs on the Internet 
 3368  Paul Bunyan 
 3369  Paul Bunyan 
 3370  Paul Bunyan : a tall tale 
 3371  Paul Bunyan and his blue ox, 
 3372  Paul Bunyan tricks a dragon. 
 3373  Paul Revere and the bell ringers 
 3374  Paul Robeson 
 3375  Paying taxes 
 3376  Peacocks 
 3377  Peanut-butter pilgrims 
 3378  Pecos Bill : a tall tale 
 3379  Pedal power 
 3380  Pee Wee & Plush : a Park Pals adventure 
 3381  The Pee Wee Jubilee 
 3382  Pee Wees on first 
 3383  Penguin chick 
 3384  Penguins and their homes 
 3385  Pennsylvania 
 3386  A penny = 1c 
 3387  The People Could Fly : American Black Folktales 
 3388  People in fall 
 3389  People of the rain forest 
 3390  Peppe the lamplighter 
 3391  Pepper's journal : a kitten's first year 
 3392  Peppermints in the parlor 
 3393  Peregrine falcons 
 3394  Perfect princess pets! : a collection of six early readers 
 3395  The perfect Thanksgiving 
 3396  Perfect, the pig 
 3397  Persian cats 
 3398  Persian cats 
 3399  Personal drones 
 3400  Perspectives 
 3401  Peru 
 3402  The pet show 
 3403  The pet-sitting peril 
 3404  Pete the Cat and his four groovy buttons 
 3405  Pete the cat and the bedtime blues 
 3406  Pete the Cat and the Cool Cat Boogie 
 3407  Pete the Cat and the Cool Cat Boogie 
 3408  Pete the cat and the itsy bitsy spider 
 3409  Pete the cat and the missing cupcakes 
 3410  Pete the Cat and the new guy 
 3411  Pete the cat and the perfect pizza party 
 3412  Pete the cat and the supercool science fair 
 3413  Pete the cat and the treasure map 
 3414  Pete the cat checks out the library 
 3415  Pete the cat checks out the library 
 3416  Pete the cat plays hide-and-seek 
 3417  Pete the Cat saves Christmas 
 3418  Pete the Cat storybook favorites : groovy adventures 
 3419  Pete the cat's 12 groovy days of Christmas 
 3420  Pete the cat's got class 
 3421  Pete the Cat's groovy guide to kindness : tips from a cool cat on how to be kind 
 3422  Pete the cat's groovy guide to love 
 3423  Pete the cat's world tour 
 3424  Pets 
 3425  Pets 
 3426  Pets are smart 
 3427  Petunia 
 3428  Peyton & Eli Manning in the community 
 3429  Peyton Manning 
 3430  Ph 
 3431  Photosynthesis 
 3432  Pi-shu, the little panda 
 3433  The piano 
 3434  Piano starts here : the young Art Tatum 
 3435  Picking peas for a penny 
 3436  The picnic 
 3437  A picture book of Amelia Earhart 
 3438  A picture book of animal opposites 
 3439  A picture book of Benjamin Franklin 
 3440  A picture book of Christopher Columbus 
 3441  A picture book of Davy Crockett 
 3442  A picture book of George Washington Carver 
 3443  A picture book of Harriet Tubman 
 3444  A picture book of Helen Keller 
 3445  A picture book of Jackie Robinson 
 3446  A picture book of John F. Kennedy 
 3447  A picture book of Louis Braille 
 3448  A picture book of Patrick Henry 
 3449  A picture book of Paul Revere 
 3450  A picture book of Rosa Parks 
 3451  A picture book of Sojourner Truth 
 3452  A picture book of Thomas Alva Edison 
 3453  A picture book of Thomas Jefferson 
 3454  A picture of freedom : the diary of Clotee, a slave girl 
 3455  Picture the sky 
 3456  Piecing me together 
 3457  Pierre the penguin : a true story 
 3458  Pig the tourist 
 3459  The pigeon finds a hot dog! 
 3460  The piggy in the puddle 
 3461  Pigs 
 3462  Pigs 
 3463  Pigs 
 3464  Pigs go to market : fun with math and shopping 
 3465  Pigs on a blanket : fun with math and time 
 3466  The Pilgrim Village mystery 
 3467  Pilgrims and Native Americans : hands-on projects about life in early America 
 3468  The pilgrims are marching 
 3469  Pink and Say 
 3470  Pinkalicious 
 3471  Pinkalicious and the pink drink 
 3472  Pinkalicious schooltastic storybook favorites 
 3473  Pinkerton, behave! 
 3474  Pinkeye 
 3475  Pinky and Rex 
 3476  Pinky and Rex and the bully 
 3477  Pinky and Rex and the double-dad weekend 
 3478  Pinky and Rex and the perfect pumpkin 
 3479  A pinky is a baby mouse : and other baby animal names 
 3480  Pinto horses 
 3481  Pioneer life from A to Z 
 3482  Pioneer sisters 
 3483  The pioneers go west 
 3484  Pippi in the South Seas, 
 3485  Piranhas and other fish 
 3486  Pirates : a nonfiction companion to Pirates past noon 
 3487  Pirates don't change diapers 
 3488  Pirates don't wear pink sunglasses 
 3489  Pirates past noon 
 3490  Pirates past noon : the graphic novel 
 3491  Pisces 
 3492  The pizza mystery 
 3493  Pizza! : a slice of history 
 3494  Pizza, pigs, and poetry : how to write a poem 
 3495  A place for Zero : a math adventure 
 3496  Places in time : a new atlas of American history 
 3497  Plain girl 
 3498  Planets 
 3499  The planets 
 3500  Planets 
 3501  The planets 
 3502  The planets in our solar system 
 3503  Plant structures 
 3504  Planting the trees of Kenya : the story of Wangari Maathai 
 3505  Plants give us many kinds of food 
 3506  Plants of the rain forest 
 3507  Plastic : let's look at the frisbee 
 3508  Play ball, Amelia Bedelia 
 3509  Play with counting! 
 3510  Play with sorting! 
 3511  Playground science 
 3512  Please bury me in the library 
 3513  Please try to remember the first of Octember! 
 3514  Plesiosaurus 
 3515  Pluto 
 3516  Pocahontas 
 3517  Pocahontas 
 3518  Pocahontas 
 3519  A pocket for Corduroy 
 3520  A pocketful of cricket. 
 3521  Polar bear math : learning about fractions from Klondike and Snow 
 3522  Polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear? 
 3523  Polar bears 
 3524  Polar bears 
 3525  Polar bears 
 3526  Polar bears past bedtime 
 3527  The Polar Express 
 3528  Pond food chains 
 3529  The Pony Express : hands-on projects about early communication 
 3530  The poodle of doom 
 3531  Poodles 
 3532  Poopsie gets lost 
 3533  The popcorn book 
 3534  Pope John XXIII 
 3535  Poppleton : book one 
 3536  Poppleton and friends : book two 
 3537  Poppleton everyday : book three 
 3538  Poppleton forever : book four 
 3539  Porch lies : tales of slicksters, tricksters, and other wily characters 
 3540  Pork 
 3541  Porsche 
 3542  Possum magic 
 3543  Potato pants! 
 3544  Poultry on the farm 
 3545  The pout-pout fish 
 3546  The Powder Puff puzzle 
