List of Titles for State Law

Report Results For: Number Of Copies is greater than or equal to "1"
8229 Result(s) Found.
 Line #  Title
 1  "Could be worse!" 
 2  "Let's get a pup!" said Kate 
 3  "Slowly, slowly, slowly," said the sloth 
 4  'Tis the season : a classic illustrated Christmas treasury 
 5  'Twas the night before Christmas, or, Account of a visit from St. Nicholas 
 6  The (almost) perfect Mother's Day 
 7  --and with a light touch : learning about reading, writing, and teaching with first graders 
 8  --If you lived in the days of the knights 
 9  --If you lived in Williamsburg in colonial days 
 10  --If you lived when there was slavery in America 
 11  1 hunter 
 12  1 is one 
 13  1, 2, 3 to the zoo : a counting book 
 14  3 little firefighters 
 15  3D modeling 
 16  3D modeling 
 17  3D printing 
 18  5-minute Pinkalicious stories 
 19  7 x 9 = trouble! 
 20  8 class pets + one squirrel divided by one dog : chaos 
 21  10 easy writing lessons that get kids ready for writing assessments 
 22  10 minutes till bedtime 
 23  The 13th floor : a ghost story 
 24  14 cows for America 
 25  15 fun-to-sing math learning songs & activities 
 26  16 writing lessons to prepare students for the state assessment and more 
 27  17 kings and 42 elephants 
 28  26 letters and 99 cents 
 29  50 American heroes every kid should meet! 
 30  50 below zero 
 31  The 50 states 
 32  100 days of cool 
 33  100 things you should know about knights & castles 
 34  100 things you should know about myths & legends 
 35  The 100-year-old secret 
 36  The 100th day of school 
 37  The 143-story treehouse 
 38  The 500 hats of Bartholomew Cubbins 
 39  The 1960's 
 40  The 1963 March on Washington : speeches and songs for civil rights 
 41  Aardvarks 
 42  Aaron Slater, illustrator 
 43  Aaron's hair 
 44  Abby Carnelia's one & only magical power 
 45  Abby takes a stand 
 46  ABC math riddles 
 47  ABC of America 
 48  ABC USA 
 49  ABC, I like me! 
 50  ABCs at the store 
 51  Abduction! 
 52  Abe Lincoln : the boy who loved books 
 53  Abe Lincoln remembers 
 54  Abel's island 
 55  Abenaki 
 56  The Abernathy boys 
 57  Abigail Adams 
 58  Abiyoyo returns 
 59  Abner & me : a baseball card adventure 
 60  Aboriginal Australians 
 61  About 100 years ago 
 62  About amphibians : a guide for children 
 63  About arachnids : a guide for children 
 64  About fish : a guide for children 
 65  About insects : a guide for children 
 66  About marsupials : a guide for children 
 67  About mollusks : a guide for children 
 68  Above and beyond 
 69  Above the veil 
 70  Abracadanger 
 71  Abraham Lincoln 
 72  Abraham Lincoln 
 73  Abraham Lincoln : lawyer, leader, legend 
 74  The Abraham Lincoln you never knew 
 75  Absolutely Lucy 
 76  The absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian 
 77  Abuela 
 78  Accept and value each person 
 79  Accessory projects for a lazy crafternoon 
 80  Accidental alphabet 
 81  Accidents may happen 
 82  Acids & bases 
 83  Across the Puddingstone Dam 
 84  Across the solar system 
 85  Across the stream 
 86  Across the universe 
 87  Acting with kindness 
 88  The actor, the rebel, and the wrinkled queen 
 89  Acts of teaching : how to teach writing : a text, a reader, a narrative 
 90  Actual size 
 91  Adam Canfield of the Slash 
 92  Adam Sharp : swimming with sharks 
 93  Adding it up : based on Timothy goes to school and other stories 
 94  Addy saves the day : a summer story 
 95  Addy's little brother 
 96  Addy's surprise : a Christmas story 
 97  Addy's wedding quilt 
 98  Adelita : a Mexican Cinderella story 
 99  Adi sorts with variables 
 100  Adi's perfect patterns and loops 
 101  Adjectives 
 102  Adjectives 
 103  An adventure with Captain Brainstorm! 
 104  Adventures in ancient Egypt 
 105  The adventures of Archie Featherspoon 
 106  The adventures of baby bear 
 107  The adventures of Captain Underpants : an epic novel 
 108  The adventures of Laura & Jack 
 109  The adventures of Marco Polo 
 110  The adventures of taxi dog 
 111  Adventures with the Vikings 
 112  Adverbs 
 113  Adverbs 
 114  Aero and Officer Mike : police partners 
 115  Aesop's fables 
 116  Afghanistan 
 117  Afghanistan 
 118  Africa 
 119  Africa 
 120  Africa dream 
 121  African American migration 
 122  African Americans 
 123  African animals 
 124  African-American crafts kids can do! 
 125  African-American soldiers in the Civil War : fighting for freedom 
 126  After the fall : how Humpty Dumpty got back up again 
 127  Afternoon of the elves 
 128  Afternoon on the Amazon 
 129  Agapanthus Hum and Major Bark 
 130  Agapanthus Hum and the angel hoot 
 131  The agony of Alice 
 132  Ah, music! 
 133  Ah-choo 
 134  Air 
 135  Air : outside, inside, and all around 
 136  Air Force One 
 137  Air pollution 
 138  Aircraft carriers 
 139  Airplanes 
 140  Airplanes - Soaring! Diving! Turning!. 
 141  An airport 
 142  The airport 
 143  Akiko and the Alpha Centauri 5000 
 144  Akiko on the planet Smoo 
 145  Akimbo and the lions 
 146  Alabama 
 147  Alabama 
 148  The Alamo 
 149  The Alamo 
 150  Alaska 
 151  Albert 
 152  Albert Einstein 
 153  Albert Pujols 
 154  Alberto Gonzales : attorney general 
 155  Alex Rodriguez 
 156  Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day 
 157  The Alexander Hamilton you never knew 
 158  Alexander the Great 
 159  Alexander, who's not (do you hear me? I mean it!) going to move 
 160  Alfred, Lord Tennyson 
 161  An Algonquian year : the year according to the full moon 
 162  Ali the Great and the market mishap 
 163  Alice in April 
 164  Alice in Blunderland 
 165  Alice in-between 
 166  Alice the brave 
 167  Alice Walker : African-American author and activist 
 168  Alice Yazzie's year 
 169  Alicia Keys 
 170  Alien & Possum hanging out 
 171  Alien brain fryout : a Wild Willie mystery 
 172  Alien in a bottle 
 173  The Aliens are coming 
 174  Aliens don't wear braces 
 175  All aboard! 
 176  All aboard! : a true train story 
 177  All about beagles 
 178  All about Braille : reading by touch 
 179  All about heat 
 180  All about inclined planes 
 181  All about levers 
 182  All about light 
 183  All about money 
 184  All about Passover 
 185  All about pulleys 
 186  All about Sam 
 187  All about screws 
 188  All about sharks 
 189  All about sound 
 190  All about temperature 
 191  All about wedges 
 192  All about wheels and axles 
 193  All alone in the universe 
 194  All by myself! 
 195  All keyed up 
 196  All kinds of everything : a first look at materials 
 197  All kinds of motion 
 198  The all new Captain Underpants extra-crunchy book o' fun 2 
 199  All new crafts for Halloween 
 200  All new crafts for Thanksgiving 
 201  All new crafts for Valentine's day 
 202  All night, all day : a child's first book of African-American spirituals 
 203  All the colors of the earth 
 204  All the places to love 
 205  All the water in the world 
 206  All the way home 
 207  All the way to Lhasa : a tale from Tibet 
 208  All the world's a stage 
 209  All things bright and beautiful 
 210  All-American quilts 
 211  All-Star fever : a Peach Street Mudders story 
 212  Allie's basketball dream 
 213  Alligator arrived with apples : a potluck alphabet feast 
 214  The alligator in the closet : and other poems around the house 
 215  Alligators and crocodiles 
 216  Alligators and crocodiles 
 217  Allosaurus 
 218  Alma Flor Ada : an author kids love 
 219  Almost gone : the world's rarest animals 
 220  Almost home : a novel 
 221  Almost home : a story based on the life of the Mayflower's Mary Chilton 
 222  Almost late to school : and more school poems 
 223  Almost starring Skinnybones 
 224  Almost to freedom 
 225  Along came a dog 
 226  Alphabet adventure 
 227  Alternative energy 
 228  Altogether, one at a time 
 229  Always remember me : how one family survived World War II 
 230  Always room for one more 
 231  Amalee 
 232  Amanda Pig and the awful, scary monster 
 233  Amari and the night brothers 
 234  Amazement Park 
 235  Amazing apples 
 236  Amazing arctic animals 
 237  Amazing Grace 
 238  Amazing journeys : following in history's footsteps 
 239  The amazing Mr. Franklin, or, The boy who read everything 
 240  The amazing odorous adventures of Stinky Dog 
 241  Amazing optical illusions 
 242  The Amazing Spider-Man : an origin story 
 243  The amazing thinking machine 
 244  Amazing whales! 
 245  The Amazon River 
 246  Amber : the story of a red fox 
 247  Amber Brown goes fourth 
 248  Amber Brown is feeling blue 
 249  Amber Brown is green with envy 
 250  Amber Brown is not a crayon 
 251  Amber Brown sees red 
 252  Amber Brown wants extra credit 
 253  Amber was brave, Essie was smart : the story of Amber and Essie told here in poems and pictures 
 254  Ambulances 
 255  Amelia and Eleanor go for a ride 
 256  Amelia Bedelia 
 257  Amelia Bedelia and the baby 
 258  Amelia Bedelia helps out 
 259  Amelia Bedelia's family album 
 260  Amelia Bedelia, rocket scientist? 
 261  Amelia Earhart 
 262  Amelia Earhart 
 263  Amelia Earhart 
 264  Amelia Earhart 
 265  Amelia Earhart : more than a flier 
 266  Amelia Earhart free in the skies 
 267  America : my country 'tis of thee : an American song about freedom 
 268  America is-- 
 269  America the beautiful : the story behind our national hymn 
 270  America's people 
 271  America, my new home 
 272  American boy : the adventures of Mark Twain 
 273  The American Civil War : an overview 
 274  American coins and bills 
 275  The American flag 
 276  The American flag 
 277  The American frontier 
 278  American girls. : A reward for Josefina 
 279  American girls. : Again, Josefina! 
 280  American girls. : Felicity's dancing shoes 
 281  American girls. : Felicity's new sister 
 282  American girls. : Kirsten and the new girl 
 283  American girls. : Kirsten on the trail 
 284  American girls. : Molly and the movie star 
 285  American girls. : Samantha's winter party 
 286  American history challenge : a classroom quiz game 
 287  American moments : scenes from American history 
 288  American paint horses 
 289  American Revolution : a nonfiction companion to Revolutionary War on Wednesday 
 290  An American spring 
 291  Americanos : Latino life in the United States = la vida Latina eh los Estados Unidos 
 292  The Amistad mutiny : fighting for freedom 
 293  Among the Barons 
 294  Among the betrayed 
 295  Among the brave 
 296  Among the hidden 
 297  Among the impostors 
 298  Amphibians 
 299  Amphibians 
 300  Amphibians 
 301  Amphibians 
 302  The Amulet of Samarkand 
 303  Amy 
 304  Amy Wu and the warm welcome 
 305  Anacondas 
 306  Ananse and the lizard : a West African tale 
 307  Anansi goes fishing 
 308  Anastasia again! 
 309  Anastasia at this address 
 310  Anastasia at your service 
 311  Anastasia has the answers 
 312  Anastasia on her own 
 313  Anastasia's chosen career 
 314  Anastasia, absolutely 
 315  The ancestors are singing 
 316  Ancient Africa 
 317  Ancient China 
 318  Ancient Egypt 
 319  Ancient Egypt 
 320  Ancient Egypt 
 321  Ancient Greece and the Olympics : a nonfiction companion to Hour of the Olympics 
 322  Ancient medicine 
 323  Ancient Roman women 
 324  Ancient Rome 
 325  Ancient voices 
 326  Ancient West African kingdoms 
 327  Ancient world 
 328  And everyone shouted, "Pull!" : a first look at forces and motion 
 329  And if the moon could talk 
 330  And still the turtle watched 
 331  And the dish ran away with the spoon 
 332  And to think that I saw it on Mulberry Street 
 333  Anderson's heat 
 334  Andrew Jackson : seventh president, 1829-1837 
 335  Andrew Johnson : our seventeenth president 
 336  Andy Russell, NOT wanted by the police 
 337  Andy Shane and the very bossy Dolores Starbuckle 
 338  The angel and other stories 
 339  Angel bites the bullet 
 340  Angel spreads her wings 
 341  Angela's airplane 
 342  Angelina and the Princess 
 343  Angelina at the palace 
 344  Angelina ballerina 
 345  Angelina's lucky penny. 
 346  Angelo 
 347  Angels don't know karate 
 348  Animal antics : the beast jokes ever 
 349  The Animal Ark Treasury 
 350  Animal babies 
 351  Animal babies in ponds and rivers 
 352  Animal crackers fly the coop 
 353  The animal family 
 354  Animal groups : how animals live together 
 355  The animal hedge 
 356  Animal hibernation 
 357  Animal homes 
 358  Animal kingdom 
 359  Animal life cycles 
 360  Animal masterminds 
 361  Animal Rescue Friends. 
 362  The animal rescue store 
 363  The animal shelter mystery 
 364  Animal snackers 
 365  Animal stackers 
 366  Animal talk : how animals communicate through sight, sound and smell 
 367  Animals 
 368  Animals all around 
 369  Animals and their young : how animals produce and care for their babies 
 370  Animals asleep 
 371  Animals at work : how animals build, dig, fish, and trap 
 372  Animals building homes 
 373  Animals eating : how animals chomp, chew, slurp and swallow 
 374  Animals finding food 
 375  Animals in camouflage 
 376  Animals in motion : how animals swim, jump, slither and glide 
 377  Animals in trees 
 378  Animals of the sea and shore 
 379  Animals raising offspring 
 380  Animals sleeping 
 381  Ankylosaurus 
 382  Ann and Alan 
 383  Anna Casey's place in the world 
 384  Anna Hibiscus 
 385  Anna on the farm 
 386  Anna's blizzard 
 387  Anna's table 
 388  Annabel the actress starring in camping it up 
 389  Annabel the actress starring in Gorilla my dreams 
 390  Annabel the actress starring in Hound of the Barkervilles 
 391  Annabelle Swift, kindergartner 
 392  Anne Elizabeth's diary : a young artist's true story 
 393  Anne Frank 
 394  Anne Hutchinson : religious reformer 
 395  Annie Oakley : Wild West sharpshooter 
 396  Annie Oakley saves the day 
 397  Annie Pitts, burger kid 
 398  Annie was warned 
 399  Annika Sorenstam 
 400  Anno's mysterious multiplying jar 
 401  The Annoying Team 
 402  Annushka's voyage 
 403  Another perfect day 
 404  The ant and the grasshopper 
 405  Ant plays Bear 
 406  Antarctic journal : four months at the bottom of the world 
 407  The Antarctic scoop 
 408  Antarctica 
 409  An anteater named Arthur 
 410  Anteaters 
 411  Antelope 
 412  The anti-boredom book 
 413  Ants 
 414  Ants 
 415  Ants 
 416  Ants, bees, and wasps of North America 
 417  Any small goodness : a novel of the barrio 
 418  The Anybodies 
 419  Anyone but me 
 420  Anyone can eat squid! 
 421  The Apache 
 422  An Apache Indian community 
 423  Apatosaurus 
 424  Apple 
 425  Apple farmer Annie 
 426  Apple for the teacher : thirty songs for singing while you work 
 427  Apple fractions 
 428  The apple orchard 
 429  A apple pie 
 430  Apple pie 4th of July 
 431  Apples : and how they grow 
 432  Apples to Oregon : being the (slightly) true narrative of how a brave pioneer father brought apples, peaches, pears, plums, grapes, and cherries (and children) across the plains 
 433  Applesauce 
 434  April & Mae and the animal shelter : the Thursday book 
 435  April Fool's Day 
 436  April foolishness 
 437  Aquaman is fair 
 438  Aquamarine 
 439  Araminta's paint box 
 440  The Arapaho tribe 
 441  Arbor Day 
 442  Architect 
 443  Are you a bee? 
 444  Are you a dragonfly? 
 445  Are you a ladybug? 
 446  Are you a snail? 
 447  Are you a spider? 
 448  Are you there God? It's me, Margaret 
 449  Argentina 
 450  Ariana Gold 
 451  Arithme-tickle : an even number of odd riddle-rhymes 
 452  Arizona 
 453  Arkansas 
 454  Arkansas 
 455  Arlene Alda's ABC. 
 456  Arlington National Cemetery 
 457  The armadillo from Amarillo 
 458  Armadillo tattletale 
 459  Armadillo's orange 
 460  Armadillos 
 461  Armadilly chili 
 462  Armored dinosaurs 
 463  Arms, elbows, hands, and fingers 
 464  Around my room 
 465  Around the world in eighty poems 
 466  Around the world with money 
 467  Arrorró, mi niño : Latino lullabies and gentle games 
 468  Arrow to the sun : a Pueblo Indian tale 
 469  Art & Max 
 470  Art foam fun 
 471  Art from the mart 
 472  The art of reading : forty illustrators celebrate RIF's 40th anniversary 
 473  The art of teaching writing 
 474  The Artemis Fowl files 
 475  Arthur accused! 
 476  Arthur and the 1,001 dads 
 477  Arthur and the bad-luck Brain 
 478  Arthur and the best coach ever 
 479  Arthur and the big blow-up 
 480  Arthur and the comet crisis 
 481  Arthur and the dog show 
 482  Arthur and the double dare 
 483  Arthur and the goalie ghost 
 484  Arthur and the lost diary 
 485  ArthuR and the New Kid 
 486  Arthur and the new kid : a sticker book 
 487  Arthur and the no-brainer 
 488  Arthur and the pen-pal playoff 
 489  Arthur and the poetry contest 
 490  Arthur and the race to read 
 491  Arthur and the recess rookie 
 492  Arthur and the seventh-inning stretcher 
 493  Arthur and the true Francine 
 494  Arthur and the world record 
 495  Arthur babysits 
 496  Arthur goes to camp 
 497  Arthur lost and found 
 498  Arthur makes the team 
 499  Arthur meets the President 
 500  Arthur tells a story 
 501  Arthur to the rescue 
 502  Arthur writes a story 
 503  Arthur's baby 
 504  Arthur's birthday 
 505  Arthur's chicken pox 
 506  Arthur's Christmas 
 507  Arthur's computer disaster 
 508  Arthur's eyes 
 509  Arthur's family vacation 
 510  Arthur's first sleepover 
 511  Arthur's homework 
 512  Arthur's mystery babysitter 
 513  Arthur's mystery envelope 
 514  Arthur's new puppy 
 515  Arthur's off to school 
 516  Arthur's pet business 
 517  Arthur's teacher moves in 
 518  Arthur's teacher trouble 
 519  Arthur's Thanksgiving 
 520  Arthur's tooth 
 521  Arthur's TV trouble 
 522  Arthur's valentine 
 523  Arthur, it's only rock 'n' roll 
 524  The Articles of Confederation 
 525  Artificial intelligence 
 526  Artists at work 
 527  The Artsy Smartsy Club 
 528  As long as the rivers flow 
 529  As long as there are mountains 
 530  Ashanti to Zulu : African traditions 
 531  Ashley Bryan's ABC of African American poetry. 
 532  Asia 
 533  Asia 
 534  Asian Indian Americans 
 535  Ask Albert Einstein 
 536  Ask Mr. Bear 
 537  ASPCA : the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 
 538  Assassin 
 539  The assassination of Abraham Lincoln 
 540  Asteroids & meteoroids 
 541  The astonishing secret of Awesome Man 
 542  Astronaut Ellen Ochoa 
 543  Astronauts 
 544  Astronauts 
 545  At home : long ago and today 
 546  At play : long ago and today 
 547  At school 
 548  At the crossing-places 
 549  At work : long ago and today 
 550  Atalanta and the Arcadian beast 
 551  Atlanta Falcons 
 552  Atlantis : the legend of a lost city 
 553  Atlantis : the lost city? 
 554  Attaboy, Sam! 
 555  Attack of the 50-foot Fluffy 
 556  Attack of the tagger 
 557  Attention deficit disorder 
 558  The Attorney General 
 559  Auction! 
 560  Auggie & me : three Wonder stories 
 561  Aunt Chip and the great Triple Creek dam affair 
 562  Aunt Olga's Christmas postcards 
 563  Auntie Claus and the key to Christmas 
 564  The aunts go marching 
 565  Australia 
 566  The automobile 
 567  Automobiles : from Henry Ford to Elon Musk 
 568  Autumnblings : poems & paintings 
 569  Avalanches 
 570  Awakening the dragon : the Dragon Boat Festival 
 571  Away to the goldfields! 
 572  Awesome ocean science! : investigating the secrets of the underwater world 
 573  Awesome orange birthday 
 574  Awesome science : a chapter book 
 575  Awful Ogre running wild 
 576  Awful Ogre's awful day 
 577  Axel the truck : Speed track 
 578  Axle Annie and the speed grump 
 579  Aztecs 
 580  Aïda 
 581  B is for bookworm : a library alphabet 
 582  B is for bulldozer : a construction ABC 
 583  Baa baa black sheep 
 584  Baa-choo! 
 585  Babar goes to school 
 586  Babar the king 
 587  Babar's ABC 
 588  Babar's book of color 
 589  The Babe & I 
 590  Babe & me : a baseball card adventure 
 591  Baboons 
 592  Baboons 
 593  Baboons and their infants 
 594  Baboushka and the three kings : adapted from a Russian folk tale 
 595  Babushka Baba Yaga 
 596  Babushka's doll 
 597  Baby 
 598  Baby alligator 
 599  Baby animals 
 600  Baby Bear's big dreams 
 601  Baby Bear's books 
 602  Baby Bear's chairs 
 603  Baby Bird's first nest 
 604  Baby birds 
 605  Baby Duck's new friend 
 606  Baby elephant 
 607  Baby fox 
 608  Baby Goose 
 609  Baby lion 
 610  Baby on the way 
 611  Baby owl 
 612  Baby Radar 
 613  The baby's book of baby animals 
 614  The Baby-sitters club. 
 615  The Baby-sitters club. 
 616  The Baby-sitters Club. 
 617  The Baby-sitters Club. 
 618  Bach's Goldberg Variations 
 619  Bachelor girl 
 620  Back and forth 
 621  Back of the bus 
 622  Back to school 
 623  Backyard science 
 624  Bad boys 
 625  The Bad Guys in cut to the chase 
 626  The Bad Guys in Let the games begin! 
 627  The Bad Guys in Open wide and say arrrgh! 
 628  The Bad Guys in the baddest day ever 
 629  The Bad Guys in They're bee-hind you! 
 630  Bad hare day 
 631  Bad kitty 
 632  A Bad Kitty Christmas 
 633  Bad Kitty does not like snow 
 634  Bad Kitty does not like Valentine's Day 
 635  Bad Kitty does not like video games 
 636  The bad seed :  
 637  The bad seed goes to the library 
 638  Badgers 
 639  Bagels from Benny 
 640  The bagpiper's ghost 
 641  The Bahamas 
 642  Bake and make amazing cakes 
 643  The bald eagle 
 644  The bald eagle 
 645  The bald eagle returns 
 646  A ball for Daisy 
 647  The ballad of Lucy Whipple 
 648  Ballerina 
 649  Ballet bunnies : Joan Elizabeth Goodman. 
 650  Ballet of the elephants 
 651  The band in the sand 
 652  Bandit 
 653  Bandit's moon 
 654  Bank tellers 
 655  Banks 
 656  Bar graphs 
 657  Barack Obama 
 658  Barack Obama : our 44th president 
 659  Barbara Jordan : African American politician 
 660  The Barefoot book of animal tales from around the world 
 661  Barges 
 662  Bark, George 
 663  Barkus, Sly and the golden egg 
 664  The barn owls 
 665  Barnum's bones : how Barnum Brown discovered the most famous dinosaur in the world 
 666  Barnyard banter 
 667  Barron's first thesaurus 
 668  Barry Bonds 
 669  Barry, boyhound 
 670  Bartleby of the Big, Bad Bayou 
 671  Baseball 
 672  Baseball 
 673  Baseball hour 
 674  Baseball in action 
 675  Baseball saved us 
 676  Basha : a Hmong child 
 677  Basil the bear cub 
 678  A basket of bangles : how a business begins 
 679  Basketball belles : how two teams and one scrappy player put women's hoops on the map 
 680  The bat boy & his violin 
 681  Bat loves the night 
 682  Bateman's backyard birds 
 683  Bathtime for Biscuit 
 684  Batman is trustworthy 
 685  Batman vs. Catwoman 
 686  Bats 
 687  Bats 
 688  Bats 
 689  Bats in the garbage 
 690  The battle for St. Michaels 
 691  Battle in a bottle 
 692  The Battle of Gettysburg and Lincoln's Gettysburg Address 
 693  The Battle of Midway 
 694  The Battle of the Alamo 
 695  Battle of the books 
 696  Battle of the super heroes! 
 697  Baya, baya, lulla-by-a 
 698  Be a star, wonder woman! 
 699  Be good, Gordon 
 700  Beach day 
 701  Beachcombing : exploring the seashore 
 702  Beagles 
 703  Beaks! 
 704  Beans to chocolate 
 705  Beany and the meany 
 706  Bear about town 
 707  The bear ate your sandwich 
 708  The bear came over to my house 
 709  Bear cubs 
 710  The bear family 
 711  Bear has a story to tell 
 712  Bear Noel 
 713  The bear on the bed 
 714  Bear snores on 
 715  Bear tales : three treasured stories 
 716  Bear wants more 
 717  Bears and their cubs 
 718  Bears and their dens 
 719  Bearsie Bear and the surprise sleepover party 
 720  Beast feast : poems and paintings 
 721  Beastly laughs : a book of monster jokes 
 722  A beasty story 
 723  Beating the odds : a chapter book 
 724  The Beatles 
 725  Beatrice doesn't want to 
 726  Beatrix : various episodes from the life of Beatrix Potter 
 727  Beautiful land : a story of the Oklahoma Land Rush 
 728  Beautiful moments in the wild : animals and their colors 
 729  Beauty, her basket 
 730  Beavers 
 731  Beavers : construction experts 
 732  Bebop Express 
 733  Because I could not stop my bike : and other poems 
 734  Because of Winn-Dixie 
 735  Becoming a citizen 
 736  Becoming a citizen 
 737  Becoming Buddha : the story of Siddhartha 
 738  Becoming butterflies 
 739  Becoming little women : a novel about Louisa May at Fruitlands 
 740  A bed for the winter 
 741  Bedtime for batman 
 742  Bedtime! 
 743  The bee : friend of the flowers 
 744  Beekman's big deal 
 745  Beep beep, vroom vroom! 
 746  Bees 
 747  Bees 
 748  Bees : cool communications 
 749  The beetle alphabet book 
 750  Beetles 
 751  Beezus and Ramona 
 752  Befiddled 
 753  Before John was a jazz giant : a song of John Coltrane 
 754  Before you were born 
 755  Before you were born 
 756  Being a governor 
 757  Being a leader 
 758  Being a peacekeeper 
 759  Being helpful 
 760  Being responsible 
 761  Bell buzzers : a book of knock-knock jokes 
 762  Belle Teal 
 763  Belling the cat : a retelling of Aesop's fable 
 764  The bells of Christmas 
 765  Ben Franklin and his first kite 
 766  Ben, king of the river 
 767  Beneath the bridge 
 768  Benedict Arnold 
 769  Benjamin Banneker 
 770  Benjamin Franklin 
 771  Benjamin Franklin : writer, inventor, statesman 
 772  Benjamin Franklinstein lives! 
 773  Benjamin Harrison : our twenty-third president 
 774  Benno and the Night of Broken Glass 
 775  Benny Bensky and the giant pumpkin heist 
 776  Benny's pennies 
 777  The Berenstain Bears and baby makes five 
 778  The Berenstain Bears and the big blooper 
 779  The Berenstain Bears and the blame game 
 780  The Berenstain Bears and the double dare 
 781  The Berenstain Bears and the ghost of the forest 
 782  The Berenstain Bears and the in-crowd 
 783  The Berenstain Bears and the mama's day surprise 
 784  The Berenstain Bears and the messy room 
 785  The Berenstain Bears and the prize pumpkin 
 786  The Berenstain Bears and the real Easter eggs 
 787  The Berenstain Bears and the slumber party 
 788  The Berenstain Bears and the spooky old tree 
 789  The Berenstain Bears and the trouble with friends 
 790  The Berenstain Bears and the truth 
 791  The Berenstain Bears and too much junk food 
 792  The Berenstain Bears dollar$ and $en$e 
 793  The Berenstain Bears forget their manners 
 794  The Berenstain Bears get stage fright 
 795  The Berenstain Bears get the gimmies 
 796  The Berenstain Bears go out for the team 
 797  The Berenstain Bears go to camp 
 798  The Berenstain Bears go to school 
 799  The Berenstain Bears learn about strangers 
 800  The Berenstain Bears lend a helping hand 
 801  The Berenstain Bears no girls allowed 
 802  The Berenstain Bears share & share alike! 
 803  The Berenstain Bears think of those in need 
 804  The Berenstain Bears visit the dentist 
 805  The Berenstain Bears' mad, mad, mad toy craze 
 806  The Berenstain Bears' moving day 
 807  The Berenstain Bears' pet show 
 808  The Berenstain Bears' report card trouble 
 809  The Berenstain Bears' trouble with money 
 810  Berlioz the bear 
 811  The Bermuda Triangle 
 812  The berry-picking man 
 813  Bessie Coleman 
 814  Bessie's bed 
 815  Best best friends 
 816  The best book of ancient Greece 
 817  The best book of fossils, rocks, and minerals 
 818  The best book of pirates 
 819  The best bug parade 
 820  The best Christmas pageant ever 
 821  The best class picture ever! 
 822  Best friends for Frances 
 823  Best frints in the whole universe 
 824  The best Halloween ever 
 825  The best part of me : children talk about their bodies in pictures and words 
 826  The best seat in second grade 
 827  Betsy and Tacy go over the Big Hill 
 828  Betsy Ross 
 829  Betsy who cried wolf 
 830  Betsy Zane : the rose of Fort Henry 
 831  Betty Doll 
 832  Between shades of gray 
 833  Beware the Creeper! 
 834  Beyonce Knowles 
 835  Beyonce Knowles 
 836  Beyoncé 
 837  Beyoncé Knowles 
 838  Beyond my hand : poem 
 839  Beyond the heather hills 
 840  Beyond the Valley of Thorns 
 841  BFF : best friends forever : two novels 
 842  The BFG 
 843  Bicycle madness 
 844  Bicycle mystery 
 845  Bicycle safety 
 846  Bicycles 
 847  Big and little 
 848  Big Anthony and the magic ring 
 849  Big Bad Wolf 
 850  Big bang! : the tongue-tickling tale of a speck that became spectacular 
 851  Big Blue 
 852  Big Brown Bear's up and down day 
 853  The big buck adventure 
 854  Big cat, little cat 
 855  Big dog-- little dog 
 856  Big egg 
 857  The big honey hunt 
 858  Big machines 
 859  Big Mama 
 860  The big nap : from the tattered casebook of Chet Gecko, private eye 
 861  Big Nate : in a class by himself 
 862  Big Nate in the zone 
 863  Big Nate lives it up 
 864  Big Pig and Little Pig 
 865  Big rigs 
 866  Big rigs 
 867  Big shot 
 868  The big show 
 869  The big sneeze 
 870  The big snow 
 871  The big snow 
 872  The big splash 
 873  Big surprise in the bug tank 
 874  The big trip 
 875  Big, bad and a little bit scary : poems that bite back! 
 876  Big-enough Anna : the little sled dog who braved the Arctic 
 877  Bigfoot and yeti : myth or reality? 
 878  Bigger, better, best! 
 879  The biggest bear 
 880  The biggest house in the world 
 881  The biggest pest on Eighth Avenue 
 882  Biggest, baddest book of sea creatures 
 883  Bighorn sheep 
 884  Bigmama's 
 885  Bill and Pete go down the Nile 
 886  Bill and Pete to the rescue 
 887  Bill Gates 
 888  Bill Grogan's goat 
 889  Bill Nye the Science Guy's great big book of tiny germs 
 890  Billy & Baxter. 
 891  Billy's big-boy bed 
 892  Billywise 
 893  Bingo Brown and the language of love 
 894  Bingo Brown's guide to romance 
 895  Bingo Brown, gypsy lover 
 896  Binky to the rescue 
 897  Bintou's braids 
 898  Biofuels 
 899  Biography for beginners. Sketchers for early readers, Issue #1 Spring 2012 
 900  Biomes of the past and the future 
 901  Bippity bop barbershop 
 902  The birchbark house 
 903  A bird and his worm 
 904  Bird Boy 
 905  Bird Lake moon 
 906  Birdbrain Amos 
 907  Birdhouses 
 908  Birds 
 909  Birds 
 910  Birds 
 911  Birds : nature's magnificent flying machines 
 912  Birds and their nests 
 913  Birds build nests 
 914  Birds in your backyard 
 915  Birdsong 
 916  The birth and growth of a nation : hands-on projects about symbols of American liberty 
 917  The birth of the Earth 
 918  The birthday present mystery 
 919  The birthday room 
 920  Birthdays 
 921  Biscuit 
 922  Biscuit and the big parade! 
 923  Biscuit finds a friend 
 924  Biscuit flies a kite 
 925  Biscuit goes to school 
 926  Biscuit loves the park 
 927  Biscuit wants to play 
 928  Biscuit's big friend 
 929  Biscuit's new trick 
 930  Biscuit's snow day race 
 931  Bison 
 932  A bit more Bert 
 933  The bizarre body 
 934  Bizarre things we've called medicine 
 935  Bizarre things we've done for sport 
 936  Bizarre things we've done to our bodies 
 937  Bizarre things we've eaten 
 938  Black all around! 
 939  Black and white 
 940  Black cat 
 941  Black cowboy, wild horses : a true story 
 942  Black cowboys 
 943  Black dog gets dressed 
 944  Black mambas 
 945  Black Panther 
 946  Black Panther. 
 947  Black storm comin' 
 948  The black widow spider mystery 
 949  Blackbeard, the pirate king 
 950  The Blackfeet Nation 
 951  Blackout 
 952  Blair and Blaine 
 953  Blaze and the mountain lion 
 954  Blister 
 955  The blizzard 
 956  Blizzard! : the 1888 whiteout 
 957  Blizzards 
 958  Block city 
 959  The blood-hungry spleen : and other poems about our parts 
 960  Blow out the moon 
 961  Blubber 
 962  Blue Bay mystery 
 963  The blue ghost 
 964  Blue Goose 
 965  Blue with other colors 
 966  Bluefish 
 967  The Blues : birth of an American sound 
 968  Blues journey 
 969  The blues of Flats Brown 
 970  Bluestem 
 971  Bluish : a novel 
 972  Boa constrictors 
 973  Boats, boats, boats 
 974  Bobbie Rosenfeld : the olympian who could do everything 
 975  Bobcats 
 976  Body check 
 977  Body cycles 
 978  Bogeymen don't play football 
 979  The bold boy 
 980  The bombing of Pearl Harbor, 1941 
 981  The bone collector's son 
 982  Bones and muscles 
 983  Bones and the big yellow mystery 
 984  Bones and the cupcake mystery 
 985  Bones and the dinosaur mystery 
 986  A book about design : complicated doesn't make it good 
 987  The book boat's in 
 988  The book of boys (for girls) & the book of girls (for boys) 
 989  A book of coupons 
 990  The book of fairy poetry 
 991  Book of the dead 
 992  Book Scavenger 
 993  The book whisperer : awakening the inner reader in every child 
 994  Book! 
 995  Book! book! book! 
 996  Booker T. Washington : leader and educator 
 997  Books, lessons, ideas for teaching the six traits : writing in the elementary and middle grades 
 998  The bookstore burglar 
 999  The bookstore valentine 
 1000  Borka : the adventures of a goose with no feathers 
 1001  Born in the breezes : the seafaring life of Joshua Slocum 
 1002  Born to be a cowgirl : a spirited ride through the old West 
 1003  Born with a bang. 
 1004  The Borrowers 
 1005  The Borrowers afloat 
 1006  The Borrowers avenged 
 1007  Boston Light : the first lighthouse in North America 
 1008  Boundless Grace 
 1009  Bow wow meow meow : it's rhyming cats and dogs 
 1010  Box girl 
 1011  A box of friends 
 1012  The boxcar children 
 1013  Boxers 
 1014  Boxes for Katje 
 1015  The boy from Earth 
 1016  The boy of the three-year nap 
 1017  The boy on Fairfield Street : how Ted Geisel grew up to become Dr. Seuss 
 1018  The boy who cried Bigfoot 
 1019  The boy who drew cats 
 1020  The boy who harnessed the wind 
 1021  The boy who lost his face 
 1022  The boy who loved words 
 1023  The boy who spoke dog 
 1024  The boy who wouldn't obey : a Mayan legend 
 1025  Boys and girls around the world 
 1026  The boys return 
 1027  Brachiosaurus 
 1028  Brachiosaurus 
 1029  The brain 
 1030  Brass 
 1031  Brass instruments 
 1032  Brave Cloelia : retold from the account in The history of early Rome by the Roman historian Titus Livius 
 1033  Brave horse 
 1034  Brave Irene 
 1035  Brave like Jackie Robinson 
 1036  Brave Norman : a true story 
 1037  The bravest knight 
 1038  The bravest of us all 
 1039  Bravo, Amelia Bedelia! 
 1040  Brazil 
 1041  Bread and jam for Frances 
 1042  Breaking Stalin's nose 
 1043  Breaking trail 
 1044  Breakout at the bug lab 
 1045  Brian's hunt 
 1046  Brian's return 
 1047  The bride and the slide 
 1048  Bridge building : bridge designs and how they work 
 1049  Bridge to America 
 1050  Bridge to Terabithia 
 1051  Bridges 
 1052  A bright idea : conserving energy 
 1053  Brilliant bees 
 1054  Bring on that beat 
 1055  Bring on the birds 
 1056  Bring on the bling! : bracelets, anklets, and rings for all occasions 
 1057  Britannica ImageQuest 
 1058  Britannica School 
 1059  Broken bones 
 1060  Bronco Charlie and the Pony Express 
 1061  Bronx masquerade 
 1062  Brothers and sisters 
 1063  Brothers below zero 
 1064  The Brothers Grimm : two lives, one legacy 
 1065  Brown angels : an album of pictures and verse 
 1066  Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? 
 1067  Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? 
 1068  Brown bears 
 1069  Brown honey in broomwheat tea 
 1070  Brown paper teddy bear 
 1071  Brown v. Board of Education : the battle for equal education 
 1072  Bruh Rabbit and the tar baby girl 
 1073  Bryce Harper 
 1074  Bub, Snow, and the Burly Bear scare 
 1075  Bubba the cowboy prince : a fractured Texas tale 
 1076  Bud Barkin, private eye 
 1077  Buddhist temples 
 1078  Buddy is a stupid name for a girl 
 1079  Buffalo before breakfast 
 1080  Buffalo Bill and the Pony Express 
 1081  The buffalo nickel 
 1082  Buffalo soldiers and the western frontier 
 1083  The bug cemetery 
 1084  Bug dance 
 1085  Bug Muldoon : the garden of fear 
 1086  The bug scientists 
 1087  A bug, a bear, and a boy 
 1088  A bug, a bear, and a boy go to school 
 1089  Buggin' out! : with Spider-Man, Ant-Man, the Wasp, and Doctor Octopus 
 1090  Bugs and errors with Wreck-it Ralph 
 1091  Bugs are insects 
 1092  Bugs in my hair! 
 1093  Bugs! 
 1094  Builders = : Los constructores 
 1095  Building beavers 
 1096  Buildings 
 1097  Bullfrogs 
 1098  Bully 
 1099  The Bully Blockers Club 
 1100  Bummer in the summer! 
 1101  Bump! set! spike! : you can play volleyball 
 1102  The bumpy little pumpkin 
 1103  Bunnies 
 1104  Bunny double, we're in trouble! 
 1105  Bunny money 
 1106  Bunny party 
 1107  The Bunyans 
 1108  Buried alive 
 1109  The burning questions of Bingo Brown 
 1110  Burning up : losing our ozone layer 
 1111  Burns and blisters 
 1112  Burro's tortillas 
 1113  A bus of our own 
 1114  The bus ride 
 1115  The bus ride that changed history : the story of Rosa Parks 
 1116  Bus station mystery 
 1117  Bus-a-saurus bop 
 1118  Buses 
 1119  Buster 
 1120  Buster & Phoebe : the great bone game 
 1121  Buster Baxter, cat saver 
 1122  Buster, the very shy dog 
 1123  Busy ants 
 1124  Busy, busy moose 
 1125  Butterflies 
 1126  Butterflies 
 1127  Butterflies 
 1128  Butterflies fly 
 1129  Butterflies for Kiri 
 1130  The butterfly 
 1131  Butterfly battle 
 1132  Butterfly house 
 1133  Buttons 
 1134  Buzz 
 1135  Buzz Boy and Fly Guy 
 1136  The buzz on bees : why are they disappearing? 
 1137  By my brother's side 
 1138  By the light of the captured moon 
 1139  By the shores of Silver Lake 
 1140  By the side of the road 
 1141  C D B! 
 1142  C is for city 
 1143  Cabbagehead 
 1144  Cabin fever 
 1145  Cabin in the snow 
 1146  Caboose mystery 
 1147  Cabot : John Cabot and the journey to Newfoundland 
 1148  Cactuses 
 1149  The caged birds of Phnom Penh 
 1150  Cairo Kelly and the Mann 
 1151  Calabash Cat : and his amazing journey 
 1152  Calamity Jane 
 1153  Calculating area : space rocket! 
 1154  Caleb's story 
 1155  Calf to cow 
 1156  California 
 1157  Calliope Day falls-- in love? 
 1158  Calves 
 1159  Cam Jansen : the birthday mystery 
 1160  Cam Jansen : the ghostly mystery 
 1161  Cam Jansen : the school play mystery 
 1162  Cam Jansen : the Valentine baby mystery 
 1163  Cam Jansen and the tennis trophy mystery 
 1164  Cam Jansen the snowy day mystery 
 1165  Camel 
 1166  Camels 
 1167  Camels 
 1168  The camera 
 1169  Camp Granada : sing-along camp songs 
 1170  Camp Wild 
 1171  The camp-out mystery 
 1172  Camping 
 1173  Campout 
 1174  Can I be good? 
 1175  Can you do this, Old Badger? 
 1176  Can you find it outside? 
 1177  Can you find it? 
 1178  Can you find it? America 
 1179  Can you guess? 
 1180  Can you hear a rainbow? : the story of a deaf boy named Chris 
 1181  Can you see the chalkboard? 
 1182  Can you see what I see? : toyland express 
 1183  Can you see what I see? Cool collections : picture puzzles to search and solve 
 1184  Canada 
 1185  Canada 
 1186  Canada ABCs : a book about the people and places of Canada 
 1187  Canada Day 
 1188  Canals and aqueducts 
 1189  The candy corn contest 
 1190  Candy shop 
 1191  Canyon 
 1192  Capital 
 1193  Capital! : Washington D.C. from A to Z 
 1194  Caps for sale : a tale of a peddler, some monkeys, and their monkey business 
 1195  Caps, hats, socks, and mittens : a book about the four seasons 
 1196  Captain Cheech 
 1197  Captain Invincible and the space shapes 
 1198  Captain Raptor and the moon mystery 
 1199  Captain Stormalong 
 1200  Captain Underpants and the attack of the talking toilets 
 1201  Captain Underpants and the big, bad battle of the Bionic Booger Boy. 
 1202  Captain Underpants and the invasion of the incredibly naughty cafeteria ladies from outer space (and the subsequent assault of the equally evil lunchroom zombie nerds) 
 1203  Captain Underpants and the invasion of the incredibly naughty cafeteria ladies from outer space : the third epic novel 
 1204  Captain Underpants and the preposterous plight of the purple potty people 
 1205  Captain Underpants and the revolting revenge of the Radioactive Robo-Boxers : the tenth epic novel 
 1206  Captain Underpants and the sensational saga of Sir Stinks-A-Lot 
 1207  Captain Underpants and the terrifying return of Tippy Tinkletrousers 
 1208  Captain Underpants and the tyrannical retaliation of the Turbo Toilet 2000 
 1209  Captain Underpants and the wrath of the wicked Wedgie Woman : the fifth epic novel 
 1210  Captain Underpants and the wrath of the wicked Wedgie Woman : the fifth epic novel 
 1211  The capture 
 1212  Capturing joy : the story of Maud Lewis 
 1213  The carbon cycle 
 1214  Caring 
 1215  Caring animals 
 1216  Caring for your cat 
 1217  Caring for your ferret 
 1218  Caring for your fish 
 1219  Caring for your gecko 
 1220  Caring for your horse 
 1221  Caring for your pets : a book about veterinarians 
 1222  Caring for your rabbit 
 1223  Caring for your spider 
 1224  Carnival 
 1225  Carolina Panthers 
 1226  Carpenters 
 1227  Carpenters 
 1228  Carrie loses her nerve 
 1229  The carrot seed 
 1230  Cartwheel to the moon : my Sicilian childhood : poems 
 1231  A case for Jenny Archer 
 1232  The case of the best pet ever 
 1233  The case of the bicycle bandit 
 1234  The case of the buried treasure 
 1235  The case of the burrowing robot 
 1236  The case of the detective in disguise 
 1237  The case of the dirty clue 
 1238  The case of the disappearing dinosaur 
 1239  The case of the food fight 
 1240  The case of the glow-in-the-dark-ghost 
 1241  The case of the graveyard ghost, and other super-scientific cases 
 1242  The case of the lost boy 
 1243  The case of the million-dollar mystery 
 1244  The case of the missing chalk drawings 
 1245  The case of the missing falcon 
 1246  The case of the race against time 
 1247  The case of the rainy day mystery 
 1248  Casey at the bat : a ballad of the republic sung in the year 1888 
 1249  Casey Jones 
 1250  Castaways of the Flying Dutchman 
 1251  Castle Avamir 
 1252  Castles : towers, dungeons, moats, and more 
 1253  Castles and palaces 
 1254  Cat 
 1255  Cat and mouse in the snow 
 1256  The cat came back 
 1257  Cat crafts 
 1258  Cat games 
 1259  The cat in the hat 
 1260  The cat in the hat 
 1261  The cat in the hat comes back! 
 1262  Cat Kid comic club 
 1263  Cat Kid comic club. 
 1264  Cat Kid comic club. 
 1265  Cat Kid comic club. 
 1266  Cat Kid comic club. 
 1267  Cat nights 
 1268  Cat poems 
 1269  The cat who walked across France 
 1270  Catcher with a glass arm 
 1271  Catching the moon : the story of a young girl's baseball dream 
 1272  Caterpillar to butterfly 
 1273  Caterpillars 
 1274  Caterpillars 
 1275  The cats in Krasinski Square 
 1276  Cats on the farm 
 1277  Cats, cats, cats! 
 1278  Catwings 
 1279  Catwoman : the junior novel 
 1280  Caudipteryx 
 1281  Caves 
 1282  The cazuela that the farm maiden stirred 
 1283  Celebrating a Quinceañera : a Latina's 15th birthday celebration 
 1284  Celebrating Passover 
 1285  Celebrating Ramadan 
 1286  Celia Cruz, Queen of salsa 
 1287  Cesar Chavez 
 1288  Cesar Chavez 
 1289  Chain letter 
 1290  A chair for my mother 
 1291  Chalk 
 1292  Chalkboard chuckles : a book of classroom jokes 
 1293  The chameleon wore chartreuse : from the tattered casebook of Chet Gecko, private eye 
 1294  Chang and the bamboo flute 
 1295  Chang's paper pony 
 1296  Changes for Addy : a winter story 
 1297  Changes for Felicity : a winter story 
 1298  Changes for Josefina : a winter story 
 1299  Changes for Kaya : a story of courage 
 1300  Changes for Kirsten : a winter story 
 1301  Changes for Kit : a winter story 
 1302  Changes for Molly : a winter story 
 1303  Changes for Samantha : a winter story 
 1304  Changes, changes 
 1305  Charged up : the story of electricity 
 1306  Charles Drew : pioneer in medicine 
 1307  Charles Schulz : the story of the Peanuts gang 
 1308  Charley's first night 
 1309  Charlie and the chocolate factory 
 1310  Charlie Anderson 
 1311  Charlie Bone and the time twister 
 1312  Charlie the caterpillar 
 1313  Charlotte's web 
 1314  Chasing Vermeer 
 1315  Chato and the party animals 
 1316  Chato goes cruisin' 
 1317  Chattering chipmunks 
 1318  Cheerleading for fun! 
 1319  Cheerleading in action 
 1320  Chefs 
 1321  Chefs and cooks 
 1322  The Cherokee 
 1323  Cherokee 
 1324  The Cherokee : native basket weavers 
 1325  The Cheshire Cheese cat : a Dickens of a tale 
 1326  Chess 
 1327  Chester's way 
 1328  Chester, the worldly pig 
 1329  The Cheyenne : hunter-gatherers of the northern plains 
 1330  Chicago Bears 
 1331  A chick called Saturday 
 1332  The chick that wouldn't hatch 
 1333  Chicka chicka 1, 2, 3 
 1334  Chicka chicka boom boom 
 1335  Chickasaw 
 1336  The Chickasaw Nation 
 1337  Chicken Big! 
 1338  Chicken Little 
 1339  Chicken Little 
 1340  Chicken pox 
 1341  The Chicken sisters 
 1342  Chicken soup for the soul Christmas treasury for kids : a story a day from December 1st through Christmas for kids and their families 
 1343  Chicken Sunday 
 1344  Chickens 
 1345  Chickens 
 1346  Chickens may not cross the road and other crazy (but true) laws 
 1347  Chickens on the farm 
 1348  Chickerella 
 1349  Chicks 
 1350  Child care workers 
 1351  Child of the wolves 
 1352  Childtimes : a three-generation memoir 
 1353  Chimpanzees 
 1354  The chimpanzees I love : saving their world and ours 
 1355  Chimpanzees. 
 1356  China 
 1357  China 
 1358  Chinese Americans 
 1359  Chinese Cinderella and the Secret Dragon Society 
 1360  Chinook Indians 
 1361  Chipmunk at Hollow Tree Lane 
 1362  Chipmunk family 
 1363  Chipmunks 
 1364  Chirchir is singing 
 1365  Chloe and the lion 
 1366  Chocolate : a sweet history 
 1367  The Choctaw : stickball players of the South 
 1368  Choice words : how our language affects children's learning 
 1369  Chris Van Allsburg 
 1370  Christmas 
 1371  Christmas 
 1372  Christmas 
 1373  Christmas around the world 
 1374  A Christmas carol 
 1375  A Christmas carol and other Christmas stories 
 1376  Christmas chaos : hidden picture puzzles 
 1377  Christmas crafts 
 1378  Christmas in the country 
 1379  Christmas is-- 
 1380  Christmas Is... 
 1381  Christmas makes me think 
 1382  Christmas presents : holiday poetry 
 1383  The Christmas princess 
 1384  The Christmas rat 
 1385  Christmas soup 
 1386  Christmas spirit 
 1387  Christmas stories 
 1388  Christmas tapestry 
 1389  Christopher Columbus 
 1390  Christopher Columbus 
 1391  Christopher Mouse : the tale of a small traveler 
 1392  Christopher Paul Curtis 
 1393  Christopher Paul Curtis : an author kids love 
 1394  The chronicles of Narnia, Prince Caspian. 
 1395  The chronicles of Narnia, Prince Caspian. 
 1396  The chronicles of Narnia, the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe. 
 1397  Chrysanthemum 
 1398  Chrysanthemum 
 1399  Chumash 
 1400  The Chumash : seafarers of the Pacific coast 
 1401  Ciara 
 1402  Cinco de Mayo 
 1403  Cinco de Mayo 
 1404  Cinder Edna 
 1405  Cinder-Elly 
 1406  Cinderella 
 1407  Cinderella Skeleton 
 1408  Cinderella's rat 
 1409  Cinderella, or, The little glass slipper 
 1410  Cindy Ellen : a wild western Cinderella 
 1411  Circle dogs 
 1412  Circle of fire 
 1413  Circular movement 
 1414  Circulation 
 1415  Circulation 
 1416  The circulatory system 
 1417  Circus family dog 
 1418  The circus ship 
 1419  Citizenship 
 1420  Citizenship 
 1421  City 1 2 3 
 1422  The city council 
 1423  City hall 
 1424  City hall 
 1425  A city is : poems 
 1426  The city mayor 
 1427  The city of Ember 
 1428  The Civil War 
 1429  Civil War on Sunday 
 1430  Civil War sub : the mystery of the Hunley 
 1431  Clara and Davie 
 1432  Clara Barton 
 1433  Clara Barton : I want to help! 
 1434  Clara Barton : spirit of the American Red Cross 
 1435  The Clara Barton you never knew 
 1436  Clare and Francis 
 1437  Clarence Thomas : fighter with words 
 1438  Clarice Bean, guess who's babysitting? 
 1439  Class president 
 1440  Class trip to the Cave of Doom 
 1441  The classroom zone : jokes, riddles, tongue twisters & "daffynitions" 
 1442  Claude Monet 
 1443  Claws, coats, and camouflage : the ways animals fit into their world 
 1444  Clean your room, Harvey Moon! 
 1445  Clemente! 
 1446  Clever Beatrice : an Upper Peninsula conte 
 1447  Clever Beatrice and the best little pony 
 1448  Clever Jack takes the cake 
 1449  Clever Lollipop 
 1450  Clever raccoons 
 1451  Click here : (to find out how I survived seventh grade) : a novel 
 1452  Click, clack, moo : cows that type 
 1453  Click, clack, moo : cows that type 
 1454  Click, clack, splish, splash : a counting adventure 
 1455  Clifford and the big storm 
 1456  Clifford at the circus 
 1457  Clifford gets a job 
 1458  Clifford goes to kindergarten 
 1459  Clifford goes to kindergarten 
 1460  Clifford goes to Washington 
 1461  Clifford the big red dog : the big leaf pile 
 1462  Clifford visits the hospital 
 1463  Clifford's ABC 
 1464  Clifford's best friend : a story about Emily Elizabeth 
 1465  Clifford's busy week 
 1466  Clifford's day with dad 
 1467  Clifford's first autumn 
 1468  Clifford's first Christmas 
 1469  Clifford's first Halloween 
 1470  Clifford's first school day 
 1471  Clifford's first sleepover 
 1472  Clifford's first snow day 
 1473  Clifford's first snow day 
 1474  Clifford's good deeds 
 1475  Clifford's good deeds 
 1476  Clifford's happy Easter 
 1477  Clifford's happy Easter 
 1478  Clifford's kitten 
 1479  Clifford's manners 
 1480  Clifford's pals 
 1481  Clifford's puppy days 
 1482  Clifford's riddles 
 1483  Clifford's spring clean-up 
 1484  Clifford's word book 
 1485  Clifford, the firehouse dog 
 1486  Clifford, the firehouse dog 
 1487  The climb 
 1488  Climb the family tree, Jesse Bear! 
 1489  Clink 
 1490  Clocks and more clocks 
 1491  Clorinda 
 1492  Clothes we wear 
 1493  Clothing 
 1494  The cloud chamber 
 1495  Cloud dance 
 1496  Cloud weavers : ancient Chinese legends 
 1497  Clouds 
 1498  Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 
 1499  Cluck o'clock 
 1500  The Clue at the bottom of the lake 
 1501  The clue of the broken locket 
 1502  The clue of the left-handed envelope ; : The puzzle of the pretty pink handkerchief 
 1503  Clydesdale horses 
 1504  Coal 
 1505  Coal 
 1506  Coal country Christmas 
 1507  A coal miner's bride : the diary of Anetka Kaminska 
 1508  The coastwatcher 
 1509  Coat of many colors 
 1510  Cobras 
 1511  Cocker spaniels 
 1512  Cockroach cooties 
 1513  The cod's tale 
 1514  Code breakers : from hieroglyphs to hackers 
 1515  Coding basics 
 1516  Coding basics 
 1517  Cody unplugged 
 1518  Cody's secret admirer 
 1519  Cold in summer 
 1520  Cold little duck, duck, duck 
 1521  A cold snap! : frosty poems 
 1522  Cold, colder, coldest : animals that adapt to cold weather 
 1523  Colder than ice 
 1524  Colin Powell 
 1525  Colin Powell 
 1526  Collaborative analysis of student work : improving teaching and learning 
 1527  Collecting data : pick a pancake 
 1528  Collies 
 1529  Colombia 
 1530  Color 
 1531  Color 
 1532  Color me a rhyme : nature poems for young people 
 1533  The color of fire : a novel 
 1534  The color of my words 
 1535  Colorado 
 1536  Colors come from God-- just like me! 
 1537  Colors of Israel 
 1538  Colors of Russia 
 1539  Columbus Day 
 1540  Columbus Day : celebrating a famous explorer 
 1541  Come along, Daisy! 
 1542  Come along, kitten 
 1543  Come for a party! 
 1544  Come look with me : discovering African American art for children 
 1545  Come on, rain! 
 1546  Come out and play 
 1547  Come to the great world : poems from around the globe 
 1548  Come to the ocean's edge : a nature cycle book 
 1549  Come with me on Halloween 
 1550  Come, llamas 
 1551  Comeback catcher 
 1552  Comets 
 1553  Comets, asteroids, and meteoroids 
 1554  Coming home : from the life of Langston Hughes 
 1555  Coming on home soon 
 1556  Coming to America : a Muslim family's story 
 1557  Commercial Appeal 
 1558  Common sense and fowls 
 1559  Communication then and now 
 1560  Communities 
 1561  Community needs : meeting needs and wants in communities 
 1562  Community plans : making choices about money in communities 
 1563  Community resources : the land and the people in communities 
 1564  Community rules : making and changing rules and laws in communities 
 1565  Community service 
 1566  Community space : how land and weather shape communities 
 1567  Community spirit : symbols of citizenship in communities 
 1568  The company of crows : a book of poems 
 1569  Compasses 
 1570  The complete tales & poems of Winnie-the-Pooh 
 1571  The completed hickory dickory dock 
 1572  The computer 
 1573  The computer : passport to the digital age 
 1574  Computer animation 
 1575  Computers 
 1576  Computers 
 1577  Computing and the Internet 
 1578  Computing and the Internet 
 1579  Con-fidence 
 1580  Condoleezza Rice 
 1581  Condoleezza Rice : being the best 
 1582  Condoleezza Rice : U.S. Secretary of State 
 1583  Conductors and insulators 
 1584  Cones 
 1585  Conestoga wagons 
 1586  The confe$$ion$ [sic] and $ecret$ [sic] of Howard J. Fingerhut 
 1587  Confessions of a closet Catholic 
 1588  Conflict resolution 
 1589  Confucius : the golden rule 
 1590  The Congress 
 1591  Coniferous forests 
 1592  Conjunctions 
 1593  Connecticut 
 1594  The conspiracy of the Secret Nine 
 1595  A construction site 
 1596  Construction worker 
 1597  Cook-a-doodle-doo! 
 1598  Cool cars 
 1599  Cool cats counting 
 1600  Cool chemistry concoctions : 50 formulas that fizz, foam, splatter & ooze 
 1601  Cool customs 
 1602  A cool drink of water 
 1603  A cool moonlight 
 1604  Cool rubber stamp art 
 1605  Cool Yule 
 1606  Coolies 
 1607  Cooperation 
 1608  Copper 
 1609  Copper 
 1610  Copperheads 
 1611  Coral reef explorer 
 1612  Coral reefs 
 1613  Coral snakes 
 1614  Corduroy 
 1615  Corduroy's Easter : story by B.G. Hennessy ; pictures by Lisa McCue. 
 1616  Coretta Scott King 
 1617  Coretta's journey : the life and times of Coretta Scott King 
 1618  Cork & Fuzz 
 1619  Corn 
 1620  Corn chowder : poems 
 1621  Corn-fed : poems 
 1622  Cornel West 
 1623  Corner kick 
 1624  Cornrows 
 1625  Corythosaurus 
 1626  Cosmo and the robot 
 1627  The cost of freedom : Crispus Attucks and the Boston Massacre 
 1628  Costa Rica 
 1629  Cottontail rabbits 
 1630  The couch potato 
 1631  Count and see. 
 1632  Count on Clifford 
 1633  Count on us : a Tennessee number book 
 1634  Count on us : American women in the military 
 1635  Count Silvernose : a story from Italy 
 1636  Countdown to kindergarten 
 1637  Countdown to the year 1000 
 1638  Counting in the forest 
 1639  Counting in the grasslands 
 1640  Counting money 
 1641  Counting on Calico 
 1642  Counting our way to the 100th day! : 100 poems 
 1643  The counting race 
 1644  Counting sheep 
 1645  The country bunny and the little gold shoes, as told to Jenifer 
 1646  A couple of April fools 
 1647  Courage 
 1648  The courage of Sarah Noble 
 1649  Courage to run : a story based on the life of Harriet Tubman 
 1650  The courageous Captain America : an origin story 
 1651  Courthouse 
 1652  Cousins 
 1653  Covered wagons, bumpy trails 
 1654  The cow with a plow 
 1655  Cowboy Boy 
 1656  A cowboy Christmas : the miracle at Lone Pine Ridge 
 1657  A Cowboy in the Wild West 
 1658  Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa 
 1659  Cows 
 1660  Cows 
 1661  Cows and their calves 
 1662  Cows on the farm 
 1663  Coyote fights the sun : a Shasta Indian tale 
 1664  Coyote School News 
 1665  Coyote steals the blanket : a Ute tale 
 1666  Coyotes 
 1667  Coyotes 
 1668  Coyotes all around 
 1669  Cracker Jackson 
 1670  Crafts from felt 
 1671  Crafts from junk 
 1672  Crafts from modeling clay 
 1673  Crafts from papier mâché 
 1674  Crafty concoctions : 101 craft supply recipes 
 1675  Crandalls' castle 
 1676  The crayons trick or treat 
 1677  Crazy Hair Day 
 1678  A crazy mixed-up Spanglish day 
 1679  Creating and sharing a slide show 
 1680  Creating and sharing a slide show 
 1681  Creating costumes 
 1682  The creation 
 1683  Creative crafts for critters 
 1684  Creature carnival 
 1685  Creatures of the deep 
 1686  Credit cards and checks 
 1687  The Cree Tribe 
 1688  The Creek Nation 
 1689  Creep from the deep 
 1690  Creepy carrots! 
 1691  Creepy crawlers : a book of bug jokes 
 1692  Creepy crawlies : butterflies, bees, ladybugs, and more! 
 1693  Crickwing 
 1694  Crispin : the cross of lead 
 1695  Crispus Attucks : Black leader of colonial patriots 
 1696  Criss cross 
 1697  Critter riddles 
 1698  Crocheting 
 1699  Crocodaddy 
 1700  Crossing guard 
 1701  Crossing Jordan 
 1702  Crossing Montana 
 1703  Crown me! 
 1704  Crumbling earth : erosion & landslides 
 1705  The crunching munching caterpillar 
 1706  Crystal connection 
 1707  The crystal prison 
 1708  The crystal quest 
 1709  Crystals 
 1710  Crystals 
 1711  Cub to grizzly 
 1712  Cub to panda 
 1713  Cuba 
 1714  Cuba 
 1715  Cuban kids 
 1716  Cubes 
 1717  Cultures around the world 
 1718  Cup crazy 
 1719  Curious George flies a kite 
 1720  Curious George rides a bike 
 1721  Curse in rev[e]rse 
 1722  The curse of Rafferty McGill 
 1723  The curse of the cheese pyramid 
 1724  Custodians 
 1725  Cutting-edge 3D printing 
 1726  The cycle of your life 
 1727  Cycling 
 1728  Cylinders 
 1729  Cynthia and the runaway gazebo 
 1730  César : sí, se puede! = Yes, we can! 
 1731  Cómo llegamos a diez? : datos numéricos 
 1732  D is for democracy : a citizen's alphabet 
 1733  D.W. all wet 
 1734  D.W. flips! 
 1735  D.W.'s library card 
 1736  Dachshunds 
 1737  Daddy poems 
 1738  Daddy's girl 
 1739  Daily Memphian 
 1740  Dairy 
 1741  Dairy products 
 1742  Daisy comes home 
 1743  Dale Earnhardt Jr. 
 1744  Dallas Cowboys 
 1745  Dams 
 1746  Dams 
 1747  Dan Yaccarino's Mother Goose 
 1748  Dan's angel : a detective's guide to the language of painting 
 1749  Dance for fun! 
 1750  Dance of the stones 
 1751  Dancer the wild pony 
 1752  Dancing Granny 
 1753  Dancing in the wings 
 1754  Dancing the Ring Shout! 
 1755  Dandelion 
 1756  Dandelions 
 1757  Dandelions : stars in the grass 
 1758  Danger at the zoo : a Kit mystery 
 1759  The Danger Box 
 1760  Danger on the mountain : scaling the world's highest peaks 
 1761  Danger! earthquakes 
 1762  Dangerous crossing : the revolutionary voyage of John Quincy Adams 
 1763  Dangling 
 1764  Danitra Brown leaves town 
 1765  Danny and the dinosaur 
 1766  Danny and the dinosaur go to camp 
 1767  Darby 
 1768  Daredevils 
 1769  Daring adventures. : Volume II 
 1770  The daring escape of Ellen Craft 
 1771  The daring Nellie Bly : America's star reporter 
 1772  Daring women of the Civil War 
 1773  The dark ground 
 1774  Dark sons 
 1775  Dark waters 
 1776  Darnell Rock reporting 
 1777  Daughter of Madrugada 
 1778  Dave the potter : artist, poet, slave 
 1779  Dave's Down-to-Earth Rock Shop 
 1780  Davey's blue-eyed frog 
 1781  David gets in trouble 
 1782  David goes to school 
 1783  David Ortiz 
 1784  David's drawings 
 1785  Davy Crockett : a life on the frontier 
 1786  The dawn of life 
 1787  Day and night 
 1788  Day by day with Beyonce 
 1789  The day camp disaster 
 1790  A day in the life of a child care worker 
 1791  A day in the life of a construction worker 
 1792  A day in the life of a dancer 
 1793  A day in the life of a dentist 
 1794  A day in the life of a doctor 
 1795  A day in the life of a firefighter 
 1796  A day in the life of a garbage collector 
 1797  A day in the life of a librarian 
 1798  A day in the life of a nurse 
 1799  A day in the life of a police officer 
 1800  A day in the life of a teacher 
 1801  A day in the life of a veterinarian 
 1802  A day in the life of a zookeeper 
 1803  A day in the life of an emergency medical technician 
 1804  The day it rained forever : a story of the Johnstown flood 
 1805  The day it snowed tortillas = : El día que nevaron tortillas : folktales told in Spanish and English 
 1806  The day my butt went psycho! 
 1807  The day Ocean came to visit 
 1808  Day of tears : a novel in dialogue 
 1809  Day of the Dead 
 1810  Day of the dragon 
 1811  A day that changed America : the Alamo : surrounded and outnumbered they chose to make a defiant last stand 
 1812  The day the babies crawled away 
 1813  The day the crayons quit 
 1814  The day the sheep showed up 
 1815  A day with a mechanic 
 1816  A day with paramedics 
 1817  A day's work 
 1818  The daydreamer 
 1819  Daydreamers 
 1820  Daydreams of a solitary hamster 
 1821  Days of Jubilee : the end of slavery in the United States 
 1822  The days of summer 
 1823  Days of the ducklings 
 1824  Days of the week 
 1825  Days to celebrate : a full year of poetry, people, holidays, history, fascinating facts, and more 
 1826  Days with Frog and Toad 
 1827  Dazzling diggers 
 1828  De colores = : Bright with colors 
 1829  Dead letter 
 1830  Deadly drive 
 1831  Dealing with bullies 
 1832  Dealing with choices 
 1833  Dealing with rules at home 
 1834  Dealing with showoffs 
 1835  Dear Austin : letters from the Underground Railroad 
 1836  Dear Mrs. Larue : letters from obedience school 
 1837  Dear Papa 
 1838  Dear Tooth Fairy 
 1839  Dear Whiskers 
 1840  Dear Willie Rudd, 
 1841  Dear world 
 1842  Dearly, nearly, insincerely : what is an adverb? 
 1843  Death adders 
 1844  Death in a nut 
 1845  Death Valley : a day in the desert 
 1846  December 
 1847  December secrets 
 1848  Deciduous forests 
 1849  Deck the malls! : with Spider-Man, Spider-Gwen, and Venom 
 1850  The Declaration of Independence : introducing primary sources 
 1851  Deenie 
 1852  The deep end 
 1853  Deep in the jungle 
 1854  Deep wizardry 
 1855  The deep-sea floor 
 1856  Deer 
 1857  Deer fawns 
 1858  Defiance 
 1859  Degas and the dance : the painter and the petits rats, perfecting their art 
 1860  The Delany sisters reach high 
 1861  Delaware 
 1862  Deliver us from Normal 
 1863  Delivering justice : W.W. Law and the fight for civil rights 
 1864  Delivering your mail : a book about mail carriers 
 1865  Demanding justice : a story about Mary Ann Shadd Cary 
 1866  Denmark 
 1867  Denmark 
 1868  Denzel Washington 
 1869  Derek Jeter 
 1870  Descriptive paragraphs 
 1871  Descriptive paragraphs 
 1872  Desert song 
 1873  Desert voices 
 1874  The deserted library mystery 
 1875  Deserts 
 1876  Deserts : surviving in the Sahara 
 1877  DeShawn days 
 1878  Destination : deep sea 
 1879  Destination-- Australia 
 1880  Destination-- Rocky Mountains 
 1881  Destination: space 
 1882  Destroyers 
 1883  Detective Blue : Little Boy Blue 
 1884  Detective LaRue : letters from the investigation 
 1885  Devil rays : dynamic dancers 
 1886  Diamond life : baseball sights, sounds, and swings 
 1887  Dian Fossey and the mountain gorillas 
 1888  Diary of a wombat 
 1889  Diary of a worm 
 1890  Diary of an awesome friendly kid : Rowley Jefferson's journal 
 1891  The diary of Ma Yan : the struggles and hopes of a Chinese schoolgirl 
 1892  The diary of Melanie Martin, or, How I survived Matt the Brat, Michelangelo, and the leaning tower of pizza 
 1893  Dick Cheney : a life in public service 
 1894  Did I ever tell you how lucky you are? 
 1895  Did you hear that? : animals with super hearing 
 1896  Diego Rivera : his world and ours 
 1897  Differentiation in practice : a resource guide for differentiating curriculum, grades K-5 
 1898  Dig, wait, listen : a desert toad's tale 
 1899  The Digestive System 
 1900  Digital badges 
 1901  Dillon Dillon 
 1902  Ding dong : a book of knock-knock jokes 
 1903  Dingoes at dinnertime 
 1904  A dinosaur called Tiny 
 1905  Dinosaur deals 
 1906  Dinosaur detectives 
 1907  Dinosaur detectives 
 1908  Dinosaur hideout 
 1909  Dinosaur jokes 
 1910  Dinosaur mummies : beyond bare-bone fossils 
 1911  Dinosaurs 
 1912  Dinosaurs 
 1913  Dinosaurs : a nonfiction companion to Dinosaurs before dark 
 1914  The dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins : an illuminating history of Mr. Waterhouse Hawkins, artist and lecturer : true dinosaur story in three ages .... 
 1915  Dinosaurs on the beach 
 1916  Diper överlöde 
 1917  Diplodocus 
 1918  Diplodocus : gigantic long-necked dinosaur 
 1919  Dirt 
 1920  Dirt : the scoop on soil 
 1921  Dirt Boy 
 1922  Dirty and clean 
 1923  Disabled fables : Aesop's fables 
 1924  The disappearing staircase mystery 
 1925  Discipline without stress, punishments, or rewards : how teachers and parents promote responsibility & learning 
 1926  Disney fairies : Silvermist and the ladybug curse 
 1927  Dive right in 
 1928  Dive! : a book of deep-sea creatures 
 1929  Dive, dolphin! 
 1930  Diving dolphin 
 1931  Diving dolphins 
 1932  Divorce 
 1933  The divorced kids club and other stories 
 1934  Diwali : the Hindu festival of lights, feasts, and family 
 1935  Do all spiders spin webs? : questions and answers about spiders 
 1936  Do bees make butter? : a book about things animals make 
 1937  Do ducks live in the desert? : a book about where animals live 
 1938  Do frogs have fur? : a book about animal coats and coverings 
 1939  Do not bring your dragon to the library 
 1940  Do not take your dragon to dinner 
 1941  Do salamanders spit? : a book about how animals protect themselves 
 1942  Do something in your community 
 1943  Do you know which ones will grow? 
 1944  Doctor De Soto 
 1945  A doctor like Papa 
 1946  The doctor's boy : a story about Valley Forge in the winter of 1777-1778 
 1947  Doctors 
 1948  Doctors 
 1949  Does a kangaroo have a mother, too? 
 1950  Does an elephant take a bath? 
 1951  Dog days 
 1952  Dog days 
 1953  The dog family 
 1954  Dog finds lost dolphins! : and more true stories of amazing animal heroes 
 1955  Dog in boots 
 1956  Dog Man 
 1957  Dog Man and Cat Kid 
 1958  Dog Man Lord of the Fleas 
 1959  Dog Man. 
 1960  Dog Man. 
 1961  Dog Man. 
 1962  Dog Man. 
 1963  Dog Man. 
 1964  Dog Man. 
 1965  Dog Man. 
 1966  The dog that dug for dinosaurs : a true story 
 1967  The dog who saved Santa 
 1968  Dog's colorful day : a messy story about colors and counting 
 1969  A dog's gotta do what a dog's gotta do : dogs at work 
 1970  Doggo and Pupper 
 1971  Doggo and Pupper save the world 
 1972  Doggo and Pupper search for cozy 
 1973  Dogs don't tell jokes 
 1974  Dogs don't wear sneakers 
 1975  Dogs on the farm 
 1976  Doing time online 
 1977  The doll in the garden : a ghost story 
 1978  The doll people 
 1979  Dollars and sense : managing your money 
 1980  Dolley Madison : first lady 
 1981  The dolphin : prince of the waves 
 1982  The dolphin family 
 1983  Dolphin talk : whistles, clicks, and clapping jaws 
 1984  Dolphins 
 1985  Dolphins 
 1986  Dolphins and sharks : a nonfiction companion to Dolphins at daybreak 
 1987  Dolphins. 
 1988  Domino addition 
 1989  Dominoes 
 1990  Domitila : a Cinderella tale from the Mexican tradition 
 1991  Don't count on Dracula 
 1992  Don't hit me! 
 1993  Don't know much about Rosa Parks 
 1994  Don't let the pigeon drive the bus 
 1995  Don't let the pigeon stay up late! 
 1996  Don't make me laugh 
 1997  Don't need friends 
 1998  Don't sit there! 
 1999  Don't step on the sky : a handful of haiku 
 2000  Don't take your snake for a stroll 
 2001  Donald Trump 
 2002  Dooby dooby moo 
 2003  Doodleday 
 2004  Door knockers : a book of knock-knock jokes 
 2005  The doorbell rang 
 2006  Dorks in New York! 
 2007  Dorothea Lange 
 2008  The dot 
 2009  Dot 
 2010  Dot & Jabber and the big bug mystery 
 2011  Dot to dot in the sky : stories in the stars 
 2012  Double Dutch 
 2013  Double identity 
 2014  Double scribble 
 2015  Double trouble in Walla Walla 
 2016  Doubling : circus stars 
 2017  Down the drain : conserving water 
 2018  Down to the sea in ships 
 2019  Dr. Charles Drew : medical pioneer 
 2020  Dr. Seuss 
 2021  Dr. Seuss's ABC. 
 2022  Dr. Seuss's sleep book. 
 2023  Dracula doesn't drink lemonade 
 2024  Dracula doesn't play kickball 
 2025  Dracula doesn't rock and roll 
 2026  Dragon Boy 
 2027  The dragon machine 
 2028  The Dragon of Doom 
 2029  Dragon rider 
 2030  Dragon run 
 2031  Dragon's breath 
 2032  Dragons 
 2033  Dragons love tacos 
 2034  Dragonwings : Golden Mountain chronicles, 1903 
 2035  Draw me a star 
 2036  Drawing from memory 
 2037  Drawing lessons from a bear 
 2038  Drawing pets : a step-by-step sketchbook 
 2039  Drawing vehicles : a step-by-step sketchbook 
 2040  Dreadful droughts 
 2041  Dream makers : young people share their hopes and aspirations 
 2042  The dream on Blanca's wall : poems in English and Spanish = El sueño pegado en la pared de Blanca : poemas en ingles y español 
 2043  Dream something big : the story of the Watts Towers 
 2044  Dreamland Lake 
 2045  Dreams 
 2046  Drift upon a dream : poems for sleepy babies 
 2047  Drip! drop! : how water gets to your tap 
 2048  Drive it! Fix it! 
 2049  Drones 
 2050  Drought and people 
 2051  Droughts of the past and the future 
 2052  Drowning Anna 
 2053  Drummer Hoff 
 2054  Drylongso 
 2055  Duck enough to fly 
 2056  Duck for president 
 2057  Duck for Turkey Day 
 2058  Duck in the truck 
 2059  Duck on a bike 
 2060  The duckling gets a cookie!? 
 2061  Ducks on the farm 
 2062  Duel of the ironclads : the Monitor vs. the Virginia 
 2063  Duffy and the devil : a Cornish tale 
 2064  Duke Ellington 
 2065  Duke Ellington : jazz composer 
 2066  Duke Ellington : the piano prince and his orchestra 
 2067  The dulcimer boy 
 2068  Dume's roar 
 2069  Dump trucks 
 2070  Dumpy La Rue 
 2071  Dust devil 
 2072  Dutch colonies in the Americas 
 2073  Dwight D. Eisenhower 
 2074  The dynamic world of drones / : Max Axiom STEM Adventures 
 2075  Dyslexia 
 2076  Dzání yázhí naazbaa' = : Little Woman Warrior Who Came Home : a story of the Navajo Long Walk 
 2077  E-mail 
 2078  E-mergency! 
 2079  E-textiles 
 2080  Each little bird that sings 
 2081  Each living thing 
 2082  Each orange had 8 slices : a counting book 
 2083  The eagle & the wren : a fable 
 2084  Eagles 
 2085  Eagles 
 2086  Earning money 
 2087  Earning money 
 2088  Earrings! 
 2089  Earth 
 2090  Earth 
 2091  Earth 
 2092  Earth & you a closer view : nature's features 
 2093  Earth : our planet in space 
 2094  The Earth and space 
 2095  Earth cycles 
 2096  Earth Day 
 2097  Earth Day 
 2098  Earth Day 
 2099  Earth Day 
 2100  Earth Day Birthday 
 2101  Earth Day-- hooray! 
 2102  Earth to Audrey 
 2103  Earth to Matthew 
 2104  Earth's changing coasts 
 2105  Earth's changing continents 
 2106  Earth's changing crust 
 2107  Earth's changing deserts 
 2108  Earth's changing islands 
 2109  Earth's changing mountains 
 2110  Earth's changing rivers 
 2111  Earthly astonishments : a novel 
 2112  Earthmovers 
 2113  Earthquack! 
 2114  Earthquake emergency 
 2115  Earthquake! 
 2116  Earthquake! : a story of old San Francisco 
 2117  Earthquakes 
 2118  Earthquakes 
 2119  Earthquakes : disaster & survival 
 2120  Earthshake : poems from the ground up 
 2121  An earthworm's life 
 2122  Earthworms 
 2123  Easter 
 2124  Easter 
 2125  Easter : parades, chocolates, and celebration 
 2126  Easter around the world 
 2127  The Easter bunny that overslept 
 2128  Easter Island : giant stone statues tell of a rich and tragic past 
 2129  Easy as apple pie : a Harry and Emily adventure 
 2130  Eat my dust! : Henry Ford's first race 
 2131  Eat your poison, dear : a Sebastian Barth mystery 
 2132  Eat your vegetables! drink your milk! 
 2133  Eats, shoots & leaves : why, commas really do make a difference! 
 2134  The ecosystem of a fallen tree 
 2135  The ecosystem of a grassy field 
 2136  The ecosystem of a milkweed patch 
 2137  The ecosystem of a stream 
 2138  Edgar Degas 
 2139  Edgar Degas : paintings that dance 
 2140  Edmontosaurus 
 2141  Edna's tale 
 2142  Education 
 2143  Edward and the pirates 
 2144  Edward Hopper : the life of an artist 
 2145  Edward in the jungle 
 2146  Edward Lear's A was once an apple pie 
 2147  Edward the emu 
 2148  Edwina victorious 
 2149  Edwurd Fudwupper fibbed big 
 2150  The eensy weensy spider 
 2151  The egg 
 2152  The egg 
 2153  Egg carton mania 
 2154  Eggbert, the slightly cracked egg 
 2155  Egypt 
 2156  Egypt 
 2157  The Egyptian box 
 2158  The Egyptian news 
 2159  Eight animals on the town 
 2160  El Capitán Cheech 
 2161  El Niño & La Niña : deadly weather 
 2162  Elbert's bad word 
 2163  Eleanor Roosevelt 
 2164  Eleanor Roosevelt 
 2165  Eleanor, Ellatony, Ellencake, and me 
 2166  Election day 
 2167  Electric mischief : battery-powered gadgets kids can build 
 2168  Electrical wizard : how Nikola Tesla lit up the world 
 2169  Electricity 
 2170  Electricity 
 2171  Electricity 
 2172  Electricity : from Benjamin Franklin to Nikola Tesla 
 2173  Electricity and magnets 
 2174  Electronics 
 2175  Elena's serenade 
 2176  Elephants 
 2177  Elephants 
 2178  Elephants and their calves 
 2179  Elephants. 
 2180  The elevator family 
 2181  The elf's hat 
 2182  Elisa in the middle 
 2183  Elisa Michaels, bigger & better 
 2184  Elizabeth Blackwell : physician and health educator 
 2185  Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony : fighting together for women's rights 
 2186  Elizabeth's song 
 2187  Elizabeti's doll 
 2188  Elizabeti's school 
 2189  Ella enchanted 
 2190  Ellen Ochoa 
 2191  Ellen Ochoa : reach for the stars! 
 2192  Ellen's broom 
 2193  Ellington was not a street 
 2194  Ellis Island 
 2195  Ellsworth's extraordinary electric ears : and other amazing alphabet anecdotes 
 2196  Elmer and Rose 
 2197  Elmer's special day 
 2198  Elsie times eight 
 2199  Elsie's bird 
 2200  The elves and the shoemaker 
 2201  The elves and the shoemaker : a fairy tale 
 2202  Elves don't wear hard hats 
 2203  Elvis lives : and other anagrams 
 2204  Elvis the rooster almost goes to heaven 
 2205  Embroidery 
 2206  Emeraldalicious 
 2207  Emergency medical technicians 
 2208  Emergency workers are on their way! 
 2209  Emiliano Zapata : Revolutionary and champion of poor farmers 
 2210  Emily Dickinson's letters to the world 
 2211  Emily's art 
 2212  Emily's first 100 days of school 
 2213  Emma dilemma : big sister poems 
 2214  Emma dilemma and the soccer nanny 
 2215  Emma Kate 
 2216  Emma's magic winter 
 2217  Emma's poem : the voice of the Statue of Liberty 
 2218  Emma's yucky brother 
 2219  The emperor and the kite 
 2220  The emperor lays an egg 
 2221  The emperor's egg 
 2222  The empty envelope 
 2223  Encore, Grace! 
 2224  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of Pablo's nose 
 2225  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the dead eagles 
 2226  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the disgusting sneakers 
 2227  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the jumping frogs 
 2228  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the midnight visitor 
 2229  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the mysterious handprints 
 2230  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the secret pitch 
 2231  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the sleeping dog 
 2232  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the treasure hunt 
 2233  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the two spies 
 2234  Encyclopedia Brown finds the clues 
 2235  Encyclopedia Brown gets his man 
 2236  Encyclopedia Brown keeps the peace 
 2237  Encyclopedia Brown saves the day 
 2238  Encyclopedia Brown shows the way 
 2239  Encyclopedia Brown solves them all 
 2240  Encyclopedia Brown takes the case 
 2241  Encyclopedia Brown tracks them down 
 2242  Encyclopedia Brown, boy detective 
 2243  Endangered chimpanzees 
 2244  Endangered elephants 
 2245  Endangered rhinoceros 
 2246  Enduring wisdom : sayings from Native Americans 
 2247  Enemies of slavery 
 2248  Enemy in the fort 
 2249  Enemy pie 
 2250  Energy 
 2251  Energy 
 2252  Energy : heat, light, and fuel 
 2253  Energy crisis 
 2254  Energy makes things happen 
 2255  Engineering 
 2256  Engineering 
 2257  England 
 2258  English colonies in the Americas 
 2259  English fresh squeezed! : 40 thirst-for-knowledge-quenching poems 
 2260  The enormous egg 
 2261  Enrico starts school 
 2262  The entrance place of wonders : poems of the Harlem Renaissance 
 2263  Epossumondas 
 2264  Equal shmequal 
 2265  Ereth's birthday 
 2266  Eric Carle's animals, animals 
 2267  Eric the math bear 
 2268  Ernest's gift 
 2269  Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's library. 
 2270  Escape from war 
 2271  Escape south 
 2272  Escape to freedom : a play about young Frederick Douglass 
 2273  Escape to West Berlin 
 2274  Escapes! 
 2275  Escaping the giant wave 
 2276  Estimating : how many gollywomples? 
 2277  Ethiopia 
 2278  Eugene's story 
 2279  Eureka! : poems about inventors 
 2280  Europe 
 2281  Europe 
 2282  Eva in the band 
 2283  Evangeline Brown and the Cadillac Motel 
 2284  Even Steven and Odd Todd 
 2285  Everest : reaching for the sky 
 2286  Everett Anderson's goodbye 
 2287  Every autumn comes the bear 
 2288  Every cloud has a silver lining 
 2289  Every man heart lay down 
 2290  Everybody bakes bread 
 2291  Everyday banking : consumer banking 
 2292  Everyday science experiments at the playground 
 2293  Everyday science experiments in the gym 
 2294  Everyday science experiments in the kitchen 
 2295  Everyday science experiments with food 
 2296  Everyone makes a difference : a story about community 
 2297  Everything bug : what kids really want to know about insects and spiders 
 2298  Everything cat : what kids really want to know about cats 
 2299  Everything dog : what kids really want to know about dogs 
 2300  Everything on a waffle 
 2301  Everywhere babies 
 2302  Evicted! : the struggle for the right to vote 
 2303  Evil star 
 2304  Examining wind energy 
 2305  Except if 
 2306  Excuse me-- are you a witch? 
 2307  Exercising for good health 
 2308  Expedition down under 
 2309  Experiments with colors 
 2310  Experiments with electricity 
 2311  Experiments with energy 
 2312  Experiments with light 
 2313  Experiments with magic 
 2314  Experiments with plants 
 2315  Experiments with simple machines 
 2316  Experiments with solids, liquids, and gases 
 2317  Experiments with sound 
 2318  Experiments with sports 
 2319  Explorer 
 2320  Explorers of North America 
 2321  Exploring Canada with the five themes of geography 
 2322  Exploring Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean 
 2323  Exploring space 
 2324  Exploring the United States with the five themes of geography 
 2325  Exploring the world of the Vikings 
 2326  Express yourself! : activities and adventures in expressionism 
 2327  Extreme climbing 
 2328  Extreme downhill skiing moves 
 2329  Extreme halfpipe snowboarding moves 
 2330  Extreme motocross 
 2331  Extreme Sports 
 2332  Eye of the wolf 
 2333  Eyes and ears 
 2334  F is for flag 
 2335  Fa Mulan : the story of a woman warrior 
 2336  Fables 
 2337  Fabulous fractions : games and activities that make math easy and fun 
 2338  Face painting 
 2339  Face-to-face with the ladybug 
 2340  Fading forests : the destruction of our rainforests 
 2341  Fairness 
 2342  Fairy Haven and the quest for the wand 
 2343  A fairy in a dairy 
 2344  The fairy rebel 
 2345  Fairy trails : a story told in English and Spanish 
 2346  Faithful elephants : a true story of animals, people, and war 
 2347  The faithful friend 
 2348  Falcons 
 2349  Fall 
 2350  Fall 
 2351  Fall :  
 2352  The fall festival 
 2353  Falling into place 
 2354  Fallout : nuclear disasters in our world 
 2355  Fame and glory in Freedom, Georgia 
 2356  Families 
 2357  Family festivals 
 2358  Family funnies : a book of family jokes 
 2359  Family is a superpower 
 2360  Family pictures 
 2361  The family under the bridge 
 2362  The fan in the can 
 2363  Fancy that 
 2364  Fannie in the kitchen : the whole story from soup to nuts of how Fannie Farmer invented recipes with precise measurements 