 3547  Power machines 
 3548  Prairie songs 
 3549  Prayer for a child, 
 3550  Prehistoric Pinkerton 
 3551  Preschool to the rescue 
 3552  A present for Grandfather 
 3553  Presents for Santa 
 3554  The presidency 
 3555  President Biden : 46th U.S. President 
 3556  President's Day 
 3557  Presidents 
 3558  The Presidents 
 3559  Pressure play 
 3560  Pretzels : one of the world's oldest snack foods 
 3561  The price of freedom : how one town stood up to slavery 
 3562  The prince left his prints 
 3563  Prince William 
 3564  The princess and the pea 
 3565  Princess Diana : royal ambassador 
 3566  Princess Megan 
 3567  The princess who lost her hair : an Akamba legend 
 3568  The principal's new clothes 
 3569  Problem solving and word problem smarts! 
 3570  Producers in the food chain 
 3571  Professor Diggins' dragons. 
 3572  Promises to keep : How Jackie Robinson changed America 
 3573  Protoceratops 
 3574  Prudence Crandall : teacher for equal rights 
 3575  Puerto Rico 
 3576  Puerto Rico 
 3577  Pug's sleepover 
 3578  Pulleys 
 3579  Pumas 
 3580  The pumpkin book 
 3581  Pumpkin pie recipes. 
 3582  Pumpkin, pumpkin 
 3583  Pumpkins 
 3584  Punctuation : commas, periods, and question marks 
 3585  Punk-tuation celebration 
 3586  A pup called Trouble 
 3587  Puppy bus 
 3588  Purple climbing days 
 3589  The purple coat 
 3590  Pushing the limits : a chapter book 
 3591  Puss in boots 
 3592  Pythons 
 3593  Pythons 
 3594  Quack and count 
 3595  A quarter = 25c 
 3596  Quarters 
 3597  The Queen of Kindergarten 
 3598  The quest for California's gold 
 3599  Questions and answer encyclopedia : The USA 
 3600  Quick as a cricket 
 3601  The quickest kid in Clarksville 
 3602  The quicksand question 
 3603  The quiltmaker's gift 
 3604  R.L. Stine 
 3605  Rabbit 
 3606  Rabbits, rabbits, & more rabbits 
 3607  Raccoons are for loving. 
 3608  The race around the world 
 3609  Race cars 
 3610  Race cars : science, technology, engineering 
 3611  Radiant child : the story of young artist Jean-Michel Basquiat 
 3612  Radio Man = : Don Radio : a story in English and Spanish 
 3613  Ragtime Tumpie 
 3614  Rain forest ecosystems 
 3615  Rain forest rose 
 3616  Rain school 
 3617  Rainbow fish and the big blue whale 
 3618  Rainbow Stew 
 3619  Rainbows 
 3620  Ralph Ellison 
 3621  Ramona and her father 
 3622  Ramona forever 
 3623  Ramona the pest 
 3624  Ranching 
 3625  Rapunzel 
 3626  Rapunzel 
 3627  Rattle + snake = rattlesnake 
 3628  Rattlesnakes 
 3629  Rattlesnakes 
 3630  Ray Charles. 
 3631  Read me a story : a child's book of favorite tales 
 3632  Ready to read : based on Timothy goes to school and other stories 
 3633  Ready-to-use library skills games : reproducible activities for building location and literature skills 
 3634  The real McCoy : the life of an African-American inventor 
 3635  Real pigeons eat danger 
 3636  Really big cats 
 3637  Rebel bicycle club 
 3638  Rechenka's eggs 
 3639  Record breakers : a chapter book 
 3640  Red-headed woodpeckers 
 3641  Red-hot hightops 
 3642  Red-tailed hawks 
 3643  The relatives came 
 3644  Release the hounds! 
 3645  The remarkable rescue at Milkweed Meadow 
 3646  Remember the bridge : poems of a people 
 3647  Rent a third grader 
 3648  Reptiles 
 3649  Reptiles 
 3650  Rescue on the Outer Banks 
 3651  Return of the home run kid 
 3652  The return of the Indian 
 3653  Return to Yellowstone : gray wolf comeback 
 3654  Revolutionary War on Wednesday 
 3655  Rhinoceros 
 3656  Rhinos 
 3657  Rhinos 
 3658  Rhinos and oxpeckers 
 3659  Rhinos at recess 
 3660  Rhode Island 
 3661  Ribsy 
 3662  Richard Allen 
 3663  Richard Nixon 
 3664  The riddle of the red purse 
 3665  The riddle of the stegosaurus, 
 3666  Riddle-iculous math 
 3667  A ride to remember : a civil rights story 
 3668  Ridiculous tongue twisters 
 3669  Riding to Washington 
 3670  Rikki-tikki-tavi 
 3671  Rinaldo, the sly fox 
 3672  Riptide 
 3673  Rise of the balloon goons 
 3674  Rise of the earth dragon 
 3675  The rise of the goldfish 
 3676  River of life 
 3677  A river ran wild : an environmental history 
 3678  Rivers 
 3679  The road to Memphis 
 3680  Roberto Clemente : young ball player 
 3681  Robin Hood 
 3682  RoboBaby 
 3683  Rocks : hard, soft, smooth, and rough 
 3684  Rocks and fossils 
 3685  The Rocky Mountain fur trade 
 3686  Rodrick rules 
 3687  Roget's II : the new thesaurus 
 3688  Roll of thunder, hear my cry 
 3689  Romeo and Juliet--together (and alive!) at last 
 3690  Room for rent, 
 3691  Rooster wore skinny jeans 
 3692  Rosa 
 3693  Rosa loves to read 
 3694  Rosa Parks 
 3695  Rosa Parks 
 3696  Rose faces the music 
 3697  A Rose for Pinkerton 
 3698  Rose's magic touch 
 3699  Rosie and the rustlers 
 3700  Rosie Revere and the Raucous Riveters 
 3701  Rosie Swanson : fourth-grade geek for president 
 3702  Rosie's big city ballet 
 3703  Rowley Jefferson's awesome friendly adventure 
 3704  Roxaboxen 
 3705  Roxanne Bookman : live at five! 
 3706  A rubber tire 
 3707  Ruby Bridges goes to school : my true story 
 3708  Ruby Mae has something to say 
 3709  Ruby-throated hummingbirds 
 3710  Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer 
 3711  Rugby 
 3712  Rumpelstiltskin's daughter 
 3713  Run to the rainbow 
 3714  The runaway bunny 
 3715  The runaway racehorse 
 3716  Runaway Radish 
 3717  The runaway soup and other stories 
 3718  Running back to Ludie 
 3719  Running for public office 
 3720  Russell Westbrook : basketball star 
 3721  Russian blue cats 
 3722  Ruth Law thrills a nation 
 3723  SACS : Oakshire Elem. Schools. 
 3724  Sadako 
 3725  Sadako and the thousand paper cranes 
 3726  The saggy baggy elephant 
 3727  The Sahara desert 
 3728  The Sahara desert : the biggest desert 
 3729  Saint George and the dragon : a golden legend 
 3730  Saint Patrick's Day 
 3731  Sal & Gabi fix the universe 
 3732  The salamander room 
 3733  Sally Ride 
 3734  Sam and the tigers : a new telling of Little Black Sambo 
 3735  Sam Johnson and the blue ribbon quilt 
 3736  Sam. 
 3737  Samantha learns a lesson : a school story 
 3738  Samantha saves the day : a summer story 