 2365  Fanny's dream 
 2366  Fantastic creatures from Greek myths 
 2367  The fantastic flying books of Mr. Morris Lessmore 
 2368  Fantastic Mr. Fox 
 2369  Fantastic planet 
 2370  Far beyond the garden gate : Alexandra David-Neel's journey to Lhasa 
 2371  Faraway home 
 2372  Farewell, my lunchbag : from the tattered casebook of Chet Gecko, private eye 
 2373  Farm animals 
 2374  Farm community 
 2375  Farm crops 
 2376  Farm flu 
 2377  Farm life 
 2378  Farm morning 
 2379  Farm tractors 
 2380  Farmer Dale's red pickup truck 
 2381  Farmer duck 
 2382  The farmer in the dell 
 2383  The farmer in the dell 
 2384  Farmer's dog goes to the forest : rhymes for two voices 
 2385  Farmers 
 2386  Farmers 
 2387  Farms long ago 
 2388  Farrah the shy fawn 
 2389  The fashion disaster that changed my life 
 2390  Fat chance Thanksgiving 
 2391  Fat men from space 
 2392  Father of the Constitution : a story about James Madison 
 2393  Father's Day crafts 
 2394  The favorite daughter 
 2395  Fawn to deer 
 2396  Fearless Jack 
 2397  Fearsome forces of nature 
 2398  Feathered dinosaurs 
 2399  Feathers : poems about birds 
 2400  February 
 2401  Feel the noise! 
 2402  Feel the power : energy all around 
 2403  Feeling scared 
 2404  Feeling your way : discover your sense of touch 
 2405  Felicity learns a lesson : a school story 
 2406  Felicity saves the day : a summer story 
 2407  Felicity takes a dare 
 2408  Felicity's surprise : a Christmas story 
 2409  Felix feels better 
 2410  FEMA : Federal Emergency Management Administration 
 2411  Fenced in 
 2412  The fences between us : the diary of Piper Davis 
 2413  Festivals 
 2414  Fever, 1793 
 2415  The Feverbird's claw 
 2416  Fiddle-i-fee 
 2417  The field guide 
 2418  The field of the dogs 
 2419  The fierce yellow pumpkin 
 2420  The fiestas 
 2421  Fighter jets 
 2422  Fighter planes 
 2423  Fighting fires 
 2424  Figure skating in action 
 2425  Fin M'Coul : the giant of Knockmany Hill 
 2426  Find a face 
 2427  Finders keepers 
 2428  Finders keepers? : a true story 
 2429  Finding Christmas 
 2430  Finding out about dinosaurs 
 2431  Finding the golden ruler 
 2432  A fine start 
 2433  A fine, fine school 
 2434  The fire : an Ethiopian folk tale 
 2435  Fire ants 
 2436  The fire cat 
 2437  Fire Chief Fran 
 2438  Fire fighters 
 2439  Fire In Her Hair : a story of friendship 
 2440  Fire in the hole! 
 2441  Fire on ice : autobiography of a champion figure skater 
 2442  A fire station 
 2443  Fire station 
 2444  Fire truck 
 2445  Fire trucks 
 2446  Fire! Fire! 
 2447  The Firebird 
 2448  Fireboat : the heroic adventures of the John J. Harvey 
 2449  Firefighters 
 2450  Firefighters 
 2451  Firefighters to the rescue! 
 2452  Fireflies 
 2453  Fireflies at midnight 
 2454  Firefly 
 2455  A firefly biologist at work 
 2456  The firekeeper's son 
 2457  Fireman Small : fire down below! 
 2458  Fires 
 2459  Fires of jubilee 
 2460  First aid for you 
 2461  First book about animals of the forests. 
 2462  First day 
 2463  The first day of school 
 2464  The first four years 
 2465  First kids 
 2466  First riding lessons 
 2467  FIRST robotics 
 2468  First snow 
 2469  First vacation 
 2470  Fish 
 2471  Fish 
 2472  Fish 
 2473  Fish eyes : a book you can count on 
 2474  Fish face 
 2475  The fish in room 11 
 2476  A fish out of water 
 2477  The fisherman and the turtle 
 2478  The fishy field trip 
 2479  A fishy story 
 2480  The five Chinese brothers 
 2481  Five creatures 
 2482  Five little monkeys jumping on the bed 
 2483  Five little monkeys play hide-and-seek 
 2484  Five little monkeys reading in bed 
 2485  Five little monkeys sitting in a tree 
 2486  Five little monkeys with nothing to do 
 2487  Five smooth stones 
 2488  Five stars for Emily 
 2489  Flag Day 
 2490  Flag Day 
 2491  The flag maker 
 2492  The flag of childhood : poems from the Middle East 
 2493  Flakes and flurries : a book about snow 
 2494  A flamingo chick grows up 
 2495  Flamingo sunset 
 2496  The Flash is caring 
 2497  Flat Stanley 
 2498  The fledgling 
 2499  Flexibility : stretch and move farther! 
 2500  Flick a switch : how electricity gets to your home 
 2501  Flight 
 2502  Flight from Bear Canyon 
 2503  Flight from Big Tangle 
 2504  The flimflam man 
 2505  Flip 
 2506  Flip turn 
 2507  Flipped 
 2508  Floating jellyfish 
 2509  Flood 
 2510  Flood, Mississippi, 1927 
 2511  Floods 
 2512  Floods 
 2513  Floods of the past and the future 
 2514  Flora & Ulysses : the illuminated adventures 
 2515  Florence Nightingale 
 2516  Florence Nightingale : founder of the Nightingale School of Nursing 
 2517  Florida manatee 
 2518  Flotsam 
 2519  Flower garden 
 2520  Flower girl butterflies 
 2521  Flowering plants 
 2522  Flowers 
 2523  Flowers, fruits, and seeds 
 2524  Flu 
 2525  Flu 
 2526  Fluffy, flat, and wet : a book about clouds 
 2527  Flush 
 2528  Fly away home 
 2529  A fly can fly 
 2530  Fly free! 
 2531  Fly Guy & Fly Girl. 
 2532  Fly Guy & Fly Girl. 
 2533  Fly Guy and the alienzz 
 2534  Fly Guy's ninja Christmas 
 2535  Fly high! : the story of Bessie Coleman 
 2536  Fly with poetry : an ABC of poetry 
 2537  Fly! 
 2538  Fly, monarch! Fly! 
 2539  The flyers 
 2540  Flying ace : the story of Amelia Earhart 
 2541  The flying canoe 
 2542  Flying colors : butterflies in your backyard 
 2543  Flying feet : a Mud Flat story 
 2544  Flying free 
 2545  Flying giants of dinosaur time 
 2546  Flying lessons 
 2547  Flying solo 
 2548  Flying squirrels 
 2549  The flying witch 
 2550  Foal to horse 
 2551  Foals 
 2552  Foals 
 2553  Fog 
 2554  Fold me a poem 
 2555  Follow the drinking gourd 
 2556  Follow the trail : a young person's guide to the great outdoors 
 2557  Follow the water from brook to ocean 
 2558  The follower 
 2559  Following rules 
 2560  Food 
 2561  Food 
 2562  The food chain 
 2563  Food chain frenzy 
 2564  Food chains in a pond habitat 
 2565  The food pyramid 
 2566  Food service workers 
 2567  Fooled you! : fakes and hoaxes through the years 
 2568  Football is fun! 
 2569  Football nightmare 
 2570  Footprints on the moon 
 2571  For Biddle's sake 
 2572  For freedom : the story of a French spy 
 2573  For the love of bubbles 
 2574  For the right to learn : Malala Yousafzai's story 
 2575  Force & motion 
 2576  Forces and motion 
 2577  Forces and motion 
 2578  Forces make things move 
 2579  Forecasting the weather 
 2580  Forecasting the weather 
 2581  Foreign-born champions of the American Revolution 
 2582  Forest child 
 2583  Forest, what would you like? 
 2584  The forested taiga : a web of life 
 2585  Forests 
 2586  Forests & jungles 
 2587  Forever Amber Brown 
 2588  Forged by fire 
 2589  Formula One cars 
 2590  Formula One race cars 
 2591  Fort Sumter 
 2592  The fortress of Kaspar Snit 
 2593  Fossil fever 
 2594  Fossils 
 2595  Fossils 
 2596  Foul play : jokes that won't strike out 
 2597  Four famished foxes and Fosdyke 
 2598  Four friends at Christmas 
 2599  Four friends in summer 
 2600  Four sides, eight nights : a new spin on Hanukkah 
 2601  Four special questions : a Passover story 
 2602  The four ugly cats in apartment 3D 
 2603  Fourth grade rats 
 2604  The Fourth of July 
 2605  Fourth of July mice! 
 2606  Fourth-grade celebrity 
 2607  Fox and Fluff 
 2608  Fox be nimble 
 2609  Fox in socks 
 2610  Fox is late 
 2611  Fox kits 
 2612  Fox the tiger 
 2613  Fox versus winter 
 2614  Foxes 
 2615  Fractions : making fair shares 
 2616  France 
 2617  France 
 2618  France 
 2619  Francie 
 2620  Francine's day 
 2621  Francine, believe it or not 
 2622  Francisca Alvarez : the Angel of Goliad = el Ángel de Goliad 
 2623  Francisco Vásquez de Coronado 
 2624  Frankenbug 
 2625  Frankenstein doesn't start food fights 
 2626  Franklin and Harriet 
 2627  Franklin and the contest 
 2628  Franklin and the cookies 
 2629  Franklin D. Roosevelt 
 2630  Franklin stays up 
 2631  Franklin's trading cards 
 2632  Freaky Fast Frankie Joe 
 2633  Freckle juice 
 2634  Fred read the red book 
 2635  Fred's midnight prowler 
 2636  Freddy Adu 
 2637  Freddy in peril : book two in the golden hamster saga 
 2638  Frederick 
 2639  Frederick Douglass 
 2640  Frederick Douglass : leader against slavery 
 2641  The Frederick Douglass you never knew 
 2642  The free and the brave : a collection of poems about the United States 
 2643  Free baseball 
 2644  Free fall 
 2645  Freedom 
 2646  Freedom like sunlight : praisesongs for Black Americans 
 2647  Freedom on the menu : the Greensboro sit-ins 
 2648  The freedom riddle 
 2649  Freedom river 
 2650  Freedom school, yes! 
 2651  Freedom Summer 
 2652  Freedom's wings 
 2653  French bulldogs 
 2654  French colonies in the Americas 
 2655  A fresh approach to teaching punctuation : helping young writers use conventions with precision and purpose 
 2656  Fresh fish 
 2657  Frida 
 2658  Frida : viva la vida = long live life 
 2659  Frida Kahlo : Mexican painter 
 2660  Frida Kahlo : the artist who painted herself : by Frieda Fry 
 2661  Friend me 
 2662  Friend on freedom river 
 2663  Friends 
 2664  Friends of the heart : amici del cuore 
 2665  Friends, enemies 
 2666  The friendship 
 2667  The friendship tree 
 2668  Frightful's mountain 
 2669  Frindle 
 2670  Frog 
 2671  Frog and Toad all year 
 2672  Frog and Toad together 
 2673  Frog in a bog 
 2674  A frog in the bog 
 2675  Frog on his own 
 2676  The frog prince, continued 
 2677  Frog went a courtin' 
 2678  Froggy bakes a cake 
 2679  Froggy gets dressed 
 2680  Froggy goes to bed 
 2681  Froggy goes to school 
 2682  Froggy learns to swim 
 2683  Froggy plays in the band 
 2684  Froggy plays soccer 
 2685  Froggy's baby sister 
 2686  Froggy's day with Dad 
 2687  Froggy's first kiss 
 2688  Froggy's Halloween 
 2689  Froggy's sleepover 
 2690  Frogs 
 2691  Frogs : awesome amphibians 
 2692  Frogs and toads 
 2693  Frogs sing songs 
 2694  The frogs wore red suspenders 
 2695  Frogs! 
 2696  From cement to bridge 
 2697  From clay to bricks 
 2698  From daybreak to good night : poems for children 
 2699  From farm to store 
 2700  From idea to book 
 2701  From maple tree to syrup 
 2702  From me to you 
 2703  From metal to airplane 
 2704  From peanut to peanut butter 
 2705  From rags to riches : a history of girls' clothing in America 
 2706  From rock to road 
 2707  From sand to glass 
 2708  From seed to pumpkin 
 2709  From sheep to sweater 
 2710  From shoot to apple 
 2711  From slave to soldier : based on a true Civil War story 
 2712  From the lighthouse 
 2713  From the mixed-up files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler 
 2714  Frontier schools and schoolteachers 
 2715  Frontier women who helped shape the American West 
 2716  Frosty the Snowman 
 2717  Frosty the Snowman 
 2718  Frosty the Snowman. 
 2719  Frozen mammoth 
 2720  The frozen tundra : a web of life 
 2721  Frozen vegetables 
 2722  Fruits 
 2723  Fruits 
 2724  Fruits on myplate 
 2725  Fudge-a-mania 
 2726  Fudge-a-mania 
 2727  The full belly bowl 
 2728  Full court press 
 2729  Full moon barnyard dance 
 2730  Fun 5-minute math practice pages, grades 2-3 
 2731  Fun and games in Colonial America 
 2732  Fun and simple Southern state crafts : Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas 
 2733  Fun-filled 5-to-10-minute math activities for young learners 
 2734  Fun-to-make crafts for every day 
 2735  Fun-to-make crafts for Halloween 
 2736  Funky junk : cool stuff to make with hardware 
 2737  Funny faces, wacky wings, and other silly big bird things 
 2738  Funny Frank 
 2739  The funny little woman 
 2740  Funny riddles 
 2741  Funny, funny Lyle 
 2742  Funtime riddles 
 2743  Fussy flamingo 
 2744  The future of coding 
 2745  G is for galaxy : an out of this world alphabet 
 2746  G is for goat 
 2747  G'day, Australia! 
 2748  Gabi's fabulous functions 
 2749  Gabi's if/then garden 
 2750  The gadget 
 2751  The gadget war 
 2752  A gaggle of geese & a clutter of cats 
 2753  Gail and Gary 
 2754  Galactic giggles : far-out and funny jokes about outer space 
 2755  Galaxy getaway 
 2756  Galen : my life in imperial Rome 
 2757  Game day 
 2758  Game design 
 2759  The game of silence 
 2760  Game time! 
 2761  Games we play 
 2762  Gandhi 
 2763  The garden that we grew 
 2764  The gardener 
 2765  Garth Williams 
 2766  Gary Paulsen 
 2767  Gaston goes to Texas 
 2768  The Gawgon and The Boy 
 2769  Geese on the farm 
 2770  Gems, crystals, and precious rocks 
 2771  Gemstones 
 2772  Generosity 
 2773  Genies don't ride bicycles 
 2774  The Gentleman Outlaw and me-- Eli : a story of the Old West 
 2775  Geogra-fleas! : riddles all over the map 
 2776  Geometry : looking down on Monster Town 
 2777  George and Martha 
 2778  George and Martha round and round 
 2779  George S. Patton Jr. 
 2780  George W. Bush 
 2781  George W. Bush 
 2782  George W. Bush : our forty-third president 
 2783  George Washington 
 2784  George Washington 
 2785  George Washington : first president, 1789-1797 
 2786  George Washington : the first president 
 2787  George Washington Carver 
 2788  George Washington Carver 
 2789  George Washington Carver : a photo-illustrated biography 
 2790  George Washington's first victory 
 2791  George's marvelous medicine 
 2792  The Georgia Colony 
 2793  Georgia O'Keeffe : desert painter 
 2794  Georgia O'Keeffe : the life of an artist 
 2795  Georgia's bones 
 2796  Geothermal power 
 2797  Geothermal power 
 2798  Gerbils 
 2799  German shepherds 
 2800  German shepherds 
 2801  Germany 
 2802  Germany 
 2803  Geronimo 
 2804  Geronimo 
 2805  Gertrude Chandler Warner 
 2806  Get in line, please! 
 2807  Get on the ice, Mo! 
 2808  Get ready for second grade, Amber Brown 
 2809  The Get Rich Quick Club 
 2810  Get well, Good Knight 
 2811  The getaway 
 2812  Getting dressed : long ago and today 
 2813  Getting near to baby 
 2814  Getting ready for space 
 2815  Getting to grips with grammar 
 2816  Geysers 
 2817  Ghana, Mali, Songhay 
 2818  The ghost and Mrs. Hobbs 
 2819  Ghost at the window 
 2820  The ghost behind the wall 
 2821  Ghost canoe 
 2822  Ghost girl : a Blue Ridge Mountain story 
 2823  Ghost horse 
 2824  Ghost horses 
 2825  The ghost of Cutler Creek 
 2826  Ghost ship 
 2827  Ghost town : seven ghostly stories 
 2828  Ghost town at sundown 
 2829  The ghost town mystery 
 2830  Ghost voyages III : Endeavour & Resolution 
 2831  Ghouls don't scoop ice cream 
 2832  The giant ball of string 
 2833  Giant children : poems 
 2834  Giant dinosaurs of the Jurassic 
 2835  The giant germ 
 2836  The giant jelly bean jar 
 2837  The Giant Rat of Sumatra, or, Pirates galore 
 2838  The giants and the Joneses 
 2839  A gift from the sea 
 2840  The gift of the crocodile : a Cinderella story 
 2841  Gifts from the sea 
 2842  Gifts to make and eat 
 2843  Giggle, giggle, quack 
 2844  The Giggler Treatment 
 2845  Gina's balance 
 2846  Gingerbread baby 
 2847  The gingerbread boy 
 2848  The Gingerbread Kid goes to school 
 2849  The gingerbread man : a classic fairy tale 
 2850  Gingersnap 
 2851  Giotto 
 2852  A giraffe calf grows up 
 2853  Giraffes 
 2854  Giraffes 
 2855  Giraffes. 
 2856  The girl on the high-diving horse 
 2857  Girl reporter sinks school! 
 2858  The girl who drank the moon 
 2859  The girl who loved wild horses 
 2860  The girl who spun gold 
 2861  The girl who struck out Babe Ruth 
 2862  The girl with 500 middle names 
 2863  The girl with the broken wing 
 2864  Girl wonder : a baseball story in nine innings 
 2865  A girl, a goat, and a goose 
 2866  Girls don't have cooties 
 2867  The girls in the circle 
 2868  Girls together 
 2869  Girls under pressure 
 2870  Give Maggie a chance 
 2871  Give me back my book! 
 2872  Give me half! 
 2873  Give my regrets to Broadway : from the tattered casebook of Chet Gecko, private eye 
 2874  Give the dog a bone 
 2875  Giving an oral presentation 
 2876  Giving an oral presentation 
 2877  Glaciers 
 2878  Glasses : who needs 'em? 
 2879  Global warming : the threat of Earth's changing climate 
 2880  Gloria rising 
 2881  Gloria's way 
 2882  The glorious flight : across the Channel with Louis Blériot, July 25, 1909 
 2883  Gnat Stokes and the Foggy Bottom Swamp Queen 
 2884  Go further with grammar : exclamations are expressive! : adverbs add extra impact 
 2885  Go to sleep, Groundhog 
 2886  Go track a yak! 
 2887  Go wild in New York City 
 2888  Go! go! Maria! : what it's like to be 1 
 2889  Go, dog, go! 
 2890  Goal 
 2891  A goal in sight 
 2892  Goalkeeper in charge 
 2893  The Goblin Wood 
 2894  God bless the child 
 2895  God created 
 2896  Goddess of yesterday 
 2897  Goggles! 
 2898  Goin' someplace special 
 2899  Going batty 
 2900  Going by car 
 2901  Going home 
 2902  Going north 
 2903  Going places 
 2904  Going shopping : long ago and today 
 2905  Going to school 
 2906  Going to school 
 2907  Going to the dentist 
 2908  Going to the firehouse 
 2909  Going to the library 
 2910  Going to war in Viking times 
 2911  Going West! : journey on a wagon train to settle a frontier town 
 2912  Gold 
 2913  Gold 
 2914  The gold rush : California or bust! 
 2915  The gold-threaded dress 
 2916  Golden eagles of Devil Mountain 
 2917  The golden flower : a Taino myth from Puerto Rico 
 2918  The Golden Mare, the Firebird, and the magic ring 
 2919  Golden retrievers 
 2920  Golden retrievers 
 2921  Goldfish 
 2922  Goldie : and the three bears 
 2923  Goldilocks and the three bears 
 2924  Goldilocks and the three bears 
 2925  Goldilocks and the three dinosaurs 
 2926  Golem 
 2927  Golf 
 2928  Golf 
 2929  Golf for fun! 
 2930  The Golly sisters ride again 
 2931  Gone fishing 
 2932  Good citizenship counts 
 2933  A good day 
 2934  The good dog 
 2935  Good dog! 
 2936  The good egg and the talent show 
 2937  The good for nothing button 
 2938  The good luck cat 
 2939  Good morning, Africa! 
 2940  Good morning, chick 
 2941  Good morning, little polar bear 
 2942  Good morning, sweetie pie : and other poems for little children 
 2943  Good night Sam 
 2944  Good night, Good Knight 
 2945  Good thing you're not an octopus! 
 2946  Good work, Amelia Bedelia 
 2947  Goodbye Mousie 
 2948  Goodnight Lulu 
 2949  Goodnight moon 
 2950  Goodnight, goodnight, construction site 
 2951  Gooney Bird and the room mother 
 2952  Gooney Bird Greene 
 2953  Gooseberry Goose 
 2954  Gordon in charge 
 2955  Gordon Parks : no excuses 
 2956  Gorillas 
 2957  Gorillas 
 2958  Gorillas and their infants 
 2959  Gossie 
 2960  Governor 
 2961  Grace Hopper : computer whiz 
 2962  Gracias, the Thanksgiving turkey 
 2963  Gracie and the emperor 
 2964  Gracie's girl 
 2965  A grain of sand 
 2966  Grains 
 2967  Grains 
 2968  The gramma war 
 2969  Grammar is great! : verbs are vital! : connectives connect 
 2970  Grand Canyon 
 2971  The Grand Canyon : the widest canyon 
 2972  Grand Canyon National Park 
 2973  Grandfather Tang's story 
 2974  Grandfather's journey 
 2975  Grandma Chickenlegs 
 2976  Grandma Esther remembers : a Jewish-American family story 
 2977  Grandma Francisca remembers : a Hispanic-American family story 
 2978  Grandma Hekmatt remembers : an Arab-American family story 
 2979  Grandma Lena's big ol' turnip 
 2980  Grandma Lois remembers : an African-American family story 
 2981  Grandma Maxine remembers : a Native American family story 
 2982  The grandma mix-up 
 2983  Grandma Susan remembers : a British-American family story 
 2984  Grandma's general store : the Ark 
 2985  Grandmas at bat 
 2986  Grandmas trick-or-treat 
 2987  Grandmother's nursery rhymes : lullabies, tongue twisters, and riddles from South America 
 2988  Grandpa Green 
 2989  Grandpa's angel 
 2990  Grandpa's Corner Store 
 2991  Grandpa's snowman 
 2992  Grandpa, is everything black bad? 
 2993  Grandparent poems 
 2994  Grandparents song 
 2995  Granny Torrelli makes soup 
 2996  Granny, will your dog bite, and other mountain rhymes 
 2997  Grape thief 
 2998  The grapes of math : mind-stretching math riddles 
 2999  Graphing story problems 
 3000  Graphing story problems 
 3001  Graphs 
 3002  Grasshopper pie and other poems 
 3003  Grasshoppers 
 3004  Grasslands 
 3005  Grasslands 
 3006  Grasslands & deserts 
 3007  The Graves family 
 3008  Gravity 
 3009  Gravity 
 3010  Gray Squirrel at Pacific Avenue 
 3011  Gray wolves 
 3012  The gray-eyed goddess 
 3013  The Great Basin Indians : daily life in the 1700s 
 3014  Great black heroes : five brilliant scientists 
 3015  The great chicken debacle 
 3016  Great Danes 
 3017  The Great Depression 
 3018  The great fuzz frenzy 
 3019  Great games for the overhead. 
 3020  The great ghost rescue 
 3021  The great good thing : a novel 
 3022  The great Googlestein Museum mystery 
 3023  The great Gracie chase : stop that dog! 
 3024  Great graphs and sensational statistics : games and activities that make math easy and fun 
 3025  Great groundhogs! 
 3026  Great horned owls 
 3027  The great kapok tree : a tale of the Amazon rain forest 
 3028  Great Lakes 
 3029  The Great Lakes 
 3030  Great map games : 20 super fun, easy reproducible games that build key map and geography skills-and help kids navigate their world! 
 3031  The great migration : an American story 
 3032  The Great Migration : journey to the North 
 3033  The great pig search 
 3034  The Great Seal of the United States 
 3035  The great shark escape 
 3036  The great ships 
 3037  The great truck rescue 
 3038  The great turkey walk 
 3039  The great wall of Lucy Wu 
 3040  The great whale of Kansas 
 3041  Great women leaders 
 3042  The greatest skating race : a World War II story from the Netherlands 
 3043  Greece 
 3044  Greece 
 3045  Greek Americans 
 3046  Green 
 3047  Green boy 
 3048  The green dog : a mostly true story 
 3049  Green eggs and ham 
 3050  Green eggs and ham 
 3051  Green eggs and ham 
 3052  The green iguana 
 3053  Green iguanas 
 3054  Green Lantern : an origin story 
 3055  Green Lantern is responsible 
 3056  Green Wilma 
 3057  Greetings, Asia! 
 3058  Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane 
 3059  Griffins 
 3060  Grizzly bears 
 3061  Grizzly bears 
 3062  The Grizzly Gazette 
 3063  The grooming of Alice 
 3064  Gross-out jokes 
 3065  Ground zero 
 3066  Ground Zero : the war on terrorism 
 3067  Groundhog Day 
 3068  Groundhog Day 
 3069  Groundhogs 
 3070  A group of one 
 3071  Grouping materials : from gold to wool 
 3072  Grover Cleveland : our twenty-second and twenty-fourth president 
 3073  Growing colors 
 3074  Growing crystals 
 3075  Growing frogs 
 3076  Growing like me 
 3077  Growing things 
 3078  Growing up in revolution and the new nation, 1775 to 1800 
 3079  Growing up wild : wolves 
 3080  Grumblebunny 
 3081  Guess how much I love you 
 3082  Guess who changes 
 3083  Guess who hides 
 3084  Gugu's house 
 3085  Guide dogs 
 3086  Guiding school improvement with action research 
 3087  Guinea pigs 
 3088  Guinea pigs 
 3089  Guji Guji 
 3090  Guns and violence 
 3091  The guns of Tortuga 
 3092  Gurgles and growls : learning about your stomach 
 3093  Gus and Grandpa and show-and-tell 
 3094  Gus and Grandpa and the Christmas cookies 
 3095  Gus and Grandpa at basketball 
 3096  Gus and Grandpa go fishing 
 3097  Gusts and gales : a book about wind 
 3098  Guy wire 
 3099  Habitat 
 3100  Habitat 
 3101  Habitat for Humanity 
 3102  Hachiko waits 
 3103  Hairdo! : what we do and did to our hair 
 3104  Hairy, scary, ordinary : what is an adjective? 
 3105  Haiti 
 3106  Half and half 
 3107  Half or whole? 
 3108  Halfway to the sky 
 3109  Hallelujah Handel 
 3110  The Hallo-wiener 
 3111  Halloween 
 3112  Halloween 
 3113  Halloween 
 3114  Halloween sky ride 
 3115  Hamlet for kids 
 3116  Hamster 
 3117  Hamster 
 3118  Hamster chase 
 3119  The hamster of the Baskervilles : from the tattered casebook of Chet Gecko, private eye 
 3120  Hamsters and gerbils 
 3121  Hamsters to the rescue 
 3122  Hana's suitcase : a true story 
 3123  Handel, who knew what he liked 
 3124  A handful of dirt 
 3125  Hands are not for hitting 
 3126  Hands-on history. 
 3127  Hang a thousand trees with ribbons : the story of Phillis Wheatley 
 3128  Hang on, monkey! 
 3129  Hank Aaron : brave in every way 
 3130  Hannah of Fairfield 
 3131  Hannah's journal : the story of an immigrant girl 
 3132  Hans Christian Andersen 
 3133  Hansel and Gretel 
 3134  Hansel and Gretel = : Hansel y Gretel 
 3135  Hanukkah 
 3136  Hanukkah : celebrating the holiday of lights 
 3137  Hanukkah lights : holiday poetry 
 3138  Happy and Honey 
 3139  Happy birthday to you! 
 3140  Happy birthday to you! 
 3141  Happy birthday, Addy! : a springtime story 
 3142  Happy Birthday, America! 
 3143  Happy birthday, Danny and the dinosaur! 
 3144  Happy birthday, Felicity! : a springtime story 
 3145  Happy birthday, Josefina! : a springtime story 
 3146  Happy birthday, Kirsten! : a springtime story 
 3147  Happy birthday, Kit! : a springtime story 
 3148  Happy birthday, Molly! : a springtime story 
 3149  Happy birthday, Moon 
 3150  Happy birthday, Mr. Kang 
 3151  Happy birthday, Samantha! : a springtime story 
 3152  Happy Dog sizzles! 
 3153  Happy haunting, Amelia Bedelia 
 3154  The happy Hocky family moves to the country! 
 3155  A harbor seal pup grows up 
 3156  Hard luck 
 3157  Hard workers 
 3158  The hard-times jar 
 3159  The Harlem Nutcracker 
 3160  The Harlem Renaissance : a celebration of creativity 
 3161  Harley 
 3162  Harley-Davidson 
 3163  Harley-Davidson motorcycles 
 3164  Harold and the purple crayon 
 3165  Harp o' gold 
 3166  Harriet and the garden 
 3167  Harriet Tubman 
 3168  Harriet Tubman 
 3169  Harriet Tubman 
 3170  Harriet Tubman 
 3171  Harriet Tubman : abolitionist and Underground Railroad conductor 
 3172  Harriet Tubman : riding the freedom train 
 3173  Harriet Tubman and the freedom train 
 3174  Harry & Hopper 
 3175  Harry Houdini : escape artist 
 3176  Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 
 3177  Harry Potter and the half-blood prince 
 3178  Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 
 3179  Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone 
 3180  Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone 
 3181  Harry S. Truman : our thirty-third president 
 3182  Harry Sue 
 3183  Harry the dirty dog 
 3184  Harry's box 
 3185  Harvey Potter's balloon farm 
 3186  The hat 
 3187  A hat for Minerva Louise 
 3188  Hat trick 
 3189  Haunted castle on Hallows Eve 
 3190  A haunted house in Starvation Lake 
 3191  The haunted lighthouse 
 3192  The haunting of Granite Falls 
 3193  Have you met my ghoulfriend? 
 3194  Hawai'i 
 3195  The hawk family 
 3196  Hawk, I'm your brother 
 3197  Hayley Wickenheiser : born to play 
 3198  Head to toe science : over 40 eye-popping, spine-tingling, heart-pounding activities that teach kids about the human body 
 3199  Head, body, legs : a story from Liberia 
 3200  Head, shoulders, knees, and toes 
 3201  Healthy habits 
 3202  Hear your heart 
 3203  Hearing 
 3204  Hearing in living things 
 3205  The heart 
 3206  The heart 
 3207  The heart of Hades 
 3208  Heart of Steele 
 3209  The Heart of the Lion 
 3210  Heartbeat 
 3211  Hearts and hooves :  
 3212  Heat waves 
 3213  Heating 
 3214  Heaven 
 3215  Heaven Eyes 
 3216  The heaven shop 
 3217  The Heavenly Village 
 3218  Hector the hermit crab 
 3219  Helen Keller 
 3220  Helen Keller 
 3221  Helen Keller 
 3222  Helen Keller : --The World In Her Heart. 
 3223  Helen Keller : author and advocate for the disabled 
 3224  Helicopters 
 3225  Hello muddah, hello faddah : (a letter from camp) 
 3226  Hello ninja. Goodbye tooth 
 3227  Hello ninja. Hello stage fright 
 3228  Hello school! : a classroom full of poems 
 3229  Hello, Europe! 
 3230  The hello, goodbye window 
 3231  Help! I'm a prisoner in the library 
 3232  Help! I'm trapped in my teacher's body 
 3233  Helping hands 
 3234  Helping Mayor Patty 
 3235  Helping others 
 3236  Helping out and staying safe : the empowerment assets 
 3237  Helping paws : dogs that serve 
 3238  Helping you heal : a book about nurses 
 3239  Helping you learn : a book about teachers 
 3240  Henri Rousseau 
 3241  Henry & the Buccaneer Bunnies 
 3242  Henry and Beezus 
 3243  Henry and Mudge and a very merry Christmas : the twenty-fifth book of their adventures 
 3244  Henry and Mudge and Annie's good move : the eighteenth book of their adventures 
 3245  Henry and Mudge and Annie's perfect pet : the twentieth book of their adventures 
 3246  Henry and Mudge and Mrs. Hopper's house : the twenty-second book of their adventures 
 3247  Henry and Mudge and the careful cousin : the thirteenth book of their adventures 
 3248  Henry and Mudge and the forever sea : the sixth book of their adventures 
 3249  Henry and Mudge and the funny lunch : the twenty-fourth book of their adventures 
 3250  Henry and Mudge and the great grandpas : the twenty-sixth book of their adventures 
 3251  Henry and Mudge and the snowman plan : the nineteenth book of their adventures 
 3252  Henry and Mudge and the starry night : the seventeenth book of their adventures 
 3253  Henry and Mudge in puddle trouble : the second book of their adventures 
 3254  Henry and Mudge in the green time : the third book of their adventures 
 3255  Henry and Mudge in the sparkle days : the fifth book of their adventures 
 3256  Henry and Mudge take the big test : the tenth book of their adventures 
 3257  Henry and Ribsy 
 3258  Henry builds a cabin 
 3259  Henry David's house 
 3260  Henry Ford 
 3261  Henry Ford 
 3262  Henry Heckelbeck and the race car derby 
 3263  Henry hikes to Fitchburg 
 3264  Henry the sailor cat 
 3265  Henry works 
 3266  Henry's show and tell 
 3267  Her stories : African American folktales, fairy tales, and true tales 
 3268  Herbie Jones 
 3269  Herbie Jones and Hamburger Head 
 3270  Here are toys! 
 3271  Here I am 
 3272  Here lies the librarian 
 3273  Here we all are 
 3274  Here we go round 
 3275  Here's to you, Rachel Robinson 
 3276  Here's what you do when you can't find your shoe : (ingenious inventions for pesky problems) 
 3277  Hernando Cortés : conquistador and empire builder 
 3278  Hernando de Soto 
 3279  Hernán Cortés 
 3280  Hero 
 3281  A hero ain't nothin' but a sandwich 
 3282  A hero and the Holocaust : the story of Janusz Korczak and his children 
 3283  The hero and the minotaur : the fantastic adventures of Theseus 
 3284  The hero Beowulf 
 3285  Heroes and she-roes : poems of amazing and everyday heroes 
 3286  Heroes don't run 
 3287  Heroes of the day : the war on terrorism 
 3288  Heroes of the Revolution 
 3289  The heroic adventure of Hercules Amsterdam 
 3290  Hey kid, want to buy a bridge? 
 3291  Hey you! C'mere : a poetry slam 
 3292  Hey, Al 
 3293  Hey, Mama Goose 
 3294  Hibernation 
 3295  The hickory chair 
 3296  Hidden 
 3297  The hidden folk : stories of fairies, dwarves, selkies, and other secret beings 
 3298  Hidden hibernators 
 3299  Hidden treasure : amazing stories of discovery 
 3300  The hideout 
 3301  High hopes for Addy 
 3302  High in the clouds 
 3303  The High-Rise Private Eyes : the case of the climbing cat 
 3304  The High-Rise Private Eyes : the case of the desperate duck 
 3305  The High-Rise Private Eyes : the case of the fidgety fox 
 3306  The High-Rise Private Eyes : the case of the puzzling possum 
 3307  The High-Rise Private Eyes : the case of the troublesome turtle 
 3308  High-tech inventions : a chapter book 
 3309  Higher-Order Thinking the Multiple Intelligences Way 
 3310  Hilary Knight's The twelve days of Christmas. 
 3311  Hillary Rodham Clinton 
 3312  The Hindenburg 
 3313  Hippopotamuses 
 3314  Hippos 
 3315  Hippos are huge! 
 3316  Hispanic-American crafts kids can do! 
 3317  Historic and famous cities 
 3318  Historical jokes 
 3319  History in the spotlight : creative drama and theatre practices for the social studies classroom 
 3320  The history of communication 
 3321  The history of space travel 
 3322  The history of the airplane 
 3323  The history of transportation 
 3324  Hitler's daughter 
 3325  Hobart 
 3326  Hockey 
 3327  The hockey book for girls 
 3328  Hockey for fun! 
 3329  Hoggee 
 3330  Hold the flag high 
 3331  Holding at third 
 3332  Holes 
 3333  Holi 
 3334  Holiday howlers : jokes for punny parties 
 3335  Holly's red boots 
 3336  Holly, jolly harmony :  
 3337  Home is east 
 3338  Home life in ancient Rome 
 3339  Home life in colonial America 
 3340  Home run : the story of Babe Ruth 
 3341  The home run mystery 
 3342  Home then and now 
 3343  Home to me : poems across America 
 3344  Homeless bird 
 3345  Homeroom exercise 
 3346  Homes 
 3347  Homes 
 3348  Homes : from start to finish 
 3349  Homes around the world ABC : an alphabet book 
 3350  Homesteading 
 3351  Homing Pigeons Navigation All-Stars 
 3352  Hondo & Fabian 
 3353  The honest-to-goodness truth 
 3354  Honey baby sugar child 
 3355  Honey in a hive 
 3356  Honey sandwich 
 3357  The honeybee mystery 
 3358  Honeybees 
 3359  Honeysuckle house 
 3360  Honus & me : a baseball card adventure 
 3361  Hoodwinked 
 3362  Hoofbeats of danger 
 3363  Hoop crazy! 
 3364  Hoop hustle 
 3365  Hoop queens : poems 
 3366  Hooper finds a family : a Hurricane Katrina dog's survival tale 
 3367  Hoops 
 3368  Hooray for Amanda & her alligator! 
 3369  Hooray for Antarctica! 
 3370  Hooray for chefs! 
 3371  Hooray for construction workers! 
 3372  Hooray for Diffendoofer Day! 
 3373  Hooray for farmers! 
 3374  Hooray for Grandparents' Day! 
 3375  Hooray for nurses! 
 3376  Hooray for pilots! 
 3377  Hooray for police officers! 
 3378  Hooray for teachers! 
 3379  Hooray for veterinarians! 
 3380  Hooray! A piñata! 
 3381  Hooway for Wodney Wat 
 3382  Hop on Pop 
 3383  Hop, bunny! : explore the forest 
 3384  Hope in my heart 
 3385  Hope through heartsongs 
 3386  Hope's crossing 
 3387  The Hopi 
 3388  Hopi 
 3389  Hopping on the number line 
 3390  Hopscotch 
 3391  Horace and Morris but mostly Dolores 
 3392  Horace and Morris join the chorus (but what about Dolores?) 
 3393  Horrible Harry and the holidaze 
 3394  Horrible Harry and the locked closet 
 3395  Horrible Harry and the mud gremlins 
 3396  Horrible Harry at Halloween 
 3397  Horrible Harry goes to sea 
 3398  Horrible Harry goes to the moon 
 3399  Horse & pony breeds 
 3400  A horse named Seabiscuit 
 3401  Horse show 
 3402  Horses 
 3403  Horseshoe crabs and shorebirds : the story of a food web 
 3404  Horton hatches the egg 
 3405  Horton hears a Who! 
 3406  The hospital 
 3407  Hospital workers in the emergency room 
 3408  Hostage 
 3409  Hot air balloons 
 3410  Hot city 
 3411  Hot fudge 
 3412  Hot potato : mealtime rhymes 
 3413  Hot, hotter, hottest : animals that adapt to great heat 
 3414  Hot-air Henry 
 3415  Hotel deep : light verse from dark water 
 3416  Houdini : world's greatest mystery man and escape king 
 3417  Hound at the hospital 
 3418  House 
 3419  A house divided 
 3420  A house for Birdie 
 3421  A house for Hermit Crab 
 3422  A house is a house for me 
 3423  House of Representatives 
 3424  House of Representatives 
 3425  A house of tailors 
 3426  The house on the gulf 
 3427  How a frog grows 
 3428  How animal babies stay safe 
 3429  How Ben Franklin stole the lightning 
 3430  How big is a foot? 
 3431  How big? : wacky ways to compare size 
 3432  How can I experiment with--?. 
 3433  How can I experiment with--?. 
 3434  How coding works 
 3435  How coding works 
 3436  How coins and bills are made 
 3437  How do animals find food? 
 3438  How do dinosaurs eat their food? 
 3439  How do dinosaurs go to school? 
 3440  How do dinosaurs love their dogs? 
 3441  How do dinosaurs say good night? 
 3442  How do dinosaurs say I love you? 
 3443  How do you know what time it is? 
 3444  How do you raise a raisin? 
 3445  How do your lungs work? 
 3446  How does your brain work? 
 3447  How does your heart work? 
 3448  How dogs came from wolves : and other explorations of science in action 
 3449  How high can we climb? : the story of women explorers 
 3450  How I became a pirate 
 3451  How I became an American 
 3452  How is a bicycle made? 
 3453  How many snails? : a counting book 
 3454  How Martha saved her parents from green beans 
 3455  How much can a bare bear bear? : what are homonyms and homophones? 
 3456  How much is a million? 
 3457  How much? : visiting markets around the world 
 3458  How my parents learned to eat 
 3459  How people immigrate 
 3460  How people learned to fly 
 3461  How Rocket learned to read 
 3462  How Santa lost his job 
 3463  How scientists work 
 3464  How sweet it is (and was) : the history of candy 
 3465  How the Easter Bunny saved Christmas 
 3466  How the Grinch stole Christmas 
 3467  How they got over : African Americans and the call of the sea 
 3468  How things move 
 3469  How things work 
 3470  How to catch a star 
 3471  How to clean a hippopotamus : a look at unusual animal partnerships 
 3472  How to compost at school 
 3473  How to cross a pond : poems about water 
 3474  How to dork your diary 
 3475  How to draw amazing airplanes and spacecraft 
 3476  How to draw comic heroes 
 3477  How to eat fried worms 
 3478  How to grow nutritious food 
 3479  How to grow nutritious food 
 3480  How to lose your class pet 
 3481  How to make an apple pie and see the world 
 3482  How to measure volcanic activity 
 3483  How to study sinkholes 
 3484  How to talk to your cat 
 3485  How to understand sound 
 3486  How to unearth fossils 
 3487  How Tía Lola came to visit stay 
 3488  How will people travel to Mars? 
 3489  How writers work : finding a process that works for you 
 3490  How's the weather in fall? 
 3491  Howard B. Wigglebottom and the power of giving : a Christmas story 
 3492  Howie Monroe and the doghouse of doom 
 3493  Howliday Inn 
 3494  Hudson : Henry Hudson searches for a passage to Asia 
 3495  The human body 
 3496  Humble pie 
 3497  Humbug Rabbit 
 3498  Hummingbird nest : a journal of poems 
 3499  A hummingbird's life 
 3500  Humvees 
 3501  Hunches in bunches 
 3502  The hundred dresses 
 3503  The hundred penny box 
 3504  A hunger for learning : a story about Booker T. Washington 
 3505  Hunger Moon 
 3506  The hungriest boy in the world 
 3507  The hungry coat : a tale from Turkey 
 3508  Hunter & Stripe and the soccer showdown 
 3509  The hunter : a Chinese folktale 
 3510  Hunwick's egg 
 3511  Hurricane 
 3512  Hurricanes 
 3513  Hush 
 3514  Hush, little baby 
 3515  Hydroelectric power 
 3516  I almost love you, Eddie Clegg 
 3517  I am a book 
 3518  I am a good citizen 
 3519  I am a seal : the life of an elephant seal 
 3520  I am a shark : the life of a hammerhead shark 
 3521  I am a whale : the life of a humpback whale 
 3522  I am America 
 3523  I am brave! 
 3524  I am Buddhist 
 3525  I am caring 
 3526  I am fair 
 3527  I am honest 
 3528  I am Jewish 
 3529  I am Marc Chagall 
 3530  I am mighty! 
 3531  I am not a chair! 
 3532  I am not going to get up today! 
 3533  I am not going to school today! 
 3534  I am patriotic 
 3535  I am respectful 
 3536  I am responsible 
 3537  I am the turkey 
 3538  I am the wallpaper 
 3539  I am your goldfish 
 3540  I am your kitten 
 3541  I and you and don't forget who : what is a pronoun? 
 3542  I asked a tiger to tea : and other poems 
 3543  I brought my rat for show-and-tell : and other funny school poems 
 3544  I can bowl 
 3545  I can make a difference : a treasury to inspire our children 
 3546  I can play soccer 
 3547  I can read with my eyes shut! 
 3548  I can read, too. : Puedo leer, también 
 3549  I can ride a bike 
 3550  I can swim 
 3551  I can use a dictionary 
 3552  I can write a letter 
 3553  I can't take a bath! 
 3554  I could do that! : Ester Morris gets women the vote 
 3555  I dream of trains 
 3556  I face the wind 
 3557  I gave my mom a castle : poems 
 3558  I got a "D" in salami 
 3559  I had a favorite dress 
 3560  I hate to be sick! 
 3561  I have a sister, my sister is deaf 
 3562  I have feelings 
 3563  I have heard of a land 
 3564  I heard a bluebird sing : children select their favorite poems 
 3565  I invited a dragon to dinner : and other poems to make you laugh out loud 
 3566  I is for idea : an inventions alphabet 
 3567  I know an old lady who swallowed a fly 
 3568  I know an old lady who swallowed a pie 
 3569  I like computers : what can I be? 
 3570  I like music : what can I be? 
 3571  I live at a military post 
 3572  I live in a town 
 3573  I live in the desert 
 3574  I live in the mountains 
 3575  I live in Tokyo 
 3576  I live on a farm 
 3577  I live on an island 
 3578  I lost my tooth in Africa 
 3579  I love my hair! 
 3580  I love trains! 
 3581  I love you as much-- 
 3582  I love you like crazy cakes 
 3583  I love you with all my heart 
 3584  I pledge allegiance : the Pledge of Allegiance 
 3585  I rode the red horse : Secretariat's Belmont race 
 3586  I saw your face 
 3587  I see the rhythm 
 3588  I spy a balloon 
 3589  I spy a butterfly : riddles 
 3590  I spy a candy cane 
 3591  I spy a circus 
 3592  I spy a dinosaur's eye : riddles 
 3593  I spy a pumpkin : riddles 
 3594  I spy a scary monster : riddles 
 3595  I spy a school bus : riddles 
 3596  I spy ABC 
 3597  I spy colors in art 
 3598  I spy extreme challenger! : a book of picture riddles 
 3599  I spy lightning in the sky 
 3600  I spy mystery : a book of picture riddles 
 3601  I spy, treasure hunt : a book of picture riddles 
 3602  I survived Hurricane Katrina, 2005 
 3603  I survived the attack of the grizzlies, 1967 
 3604  I survived the attacks of September 11, 2001 
 3605  I survived the Great Chicago Fire, 1871 
 3606  I survived the sinking of the Titanic, 1912 
 3607  I thought my soul would rise and fly : the diary of Patsy, a freed girl 
 3608  I use math at the game 
 3609  I use math in the kitchen 
 3610  I use math in the workshop 
 3611  I use math on a trip 
 3612  I use math on a trip = : Uso las matemáticas en un viaje 
 3613  I want my hat back 
 3614  I want to be a librarian 
 3615  I want to be a mechanic 
 3616  I want to be a musician 
 3617  I want to be a nurse 
 3618  I want to be a police officer 
 3619  I want to be a truck driver 
 3620  I want to be a veterinarian 
 3621  I want to be a zookeeper 
 3622  I was a rat! 
 3623  I was a third grade spy 
 3624  I will be fierce! 
 3625  I will never not ever eat a tomato 
 3626  I wish I was an orca 
 3627  I wish I were a butterfly 
 3628  I wonder as I wander 
 3629  I wonder why mountains have snow on top and other questions about mountains 
 3630  I yam a donkey 
 3631  I'll fix Anthony 
 3632  I'll play with you 
 3633  I'm not cute! 
 3634  I'm not invited? 
 3635  I'm not moving, Mama! 
 3636  I'm sorry 
 3637  I'm still here in the bathtub : brand new silly dilly songs 
 3638  I, Amber Brown 
 3639  I, Freddy : book one in the golden hamster saga 
 3640  I, Jack 
 3641  Ice ages of the past and the future 
 3642  Ice attack 
 3643  Ice cream treats : the inside scoop 
 3644  Ice magic 
 3645  Ice wreck 
 3646  Ice-cream cones for sale! 
 3647  Ichiro Suzuki 
 3648  Ichthyosaurus 
 3649  Ida, always 
 3650  Idaho 
 3651  If I ran the circus 
 3652  If I ran the zoo 
 3653  If kids ruled the school : more kids' favorite funny school poems 
 3654  If not for the cat 
 3655  If rocks could sing : a discovered alphabet 
 3656  If sharks disappeared 
 3657  If the shoe fits 
 3658  If the shoe fits : voices from Cinderella 
 3659  If the walls could talk : family life at the White House 
 3660  If the world were a village : a book about the world's people 
 3661  If you decide to go to the moon 
 3662  If you give a moose a muffin 
 3663  If you give an author a pencil 
 3664  If you take a mouse to the movies 
 3665  If you take a mouse to the movies 
 3666  If you were a writer 
 3667  Iggie's house 
 3668  Igneous rocks 
 3669  Igneous rocks 
 3670  Igraine the brave 
 3671  Iguanodon 
 3672  Illinois 
 3673  An illustrated history of Japan 
 3674  An illustrated treasury of Latino read-aloud stories : the world's best-loved stories for parent and child to share 
 3675  Imagination 
 3676  Imaginative inventions : the who, what, where, when, and why of roller skates, potato chips, marbles, and pie and more! 