 3739  Samantha's surprise : a Christmas story 
 3740  Sami and the time of the troubles 
 3741  Sammy Sosa : home run hitter 
 3742  Samuel de Champlain 
 3743  The San Francisco earthquake, 1906 
 3744  Sand sharks 
 3745  The sand tiger shark 
 3746  The Santa Fe Trail 
 3747  Sarah Anne Hartford : Massachusetts, 1651 
 3748  Sarah Emma Edmonds was a great pretender : the true story of a Civil War spy 
 3749  Sarah, plain and tall 
 3750  Saturn 
 3751  Saturn 
 3752  Saudi Arabia 
 3753  Save me a seat 
 3754  Save the rain forests 
 3755  Saving Sweetness 
 3756  Saving the Liberty Bell 
 3757  Saving the rain forests 
 3758  Saving the sun dragon 
 3759  Scared stiff 
 3760  Scaredy cat! 
 3761  Scary, scary Halloween 
 3762  Scavengers and parasites in the food chain 
 3763  Scholastic children's dictionary. 
 3764  Scholastic's The magic school bus gets ants in its pants : a book about ants 
 3765  Scholastic's The magic school bus gets programmed : a book about computers 
 3766  Scholastic's The magic school bus in the haunted museum : a book about sound 
 3767  The school bus driver from the Black Lagoon 
 3768  School days 
 3769  School in many cultures 
 3770  School Library Journal 
 3771  The school skeleton 
 3772  School then and now 
 3773  The schoolchildren's blizzard 
 3774  Schools in different places 
 3775  The schoolyard mystery 
 3776  Science 
 3777  The Science Chef : 100 Fun Food Experiments and Recipes for Kids 
 3778  Science fair projects : energy 
 3779  Science fun : simple experiments and projects 
 3780  Science project ideas about animal behavior 
 3781  Science project ideas about the moon 
 3782  Science project ideas about trees 
 3783  Scorpions 
 3784  Scottie Pippen : the do-everything superstar 
 3785  Screws 
 3786  Scruffy the tugboat 
 3787  Sea anemones and clown fish 
 3788  Sea monsters don't ride motorcycles 
 3789  Sea otters 
 3790  Sea turtles past and present 
 3791  Seals 
 3792  Seals, sea lions & walruses 
 3793  Searching for Laura Ingalls : a reader's journey 
 3794  Seasons 
 3795  The seasons of Arnold's apple tree 
 3796  Seasons of the year 
 3797  Secondhand star 
 3798  The secret at the Polk Street School 
 3799  The secret birthday message. 
 3800  Secret coders 
 3801  The secret of the attic 
 3802  The secret Santa 
 3803  Secret weapon 
 3804  Secrets and surprises 
 3805  The secrets of animal flight 
 3806  Sedimentary rocks and the rock cycle 
 3807  Seeds and seedlings 
 3808  Seeds of freedom : the peaceful integration of Huntsville, Alabama 
 3809  Sense of taste 
 3810  Sense of touch 
 3811  September 11, 2001 : attack on New York City 
 3812  Sequoyah : the Cherokee man who gave his people writing 
 3813  Serena and Venus Williams 
 3814  Serving on a jury 
 3815  Serving your community 
 3816  The sesame seed snatchers 
 3817  Seven blind mice 
 3818  The seven Chinese brothers 
 3819  The seven continents 
 3820  The sewer rat stink 
 3821  Shadow over second 
 3822  Shadow over second : a Peach Street Mudders story 
 3823  The shape of me and other stuff 
 3824  The shape of me and other stuff 
 3825  The shape of things 
 3826  Shapes and patterns in nature 
 3827  Shaquille O'Neal 
 3828  The shark : silent hunter 
 3829  The shark attacks of 1916 
 3830  The shark attacks of 1916 
 3831  Shark! : the truth behind the terror 
 3832  Sharks 
 3833  Sharks 
 3834  Sharks 
 3835  Sharks and cleaner fish 
 3836  Sharks and other creatures of the deep 
 3837  She's wearing a dead bird on her head! 
 3838  Sheep 
 3839  Sheepherding dogs : rounding up the herd 
 3840  Sheila Rae, the brave 
 3841  Shel Silverstein 
 3842  Shellfish aren't fish 
 3843  Sheryl Swoopes 
 3844  Shh! we're writing the Constitution 
 3845  Shhhh 
 3846  Shiloh 
 3847  Ships and how to draw them. 
 3848  A shocker on Shock Street 
 3849  Shoot for the hoop 
 3850  The shortest kid in the world 
 3851  Shortstop from Tokyo 
 3852  Shots fired at Fort Sumter : Civil War breaks out! 
 3853  Should I share my ice cream? 
 3854  The show-and-tell war 
 3855  Showtime! 
 3856  Shrek! 
 3857  The shy little kitten 
 3858  Siamese cats 
 3859  Siamese cats 
 3860  A Sick Day for Amos McGee 
 3861  Sideways stories from Wayside School 
 3862  Silly Tilly 
 3863  Silver 
 3864  The silver cow : a Welsh tale 
 3865  Simon and the better bone 
 3866  Simone Biles 
 3867  Singing Sam 
 3868  A single shard 
 3869  Sink or swim 
 3870  The sinking of the Titanic, 1912 : the graphic novel 
 3871  Sir Francis Drake 
 3872  Sir Walter Raleigh 
 3873  Sisters 
 3874  Sisters & brothers : sibling relationships in the animal world 
 3875  Sisters : Venus and Serena Williams 
 3876  Sit-ins and freedom rides : the power of nonviolent resistance 
 3877  Sitting Bull 
 3878  Sitting Bull 
 3879  Six dots : a story of young Louis Braille 
 3880  Skateboard tough 
 3881  Skateboarding 
 3882  Skateboarding 
 3883  Skateboarding : check it out! 
 3884  Skating to spelling success 
 3885  The skeleton inside you 
 3886  Skeletons don't play tubas 
 3887  Skippyjon Jones class action 
 3888  The sky is full of stars 
 3889  Sky watcher 
 3890  Slacker 
 3891  Slappy's tales of horror 
 3892  Slavery in America 
 3893  Sleeping babies 
 3894  Sleeping beauty. 
 3895  Sleepy dog 
 3896  Slower than a snail 
 3897  The slumber party payback 
 3898  Small Pig 
 3899  A smart, smart school 
 3900  Smashy town 
 3901  Smelling things 
 3902  The smiliest animals ever! 
 3903  Snaggle doodles 
 3904  The snake by the lake 
 3905  Snakes 
 3906  Snakes are hunters 
 3907  Snakes! 
 3908  Snakey riddles 
 3909  The Sneetches, and other stories 
 3910  Snot stew 
 3911  Snow 
 3912  Snow is falling 
 3913  Snow leopards and their babies 
 3914  Snow monkeys 
 3915  The snow walker 
 3916  Snow White 
 3917  Snow White and Rose Red 
 3918  Snow-White and the seven dwarfs : a tale from the Brothers Grimm 
 3919  Snowboarding : check it out! 
 3920  The Snowman storybook 
 3921  Snowmen at Christmas 
 3922  The Snowy Day 
 3923  So far from home : the diary of Mary Driscoll, an Irish mill girl 
 3924  So hungry! 
 3925  So many houses 