 3677  Imagine you're a fairy! 
 3678  Imagine you're a mermaid! 
 3679  Imagine you're a pirate! 
 3680  Imagine you're a wizard! 
 3681  Imani and the Flying Africans 
 3682  Imani's music 
 3683  Imogene's antlers 
 3684  In Enzo's splendid gardens 
 3685  In my life 
 3686  In my neighborhood 
 3687  In our backyard garden 
 3688  In plain sight 
 3689  In the bathroom 
 3690  In the beginning 
 3691  In the clear 
 3692  In the days of the vaqueros : America's first true cowboys 
 3693  In the heart of the village : the world of the Indian banyan tree 
 3694  In the hollow of your hand : slave lullabies 
 3695  In the jungle 
 3696  In the paint 
 3697  In the small, small pond 
 3698  In the snow 
 3699  In the spin of things : poetry of motion 
 3700  In the tall, tall grass 
 3701  In the time of knights : the real-life story of history's greatest knight 
 3702  In the woods : who's been here? 
 3703  In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson 
 3704  Incas 
 3705  Inch by inch 
 3706  Inchworm and a half 
 3707  The Incredible Hulk : an origin story 
 3708  Incredible me! 
 3709  The incredible Polly McDoodle 
 3710  The incredible search for the treasure ship Atocha 
 3711  The incredible story of computers and the Internet 
 3712  Independence Day 
 3713  Independence Day 
 3714  Independence Day 
 3715  Independence now : the American Revolution, 1763-1783 
 3716  India 
 3717  India 
 3718  Indiana 
 3719  Indigo's star 
 3720  The Indus Valley 
 3721  Indy 500 : the inside track 
 3722  Information technology 
 3723  Information technology 
 3724  The ink drinker 
 3725  Inkspell 
 3726  Inline skater 
 3727  Insect detector 
 3728  Insect invaders 
 3729  Insect life cycles 
 3730  Insects 
 3731  Insects 
 3732  Inside Grandad 
 3733  Inside out & back again 
 3734  Inside out & back again 
 3735  Inside your outside! 
 3736  Instructional units for gifted and talented learners : grades K-6. 
 3737  Interjections 
 3738  The International Space Station 
 3739  Internet 
 3740  The Internet for kids 
 3741  Interplanetary avenger 
 3742  Interrupted journey : saving endangered sea turtles 
 3743  Interrupting chicken 
 3744  Into the A, B, sea : an ocean alphabet 
 3745  Into the air : the story of the Wright brothers' first flight 
 3746  Into the land of freedom : African Americans in Reconstruction 
 3747  Introduction to problem solving : strategies for the elementary math classroom 
 3748  The Inuit : ivory carvers of the far north 
 3749  Invasion of the Mind Swappers from Asteroid 6! 
 3750  Inventions : FAQ, frequently asked questions 
 3751  Inventors and inventions in colonial America 
 3752  InvestiGators. 
 3753  InvestiGators. 
 3754  The invisible boy 
 3755  The invisible island 
 3756  Iowa 
 3757  Iqbal : a novel 
 3758  Ira sleeps over 
 3759  Iran 
 3760  Iran 
 3761  Iraq 
 3762  Iraq 
 3763  Ireland 
 3764  Iris and Walter : the sleepover 
 3765  Iris and Walter and the field trip 
 3766  Irish step dancing 
 3767  The ironwood tree 
 3768  The Iroquois 
 3769  A is for artist : an alphabet 
 3770  A is for axel : an ice skating alphabet 
 3771  Is it hot? Is it not? 
 3772  Is it red? Is it yellow? Is it blue? : an adventure in color 
 3773  Is it rough? Is it smooth? Is it shiny? 
 3774  Is it symmetrical? 
 3775  Is Milton missing? 
 3776  Is my friend at home? : pueblo fireside tales 
 3777  Is this a flower? 
 3778  Is your mama a llama? 
 3779  Islamic mosques 
 3780  Island of the aunts 
 3781  The island of the Skog 
 3782  Island. 
 3783  Island. 
 3784  Island. 
 3785  Islands 
 3786  Israel 
 3787  It can't be done, Nellie Bly! : a reporter's race around the world 
 3788  It could always be worse : a Yiddish folk tale 
 3789  It could still be endangered 
 3790  It doesn't have to be this way : a barrio story 
 3791  It happened at a hanging 
 3792  It is the wind 
 3793  It's a baby, Andy Russell 
 3794  It's a hummingbird's life 
 3795  It's about time! 
 3796  It's all Greek to me 
 3797  It's Christmas, David! 
 3798  It's itchcraft! 
 3799  It's Justin time, Amber Brown 
 3800  It's not fair! 
 3801  It's not my fault! 
 3802  It's not the end of the world 
 3803  It's Purim time! 
 3804  It's raining pigs & noodles : poems 
 3805  It's shoe time! 
 3806  It's simple, said Simon 
 3807  It's St. Patrick's Day! 
 3808  It's test day, Tiger Turcotte 
 3809  Italian Americans 
 3810  Italian immigrants : 1880-1920 
 3811  Italy 
 3812  Itching and twitching : a Nigerian folktale 
 3813  Itsy bitsy spider 
 3814  Ivy takes care 
 3815  Izzy's place 
 3816  J is for jump shot : a basketball alphabet 
 3817  J.K. Rowling 
 3818  J.T. 
 3819  Jabberwocky 
 3820  Jabutí the tortoise : a trickster tale from the Amazon 
 3821  Jack : the story of a beaver 
 3822  Jack and the beanstalk 
 3823  Jack and the beanstalk : how a small fellow solved a big problem 
 3824  Jack and the beanstalk and the french fries :  
 3825  Jack and the dreamsack 
 3826  Jack and the seven deadly giants 
 3827  Jack on the tracks : four seasons of fifth grade 
 3828  Jack's garden 
 3829  The jacket 
 3830  Jackie & me : a baseball card adventure 
 3831  Jackie Robinson 
 3832  Jackie Robinson 
 3833  Jackie Robinson 
 3834  Jackie Robinson : strong inside and out 
 3835  Jackie Robinson and the big game 
 3836  Jackie's Wild Seattle 
 3837  Jacks 
 3838  Jackson Jones and Mission Greentop 
 3839  Jackson Jones and the puddle of thorns 
 3840  The Jacob ladder 
 3841  Jacob Lawrence 
 3842  Jacques Cartier 
 3843  Jacques Cousteau 
 3844  Jaden Smith 
 3845  The jaguar's jewel 
 3846  Jaguarundi 
 3847  Jake Drake, bully buster ; : Jake Drake, know-it-all 
 3848  Jake Drake, class clown 
 3849  Jake Drake, know-it-all 
 3850  Jake Drake, teacher's pet 
 3851  Jamaica 
 3852  Jamaica's blue marker 
 3853  James A. Garfield : our twentieth president 
 3854  James and the giant peach : a children's story 
 3855  James Brown 
 3856  James Buchanan : our fifteenth president /cby Gerry and Janet Souter. 
 3857  James Cook 
 3858  James Earl Carter : our thirty-ninth president 
 3859  James K. Polk : eleventh president, 1845-1849 
 3860  James Madison : fourth president, 1809-1817 
 3861  James Madison : our fourth president 
 3862  James Monroe : fifth president, 1817-1825 
 3863  James Monroe : our fifth president 
 3864  The Jamestown Colony 
 3865  Jamie Foxx 
 3866  Jane Addams 
 3867  Jane Addams : social reformer and Nobel Prize winner 
 3868  Jane Goodall 
 3869  The janitor's boy 
 3870  Japan 
 3871  Japan 
 3872  Japan : the culture 
 3873  Japanese immigrants : 1850-1950 
 3874  Jars of hope : how one woman helped save 2,500 children during the Holocaust 
 3875  Jason and the deadly diamonds 
 3876  Jason rat-a-tat 
 3877  Jason's gold 
 3878  Jay and the bounty of books 
 3879  Jazz age poet : a story about Langston Hughes 
 3880  Jazz dancing 
 3881  Jeff Gordon 
 3882  Jefferson's sons : a founding father's secret children 
 3883  Jellyfish 
 3884  Jellyfish 
 3885  Jennie's hat 
 3886  Jennifer Jones won't leave me alone 
 3887  Jennifer Murdley's toad 
 3888  Jericho walls 
 3889  Jesse Jackson 
 3890  Jesse Owens 
 3891  Jessica 
 3892  Jewish synagogues 
 3893  Jill and the giant spill 
 3894  Jim and the beanstalk 
 3895  Jim Henson's Muppets in Kermit and the new bicycle : a book about honesty 
 3896  Jim Thorpe's bright path 
 3897  Jim Ugly 
 3898  Jimmy Coates: assassin? 
 3899  Jin Woo 
 3900  Joan of Arc 
 3901  Joan of Arc : heroine of France 
 3902  A job for Jenny Archer 
 3903  Joe Louis : America's fighter 
 3904  Joe Louis, my champion 
 3905  Joe-Joe's first flight 
 3906  Joey Pigza loses control 
 3907  Joey Pigza swallowed the key 
 3908  Johannes Vermeer 
 3909  John Adams : our second president 
 3910  John Adams : second president, 1797-1801 
 3911  John Blair and the great Hinckley fire 
 3912  John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry 
 3913  John C. Frémont 
 3914  John Cabot 
 3915  John F. Kennedy 
 3916  John F. Kennedy 
 3917  John F. Kennedy : the making of a leader 
 3918  John Henry 
 3919  John Henry, an American legend 
 3920  John Jacob Astor and the fur trade 
 3921  John Patrick Norman McHennessy : the boy who was always late 
 3922  John Philip Duck 
 3923  John Quincy Adams : our sixth president 
 3924  John Quincy Adams : sixth president, 1825-1829 
 3925  John Singer Sargent : the life of an artist 
 3926  John Tyler : tenth president, 1841-1845 
 3927  John Winthrop : Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony 
 3928  John, Paul, George & Ben 
 3929  Johnny Appleseed 
 3930  Johnny Appleseed 
 3931  Johnny Appleseed : the story of a legend 
 3932  Johnny Hangtime 
 3933  Johnny Mutton, he's so him! 
 3934  Join in and play 
 3935  The joke's on George 
 3936  Jorinda and Jorindel 
 3937  Josefina saves the day : a summer story 
 3938  Josefina's song 
 3939  Josefina's surprise : a Christmas story 
 3940  Joseph had a little overcoat 
 3941  Joshua T. Bates takes charge 
 3942  Joshua's song 
 3943  José! : born to dance : the story of José Limón 
 3944  The journal of Augustus Pelletier : the Lewis and Clark Expedition 
 3945  The journal of Patrick Seamus Flaherty, United States Marine Corps 
 3946  The journal of Rufus Rowe : a witness to the Battle of Fredricksburg 
 3947  The journal of William Thomas Emerson : a Revolutionary War patriot 
 3948  Journey 
 3949  The journey 
 3950  The journey 
 3951  The journey home 
 3952  A journey into a lake 
 3953  A journey into a river 
 3954  The journey of : the one and only Declaration of Independence 
 3955  A journey of faith 
 3956  The journey of Oliver K. Woodman 
 3957  The journey of Tunuri and the Blue Deer : a Huichol Indian story 
 3958  The journey that saved Curious George : the true wartime escape of Margret and H.A. Rey 
 3959  Journey to Cahokia : a boy's visit to the great mound city 
 3960  Juan Bobo goes to work : a Puerto Rican folktale 
 3961  Juan Ponce de Leon 
 3962  Juan Verdades : the man who couldn't tell a lie 
 3963  Jubal's wish 
 3964  Judge 
 3965  Judy Blume 
 3966  Judy Moody 
 3967  Judy Moody predicts the future 
 3968  Julian Nava : my Mexican-American journey 
 3969  Julian's glorious summer 
 3970  Julian, dream doctor 
 3971  Julie of the wolves 
 3972  Juliet Dove, Queen of Love 
 3973  Julio's magic 
 3974  Julius, the baby of the world 
 3975  July 
 3976  Jumanji 
 3977  The Jump at the Sun treasury : an African American picture book collection 
 3978  Jump! : from the life of Michael Jordan 
 3979  Jump, kangaroo, jump! 
 3980  Jumping kangaroos 
 3981  June 29, 1999 
 3982  Junebug and the Reverend 
 3983  Junebug in trouble 
 3984  Juneteenth 
 3985  Juneteenth : a day to celebrate freedom from slavery 
 3986  Jungle gym jitters 
 3987  Jungle islands : my South Sea adventure 
 3988  Junie B. Jones and a little monkey business 
 3989  Junie B. Jones and her big fat mouth 
 3990  Junie B. Jones and that meanie Jim's birthday 
 3991  Junie B. Jones and the yucky blucky fruitcake 
 3992  Junie B. Jones has a peep in her pocket 
 3993  Junie B. Jones is (almost) a flower girl 
 3994  Junie B. Jones is a graduation girl 
 3995  Junie B. Jones is a party animal 
 3996  Junie B., first grader : aloha-ha-ha! 
 3997  Junie B., first grader : one-man band 
 3998  The junkyard wonders 
 3999  Junonia 
 4000  Jupiter 
 4001  Jupiter 
 4002  Just a dream 
 4003  Just a little sick 
 4004  Just a minute : a trickster tale and counting book 
 4005  Just as long as we're together 
 4006  Just ducks! 
 4007  Just for kicks 
 4008  Just Juice 
 4009  Just like a mama 
 4010  Just plain fancy 
 4011  Just the opposite dirty, clean 
 4012  Just us women 
 4013  Justice 
 4014  Justice and fairness 
 4015  Justin and the best biscuits in the world 
 4016  Justin Bieber : musical phenom 
 4017  K is for kissing a cool kangaroo 
 4018  K is for kitten 
 4019  Kailey 
 4020  A kangaroo joey grows up 
 4021  Kangaroos. 
 4022  Kansas 
 4023  Kat Kong : starring Flash, Rabies, and Dwayne and introducing Blueberry as the monster 
 4024  Kat's mystery gift 
 4025  Kate and the beanstalk 
 4026  Kathy Ross crafts : numbers 
 4027  Kathy Ross crafts : triangles, rectangles, circles, and squares! 
 4028  Katie and the mustang 
 4029  Katy and the big snow 
 4030  Kawasaki 
 4031  Kaya and Lone Dog : a friendship story 
 4032  Kaya shows the way : a sister story 
 4033  Kaya's escape! : a survival story 
 4034  Kaya's hero : a story of giving 
 4035  Keep climbing, girls 
 4036  Keeper 
 4037  The keeper and the crows 
 4038  Keeper of the doves 
 4039  Keeping money safe 
 4040  The keeping quilt 
 4041  Keeping the promise : a Torah's journey 
 4042  Keeping track of time : go fly a kite! 
 4043  Keeping you healthy : a book about doctors 
 4044  Keeping you safe : a book about police officers 
 4045  Kensuke's kingdom 
 4046  Kentucky 
 4047  Kentucky 
 4048  Kenya 
 4049  Kevin Durant 
 4050  The key collection 
 4051  Keyboards 
 4052  Kibitzers and fools : tales my zayda (grandfather) told me 
 4053  A kid's guide to African American history 
 4054  Kidnapped at the Capital 
 4055  Kids around the world celebrate! : the best feasts and festivals from many lands 
 4056  The kids book of golf 
 4057  The kids book of the far north 
 4058  Kids in sports : a chapter book 
 4059  The kids winter handbook 
 4060  The kids' book of weather forecasting : build a weather station, "read" the sky, & make predictions! 
 4061  The kids' guide to working out conflicts : how to keep cool, stay safe, and get along 
 4062  The kids' natural history book : making dinos, fossils, mammoths & more! 
 4063  Kidtopia : 'round the country and back through time in 60 projects 
 4064  Killer whales 
 4065  Killer whales 
 4066  Kind like Fred Rogers 
 4067  Kindergarten kids : riddles, rebuses, wiggles, giggles, and more! 
 4068  King & Kayla and the case of the lost tooth 
 4069  King & Kayla and the case of the missing dog treats 
 4070  King Arthur 
 4071  King Bidgood's in the bathtub 
 4072  King Hugo's huge ego 
 4073  King Jack and the dragon 
 4074  King o' the cats 
 4075  The king of kindergarten 
 4076  King of the pond 
 4077  The king on a spring 
 4078  King Tut : tales from the tomb 
 4079  King Tut's tomb : ancient treasures uncovered 
 4080  The king's shadow 
 4081  The Kingfisher children's illustrated dictionary & thesaurus. 
 4082  Kiowa 
 4083  Kipper's A to Z : an alphabetical adventure 
 4084  Kira-kira 
 4085  Kirsten learns a lesson : a school story 
 4086  Kirsten saves the day : a summer story 
 4087  Kirsten snowbound! 
 4088  Kirsten's surprise : a Christmas story 
 4089  Kiss good night 
 4090  The kiss that missed 
 4091  Kit : the adventures of a raccoon 
 4092  Kit learns a lesson : a school story 
 4093  Kit saves the day : a summer story 
 4094  Kit's friendship fun 
 4095  Kit's surprise : a Christmas story 
 4096  The kite festival 
 4097  Kitoto the mighty 
 4098  Kitten to tiger 
 4099  Kitten's first full moon 
 4100  Kitten's first full moon 
 4101  Kittens 
 4102  Kitty riddles 
 4103  Klimt and his cat 
 4104  Knee-deep in blazing snow : growing up in Vermont : poems 
 4105  Knight for a day 
 4106  Knights of the kitchen table 
 4107  Knitting 
 4108  Knock on wood : poems about superstitions 
 4109  Knots on a counting rope 
 4110  Knuffle Bunny : a cautionary tale 
 4111  A koala joey grows up 
 4112  Kobe Bryant 
 4113  Kobe Bryant 
 4114  Kobe Bryant : basketball big shot 
 4115  Kokopelli, drum in belly 
 4116  Komodo dragons 
 4117  Komodo dragons 
 4118  Kradji : a child of Cambodia 
 4119  Kwanzaa 
 4120  Kwanzaa 
 4121  Kwanzaa 
 4122  Kwanzaa 
 4123  Kwanzaa 
 4124  Kwanzaa : African American celebration of culture 
 4125  Lab magic 
 4126  Labor Day 
 4127  Labrador retrievers 
 4128  Labrador retrievers 
 4129  The lace dowry 
 4130  Ladies first : women athletes who made a difference 
 4131  The lady & the lion : a Brothers Grimm tale 
 4132  Lady Lollipop 
 4133  Ladybug 
 4134  Ladybugs 
 4135  Ladybugs 
 4136  Lake Erie 
 4137  Lake Huron 
 4138  Lake of Skulls 
 4139  Lake Ontario 
 4140  Lake Superior 
 4141  Lakes 
 4142  The Lambkins 
 4143  Lambs 
 4144  The lamp, the ice, and the boat called Fish : based on a true story 
 4145  Lance Armstrong 
 4146  Lance Armstrong : the race of his life 
 4147  The land 
 4148  Land and resources of ancient Greece 
 4149  Land and resources of ancient Rome 
 4150  The Land of the Dead 
 4151  Landfill 
 4152  Landslides 
 4153  Langston Hughes 
 4154  The language of birds 
 4155  Lanterns and firecrackers : a Chinese New Year story 
 4156  Lapin plays possum : trickster tales from the Louisiana Bayou 
 4157  Larky Mavis 
 4158  The last holiday concert 
 4159  The last kids on Earth and the forbidden fortress 
 4160  The last kids on Earth and the midnight blade 
 4161  The last kids on Earth and the skeleton road 
 4162  The last puppy 
 4163  The last puppy 
 4164  The last river : John Wesley Powell & the Colorado River Exploration Expedition / by Stuart Waldman ; illustrated by Gregory Manchess. 
 4165  The last treasure 
 4166  Late for school 
 4167  Latino legends : Hispanics in major league baseball 
 4168  Laugh till you cry 
 4169  Laura Bush 
 4170  Laura Bush : America's first lady 
 4171  Laura Ingalls Wilder 
 4172  Laura Secord : a story of courage 
 4173  Laura's ma 
 4174  Laurence Yep 
 4175  Leaders of the American Revolution 
 4176  Leadership 
 4177  Leadership 
 4178  Leaf Man 
 4179  The leaf thief 
 4180  Leap, frog 
 4181  Leaping Beauty : and other animal fairy tales 
 4182  Leaping lizards 
 4183  Learn about the past 
 4184  Learning about equal rights from the life of Ruth Bader Ginsburg 
 4185  Learning about urban growth in America with graphic organizers 
 4186  Leaves 
 4187  Leaving home 
 4188  Leaving the log house 
 4189  LeBron James 
 4190  Lebron James 
 4191  The legacy of Gloria Russell 
 4192  The legend of Freedom Hill 
 4193  The legend of Leelanau 
 4194  The legend of Saint Christopher : from the Golden legend, Englished by William Caxton, 1483 
 4195  The legend of Saint Nicholas 
 4196  The Leia chronicles 
 4197  Leif Eriksson 
 4198  Leif Eriksson : Norwegian explorer 
 4199  Lemonade and other poems squeezed from a single word 
 4200  Lemonade sun : and other summer poems 
 4201  Lemurs, lorises, and other lower primates 
 4202  Length 
 4203  Lenny and Mel's summer vacation 
 4204  Leo the late bloomer 
 4205  Leo's poster challenge 
 4206  Leonardo da Vinci 
 4207  Leonardo the terrible monster 
 4208  Leonardo, beautiful dreamer 
 4209  Less than perfect 
 4210  Less than zero 
 4211  A lesson for Martin Luther King, Jr. 
 4212  Let it shine : stories of Black women freedom fighters 
 4213  Let them play 
 4214  Let there be light : poems and prayers for repairing the world 
 4215  Let's celebrate St. Patrick's Day 
 4216  Let's clean up! 
 4217  Let's cook with popcorn! : delicious & fun popcorn dishes kids can make 
 4218  Let's fly a kite 
 4219  Let's get dressed : what people wear 
 4220  Let's get ready for Earth Day 
 4221  Let's get ready for Hanukkah 
 4222  Let's get ready for Independence Day 
 4223  Let's get ready for Memorial Day 
 4224  Let's get ready for Passover 
 4225  Let's get ready for Valentine's Day 
 4226  Let's go to a baseball game 
 4227  Let's Go To A Movie 
 4228  Let's go, Froggy! 
 4229  Let's graph it! 
 4230  Let's make pizza 
 4231  Let's play baseball! 
 4232  Let's skateboard! 
 4233  Let's take a field trip to an ant colony 
 4234  Let's talk : how we communicate 
 4235  Let's talk about living with a grandparent 
 4236  Let's talk about race 
 4237  Let's trade : a book about bartering 
 4238  Let's try it out in the air 
 4239  Let's try it out in the water 
 4240  Let's try it out with towers and bridges 
 4241  Let's visit the bank 
 4242  Let's visit the fire station 
 4243  Let's visit the police station 
 4244  Let's visit the post office 
 4245  Let's visit the supermarket 
 4246  Letter carriers 
 4247  A letter to Amy 
 4248  Letters and sounds 
 4249  Lewis and Clark 
 4250  Lewis and Clark : a prairie dog for the president 
 4251  Lewis and Clark : American explorers 
 4252  Lewis and Clark and me : a dog's tale 
 4253  Lexington and Concord, April 19, 1775 
 4254  Liar, liar, pants on fire 
 4255  Liar, liar, pants on fire 
 4256  The liberation of Gabriel King 
 4257  Liberty 
 4258  The Liberty Bell 
 4259  The Liberty Bell 
 4260  The Liberty Bell : introducing primary sources 
 4261  Liberty! : how the Revolutionary War began 
 4262  Librarian 
 4263  Librarian = : El bibliotecario 
 4264  The librarian of Basra : a true story from Iraq 
 4265  Librarians 
 4266  The library 
 4267  The library 
 4268  The library card 
 4269  The Library Fish 
 4270  Library Lil 
 4271  Lies and other tall tales 
 4272  The life and times of a drop of water 
 4273  Life at Ellis Island 
 4274  The life cycle of a bird 
 4275  The life cycle of a butterfly 
 4276  The life cycle of a frog 
 4277  The life cycle of a grasshopper 
 4278  The life cycle of a koala 
 4279  The life cycle of a mosquito 
 4280  The life cycle of a penguin 
 4281  The life cycle of a salmon 
 4282  Life cycle of a salmon 
 4283  The life cycle of a sea horse 
 4284  The life cycle of an earthworm 
 4285  Life cycle of an oak tree 
 4286  Life in a colonial town 
 4287  Life in a desert 
 4288  Life in a desert cactus 
 4289  Life in a forest 
 4290  Life in a garbage dump 
 4291  Life in a Greek trading port 
 4292  Life in a Mississippi River town 
 4293  Life in a pond 
 4294  Life in a rain forest 
 4295  Life in a sand dune 
 4296  Life in a Sioux village 
 4297  Life in a stream 
 4298  Life in a Viking town 
 4299  Life in a wetland 
 4300  Life in America's first cities 
 4301  Life in an ocean 
 4302  Life in the Arctic 
 4303  Life in the cities 
 4304  Life in the deserts 
 4305  Life in the Dust Bowl 
 4306  Life in the human body 
 4307  Life in the islands 
 4308  Life in the mountains 
 4309  Life in the oceans 
 4310  Life in the plains 
 4311  Life in the polar lands 
 4312  Life in the rain forests 
 4313  The life of a bean 
 4314  The life of a knight 
 4315  The life of an astronaut 
 4316  Life of the ancient Celts 
 4317  Life of the Navajo 
 4318  Life on a chicken farm 
 4319  Life on a crop farm 
 4320  Life on a dairy farm 
 4321  Life on a goat farm 
 4322  Life on a pioneer homestead 
 4323  Life on a sheep farm 
 4324  Life on a southern plantation 
 4325  Life on an apple orchard 
 4326  Life on the coastlines 
 4327  Life on the Underground Railroad 
 4328  Life under a stone 
 4329  Life under ice 
 4330  Life without Mooch 
 4331  Life! how I love you 
 4332  Lifeguards 
 4333  Lifetime guarantees : toward ambitious literacy teaching 
 4334  Liftoff! 
 4335  Light 
 4336  Light 
 4337  Light & sound 
 4338  Light : from sun to bulbs 
 4339  Light and dark 
 4340  Light and dark 
 4341  Light and optics 
 4342  The light bulb 
 4343  A light in the attic 
 4344  A light in the storm : the Civil War diary of Amelia Martin 
 4345  The light of Christmas 
 4346  Lighthouse : a story of remembrance 
 4347  The lightning thief 
 4348  Lights out! 
 4349  Like a windy day 
 4350  Like likes like 
 4351  Lil Wayne 
 4352  Lila the Fair 
 4353  Lilly in the Middle 
 4354  Lilly's big day 
 4355  Lilly's purple plastic purse 
 4356  Lily B. on the brink of cool 
 4357  The lily pond 
 4358  Lily Quench : and the treasure of Mote Ely 
 4359  Lily Quench and the lighthouse of Skellig Mor 
 4360  Lily's crossing 
 4361  Lincoln's legacy 
 4362  Linda Brown, you are not alone : the Brown v. Board of Education decision : a collection 
 4363  Line graphs 
 4364  A line in the sand : the Alamo diary of Lucinda Lawrence 
 4365  Ling Cho and his three friends 
 4366  The lion and the mouse, narrated by the timid but truthful mouse 
 4367  The lion or the mouse? 
 4368  Lionel at school 
 4369  Lionel in the summer 
 4370  The lioness & her knight 
 4371  Lions 
 4372  Lions. 
 4373  Listen and learn 
 4374  The literacy map : guiding children to where they need to be (4-6) 
 4375  Little Bear, you're a star! : a Greek myth 
 4376  The little book of not so 
 4377  Little Buggy runs away 
 4378  Little Cliff and the cold place 
 4379  Little Cliff's first day of school 
 4380  Little cloud 
 4381  Little Critter's picture dictionary. 
 4382  Little daughter of the snow 
 4383  Little Dog and Duncan : poems 
 4384  The little drummer boy 
 4385  The little engine that could 
 4386  Little farm in the Ozarks 
 4387  Little gold star : a Spanish American Cinderella tale 
 4388  The little house 
 4389  Little house by Boston Bay 
 4390  Little house friends 
 4391  Little house in the big woods 
 4392  Little house on Rocky Ridge 
 4393  Little house on the prairie 
 4394  The little island 
 4395  The little land 
 4396  Little legends : exceptional men in black history 
 4397  The little match girl 
 4398  The little mermaid 
 4399  Little numbers : and pictures that show just how little they are! 
 4400  Little penguins 
 4401  Little Pierre : a Cajun story from Louisiana 
 4402  Little Pig is capable 
 4403  Little Rat sets sail 
 4404  Little Red 
 4405  The little red fort 
 4406  The Little Red Hen 
 4407  Little red ink drinker 
 4408  Little Red Riding Hood 
 4409  Little Red Riding Hood 
 4410  Little Red Riding Hood : a newfangled prairie tale 
 4411  The Little Rock Nine : young champions for school integration 
 4412  The Little Rock Nine challenge segregation : courageous kids of the civil rights movement 
 4413  The little scarecrow boy 
 4414  Little shark 
 4415  Little Sister is not my name! 
 4416  Little Stevie Wonder 
 4417  Little town in the Ozarks 
 4418  Little Town on the Prarie 
 4419  Little treasures : endearments from around the world 
 4420  Little white rabbit 
 4421  Little Wolf : terror of the Shivery Sea 
 4422  Little Wolf's book of badness 
 4423  Little Wolf's diary of daring deeds 
 4424  Littlebat's Halloween story 
 4425  The Littles go exploring 
 4426  Living in a rain forest 
 4427  Living in a rain forest 
 4428  Living in a small town 
 4429  Living in the taiga 
 4430  Living in the tundra 
 4431  Living lights : fireflies in your backyard 
 4432  Living on : portraits of Tennessee survivors and liberators : a project of the Tennessee Holocaust Commission 
 4433  Living on a mountain 
 4434  Lizards 
 4435  Lizards, frogs, and polliwogs : poems and paintings 
 4436  Llama Llama and the bully goat 
 4437  The loathsome dragon 
 4438  The log cabin quilt 
 4439  Loggerhead turtle 
 4440  Lola sleeps over 
 4441  Lon Po Po : a Red-Riding Hood story from China 
 4442  Long and short : an animal opposites book 
 4443  Long shot 
 4444  A long way from Chicago : a novel in stories 
 4445  A long way to go 
 4446  The long winter 
 4447  Longhouses 
 4448  Longhouses 
 4449  A look at China 
 4450  A look at Mexico 
 4451  Look at my book : how kids can write & illustrate terrific books 
 4452  A look at Russia 
 4453  Look to the north : a wolf pup diary 
 4454  Look what came from Austria 
 4455  Look what came from Spain 
 4456  Look what came from Switzerland 
 4457  Look what came from the Netherlands 
 4458  Look what you can make with craft sticks 
 4459  Look what you can make with newspapers, magazines, and greeting cards 
 4460  Look what you can make with plastic bottles and tubs 
 4461  Look what you can make with plastic-foam trays 
 4462  Look, listen, taste, touch, and smell : learning about your five senses 
 4463  Looking at liberty 
 4464  Looking at Lincoln 
 4465  Looking at maps and globes 
 4466  Looking for Bobowicz : a Hoboken chicken story 
 4467  Looking for jaguar : and other rainforest poems 
 4468  Looking out for Sarah 
 4469  Loose threads 
 4470  Loose tooth 
 4471  The Lorax 
 4472  Lord of the nutcracker men 
 4473  Loser 
 4474  Lost cities 
 4475  Lost city : the discovery of Machu Picchu 
 4476  Lost in cyberspace 
 4477  Lost in Sierra 
 4478  Lost treasure of the emerald eye 
 4479  Lost! : a story in string 
 4480  Lots of grandparents 
 4481  The Lottie project 
 4482  Loud and quiet : an animal opposites book 
 4483  The loudest, fastest, best drummer in Kansas 
 4484  Loudmouth George and the sixth-grade bully 
 4485  Louie 
 4486  Louie's goose 
 4487  Louie's search 
 4488  Louis Armstrong 
 4489  The Louis Armstrong you never knew 
 4490  Louis Sachar 
 4491  Louisiana 
 4492  Love and roast chicken : a trickster tale from the Andes Mountains 
 4493  Love is loud : how Diane Nash led the Civil Rights Movement 
 4494  The love of two stars 
 4495  Love song for a baby 
 4496  Love that dog 
 4497  Love to Langston 
 4498  Love you forever 
 4499  The low-down, bad-day blues 
 4500  Loyalty 
 4501  Lu & Clancy's secret languages 
 4502  Lu & Clancy's spy stuff 
 4503  Lu and the swamp ghost 
 4504  Luba : the angel of Bergen-Belsen 
 4505  Lucha libre : the Man in the Silver Mask : a bilingual cuento 
 4506  Lucinda's secret 
 4507  Lucky beans 
 4508  Lucky boy 
 4509  Lucky ducklings 
 4510  Lucky pennies and hot chocolate 
 4511  The lucky penny? 
 4512  Lucky stars 
 4513  Lucy Maud Montgomery : a writer's life 
 4514  Lulu's hat 
 4515  Lumber camp library 
 4516  Lunch money 
 4517  The lunchroom of doom 
 4518  The lungs 
 4519  Lupé : a wolf pup's first year 
 4520  Lyle and the birthday party 
 4521  Lyle at the office 
 4522  Lyle finds his mother 
 4523  Lyle, Lyle, crocodile 
 4524  Lyrebirds : master mimics 
 4525  M is for melody : a music alphabet 
 4526  M is for music 
 4527  Ma Dear's aprons 
 4528  Maasai 
 4529  Mabela the clever 
 4530  Mack made movies 
 4531  Madam C. J. Walker : pioneer businesswoman 
 4532  Madam C.J. Walker : self-made millionaire 
 4533  Madame Squidley and Beanie 
 4534  Maddi's fridge 
 4535  Maddie on TV 
 4536  Maddie wants new clothes 
 4537  Made you look : a novel 
 4538  Madeline 
 4539  Madeline in London 
 4540  Madeline says merci : the-always-be-polite book 
 4541  Madeline's rescue 
 4542  Mae among the stars 
 4543  Mae Jemison 
 4544  Mae Jemison 
 4545  Mae Jemison : out of this world 
 4546  The maestro plays 
 4547  Maggie's door 
 4548  The magic apple 
 4549  Magic beach 
 4550  The magic fan 
 4551  The magic gourd 
 4552  The magic hat 
 4553  The magic paintbrush 
 4554  The magic pretzel 
 4555  The magic school bus and the electric field trip 
 4556  The magic school bus at the waterworks 
 4557  The magic school bus blows its top : a book about volcanoes 
 4558  The magic school bus butterfly and the bog beast : a book about butterfly camouflage 
 4559  The magic school bus explores the senses 
 4560  The magic school bus gets all dried up : a book about deserts 
 4561  The magic school bus gets ants in its pants : a book about ants 
 4562  The magic school bus gets baked in a cake : a book about kitchen chemistry 
 4563  The magic school bus gets programmed : a book about computers 
 4564  The magic school bus hops home : a book about animal habitats 
 4565  The magic school bus inside a beehive 
 4566  The magic school bus inside a hurricane 
 4567  The magic school bus inside the human body 
 4568  The magic school bus kicks up a storm : a book about weather 
 4569  The magic school bus lost in the solar system 
 4570  The magic school bus makes a rainbow : a book about color 
 4571  The magic school bus meets the rot squad : a book about decomposition 
 4572  The magic school bus on the ocean floor 
 4573  The magic school bus out of this world : a book about space rocks 
 4574  The magic school bus shows and tells : a book about archaeology 
 4575  The magic school bus wet all over : a book about the water cycle 
 4576  Magic tree house. 
 4577  Magic tree house. 
 4578  The Magical Maya mystery 
 4579  The magician's boy 
 4580  The magician's nephew 
 4581  Magma 
 4582  Magnets 
 4583  Magnets 
 4584  Magnus maybe 
 4585  Mahjong all day long 
 4586  Maiasaura 
 4587  Maiasaura 
 4588  Mailbox magic 
 4589  Mailing May 
 4590  Maine 
 4591  Maizon at Blue Hill 
 4592  Make a wish, Molly 
 4593  Make it grow 
 4594  Make mine with everything 
 4595  Make way for ducklings 
 4596  Maker Faire 
 4597  Makerspaces 
 4598  Making a law 
 4599  Making animal babies 
 4600  Making fleece crafts 
 4601  Making graphs 
 4602  Making masks 
 4603  Making music 
 4604  Making shadow puppets 
 4605  Making tens : groups of gollywomples 
 4606  Making the Bill of Rights 
 4607  Making the Bill of Rights 
 4608  Malcolm X : a fire burning brightly 
 4609  Malcolm X : force for change 
 4610  Mallard ducks 
 4611  Mallory on the move 
 4612  The malted falcon : from the tattered casebook of Chet Gecko, private eye 
 4613  The Maltese mummy 
 4614  Mama : a true story in which a baby hippo loses his mama during the tsunami, but finds a new home, and a new mama 
 4615  Mama does the mambo 
 4616  Mama Elizabeti 
 4617  Mama had to work on Christmas 
 4618  Mama likes to mambo 
 4619  Mama's window 
 4620  Mama, do you love me? 
 4621  Mammalabilia : poems and paintings 
 4622  Mammals 
 4623  Mammals 
 4624  Mammoth Cave National Park 
 4625  Mamá Goose : a Latino nursery treasury : un tesoro de rimas infantiles 
 4626  The man behind the mask 
 4627  Man in the moon 
 4628  The man in the moonstone 
 4629  Man on the moon 
 4630  The man who walked between the towers 
 4631  The man with bad manners 
 4632  Manatees 
 4633  The mangrove tree : planting trees to feed families 
 4634  Maniac Magee : a novel 
 4635  Manneken pis : a simple story of a boy who peed on a war 
 4636  Manners at a friend's home 
 4637  Manners at the library 
 4638  Manners in the classroom 
 4639  Manners on the telephone 
 4640  Many moons 
 4641  The many troubles of Andy Russell 
 4642  The map that breathed 
 4643  Mapping Penny's world 
 4644  Maps 
 4645  Maps and mapping 
 4646  Marc Brown 
 4647  Marc Chagall 
 4648  March of the penguins 
 4649  The march on Washington 
 4650  Mardi Gras 
 4651  Marie Curie 
 4652  Marilou forecasts the future 
 4653  Marilou's long nose 
 4654  Marine mammals 
 4655  Marisol and Magdalena : the sound of our sisterhood 
 4656  Marisol McDonald doesn't match 
 4657  Marjorie Weinman Sharmat 
 4658  Mark Twain at work! 
 4659  Market day : a story told with folk art 
 4660  Marooned! 
 4661  Mars 
 4662  Mars needs moms! 
 4663  Martha and Skits 
 4664  Martha calling 
 4665  Martha speaks 
 4666  Martha walks the dog 
 4667  Martial arts in action 
 4668  Martin Luther King Jr. Day 
 4669  Martin Luther King Jr. Day 
 4670  Martin Luther King, Jr. 
 4671  Martin Luther King, Jr. 
 4672  Martin Luther King, Jr. : civil rights hero 
 4673  Martin Luther King, Jr. and the march on Washington 
 4674  Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 
 4675  Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 
 4676  Martin Luther King, Jr. Day : honoring a man of peace 
 4677  Martin Van Buren : eighth president, 1837-1841 
 4678  Martin Van Buren : our eighth president 
 4679  Marvin and the meanest girl 
 4680  Marvin K. Mooney, will you please go now! 
 4681  Marvin Redpost : a flying birthday cake? 
 4682  Marvin Redpost : alone in his teacher's house 
 4683  Marvin Redpost : class president 
 4684  Marvin Redpost : super fast, out of control! 
 4685  Mary 
 4686  Mary Cassatt 
 4687  Mary Cassatt : family pictures : by Claire Leonard 
 4688  Mary had a little lamb 
 4689  Mary McLeod Bethune 
 4690  Mary McLeod Bethune 
 4691  Mary Middling, and other silly folk : nursery rhymes and nonsense poems 
 4692  Mary Moon is missing 
 4693  Mary Smith 
 4694  Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen 
 4695  Maryland 
 4696  The Maryland Colony 
 4697  The mask on the cruise ship 
 4698  Masks 
 4699  Massachusetts 
 4700  The Massachusetts Bay Colony 
 4701  Master of Disaster 
 4702  Mastering the 5-paragraph essay 
 4703  Mastiffs 
 4704  Matchit 
 4705  The matchlock gun 
 4706  Mateo's progress : tales for children of all ages = Jornadas de Mateo : cuentos para niños de todas las edades 
 4707  Materials 
 4708  Materials 
 4709  Math 
 4710  Math and coding 
 4711  Math and coding 
 4712  Math and literature, grades 2-3 
 4713  Math and literature. 
 4714  Math and literature. 
 4715  Math appeal : mind stretching math riddles 
 4716  Math curse 
 4717  Math Focal Points 
 4718  Math in the kitchen 
 4719  Math links : teaching the NCTM 2000 standards through children's literature 
 4720  Math mats & games. 
 4721  Math practice puzzles : multiplication and division 
 4722  Math rashes and other classroom tales 
 4723  Mathematickles! : poems 
 4724  Matilda 
 4725  Matter 
 4726  Matter : see it, touch it, taste it, smell it 
 4727  Matter and material 
 4728  Matter and materials 
 4729  Matthew Henson 
 4730  The matzah man : a Passover story 
 4731  Maurice Sendak 
 4732  Max and Ruby in Pandora's box 
 4733  Max Axiom and the Society of Super Scientists. 
 4734  Max Malone makes a million 
 4735  Max Meow. 
 4736  Max's words 
 4737  May Belle and the ogre 
 4738  May I bring a friend? 
 4739  The Maya 
 4740  Maya Lin 
 4741  Maybe something beautiful : how art transformed a neighborhood 
 4742  Mayday! mayday! : a Coast Guard rescue 
 4743  Mayor 
 4744  Mayor for a day 
 4745  Mayors 
 4746  McBroom tells the truth 
 4747  Me & Mama 
 4748  Me and Billy 
 4749  Me and my dragon 
 4750  Me and my mummy 
 4751  Me and Uncle Romie : a story inspired by the life and art of Romare Bearden 
 4752  Me Tarzan 
 4753  Me, Mop, and the Moondance Kid 
 4754  Me...Jane 
 4755  A mealworm's life 
 4756  The meanest doll in the world 
 4757  The meanest hound around 
 4758  Measurement mania : games and activities that make math easy and fun 
 4759  Measuring 
 4760  Measuring Penny 
 4761  Meats and proteins 
 4762  Medical math 
 4763  Medicine : from Hippocrates to Jonas Salk 
 4764  A medieval castle 
 4765  Medieval myths, legends, and songs 
 4766  Medusa 
 4767  Meet A. A. Milne 
 4768  Meet Addy : an American girl 
 4769  Meet Daniel Pinkwater 
 4770  Meet Danitra Brown 
 4771  Meet Eve Bunting 
 4772  Meet Gail Carson Levine 
 4773  Meet Jane Yolen 
 4774  Meet Jerry Spinelli 
 4775  Meet Kaya : an American girl 
 4776  Meet Kirsten : an American girl 
 4777  Meet Kit : an American girl 
 4778  Meet Laurence Yep 
 4779  Meet Molly : an American girl : 1944 
 4780  Meet our flag, Old Glory 
 4781  Meet Samantha : an American girl 
 4782  Meet Samantha : an American girl 
 4783  Meet Shel Silverstein 
 4784  Meet the Barkers : Morgan and Moffat go to school 
 4785  Meet The Gecko 
 4786  Meet the ponies of Ponyville :  
 4787  Meet Vampirina 
 4788  Meg and I 
 4789  Meg Mackintosh and the stage fright secret : a solve-it-yourself mystery 
 4790  Megalosaurus 
 4791  Megalosaurus 
 4792  Megastars 
 4793  The Meltdown 
 4794  The meltdown 
 4795  Member of Congress 
 4796  Memorial 
 4797  Memorial Day 
 4798  Memorial Day 
 4799  Memorial Day 
 4800  Memories of sun : stories of Africa and America 
 4801  The memory string 
 4802  Memphians 
 4803  Memphis Innovations: People, ideas, and innovations that changed our world. 
 4804  Memphis, Martin, and the mountaintop : the Sanitation Strike of 1968 
 4805  Menominee 
 4806  Meow means mischief 
 4807  Mercury 
 4808  Mercury 
 4809  Mercury 
 4810  Mercy Watson fights crime 
 4811  Mercy Watson goes for a ride 
 4812  Mercy Watson to the rescue 
 4813  Meriwether Lewis 
 4814  Mermaids 
 4815  Mermaids 
 4816  Merriam-Webster's alphabet book 
 4817  Merriam-Webster's elementary dictionary. 
 4818  Merry Christmas, bugs! 
 4819  Messengers of rain : and other poems from Latin America 
 4820  Metal 
 4821  Metamorphic rocks 
 4822  Metamorphic rocks 
 4823  Metamorphosis 
 4824  Metaphors, similes, and other word pictures 
 4825  Meteorologists 
 4826  Mexican Americans 
 4827  The Mexican-American War 
 4828  Mexico 
 4829  Mexico 
 4830  Mi barrio = : My neighborhood 
 4831  Mi escuela = : My school 
 4832  Mi familia = : My family 
 4833  Mia Hamm 
 4834  Miami gets it straight 
 4835  Mice 
 4836  Mice and beans 
 4837  Michael Dell : from child entrepreneur to computer magnate 
 4838  Michael Jackson 
 4839  Michael Phelps 
 4840  Michelangelo 
 4841  Michelle Obama 
 4842  Michigan 
 4843  Michigan 
 4844  Mick Harte was here 
 4845  Mickey & me : a baseball card adventure 
 4846  Microlife that rots things 
 4847  Microscopes 
 4848  A mid-semester night's dream 
 4849  Midday meals around the world 
 4850  Middle school bites 
 4851  Midnight babies 
 4852  The midnight diary of Zoya Blume 
 4853  Midnight for Charlie Bone 
 4854  Midnight magic 
 4855  The Midwest 
 4856  Mighty Jackie : the strike-out queen 
 4857  Mighty marvels! : with Spider-Man, Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel and the Green Goblin 
 4858  The mighty Thor : an origin story 
 4859  Migrant 
 4860  Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel 
 4861  Mike's mystery 
 4862  Mildred and Sam go to school 
 4863  Miles Morales shock waves : a Spider-Man graphic novel  
 4864  Miles' song 
 4865  Milk 
 4866  The Milky Way 
 4867  Millard Fillmore : our 13th president 
 4868  Millicent Min, girl genius 
 4869  Millicent's gift 
 4870  Millions 
 4871  Millions of cats 
 4872  Millipedeology 
 4873  Milton Hershey 
 4874  Milton Hershey : Hershey's chocolate creator 
 4875  Mim's Christmas jam 
 4876  Mim, gym, and June 
 4877  Mimmy and Sophie : all around the town 
 4878  Minecraft : the island 
 4879  Minecraft. 
 4880  Minecraft. 
 4881  Minecraft. 
 4882  Minecraft. 
 4883  Minerals 
 4884  Miniature schnauzers 
 4885  Minn and Jake 
 4886  Minnesota 
 4887  Minnie & Moo and the seven wonders of the world 
 4888  The Minpins 
 4889  The minstrel's melody 
 4890  Minty : a story of young Harriet Tubman 
 4891  Miracle : the true story of the wreck of the Sea Venture 
 4892  Miracle at the plate 
 4893  Miracle's boys 
 4894  The miraculous journey of Edward Tulane 
 4895  Mirandy and Brother Wind 
 4896  Mirette on the high wire 
 4897  Mirror mirror : a book of reversible verse 
 4898  Mis abuelos = : My grandparents 
 4899  Mis amigos = : My friends 
 4900  Mis bailes = : My dances 
 4901  Mis juegos = : My games 
 4902  Misconduct 
 4903  Miss Alaineus : a vocabulary disaster 
 4904  Miss Bindergarten gets ready for kindergarten 
 4905  Miss Bindergarten plans a circus with kindergarten 
 4906  Miss Blake is a flake! 
 4907  Miss Bridie chose a shovel 
 4908  Miss Brooks loves books! (and I don't) 
 4909  Miss Brown is upside down! 
 4910  Miss Hickory 
 4911  Miss Holly is too jolly! 
 4912  Miss Malarkey won't be in today 
 4913  Miss Nelson is back 
 4914  Miss Nelson is missing! 
 4915  Miss Smith's incredible storybook 
 4916  Miss Suki is kooky! 
 4917  Missing from Haymarket Square 
 4918  The missing manatee 
 4919  Missing math - A number mystery. 
 4920  The missing mitten mystery 
 4921  Missing mittens 
 4922  Missing Molly 
 4923  The missing mummy 
 4924  Missing on Superstition Mountain 
 4925  Missing! 
 4926  Mississippi 
 4927  Mississippi 
 4928  Mississippi bridge 
 4929  The Mississippi River 
 4930  Mississippi River : a journey down the father of waters 
 4931  Mississippi trial, 1955 
 4932  Missouri 
 4933  Missouri 
 4934  The Missouri River 
 4935  Missy Violet & me 
 4936  Mixed beasts, or, A miscellany of rare and fantastic creatures 
 4937  Mixed magics 
 4938  The mixed-up chameleon 
 4939  Mo Willems 
 4940  Models 
 4941  Modern Olympics 
 4942  Moira's birthday 
 4943  Moja means one : Swahili counting book 
 4944  Mole music 
 4945  Moles 
 4946  Moles and hedgehogs : what they have in common 
 4947  Molly and the magic wishbone 
 4948  Molly learns a lesson : a school story 
 4949  Molly marches on 
 4950  Molly Moon's hypnotic time travel adventure 
 4951  Molly Moon's incredible book of hypnotism 
 4952  Molly Pitcher 
 4953  Molly saves the day : a summer story 
 4954  Molly takes flight 
 4955  Molly's pilgrim 
 4956  Molly's surprise : a Christmas story 
 4957  Mommy's bed 
 4958  Money 
 4959  Money : a rich history 
 4960  Money business : banks and banking 
 4961  Money math learning centers 
 4962  Money through the ages 
 4963  The Monitor : the iron warship that changed the world 
 4964  A monkey baby grows up 
 4965  Monkey business 
 4966  Monkeys 
 4967  Monkeys of Central and South America 
 4968  Monster blood for breakfast! 
 4969  Monster Goose 
 4970  Monster laughs : frightfully funny jokes about monsters 
 4971  Monster musical chairs 
 4972  The monster trap 
 4973  Monsters 
 4974  Monsters don't scuba dive 
 4975  The monsters of Morley Manor 
 4976  Montana 
 4977  The Montgomery bus boycott : integrating public buses 
 4978  Months of the year 
 4979  Moo who? 
 4980  The Moon 
 4981  The moon 
 4982  The moon 
 4983  The moon quilt 
 4984  Moon runner 
 4985  Moon, have you met my mother? : the collected poems of Karla Kuskin 
 4986  Moonbear's shadow 
 4987  Mooncake 
 4988  Moonshiner's son 
 4989  Moonshot : the flight of Apollo 11 
 4990  Moonsilver 
 4991  The Moonstone Castle mystery 
 4992  Moony Luna / : Luna, Lunita Lunera / cuento, Jorge Argueta ; ilustraciones, Elizabeth Gómez. 
 4993  The moose is in the mousse 
 4994  Mop top 
 4995  More or less 
 4996  More perfect than the moon 
 4997  More Rootabaga stories 
 4998  More science through children's literature : an integrated approach 
 4999  More sideways arithmetic from Wayside School 
 5000  More spice than sugar : poems about feisty females 
 5001  More stories Julian tells 
 5002  More super science with simple stuff 
 5003  More than anything else 
 5004  More than meets the eye : seeing art with all five senses 
 5005  More than, less than 
 5006  Morgan's pet plot 
 5007  Morgan's secret 
 5008  Morgy coast to coast 
 5009  Morocco 
 5010  Morris's disappearing bag 
 5011  Mosquito bite 
 5012  The most beautiful kite in the world 
 5013  The most dominant dynasties of all time 
 5014  The most famous pirates 
 5015  A mother for Choco 
 5016  Mother Goose math 
 5017  Mother knows best 
 5018  Mother Mother I feel sick, send for the doctor quick quick quick 
 5019  Mother to tigers 
 5020  Mother's Day 
 5021  The mother's day mice 
 5022  Motion : push and pull, fast and slow 
 5023  Mount Everest 
 5024  Mount Rushmore 
 5025  Mount Rushmore 
 5026  Mount Vernon 
 5027  Mountain pose 
 5028  Mountain top mystery 
 5029  Mountain town 
 5030  Mountains 
 5031  Mouse & lion 
 5032  The mouse and his child 
 5033  Mouse count 
 5034  Mouse in a meadow 
 5035  Mouse paint 
 5036  The mouse rap 
 5037  Mouse soup 
 5038  Mouse tales 
 5039  The mouse that snored 
 5040  Mouse's first day of school 
 5041  Movement 
 5042  Movie magic madness 
 5043  Mr. Badger and Mrs. Fox. 
 5044  Mr. Brown can moo! Can you? 
 5045  Mr. Docker is off his rocker! 
 5046  Mr. George Baker 
 5047  Mr. Klutz is nuts! 
 5048  Mr. Lincoln's way 
 5049  Mr. Louie is screwy! 
 5050  Mr. Maxwell's mouse 
 5051  Mr. Putter & Tabby paint the porch 
 5052  Mr. Putter & Tabby pour the tea 
 5053  Mr. Tanen's ties 
 5054  Mr. Wiggle looks for answers 
 5055  Mr. Wiggle's book 
 5056  Mr. Wiggle's library 
 5057  Mr. Williams 
 5058  Mrs. Armitage : queen of the road 
 5059  Mrs. Brice's mice 
 5060  Mrs. Brown on exhibit : and other museum poems 
 5061  Mrs. Chicken and the hungry crocodile 
 5062  Mrs. Frisby and the rats of NIMH 
 5063  Mrs. Katz and Tush 
 5064  Mrs. Kormel is not normal! 
 5065  Mrs. Mack 
 5066  Mrs. McBloom, clean up your classroom! 
 5067  Mrs. McCool and the giant Cuhullin : an Irish tale 
 5068  Mrs. Roopy is loopy! 
 5069  Mrs. Wishy-Washy's farm 
 5070  Ms. Coco is loco! 
 5071  Ms. Hannah is bananas! 
 5072  Ms. LaGrange is strange! 
 5073  Ms. Todd is odd! 
 5074  Ms. Turtle, the babysitter 
 5075  Much ado about nothing for kids 
 5076  Much bigger than Martin 
 5077  Mucky Duck 
 5078  The Mud Flat mystery 
 5079  Mud soup 
 5080  Mudball 
 5081  Mufaro's beautiful daughters : an African tale 
 5082  Muffy's secret admirer 
 5083  Muhammad Ali 
 5084  Muhammad Ali : the man who could float like a butterfly and sting like a bee 
 5085  Multicultural meals 
 5086  Multicultural theatre II : contemporary Hispanic, Asian, and African-American plays 
 5087  Mummies 
 5088  Munch & learn math story mats 
 5089  Muncha! muncha! muncha! 
 5090  Mural on Second Avenue : and other city poems 
 5091  Murals : walls that sing 
 5092  Murder, my tweet : from the tattered casebook of Chet Gecko, private eye 
 5093  The muscular system 
 5094  The muscular system 
 5095  The museum 
 5096  Museums 
 5097  Music CDs : from start to finish 
 5098  The music in Derrick's heart 
 5099  Music is 
 5100  Music makers & toys 
 5101  The music of dolphins 
 5102  The music teacher from the Black Lagoon 
 5103  The music teacher from the Black Lagoon 
 5104  Musical beds 
 5105  Musical genius : a story about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 
 5106  Musical instruments 
 5107  The musicians of Bremen = : Los músicos de Bremen 
 5108  Muskrats 
 5109  Mutiny's daughter 
 5110  MVP* : *Magellan Voyage Project 
 5111  My best friend moved away 
 5112  My big sister 
 5113  My brother 
 5114  My brother made me do it 
 5115  My brother Martin : a sister remembers growing up with the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 
 5116  My brother Sam is dead 
 5117  My brother's hero 
 5118  My brother's keeper 
 5119  My brothers' flying machine : Wilbur, Orville, and me 
 5120  My car 
 5121  My chimp Friday : the Nana Banana chronicles 
 5122  My Chinatown : one year in poems 
 5123  My contract with Henry 
 5124  My dad 
 5125  My Divali 
 5126  My dog is a carrot 
 5127  My dog, my hero 
 5128  My family plays music 
 5129  My Father's Arms Are a Boat 
 5130  My first book of soccer 
 5131  My first Oxford book of poems 
 5132  My first Oxford book of stories 
 5133  My five senses 
 5134  My friend the enemy 
 5135  My goldfish 
 5136  My grandparents 
 5137  My great-aunt Arizona 
 5138  My Hanukkah 
 5139  My house is singing 
 5140  My legs and feet 
 5141  My life of crime 
 5142  My lucky day 
 5143  My math toolbox 
 5144  My mom 
 5145  My mother talks to trees 
 5146  My mouth 
 5147  My name is Gabriela : the life of Gabriela Mistral = Me llamo Gabriela : la vida de Gabriela Mistral 
 5148  My name is not Isabella 
 5149  My ol' man 
 5150  My pet hamster 
 5151  My pig Amarillo 
 5152  My pup. 
 5153  My Rosh Hashanah 
 5154  My rows and piles of coins 
 5155  My school bus : a book about school bus safety 
 5156  My season with penguins : an Antarctic journal 
 5157  My secret bully 
 5158  My shoelaces are hard to tie! 
 5159  My stars, it's Mrs. Gaddy! : the three Mrs. Gaddy stories 
 5160  My steps 
 5161  My teacher ate my homework 
 5162  My tour of Europe : by Teddy Roosevelt, age 10 
 5163  My town 
 5164  My weird school. 
 5165  My weird school. 
 5166  My weird school. 
 5167  My weird school. 
 5168  The mysterious circus 
 5169  The mysterious disappearance of Roanoke Colony in American history 
 5170  The mysterious guests : a Sukkoth story 
 5171  The mysterious mummer 
 5172  The mysterious tadpole 
 5173  The mystery at Lilac Inn, 
 5174  The mystery at Skeleton Point 
 5175  The mystery bookstore 
 5176  The mystery of Alligator Swamp 
 5177  The mystery of Drear House : the conclusion of the Dies Drear chronicle 
 5178  The mystery of Mr. Nice : from the tattered casebook of Chet Gecko, private eye 
 5179  The mystery of the abominable snowman 
 5180  The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle 
 5181  Mystery of the Dark Tower 
 5182  The mystery of the hairy tomatoes 
 5183  The mystery of the screech owl 
 5184  The mystery of the snow puppy 
 5185  The mystery of the stolen bike 
 5186  The mystery of the stolen statue 
 5187  The mystery of the swimming gorilla 
 5188  The mystery of the tiger's eye 
 5189  The mystery of too many Elvises 
 5190  The mystery on Blizzard Mountain 
 5191  Myths 
 5192  Myths and monsters : secrets revealed 
 5193  The NAACP : an organization working to end discrimination 
 5194  Naamah and the ark at night : a lullaby 
 5195  Nacho and Lolita 
 5196  The naked mole-rat letters 
 5197  Nana Upstairs & Nana Downstairs 
 5198  Nancy makes her mark 
 5199  Nancy's mysterious letter 
 5200  Nanomedicine 
 5201  The napping house 
 5202  Naptime for Slippers 
 5203  Narrative paragraphs 
 5204  Narrative paragraphs 
 5205  Nasty stinky sneakers 
 5206  Nat Love : African American cowboy 
 5207  Nat Love : African American cowboy = vaquero afroamericano 
 5208  The Natchez Trace 
 5209  Nate the Great 
 5210  Nate the Great and the big sniff 
 5211  Nate the Great and the musical note 
 5212  Nate the Great and the stolen base 
 5213  Nate the Great on the Owl Express 
 5214  Nate the Great, San Francisco detective 
 5215  Nathan Hale : patriot spy 
 5216  Nathaniel talking 
 5217  A nation's hope : the story of boxing legend Joe Louis 
 5218  The national anthem 
 5219  National government 
 5220  The National Guard 
 5221  National parks 
 5222  National parks 
 5223  National Velvet 
 5224  Native crafts : inspired by North America's first peoples 
 5225  Native-American life 
 5226  Natural and man-made 
 5227  Natural disasters 
 5228  Natural gas 
 5229  Natural-born killers : a chapter book 
 5230  The nature club 
 5231  Nature in the neighborhood 
 5232  Nature's amazing partners 
 5233  Nature's fireworks : a book about lightning 
 5234  Navajo 
 5235  Nebraska 
 5236  Needs and wants 
 5237  A Negro league scrapbook 
 5238  Negro leagues : all-Black baseball by Emily Brooks 
 5239  The neighborhood Mother Goose 
 5240  Neighborhoods & communities 
 5241  Neil Armstrong 
 5242  Nepal 
 5243  Neptune 
 5244  Neptune 
 5245  The Netherlands 
 5246  Netherlands 
 5247  Nevada 
 5248  Never forgotten 
 5249  Never smile at a monkey : and 17 other important things to remember 
 5250  A new coat for Anna 
 5251  New dawn on Rocky Ridge 
 5252  New found land : a novel 
 5253  New Hampshire 
 5254  The New Hampshire Colony 
 5255  New Jersey 
 5256  The new kid 
 5257  New Mexico 
 5258  New Orleans Saints 
 5259  New pig in town 
 5260  New pup on the block 
 5261  New year be coming! : a Gullah year 
 5262  New Year's Day 
 5263  New Year's Day 
 5264  New Year's Day 
 5265  New York 
 5266  New Zealand 
 5267  New Zealand ABCs : a book about the people and places of New Zealand 
 5268  A newspaper 
 5269  Newspaper carriers 
 5270  Next spring an oriole 
 5271  Next stop! 
 5272  Next stop, Neptune : experiencing the solar system 
 5273  Niagara Falls 
 5274  Nick plays baseball 
 5275  Nigeria : the culture 
 5276  Night before Christmas 
 5277  Night city 
 5278  Night fliers : moths in your backyard 
 5279  Night flight : Amelia Earhart crosses the Atlantic 
 5280  Night golf 
 5281  The night I flunked my field trip 
 5282  The night I followed the dog 
 5283  Night noises 
 5284  Night of the twisters 
 5285  Night of the Vam-Wolf-Zom 
 5286  Night on Neighborhood Street 
 5287  The night the bells rang 
 5288  Night tree 
 5289  Night-night, Emily! 
 5290  Nightsong 
 5291  Nim's island 
 5292  Nine animals and the well 
 5293  Nine ducks nine 
 5294  Ninja at the firehouse 
 5295  The ninth nugget 
 5296  No bad news 
 5297  No brainer 
 5298  No dogs allowed! 
 5299  No more dead dogs 
 5300  No more! : stories and songs of slave resistance 
 5301  No ordinary day 
 5302  No sleep for the sheep! 
 5303  No T. Rex in the library 
 5304  No, David! 
 5305  Noah and the devil : a legend of Noah's Ark from Romania 
 5306  Nobody owns the sky : the story of "brave Bessie" Coleman 
 5307  Nora's ark 
 5308  North America 
 5309  North America 
 5310  North Carolina 
 5311  North Dakota 
 5312  Northern Ireland 
 5313  Northern lights 
 5314  The Northwest Indians : daily life in the 1700s 
 5315  Norway 
 5316  Nory Ryan's song 
 5317  A nose for adventure 
 5318  Noses are red 
 5319  Not one damsel in distress : world folktales for strong girls 
 5320  Not so true stories & unreasonable rhymes 
 5321  The not very merry pout-pout fish 
 5322  Nothin' but net 
 5323  Nothing beats a pizza 
 5324  Nothing but miracles : from Leaves of grass 
 5325  Nothing wrong with a three-legged dog 
 5326  Nouns 
 5327  Now and long ago 
 5328  Nuclear power 
 5329  Nuclear power 
 5330  Nuclear power 
 5331  Number conservation : planting monster melons 
 5332  Number lines : how far to the car? 
 5333  Numbers 
 5334  Nurse 
 5335  Nutik, the wolf pup 
 5336  Nuts to you! 
 5337  O'Dwyer & Grady starring in Tough act to follow 
 5338  Oak tree 
 5339  Oak trees inside and out 
 5340  Obeying laws 
 5341  Ocean : the living world 
 5342  Ocean counting : odd numbers 
 5343  Ocean habitats 
 5344  Ocean hunters 
 5345  Oceans 
 5346  Oceans : an activity guide for ages 6-9 
 5347  Oceans and seas 
 5348  Oceans, lakes, and rivers 
 5349  Odd boy out : young Albert Einstein 
 5350  Oddhopper opera : a bug's garden of verses 
 5351  Of mice and nutcrackers : a Peeler Christmas 
 5352  Of thee I sing : a letter to my daughters 
 5353  Off season 
 5354  Off to school 
 5355  Off to the sweet shores of Africa and other talking drum rhymes 
 5356  Off track 
 5357  Office of the President 
 5358  Office of the President 
 5359  Officer Buckle and Gloria 
 5360  Officer Spence makes no sense! 
 5361  Offside! 
 5362  Offsides : a novel 
 5363  Oh my baby, little one 
 5364  Oh no, gotta go! 
 5365  Oh say can you say? 
 5366  Oh yeah! 
 5367  Oh, cats! 
 5368  Oh, Harry! 
 5369  Oh, look! 
 5370  Oh, the places you'll go! 
 5371  Oh, the thinks you can think! 
 5372  Ohio 
 5373  The Ohio River 
 5374  Oil 
 5375  Oil & gas 
 5376  The Ojibwa : wild rice gatherers 
 5377  Okay for now 
 5378  Oklahoma 
 5379  Okomi, the new baby 
 5380  Oktoberfest 
 5381  The Old African 
 5382  Old Bear 
 5383  Old black fly 
 5384  Old Cricket 
 5385  Old friends 
 5386  Old Granny and the bean thief 
 5387  Old MacDonald had a woodshop 
 5388  Old Mother Hubbard 
 5389  The Old Spanish Trail : from Santa Fe, New Mexico to Los Angeles, California 
 5390  Old town in the green groves : Laura Ingalls Wilder's lost little house years 
 5391  Old Turtle 
 5392  Olive's ocean 
 5393  Oliver 
 5394  Oliver and Albert, friends forever 
 5395  Oliver Cat on Planet B 
 5396  Oliver the Mighty Pig 
 5397  Olivia 
 5398  Olivia Kidney 
 5399  Ollie the Stomper 
 5400  OMG! : all about me diary! 
 5401  Omnibeasts : animal poems and paintings 
 5402  On beyond zebra 
 5403  On Earth 
 5404  On Etruscan time 
 5405  On my honor 
 5406  On my way 
 5407  On my way to buy eggs 
 5408  On Noah's ark 
 5409  On or under : where's Eddie? 
 5410  On pointe 
 5411  On the back burner 
 5412  On the banks of Plum Creek 
 5413  On the banks of the Bayou 
 5414  On the bike with-- Lance Armstrong 
 5415  On the Blue Comet 
 5416  On the court with-- Venus and Serena Williams 
 5417  On the far side of the mountain 
 5418  On the go 
 5419  On the move 
 5420  On the night you were born 
 5421  On the other side of the hill 
 5422  On the same day in March : a tour of the world's weather 
 5423  On the trail of Lewis and Clark : a journey up the Missouri River 
 5424  On the trail of Sacagawea 
 5425  On Tide Mill Lane 
 5426  Once a mouse-- : a fable cut in wood 
 5427  Once upon a curse 
 5428  The one and only Bob 
 5429  The one and only Shrek! : plus 5 other stories 
 5430  One checkered flag : a counting book about racing 
 5431  One cool friend 
 5432  One fine day 
 5433  One fine day : a radio play 
 5434  One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish 
 5435  One frog too many 
 5436  One hundred days (plus one) 
 5437  One hundred hungry ants 
 5438  The one in the middle is the green kangaroo 
 5439  One leaf rides the wind : counting in a Japanese garden 
 5440  One missing finger 
 5441  One of the problems of Everett Anderson 
 5442  One riddle, one answer 
 5443  One small dog 
 5444  One small garden 
 5445  One small place in a tree 
 5446  One smooth move 
 5447  One terrible Halloween 
 5448  One tiny turtle 
 5449  One true friend 
 5450  One was Johnny : a counting book 
 5451  One winter's night 
 5452  One, two, skip a few! : first number rhymes 
 5453  One-dog canoe 
 5454  One-eyed cat : a novel 
 5455  The one-eyed giant 
 5456  Onion John 
 5457  Only passing through : the story of Sojourner Truth 
 5458  Only the stars 
 5459  Only you 
 5460  Oops, sorry! : a first book of manners 
 5461  Opal Lee and what it means to be free : the true story of the grandmother of Juneteenth 
 5462  Operation Clean Sweep 
 5463  Ophie out of Oz 
 5464  Opossums 
 5465  Oprah Winfrey 
 5466  The orange outlaw 
 5467  Oranges to orange juice 
 5468  Orangutans 
 5469  Ordinary Mary's extraordinary deed 
 5470  Oregon 
 5471  The Oregon Trail 
 5472  Orienteering 
 5473  Orphan train 
 5474  Orphan train rider : one boy's true story 
 5475  The orphans of Normandy : a true story of World War II told through drawings by children 
 5476  The Osage 
 5477  The other side 
 5478  The other side : shorter poems 
 5479  The other side of truth 
 5480  Otherwise known as Sheila the Great 
 5481  Otis 
 5482  Otters 
 5483  Otters Tool Users 
 5484  Otto and the flying twins 
 5485  Our celebrations 
 5486  Our favorite things to do 
 5487  Our flag 
 5488  Our Gracie Aunt 
 5489  Our granny 
 5490  Our libraries 
 5491  Our many foods 
 5492  Our national holidays 
 5493  Our sixth-grade sugar babies 
 5494  Our strange new land 
 5495  Out and about at city hall 
 5496  Out and about at the aquarium 
 5497  Out and about at the bank 
 5498  Out and about at the planetarium 
 5499  Out and about at the planetarium 
 5500  Out and about at the public library 
 5501  Out and about at the science center 
 5502  Out and about at the supermarket 
 5503  Out and about at the veterinary clinic 
 5504  Out for blood 
 5505  Out for the summer! 
 5506  Out of bounds 
 5507  Out of the deep 
 5508  Out of the dust 
 5509  Out of the dust 
 5510  The outcasts of 19 Schuyler Place 
 5511  Outlaw princess of Sherwood : a tale of Rowan Hood 
 5512  Outside the lines : poetry at play 
 5513  Over and over 
 5514  Over and under the snow 
 5515  Over in the meadow 
 5516  Over in the meadow : a counting rhyme 
 5517  Over in the pink house : new jump rope rhymes 
 5518  Over the candlestick : classic nursery rhymes and the real stories behind them 
 5519  Over the edge 
 5520  Overnight 
 5521  Owen 
 5522  Owen Foote, mighty scientist 
 5523  Owen Foote, money man 
 5524  Owen Foote, super spy 
 5525  Owl moon 
 5526  Owl moon 
 5527  Owlets 
 5528  Owls 
 5529  Owls : the silent hunters 
 5530  Ox-cart man 
 5531  Oxygen 
 5532  P is for passport : a world alphabet 
 5533  P.S. longer letter later 
 5534  Pa Jinglebob, the fastest knitter in the West 
 5535  Pablo Picasso 
 5536  Pablo Picasso : breaking all the rules 
 5537  Pablo Picasso : master of modern art 
 5538  Pachycephalosaurus 
 5539  A packet of seeds 
 5540  Paddington takes the test 
 5541  The Pain and the Great One 
 5542  Painless grammar 
 5543  Paint me a poem : poems inspired by masterpieces of art 
 5544  Painting the wind 
 5545  Paints plus 
 5546  Pajama day 
 5547  Pakistan 
 5548  Pakistan 
 5549  Pakistani Americans 
 5550  The palm of my heart : poetry by African American children 
 5551  Panama 
 5552  The Panama Canal 
 5553  Panda : a guide horse for Ann 
 5554  Panda bear, panda bear, what do you see? 
 5555  The panda puzzle 
 5556  Pandas. 
 5557  Pandora 
 5558  Panic in the snow : the 1888 New York City blizzard 
 5559  Panic of the composite creatures 
 5560  Papa Francisco 
 5561  Papa's mechanical fish 
 5562  Paper 
 5563  The paper bag princess 
 5564  Paper crafts 
 5565  The paper crane 
 5566  Paper cup mania 
 5567  The paper doorway : funny verse and nothing worse 
 5568  Paper lanterns 
 5569  Paper plate mania 
 5570  The paperboy 
 5571  Papier mâché fun 
 5572  Papier-mâché 
 5573  Parachuting hamsters and Andy Russell 
 5574  Paradise : based on a true story of survival 
 5575  Parakeets 
 5576  Parasaurolophus 
 5577  Parker dresses up 
 5578  The Parker inheritance 
 5579  Parrots around the world 
 5580  Partners 
 5581  Parts of a plant 
 5582  Pascual and the kitchen angels 
 5583  Passenger trains 
 5584  Passover 
 5585  Passover 
 5586  Passover 
 5587  Password to Larkspur Lane. 
 5588  Past perfect, present tense : new and collected stories 
 5589  The patchwork path : a quilt map to freedom 
 5590  The patchwork quilt 
 5591  Patience 
 5592  Patrick's dinosaurs 
 5593  Patriot school : the United States military academy at West Point 
 5594  Patriotism 
 5595  Patriotism 
 5596  Patriots in petticoats : heroines of the American Revolution 
 5597  Patrol : an American soldier in Vietnam 
 5598  Patterns 
 5599  Patterns 
 5600  Patterns : what comes next? 
 5601  Patterns in poetry : recognizing and analyzing poetic form and meter 
 5602  Patterns in the park 
 5603  Paul Bunyan 
 5604  Paul Bunyan, a tall tale 
 5605  Paul Cézanne 
 5606  Paul Revere 
 5607  Paul Revere 
 5608  Paul Revere and the bell ringers 
 5609  Paul Revere's midnight ride 
 5610  Paul Revere's ride 
 5611  Paul Revere's ride 
 5612  Paws. 
 5613  Paying taxes 
 5614  Paying without money 
 5615  Peacock and other poems 
 5616  Peacocks 
 5617  Pearl Harbor 
 5618  Pearl Harbor 
 5619  Pearl Harbor is burning! : a story of World War II 
 5620  Pearl's passover : a family celebration through stories, recipes, crafts, and songs 
 5621  Pecan pie baby 
 5622  Pecos Bill : a tall tale 
 5623  Pedro's journal : a voyage with Christopher Columbus, August 3, 1492-Februrary 14, 1493 
 5624  Peeking at plants with a scientist 
 5625  Peeping Beauty 
 5626  Pelicans 
 5627  The penguin : a funny bird 
 5628  Penguin and Little Blue 
 5629  Penguin chick 
 5630  A penguin pup for Pinkerton 
 5631  Penguin puzzle 
 5632  Penguins = : Los pingüinos 
 5633  Penguins swim but don't get wet : and other amazing facts about polar animals 
 5634  Penguins. 
 5635  Pennsylvania 
 5636  The penny pot 
 5637  People and places 
 5638  People and places 
 5639  People around the world 
 5640  The people could fly : American Black folktales 
 5641  The people could fly : the picture book 
 5642  The people of Sparks 
 5643  People of the Northwest & Subarctic 
 5644  People of the Plateau 
 5645  People of the Southwest 
 5646  People who care about you : the support assets 
 5647  People work 
 5648  Pepito the brave 
 5649  Peppa Pig. 
 5650  Pepper at the vet 
 5651  The Pequot tribe 
 5652  A perfect day 
 5653  Perfect harmony : a musical journey with the Boys Choir of Harlem 
 5654  A perfect place 
 5655  The perfect puppy for me! 
 5656  Perfect square 
 5657  The perfect Thanksgiving 
 5658  Period 
 5659  Personal hygiene 
 5660  Personal space travel 
 5661  A personal tour of Hull-House 
 5662  Persuasive paragraphs 
 5663  Persuasive paragraphs 
 5664  Peru 
 5665  A pet for Fly Guy 
 5666  A pet for me : poems 
 5667  Pet show! 
 5668  Petals in the ashes 
 5669  Pete the Cat : I Love My White Shoes 
 5670  Pete the cat and his magic sunglasses 
 5671  Pete the cat and the lost tooth 
 5672  Pete the cat and the surprise teacher 
 5673  Pete the cat and the tip-top tree house 
 5674  Pete the Cat plays hide-and-seek 
 5675  Pete the cat's 12 groovy days of Christmas 
 5676  Pete the cat. 
 5677  Pete the Kitty and the unicorn's missing colors 
 5678  Pete's a pizza 
 5679  Peter's chair 
 5680  Petite Rouge : a Cajun Red Riding Hood 
 5681  Pets ABC : an alphabet book 
 5682  Peyton Manning 
 5683  Peyton Manning 
 5684  Pezzettino 
 5685  Phantoms don't drive sports cars 
 5686  Pharmacists 
 5687  Phases of the moon 
 5688  The Philippines 
 5689  Phillis Wheatley 
 5690  Phillis Wheatley : African American poet 
 5691  Phillis Wheatley : colonial American poet 
 5692  Photo perfect 
 5693  Photosynthesis 
 5694  The physics of toys and games science projects 
 5695  The piano 
 5696  Pickles to Pittsburgh : the sequel to Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 
 5697  Picky Peggy 
 5698  Picnic 
 5699  Pictographs 
 5700  A picture book of Anne Frank 
 5701  A picture book of Harriet Beecher Stowe 
 5702  A picture book of Jesse Owens 
 5703  A picture book of Lewis and Clark 
 5704  A picture of grandmother 
 5705  Picture this : fun photography and crafts 
 5706  Pictures at an exhibition 
 5707  Pictures for Miss Josie 
 5708  Pie graphs 
 5709  Pieces : a year in poems & quilts 
 5710  Pier 21 : gateway of hope 
 5711  Pierre the penguin : a true story 
 5712  Pig 
 5713  Pig enough 
 5714  The pig in the spigot : poems 
 5715  Pig picnic 
 5716  Pig Pig gets a job 
 5717  The Pig Scrolls 
 5718  Pig the monster 
 5719  Pig the stinker 
 5720  The pig with a wig 
 5721  Piglets 
 5722  Pigs at odds : fun with math and games 
 5723  Pigs go to market : fun with math and shopping 
 5724  Pigs in the pantry : fun with math and cooking 
 5725  Pigs on a blanket : fun with math and time 
 5726  Pigs on the farm 
 5727  Pigs will be pigs : fun with math and money 
 5728  The Pilgrim Village mystery 
 5729  The Pilgrims and me by Carrie Rosen 
 5730  Pill bugs 
 5731  Pin it! : pinterest projects for the real world 
 5732  The pinballs 
 5733  Pinduli 
 5734  Pine tree 
 5735  Pink and Say 
 5736  Pinkalicious and the amazing sled run 
 5737  Pinkalicious and the pirates 
 5738  Pinkalicious. 
 5739  Pinkalicious. 
 5740  Pinkalicious: pinkamazing storybook favorites 
 5741  Pinkerton, behave! 
 5742  Pinkie Pie 
 5743  Pinkie Pie & Applejack 
 5744  Pinkie Pie & Princess Luna 
 5745  Pinkie Pie keeps a secret :  
 5746  Pinky and Rex 
 5747  Pinky and Rex 
 5748  Pinky and Rex and the bully 
 5749  Pinky and Rex and the double-dad weekend 
 5750  Pinky and Rex and the just-right pet 
 5751  Pinky and Rex and the new neighbors 
 5752  Pinky and Rex and the school play 
 5753  Pinky and Rex and the spelling bee 
 5754  Pioneer sisters 
 5755  Pioneers : life as a homesteader 
 5756  Piper 
 5757  Pippi Longstocking 
 5758  Pippin's big jump 
 5759  Piranha 
 5760  Pirate girl 
 5761  The pirate of kindergarten 
 5762  The pirate princess and other fairy tales 
 5763  Pirates don't change diapers 
 5764  Pirates past noon 
 5765  Pirican Pic and Pirican Mor 
 5766  Pizza and Taco. 
 5767  Pizza counting 
 5768  Pizza for Sam 
 5769  A place for Joey 
 5770  A place for Zero : a math adventure 
 5771  Places we call home 
 5772  Places we live 
 5773  Plain City 
 5774  Planes 
 5775  The planet of Junior Brown 
 5776  The planets 
 5777  The planets 
 5778  Planets around the sun 
 5779  Planets! 
 5780  Plank houses 
 5781  Plant life cycles 
 5782  Planting the wild garden 
 5783  Plants grow from seeds 
 5784  Plantzilla 
 5785  Plastic 
 5786  A platypus, probably 
 5787  Play ball like the pros : tips for kids from 20 big league stars 
 5788  Play ball, Amelia Bedelia 
 5789  Play on 
 5790  Players in pigtails 
 5791  The playground problem 
 5792  Playground survival 
 5793  Playing the field 
 5794  Plays from fairy tales : grades K-3 
 5795  Please bury me in the library 
 5796  Please, Malese! : a trickster tale from Haiti 
 5797  The Pledge of Allegiance 
 5798  The pledge of allegiance : introducing primary sources 
 5799  The Pledge of Allegiance : the story behind our patriotic promise 
 5800  Pluto 
 5801  Pluto 
 5802  Pluto 
 5803  The Plymouth Colony 
 5804  A Plymouth partnership : Pilgrims and native Americans 
 5805  Pocahontas 
 5806  Pocahontas 
 5807  Pocahontas 
 5808  Pocahontas 1595-1617 
 5809  Pocket charts for math : easy how-tos & reproducible templates for making 15 interactive pocket charts that teach primary math skills 
 5810  A pocket for Corduroy 
 5811  A pocket full of kisses 
 5812  Pocket poems 
 5813  A pocketful of poems 
 5814  Poe Park 
 5815  Poems about anger 
 5816  Poems about scho[o]l 
 5817  Poems to dream together = : Poemas para soñar juntos 
 5818  Poetry for Young People 
 5819  Poetry from the masters : the pioneers : an introduction to African-American poets 
 5820  Poetry speaks to children 
 5821  Pointers 
 5822  Poison dart frog 
 5823  Poison dart frogs 
 5824  Poison dart frogs up close 
 5825  Poisoned planet : pollution in our world 
 5826  A poke in the I 
 5827  Poland 
 5828  Polar animals 
 5829  Polar animals 
 5830  A polar bear biologist at work 
 5831  A polar bear journey 
 5832  Polar bear math : learning about fractions from Klondike and Snow 
 5833  Polar bear patrol 
 5834  Polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear? 
 5835  Polar bears 
 5836  Polar bears 
 5837  Polar bears past bedtime 
 5838  The Polar Express 
 5839  The Polar Express 
 5840  Police officers 
 5841  Police officers 
 5842  Police station 
 5843  Politeness 
 5844  Pollination 
 5845  Polly's absolutely worst birthday ever 
 5846  Polly's pen pal 
 5847  Polly's picnic 
 5848  Ponce de Léon : explorer of Florida 
 5849  Pond life 
 5850  Ponies 
 5851  Ponies 
 5852  Ponies love pets! :  
 5853  Pony problems 
 5854  Poodles 
 5855  Pool princess 
 5856  Pope Francis 
 5857  Poppy 
 5858  Poppy's return 
 5859  Poppy's return 
 5860  Porch lies : tales of slicksters, tricksters, and other wily characters 
 5861  The porcupine mouse 
 5862  Porcupines 
 5863  Portuguese colonies in the Americas 
 5864  Poseidon 
 5865  Post it! : Facebook projects for the real world 
 5866  A pot o' gold : a treasury of Irish stories, poetry, folklore, and (of course) blarney 
 5867  The pot that Juan built 
 5868  Potato : a tale from the Great Depression 
 5869  Poultrygeist 
 5870  The power of one : Daisy Bates and the Little Rock Nine 
 5871  Powerboats 
 5872  Prairie dogs 
 5873  Prairie school 
 5874  Prairie whispers 
 5875  Praying at the Sweetwater Motel : a novel 
 5876  Preacher's boy 
 5877  Precious and the Boo Hag 
 5878  Precipitation 
 5879  Predator attack! 
 5880  Prefixes and suffixes 
 5881  Prehistoric peoples 
 5882  Prehistoric Pinkerton 
 5883  Prehistory 
 5884  Prepositions 
 5885  Preschool to the rescue 
 5886  President 
 5887  President Batman 
 5888  President of the Underground Railroad : a story about Levi Coffin 
 5889  The President's daughter 
 5890  Presidential losers 
 5891  The presidents 
 5892  Presidents' Day 
 5893  Presidents' Day 
 5894  Presidents' Day 
 5895  Presidents' Day 
 5896  Presidents' Day 
 5897  Presidents' Day : honoring the birthdays of Washington and Lincoln 
 5898  Prevention and good health 
 5899  Prickly porcupines 
 5900  Prickly porcupines 
 5901  Primary science : taking the plunge 
 5902  A primary source guide to India 
 5903  A primary source guide to Japan 
 5904  A primary source guide to Kenya 
 5905  Prince Caspian 
 5906  Prince Fly Guy 
 5907  Prince Harry 
 5908  The prince, the cook, and the cunning king 
 5909  Princess 
 5910  Princess Academy 
 5911  The princess and the pig 
 5912  The Princess and the pit stop 
 5913  The princess and the white bear king 
 5914  The Princess of Neptune 
 5915  Princess Peppa 
 5916  Princess Smartypants 
 5917  Principals 
 5918  Printing 
 5919  The printing press : an information revolution 
 5920  Probably pistachio 
 5921  The problem with pumpkins : a Hip & Hop story 
 5922  Project hippopotamus 
 5923  Project Mulberry : a novel 
 5924  Project orangutan 
 5925  Project Otter 
 5926  Project polar bear 
 5927  Project tiger 
 5928  Promises 
 5929  Pronouns 
 5930  Pronouns 
 5931  Protecting your home : a book about firefighters 
 5932  Proud rooster and little hen 
 5933  Prudence 
 5934  Prudence wants a pet 
 5935  Prudy's problem and how she solved it 
 5936  Pteranodon 
 5937  The puddle 
 5938  The Pueblo : farmers of the Southwest 
 5939  Pueblos 
 5940  Puerto Rico 
 5941  Puerto Rico 
 5942  Puerto Rico 
 5943  Pug's sleepover 
 5944  Pugs 
 5945  Pumpkin Jack 
 5946  Pumpkin, pumpkin 
 5947  Pumpkinhead 
 5948  Pumpkins 
 5949  Punctuation 
 5950  Punctuation takes a vacation 
 5951  Punk Farm 
 5952  Punny places : jokes to make you mappy 
 5953  Puns, allusions, and other word secrets 
 5954  Punxsutawney Phyllis 
 5955  Pup at the palace 
 5956  The puppeteer's apprentice 
 5957  Puppy in a puddle 
 5958  Pure dead brilliant 
 5959  Pure dead magic 
 5960  Purim 
 5961  Push and pull 
 5962  Push or pull? 
 5963  Pushing the limits : a chapter book 
 5964  Pushing up the sky : seven native American plays for children 
 5965  Puss in boots 
 5966  Puss in boots = : El gato con botas 
 5967  Put your eyes up here and other school poems 
 5968  The puzzle of the pretty pink handkerchief 
 5969  Pyramids 
 5970  Pyramids 
 5971  Pyramids & mummies 
 5972  Pythons 
 5973  Qu'Appelle 
 5974  Quackers 
 5975  The Quangle Wangle's hat 
 5976  A quarter from the Tooth Fairy 
 5977  Quarter horses 
 5978  Queen Elizabeth II : monarch of our times 
 5979  Queen of hearts 
 5980  The Queen of Kindergarten 
 5981  Queen of the toilet bowl 
 5982  Queen Sophie Hartley 
 5983  The Queen's progress : an Elizabethan alphabet 
 5984  Question mark 
 5985  The quickest kid in Clarksville 
 5986  The quicksand question 
 5987  Quiet owls 
 5988  Quiet! you're invisible 
 5989  The Quigleys 
 5990  The Quigleys at large 
 5991  The quilt 
 5992  Quilt alphabet 
 5993  Quilting 
 5994  The quilting bee 
 5995  The quiltmaker's journey 
 5996  Quinn and Quenton 
 5997  Quotation marks 
 5998  Rabbit 
 5999  Rabbit goes duck hunting : a traditional Cherokee legend 
 6000  Rabbit hill 
 6001  Rabbit kits 
 6002  Rabbits 
 6003  Rabbits & raindrops 
 6004  Raccoon cubs 
 6005  Raccoon on his own 
 6006  Raccoons 
 6007  Race cars 
 6008  Race for the sky : the Kitty Hawk diaries of Johnny Moore 
 6009  Race into space 
 6010  Rachel Carson : preserving a sense of wonder 
 6011  Racism 
 6012  Racso and the rats of NIMH 
 6013  The radio 
 6014  Radio 
 6015  The radio : the world tunes in 
 6016  Radio rescue 
 6017  Rage of fire 
 6018  Ragweed 
 6019  Rain 
 6020  The rain came down 
 6021  Rain forest animals 
 6022  Rainbow crow : a Lenape tale 
 6023  The rainbow fish 
 6024  Rainbow Fish and the big blue whale 
 6025  Rainbow Fish and the Sea Monsters' Cave 
 6026  Rainbow Fish discovers the deep sea 
 6027  Rainbow Fish to the rescue! 
 6028  The rainbow mystery 
 6029  Rainbow soup : adventures in poetry 
 6030  The rainy day 
 6031  Raising Yoder's barn 
 6032  Rallo's goal 
 6033  Rama and Sita : a tale from ancient Java 
 6034  Ramadan 
 6035  Ramadan 
 6036  Ramona and her father 
 6037  Ramona's world 
 6038  Ranching 
 6039  The ransom of Mercy Carter 
 6040  Ransom's mark : a story based on the life of the pioneer Olive Oatman 
 6041  Rap a tap tap : here's Bojangles-- think of that! 
 6042  Raps, riddles, and concrete 
 6043  Raptor 
 6044  Raptor pack 
 6045  Rapunzel 
 6046  Rapunzel : a fairy tale 
 6047  Rapunzel : a fairy tale 
 6048  Rare animals 
 6049  Rattlesnake Mesa : stories from a Native American childhood 
 6050  Rattlesnakes 
 6051  Raven : a trickster tale from the Pacific Northwest 
 6052  Raven quest 
 6053  Raven's gate 
 6054  Ravens : problem solvers 
 6055  Ray Charles 
 6056  Read a rhyme, write a rhyme : poems 
 6057  Read about Amelia Earhart 
 6058  Read about Annie Oakley 
 6059  Read about Benjamin Franklin 
 6060  Read about George Washington Carver 
 6061  Read and rise 
 6062  Reading to learn : lessons from exemplary fourth-grade classrooms 
 6063  Ready, set, go cart! 
 6064  Ready, set, race! 
 6065  A real American 
 6066  The real lucky charm 
 6067  Real-world math for hands-on fun! 
 6068  Really hot science projects with temperature : how hot is it? how cold is it? 
 6069  The really rotten princess and the wonderful, wicked class play 
 6070  Really, truly, everything's fine 
 6071  Rebel 
 6072  Rebel with a cause : the daring adventure of Dicey Langston, girl spy of the American Revolution 
 6073  The rebellious colonists and the causes of the American Revolution 
 6074  Rebound 
 6075  The Recess Queen 
 6076  Rechenka's eggs 
 6077  Record breakers : a chapter book 
 6078  Recycled paper : from start to finish 
 6079  Recycling a can 
 6080  Red foxes 
 6081  Red leaf, yellow leaf 
 6082  Red pandas 
 6083  Red Riding Hood and the sweet little Wolf 
 6084  Red rubber boot day 
 6085  Red sled 
 6086  The Red Tails : World War II's Tuskegee airmen 
 6087  The red wolf 
 6088  The Red-Hot Rattoons 
 6089  Red-line blues 
 6090  Reflections 
 6091  Regarding the fountain : a tale, in letters, of liars and leaks 
 6092  Reina Ramos works it out! 
 6093  The relatives came 
 6094  Religions around the world 
 6095  The reluctant dragon 
 6096  The reluctant pitcher 
 6097  Reluctantly Alice 
 6098  A remainder of one 
 6099  Rembrandt 
 6100  Rembrandt's hat 
 6101  Remember : the journey to school integration 
 6102  Remember the bridge : poems of a people 
 6103  Remember the ladies : a story about Abigail Adams 
 6104  Renaissance 
 6105  Rent party jazz 
 6106  Replay : a new book 
 6107  The reptile room 
 6108  Reptiles 
 6109  Reptiles 
 6110  Reptiles are my life 
 6111  The rescue 
 6112  Rescue on the Outer Banks 
 6113  Rescue pup 
 6114  Researching with videos 
 6115  Researching with videos 
 6116  Resources and conservation 
 6117  Respecting others 
 6118  The respiratory system 
 6119  Responsibility 
 6120  The return of Gabriel 
 6121  The return of Rinaldo the sly fox 
 6122  Return of the home run kid 
 6123  The return of the Indian 
 6124  Return to Gallows Hill 
 6125  Return to Howliday Inn 
 6126  Revenge of the dragon lady 
 6127  Revenge of the living dummy 
 6128  A revolutionary field trip : poems of colonial America 
 6129  The Revolutionary War 
 6130  Revolutionary War 
 6131  The Revolutionary War and George Washington's army in American history 
 6132  Revolutionary War on Wednesday 
 6133  Rex Tabby, cat detective 
 6134  Rhinoceroses 
 6135  Rhinos 
 6136  Rhinos for lunch and elephants for supper! : a Maasai tale 
 6137  Rhode Island 
 6138  Ribbit riddles 
 6139  Richard M. Nixon : our thirty-seventh president 
 6140  Richard Wright and the library card 
 6141  Riddle me this! : riddles and stories to challenge your mind 
 6142  The riddle of the stolen sand 
 6143  Riding school : learn how to ride at a real riding school 
 6144  Riding the slides 
 6145  The right dog for the job : Ira's path from service dog to guide dog 
 6146  The righteous revenge of Artemis Bonner 
 6147  Rigor is not a four-letter word 
 6148  Rikki-tikki-tavi 
 6149  Rin, rin, rin, do, re, mi : libro ilustrado en español e inglés : a picture book in Spanish and English 
 6150  Ringo saves the day! : a true story 
 6151  Rip's secret spot 
 6152  Rip-roaring Russell 
 6153  Ripley's believe it or not! : amazing escapes 
 6154  Ripley's believe it or not! : creepy stuff 
 6155  River boy : the story of Mark Twain 
 6156  River discoveries 
 6157  River explorer 
 6158  River to victory : the Civil War in the West, 1861-1863 
 6159  Rivers 
 6160  The rivers of Zadaa 
 6161  Rivka's first Thanksgiving 
 6162  Road trip 
 6163  Roadrunners 
 6164  Roald Dahl's even more revolting recipes 
 6165  The roar of the crowd 
 6166  Robbie Packford-- alien monster 
 6167  Robert and the great escape 
 6168  Robert Cade : Gatorade inventor 
 6169  Robert Fulton 
 6170  Robert La Salle 
 6171  Robert Louis Stevenson 
 6172  Robert Smalls sails to freedom 
 6173  Robert's snowflakes : artists' snowflakes for cancer's cure 
 6174  Robin : an origin story 
 6175  Robotics : from Leonardo Da Vinci to Isaac Asimov 
 6176  Robots 
 6177  Robots 
 6178  Robots 
 6179  Robots 
 6180  Robots, robots everywhere! 
 6181  Robyn makes the news 
 6182  Rock climbing 
 6183  The rock cycle 
 6184  The rock cycle 
 6185  Rocket has a sleepover 
 6186  Rocket man : the Mercury adventure of John Glenn 
 6187  Rockets 
 6188  Rocks 
 6189  Rocks and minerals 
 6190  Rocks in his head 
 6191  Rocks, minerals, and fossils 
 6192  Rocky road trip 
 6193  Rodrick rules 
 6194  Rodzina 
 6195  Roll over! : a counting song 
 6196  Roller coaster 
 6197  Roller coasters 
 6198  Rolling in the aisles : a collection of laugh-out-loud poems 
 6199  Rome 
 6200  Ronald Morgan goes to bat 
 6201  Ronald Reagan : our fortieth president 
 6202  A rookery of penguins, and other bird groups 
 6203  Room on the broom 
 6204  A room with a zoo 
 6205  Rooster 
 6206  The rooster crows : a book of American rhymes and jingles 
 6207  Rooster's off to see the world 
 6208  Rootabaga stories 
 6209  The rope trick 
 6210  Rosa Parks 
 6211  Rosa Parks 
 6212  Rosa Parks 
 6213  Rosa Parks 
 6214  Rosa Raposa 
 6215  A Rose for Pinkerton 
 6216  Rosh Hashanah 
 6217  Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur 
 6218  Rosie : a visiting dog's story 
 6219  Rosie's walk 
 6220  Rosy Cole's worst ever, best yet tour of New York City 
 6221  Rotten Ralph helps out 
 6222  The rough-face girl 
 6223  Round trip 
 6224  Roundup of the street rovers 
 6225  Rover saves Christmas 
 6226  Rowan and the ice creepers 
 6227  Rowan and the Keeper of the Crystal 
 6228  Rowan of Rin 
 6229  Rowley Jefferson's Awesome friendly adventure 
 6230  Roxaboxen 
 6231  Roy makes a car 
 6232  Ruby bakes a cake 
 6233  Ruby Bridges takes her seat : courageous kid of the civil rights movement 
 6234  Ruby Lu, brave and true 
 6235  Ruby paints a picture 
 6236  Ruby's wish 
 6237  Rude giants 
 6238  Rude mule 
 6239  Rudi's pond 
 6240  Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer 
 6241  Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer 
 6242  Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer 
 6243  Rudolph W. Giuliani : America's mayor 
 6244  Rudyard Kipling 
 6245  The ruins of Gorlan 
 6246  Rumpelstiltskin's daughter 
 6247  Run away home 
 6248  Run, jump, hide, slide, splash : the 200 best outdoor games ever 
 6249  Runaway 
 6250  Runaway pumpkins 
 6251  The runaway racehorse 
 6252  Runaway Radish 
 6253  Runaway Ralph 
 6254  The runaway rice cake 
 6255  Running for public office 
 6256  Runny Babbit : a billy sook 
 6257  Runt 
 6258  Russell sprouts 
 6259  Russia 
 6260  Russia : the land 
 6261  Russian colonies in the Americas 
 6262  The rusty, trusty tractor 
 6263  Rutherford B. Hayes : our nineteenth president 
 6264  S.O.R. losers 
 6265  Sacagawea 
 6266  Sacagawea 
 6267  Sacajawea : her true story 
 6268  The sacrifice 
 6269  Sadiq and the Desert Star 
 6270  Sadiq and the green thumbs 
 6271  Sadiq and the pet problem 
 6272  Safari Park 
 6273  Safe at home 
 6274  Safe surfing on the Internet 
 6275  Safely to shore : America's lighthouses 
 6276  Safety during emergencies 
 6277  Safety in my neighborhood 
 6278  Safety on the Internet 
 6279  Saguaro moon : a desert journal 
 6280  Sail away 
 6281  Sailor Moo : cow at sea 
 6282  A sailor returns 
 6283  Saint Francis and the wolf 
 6284  Saint Francis of Assisi : a life of joy 
 6285  Saint George and the dragon : a golden legend 
 6286  Saint Nicholas 
 6287  Saint Patrick's Day 
 6288  Sally Ride : astronaut, scientist, teacher 
 6289  Salsa stories 
 6290  Salt in his shoes : Michael Jordan in pursuit of a dream 
 6291  Salta, cachorrito! 
 6292  Salting the ocean : 100 poems by young poets 
 6293  Sam and the lucky money 
 6294  Sam finds a monster 
 6295  Sam Johnson and the blue ribbon quilt 
 6296  Sam Samurai 
 6297  Sam, Bangs & moonshine 
 6298  Samantha and the missing pearls 
 6299  Samantha learns a lesson : a school story 
 6300  Samantha saves the day : a summer story 
 6301  Samantha saves the wedding 
 6302  Samantha's surprise : a Christmas story 
 6303  Same old horse 
 6304  The same stuff as stars 
 6305  Same, same but different 
 6306  Samir and Yonatan 
 6307  Sammy Keyes and the dead giveaway 
 6308  Sammy Keyes and the hotel thief 
 6309  Sammy Keyes and the search for Snake Eyes 
 6310  Samuel de Champlain 
 6311  Samuel F. B. Morse : inventor and code creator 
 6312  Sand 
 6313  Sand trap! : with Spider-Man, Squirrel-Girl, and the Sandman 
 6314  The sandbox 
 6315  Sandra Day O'Connor : Supreme Court justice 
 6316  Sanitation worker 
 6317  Santa calls 
 6318  Santa Claus : the world's number one toy expert 
 6319  Santa Claus doesn't mop floors 
 6320  The Santa Fe Trail : from Independence, Missouri to Santa Fe, New Mexico 
 6321  Santa Paws to the rescue 
 6322  Santa Paws, our hero 
 6323  Santa's moose 
 6324  Santa's secrets revealed : all your questions answered about Santa's super sleigh, his flying reindeer, and other wonders 