 3926  Soccer 
 3927  Soccer 
 3928  The soccer shoe clue 
 3929  Sofia Valdez and the vanishing vote 
 3930  Softball : a step-by-step guide 
 3931  Soil : let's look at a garden 
 3932  Solar power 
 3933  Somebody loves you, Mr. Hatch 
 3934  Something beautiful 
 3935  Something big has been here 
 3936  Something queer in the Wild West 
 3937  Something, someday 
 3938  Sometimes I'm Bombaloo 
 3939  Somewhere in the bayou 
 3940  Song and dance man 
 3941  Song Lee and the hamster hunt 
 3942  Song Lee in room 2B 
 3943  The song of the Christmas mouse 
 3944  Song of the water boatman & other pond poems 
 3945  Sorting 
 3946  Soul looks back in wonder 
 3947  Sound 
 3948  Souperchicken 
 3949  South Africa 
 3950  South America 
 3951  South America 
 3952  South Dakota 
 3953  Southwest sunrise 
 3954  The Space Atlas 
 3955  Space case 
 3956  Space Dog and Roy 
 3957  Space station seventh grade 
 3958  Space stations : living and working in space 
 3959  Space word problems starring ratios and proportions 
 3960  Spacebusters : the race to the moon 
 3961  Spaceships 
 3962  The Spanish kidnapping disaster 
 3963  Sparkly new friends 
 3964  Spear-nosed bats 
 3965  Spectacular stone soup 
 3966  Spending money 
 3967  Sperm whales 
 3968  The Sphynx : the hairless cat 
 3969  Spider-man : Spider-sense of adventure 
 3970  Spiders 
 3971  Spike it, Mo! 
 3972  The spike-tailed dinosaur : stegosaurus 
 3973  Spinning in space : a book about the planets 
 3974  Splish splash 
 3975  Sponges are skeletons 
 3976  The Spook's tale and other horrors 
 3977  A spoon for every bite 
 3978  Sports 
 3979  Sports cars 
 3980  Sports great Patrick Ewing 
 3981  Sports great Scottie Pippen 
 3982  Sports word problems starring decimals and percents 
 3983  Spotted dolphins 
 3984  Spring 
 3985  Spring and the shadow man 
 3986  Spring sprouts 
 3987  A spy in the king's colony 
 3988  The spy on third base 
 3989  Squanto's journey : the story of the first Thanksgiving 
 3990  The squeaky door 
 3991  Squirrels and chipmunks 
 3992  Stage fright on a summer night 
 3993  Stamping art : imprint your designs 
 3994  Stan and Jan Berenstain 
 3995  Stand tall, Molly Lou Melon 
 3996  Stanley 
 3997  Stanley and the magic lamp 
 3998  A star in my orange : looking for nature's shapes 
 3999  The star maiden : an Ojibway tale 
 4000  The star-spangled banner 
 4001  Stargazing 
 4002  Starring first grade 
 4003  Stars 
 4004  Stars 
 4005  The stars beneath our feet 
 4006  The start of the American Revolutionary War : Paul Revere rides at midnight 
 4007  Start the game : geometry in sports 
 4008  The Statue of Liberty 
 4009  Statues and monuments 
 4010  Stay away from Simon! 
 4011  Stay away from the junkyard! 
 4012  Stay in line 
 4013  Staying home alone on a rainy day. 
 4014  Stealing home 
 4015  Steffie and me. 
 4016  Stella Diaz has something to say 
 4017  Stella Diaz never gives up 
 4018  Stella's dancing days 
 4019  Stellaluna 
 4020  Step right up : how Doc and Jim Key taught the world about kindness 
 4021  Stephen Curry 
 4022  Stephen Curry 
 4023  Stepping out with Grandma Mac 
 4024  Stevie. 
 4025  Stick and Stone 
 4026  Stick dog 
 4027  Stick Dog chases a pizza 
 4028  Stick Dog craves candy 
 4029  Stillwater and Koo save the world 
 4030  Stink : the incredible shrinking kid 
 4031  Stone soup : an old tale 
 4032  Stop that noise! 
 4033  Storm chasers : on the trail of deadly tornadoes 
 4034  Storm in the night 
 4035  The stormy day rescue 
 4036  The story about Ping 
 4037  The story of Ferdinand, 
 4038  The story of Johnny Appleseed 
 4039  The story of jumping mouse : a native American legend 
 4040  The story of Malcolm X, civil rights leader 
 4041  The story of Muhammad Ali : heavyweight champion of the world 
 4042  The story of our national ballads. 
 4043  The story of the amulet, 
 4044  The story of the beagle 
 4045  The story of the golden retriever 
 4046  The story of the Saint Bernard 
 4047  The story of Thurgood Marshall : justice for all 
 4048  A story, a story; : an African tale, 
 4049  Storytime : first tales for sharing 
 4050  A stranger came ashore : a story of suspense 
 4051  Strega Nona's magic lessons 
 4052  Stuck together 
 4053  Sugar 
 4054  Sukey and the mermaid 
 4055  Summer of my German soldier 
 4056  The sun 
 4057  The sun 
 4058  Sun + screen = sunscreen 
 4059  The sun : our nearest star 
 4060  Sun bears 
 4061  The sun, the moon, and the stars 
 4062  Sunken treasure 
 4063  A sunny day 
 4064  Sunny-side up 
 4065  Sunset of the sabertooth 
 4066  Sunshine 
 4067  Sunshine makes the seasons 
 4068  Super family! 
 4069  Super sums : addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division 
 4070  Superbikes 
 4071  Supercroc found 
 4072  Superfudge 
 4073  Superman versus Mongul 
 4074  The Supreme Court 
 4075  The surprise party 
 4076  Surprise! 
 4077  Sweater weather 
 4078  Sweet dreams : how animals sleep 
 4079  Swimmy. 
 4080  Swish! : the slam-dunking, alley-ooping, high-flying Harlem Globetrotters 
 4081  Switch on, switch off 
 4082  Swollobog 
 4083  Sybil Ludington's midnight ride 
 4084  Sylvester and the magic pebble 
 4085  Tabby cats 
 4086  Tabby cats 
 4087  Tacos today 
 4088  Tailypo! 
 4089  Taipans 
 4090  Take this hammer, 
 4091  Taking care of my hair 
 4092  The tale of Peter Rabbit 
 4093  The tale of Peter Rabbit  
 4094  The tale of the mandarin ducks 
 4095  Talent show trouble 
 4096  Tales from a not-so-best friend forever 
 4097  Tales from a not-so-dorky drama queen 
 4098  Tales from a not-so-friendly frenemy 
 4099  Tales from a not-so-glam TV star 
 4100  Tales from a not-so-graceful ice princess 
 4101  Tales from a not-so-happily ever after 
 4102  Tales from a not-so-happy birthday 
 4103  Tales from a not-so-happy heartbreaker 
 4104  Tales from a not-so-perfect pet sitter 
 4105  Tales from a not-so-perfect pet sitter 
 4106  Tales from a not-so-popular party girl 
 4107  Tales from a not-so-secret crush catastrophe 
 4108  Tales from a not-so-smart Miss Know-It-All 
 4109  Tales from a not-so-talented pop star 