 6325  Sarah, plain and tall 
 6326  Satchel Paige 
 6327  Satellites 
 6328  Satellites and the GPS 
 6329  Saturday at The New You 
 6330  Saturdays and teacakes 
 6331  Saturn 
 6332  Saturn 
 6333  Saudi Arabia 
 6334  Saved by the boats : the heroic sea evacuation of September 11 
 6335  Saving birds : heroes around the world 
 6336  Saving money 
 6337  Saving money 
 6338  Saving Shiloh 
 6339  Saving Sweetness 
 6340  Saving the Liberty Bell 
 6341  Saxophones 
 6342  Say hola to Spanish at the circus 
 6343  Say something 
 6344  Say what? 
 6345  The scarecrow's hat 
 6346  Scared silly 
 6347  Scarlett the cat to the rescue : fire hero 
 6348  Scary, scary Halloween 
 6349  Scat, cat! 
 6350  Scat, cats! 
 6351  School days 
 6352  School daze : a book of riddles about school 
 6353  School jokes 
 6354  School Library Journal 
 6355  School picture day 
 6356  School secretaries 
 6357  The school skeleton 
 6358  A school year of poems : 180 favorites from Highlights 
 6359  Schoolhouse mystery 
 6360  Schoolyard games 
 6361  Schoolyard snickers : classy jokes that make the grade 
 6362  Science 
 6363  The science behind Batman's flying machines 
 6364  The science behind Batman's ground vehicles 
 6365  The science behind Batman's tools 
 6366  The science behind Batman's uniform 
 6367  Science experiments with color 
 6368  Science experiments with forces 
 6369  The science of the environment 
 6370  Science through children's literature : an integrated approach 
 6371  Score one for the sloths 
 6372  Score! : you can play soccer 
 6373  Scorpia 
 6374  The Scorpio Races 
 6375  Scorpions : the sneaky stingers 
 6376  Scotland 
 6377  Scotland 
 6378  Scott Joplin : the king of ragtime 
 6379  The scrambled states of America 
 6380  Scranimals : poems 
 6381  Sculpting & drama 
 6382  Sea giants of dinosaur time 
 6383  Sea horses 
 6384  Sea lions 
 6385  Sea lions 
 6386  Sea monsters don't ride motorcycles 
 6387  The sea of monsters 
 6388  The Sea of Trolls 
 6389  Sea serpents don't juggle water balloons 
 6390  Sea shores 
 6391  Sea snakes 
 6392  Sea turtles 
 6393  Seahorses 
 6394  The Seal Island seven 
 6395  Sealed with a kiss 
 6396  Seals 
 6397  The seals on the bus 
 6398  The search for Belle Prater 
 6399  The search for poison-dart frogs 
 6400  The search for the missing bones 
 6401  The search for the ultimate race car 
 6402  Searching for grizzlies 
 6403  Searching for Oliver K. Woodman 
 6404  Searching for stormy weather with a scientist 
 6405  The seashore 
 6406  Season of promise 
 6407  Seasons 
 6408  The seasons 
 6409  The seasons 
 6410  The seasons of Arnold's apple tree 
 6411  Seaweed soup 
 6412  Second banana 
 6413  Second cousins 
 6414  Secret along the St. Mary's 
 6415  The secret birthday message 
 6416  The secret footprints 
 6417  Secret holes 
 6418  Secret identity 
 6419  The secret language of girls 
 6420  The secret of Shazam! 
 6421  The secret of the green skin 
 6422  The secret of the old clock 
 6423  The secret of the red flame 
 6424  The secret of the stones : a folktale 
 6425  Secret summer dreams 
 6426  The secret world of the Aztecs 
 6427  Secrets of the Sphinx 
 6428  Secrets on 26th Street 
 6429  Sector 7 
 6430  Sediment 
 6431  Sedimentary rocks 
 6432  See me run 
 6433  See you around, Sam! 
 6434  See you later, gladiator 
 6435  Seed to plant 
 6436  Seedfolks 
 6437  Seeds 
 6438  Seeing in living things 
 6439  Seeing lessons : the story of Abigail Carter and America's first school for blind people 
 6440  The seeing stone 
 6441  Seeing Sugar 
 6442  Seeker of knowledge : the man who deciphered Egyptian hieroglyphs 
 6443  Self-driving cars 
 6444  Self-driving cars 
 6445  Self-respect 
 6446  Selina and the bear paw quilt 
 6447  The Seminole 
 6448  Senate 
 6449  The Seneca Falls Women's Rights Convention 
 6450  Sentences 
 6451  Sergei Prokofiev's Peter and the wolf 
 6452  Sergio and the hurricane 
 6453  Serious farm 
 6454  Serving in the military 
 6455  Serving on a jury 
 6456  Serving on a jury 
 6457  Sets : sorting into groups 
 6458  The settling of Jamestown 
 6459  Seurat and La Grande Jatte : connecting the dots 
 6460  Seven brave women 
 6461  The seven Chinese brothers 
 6462  The seven Chinese sisters 
 6463  The seven silly eaters 
 6464  The seven wonders of Sassafras Springs 
 6465  Seven wonders of the natural world 
 6466  Seymour Simon's book of trains. 
 6467  Shades of black : a celebration of our children 
 6468  Shadow 
 6469  Shadow beast 
 6470  Shadow on the stars 
 6471  Shadows in the glasshouse 
 6472  Shake dem Halloween bones 
 6473  Shake, rattle & roll : the founders of rock & roll 
 6474  Shakespeare 
 6475  The Shakespeare stealer 
 6476  Shakespeare's daughter 
 6477  Shakespeare's secret 
 6478  The shaman's apprentice : a tale of the Amazon rain forest 
 6479  The Shamer's signet 
 6480  Shampoozel 
 6481  The shape of me and other stuff 
 6482  The shape of me and other stuff. 
 6483  Shaper 
 6484  Shapes 
 6485  Shapes : discovering flats and solids 
 6486  Shapes at home 
 6487  Shapes, shapes, shapes 
 6488  Shaquille O'Neal 
 6489  Share it! : Instagram projects for the real world 
 6490  Shark swimathon 
 6491  Sharkabet : a sea of sharks from A to Z 
 6492  Sharks 
 6493  Sharks! : strange and wonderful 
 6494  Sharon and Shawn 
 6495  Shattering earthquakes 
 6496  She'll be comin' 'round the mountain 
 6497  Sheep 
 6498  Sheep in a shop 
 6499  Sheep on a ship 
 6500  Sheep trick or treat 
 6501  Sheila Rae, the brave 
 6502  Shelley shock 
 6503  Sherman Crunchley 
 6504  Shetland in the shed 
 6505  Shiloh 
 6506  Shipwreck Saturday 
 6507  Shipwrecks 
 6508  Shoeless Joe & Black Betsy 
 6509  Shop talk 
 6510  Short takes : fast-break basketball poetry 
 6511  Should I share my ice cream? 
 6512  Show and tell 
 6513  Show me insects 
 6514  Show way 
 6515  Showing distance in art 
 6516  Shrek 2 gag book 
 6517  Shrek the third : friends and foes 
 6518  Shrek! 
 6519  Shrinking Violet 
 6520  The shrouding woman 
 6521  Shut-out! 
 6522  Sick day jitters 
 6523  Sid the Science Kid : a cavity is a hole in your tooth 
 6524  Sid the Science Kid : the trouble with germs 
 6525  Sid the Science Kid : why are my shoes shrinking? 
 6526  Sid the Science Kid : why did my ice pop melt? 
 6527  Sidekicks 
 6528  Sideways stories from Wayside School 
 6529  Sideways stories from Wayside School 
 6530  The siege of the Alamo 
 6531  The sign of the beaver 
 6532  The sign of the twisted candles 
 6533  The sign painter 
 6534  Silent Letters Loud and Clear. 
 6535  Silent night : the song and its story 
 6536  The silent witness : a true story of the Civil War 
 6537  Silk 
 6538  Silk umbrellas 
 6539  Silly cars 
 6540  Silly Sally 
 6541  Silver 
 6542  Silver dollar girl 
 6543  Silver seeds : a book of nature poems 
 6544  The silver thread 
 6545  Silverwing 
 6546  Similes and metaphors 
 6547  Simon and the snowflakes 
 6548  Simply Alice 
 6549  Sindbad's secret 
 6550  Sing a song of piglets : a calendar in verse 
 6551  Sing a song of sixpence : a pocketful of nursery rhymes and tales 
 6552  Sing me a story : song-and-dance tales from the Caribbean 
 6553  The singing man : a West African folktale 
 6554  Sinking and floating 
 6555  The sinking of the Titanic 
 6556  Sioux 
 6557  Sir Cumference and the sword in the cone : a math adventure 
 6558  Sir Francis Drake 
 6559  Sirens and sea monsters 
 6560  Sister Anne's hands 
 6561  Sit-ins and freedom rides : the power of nonviolent resistance 
 6562  Sitting Bull 
 6563  Sitting Bull, 1831-1890 
 6564  Six million paper clips : the making of a children's Holocaust memorial 
 6565  Six sheep sip thick shakes : and other tricky tongue twisters 
 6566  Six-dinner Sid 
 6567  Sixteen fleecy sheep : a book about vowels 
 6568  Sixth grade secrets 
 6569  Size : many ways to measure 
 6570  Sizes at school 
 6571  Skate, Robyn, skate! 
 6572  Skateboard renegade 
 6573  Skateboards 
 6574  The skeletal system 
 6575  The skeletal system 
 6576  The skeletal system 
 6577  Skeleton bones & goblin groans : poems for Halloween 
 6578  The skeleton in the closet 
 6579  The skeleton in the Smithsonian 
 6580  Skeletons don't play tubas 
 6581  Skellig 
 6582  Skellig : the play ; Wild girl, wild boy : a play 
 6583  Sketches from a spy tree : poems 
 6584  The skies 
 6585  The skin 
 6586  Skinny and fats, best friends 
 6587  Skinny-dipping at Monster Lake 
 6588  Skinnybones 
 6589  The skirt 
 6590  The skull alphabet book 
 6591  Skunk kits 
 6592  Skunk scout 
 6593  Skunks 
 6594  Sky color 
 6595  Sky watcher 
 6596  Skyscrapers 
 6597  Skyscrapers 
 6598  SkySisters 
 6599  A slave family 
 6600  The slave trade in early America 
 6601  Slavery and the Underground Railroad : bound for freedom 
 6602  Sleds on Boston Common : a story from the American Revolution 
 6603  Sleep tight, Little Mouse 
 6604  Sleeping Beauty 
 6605  Sleeping Bobby 
 6606  Sleeping for good health 
 6607  Sleeping over 
 6608  Sleeping ugly 
 6609  Sleepover sleuths 
 6610  Sleepy Sheepy 
 6611  Sloane and Sly 
 6612  Sloths 
 6613  Sludge and slime : oil spills in our world 
 6614  Slugs 
 6615  Slugs and snails 
 6616  The sly fox and the chicks 
 6617  Sly the Sleuth and the pet mysteries 
 6618  Small pig 
 6619  Small steps 
 6620  Small town 
 6621  Smart about the fifty states 
 6622  The smart cookie 
 6623  Smartypants : (Pete in school) 
 6624  Smelling 
 6625  Smelling in living things 
 6626  Smile a lot! 
 6627  The Smithsonian Institution 
 6628  Smoky night 
 6629  Smooth and rough 
 6630  The smuggler's treasure 
 6631  Snack time around the world 
 6632  The snake by the lake 
 6633  Snake camp 
 6634  Snake charmer 
 6635  Snakes 
 6636  Snap it! : snapchat projects for the real world 
 6637  Sneakers 
 6638  The sneetches : and other stories 
 6639  Snow 
 6640  Snow 
 6641  Snow 
 6642  Snow and more snow! 
 6643  The snow child 
 6644  Snow is falling 
 6645  Snow White stories around the world : 4 beloved tales 
 6646  Snowball soup 
 6647  Snowballs 
 6648  Snowboarding on Monster Mountain 
 6649  Snowbound mystery 
 6650  Snowed in with Grandmother Silk 
 6651  Snowflake Bentley 
 6652  A snowflake fell : poems about winter 
 6653  Snowgre 
 6654  Snowmen at night 
 6655  Snug in Mama's arms 
 6656  So B. It : a novel 
 6657  So far from home : the diary of Mary Driscoll, an Irish mill girl 
 6658  So far from the sea 
 6659  So many cats! 
 6660  So you have to teach math? : sound advice for K-6 teachers 
 6661  So you want to be an explorer? 
 6662  So you want to be president? 
 6663  Soapmaking : 50 fun & fabulous soaps to melt & pour 
 6664  Soaring bald eagles 
 6665  Soaring through the universe : astronomy through children's literature 
 6666  Soccer 
 6667  Soccer beat 
 6668  Soccer duel 
 6669  Soccer is fun! 
 6670  The soccer mom from outer space 
 6671  Soccer scoop 
 6672  Soccer switch 
 6673  Socks 
 6674  Sofia Valdez, future prez 
 6675  Soft and hard 
 6676  Soft hay will catch you : poems by young people 
 6677  Soil 
 6678  Soil 
 6679  Soil 
 6680  Soil : a resource our world depends on 
 6681  Sojourner Truth 
 6682  Sojourner Truth 
 6683  Sojourner Truth : a voice for freedom 
 6684  Solar power 
 6685  Solar power 
 6686  Solar power 
 6687  The solar system 
 6688  Solar systems : planets, stars, and orbits 
 6689  Soldering 
 6690  Soldier bear 
 6691  The solid truth about matter 
 6692  Solid, liquid, and gas 
 6693  Solids, liquids, and gases 
 6694  Some folks like cats and other poems 
 6695  Some friend 
 6696  Some frog! 
 6697  Some from the moon, some from the sun : poems and songs for everyone 
 6698  Some kids are deaf 
 6699  Some kids use wheelchairs 
 6700  Some kids wear leg braces 
 6701  Some things change 
 6702  Something beautiful 
 6703  Something from nothing : adapted from a Jewish folktale 
 6704  Something special for me 
 6705  Sometimes my mommy gets angry 
 6706  Song and dance man 
 6707  A song for Gwendolyn Brooks 
 6708  Song Lee and the "I hate you" notes 
 6709  Song Lee in Room 2B 
 6710  Song of the trees 
 6711  Songbirds : the language of song 
 6712  Songs of myself : an anthology of poems and art 
 6713  Sonny the daring squirrel 
 6714  Sonny's house of spies 
 6715  Sophie's masterpiece : a spider's tale 
 6716  Sophie's squash 
 6717  Sorcerer of the waves 
 6718  Sore throats and tonsillitis 
 6719  Sorting plants : what is a flower? 
 6720  Soul looks back in wonder 
 6721  Sound 
 6722  Sound 
 6723  Sound and hearing 
 6724  Sound and hearing 
 6725  Sound and light 
 6726  Sound effects 
 6727  Sounder 
 6728  Souperchicken 
 6729  The sour grape 
 6730  South Africa 
 6731  South Africa 
 6732  South America 
 6733  South Carolina 
 6734  South Dakota 
 6735  The Southeast Indians : daily life in the 1500s 
 6736  The Southwest Indians : daily life in the 1500s 
 6737  The Sower of Tales 
 6738  Space 
 6739  Space & art activities 
 6740  Space : FAQ, frequently asked questions 
 6741  Space dramas 
 6742  Space exploration 
 6743  Space exploration : from Galileo Galilei to Neil Degrasse Tyson 
 6744  Space explorers 
 6745  Space missions 
 6746  Space mysteries 
 6747  Space mysteries 
 6748  Space pirates : a map-reading adventure 
 6749  Space race 
 6750  Space science 
 6751  Space science 
 6752  The space shuttle 
 6753  Space station rat 
 6754  Space stations 
 6755  Space travel 
 6756  Space travelers 
 6757  Space walks 
 6758  Spacecraft 
 6759  Spanish colonies in the Americas 
 6760  Sparrow Jack 
 6761  Speak English for us, Marisol! 
 6762  Spelling rules 
 6763  Spending money 
 6764  Spending money 
 6765  Spheres 
 6766  The spider and the fly 
 6767  Spiderology 
 6768  Spiders 
 6769  Spiders and their web sites 
 6770  Spiders and their webs 
 6771  Spiders! 
 6772  Spiders, inside and out 
 6773  The spiffiest giant in town 
 6774  Spike in the city 
 6775  Spinosaurus 
 6776  Spinosaurus 
 6777  Splash! 
 6778  Splat the Cat gets a job! 
 6779  Splatoon squid kids comedy show. 
 6780  Splatoon squid kids comedy show. 
 6781  SpongeBob Airpants : the lost episode 
 6782  SpongeBob superstar 
 6783  The spoon in the bathroom wall 
 6784  Sports hall of fame, weird 
 6785  Sportsmanship 
 6786  Spotlight on Cody 
 6787  Spots, feathers, and curly tails 
 6788  Spring :  
 6789  Spring : March, April, and May 
 6790  The spring equinox : celebrating the greening of the earth 
 6791  Spring song 
 6792  Springer spaniels 
 6793  Springtime addition 
 6794  Spunky tells all 
 6795  The spy in the alley 
 6796  Squanto and the first Thanksgiving 
 6797  Squanto and the first Thanksgiving 
 6798  Squeaking of art : the mice go to the museum 
 6799  Squeal and squawk : barnyard talk 
 6800  Squeeze : poems from a juicy universe 
 6801  Squid 
 6802  The squiggle 
 6803  Squirrel and John Muir 
 6804  Squirrel kits 
 6805  Squishy circuits 
 6806  Squizzy the black squirrel : a fabulous fable of friendship 
 6807  St. Patrick's Day 
 6808  St. Patrick's Day : parades, shamrocks, and leprechauns 
 6809  St. Patrick's day alphabet 
 6810  St. Patrick's Day crafts 
 6811  Stadiums 
 6812  Stage fright on a summer night 
 6813  Stagestruck 
 6814  Stamp it! : 50 amazing projects to make 
 6815  Stand tall, Molly Lou Melon 
 6816  Stanley mows the lawn 
 6817  Stanley, flat again! 
 6818  The star-bearer : a creation myth from ancient Egypt 
 6819  The Star-Spangled Banner 
 6820  The Star-Spangled Banner 
 6821  The Star-Spangled Banner 
 6822  The star-spangled banner : America's national anthem and its history 
 6823  Star-spangled crafts 
 6824  Starring Grace 
 6825  Stars 
 6826  Stars 
 6827  Stars 
 6828  Stars and stripes : the story of the American flag 
 6829  Start and stop 
 6830  Start writing about things I do 
 6831  Start writing adventure stories 
 6832  Start writing amazing stories 
 6833  Starting with Alice 
 6834  Starting with Shakespeare : successfully introducing Shakespeare to children 
 6835  The starving time 
 6836  The state governor 
 6837  The state legislative branch 
 6838  States of matter 
 6839  States of matter 
 6840  The Statue of Liberty 
 6841  The Statue of Liberty 
 6842  The Statue of Liberty : introducing primary sources 
 6843  Stay in line 
 6844  Stay! : Keeper's story 
 6845  Staying safe 
 6846  Staying safe online 
 6847  Staying safe online 
 6848  Stealing home 
 6849  Stealing Thunder 
 6850  The steam engine : fueling the Industrial Revolution 
 6851  Stefan's story 
 6852  Stegosaurus 
 6853  Stella Louella's runaway book 
 6854  Stellaluna 
 6855  Step gently out 
 6856  Steph Curry 
 6857  Stephanie's ponytail 
 6858  The Steps 
 6859  Steve Irwin 
 6860  The stick and stone age 
 6861  Stick and Stone on the go 
 6862  Stick and Stone. 
 6863  Stick Dog comes to town 
 6864  Still there, Clare 
 6865  Still-life stew 
 6866  Stinky 
 6867  The Stinky Cheese Man and other fairly stupid tales 
 6868  The stinky cheese surprise 
 6869  Stock cars 
 6870  Stocking up for the storm 
 6871  The stone : a Persian legend of the Magi 
 6872  The stone lamp : eight stories of Hanukkah through history 
 6873  Stone soup 
 6874  Stopping by woods on a snowy evening 
 6875  Stopping to home 
 6876  A storm called Katrina 
 6877  Storm in the night 
 6878  Storm Maker's tipi 
 6879  Storms of the past and the future 
 6880  The story goes on 
 6881  The story of a seagull and the cat who taught her to fly 
 6882  The story of Blue Elk 
 6883  The story of Cassiopeia 
 6884  The story of chopsticks 
 6885  The story of Divaali 
 6886  The story of Ferdinand 
 6887  The story of Ferdinand 
 6888  The story of figure skating 
 6889  The story of Halloween 
 6890  The story of Johnny Appleseed 
 6891  The story of Jumping Mouse : a Native American legend 
 6892  The story of Muhammad Ali 
 6893  The story of Pegasus 
 6894  The story of Perseus 
 6895  The story of Ruby Bridges 
 6896  The story of soccer 
 6897  The story of the Easter Bunny 
 6898  The story of the H.L. Hunley and Queenie's coin 
 6899  The story of the incredible orchestra : an introduction to musical instruments and the symphony orchestra 
 6900  The story of the Jeep 
 6901  Story of the Nile 
 6902  The story of Ursa Major and Ursa Minor : a Roman constellation myth : a retelling 
 6903  A story, a story : an African tale 
 6904  The storytelling princess 
 6905  Stowaway 
 6906  Strange Mr. Satie 
 6907  Strawberry moon 
 6908  The stray dog 
 6909  Straydog 
 6910  Strega Nona : her story 
 6911  Strega Nona meets her match 
 6912  Strega Nona takes a vacation 
 6913  Strega Nona's magic lessons 
 6914  Strider 
 6915  Stuart at the library 
 6916  Stuart Little 
 6917  Stubby and the Puppy Pack to the rescue 
 6918  Stuff for your space 
 6919  The stuffed bear mystery 
 6920  Stunt bicycle riding 
 6921  The stupendous dodgeball fiasco 
 6922  Subira subira 
 6923  Submarines 
 6924  Substitute teacher plans 
 6925  Suburb 
 6926  Subway 
 6927  Suddenly twins! 
 6928  Sugar 
 6929  Sugar 
 6930  Sukey and the mermaid 
 6931  Sumi's first day of school ever 
 6932  Summer :  
 6933  Summer : an alphabet acrostic 
 6934  The summer camp mystery 
 6935  Summer in Savannah 
 6936  The summer my father was ten 
 6937  Summer of adventure 
 6938  Summer of changes 
 6939  The summer of Riley 
 6940  Summer of suspense 
 6941  Summer of the skunks 
 6942  The summer of the swans 
 6943  Summer party 
 6944  Summer reading is killing me! 
 6945  Summer sun risin' 
 6946  Summer with Elisa 
 6947  Summer's vacation 
 6948  Summerland 
 6949  Summersaults : poems & paintings 
 6950  The summit 
 6951  The sun 
 6952  The sun 
 6953  Sun 
 6954  The sun 
 6955  The sun 
 6956  Sun & Spoon 
 6957  Sun bread 
 6958  The sun in me : poems about the planet 
 6959  The sun is my favorite star 
 6960  Sun Mother wakes the world : an Australian creation story 
 6961  The sundae scoop 
 6962  Sunday best 
 6963  Sunflower 
 6964  Sunny Boy! : the life and times of a tortoise 
 6965  Sunrise, sunset 
 6966  The Sunset Gates 
 6967  Sunshine 
 6968  Sunwing 
 6969  Super paramedic! 
 6970  A super scary Narwhalloween 
 6971  Super senses 
 6972  Super-completely and totally the messiest 
 6973  Super-sized science projects with volume : how much space does it take up? 
 6974  Superdog the Heart of a Hero 
 6975  Superfudge 
 6976  Supergirl : an origin story 
 6977  Superman : an origin story 
 6978  Superman is a good citizen 
 6979  Supermarket 
 6980  Supreme Court 
 6981  Supreme Court 
 6982  Sure as sunrise : stories of Bruh Rabbit & his walkin' talkin' friends 
 6983  Surprise Island 
 6984  Surprising sharks 
 6985  Surviving Brick Johnson 
 6986  Surviving Jamestown : the adventures of young Sam Collier 
 6987  Surviving the Applewhites 
 6988  Susan B. Anthony 
 6989  Susan laughs 
 6990  Suspended 
 6991  Swamp : Bayou Teche, Louisiana, 1851 
 6992  Swamp Angel 
 6993  Swamp monsters don't chase wild turkeys 
 6994  Swan sister : fairy tales retold 
 6995  Swan song : poems of extinction 
 6996  Swear to howdy 
 6997  Sweet Briar goes to school 
 6998  Sweet Clara and the freedom quilt 
 6999  Sweet dream pie 
 7000  Sweet potato pie 
 7001  A sweet smell of roses 
 7002  The sweet treasure 
 7003  Sweet whispers, Brother Rush 
 7004  Sweet, sweet memory 
 7005  Swim team 
 7006  Swimming and diving 
 7007  Swimming salmon 
 7008  Swimmy 
 7009  Swine Lake 
 7010  Swing around the sun : poems 
 7011  Swing sloth! : explore the rain forest 
 7012  Swirl by swirl : spirals in nature 
 7013  Switch play! 
 7014  Switcharound 
 7015  Switzerland 
 7016  Sybil Ludington's midnight ride 
 7017  Sylvester and the magic pebble 
 7018  Sylvia & Miz Lula Maye 
 7019  Sylvie 
 7020  Synonyms and antonyms 
 7021  T is for teachers : a school alphabet 
 7022  T is for touchdown : a football alphabet 
 7023  Tabby in the tub 
 7024  Tackling Dad 
 7025  Tacky and the Winter Games 
 7026  Tadpole 
 7027  Tai chi morning : snapshots of China 
 7028  Take a technowalk : to learn about mechanisms and energy 
 7029  Take me out of the bathtub and other silly dilly songs 
 7030  Take me out to the ballgame : the sensational baseball song 
 7031  Takedown 
 7032  Taking care of Moses 
 7033  Taking care of my teeth 
 7034  Taking root 
 7035  Taking you places : a book about bus drivers 
 7036  The tale of Despereaux : being the story of a mouse, a princess, some soup, and a spool of thread 
 7037  The tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle 
 7038  The tale of the Firebird 
 7039  The tale of Tricky Fox : a New England trickster tale 
 7040  Tales for very picky eaters 
 7041  Tales from a not-so dorky drama queen 
 7042  Tales from a not-so-best friend forever 
 7043  Tales from a not-so-best friend forever 
 7044  Tales from a not-so-dorky drama queen 
 7045  Tales from a not-so-fabulous life 
 7046  Tales from a not-so-friendly frenemy 
 7047  Tales from a not-so-glam TV star 
 7048  Tales from a not-so-happily ever after 
 7049  Tales from a not-so-happy birthday 
 7050  Tales from a not-so-happy heartbreaker 
 7051  Tales from a not-so-perfect pet sitter 
 7052  Tales from a not-so-secret crush catastrophe 
 7053  Tales from old Ireland 
 7054  Tales of a fourth grade nothing 
 7055  Tales of cats 
 7056  Tales of enchantment 
 7057  The tales of Uncle Remus : the adventures of Brer Rabbit 
 7058  Tales told in tents : stories from Central Asia 
 7059  Talkin' about Bessie : the story of aviator Elizabeth Coleman 
 7060  The talking eggs : a folktale from the American South 
 7061  The talking T. Rex 
 7062  Tall story 
 7063  Tally charts 
 7064  Tally O'Malley 
 7065  Tam and Tom 
 7066  Tanka Tanka Skunk! : rhythm and rhyme 
 7067  Tanks 
 7068  Tanzania 
 7069  Tap the magic tree 
 7070  Tap-dance fever 
 7071  Tarantulas 
 7072  Taste 
 7073  Taste 
 7074  Tasting 
 7075  Tasting in living things 
 7076  The tattletale mystery 
 7077  Tatty Ratty 
 7078  Taxes, taxes! : where the money goes 
 7079  Teach us, Amelia Bedelia 
 7080  Teacher Appreciation Day 
 7081  Teacher-centered professional development 
 7082  Teaching & learning through multiple intelligences 
 7083  Teaching every student in the Digital Age : universal design for learning 
 7084  Teaching language arts through literature : grades 4-6 
 7085  Teaching reading with multicultural books kids love 
 7086  Teaching state history : a guide to developing a multicultural curriculum 
 7087  Teaching with Cinderella stories from around the world 
 7088  Teaching with favorite read-alouds in kindergarten 
 7089  Teamwork 
 7090  Technology 
 7091  Tecumseh, 1768-1813 
 7092  Teddy bears : from start to finish 
 7093  Teddy Roosevelt : the people's president 
 7094  Teeth 
 7095  Teeth, tails, & tentacles : an animal counting book 
 7096  TEL Tennessee Electronic Library 
 7097  The telephone 
 7098  Telephone and fax 
 7099  Telephones 
 7100  The telescope : looking into space 
 7101  Telescopes 
 7102  Telescopes 
 7103  Television 
 7104  Television 
 7105  The television : window to the world 
 7106  Television reporters 
 7107  Tell me the day backwards 
 7108  Telling time : how to tell time on digital and analog clocks! 
 7109  The temperate forest : a web of life 
 7110  Temperature 
 7111  Temperature : heating up and cooling down 
 7112  Ten apples up on top! 
 7113  Ten black dots 
 7114  Ten little caterpillars 
 7115  Ten little rabbits 
 7116  Ten mice for Tet 
 7117  Ten red apples 
 7118  Ten sly piranhas : a counting story in reverse (a tale of wickedness--and worse!) 
 7119  Ten, nine, eight 
 7120  Ten-Gallon Bart and the Wild West Show 
 7121  Tennessee 
 7122  Tennessee 
 7123  Tennessee 
 7124  Tennessee 
 7125  Tennessee facts and symbols 
 7126  The Tennessee River 
 7127  Tennessee Titans 
 7128  Tennessee Titans 
 7129  Tennis 
 7130  Tennis 
 7131  Tentacles! : tales of the giant squid 
 7132  Tepees 
 7133  Terrible tyrannosaurs 
 7134  Terrier in the tinsel 
 7135  The terror of the pink dodo balloons 
 7136  Test better, teach better : the instructional role of assessment 
 7137  Texas 
 7138  Thailand 
 7139  Thailand 
 7140  Thank you, Miss Doover 
 7141  Thank you, Mr. Falker 
 7142  Thanksgiving 
 7143  Thanksgiving 
 7144  Thanksgiving 
 7145  The Thanksgiving door 
 7146  Thanksgiving in the White House 
 7147  Thanksgiving is-- 
 7148  Thanksgiving on Plymouth Plantation 
 7149  A Thanksgiving turkey 
 7150  That costs two shells : the history of money 
 7151  That dancin' dolly : a retelling of "Buffalo Gals," a traditional American song 
 7152  That is not a good idea! 
 7153  That's hard, that's easy 
 7154  That's our gym teacher! 
 7155  That's our librarian! 
 7156  Then again, maybe I won't : a novel 
 7157  Theodore Roosevelt : the adventurous president 
 7158  There are monsters everywhere 
 7159  There is a flower at the tip of my nose smelling me 
 7160  There once was a very odd school and other lunch-box limericks 
 7161  There was an old astronaut who swallowed the moon! 
 7162  There was an old lady who swallowed a clover! 
 7163  There was an old lady who swallowed Fly Guy 
 7164  There was an old lady who swallowed some books! 
 7165  There was an old pirate who swallowed a map! 
 7166  There was an old scientist who swallowed a dinosaur! 
 7167  There you are : a novel 
 7168  There's a bat in bunk five 
 7169  There's a boy in the girls' bathroom 
 7170  There's a frog in my throat! : 440 animal sayings a little bird told me 
 7171  There's a girl in my hammerlock 
 7172  There's a house inside my mommy 
 7173  There's a monster under my bed 
 7174  There's a nightmare in my closet 
 7175  There's a wocket in my pocket! 
 7176  There's a zoo in room 22 
 7177  There's an alligator under my bed 
 7178  There's an owl in the shower 
 7179  Thermometers 
 7180  Thesaurus Rex 
 7181  They call me woolly : what animal names can tell us 
 7182  They led the way 
 7183  The thief, the fool, and the big fat king 
 7184  The thieves of Ostia : a Roman mystery 
 7185  Things I like about grandma 
 7186  Things that sometimes happen : very short stories for little listeners 
 7187  Things will never be the same 
 7188  Thinking mathematically : integrating arithmetic and algebra in elementary school 
 7189  Third Gift 
 7190  Third grade stinks! 
 7191  The third wheel 
 7192  The thirteen colonies 
 7193  This amazing world 
 7194  This boat 
 7195  This first Thanksgiving day : a counting story 
 7196  This gum for hire : from the tattered casebook of Chet Gecko, private eye 
 7197  This is my town 
 7198  This is the dog 
 7199  This is the dream 
 7200  This is the farmer 
 7201  This is the house that Jack built 
 7202  This is the house that was tidy & neat 
 7203  This is the turkey 
 7204  This little light of mine 
 7205  This little light of mine 
 7206  This place I know : poems of comfort 
 7207  This train is bound for glory 
 7208  This year's garden 
 7209  Thomas Alva Edison 
 7210  Thomas Edison 
 7211  Thomas Edison : a brilliant inventor 
 7212  Thomas Edison to the rescue! 
 7213  Thomas Jefferson 
 7214  Thomas Jefferson : third president, 1801-1809 
 7215  Thoroughbred horses 
 7216  A thread of kindness : a tzedaka story 
 7217  The three billy goats gruff 
 7218  The three billy goats Gruff 
 7219  The three billygoats Gruff and Mean Calypso Joe 
 7220  Three cat and mouse tales 
 7221  Three days 
 7222  Three good deeds 
 7223  The three little pigs : an old story 
 7224  The three little rabbits : a Balkan folktale 
 7225  The three little wolves and the big bad pig 
 7226  Three more stories you can read to your cat 
 7227  The three pigs 
 7228  Three rotten eggs 
 7229  Three samurai cats : a story from Japan 
 7230  The three silly girls Grubb 
 7231  Three swords for Granada 
 7232  A three-minute speech : Lincoln's remarks at Gettysburg 
 7233  The thumb in the box 
 7234  Thumbelina 
 7235  Thunder at Gettysburg 
 7236  Thunder cake 
 7237  Thunder Rose 
 7238  Thunderbirds : rescue mission 
 7239  Thunderbirds forever! 
 7240  Thurgood Marshall 
 7241  Thurgood Marshall : civil rights champion 
 7242  Tide Stealers. 
 7243  Tierra del Fuego : a journey to the end of the earth 
 7244  The tiger and the wise man 
 7245  The tiger has a toothache : helping animals at the zoo 
 7246  Tiger math : learning to graph from a baby tiger 
 7247  Tiger Woods 
 7248  Tiger Woods 
 7249  Tiger's fall 
 7250  Tigers 
 7251  Tigers 
 7252  Tigers. 
 7253  Time for Andrew : a ghost story 
 7254  Time for school, mouse! 
 7255  The time hackers 
 7256  Time of wonder 
 7257  Time remote 
 7258  A time to dance 
 7259  Time to sleep 
 7260  Time to tell time 
 7261  Time with a calendar 
 7262  Time with a clock 
 7263  A timeline of the White House 
 7264  Times of the day 
 7265  Timothy Tunny swallowed a bunny 
 7266  Tinka 
 7267  Tinker Bell's tea party 
 7268  The tinker's daughter : a story based on the life of Mary Bunyan 
 7269  Tiny life on plants 
 7270  Tiny workers : ants in your backyard 
 7271  Tippy Lemmey 
 7272  Titanic : a nonfiction companion to Tonight on the Titanic 
 7273  The Titanic, lost-- and found 
 7274  Tito, the firefighter / : Tito, el bombero / escrito por Tim Hoppey ; ilustrado por Kimberly Hoffman ; traducido por Eida de la Vega. 
 7275  TJ and the haunted house 
 7276  To be an artist 
 7277  To catch a Clownosaurus 
 7278  To everything there is a season 
 7279  To fly : the story of the Wright brothers 
 7280  To market, to market 
 7281  To root, to toot, to parachute : what is a verb? 
 7282  To scratch a thief : a novel 
 7283  To the Pacific 
 7284  To the top of Everest 
 7285  Toasting marshmallows : camping poems 
 7286  Toby's best friend 
 7287  Today is cold 
 7288  Today is hot 
 7289  Today is rainy 
 7290  Today is snowy 
 7291  Today is sunny 
 7292  Today is windy 
 7293  Toes 
 7294  Togo 
 7295  Tolerance 
 7296  Tolerance 
 7297  Tom bites back 
 7298  Tom's tail 
 7299  Tomatoes to ketchup 
 7300  Tomorrow is a brand new day 
 7301  Tomás and the library lady 
 7302  Tomás Rivera 
 7303  Toni Morrison 
 7304  Toni Morrison : the magic of words 
 7305  Tonight on the Titanic 
 7306  Toning the sweep 
 7307  Tony Hawk 
 7308  Tony Hawk, Andy Macdonald : ride to the top 
 7309  Too cool for school 
 7310  Too many valentines 
 7311  Tooga : the story of a polar bear 
 7312  Toot & Puddle : I'll be home for Christmas 
 7313  The tooth fairy wars 
 7314  Tooth Fairy's first night 
 7315  Toots the cat 
 7316  Top 10 birds for kids 
 7317  The top 10 ways to ruin the first day of 5th grade 
 7318  Top secret anniversary 
 7319  Tornadoes 
 7320  The tortoise and the hare : an Aesop fable 
 7321  Toss & learn games. 
 7322  Totally Joe 
 7323  Toucans 
 7324  Touch blue 
 7325  Touching 
 7326  Touching in living things 
 7327  Tough Boris 
 7328  Town mouse, country mouse 
 7329  Toxic waste : chemical spills in our world 
 7330  Toy box subtraction 
 7331  Toys and games then and now 
 7332  Trabajos rodantes = : Jobs on wheels 
 7333  Tracks in the snow 
 7334  Trading places with Tank Talbott 
 7335  Traditional crafts from the Caribbean 
 7336  Trail of bones 
 7337  The Trail of Tears, 1838 
 7338  The train of states 
 7339  Train to Somewhere 
 7340  The train to Spain 
 7341  Trains 
 7342  Trains 
 7343  A traitor among the boys 
 7344  The transmogrification of Roscoe Wizzle 
 7345  Transportation then and now 
 7346  Trapped! 
 7347  Trashy town 
 7348  Travel math 
 7349  Traveling man : the journey of Ibn Battuta, 1325-1354 
 7350  Traveling shoes : the story of Willye White, US Olympian and long jump champion 
 7351  Travels with Tarra 
 7352  The treasure 
 7353  Treasure map 
 7354  Treasures of the heart 
 7355  A treasury of children's songs : forty favorites to sing and play 
 7356  Tree frogs 
 7357  Tree girl 
 7358  Tree house mystery 
 7359  A tree is nice 
 7360  The trellis and the seed : a book of encouragement for all ages 
 7361  Tremendous tractors 
 7362  Tria and the great Star rescue 
 7363  The trial of the stone : a folktale retold 
 7364  Triceratops 
 7365  Triceratops 
 7366  Triceratops 
 7367  Trick or treat, Crankenstein 
 7368  Triple threat 
 7369  Tripping over the lunch lady : and other school stories 
 7370  Tristan makes a snowman 
 7371  Tristan makes lunch 
 7372  Triumph on Everest : a photobiography of Sir Edmund Hillary 
 7373  The trolls 
 7374  Trolls don't ride roller coasters 
 7375  Trombones 
 7376  Troodon 
 7377  The tropical rain forest : a web of life 
 7378  Trouble in the Barkers' class 
 7379  Trouble is my beeswax : from the tattered casebook of Chet Gecko, private eye 
 7380  The trouble with cats 
 7381  Trouble with girls 
 7382  The trouble with Tink 
 7383  Trouble with trolls 
 7384  The trouble with weddings 
 7385  Truck drivers 
 7386  Trucks 
 7387  Trucksgiving 
 7388  True blue : a novel 
 7389  True heart 
 7390  True stories of World War II 
 7391  The true story of Christmas 
 7392  The true story of the 3 little pigs 
 7393  The true-or-false book of cats 
 7394  Truly Winnie 
 7395  The trumpet of the swan 
 7396  The truth about bats 
 7397  The truth about sparrows 
 7398  The truth about twelve 
 7399  The truth of me : about a boy, his grandmother, and a very good dog 
 7400  Tsunami! : the 1946 Hilo wave of terror 
 7401  Tsunamis 
 7402  Tubas 
 7403  Tuck everlasting 
 7404  Tuesday 
 7405  Tulsa burning 
 7406  Tundra 
 7407  Tunnels 
 7408  Turkey monster Thanksgiving 
 7409  Turkey trick or treat 
 7410  Turkeys on the farm 
 7411  Turtle and Frog at the pond 
 7412  Turtle and Snake and the Christmas tree 
 7413  Turtle and Snake's day at the beach 
 7414  Turtle and the geese : an Indian graphic folktale 
 7415  The turtle saver 
 7416  Turtle splash! : countdown at the pond 
 7417  Turtle's race with Beaver : a traditional Seneca story 
 7418  Turtles 
 7419  Turtles 
 7420  Turtles. 
 7421  The Tuskegee Airmen story 
 7422  Tut, tut 
 7423  TV reporter 
 7424  Tweak, tweak 
 7425  Tweet it! : Twitter projects for the real world 
 7426  Twelve travelers, twenty horses 
 7427  Twenty and ten 
 7428  The twenty-one balloons 
 7429  Twenty-one steps : guarding the tomb of the unknown soldier 
 7430  The twins and the Bird of Darkness : a hero tale from the Caribbean 
 7431  Twister trouble 
 7432  Twisters and other terrible storms : a nonfiction companion to Twister on Tuesday 
 7433  Twizzlers percentages book 
 7434  Two bad ants 
 7435  Two Christmas mice 
 7436  Two homes 
 7437  Two in the wilderness : adventures of a mother and daughter in the Adirondack Mountains 
 7438  The two mountains : an Aztec legend 
 7439  Two Mrs. Gibsons 
 7440  The two princesses of Bamarre 
 7441  Two times the fun 
 7442  The two Tyrones 
 7443  Two under par 
 7444  Two ways to count to ten : a Liberian folktale 
 7445  Types of money 
 7446  Tyrannosaurus rex 
 7447  Tìa Isa wants a car 
 7448  The U.S. Air Force 
 7449  The U.S. Army 
 7450  The U.S. Capitol 
 7451  The U.S. Capitol 
 7452  The U.S. Capitol : introducing primary sources 
 7453  The U.S. Cavalry and the Indian Wars 
 7454  The U.S. Constitution : introducing primary sources 
 7455  The U.S. flag : introducing primary sources 
 7456  The U.S. House of Representatives 
 7457  The U.S. presidency 
 7458  The U.S. Senate 
 7459  The U.S. Supreme Court 
 7460  Uganda 
 7461  The ugly caterpillar 
 7462  The ugly duckling 
 7463  The ugly princess and the wise fool 
 7464  The ultimate Peter Rabbit : a visual guide to the world of Beatrix Potter 
 7465  The ultimate wave 
 7466  Ulysses S. Grant : our eighteenth president 
 7467  The umbrella 
 7468  Uncle Andy's 
 7469  Uncle Jed's barbershop 
 7470  Uncle rain cloud 
 7471  Uncle Sam 
 7472  Uncommon traveler : Mary Kingsley in Africa 
 7473  Under Copp's Hill 
 7474  Under one rock : bugs, slugs and other ughs 
 7475  Under the mesquite 
 7476  Under the sea 
 7477  Under the Sunday tree 
 7478  Under, over, by the clover : what is a preposition? 
 7479  Undercover creatures 
 7480  Undercurrents 
 7481  Underdog 
 7482  Underground 
 7483  The Underground Railroad 
 7484  The Underground Railroad 
 7485  The underground reporters 
 7486  Understanding coding with Minecraft 
 7487  Understanding differences 
 7488  Understanding global warming with Max Axiom, super scientist 
 7489  Underwear : what we wear under there 
 7490  Unexpected detour 
 7491  The unforgotten coat 
 7492  Unicorns 
 7493  United no more! : stories of the Civil War 
 7494  The United States 
 7495  Up 
 7496  Up close : a chapter book 
 7497  Up the hill and down : poems for the very young 
 7498  Up the learning tree 
 7499  Uptown 
 7500  Uranus 
 7501  Uranus 
 7502  US Air Force 
 7503  US Army 
 7504  US Navy 
 7505  Using color in art 
 7506  Using color in your art! : choosing colors for impact & pizzazz 
 7507  Using computers : machine with a mouse 
 7508  Using electricity 
 7509  Using levers 
 7510  Using pulleys and gears 
 7511  Using ramps and wedges 
 7512  Using screws 
 7513  Using shadows in art 
 7514  Using springs 
 7515  Using stories to make art : creative activities using children's literature 
 7516  Using wheels and axles 
 7517  Utah 
 7518  V is for volunteer : a Tennessee alphabet 
 7519  The vacation 
 7520  Vacation under the volcano 
 7521  Vaccinations 
 7522  Valentine hearts : holiday poetry 
 7523  Valentine's Day 
 7524  Valentine's Day 
 7525  Valentine's Day 
 7526  Valentine's Day : candy, love, and hearts 
 7527  Valentine's Day crafts 
 7528  Valley of death 
 7529  The vampire ate my homework 
 7530  The vampire's vacation 
 7531  Varjak Paw 
 7532  Vasco da Gama 
 7533  Vee is for Valentine 
 7534  Vee's monster bash 
 7535  Vehicles 
 7536  Velociraptor 
 7537  Venezuela 
 7538  Venus 
 7539  Venus 
 7540  Venus 
 7541  Venus 
 7542  Venus and Serena Williams 
 7543  Venus and Serena Williams 
 7544  Vera goes to the dentist 
 7545  Verbs 
 7546  Verbs 
 7547  Verdi 
 7548  Vermont 
 7549  Verses for dad's heart 
 7550  The very hungry caterpillar 
 7551  The very noisy night 
 7552  A very special Kwanzaa 
 7553  A very witchy spelling bee 
 7554  Veterans day 
 7555  Veterans day 
 7556  Veterans Day 
 7557  Veterans Day 
 7558  Veterans Day 
 7559  Veterinarians help keep animals healthy 
 7560  Vherses : a celebration of outstanding women 
 7561  Vibrations 
 7562  Vice president 
 7563  Victorian days : discover the past with fun projects, games, activities, and recipes 
 7564  The victory garden 
 7565  Video game coding 
 7566  Vietnam 
 7567  Vietnam 
 7568  The Vietnam Veterans Memorial 
 7569  The view from Saturday 
 7570  Viking it and liking it 
 7571  Viking ships at sunrise 
 7572  The vile village 
 7573  The village of round and square houses 
 7574  Vincent van Gogh : sunflowers and swirly stars 
 7575  Violent volcanoes 
 7576  Violet's music 
 7577  Virgie goes to school with us boys 
 7578  Virginia 
 7579  Virginia bound 
 7580  The Virginia Colony 
 7581  Virtual Cody 
 7582  Virtual reality 
 7583  Virtual reality 
 7584  Vision of beauty : the story of Sarah Breedlove Walker 
 7585  Visiting day 
 7586  Visiting Langston 
 7587  Visiting volcanoes with a scientist 
 7588  A voice of her own : the story of Phillis Wheatley, slave poet 
 7589  Voices of ancient Egypt 
 7590  Voices of the Trojan War 
 7591  Volcanoes 
 7592  Volcanoes : nature's incredible fireworks 
 7593  Volleyball 
 7594  Volume 
 7595  Volunteering 
 7596  Volunteering 
 7597  Vote! 
 7598  Voting 
 7599  Voting : being an active citizen 
 7600  Voting and elections 
 7601  Voting in elections 
 7602  Voyage of ice : chronicles of courage 
 7603  Voyage on the great Titanic : the diary of Margaret Ann Brady 
 7604  Voyage to the volcano 
 7605  W.E.B. Dubois 
 7606  Wacky jokes 
 7607  Wacky Wednesday 
 7608  Wading birds : from herons to hammerkops 
 7609  The wagon train 
 7610  Wait till Helen comes : a ghost story 
 7611  Wait! No paint! 
 7612  Waiting for Pelly 
 7613  Waiting for the magic 
 7614  Waiting for wings 
 7615  Waiting to dive 
 7616  Wake up, sleepy head! : early morning poems 
 7617  Wales 
 7618  A walk in the boreal forest 
 7619  A walk in the deciduous forest 
 7620  A walk in the desert 
 7621  A walk in the prairie 
 7622  Walk two moons 
 7623  Walking home to Rosie Lee 
 7624  Walking to the bus-rider blues 
 7625  Walking with Henry : based on the life and works of Henry David Thoreau 
 7626  Walking with the dead 
 7627  The wall 
 7628  Wallace's lists 
 7629  The walrus 
 7630  Walt Disney 
 7631  Walt Disney : a photo-illustrated biography 
 7632  Walter the farting dog : trouble at the yard sale 
 7633  Wanted-- Mud Blossom 
 7634  War comes to Willy Freeman 
 7635  War of 1812 
 7636  The War of 1812 
 7637  Warren G. Harding : our twenty-ninth president 
 7638  A was an apple pie : an English nursery rhyme 
 7639  Washington 
 7640  The Washington Monument 
 7641  The Washington Monument 
 7642  Washington, D.C. 
 7643  Washington, D.C. 
 7644  Washington, D.C. 
 7645  Waste not : time to recycle 
 7646  Watch the stars come out 
 7647  The watcher : Jane Goodall's life with the chimps 
 7648  Watcher in the piney woods 
 7649  Water 
 7650  Water 
 7651  Water 
 7652  Water 
 7653  Water 
 7654  The water cycle 
 7655  The water cycle 
 7656  Water dance 
 7657  Water for everyone 
 7658  Water in glaciers 
 7659  Water in oceans 
 7660  Water in rivers and lakes 
 7661  Water in the atmosphere 
 7662  The water of possibility 
 7663  Water pollution 
 7664  Water power 
 7665  Water power 
 7666  Water science fair projects : using ice cubes, super soakers, and other wet stuff 
 7667  Water sports 
 7668  Water under ground 
 7669  Waterways 
 7670  The Watsons go to Birmingham--1963 : a novel 
 7671  Wax to crayons 
 7672  The way cool license plate book 
 7673  Ways things move 
 7674  Ways we communicate 
 7675  Wayside School gets a little stranger 
 7676  Wayside School is falling down 
 7677  We are family :  
 7678  We are patriots 
 7679  We are the many : a picture book of American Indians 
 7680  We are the ship : the story of Negro League baseball 
 7681  We can jump! 
 7682  We can work it out : conflict resolution for children 
 7683  We don't lose our class goldfish 
 7684  We had a picnic this Sunday past 
 7685  We like music! 
 7686  We need auto mechanics 
 7687  We need farmers 
 7688  We need nurses 
 7689  We need pharmacists 
 7690  We need plumbers 
 7691  We need school bus drivers 
 7692  We rode the orphan trains 
 7693  We shall overcome 
 7694  We the kids : the preamble to the Constitution of the United States 
 7695  We visit Morocco 
 7696  We're riding on a caravan : an adventure on the Silk Road 
 7697  Weather 
 7698  Weather 
 7699  Weather 
 7700  Weather : FAQ, frequently asked questions 
 7701  Weather and climate 
 7702  Weather patterns 
 7703  Weave little stars into my sleep : Native American lullabies 
 7704  Weaving the rainbow 
 7705  Web design 
 7706  The wedding 
 7707  A wedding for Wiglaf? 
 7708  The Wednesday surprise 
 7709  Wee little bunny 
 7710  Wee Winnie Witch's Skinny : an original African American scare tale 
 7711  A weekend with Wendell 
 7712  Weight 
 7713  Weird friends : unlikely allies in the animal kingdom 
 7714  Welcome Comfort 
 7715  Welcome Dede! : an African naming ceremony 
 7716  Welcome to Canada 
 7717  Welcome to North America! 
 7718  Welcome to the Globe! : the story of Shakespeare's theater 
 7719  Welcome to the world of hummingbirds 
 7720  Welcome to the world of orangutans 
 7721  Welcome to the world of sharks 
 7722  Welcome to the world of wild horses 
 7723  Welcome to Turkey 
 7724  The well : David's story 
 7725  Wemberly worried 
 7726  Wenny has wings 
 7727  Werewolves don't go to summer camp 
 7728  Weslandia 
 7729  West to a land of plenty : the diary of Teresa Angelino Viscardi 
 7730  West Virginia 
 7731  The Westing game 
 7732  The Westing game 
 7733  Westward to home 
 7734  Wet dog! 
 7735  The whale : giant of the ocean 
 7736  Whales 
 7737  Whales 
 7738  Whales and dolphins : what they have in common 
 7739  Whales! : strange and wonderful 
 7740  Wham! it's a poetry jam : discovering performance poetry 
 7741  What a scare, Jesse Bear 
 7742  What a trip, Amber Brown 
 7743  What a year 
 7744  What about me? 
 7745  What are atoms? 
 7746  What are forests? 
 7747  What are mountains? 
 7748  What are stars made of? 
 7749  What are you waiting for? 
 7750  What baby needs 
 7751  What can build? 
 7752  What can fly? 
 7753  What can I be? 
 7754  What can jump? 
 7755  What can run? 
 7756  What can swim? 
 7757  What dads can't do 
 7758  What do authors do? 
 7759  What do doctors do? 
 7760  What do firefighters do? 
 7761  What do garbage collectors do? 
 7762  What do librarians do? 
 7763  What do mail carriers do? 
 7764  What do police officers do? 
 7765  What do you do with a tail like this? 
 7766  What does a doctor do? 
 7767  What does a firefighter do? 
 7768  What does a mail carrier do? 
 7769  What does a police officer do? 
 7770  What does a sanitation worker do? 
 7771  What does an EMT do? 
 7772  What does peace feel like? 
 7773  What eats what in an ocean food chain? 
 7774  What happened to the mammoths? : and other explorations of science in action 
 7775  What happens to space probes? 
 7776  What I believe : a novel 
 7777  What I like! : poems for the very young 
 7778  What if you met a pirate? : an historical voyage of seafaring speculation 
 7779  What is a forest? 
 7780  What is a fungus? 
 7781  What is a preposition? 
 7782  What is a river? 
 7783  What is a sculpture? 
 7784  What is a thermometer? 
 7785  What is a wise bird like you doing in a silly tale like this? 
 7786  What is an attribute? 
 7787  What is an elephant? 
 7788  What is an ocean? 
 7789  What is electricity? 
 7790  What is energy? : exploring science with hands-on activities 
 7791  What is friction? 
 7792  What is goodbye? 
 7793  What is gravity? 
 7794  What is hibernation? 
 7795  What is migration? 
 7796  What is money? 
 7797  What is my song? 
 7798  What is on the far side of the Moon? 
 7799  What is space junk? 
 7800  What is the sky? 
 7801  What makes you cough, sneeze, burp, hiccup, blink, yawn, sweat, and shiver? 
 7802  What moms can't do 
 7803  What plants and animals need 
 7804  What presidents are made of 
 7805  What should we eat? 
 7806  What time is it, Mr. Crocodile? 
 7807  What we wear 
 7808  What you never knew about tubs, toilets & showers 
 7809  What you will see inside a Catholic Church 
 7810  What's a pair? what's a dozen? 
 7811  What's a serious detective like me doing in such a silly movie? 
 7812  What's cooking, Jamela? 
 7813  What's cooking, Jenny Archer? 
 7814  What's Michael? 
 7815  What's older than a giant tortoise? 
 7816  What's opposite? 
 7817  What's that awful smell? 
 7818  What's the difference? : 10 animal look-alikes 
 7819  What's the hurry, Fox? : and other animal stories 
 7820  What's the matter with Herbie Jones? 
 7821  What's the time, Grandma Wolf? 
 7822  What's the weather? 
 7823  What's up, what's down? 
 7824  What's your angle Pythagoras? : a math adventure 
 7825  Wheel of misfortune 
 7826  The wheel on the school 
 7827  The wheels on the bus 
 7828  When a dragon moves in 
 7829  When Catherine the Great and I were eight! 
 7830  When Christmas comes again : the World War I diary of Simone Spencer 
 7831  When eagles fall 
 7832  When everybody wore a hat 
 7833  When I am old with you 
 7834  When I get bigger 
 7835  When I grow up 
 7836  When I heard the learn'd astronomer 
 7837  When I was little : a four-year-old's memoir of her youth 
 7838  When I went to the library 
 7839  When Johnny comes marching home : a song about a soldier's return 
 7840  When Mama comes home tonight 
 7841  When Marian sang : the true recital of Marian Anderson : the voice of a century 
 7842  When pirates came to Brooklyn 
 7843  When Ratboy lived next door 
 7844  When reading begins : the teacher's role in decoding, comprehension, and fluency 
 7845  When Santa fell to Earth 
 7846  When sheep cannot sleep : the counting book 
 7847  When Sophie gets angry-- : really, really angry-- 
 7848  When the circus came to town 
 7849  When the moon is full 
 7850  When the soldiers were gone 
 7851  When Tiny was tiny 
 7852  When you were inside Mommy 
 7853  Where do chicks come from? 
 7854  Where does your food go? 
 7855  Where heroes hide 
 7856  Where in the world 
 7857  Where is Christmas, Jesse Bear? 
 7858  Where is my continent? 
 7859  Where is my country? 
 7860  Where is my state? 
 7861  Where is my town? 
 7862  Where is your home? 
 7863  Where on Earth is my bagel? 
 7864  Where the great hawk flies 
 7865  Where the sidewalk ends : the poems & drawings 
 7866  Where the sidewalk ends : the poems & drawings 
 7867  Where the wild things are 
 7868  Where's mom's hair? : a family's journey through cancer 
 7869  Where's Waldo now? 
 7870  Where's Waldo? : the wonder book 
 7871  Which switch is which? : a first look at electricity 
 7872  While you were out 
 7873  The whipping boy 
 7874  Whisper and shout : poems to memorize 
 7875  Whisper in the dark 
 7876  Whispering to witches 
 7877  Whistle for Willie 
 7878  The white horse talisman 
 7879  The White House 
 7880  The White House 
 7881  White snow, bright snow 
 7882  White with other colors 
 7883  Whiteout! : a book about blizzards 
 7884  Whitewater scrubs 
 7885  Whitney Houston : recording artist & actress 
 7886  Who am I? 
 7887  Who came first? : new clues to prehistoric Americans 
 7888  Who gets the sun out of bed? 
 7889  Who helps animals? 
 7890  Who helps keep us healthy? 
 7891  Who helps keep us safe? 
 7892  Who helps us get around? 
 7893  Who helps us learn? 
 7894  Who hoots? 
 7895  Who is LeBron James? 
 7896  Who is Maria Tallchief? 
 7897  Who keeps us safe? 
 7898  Who killed Cock Robin? 
 7899  Who really discovered America? : unraveling the mystery & solving the puzzle 
 7900  Who swallowed Harold? : and other poems about pets 
 7901  Who took the cookies from the cookie jar? 
 7902  Who wants I scream? 
 7903  Who was Albert Einstein? 
 7904  Who was Annie Oakley? 
 7905  Who was Ben Franklin? 
 7906  Who was born this special day? 
 7907  Who was Eleanor Roosevelt? 
 7908  Who was Ferdinand Magellan? 
 7909  Who was Harriet Tubman? 
 7910  Who was Harry Houdini? 
 7911  Who was Helen Keller? 
 7912  Who was John F. Kennedy? 
 7913  Who was King Tut? 
 7914  Who was Leonardo da Vinci? 
 7915  Who was Louis Armstrong? 
 7916  Who was Mark Twain? 
 7917  Who was Ronald Reagan? 
 7918  Who was the woman who wore the hat? 
 7919  Who was Thomas Jefferson? 
 7920  Who was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart? 
 7921  Who were the Beatles? 
 7922  Who will tell my brother? 
 7923  Who's afraid of the big bad book? 
 7924  Who's that girl? 
 7925  Who's that knocking on Christmas Eve? 
 7926  Who's there? : a book of knock-knock jokes 
 7927  Who's who in a neighborhood 
 7928  Who's who in a public housing community 
 7929  Who's who in a rural community 
 7930  Who's who in a suburban community 
 7931  Who's who in an urban community 
 7932  Whose baby am I? 
 7933  Whose baby is this? 
 7934  Whose bottom is this? 
 7935  Whose food is this? : a look at what animals eat-leaves, bugs, and nuts 
 7936  Whose house is this? : a look at animal homes-webs, nests, and shells 
 7937  Whose mouse are you? 
 7938  Whose nose is this? 
 7939  Whose teeth are these? 
 7940  Why do birds sing? 
 7941  Why do bones break? : and other questions about movement 
 7942  Why do bruises change color? : and other questions about blood 
 7943  Why do cats meow? 
 7944  Why do dogs bark? 
 7945  Why do I get a toothache? : and other questions about nerves 
 7946  Why do I sneeze? : and other questions about breathing 
 7947  Why do I vomit? : and other questions about digestion 
 7948  Why do we need to eat? 
 7949  Why does my body smell? : and other questions about hygiene 
 7950  Why don't gorillas lay eggs? 
 7951  Why don't worms have legs? 
 7952  Why epossumondas has no hair on his tail 
 7953  Why German immigrants came to America 
 7954  Why Irish immigrants came to America 
 7955  Why is the sun so bright? 
 7956  Why Italian immigrants came to America 
 7957  Why Japanese immigrants came to America 
 7958  Why Mexican immigrants came to America 
 7959  Why mosquitoes buzz in people's ears : a West African tale 
 7960  Why should I get off the couch? : and other questions about health and exercise 
 7961  Why should I go to bed now? : and other questions about a healthy mind 
 7962  Why should I turn down the volume? : and other questions about healthy eyes and ears 
 7963  Why should I wash my body? : and other questions about keeping clean and healthy 
 7964  Why should I wash my hair? : and other questions about healthy skin and hair 
 7965  Why Vietnamese immigrants came to America 
 7966  The wicked, wicked ladies in the haunted house 
 7967  Wickiups 
 7968  Widget 
 7969  Wiggle 
 7970  Wiggling worms at work 
 7971  Wild baby animals 
 7972  Wild boy : a tale of Rowan Hood 
 7973  The wild Christmas reindeer 
 7974  Wild horse 
 7975  Wild Robert 
 7976  The wild whale watch 
 7977  Wild wings : poems for young people 
 7978  The wild year 
 7979  Wildfire! 
 7980  Wildfires 
 7981  Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge 
 7982  Will Rogers : an American legend 
 7983  Willem de Kooning : the life of an artist 
 7984  William and the guinea pig 
 7985  William Henry Harrison : ninth president, 1841 
 7986  William Henry Harrison : our ninth president 
 7987  William McKinley : our twenty-fifth president 
 7988  William Penn : founder of the Pennsylvania Colony 
 7989  William Shakespeare's Hamlet 
 7990  William Shakespeare's The tempest 
 7991  William Wordsworth 
 7992  William Wrigley Jr. : Wrigley's Chewing Gum founder 
 7993  Willie McLean and the Civil War surrender 
 7994  Willie's word world 
 7995  Wilma Rudolph 
 7996  Wilma Rudolph : Olympic runner 
 7997  Wilma unlimited : how Wilma Rudolph became the world's fastest woman 
 7998  Wind 
 7999  Wind 
 8000  Wind 
 8001  The wind blew 
 8002  A wind in the door 
 8003  Wind power 
 8004  Wind power 
 8005  Wind power 
 8006  Windmill windup 
 8007  Wing nut 
 8008  The wing on a flea : a book about shapes 
 8009  Wings and rockets : the story of women in air and space 
 8010  Wings of fire. 
 8011  Wings on the wind : bird poems 
 8012  Winking, blinking, wiggling, and waggling 
 8013  Winners take all 
 8014  Winnie dancing on her own 
 8015  Winnie's midnight dragon 
 8016  Winslow Homer 
 8017  Winston Churchill 
 8018  Winter :  
 8019  Winter : an alphabet acrostic 
 8020  Wintering well 
 8021  Wisconsin 
 8022  The wish 
 8023  The wish giver : three tales of Coven Tree 
 8024  The Wish Master 
 8025  Wish, change, friend 
 8026  Wishes, kisses, and pigs 
 8027  The wishing bone and other poems 
 8028  The witch family 
 8029  The witch's walking stick 
 8030  Witch's wishes 
 8031  Witches don't do backflips 
 8032  With love 
 8033  With love from Spain, Melanie Martin 
 8034  With love, Little Red Hen 
 8035  Witness 
 8036  Wizard at work : a novel in stories 
 8037  Wizards don't need computers 
 8038  A wolf at the door : and other retold fairy tales 
 8039  Wolf brother 
 8040  The wolf of Gubbio 
 8041  Wolf stalker 
 8042  The wolf who cried boy 
 8043  The wolf who loved music 
 8044  The wolf's chicken stew 
 8045  Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : musical genius 
 8046  The wolves in the walls 
 8047  Wolves. 
 8048  Women in the West 
 8049  The women suffrage movement, 1848-1920 
 8050  Wonder 
 8051  Wonder Woman : an origin story 
 8052  Wonder woman is respectful 
 8053  Wonderful houses around the world 
 8054  The wonderful sky boat : and other Native American tales of the Southeast 
 8055  Wonderful weather 
 8056  Wonderful words : poems about reading, writing, speaking, and listening 
 8057  A Wonderful, colorful adventure at the doctor's office 
 8058  The wondrous whirligig : the Wright Brothers' first flying machine 
 8059  Wood 
 8060  Wood 
 8061  Wood and cork. 
 8062  Woodpecker in the backyard 
 8063  Woodpeckers 
 8064  Woodpeckers, toucans, and their kin 
 8065  Woodrow Wilson 
 8066  Woodwind 
 8067  Woodwind instruments 
 8068  Woolly monkey 
 8069  The word eater 
 8070  Words : a computer lesson 
 8071  Words of promise : a story about James Weldon Johnson 
 8072  Words with wings : a treasury of African-American poetry and art 
 8073  Work in Colonial America 
 8074  Working cotton 
 8075  The world according to Humphrey 
 8076  The world almanac and book of facts, 2015. 
 8077  The world almanac and book of facts, 2016. 
 8078  World Almanac for Kids 
 8079  The World Book atlas. 
 8080  The World Book dictionary 
 8081  The World Book encyclopedia of people and places 
 8082  The World Book encyclopedia. 
 8083  The World Book student discovery science encyclopedia. 
 8084  World myths and legends : 25 projects you can build yourself 
 8085  World News Digest 
 8086  The world of birthdays 
 8087  A world of wonders : geographic travels in verse and rhyme 
 8088  World War II 
 8089  World War II days : discover the past with exciting projects, games, activities, and recipes 
 8090  World Wide Web 
 8091  The world's greatest Valentine 
 8092  World's worst germs 
 8093  Worlds apart 
 8094  Worlds apart : traveling with Fernie and me 
 8095  Worms 
 8096  Worms for lunch? 
 8097  The worrywarts 
 8098  The worst helper ever! 
 8099  Would you survive? 
 8100  The wrath of Mulgarath 
 8101  Wrecking ball 
 8102  Wrestling 
 8103  The Wright brothers 
 8104  The Wright brothers 
 8105  The Wright brothers : a flying start 
 8106  The Wright Brothers take off 
 8107  Wringer 
 8108  A wrinkle in time 
 8109  Writing in ancient Egypt 
 8110  Writing in ancient Mesopotamia 
 8111  The wrong kind of bark 
 8112  Wynken, Blynken, and Nod 
 8113  Wyoming 
 8114  The X'ed-out X-ray 
 8115  Yakety-yak, the alien's back 
 8116  Yamaha 
 8117  A Yank among us 
 8118  Yankee Doodle 
 8119  Yankee Doodle : a song from the American Revolution 
 8120  Yankee Doodle riddles : American history fun 
 8121  The Yanomami of South America 
 8122  Yao Ming 
 8123  Yasmin the builder 
 8124  Yasmin the chef 
 8125  Yasmin the fashionista 
 8126  Yasmin the painter 
 8127  Yasmin the superhero 
 8128  Yasmin the teacher 
 8129  Yasmin the zookeeper 
 8130  A year down yonder 
 8131  A year goes round : poems for the months 
 8132  The year I didn't go to school 
 8133  The year I flew away 
 8134  The year of Miss Agnes 
 8135  Year of no rain 
 8136  Yellow Dog blues 
 8137  The yellow house mystery 
 8138  The yellow star : the legend of King Christian X of Denmark 
 8139  The yellow yacht 
 8140  Yertle the turtle and other stories 
 8141  Yesterday I had the blues 
 8142  Yoko 
 8143  Yoko's paper cranes 
 8144  Yolonda's genius 
 8145  Yonder Mountain : a Cherokee legend 
 8146  York's adventures with Lewis and Clark : an African-American's part in the great expedition 
 8147  Yorkshire terriers 
 8148  You are a scientist 
 8149  You are special 
 8150  You are special, little one 
 8151  You can use a magnifying glass 
 8152  You can work in dance 
 8153  You can work in fashion 
 8154  You can work in movies 
 8155  You can work in music 
 8156  You can work in publishing 
 8157  You can work on Broadway 
 8158  You can't eat your chicken pox, Amber Brown 
 8159  You can, toucan, math : word problem-solving fun 
 8160  You forgot your skirt, Amelia Bloomer! : a very improper story 
 8161  You have healthy bones! 
 8162  You have to write 
 8163  You move, you lose 
 8164  You must be joking! : lots of cool jokes 
 8165  You read to me, I'll read to you : very short fairy tales to read together : (in which wolves are tamed, trolls are transformed, and peas are triumphant) 
 8166  You read to me, I'll read to you : very short Mother Goose tales to read together 
 8167  You read to me, I'll read to you : very short stories to read together 
 8168  You wouldn't want to be a polar explorer! : an expedition you'd rather not go on 
 8169  You wouldn't want to be a Roman gladiator! : gory things you'd rather not know 
 8170  You wouldn't want to be an Aztec sacrifice! : gruesome things you'd rather not know 
 8171  You wouldn't want to be in a medieval dungeon! : prisoners you'd rather not meet 
 8172  You wouldn't want to be on Apollo 13! : a mission you'd rather not go on 
 8173  You wouldn't want to sail on the Titanic! : one voyage you'd rather not make 
 8174  You wouldn't want to sail with Christopher Columbus! : uncharted waters you'd rather not cross 
 8175  You wouldn't want to work on the railroad! : a track you'd rather not go down 
 8176  You'll soon grow into them, Titch 
 8177  You're a grand old flag : a jubilant song about Old Glory 
 8178  You're on your way, Teddy Roosevelt! 
 8179  Young Cam Jansen and the baseball mystery 
 8180  Young Cam Jansen and the dinosaur game 
 8181  Young Cam Jansen and the Double Beach mystery 
 8182  Young Cam Jansen and the ice skate mystery 
 8183  Young Cam Jansen and the library mystery 
 8184  Young Cam Jansen and the lost tooth 
 8185  Young Cam Jansen and the missing cookie 
 8186  Young Cam Jansen and the new girl mystery 
 8187  Young Cam Jansen and the pizza shop mystery 
 8188  Young Cam Jansen and the zoo note mystery 
 8189  Young Fredle 
 8190  The young landlords 
 8191  Young magician : card tricks 
 8192  The young man and the sea 
 8193  Young Martin's promise 
 8194  Young Thomas Edison 
 8195  Your allowance 
 8196  Your friend, Parker 
 8197  Your job is easy 
 8198  Your mother was a Neanderthal 
 8199  Your move 
 8200  Yours truly, Goldilocks 
 8201  Yucky riddles 
 8202  Yuri Gagarin : the first man in space 
 8203  Z is for zamboni : a hockey alphabet 
 8204  Zachary Taylor : twelfth president, 1849-1850 
 8205  Zak's lunch 
 8206  Zany rainy days : indoor ideas for active kids 
 8207  Zany tongue-twisters 
 8208  Zara's hats 
 8209  Zebras 
 8210  Zebras 
 8211  Zebras. 
 8212  Zee 
 8213  Zendaya : star performer 
 8214  Zigazak! : a magical Hanukkah night 
 8215  Ziggy piggy and the three little pigs 
 8216  Zigzag 
 8217  Zimbabwe 
 8218  Zin! zin! zin! a violin 
 8219  Zinnia and Dot 
 8220  Zip, zoom! 
 8221  The zombie zone 
 8222  Zoo's who : poems and paintings 
 8223  Zoodles : a book of riddles about animals 
 8224  Zoom Broom 
 8225  Zoom! 
 8226  Zooman Sam 
 8227  Zora Hurston and the chinaberry tree 
 8228  Zora Neale Hurston : African-American writer 
 8229  Zora Neale Hurston, writer and storyteller 
 Line #  Title
 1  "Could be worse!" 
 2  "Let's get a pup!" said Kate 
 3  "Slowly, slowly, slowly," said the sloth 
 4  'Tis the season : a classic illustrated Christmas treasury 
 5  'Twas the night before Christmas, or, Account of a visit from St. Nicholas 
 6  The (almost) perfect Mother's Day 
 7  --and with a light touch : learning about reading, writing, and teaching with first graders 
 8  --If you lived in the days of the knights 
 9  --If you lived in Williamsburg in colonial days 
 10  --If you lived when there was slavery in America 
 11  1 hunter 
 12  1 is one 
 13  1, 2, 3 to the zoo : a counting book 
 14  3 little firefighters 
 15  3D modeling 
 16  3D modeling 
 17  3D printing 
 18  5-minute Pinkalicious stories 
 19  7 x 9 = trouble! 
 20  8 class pets + one squirrel divided by one dog : chaos 
 21  10 easy writing lessons that get kids ready for writing assessments 
 22  10 minutes till bedtime 
 23  The 13th floor : a ghost story 
 24  14 cows for America 
 25  15 fun-to-sing math learning songs & activities 
 26  16 writing lessons to prepare students for the state assessment and more 
 27  17 kings and 42 elephants 
 28  26 letters and 99 cents 
 29  50 American heroes every kid should meet! 
 30  50 below zero 
 31  The 50 states 
 32  100 days of cool 
 33  100 things you should know about knights & castles 
 34  100 things you should know about myths & legends 
 35  The 100-year-old secret 
 36  The 100th day of school 
 37  The 143-story treehouse 
 38  The 500 hats of Bartholomew Cubbins 
 39  The 1960's 
 40  The 1963 March on Washington : speeches and songs for civil rights 
 41  Aardvarks 
 42  Aaron Slater, illustrator 
 43  Aaron's hair 
 44  Abby Carnelia's one & only magical power 
 45  Abby takes a stand 
 46  ABC math riddles 
 47  ABC of America 
 48  ABC USA 
 49  ABC, I like me! 
 50  ABCs at the store 
 51  Abduction! 
 52  Abe Lincoln : the boy who loved books 
 53  Abe Lincoln remembers 
 54  Abel's island 
 55  Abenaki 
 56  The Abernathy boys 
 57  Abigail Adams 
 58  Abiyoyo returns 
 59  Abner & me : a baseball card adventure 
 60  Aboriginal Australians 
 61  About 100 years ago 
 62  About amphibians : a guide for children 
 63  About arachnids : a guide for children 
 64  About fish : a guide for children 
 65  About insects : a guide for children 
 66  About marsupials : a guide for children 
 67  About mollusks : a guide for children 
 68  Above and beyond 
 69  Above the veil 
 70  Abracadanger 
 71  Abraham Lincoln 
 72  Abraham Lincoln 
 73  Abraham Lincoln : lawyer, leader, legend 
 74  The Abraham Lincoln you never knew 
 75  Absolutely Lucy 
 76  The absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian 
 77  Abuela 
 78  Accept and value each person 
 79  Accessory projects for a lazy crafternoon 
 80  Accidental alphabet 
 81  Accidents may happen 
 82  Acids & bases 
 83  Across the Puddingstone Dam 
 84  Across the solar system 
 85  Across the stream 
 86  Across the universe 
 87  Acting with kindness 
 88  The actor, the rebel, and the wrinkled queen 
 89  Acts of teaching : how to teach writing : a text, a reader, a narrative 
 90  Actual size 
 91  Adam Canfield of the Slash 
 92  Adam Sharp : swimming with sharks 
 93  Adding it up : based on Timothy goes to school and other stories 
 94  Addy saves the day : a summer story 
 95  Addy's little brother 
 96  Addy's surprise : a Christmas story 
 97  Addy's wedding quilt 
 98  Adelita : a Mexican Cinderella story 
 99  Adi sorts with variables 
 100  Adi's perfect patterns and loops 
 101  Adjectives 
 102  Adjectives 
 103  An adventure with Captain Brainstorm! 
 104  Adventures in ancient Egypt 
 105  The adventures of Archie Featherspoon 
 106  The adventures of baby bear 
 107  The adventures of Captain Underpants : an epic novel 
 108  The adventures of Laura & Jack 
 109  The adventures of Marco Polo 
 110  The adventures of taxi dog 
 111  Adventures with the Vikings 
 112  Adverbs 
 113  Adverbs 
 114  Aero and Officer Mike : police partners 
 115  Aesop's fables 
 116  Afghanistan 
 117  Afghanistan 
 118  Africa 
 119  Africa 
 120  Africa dream 
 121  African American migration 
 122  African Americans 
 123  African animals 
 124  African-American crafts kids can do! 
 125  African-American soldiers in the Civil War : fighting for freedom 
 126  After the fall : how Humpty Dumpty got back up again 
 127  Afternoon of the elves 
 128  Afternoon on the Amazon 
 129  Agapanthus Hum and Major Bark 
 130  Agapanthus Hum and the angel hoot 
 131  The agony of Alice 
 132  Ah, music! 
 133  Ah-choo 
 134  Air 
 135  Air : outside, inside, and all around 
 136  Air Force One 
 137  Air pollution 
 138  Aircraft carriers 
 139  Airplanes 
 140  Airplanes - Soaring! Diving! Turning!. 
 141  An airport 
 142  The airport 
 143  Akiko and the Alpha Centauri 5000 
 144  Akiko on the planet Smoo 
 145  Akimbo and the lions 
 146  Alabama 
 147  Alabama 
 148  The Alamo 
 149  The Alamo 
 150  Alaska 
 151  Albert 
 152  Albert Einstein 
 153  Albert Pujols 
 154  Alberto Gonzales : attorney general 
 155  Alex Rodriguez 
 156  Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day 
 157  The Alexander Hamilton you never knew 
 158  Alexander the Great 
 159  Alexander, who's not (do you hear me? I mean it!) going to move 
 160  Alfred, Lord Tennyson 
 161  An Algonquian year : the year according to the full moon 
 162  Ali the Great and the market mishap 
 163  Alice in April 
 164  Alice in Blunderland 
 165  Alice in-between 
 166  Alice the brave 
 167  Alice Walker : African-American author and activist 
 168  Alice Yazzie's year 
 169  Alicia Keys 
 170  Alien & Possum hanging out 
 171  Alien brain fryout : a Wild Willie mystery 
 172  Alien in a bottle 
 173  The Aliens are coming 
 174  Aliens don't wear braces 
 175  All aboard! 
 176  All aboard! : a true train story 
 177  All about beagles 
 178  All about Braille : reading by touch 
 179  All about heat 
 180  All about inclined planes 
 181  All about levers 
 182  All about light 
 183  All about money 
 184  All about Passover 
 185  All about pulleys 
 186  All about Sam 
 187  All about screws 
 188  All about sharks 
 189  All about sound 
 190  All about temperature 
 191  All about wedges 
 192  All about wheels and axles 
 193  All alone in the universe 
 194  All by myself! 
 195  All keyed up 
 196  All kinds of everything : a first look at materials 
 197  All kinds of motion 
 198  The all new Captain Underpants extra-crunchy book o' fun 2 
 199  All new crafts for Halloween 
 200  All new crafts for Thanksgiving 
 201  All new crafts for Valentine's day 
 202  All night, all day : a child's first book of African-American spirituals 
 203  All the colors of the earth 
 204  All the places to love 
 205  All the water in the world 
 206  All the way home 
 207  All the way to Lhasa : a tale from Tibet 
 208  All the world's a stage 
 209  All things bright and beautiful 
 210  All-American quilts 
 211  All-Star fever : a Peach Street Mudders story 
 212  Allie's basketball dream 
 213  Alligator arrived with apples : a potluck alphabet feast 
 214  The alligator in the closet : and other poems around the house 
 215  Alligators and crocodiles 
 216  Alligators and crocodiles 
 217  Allosaurus 
 218  Alma Flor Ada : an author kids love 
 219  Almost gone : the world's rarest animals 
 220  Almost home : a novel 
 221  Almost home : a story based on the life of the Mayflower's Mary Chilton 
 222  Almost late to school : and more school poems 
 223  Almost starring Skinnybones 
 224  Almost to freedom 
 225  Along came a dog 
 226  Alphabet adventure 
 227  Alternative energy 
 228  Altogether, one at a time 
 229  Always remember me : how one family survived World War II 
 230  Always room for one more 
 231  Amalee 
 232  Amanda Pig and the awful, scary monster 
 233  Amari and the night brothers 
 234  Amazement Park 
 235  Amazing apples 
 236  Amazing arctic animals 
 237  Amazing Grace 
 238  Amazing journeys : following in history's footsteps 
 239  The amazing Mr. Franklin, or, The boy who read everything 
 240  The amazing odorous adventures of Stinky Dog 
 241  Amazing optical illusions 
 242  The Amazing Spider-Man : an origin story 
 243  The amazing thinking machine 
 244  Amazing whales! 
 245  The Amazon River 
 246  Amber : the story of a red fox 
 247  Amber Brown goes fourth 
 248  Amber Brown is feeling blue 
 249  Amber Brown is green with envy 
 250  Amber Brown is not a crayon 
 251  Amber Brown sees red 
 252  Amber Brown wants extra credit 
 253  Amber was brave, Essie was smart : the story of Amber and Essie told here in poems and pictures 
 254  Ambulances 
 255  Amelia and Eleanor go for a ride 
 256  Amelia Bedelia 
 257  Amelia Bedelia and the baby 
 258  Amelia Bedelia helps out 
 259  Amelia Bedelia's family album 
 260  Amelia Bedelia, rocket scientist? 
 261  Amelia Earhart 
 262  Amelia Earhart 
 263  Amelia Earhart 
 264  Amelia Earhart 
 265  Amelia Earhart : more than a flier 
 266  Amelia Earhart free in the skies 
 267  America : my country 'tis of thee : an American song about freedom 
 268  America is-- 
 269  America the beautiful : the story behind our national hymn 
 270  America's people 
 271  America, my new home 
 272  American boy : the adventures of Mark Twain 
 273  The American Civil War : an overview 
 274  American coins and bills 
 275  The American flag 
 276  The American flag 
 277  The American frontier 
 278  American girls. : A reward for Josefina 
 279  American girls. : Again, Josefina! 
 280  American girls. : Felicity's dancing shoes 
 281  American girls. : Felicity's new sister 
 282  American girls. : Kirsten and the new girl 
 283  American girls. : Kirsten on the trail 
 284  American girls. : Molly and the movie star 
 285  American girls. : Samantha's winter party 
 286  American history challenge : a classroom quiz game 
 287  American moments : scenes from American history 
 288  American paint horses 
 289  American Revolution : a nonfiction companion to Revolutionary War on Wednesday 
 290  An American spring 
 291  Americanos : Latino life in the United States = la vida Latina eh los Estados Unidos 
 292  The Amistad mutiny : fighting for freedom 
 293  Among the Barons 
 294  Among the betrayed 
 295  Among the brave 
 296  Among the hidden 
 297  Among the impostors 
 298  Amphibians 
 299  Amphibians 
 300  Amphibians 
 301  Amphibians 
 302  The Amulet of Samarkand 
 303  Amy 
 304  Amy Wu and the warm welcome 
 305  Anacondas 
 306  Ananse and the lizard : a West African tale 
 307  Anansi goes fishing 
 308  Anastasia again! 
 309  Anastasia at this address 
 310  Anastasia at your service 
 311  Anastasia has the answers 
 312  Anastasia on her own 
 313  Anastasia's chosen career 
 314  Anastasia, absolutely 
 315  The ancestors are singing 
 316  Ancient Africa 
 317  Ancient China 
 318  Ancient Egypt 
 319  Ancient Egypt 
 320  Ancient Egypt 
 321  Ancient Greece and the Olympics : a nonfiction companion to Hour of the Olympics 
 322  Ancient medicine 
 323  Ancient Roman women 
 324  Ancient Rome 
 325  Ancient voices 
 326  Ancient West African kingdoms 
 327  Ancient world 
 328  And everyone shouted, "Pull!" : a first look at forces and motion 
 329  And if the moon could talk 
 330  And still the turtle watched 
 331  And the dish ran away with the spoon 
 332  And to think that I saw it on Mulberry Street 
 333  Anderson's heat 
 334  Andrew Jackson : seventh president, 1829-1837 
 335  Andrew Johnson : our seventeenth president 
 336  Andy Russell, NOT wanted by the police 
 337  Andy Shane and the very bossy Dolores Starbuckle 
 338  The angel and other stories 
 339  Angel bites the bullet 
 340  Angel spreads her wings 
 341  Angela's airplane 
 342  Angelina and the Princess 
 343  Angelina at the palace 
 344  Angelina ballerina 
 345  Angelina's lucky penny. 
 346  Angelo 
 347  Angels don't know karate 
 348  Animal antics : the beast jokes ever 
 349  The Animal Ark Treasury 
 350  Animal babies 
 351  Animal babies in ponds and rivers 
 352  Animal crackers fly the coop 
 353  The animal family 
 354  Animal groups : how animals live together 
 355  The animal hedge 
 356  Animal hibernation 
 357  Animal homes 
 358  Animal kingdom 
 359  Animal life cycles 
 360  Animal masterminds 
 361  Animal Rescue Friends. 
 362  The animal rescue store 
 363  The animal shelter mystery 
 364  Animal snackers 
 365  Animal stackers 
 366  Animal talk : how animals communicate through sight, sound and smell 
 367  Animals 
 368  Animals all around 
 369  Animals and their young : how animals produce and care for their babies 
 370  Animals asleep 
 371  Animals at work : how animals build, dig, fish, and trap 
 372  Animals building homes 
 373  Animals eating : how animals chomp, chew, slurp and swallow 
 374  Animals finding food 
 375  Animals in camouflage 
 376  Animals in motion : how animals swim, jump, slither and glide 
 377  Animals in trees 
 378  Animals of the sea and shore 
 379  Animals raising offspring 
 380  Animals sleeping 
 381  Ankylosaurus 
 382  Ann and Alan 
 383  Anna Casey's place in the world 
 384  Anna Hibiscus 
 385  Anna on the farm 
 386  Anna's blizzard 
 387  Anna's table 
 388  Annabel the actress starring in camping it up 
 389  Annabel the actress starring in Gorilla my dreams 
 390  Annabel the actress starring in Hound of the Barkervilles 
 391  Annabelle Swift, kindergartner 
 392  Anne Elizabeth's diary : a young artist's true story 
 393  Anne Frank 
 394  Anne Hutchinson : religious reformer 
 395  Annie Oakley : Wild West sharpshooter 
 396  Annie Oakley saves the day 
 397  Annie Pitts, burger kid 
 398  Annie was warned 
 399  Annika Sorenstam 
 400  Anno's mysterious multiplying jar 
 401  The Annoying Team 
 402  Annushka's voyage 
 403  Another perfect day 
 404  The ant and the grasshopper 
 405  Ant plays Bear 
 406  Antarctic journal : four months at the bottom of the world 
 407  The Antarctic scoop 
 408  Antarctica 
 409  An anteater named Arthur 
 410  Anteaters 
 411  Antelope 
 412  The anti-boredom book 
 413  Ants 
 414  Ants 
 415  Ants 
 416  Ants, bees, and wasps of North America 
 417  Any small goodness : a novel of the barrio 
 418  The Anybodies 
 419  Anyone but me 
 420  Anyone can eat squid! 
 421  The Apache 
 422  An Apache Indian community 
 423  Apatosaurus 
 424  Apple 
 425  Apple farmer Annie 
 426  Apple for the teacher : thirty songs for singing while you work 
 427  Apple fractions 
 428  The apple orchard 
 429  A apple pie 
 430  Apple pie 4th of July 
 431  Apples : and how they grow 
 432  Apples to Oregon : being the (slightly) true narrative of how a brave pioneer father brought apples, peaches, pears, plums, grapes, and cherries (and children) across the plains 