 4110  Tales from a not-so-talented pop star 
 4111  The tales of Uncle Remus : the adventures of Brer Rabbit 
 4112  Talk about a family 
 4113  The talking earth 
 4114  The talking eggs : a folktale from the American South 
 4115  The talking T. Rex 
 4116  Tambora : a killer from Indonesia 
 4117  Tara Lipinski 
 4118  The tarantula in my purse : and 172 other wild pets 
 4119  Tarantula spiders 
 4120  Tarantula spiders 
 4121  Tarantulas on the brain 
 4122  Tasting things 
 4123  Tat Rabbit's treasure 
 4124  Tawny scrawny lion 
 4125  Teach us, Amelia Bedelia 
 4126  Teacher's pet. 
 4127  Teacher's portfolio of library skills lessons & activities 
 4128  The teachers march! : how Selma's teachers changed history 
 4129  Teammates 
 4130  Technology 
 4131  Teddy bear tears 
 4132  Tee hee 
 4133  TEL Tennessee Electronic Library 
 4134  Ten thank-you letters 
 4135  Tennessee 
 4136  Tennessee 
 4137  Tennessee 
 4138  Tennessee : the Volunteer State 
 4139  The Tennessee Titans 
 4140  The Tennessee Titans story 
 4141  Tennis : play like a pro 
 4142  Tennis legends 
 4143  Terrell Davis : Super Bowl running back 
 4144  The terrible tiger. 
 4145  Terrible tyrannosaurs 
 4146  Th 
 4147  The thank you book 
 4148  Thank you, Jackie Robinson 
 4149  Thank You, Omu! 
 4150  Thanksgiving in the White House 
 4151  Thanksgiving is here! 
 4152  Thanksgiving recipes 
 4153  That cat! 
 4154  That mushy stuff 
 4155  That's my carrot! 
 4156  That's our librarian! 
 4157  Thelma the unicorn 
 4158  Theodore and the talking mushroom. 
 4159  Theodore Roosevelt 
 4160  Theodore Roosevelt 
 4161  There is a carrot in my ear : and other noodle tales 
 4162  There was a party for Langston 
 4163  There was an old lady who swallowed a dragon! 
 4164  There was an old lady who swallowed a fly 
 4165  There was an old lady who swallowed a worm! 
 4166  There's a girl in my hammerlock 
 4167  There's a nightmare in my closet 
 4168  There's a wocket in my pocket! 
 4169  There's a wocket in my pocket! 
 4170  There's an alligator under my bed 
 4171  There's an owl in the shower 
 4172  There's nothing to d-o-o-o! 
 4173  These happy golden years 
 4174  They all saw a cat 
 4175  They are the best! 
 4176  They call me Woolly : what animal names can tell us 
 4177  They could still be mountains 
 4178  Thidwick, the big-hearted moose 
 4179  A thief on Morgan's plantation 
 4180  The third wheel 
 4181  The thirteenth pearl 
 4182  This book is my best friend 
 4183  This book is not for you! 
 4184  This child, every child : a book about the world's children 
 4185  This is just to say : poems of apology and forgiveness 
 4186  This is the way we go to school : a book about children around the world 
 4187  This story is not about a kitten 
 4188  Thomas Alva Edison 
 4189  Thomas Edison 
 4190  Thomas Edison 
 4191  Thomas Jefferson 
 4192  Thomas Jefferson 
 4193  Thoroughbred horses 
 4194  Those remarkable women of the American revolution 
 4195  Three Aesop fox fables 
 4196  The three bears 
 4197  Three bite rule 
 4198  Three brave women 
 4199  Three by the sea 
 4200  Three cheers for good times! 
 4201  Three cheers for Keisha 
 4202  A three hat day 
 4203  The three little pigs 
 4204  The three little pugs 
 4205  The three little superpigs and Goldilocks and the three bears 
 4206  The three little tamales 
 4207  The three pigs 
 4208  Three terrible trins 
 4209  Three young pilgrims 
 4210  Through Grandpa's eyes 
 4211  Through moon and stars and night skies 
 4212  Through the medicine cabinet 
 4213  Thunder and lightning 
 4214  Thunder cake 
 4215  Thurgood Marshall 
 4216  Thurgood Marshall 
 4217  Tiger is a scaredy cat 
 4218  Tiger sharks 
 4219  Tiger Woods 
 4220  Tiger Woods 
 4221  Tiger Woods : golf's shining young star 
 4222  Tigers 
 4223  Tigers 
 4224  Tigers at twilight 
 4225  Tight times 
 4226  Tik-Tok of Oz 
 4227  Time for Andrew : a ghost story 
 4228  Time of wonder 
 4229  Time to sleep 
 4230  The timid little kitten 
 4231  The tin can man 
 4232  The tinderbox 
 4233  Tiny life in your home 
 4234  The tiny seed 
 4235  Titanic 
 4236  The Titanic sinks! 
 4237  To change a planet 
 4238  To market! To market! 
 4239  To root, to toot, to parachute : what is a verb? 
 4240  To the rescue 
 4241  Toads 
 4242  Together we grow 
 4243  Tomie dePaola 
 4244  Toni Morrison 
 4245  Toning the sweep 
 4246  Too many toys 
 4247  Too much trash! 
 4248  The toolbox, 
 4249  Tools rule! 
 4250  Tooter Pepperday 
 4251  Tooth bandits 
 4252  The tooth book 
 4253  Top 10 basketball slam dunkers 
 4254  The top and bottom of the world 
 4255  The top is on top 
 4256  Top wing-- 
 4257  Tortillas and lullabies = : tortillas y cancioncitas 
 4258  The tortoise's tug of war. 
 4259  Tough to tackle 
 4260  Tough-luck Karen 
 4261  Town mouse, country mouse 
 4262  Toys and games : then and now 
 4263  Toys galore 
 4264  Toys, games, and fun in American history 
 4265  Track star sentences 
 4266  Tracks in the wild 
 4267  The trading game 
 4268  The Trail of Tears 
 4269  The trail of the screaming teenager 
 4270  Trains 
 4271  The Transcontinental Railroad 
 4272  Transportation : automobiles to zeppelins 
 4273  Transportation in different places 
 4274  Transportation then and now 
 4275  Trapdoor spiders 
 4276  Trapped beyond the magic attic 
 4277  Travel math 
 4278  The travels of Doctor Doolittle. 
 4279  Treasure Island 
 4280  Treasure map 
 4281  A treasury of Christmas songs and carols 
 4282  A tree is nice 
 4283  Trees and plants in the rain forest 
 4284  Trees to paper 
 4285  Trex 
 4286  Triangles 
 4287  Triceratops 
 4288  Triceratops 
 4289  The trip 
 4290  Trivia queen, 3rd grade supreme 
 4291  Troll teacher 
 4292  Trombone Shorty 
 4293  The trouble with Tyrannosaurus Rex 
 4294  Troy Aikman 
 4295  The true blue scouts of Sugar Man Swamp 
 4296  The true book of spiders. 
 4297  The true story of the three little pigs/ 
 4298  Trumpeter's tale; : the story of young Louis Armstrong. 
 4299  The truth of me : about a boy, his grandmother, and a very good dog 
 4300  Tukama tootles the flute : a tale from the Antilles 
 4301  Tummy trouble 
 4302  Tundra 
 4303  Tundra ecosystems 
 4304  A turkey for Thanksgiving 
 4305  Turkeys, pilgrims, and Indian corn : the story of the thanksgiving symbols 
 4306  Turtles 
 4307  Turtles 
 4308  Tut's mummy lost-- and found 
 4309  The Twelve Days of Christmas 
 4310  The twelve days of Christmas in Tennessee 
 4311  The twelve days of Christmas in Tennessee 
 4312  Twenty thousand fleas under the sea 
 4313  The twenty-four-hour lipstick mystery 
 4314  Twinkle, twinkle, little bug 
 4315  Twinkle, twinkle, little star 
 4316  Twinnies 
 4317  Twins 
 4318  The twits 
 4319  Two Bobbies : a true story of Hurricane Katrina, friendship, and survival 
 4320  Two of a kind 
 4321  Two of everything : a Chinese folktale 
 4322  Tyrannosaurus rex 
 4323  Tyrannosaurus rex 
 4324  Tyrannosaurus rex and Barnum Brown 
 4325  The ugly duckling 
 4326  The ugly truth 
 4327  Uncle Elephant 
 4328  Uncle Jed's barbershop 
 4329  Uncles 
 4330  Uncommon farm animals 
 4331  Uncommon traveler : Mary Kingsley in Africa 
 4332  The undefeated 
 4333  Under, over, by the clover : what is a preposition? 
 4334  The underground railroad 
 4335  United tweets of America 
 4336  Unstoppable 
 4337  The unwilling umpire 
 4338  Up close : a chapter book 
 4339  Up north at the cabin 
 4340  Up the learning tree 
 4341  Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto 
 4342  Us and Uncle Fraud 
 4343  US Army Rangers 
 4344  Using a ruler 
 4345  Using a scale 
 4346  Using a thermometer 
 4347  Using magnets 
 4348  Using plants 
 4349  Utah 
 4350  Utah Jazz 
 4351  Uu 
 4352  V is for volunteer : a Tennessee alphabet 
 4353  Vacation under the volcano 
 4354  Valentine Frankenstein 
 4355  The Valentine star 
 4356  Valentine's Day Is Cool 
 4357  Valley Forge 
 4358  The value of fantasy : the story of Hans Christian Andersen 
 4359  Vampire bats 
 4360  The vampire's vacation 
 4361  Vampires don't wear polka dots 
 4362  The vanishing rain forest 
 4363  Vasalisa and her magic doll 
 4364  Vasco da Gama 
 4365  Vegetables, vegetables! 
 4366  Velociraptor 
 4367  The velveteen rabbit, or, How toys become real 
 4368  Venezuela 
 4369  The Vengekeep prophecies 
 4370  Venus 
 4371  Venus & Serena Williams in the community 
 4372  Venus and Serena Williams 
 4373  Vermont 
 4374  The very clumsy click beetle 
 4375  The very hungry caterpillar 
 4376  The very lonely firefly 
 4377  The very quiet cricket 
 4378  The Vietnam Memorial 
 4379  The view from Saturday 
 4380  The view from the very best house in town 
 4381  Viking ships at sunrise 
 4382  The village of round and square houses 
 4383  Vincent van Gogh 
 4384  Violet the pilot 
 4385  Virginia 
 4386  A visit to Mexico 
 4387  Visiting Langston 
 4388  Viva Heather! 
 4389  Volcano! : when a mountain explodes 
 4390  Volcanoes 
 4391  Volcanoes inside and out 
 4392  Voting 
 4393  Voyage of the Half Moon 
 4394  Vultures 
 4395  The wagon train 
 4396  Wait for me, Little Tiger! 
 4397  Waiting For the Biblioburro 
 4398  Waiting for the whales 
 4399  Wakeboarding : check it out! 
 4400  Walk two moons 
 4401  Walking with dinosaurs : a natural history 
 4402  The wall in the middle of the book 
 4403  Wall Street 
 4404  Wallabies and their babies 
 4405  Walt Disney sport goofy encyclopedia : Swimming and diving. 
 4406  Walt Disney's sport goofy encyclopedia : Adventure sports. 
 4407  Walt Disney's sport goofy encyclopedia : Ancient & folk sports. 
 4408  Walt Disney's sport goofy encyclopedia : Animals in sports. 
 4409  Walt Disney's sport goofy encyclopedia : Children's Games. 
 4410  Walt Disney's sport goofy encyclopedia : Field events. 
 4411  Walt Disney's sport goofy encyclopedia : Golf & target sports. 
 4412  Walt Disney's sport goofy encyclopedia : Racket sports. 
 4413  Walt Disney's sport goofy encyclopedia : Soccer. 
 4414  Walt Disney's sport goofy encyclopedia ; : All about gymnastics. 
 4415  Walt Disney's Sport Goofy Encylopedia: Adventure Sports 
 4416  Walter the baker 
 4417  Walter White and the power of organized protest 
 4418  Want a ride? 
 4419  Wanted-- Mud Blossom 
 4420  War eagle; : the story of a Civil War mascot. 
 4421  Warm as wool 
 4422  Warren G. Harding 
 4423  Washington 
 4424  The Washington Monument 
 4425  Washington, D.C. 
 4426  Watch out for the lion! 
 4427  Watch out! Man-eating snake 
 4428  Water 
 4429  Water power 
 4430  Watercress 
 4431  The Watsons go to Birmingham--1963 : a novel 
 4432  Way to go! 
 4433  Way up and over everything 
 4434  We are going to be pals! 
 4435  We are going to be pals! 
 4436  We are growing! 
 4437  We are heroes! 
 4438  We are in a book! 
 4439  We are starlings : inside the mesmerizing magic of a murmuration 
 4440  We are the ship : the story of Negro League baseball 
 4441  We could fly 
 4442  We don't eat our classmates 
 4443  We live in a city 
 4444  We live in a small town 
 4445  We live in a state capital 
 4446  We live in a suburb 
 4447  We live in the country 
 4448  We live on a farm 
 4449  We need plants 
 4450  We will rock our classmates 
 4451  We're going on a book hunt 
 4452  Weather 
 4453  Weather 
 4454  Weather 
 4455  Weather : rain or shine 
 4456  Weather and natural disasters 
 4457  Weather math 
 4458  Weathering and erosion 
 4459  Webster's intermediate dictionary : a new school dictionary. 
 4460  Webster's new elementary dictionary. 
 4461  Webster's School dictionary. 
 4462  The Wednesday surprise 
 4463  Weird but true! 5 : 300 outrageous facts. 
 4464  Weird but true! 6 : 300 outrageous facts. 
 4465  Weird friends : unlikely allies in the animal kingdom 
 4466  Welcome Comfort 
 4467  Welcome to Addy's world, 1864 
 4468  Welcome to dead house 
 4469  Welcome to the green house 
 4470  Welcome to the river of grass 
 4471  Werewolves don't go to summer camp 
 4472  Werewolves don't run for president 
 4473  Weslandia 
 4474  West Virginia 
 4475  Wetland ecosystems 
 4476  Wetlands 
 4477  The whale shark 
 4478  Whale sharks 
 4479  Whales 
 4480  Whales 
 4481  Whales & dolphins 
 4482  What a day in the park! 
 4483  What am I? : very first riddles 
 4484  What are my jobs? 
 4485  What are pulleys? 
 4486  What are the Summer Olympics? 
 4487  What are the Winter Olympics? 
 4488  What can it be? : riddles about the senses 
 4489  What color is camouflage? 
 4490  What do animals do in fall? 
 4491  What do sharks eat for dinner? : questions and answers 
 4492  What do you hear when cows sing? : and other silly riddles 
 4493  What do you see in a cloud? 
 4494  What does gravity do? 
 4495  What happened to Patrick's dinosaurs? 
 4496  What happened to the dinosaurs? 
 4497  What happens in fall? 
 4498  What happens in spring? 
 4499  What happens to a hamburger? 
 4500  What is a presidential election? 
 4501  What is Congress? 
 4502  What is gravity? 
 4503  What is Groundhog Day? 
 4504  What is it? 
 4505  What is Juneteenth? 
 4506  What is NASA? 
 4507  What is Nintendo? 
 4508  What is the civil rights movement? 
 4509  What is the weather? 
 4510  What is Veterans Day? 
 4511  What is voting? 
 4512  What magnets can do 
 4513  What makes a magnet? 
 4514  What on earth is a pangolin? 
 4515  What on earth is a skink? 
 4516  What on earth is a tuatara? 
 4517  What people wore during the American Revolution 
 4518  What people wore during the Civil War 
 4519  What people wore during the westward expansion 
 4520  What people wore in early America 
 4521  What people wore on southern plantations 
 4522  What pet should I get? 
 4523  What was cooking in Abigail Adams's White House? 
 4524  What was cooking in Dolley Madison's White House? 
 4525  What was cooking in Edith Roosevelt's White House? 
 4526  What was cooking in Julia Grant's White House? 
 4527  What was cooking in Martha Washington's presidential mansions? 
 4528  What was cooking in Mary Todd Lincoln's White House? 
 4529  What was the Battle of Gettysburg? 
 4530  What was the Lewis and Clark Expedition? 
 4531  What will Mommy do when I'm at school? 
 4532  What's an average kid like me doing way up here? 
 4533  What's cooking, Jenny Archer? 
 4534  What's faster than a speeding cheetah? 
 4535  What's inside a caterpillar cocoon? : and other questions about moths & butterflies 
 4536  What's inside earth? 
 4537  What's inside lakes? 
 4538  What's inside the moon? 
 4539  What's inside the ocean? 
 4540  What's inside the sun? 
 4541  What's inside trees? 
 4542  What's it like to be a fish? 
 4543  What's opposite? 
 4544  What's smaller than a pygmy shrew? 
 4545  What's the matter with Herbie Jones? 
 4546  What's the matter, Mr. Giraffe? 
 4547  What's the place value? 
 4548  What's under the log? 
 4549  What's up, pup? : how our furry friends communicate and what they are saying 
 4550  What's your favorite animal? 
 4551  Wheel of subject-verb agreement 
 4552  When a storm comes up 
 4553  When Africa was home 
 4554  When birds could talk and bats could sing : the adventures of Bruh Sparrow, Sis Wren, and their friends 
 4555  When Bluebell sang 
 4556  When can you play again? 
 4557  When Daddy prays 
 4558  When I Grow Up 
 4559  When I was young in the mountains 
 4560  When sea becomes sky 
 4561  When sheep cannot sleep : the counting book 
 4562  When Sophie gets angry-- really, really angry... 
 4563  When Stella was very, very small 
 4564  When things aren't going right, go left 
 4565  When will this cruel war be over? : the Civil War diary of Emma Simpson 
 4566  When winter comes 
 4567  Where are the night animals? 
 4568  Where did the butterfly get its name? : questions and answers about butterflies and moths 
 4569  Where do bears sleep? 
 4570  Where do you think you're going, Christopher Columbus? 
 4571  Where does the garbage go? 
 4572  Where fireflies dance = : Ahi, donde bailan las luciernagas 
 4573  Where have all the pandas gone? : questions and answers about endangered animals 
 4574  Where is my country? 
 4575  Where is my home? 
 4576  Where is my state? 
 4577  Where is my town? 
 4578  Where land meets sea 
 4579  Where the sidewalk ends 
 4580  Where the wild things are 
 4581  Which would you rather be? 
 4582  A whiff of pine, a hint of skunk : a forest of poems 
 4583  The whipping boy 
 4584  The White House 
 4585  White House white-out 
 4586  The white stallion 
 4587  White-sided dolphins 
 4588  Who are you today? 
 4589  Who can vote? 
 4590  Who do people vote for? 
 4591  Who got game? : baseball : amazing but true stories 
 4592  Who is Simone Biles? 
 4593  Who sparked the Montgomery bus boycott? : Rosa Parks 
 4594  Who swallowed Harold? : and other poems about pets 
 4595  Who was a daring pioneer of the skies? : Amelia Earhart 
 4596  Who was Dr. Seuss? 
 4597  Who was Elvis Presley? 
 4598  Who was George Washington Carver? 
 4599  Who was her own work of art? : Frida Kahlo 
 4600  Who was Jackie Robinson? 
 4601  Who was Jesse Owens? 
 4602  Who was Louis Armstrong? 
 4603  Who was Martin Luther King, Jr.? 
 4604  Who was Maya Angelou? 
 4605  Who was Rosa Parks? 
 4606  Who was Sacagawea? 
 4607  Who was Sojourner Truth? 
 4608  Who was the first man on the moon? Neil Armstrong 
 4609  Who was the greatest? : Muhammad Ali 
 4610  Who was the voice of the people? : Cesar Chavez 
 4611  Who will be my friends? 
 4612  Who's the deadliest? 
 4613  Who's the fastest? 
 4614  The whole wide world : a question and answer book 
 4615  Whoosh! : Lonnie Johnson's super-soaking stream of inventions 
 4616  Why can't I fly? 
 4617  Why did the monster cross the road? 
 4618  Why did the underwear cross the road? 
 4619  Why do birds sing? 
 4620  Why do snakes hiss? : and other questions about snakes, lizards, and turtles 
 4621  Why do volcanoes blow their tops? : questions and answers about volcanoes and earthquakes 
 4622  Why do wolves howl? : questions and answers about wolves 
 4623  Why does it rain? 
 4624  Why don't haircuts hurt? : questions and answers about the human body 
 4625  Why frogs are wet 
 4626  Why mosquitoes buzz in people's ears : a West African tale 
 4627  Why should people vote? 
 4628  Why we have Thanksgiving 
 4629  Wiggling worms at work 
 4630  Wild about us! 
 4631  Wild and woolly mammoths 
 4632  Wild animals : classifying and sorting 
 4633  The wild Christmas reindeer 
 4634  The wild robot protects 
 4635  Wild West lawmen and outlaws 
 4636  The wildlife 1 2 3 : a nature counting book 
 4637  Will Rogers 
 4638  Will Smith 
 4639  Will you be my friend? 
 4640  Will you sign here, John Hancock? 
 4641  William C. Handy; father of the blues. 
 4642  William H. Harrison 
 4643  The William problem 
 4644  Willie Jerome 
 4645  Willow Chase, Kansas Territory, 1847 
 4646  Wilma Mankiller 
 4647  Wilma Rudolph 
 4648  Wilma unlimited : how Wilma Rudolph became the world's fastest woman 
 4649  The wimpy kid movie diary : the next chapter 
 4650  Wind 
 4651  Wind power 
 4652  Wings 
 4653  The winter of red snow : the Revolutionary War diary of Abigail Jane Stewart 
 4654  The winter room 
 4655  Wisconsin 
 4656  The wish giver : three tales of Coven Tree 
 4657  The Witch of Blackbird Pond 
 4658  The witch of Fourth Street and other stories 
 4659  The witch who went for a walk 
 4660  Wizard and Wart 
 4661  Wizards don't need computers 
 4662  Wolf in the snow 
 4663  Wolf Roland 
 4664  Wolf spiders 
 4665  Wolf's coming! 
 4666  Wolfie the bunny 
 4667  Wolfsnail : a backyard predator 
 4668  Wolves 
 4669  Wolves and coyotes 
 4670  Wombat said come in 
 4671  Women in the Marines : the boot camp challenge 
 4672  Women in the West 
 4673  Women inventors & their discoveries 
 4674  Women of he U.S. Congress 
 4675  Wonder Kid meets the evil lunch snatcher 
 4676  Wonderful Alexander and the Catwings 
 4677  Woo hoo! You're doing great! 
 4678  Woodland forest ecosystems 
 4679  Wool 
 4680  Woolly monkey 
 4681  Word problems using operations and algebraic thinking 
 4682  Words of stone 
 4683  Words with wings : a treasury of African American poetry and art 
 4684  Work 
 4685  World Almanac for Kids 
 4686  The world almanac for kids 2007 
 4687  The world almanac for kids 2011 
 4688  The world around us : based on Timothy Goes to School and other stories 
 4689  The World Book encyclopedia 
 4690  World News Digest 
 4691  The world of dinosaurs 
 4692  World War I 
 4693  World War II 
 4694  The world's best class plant 
 4695  Worm and Caterpillar are friends 
 4696  The worst best school year ever 
 4697  Worth fighting for; : a history of the Negro in the United States during the Civil War and Reconstruction 
 4698  Would you rather be a bullfrog? 
 4699  Wrecking ball 
 4700  Wrecking ball 
 4701  The Wright brothers 
 4702  A wrinkle in time 
 4703  Wrinkle-faced bats 
 4704  Wrinkle-faced bats 
 4705  The wrong crowd 
 4706  Wyoming 
 4707  Yaks yak : animal word pairs 
 4708  A year down yonder 
 4709  The year of the perfect Christmas tree : an Appalachian story 
 4710  Yellow Bird and me 
 4711  The yellow boat 
 4712  Yo, hungry wolf! : a nursery rap 
 4713  Yorkshire terriers 
 4714  Yoshi and the ocean : a sea turtle's incredible journey home 
 4715  You forgot your skirt, Amelia Bloomer! : a very improper story 
 4716  You read to me, I'll read to you : very short fairy tales to read together (in which wolves are tamed, trolls are transformed, and peas are triumphant) 
 4717  You read to me, I'll read to you : very short Mother Goose tales to read together 
 4718  You want women to vote, Lizzie Stanton? 
 4719  You wouldn't want to be a 19th-century coal miner in England : a dangerous job you'd rather not have 
 4720  You wouldn't want to be a Civil War soldier! : a war you'd rather not fight 
 4721  You wouldn't want to be a crusader! : a war you'd rather not fight 
 4722  You wouldn't want to be a mammoth hunter! : dangerous beasts you'd rather not encounter 
 4723  You wouldn't want to be a medieval knight! : armor you'd rather not wear 
 4724  You wouldn't want to be a medieval knight! : armor you'd rather not wear 
 4725  You wouldn't want to be a nurse during the American Civil War! : a job that's not for the squeamish 
 4726  You wouldn't want to be a Roman gladiator! : gory things you'd rather not know 
 4727  You wouldn't want to be an American colonist! : a settlement you'd rather not start 
 4728  You wouldn't want to be at the Boston Tea Party! : wharf water tea you'd rather not drink 
 4729  You wouldn't want to be in a medieval dungeon! : prisoners you'd rather not meet 
 4730  You wouldn't want to be on the first flying machine! : a high-soaring ride you'd rather not take 
 4731  You wouldn't want to be Tutankhamen! : a mummy who really got meddled with 
 4732  You wouldn't want to live without antibiotics! 
 4733  You wouldn't want to live without bacteria! 
 4734  You wouldn't want to live without books! 
 4735  You wouldn't want to live without cell phones! 
 4736  You wouldn't want to live without clean water! 
 4737  You wouldn't want to live without clocks and calendars! 
 4738  You wouldn't want to live without dentists! 
 4739  You wouldn't want to live without electricity! 
 4740  You wouldn't want to live without extreme weather! 
 4741  You wouldn't want to live without fire! 
 4742  You wouldn't want to live without insects! 
 4743  You wouldn't want to live without money! 
 4744  You wouldn't want to live without plastic! 
 4745  You wouldn't want to live without soap! 
 4746  You wouldn't want to live without the internet! 
 4747  You wouldn't want to live without toilets! 
 4748  You wouldn't want to live without vaccinations! 
 4749  You wouldn't want to live without writing! 
 4750  You're aboard spaceship Earth 
 4751  Young Abraham Lincoln : log-cabin president 
 4752  Young Cam Jansen and the baseball mystery 
 4753  Young Cam Jansen and the lost tooth 
 4754  Young Cam Jansen and the missing cookie 
 4755  Young Cam Jansen and the new girl mystery 
 4756  Young Wolf and Spirit Horse 
 4757  Your place in the universe 
 4758  Your skin and mine 
 4759  Zachary Taylor 
 4760  Zap! I'm a mind reader 
 4761  Zara's rules for record-breaking fun 
 4762  Zatanna and the house of secrets : a graphic novel 
 4763  The zebra wall 
 4764  Zebras 
 4765  Zebras 
 4766  Zelda strikes again! 
 4767  Zion Williamson 
 4768  Zipping, zapping, zooming bats 
 4769  Zombies and electricity 
 4770  Zombies and forces and motion 
 4771  Zombies don't play soccer