 433  Applesauce 
 434  April & Mae and the animal shelter : the Thursday book 
 435  April Fool's Day 
 436  April foolishness 
 437  Aquaman is fair 
 438  Aquamarine 
 439  Araminta's paint box 
 440  The Arapaho tribe 
 441  Arbor Day 
 442  Architect 
 443  Are you a bee? 
 444  Are you a dragonfly? 
 445  Are you a ladybug? 
 446  Are you a snail? 
 447  Are you a spider? 
 448  Are you there God? It's me, Margaret 
 449  Argentina 
 450  Ariana Gold 
 451  Arithme-tickle : an even number of odd riddle-rhymes 
 452  Arizona 
 453  Arkansas 
 454  Arkansas 
 455  Arlene Alda's ABC. 
 456  Arlington National Cemetery 
 457  The armadillo from Amarillo 
 458  Armadillo tattletale 
 459  Armadillo's orange 
 460  Armadillos 
 461  Armadilly chili 
 462  Armored dinosaurs 
 463  Arms, elbows, hands, and fingers 
 464  Around my room 
 465  Around the world in eighty poems 
 466  Around the world with money 
 467  Arrorró, mi niño : Latino lullabies and gentle games 
 468  Arrow to the sun : a Pueblo Indian tale 
 469  Art & Max 
 470  Art foam fun 
 471  Art from the mart 
 472  The art of reading : forty illustrators celebrate RIF's 40th anniversary 
 473  The art of teaching writing 
 474  The Artemis Fowl files 
 475  Arthur accused! 
 476  Arthur and the 1,001 dads 
 477  Arthur and the bad-luck Brain 
 478  Arthur and the best coach ever 
 479  Arthur and the big blow-up 
 480  Arthur and the comet crisis 
 481  Arthur and the dog show 
 482  Arthur and the double dare 
 483  Arthur and the goalie ghost 
 484  Arthur and the lost diary 
 485  ArthuR and the New Kid 
 486  Arthur and the new kid : a sticker book 
 487  Arthur and the no-brainer 
 488  Arthur and the pen-pal playoff 
 489  Arthur and the poetry contest 
 490  Arthur and the race to read 
 491  Arthur and the recess rookie 
 492  Arthur and the seventh-inning stretcher 
 493  Arthur and the true Francine 
 494  Arthur and the world record 
 495  Arthur babysits 
 496  Arthur goes to camp 
 497  Arthur lost and found 
 498  Arthur makes the team 
 499  Arthur meets the President 
 500  Arthur tells a story 
 501  Arthur to the rescue 
 502  Arthur writes a story 
 503  Arthur's baby 
 504  Arthur's birthday 
 505  Arthur's chicken pox 
 506  Arthur's Christmas 
 507  Arthur's computer disaster 
 508  Arthur's eyes 
 509  Arthur's family vacation 
 510  Arthur's first sleepover 
 511  Arthur's homework 
 512  Arthur's mystery babysitter 
 513  Arthur's mystery envelope 
 514  Arthur's new puppy 
 515  Arthur's off to school 
 516  Arthur's pet business 
 517  Arthur's teacher moves in 
 518  Arthur's teacher trouble 
 519  Arthur's Thanksgiving 
 520  Arthur's tooth 
 521  Arthur's TV trouble 
 522  Arthur's valentine 
 523  Arthur, it's only rock 'n' roll 
 524  The Articles of Confederation 
 525  Artificial intelligence 
 526  Artists at work 
 527  The Artsy Smartsy Club 
 528  As long as the rivers flow 
 529  As long as there are mountains 
 530  Ashanti to Zulu : African traditions 
 531  Ashley Bryan's ABC of African American poetry. 
 532  Asia 
 533  Asia 
 534  Asian Indian Americans 
 535  Ask Albert Einstein 
 536  Ask Mr. Bear 
 537  ASPCA : the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 
 538  Assassin 
 539  The assassination of Abraham Lincoln 
 540  Asteroids & meteoroids 
 541  The astonishing secret of Awesome Man 
 542  Astronaut Ellen Ochoa 
 543  Astronauts 
 544  Astronauts 
 545  At home : long ago and today 
 546  At play : long ago and today 
 547  At school 
 548  At the crossing-places 
 549  At work : long ago and today 
 550  Atalanta and the Arcadian beast 
 551  Atlanta Falcons 
 552  Atlantis : the legend of a lost city 
 553  Atlantis : the lost city? 
 554  Attaboy, Sam! 
 555  Attack of the 50-foot Fluffy 
 556  Attack of the tagger 
 557  Attention deficit disorder 
 558  The Attorney General 
 559  Auction! 
 560  Auggie & me : three Wonder stories 
 561  Aunt Chip and the great Triple Creek dam affair 
 562  Aunt Olga's Christmas postcards 
 563  Auntie Claus and the key to Christmas 
 564  The aunts go marching 
 565  Australia 
 566  The automobile 
 567  Automobiles : from Henry Ford to Elon Musk 
 568  Autumnblings : poems & paintings 
 569  Avalanches 
 570  Awakening the dragon : the Dragon Boat Festival 
 571  Away to the goldfields! 
 572  Awesome ocean science! : investigating the secrets of the underwater world 
 573  Awesome orange birthday 
 574  Awesome science : a chapter book 
 575  Awful Ogre running wild 
 576  Awful Ogre's awful day 
 577  Axel the truck : Speed track 
 578  Axle Annie and the speed grump 
 579  Aztecs 
 580  Aïda 
 581  B is for bookworm : a library alphabet 
 582  B is for bulldozer : a construction ABC 
 583  Baa baa black sheep 
 584  Baa-choo! 
 585  Babar goes to school 
 586  Babar the king 
 587  Babar's ABC 
 588  Babar's book of color 
 589  The Babe & I 
 590  Babe & me : a baseball card adventure 
 591  Baboons 
 592  Baboons 
 593  Baboons and their infants 
 594  Baboushka and the three kings : adapted from a Russian folk tale 
 595  Babushka Baba Yaga 
 596  Babushka's doll 
 597  Baby 
 598  Baby alligator 
 599  Baby animals 
 600  Baby Bear's big dreams 
 601  Baby Bear's books 
 602  Baby Bear's chairs 
 603  Baby Bird's first nest 
 604  Baby birds 
 605  Baby Duck's new friend 
 606  Baby elephant 
 607  Baby fox 
 608  Baby Goose 
 609  Baby lion 
 610  Baby on the way 
 611  Baby owl 
 612  Baby Radar 
 613  The baby's book of baby animals 
 614  The Baby-sitters club. 
 615  The Baby-sitters club. 
 616  The Baby-sitters Club. 
 617  The Baby-sitters Club. 
 618  Bach's Goldberg Variations 
 619  Bachelor girl 
 620  Back and forth 
 621  Back of the bus 
 622  Back to school 
 623  Backyard science 
 624  Bad boys 
 625  The Bad Guys in cut to the chase 
 626  The Bad Guys in Let the games begin! 
 627  The Bad Guys in Open wide and say arrrgh! 
 628  The Bad Guys in the baddest day ever 
 629  The Bad Guys in They're bee-hind you! 
 630  Bad hare day 
 631  Bad kitty 
 632  A Bad Kitty Christmas 
 633  Bad Kitty does not like snow 
 634  Bad Kitty does not like Valentine's Day 
 635  Bad Kitty does not like video games 
 636  The bad seed :  
 637  The bad seed goes to the library 
 638  Badgers 
 639  Bagels from Benny 
 640  The bagpiper's ghost 
 641  The Bahamas 
 642  Bake and make amazing cakes 
 643  The bald eagle 
 644  The bald eagle 
 645  The bald eagle returns 
 646  A ball for Daisy 
 647  The ballad of Lucy Whipple 
 648  Ballerina 
 649  Ballet bunnies : Joan Elizabeth Goodman. 
 650  Ballet of the elephants 
 651  The band in the sand 
 652  Bandit 
 653  Bandit's moon 
 654  Bank tellers 
 655  Banks 
 656  Bar graphs 
 657  Barack Obama 
 658  Barack Obama : our 44th president 
 659  Barbara Jordan : African American politician 
 660  The Barefoot book of animal tales from around the world 
 661  Barges 
 662  Bark, George 
 663  Barkus, Sly and the golden egg 
 664  The barn owls 
 665  Barnum's bones : how Barnum Brown discovered the most famous dinosaur in the world 
 666  Barnyard banter 
 667  Barron's first thesaurus 
 668  Barry Bonds 
 669  Barry, boyhound 
 670  Bartleby of the Big, Bad Bayou 
 671  Baseball 
 672  Baseball 
 673  Baseball hour 
 674  Baseball in action 
 675  Baseball saved us 
 676  Basha : a Hmong child 
 677  Basil the bear cub 
 678  A basket of bangles : how a business begins 
 679  Basketball belles : how two teams and one scrappy player put women's hoops on the map 
 680  The bat boy & his violin 
 681  Bat loves the night 
 682  Bateman's backyard birds 
 683  Bathtime for Biscuit 
 684  Batman is trustworthy 
 685  Batman vs. Catwoman 
 686  Bats 
 687  Bats 
 688  Bats 
 689  Bats in the garbage 
 690  The battle for St. Michaels 
 691  Battle in a bottle 
 692  The Battle of Gettysburg and Lincoln's Gettysburg Address 
 693  The Battle of Midway 
 694  The Battle of the Alamo 
 695  Battle of the books 
 696  Battle of the super heroes! 
 697  Baya, baya, lulla-by-a 
 698  Be a star, wonder woman! 
 699  Be good, Gordon 
 700  Beach day 
 701  Beachcombing : exploring the seashore 
 702  Beagles 
 703  Beaks! 
 704  Beans to chocolate 
 705  Beany and the meany 
 706  Bear about town 
 707  The bear ate your sandwich 
 708  The bear came over to my house 
 709  Bear cubs 
 710  The bear family 
 711  Bear has a story to tell 
 712  Bear Noel 
 713  The bear on the bed 
 714  Bear snores on 
 715  Bear tales : three treasured stories 
 716  Bear wants more 
 717  Bears and their cubs 
 718  Bears and their dens 
 719  Bearsie Bear and the surprise sleepover party 
 720  Beast feast : poems and paintings 
 721  Beastly laughs : a book of monster jokes 
 722  A beasty story 
 723  Beating the odds : a chapter book 
 724  The Beatles 
 725  Beatrice doesn't want to 
 726  Beatrix : various episodes from the life of Beatrix Potter 
 727  Beautiful land : a story of the Oklahoma Land Rush 
 728  Beautiful moments in the wild : animals and their colors 
 729  Beauty, her basket 
 730  Beavers 
 731  Beavers : construction experts 
 732  Bebop Express 
 733  Because I could not stop my bike : and other poems 
 734  Because of Winn-Dixie 
 735  Becoming a citizen 
 736  Becoming a citizen 
 737  Becoming Buddha : the story of Siddhartha 
 738  Becoming butterflies 
 739  Becoming little women : a novel about Louisa May at Fruitlands 
 740  A bed for the winter 
 741  Bedtime for batman 
 742  Bedtime! 
 743  The bee : friend of the flowers 
 744  Beekman's big deal 
 745  Beep beep, vroom vroom! 
 746  Bees 
 747  Bees 
 748  Bees : cool communications 
 749  The beetle alphabet book 
 750  Beetles 
 751  Beezus and Ramona 
 752  Befiddled 
 753  Before John was a jazz giant : a song of John Coltrane 
 754  Before you were born 
 755  Before you were born 
 756  Being a governor 
 757  Being a leader 
 758  Being a peacekeeper 
 759  Being helpful 
 760  Being responsible 
 761  Bell buzzers : a book of knock-knock jokes 
 762  Belle Teal 
 763  Belling the cat : a retelling of Aesop's fable 
 764  The bells of Christmas 
 765  Ben Franklin and his first kite 
 766  Ben, king of the river 
 767  Beneath the bridge 
 768  Benedict Arnold 
 769  Benjamin Banneker 
 770  Benjamin Franklin 
 771  Benjamin Franklin : writer, inventor, statesman 
 772  Benjamin Franklinstein lives! 
 773  Benjamin Harrison : our twenty-third president 
 774  Benno and the Night of Broken Glass 
 775  Benny Bensky and the giant pumpkin heist 
 776  Benny's pennies 
 777  The Berenstain Bears and baby makes five 
 778  The Berenstain Bears and the big blooper 
 779  The Berenstain Bears and the blame game 
 780  The Berenstain Bears and the double dare 
 781  The Berenstain Bears and the ghost of the forest 
 782  The Berenstain Bears and the in-crowd 
 783  The Berenstain Bears and the mama's day surprise 
 784  The Berenstain Bears and the messy room 
 785  The Berenstain Bears and the prize pumpkin 
 786  The Berenstain Bears and the real Easter eggs 
 787  The Berenstain Bears and the slumber party 
 788  The Berenstain Bears and the spooky old tree 
 789  The Berenstain Bears and the trouble with friends 
 790  The Berenstain Bears and the truth 
 791  The Berenstain Bears and too much junk food 
 792  The Berenstain Bears dollar$ and $en$e 
 793  The Berenstain Bears forget their manners 
 794  The Berenstain Bears get stage fright 
 795  The Berenstain Bears get the gimmies 
 796  The Berenstain Bears go out for the team 
 797  The Berenstain Bears go to camp 
 798  The Berenstain Bears go to school 
 799  The Berenstain Bears learn about strangers 
 800  The Berenstain Bears lend a helping hand 
 801  The Berenstain Bears no girls allowed 
 802  The Berenstain Bears share & share alike! 
 803  The Berenstain Bears think of those in need 
 804  The Berenstain Bears visit the dentist 
 805  The Berenstain Bears' mad, mad, mad toy craze 
 806  The Berenstain Bears' moving day 
 807  The Berenstain Bears' pet show 
 808  The Berenstain Bears' report card trouble 
 809  The Berenstain Bears' trouble with money 
 810  Berlioz the bear 
 811  The Bermuda Triangle 
 812  The berry-picking man 
 813  Bessie Coleman 
 814  Bessie's bed 
 815  Best best friends 
 816  The best book of ancient Greece 
 817  The best book of fossils, rocks, and minerals 
 818  The best book of pirates 
 819  The best bug parade 
 820  The best Christmas pageant ever 
 821  The best class picture ever! 
 822  Best friends for Frances 
 823  Best frints in the whole universe 
 824  The best Halloween ever 
 825  The best part of me : children talk about their bodies in pictures and words 
 826  The best seat in second grade 
 827  Betsy and Tacy go over the Big Hill 
 828  Betsy Ross 
 829  Betsy who cried wolf 
 830  Betsy Zane : the rose of Fort Henry 
 831  Betty Doll 
 832  Between shades of gray 
 833  Beware the Creeper! 
 834  Beyonce Knowles 
 835  Beyonce Knowles 
 836  Beyoncé 
 837  Beyoncé Knowles 
 838  Beyond my hand : poem 
 839  Beyond the heather hills 
 840  Beyond the Valley of Thorns 
 841  BFF : best friends forever : two novels 
 842  The BFG 
 843  Bicycle madness 
 844  Bicycle mystery 
 845  Bicycle safety 
 846  Bicycles 
 847  Big and little 
 848  Big Anthony and the magic ring 
 849  Big Bad Wolf 
 850  Big bang! : the tongue-tickling tale of a speck that became spectacular 
 851  Big Blue 
 852  Big Brown Bear's up and down day 
 853  The big buck adventure 
 854  Big cat, little cat 
 855  Big dog-- little dog 
 856  Big egg 
 857  The big honey hunt 
 858  Big machines 
 859  Big Mama 
 860  The big nap : from the tattered casebook of Chet Gecko, private eye 
 861  Big Nate : in a class by himself 
 862  Big Nate in the zone 
 863  Big Nate lives it up 
 864  Big Pig and Little Pig 
 865  Big rigs 
 866  Big rigs 
 867  Big shot 
 868  The big show 
 869  The big sneeze 
 870  The big snow 
 871  The big snow 
 872  The big splash 
 873  Big surprise in the bug tank 
 874  The big trip 
 875  Big, bad and a little bit scary : poems that bite back! 
 876  Big-enough Anna : the little sled dog who braved the Arctic 
 877  Bigfoot and yeti : myth or reality? 
 878  Bigger, better, best! 
 879  The biggest bear 
 880  The biggest house in the world 
 881  The biggest pest on Eighth Avenue 
 882  Biggest, baddest book of sea creatures 
 883  Bighorn sheep 
 884  Bigmama's 
 885  Bill and Pete go down the Nile 
 886  Bill and Pete to the rescue 
 887  Bill Gates 
 888  Bill Grogan's goat 
 889  Bill Nye the Science Guy's great big book of tiny germs 
 890  Billy & Baxter. 
 891  Billy's big-boy bed 
 892  Billywise 
 893  Bingo Brown and the language of love 
 894  Bingo Brown's guide to romance 
 895  Bingo Brown, gypsy lover 
 896  Binky to the rescue 
 897  Bintou's braids 
 898  Biofuels 
 899  Biography for beginners. Sketchers for early readers, Issue #1 Spring 2012 
 900  Biomes of the past and the future 
 901  Bippity bop barbershop 
 902  The birchbark house 
 903  A bird and his worm 
 904  Bird Boy 
 905  Bird Lake moon 
 906  Birdbrain Amos 
 907  Birdhouses 
 908  Birds 
 909  Birds 
 910  Birds 
 911  Birds : nature's magnificent flying machines 
 912  Birds and their nests 
 913  Birds build nests 
 914  Birds in your backyard 
 915  Birdsong 
 916  The birth and growth of a nation : hands-on projects about symbols of American liberty 
 917  The birth of the Earth 
 918  The birthday present mystery 
 919  The birthday room 
 920  Birthdays 
 921  Biscuit 
 922  Biscuit and the big parade! 
 923  Biscuit finds a friend 
 924  Biscuit flies a kite 
 925  Biscuit goes to school 
 926  Biscuit loves the park 
 927  Biscuit wants to play 
 928  Biscuit's big friend 
 929  Biscuit's new trick 
 930  Biscuit's snow day race 
 931  Bison 
 932  A bit more Bert 
 933  The bizarre body 
 934  Bizarre things we've called medicine 
 935  Bizarre things we've done for sport 
 936  Bizarre things we've done to our bodies 
 937  Bizarre things we've eaten 
 938  Black all around! 
 939  Black and white 
 940  Black cat 
 941  Black cowboy, wild horses : a true story 
 942  Black cowboys 
 943  Black dog gets dressed 
 944  Black mambas 
 945  Black Panther 
 946  Black Panther. 
 947  Black storm comin' 
 948  The black widow spider mystery 
 949  Blackbeard, the pirate king 
 950  The Blackfeet Nation 
 951  Blackout 
 952  Blair and Blaine 
 953  Blaze and the mountain lion 
 954  Blister 
 955  The blizzard 
 956  Blizzard! : the 1888 whiteout 
 957  Blizzards 
 958  Block city 
 959  The blood-hungry spleen : and other poems about our parts 
 960  Blow out the moon 
 961  Blubber 
 962  Blue Bay mystery 
 963  The blue ghost 
 964  Blue Goose 
 965  Blue with other colors 
 966  Bluefish 
 967  The Blues : birth of an American sound 
 968  Blues journey 
 969  The blues of Flats Brown 
 970  Bluestem 
 971  Bluish : a novel 
 972  Boa constrictors 
 973  Boats, boats, boats 
 974  Bobbie Rosenfeld : the olympian who could do everything 
 975  Bobcats 
 976  Body check 
 977  Body cycles 
 978  Bogeymen don't play football 
 979  The bold boy 
 980  The bombing of Pearl Harbor, 1941 
 981  The bone collector's son 
 982  Bones and muscles 
 983  Bones and the big yellow mystery 
 984  Bones and the cupcake mystery 
 985  Bones and the dinosaur mystery 
 986  A book about design : complicated doesn't make it good 
 987  The book boat's in 
 988  The book of boys (for girls) & the book of girls (for boys) 
 989  A book of coupons 
 990  The book of fairy poetry 
 991  Book of the dead 
 992  Book Scavenger 
 993  The book whisperer : awakening the inner reader in every child 
 994  Book! 
 995  Book! book! book! 
 996  Booker T. Washington : leader and educator 
 997  Books, lessons, ideas for teaching the six traits : writing in the elementary and middle grades 
 998  The bookstore burglar 
 999  The bookstore valentine 
 1000  Borka : the adventures of a goose with no feathers 
 1001  Born in the breezes : the seafaring life of Joshua Slocum 
 1002  Born to be a cowgirl : a spirited ride through the old West 
 1003  Born with a bang. 
 1004  The Borrowers 
 1005  The Borrowers afloat 
 1006  The Borrowers avenged 
 1007  Boston Light : the first lighthouse in North America 
 1008  Boundless Grace 
 1009  Bow wow meow meow : it's rhyming cats and dogs 
 1010  Box girl 
 1011  A box of friends 
 1012  The boxcar children 
 1013  Boxers 
 1014  Boxes for Katje 
 1015  The boy from Earth 
 1016  The boy of the three-year nap 
 1017  The boy on Fairfield Street : how Ted Geisel grew up to become Dr. Seuss 
 1018  The boy who cried Bigfoot 
 1019  The boy who drew cats 
 1020  The boy who harnessed the wind 
 1021  The boy who lost his face 
 1022  The boy who loved words 
 1023  The boy who spoke dog 
 1024  The boy who wouldn't obey : a Mayan legend 
 1025  Boys and girls around the world 
 1026  The boys return 
 1027  Brachiosaurus 
 1028  Brachiosaurus 
 1029  The brain 
 1030  Brass 
 1031  Brass instruments 
 1032  Brave Cloelia : retold from the account in The history of early Rome by the Roman historian Titus Livius 
 1033  Brave horse 
 1034  Brave Irene 
 1035  Brave like Jackie Robinson 
 1036  Brave Norman : a true story 
 1037  The bravest knight 
 1038  The bravest of us all 
 1039  Bravo, Amelia Bedelia! 
 1040  Brazil 
 1041  Bread and jam for Frances 
 1042  Breaking Stalin's nose 
 1043  Breaking trail 
 1044  Breakout at the bug lab 
 1045  Brian's hunt 
 1046  Brian's return 
 1047  The bride and the slide 
 1048  Bridge building : bridge designs and how they work 
 1049  Bridge to America 
 1050  Bridge to Terabithia 
 1051  Bridges 
 1052  A bright idea : conserving energy 
 1053  Brilliant bees 
 1054  Bring on that beat 
 1055  Bring on the birds 
 1056  Bring on the bling! : bracelets, anklets, and rings for all occasions 
 1057  Britannica ImageQuest 
 1058  Britannica School 
 1059  Broken bones 
 1060  Bronco Charlie and the Pony Express 
 1061  Bronx masquerade 
 1062  Brothers and sisters 
 1063  Brothers below zero 
 1064  The Brothers Grimm : two lives, one legacy 
 1065  Brown angels : an album of pictures and verse 
 1066  Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? 
 1067  Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? 
 1068  Brown bears 
 1069  Brown honey in broomwheat tea 
 1070  Brown paper teddy bear 
 1071  Brown v. Board of Education : the battle for equal education 
 1072  Bruh Rabbit and the tar baby girl 
 1073  Bryce Harper 
 1074  Bub, Snow, and the Burly Bear scare 
 1075  Bubba the cowboy prince : a fractured Texas tale 
 1076  Bud Barkin, private eye 
 1077  Buddhist temples 
 1078  Buddy is a stupid name for a girl 
 1079  Buffalo before breakfast 
 1080  Buffalo Bill and the Pony Express 
 1081  The buffalo nickel 
 1082  Buffalo soldiers and the western frontier 
 1083  The bug cemetery 
 1084  Bug dance 
 1085  Bug Muldoon : the garden of fear 
 1086  The bug scientists 
 1087  A bug, a bear, and a boy 
 1088  A bug, a bear, and a boy go to school 
 1089  Buggin' out! : with Spider-Man, Ant-Man, the Wasp, and Doctor Octopus 
 1090  Bugs and errors with Wreck-it Ralph 
 1091  Bugs are insects 
 1092  Bugs in my hair! 
 1093  Bugs! 
 1094  Builders = : Los constructores 
 1095  Building beavers 
 1096  Buildings 
 1097  Bullfrogs 
 1098  Bully 
 1099  The Bully Blockers Club 
 1100  Bummer in the summer! 
 1101  Bump! set! spike! : you can play volleyball 
 1102  The bumpy little pumpkin 
 1103  Bunnies 
 1104  Bunny double, we're in trouble! 
 1105  Bunny money 
 1106  Bunny party 
 1107  The Bunyans 
 1108  Buried alive 
 1109  The burning questions of Bingo Brown 
 1110  Burning up : losing our ozone layer 
 1111  Burns and blisters 
 1112  Burro's tortillas 
 1113  A bus of our own 
 1114  The bus ride 
 1115  The bus ride that changed history : the story of Rosa Parks 
 1116  Bus station mystery 
 1117  Bus-a-saurus bop 
 1118  Buses 
 1119  Buster 
 1120  Buster & Phoebe : the great bone game 
 1121  Buster Baxter, cat saver 
 1122  Buster, the very shy dog 
 1123  Busy ants 
 1124  Busy, busy moose 
 1125  Butterflies 
 1126  Butterflies 
 1127  Butterflies 
 1128  Butterflies fly 
 1129  Butterflies for Kiri 
 1130  The butterfly 
 1131  Butterfly battle 
 1132  Butterfly house 
 1133  Buttons 
 1134  Buzz 
 1135  Buzz Boy and Fly Guy 
 1136  The buzz on bees : why are they disappearing? 
 1137  By my brother's side 
 1138  By the light of the captured moon 
 1139  By the shores of Silver Lake 
 1140  By the side of the road 
 1141  C D B! 
 1142  C is for city 
 1143  Cabbagehead 
 1144  Cabin fever 
 1145  Cabin in the snow 
 1146  Caboose mystery 
 1147  Cabot : John Cabot and the journey to Newfoundland 
 1148  Cactuses 
 1149  The caged birds of Phnom Penh 
 1150  Cairo Kelly and the Mann 
 1151  Calabash Cat : and his amazing journey 
 1152  Calamity Jane 
 1153  Calculating area : space rocket! 
 1154  Caleb's story 
 1155  Calf to cow 
 1156  California 
 1157  Calliope Day falls-- in love? 
 1158  Calves 
 1159  Cam Jansen : the birthday mystery 
 1160  Cam Jansen : the ghostly mystery 
 1161  Cam Jansen : the school play mystery 
 1162  Cam Jansen : the Valentine baby mystery 
 1163  Cam Jansen and the tennis trophy mystery 
 1164  Cam Jansen the snowy day mystery 
 1165  Camel 
 1166  Camels 
 1167  Camels 
 1168  The camera 
 1169  Camp Granada : sing-along camp songs 
 1170  Camp Wild 
 1171  The camp-out mystery 
 1172  Camping 
 1173  Campout 
 1174  Can I be good? 
 1175  Can you do this, Old Badger? 
 1176  Can you find it outside? 
 1177  Can you find it? 
 1178  Can you find it? America 
 1179  Can you guess? 
 1180  Can you hear a rainbow? : the story of a deaf boy named Chris 
 1181  Can you see the chalkboard? 
 1182  Can you see what I see? : toyland express 
 1183  Can you see what I see? Cool collections : picture puzzles to search and solve 
 1184  Canada 
 1185  Canada 
 1186  Canada ABCs : a book about the people and places of Canada 
 1187  Canada Day 
 1188  Canals and aqueducts 
 1189  The candy corn contest 
 1190  Candy shop 
 1191  Canyon 
 1192  Capital 
 1193  Capital! : Washington D.C. from A to Z 
 1194  Caps for sale : a tale of a peddler, some monkeys, and their monkey business 
 1195  Caps, hats, socks, and mittens : a book about the four seasons 
 1196  Captain Cheech 
 1197  Captain Invincible and the space shapes 
 1198  Captain Raptor and the moon mystery 
 1199  Captain Stormalong 
 1200  Captain Underpants and the attack of the talking toilets 
 1201  Captain Underpants and the big, bad battle of the Bionic Booger Boy. 
 1202  Captain Underpants and the invasion of the incredibly naughty cafeteria ladies from outer space (and the subsequent assault of the equally evil lunchroom zombie nerds) 
 1203  Captain Underpants and the invasion of the incredibly naughty cafeteria ladies from outer space : the third epic novel 
 1204  Captain Underpants and the preposterous plight of the purple potty people 
 1205  Captain Underpants and the revolting revenge of the Radioactive Robo-Boxers : the tenth epic novel 
 1206  Captain Underpants and the sensational saga of Sir Stinks-A-Lot 
 1207  Captain Underpants and the terrifying return of Tippy Tinkletrousers 
 1208  Captain Underpants and the tyrannical retaliation of the Turbo Toilet 2000 
 1209  Captain Underpants and the wrath of the wicked Wedgie Woman : the fifth epic novel 
 1210  Captain Underpants and the wrath of the wicked Wedgie Woman : the fifth epic novel 
 1211  The capture 
 1212  Capturing joy : the story of Maud Lewis 
 1213  The carbon cycle 
 1214  Caring 
 1215  Caring animals 
 1216  Caring for your cat 
 1217  Caring for your ferret 
 1218  Caring for your fish 
 1219  Caring for your gecko 
 1220  Caring for your horse 
 1221  Caring for your pets : a book about veterinarians 
 1222  Caring for your rabbit 
 1223  Caring for your spider 
 1224  Carnival 
 1225  Carolina Panthers 
 1226  Carpenters 
 1227  Carpenters 
 1228  Carrie loses her nerve 
 1229  The carrot seed 
 1230  Cartwheel to the moon : my Sicilian childhood : poems 
 1231  A case for Jenny Archer 
 1232  The case of the best pet ever 
 1233  The case of the bicycle bandit 
 1234  The case of the buried treasure 
 1235  The case of the burrowing robot 
 1236  The case of the detective in disguise 
 1237  The case of the dirty clue 
 1238  The case of the disappearing dinosaur 
 1239  The case of the food fight 
 1240  The case of the glow-in-the-dark-ghost 
 1241  The case of the graveyard ghost, and other super-scientific cases 
 1242  The case of the lost boy 
 1243  The case of the million-dollar mystery 
 1244  The case of the missing chalk drawings 
 1245  The case of the missing falcon 
 1246  The case of the race against time 
 1247  The case of the rainy day mystery 
 1248  Casey at the bat : a ballad of the republic sung in the year 1888 
 1249  Casey Jones 
 1250  Castaways of the Flying Dutchman 
 1251  Castle Avamir 
 1252  Castles : towers, dungeons, moats, and more 
 1253  Castles and palaces 
 1254  Cat 
 1255  Cat and mouse in the snow 
 1256  The cat came back 
 1257  Cat crafts 
 1258  Cat games 
 1259  The cat in the hat 
 1260  The cat in the hat 
 1261  The cat in the hat comes back! 
 1262  Cat Kid comic club 
 1263  Cat Kid comic club. 
 1264  Cat Kid comic club. 
 1265  Cat Kid comic club. 
 1266  Cat Kid comic club. 
 1267  Cat nights 
 1268  Cat poems 
 1269  The cat who walked across France 
 1270  Catcher with a glass arm 
 1271  Catching the moon : the story of a young girl's baseball dream 
 1272  Caterpillar to butterfly 
 1273  Caterpillars 
 1274  Caterpillars 
 1275  The cats in Krasinski Square 
 1276  Cats on the farm 
 1277  Cats, cats, cats! 
 1278  Catwings 
 1279  Catwoman : the junior novel 
 1280  Caudipteryx 
 1281  Caves 
 1282  The cazuela that the farm maiden stirred 
 1283  Celebrating a Quinceañera : a Latina's 15th birthday celebration 
 1284  Celebrating Passover 
 1285  Celebrating Ramadan 
 1286  Celia Cruz, Queen of salsa 
 1287  Cesar Chavez 
 1288  Cesar Chavez 
 1289  Chain letter 
 1290  A chair for my mother 
 1291  Chalk 
 1292  Chalkboard chuckles : a book of classroom jokes 
 1293  The chameleon wore chartreuse : from the tattered casebook of Chet Gecko, private eye 
 1294  Chang and the bamboo flute 
 1295  Chang's paper pony 
 1296  Changes for Addy : a winter story 
 1297  Changes for Felicity : a winter story 
 1298  Changes for Josefina : a winter story 
 1299  Changes for Kaya : a story of courage 
 1300  Changes for Kirsten : a winter story 
 1301  Changes for Kit : a winter story 
 1302  Changes for Molly : a winter story 
 1303  Changes for Samantha : a winter story 
 1304  Changes, changes 
 1305  Charged up : the story of electricity 
 1306  Charles Drew : pioneer in medicine 
 1307  Charles Schulz : the story of the Peanuts gang 
 1308  Charley's first night 
 1309  Charlie and the chocolate factory 
 1310  Charlie Anderson 
 1311  Charlie Bone and the time twister 
 1312  Charlie the caterpillar 
 1313  Charlotte's web 
 1314  Chasing Vermeer 
 1315  Chato and the party animals 
 1316  Chato goes cruisin' 
 1317  Chattering chipmunks 
 1318  Cheerleading for fun! 
 1319  Cheerleading in action 
 1320  Chefs 
 1321  Chefs and cooks 
 1322  The Cherokee 
 1323  Cherokee 
 1324  The Cherokee : native basket weavers 
 1325  The Cheshire Cheese cat : a Dickens of a tale 
 1326  Chess 
 1327  Chester's way 
 1328  Chester, the worldly pig 
 1329  The Cheyenne : hunter-gatherers of the northern plains 
 1330  Chicago Bears 
 1331  A chick called Saturday 
 1332  The chick that wouldn't hatch 
 1333  Chicka chicka 1, 2, 3 
 1334  Chicka chicka boom boom 
 1335  Chickasaw 
 1336  The Chickasaw Nation 
 1337  Chicken Big! 
 1338  Chicken Little 
 1339  Chicken Little 
 1340  Chicken pox 
 1341  The Chicken sisters 
 1342  Chicken soup for the soul Christmas treasury for kids : a story a day from December 1st through Christmas for kids and their families 
 1343  Chicken Sunday 
 1344  Chickens 
 1345  Chickens 
 1346  Chickens may not cross the road and other crazy (but true) laws 
 1347  Chickens on the farm 
 1348  Chickerella 
 1349  Chicks 
 1350  Child care workers 
 1351  Child of the wolves 
 1352  Childtimes : a three-generation memoir 
 1353  Chimpanzees 
 1354  The chimpanzees I love : saving their world and ours 
 1355  Chimpanzees. 
 1356  China 
 1357  China 
 1358  Chinese Americans 
 1359  Chinese Cinderella and the Secret Dragon Society 
 1360  Chinook Indians 
 1361  Chipmunk at Hollow Tree Lane 
 1362  Chipmunk family 
 1363  Chipmunks 
 1364  Chirchir is singing 
 1365  Chloe and the lion 
 1366  Chocolate : a sweet history 
 1367  The Choctaw : stickball players of the South 
 1368  Choice words : how our language affects children's learning 
 1369  Chris Van Allsburg 
 1370  Christmas 
 1371  Christmas 
 1372  Christmas 
 1373  Christmas around the world 
 1374  A Christmas carol 
 1375  A Christmas carol and other Christmas stories 
 1376  Christmas chaos : hidden picture puzzles 
 1377  Christmas crafts 
 1378  Christmas in the country 
 1379  Christmas is-- 
 1380  Christmas Is... 
 1381  Christmas makes me think 
 1382  Christmas presents : holiday poetry 
 1383  The Christmas princess 
 1384  The Christmas rat 
 1385  Christmas soup 
 1386  Christmas spirit 
 1387  Christmas stories 
 1388  Christmas tapestry 
 1389  Christopher Columbus 
 1390  Christopher Columbus 
 1391  Christopher Mouse : the tale of a small traveler 
 1392  Christopher Paul Curtis 
 1393  Christopher Paul Curtis : an author kids love 
 1394  The chronicles of Narnia, Prince Caspian. 
 1395  The chronicles of Narnia, Prince Caspian. 
 1396  The chronicles of Narnia, the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe. 
 1397  Chrysanthemum 
 1398  Chrysanthemum 
 1399  Chumash 
 1400  The Chumash : seafarers of the Pacific coast 
 1401  Ciara 
 1402  Cinco de Mayo 
 1403  Cinco de Mayo 
 1404  Cinder Edna 
 1405  Cinder-Elly 
 1406  Cinderella 
 1407  Cinderella Skeleton 
 1408  Cinderella's rat 
 1409  Cinderella, or, The little glass slipper 
 1410  Cindy Ellen : a wild western Cinderella 
 1411  Circle dogs 
 1412  Circle of fire 
 1413  Circular movement 
 1414  Circulation 
 1415  Circulation 
 1416  The circulatory system 
 1417  Circus family dog 
 1418  The circus ship 
 1419  Citizenship 
 1420  Citizenship 
 1421  City 1 2 3 
 1422  The city council 
 1423  City hall 
 1424  City hall 
 1425  A city is : poems 
 1426  The city mayor 
 1427  The city of Ember 
 1428  The Civil War 
 1429  Civil War on Sunday 
 1430  Civil War sub : the mystery of the Hunley 
 1431  Clara and Davie 
 1432  Clara Barton 
 1433  Clara Barton : I want to help! 
 1434  Clara Barton : spirit of the American Red Cross 
 1435  The Clara Barton you never knew 
 1436  Clare and Francis 
 1437  Clarence Thomas : fighter with words 
 1438  Clarice Bean, guess who's babysitting? 
 1439  Class president 
 1440  Class trip to the Cave of Doom 
 1441  The classroom zone : jokes, riddles, tongue twisters & "daffynitions" 
 1442  Claude Monet 
 1443  Claws, coats, and camouflage : the ways animals fit into their world 
 1444  Clean your room, Harvey Moon! 
 1445  Clemente! 
 1446  Clever Beatrice : an Upper Peninsula conte 
 1447  Clever Beatrice and the best little pony 
 1448  Clever Jack takes the cake 
 1449  Clever Lollipop 
 1450  Clever raccoons 
 1451  Click here : (to find out how I survived seventh grade) : a novel 
 1452  Click, clack, moo : cows that type 
 1453  Click, clack, moo : cows that type 
 1454  Click, clack, splish, splash : a counting adventure 
 1455  Clifford and the big storm 
 1456  Clifford at the circus 
 1457  Clifford gets a job 
 1458  Clifford goes to kindergarten 
 1459  Clifford goes to kindergarten 
 1460  Clifford goes to Washington 
 1461  Clifford the big red dog : the big leaf pile 
 1462  Clifford visits the hospital 
 1463  Clifford's ABC 
 1464  Clifford's best friend : a story about Emily Elizabeth 
 1465  Clifford's busy week 
 1466  Clifford's day with dad 
 1467  Clifford's first autumn 
 1468  Clifford's first Christmas 
 1469  Clifford's first Halloween 
 1470  Clifford's first school day 
 1471  Clifford's first sleepover 
 1472  Clifford's first snow day 
 1473  Clifford's first snow day 
 1474  Clifford's good deeds 
 1475  Clifford's good deeds 
 1476  Clifford's happy Easter 
 1477  Clifford's happy Easter 
 1478  Clifford's kitten 
 1479  Clifford's manners 
 1480  Clifford's pals 
 1481  Clifford's puppy days 
 1482  Clifford's riddles 
 1483  Clifford's spring clean-up 
 1484  Clifford's word book 
 1485  Clifford, the firehouse dog 
 1486  Clifford, the firehouse dog 
 1487  The climb 
 1488  Climb the family tree, Jesse Bear! 
 1489  Clink 
 1490  Clocks and more clocks 
 1491  Clorinda 
 1492  Clothes we wear 
 1493  Clothing 
 1494  The cloud chamber 
 1495  Cloud dance 
 1496  Cloud weavers : ancient Chinese legends 
 1497  Clouds 
 1498  Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 
 1499  Cluck o'clock 
 1500  The Clue at the bottom of the lake 
 1501  The clue of the broken locket 
 1502  The clue of the left-handed envelope ; : The puzzle of the pretty pink handkerchief 
 1503  Clydesdale horses 
 1504  Coal 
 1505  Coal 
 1506  Coal country Christmas 
 1507  A coal miner's bride : the diary of Anetka Kaminska 
 1508  The coastwatcher 
 1509  Coat of many colors 
 1510  Cobras 
 1511  Cocker spaniels 
 1512  Cockroach cooties 
 1513  The cod's tale 
 1514  Code breakers : from hieroglyphs to hackers 
 1515  Coding basics 
 1516  Coding basics 
 1517  Cody unplugged 
 1518  Cody's secret admirer 
 1519  Cold in summer 
 1520  Cold little duck, duck, duck 
 1521  A cold snap! : frosty poems 
 1522  Cold, colder, coldest : animals that adapt to cold weather 
 1523  Colder than ice 
 1524  Colin Powell 
 1525  Colin Powell 
 1526  Collaborative analysis of student work : improving teaching and learning 
 1527  Collecting data : pick a pancake 
 1528  Collies 
 1529  Colombia 
 1530  Color 
 1531  Color 
 1532  Color me a rhyme : nature poems for young people 
 1533  The color of fire : a novel 
 1534  The color of my words 
 1535  Colorado 
 1536  Colors come from God-- just like me! 
 1537  Colors of Israel 
 1538  Colors of Russia 
 1539  Columbus Day 
 1540  Columbus Day : celebrating a famous explorer 
 1541  Come along, Daisy! 
 1542  Come along, kitten 
 1543  Come for a party! 
 1544  Come look with me : discovering African American art for children 
 1545  Come on, rain! 
 1546  Come out and play 
 1547  Come to the great world : poems from around the globe 
 1548  Come to the ocean's edge : a nature cycle book 
 1549  Come with me on Halloween 
 1550  Come, llamas 
 1551  Comeback catcher 
 1552  Comets 
 1553  Comets, asteroids, and meteoroids 
 1554  Coming home : from the life of Langston Hughes 
 1555  Coming on home soon 
 1556  Coming to America : a Muslim family's story 
 1557  Commercial Appeal 
 1558  Common sense and fowls 
 1559  Communication then and now 
 1560  Communities 
 1561  Community needs : meeting needs and wants in communities 
 1562  Community plans : making choices about money in communities 
 1563  Community resources : the land and the people in communities 
 1564  Community rules : making and changing rules and laws in communities 
 1565  Community service 
 1566  Community space : how land and weather shape communities 
 1567  Community spirit : symbols of citizenship in communities 
 1568  The company of crows : a book of poems 
 1569  Compasses 
 1570  The complete tales & poems of Winnie-the-Pooh 
 1571  The completed hickory dickory dock 
 1572  The computer 
 1573  The computer : passport to the digital age 
 1574  Computer animation 
 1575  Computers 
 1576  Computers 
 1577  Computing and the Internet 
 1578  Computing and the Internet 
 1579  Con-fidence 
 1580  Condoleezza Rice 
 1581  Condoleezza Rice : being the best 
 1582  Condoleezza Rice : U.S. Secretary of State 
 1583  Conductors and insulators 
 1584  Cones 
 1585  Conestoga wagons 
 1586  The confe$$ion$ [sic] and $ecret$ [sic] of Howard J. Fingerhut 
 1587  Confessions of a closet Catholic 
 1588  Conflict resolution 
 1589  Confucius : the golden rule 
 1590  The Congress 
 1591  Coniferous forests 
 1592  Conjunctions 
 1593  Connecticut 
 1594  The conspiracy of the Secret Nine 
 1595  A construction site 
 1596  Construction worker 
 1597  Cook-a-doodle-doo! 
 1598  Cool cars 
 1599  Cool cats counting 
 1600  Cool chemistry concoctions : 50 formulas that fizz, foam, splatter & ooze 
 1601  Cool customs 
 1602  A cool drink of water 
 1603  A cool moonlight 
 1604  Cool rubber stamp art 
 1605  Cool Yule 
 1606  Coolies 
 1607  Cooperation 
 1608  Copper 
 1609  Copper 
 1610  Copperheads 
 1611  Coral reef explorer 
 1612  Coral reefs 
 1613  Coral snakes 
 1614  Corduroy 
 1615  Corduroy's Easter : story by B.G. Hennessy ; pictures by Lisa McCue. 
 1616  Coretta Scott King 
 1617  Coretta's journey : the life and times of Coretta Scott King 
 1618  Cork & Fuzz 
 1619  Corn 
 1620  Corn chowder : poems 
 1621  Corn-fed : poems 
 1622  Cornel West 
 1623  Corner kick 
 1624  Cornrows 
 1625  Corythosaurus 
 1626  Cosmo and the robot 
 1627  The cost of freedom : Crispus Attucks and the Boston Massacre 
 1628  Costa Rica 
 1629  Cottontail rabbits 
 1630  The couch potato 
 1631  Count and see. 
 1632  Count on Clifford 
 1633  Count on us : a Tennessee number book 
 1634  Count on us : American women in the military 
 1635  Count Silvernose : a story from Italy 
 1636  Countdown to kindergarten 
 1637  Countdown to the year 1000 
 1638  Counting in the forest 
 1639  Counting in the grasslands 
 1640  Counting money 
 1641  Counting on Calico 
 1642  Counting our way to the 100th day! : 100 poems 
 1643  The counting race 
 1644  Counting sheep 
 1645  The country bunny and the little gold shoes, as told to Jenifer 
 1646  A couple of April fools 
 1647  Courage 
 1648  The courage of Sarah Noble 
 1649  Courage to run : a story based on the life of Harriet Tubman 
 1650  The courageous Captain America : an origin story 
 1651  Courthouse 
 1652  Cousins 
 1653  Covered wagons, bumpy trails 
 1654  The cow with a plow 
 1655  Cowboy Boy 
 1656  A cowboy Christmas : the miracle at Lone Pine Ridge 
 1657  A Cowboy in the Wild West 
 1658  Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa 
 1659  Cows 
 1660  Cows 
 1661  Cows and their calves 
 1662  Cows on the farm 
 1663  Coyote fights the sun : a Shasta Indian tale 
 1664  Coyote School News 
 1665  Coyote steals the blanket : a Ute tale 
 1666  Coyotes 
 1667  Coyotes 
 1668  Coyotes all around 
 1669  Cracker Jackson 
 1670  Crafts from felt 
 1671  Crafts from junk 
 1672  Crafts from modeling clay 
 1673  Crafts from papier mâché 
 1674  Crafty concoctions : 101 craft supply recipes 
 1675  Crandalls' castle 
 1676  The crayons trick or treat 
 1677  Crazy Hair Day 
 1678  A crazy mixed-up Spanglish day 
 1679  Creating and sharing a slide show 
 1680  Creating and sharing a slide show 
 1681  Creating costumes 
 1682  The creation 
 1683  Creative crafts for critters 
 1684  Creature carnival 
 1685  Creatures of the deep 
 1686  Credit cards and checks 
 1687  The Cree Tribe 
 1688  The Creek Nation 
 1689  Creep from the deep 
 1690  Creepy carrots! 
 1691  Creepy crawlers : a book of bug jokes 
 1692  Creepy crawlies : butterflies, bees, ladybugs, and more! 
 1693  Crickwing 
 1694  Crispin : the cross of lead 
 1695  Crispus Attucks : Black leader of colonial patriots 
 1696  Criss cross 
 1697  Critter riddles 
 1698  Crocheting 
 1699  Crocodaddy 
 1700  Crossing guard 
 1701  Crossing Jordan 
 1702  Crossing Montana 
 1703  Crown me! 
 1704  Crumbling earth : erosion & landslides 
 1705  The crunching munching caterpillar 
 1706  Crystal connection 
 1707  The crystal prison 
 1708  The crystal quest 
 1709  Crystals 
 1710  Crystals 
 1711  Cub to grizzly 
 1712  Cub to panda 
 1713  Cuba 
 1714  Cuba 
 1715  Cuban kids 
 1716  Cubes 
 1717  Cultures around the world 
 1718  Cup crazy 
 1719  Curious George flies a kite 
 1720  Curious George rides a bike 
 1721  Curse in rev[e]rse 
 1722  The curse of Rafferty McGill 
 1723  The curse of the cheese pyramid 
 1724  Custodians 
 1725  Cutting-edge 3D printing 
 1726  The cycle of your life 
 1727  Cycling 
 1728  Cylinders 
 1729  Cynthia and the runaway gazebo 
 1730  César : sí, se puede! = Yes, we can! 
 1731  Cómo llegamos a diez? : datos numéricos 
 1732  D is for democracy : a citizen's alphabet 
 1733  D.W. all wet 
 1734  D.W. flips! 
 1735  D.W.'s library card 
 1736  Dachshunds 
 1737  Daddy poems 
 1738  Daddy's girl 
 1739  Daily Memphian 
 1740  Dairy 
 1741  Dairy products 
 1742  Daisy comes home 
 1743  Dale Earnhardt Jr. 
 1744  Dallas Cowboys 
 1745  Dams 
 1746  Dams 
 1747  Dan Yaccarino's Mother Goose 
 1748  Dan's angel : a detective's guide to the language of painting 
 1749  Dance for fun! 
 1750  Dance of the stones 
 1751  Dancer the wild pony 
 1752  Dancing Granny 
 1753  Dancing in the wings 
 1754  Dancing the Ring Shout! 
 1755  Dandelion 
 1756  Dandelions 
 1757  Dandelions : stars in the grass 
 1758  Danger at the zoo : a Kit mystery 
 1759  The Danger Box 
 1760  Danger on the mountain : scaling the world's highest peaks 
 1761  Danger! earthquakes 
 1762  Dangerous crossing : the revolutionary voyage of John Quincy Adams 
 1763  Dangling 
 1764  Danitra Brown leaves town 
 1765  Danny and the dinosaur 
 1766  Danny and the dinosaur go to camp 
 1767  Darby 
 1768  Daredevils 
 1769  Daring adventures. : Volume II 
 1770  The daring escape of Ellen Craft 
 1771  The daring Nellie Bly : America's star reporter 
 1772  Daring women of the Civil War 
 1773  The dark ground 
 1774  Dark sons 
 1775  Dark waters 
 1776  Darnell Rock reporting 
 1777  Daughter of Madrugada 
 1778  Dave the potter : artist, poet, slave 
 1779  Dave's Down-to-Earth Rock Shop 
 1780  Davey's blue-eyed frog 
 1781  David gets in trouble 
 1782  David goes to school 
 1783  David Ortiz 
 1784  David's drawings 
 1785  Davy Crockett : a life on the frontier 
 1786  The dawn of life 
 1787  Day and night 
 1788  Day by day with Beyonce 
 1789  The day camp disaster 
 1790  A day in the life of a child care worker 
 1791  A day in the life of a construction worker 
 1792  A day in the life of a dancer 
 1793  A day in the life of a dentist 
 1794  A day in the life of a doctor 
 1795  A day in the life of a firefighter 
 1796  A day in the life of a garbage collector 
 1797  A day in the life of a librarian 
 1798  A day in the life of a nurse 
 1799  A day in the life of a police officer 
 1800  A day in the life of a teacher 
 1801  A day in the life of a veterinarian 
 1802  A day in the life of a zookeeper 
 1803  A day in the life of an emergency medical technician 
 1804  The day it rained forever : a story of the Johnstown flood 
 1805  The day it snowed tortillas = : El día que nevaron tortillas : folktales told in Spanish and English 
 1806  The day my butt went psycho! 
 1807  The day Ocean came to visit 
 1808  Day of tears : a novel in dialogue 
 1809  Day of the Dead 
 1810  Day of the dragon 
 1811  A day that changed America : the Alamo : surrounded and outnumbered they chose to make a defiant last stand 
 1812  The day the babies crawled away 
 1813  The day the crayons quit 
 1814  The day the sheep showed up 
 1815  A day with a mechanic 
 1816  A day with paramedics 
 1817  A day's work 
 1818  The daydreamer 
 1819  Daydreamers 
 1820  Daydreams of a solitary hamster 
 1821  Days of Jubilee : the end of slavery in the United States 
 1822  The days of summer 
 1823  Days of the ducklings 
 1824  Days of the week 
 1825  Days to celebrate : a full year of poetry, people, holidays, history, fascinating facts, and more 
 1826  Days with Frog and Toad 
 1827  Dazzling diggers 
 1828  De colores = : Bright with colors 
 1829  Dead letter 
 1830  Deadly drive 
 1831  Dealing with bullies 
 1832  Dealing with choices 
 1833  Dealing with rules at home 
 1834  Dealing with showoffs 
 1835  Dear Austin : letters from the Underground Railroad 
 1836  Dear Mrs. Larue : letters from obedience school 
 1837  Dear Papa 
 1838  Dear Tooth Fairy 
 1839  Dear Whiskers 
 1840  Dear Willie Rudd, 
 1841  Dear world 
 1842  Dearly, nearly, insincerely : what is an adverb? 
 1843  Death adders 
 1844  Death in a nut 
 1845  Death Valley : a day in the desert 
 1846  December 
 1847  December secrets 
 1848  Deciduous forests 
 1849  Deck the malls! : with Spider-Man, Spider-Gwen, and Venom 
 1850  The Declaration of Independence : introducing primary sources 
 1851  Deenie 
 1852  The deep end 
 1853  Deep in the jungle 
 1854  Deep wizardry 
 1855  The deep-sea floor 
 1856  Deer 
 1857  Deer fawns 
 1858  Defiance 
 1859  Degas and the dance : the painter and the petits rats, perfecting their art 
 1860  The Delany sisters reach high 
 1861  Delaware 
 1862  Deliver us from Normal 
 1863  Delivering justice : W.W. Law and the fight for civil rights 
 1864  Delivering your mail : a book about mail carriers 
 1865  Demanding justice : a story about Mary Ann Shadd Cary 
 1866  Denmark 
 1867  Denmark 
 1868  Denzel Washington 
 1869  Derek Jeter 
 1870  Descriptive paragraphs 
 1871  Descriptive paragraphs 
 1872  Desert song 
 1873  Desert voices 
 1874  The deserted library mystery 
 1875  Deserts 
 1876  Deserts : surviving in the Sahara 
 1877  DeShawn days 
 1878  Destination : deep sea 
 1879  Destination-- Australia 
 1880  Destination-- Rocky Mountains 
 1881  Destination: space 
 1882  Destroyers 
 1883  Detective Blue : Little Boy Blue 
 1884  Detective LaRue : letters from the investigation 
 1885  Devil rays : dynamic dancers 
 1886  Diamond life : baseball sights, sounds, and swings 
 1887  Dian Fossey and the mountain gorillas 
 1888  Diary of a wombat 
 1889  Diary of a worm 
 1890  Diary of an awesome friendly kid : Rowley Jefferson's journal 
 1891  The diary of Ma Yan : the struggles and hopes of a Chinese schoolgirl 
 1892  The diary of Melanie Martin, or, How I survived Matt the Brat, Michelangelo, and the leaning tower of pizza 
 1893  Dick Cheney : a life in public service 
 1894  Did I ever tell you how lucky you are? 
 1895  Did you hear that? : animals with super hearing 
 1896  Diego Rivera : his world and ours 
 1897  Differentiation in practice : a resource guide for differentiating curriculum, grades K-5 
 1898  Dig, wait, listen : a desert toad's tale 
 1899  The Digestive System 
 1900  Digital badges 
 1901  Dillon Dillon 
 1902  Ding dong : a book of knock-knock jokes 
 1903  Dingoes at dinnertime 
 1904  A dinosaur called Tiny 
 1905  Dinosaur deals 
 1906  Dinosaur detectives 
 1907  Dinosaur detectives 
 1908  Dinosaur hideout 
 1909  Dinosaur jokes 
 1910  Dinosaur mummies : beyond bare-bone fossils 
 1911  Dinosaurs 
 1912  Dinosaurs 
 1913  Dinosaurs : a nonfiction companion to Dinosaurs before dark 
 1914  The dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins : an illuminating history of Mr. Waterhouse Hawkins, artist and lecturer : true dinosaur story in three ages .... 
 1915  Dinosaurs on the beach 
 1916  Diper överlöde 
 1917  Diplodocus 
 1918  Diplodocus : gigantic long-necked dinosaur 
 1919  Dirt 
 1920  Dirt : the scoop on soil 
 1921  Dirt Boy 
 1922  Dirty and clean 
 1923  Disabled fables : Aesop's fables 
 1924  The disappearing staircase mystery 
 1925  Discipline without stress, punishments, or rewards : how teachers and parents promote responsibility & learning 
 1926  Disney fairies : Silvermist and the ladybug curse 
 1927  Dive right in 
 1928  Dive! : a book of deep-sea creatures 
 1929  Dive, dolphin! 
 1930  Diving dolphin 
 1931  Diving dolphins 
 1932  Divorce 
 1933  The divorced kids club and other stories 
 1934  Diwali : the Hindu festival of lights, feasts, and family 
 1935  Do all spiders spin webs? : questions and answers about spiders 
 1936  Do bees make butter? : a book about things animals make 
 1937  Do ducks live in the desert? : a book about where animals live 
 1938  Do frogs have fur? : a book about animal coats and coverings 
 1939  Do not bring your dragon to the library 
 1940  Do not take your dragon to dinner 
 1941  Do salamanders spit? : a book about how animals protect themselves 
 1942  Do something in your community 
 1943  Do you know which ones will grow? 
 1944  Doctor De Soto 
 1945  A doctor like Papa 
 1946  The doctor's boy : a story about Valley Forge in the winter of 1777-1778 
 1947  Doctors 
 1948  Doctors 
 1949  Does a kangaroo have a mother, too? 
 1950  Does an elephant take a bath? 
 1951  Dog days 
 1952  Dog days 
 1953  The dog family 
 1954  Dog finds lost dolphins! : and more true stories of amazing animal heroes 
 1955  Dog in boots 
 1956  Dog Man 
 1957  Dog Man and Cat Kid 
 1958  Dog Man Lord of the Fleas 
 1959  Dog Man. 
 1960  Dog Man. 
 1961  Dog Man. 
 1962  Dog Man. 
 1963  Dog Man. 
 1964  Dog Man. 
 1965  Dog Man. 
 1966  The dog that dug for dinosaurs : a true story 
 1967  The dog who saved Santa 
 1968  Dog's colorful day : a messy story about colors and counting 
 1969  A dog's gotta do what a dog's gotta do : dogs at work 
 1970  Doggo and Pupper 
 1971  Doggo and Pupper save the world 
 1972  Doggo and Pupper search for cozy 
 1973  Dogs don't tell jokes 
 1974  Dogs don't wear sneakers 
 1975  Dogs on the farm 
 1976  Doing time online 
 1977  The doll in the garden : a ghost story 
 1978  The doll people 
 1979  Dollars and sense : managing your money 
 1980  Dolley Madison : first lady 
 1981  The dolphin : prince of the waves 
 1982  The dolphin family 
 1983  Dolphin talk : whistles, clicks, and clapping jaws 
 1984  Dolphins 
 1985  Dolphins 
 1986  Dolphins and sharks : a nonfiction companion to Dolphins at daybreak 
 1987  Dolphins. 
 1988  Domino addition 
 1989  Dominoes 
 1990  Domitila : a Cinderella tale from the Mexican tradition 
 1991  Don't count on Dracula 
 1992  Don't hit me! 
 1993  Don't know much about Rosa Parks 
 1994  Don't let the pigeon drive the bus 
 1995  Don't let the pigeon stay up late! 
 1996  Don't make me laugh 
 1997  Don't need friends 
 1998  Don't sit there! 
 1999  Don't step on the sky : a handful of haiku 
 2000  Don't take your snake for a stroll 
 2001  Donald Trump 
 2002  Dooby dooby moo 
 2003  Doodleday 
 2004  Door knockers : a book of knock-knock jokes 
 2005  The doorbell rang 
 2006  Dorks in New York! 
 2007  Dorothea Lange 
 2008  The dot 
 2009  Dot 
 2010  Dot & Jabber and the big bug mystery 
 2011  Dot to dot in the sky : stories in the stars 
 2012  Double Dutch 
 2013  Double identity 
 2014  Double scribble 
 2015  Double trouble in Walla Walla 
 2016  Doubling : circus stars 
 2017  Down the drain : conserving water 
 2018  Down to the sea in ships 
 2019  Dr. Charles Drew : medical pioneer 
 2020  Dr. Seuss 
 2021  Dr. Seuss's ABC. 
 2022  Dr. Seuss's sleep book. 
 2023  Dracula doesn't drink lemonade 
 2024  Dracula doesn't play kickball 
 2025  Dracula doesn't rock and roll 
 2026  Dragon Boy 
 2027  The dragon machine 
 2028  The Dragon of Doom 
 2029  Dragon rider 
 2030  Dragon run 
 2031  Dragon's breath 
 2032  Dragons 
 2033  Dragons love tacos 
 2034  Dragonwings : Golden Mountain chronicles, 1903 
 2035  Draw me a star 
 2036  Drawing from memory 
 2037  Drawing lessons from a bear 
 2038  Drawing pets : a step-by-step sketchbook 
 2039  Drawing vehicles : a step-by-step sketchbook 
 2040  Dreadful droughts 
 2041  Dream makers : young people share their hopes and aspirations 
 2042  The dream on Blanca's wall : poems in English and Spanish = El sueño pegado en la pared de Blanca : poemas en ingles y español 
 2043  Dream something big : the story of the Watts Towers 
 2044  Dreamland Lake 
 2045  Dreams 
 2046  Drift upon a dream : poems for sleepy babies 
 2047  Drip! drop! : how water gets to your tap 
 2048  Drive it! Fix it! 
 2049  Drones 
 2050  Drought and people 
 2051  Droughts of the past and the future 
 2052  Drowning Anna 
 2053  Drummer Hoff 
 2054  Drylongso 
 2055  Duck enough to fly 
 2056  Duck for president 
 2057  Duck for Turkey Day 
 2058  Duck in the truck 
 2059  Duck on a bike 
 2060  The duckling gets a cookie!? 
 2061  Ducks on the farm 
 2062  Duel of the ironclads : the Monitor vs. the Virginia 
 2063  Duffy and the devil : a Cornish tale 
 2064  Duke Ellington 
 2065  Duke Ellington : jazz composer 
 2066  Duke Ellington : the piano prince and his orchestra 
 2067  The dulcimer boy 
 2068  Dume's roar 
 2069  Dump trucks 
 2070  Dumpy La Rue 
 2071  Dust devil 
 2072  Dutch colonies in the Americas 
 2073  Dwight D. Eisenhower 
 2074  The dynamic world of drones / : Max Axiom STEM Adventures 
 2075  Dyslexia 
 2076  Dzání yázhí naazbaa' = : Little Woman Warrior Who Came Home : a story of the Navajo Long Walk 
 2077  E-mail 
 2078  E-mergency! 
 2079  E-textiles 
 2080  Each little bird that sings 
 2081  Each living thing 
 2082  Each orange had 8 slices : a counting book 
 2083  The eagle & the wren : a fable 
 2084  Eagles 
 2085  Eagles 
 2086  Earning money 
 2087  Earning money 
 2088  Earrings! 
 2089  Earth 
 2090  Earth 
 2091  Earth 
 2092  Earth & you a closer view : nature's features 
 2093  Earth : our planet in space 
 2094  The Earth and space 
 2095  Earth cycles 
 2096  Earth Day 
 2097  Earth Day 
 2098  Earth Day 
 2099  Earth Day 
 2100  Earth Day Birthday 
 2101  Earth Day-- hooray! 
 2102  Earth to Audrey 
 2103  Earth to Matthew 
 2104  Earth's changing coasts 
 2105  Earth's changing continents 
 2106  Earth's changing crust 
 2107  Earth's changing deserts 
 2108  Earth's changing islands 
 2109  Earth's changing mountains 
 2110  Earth's changing rivers 
 2111  Earthly astonishments : a novel 
 2112  Earthmovers 
 2113  Earthquack! 
 2114  Earthquake emergency 
 2115  Earthquake! 
 2116  Earthquake! : a story of old San Francisco 
 2117  Earthquakes 
 2118  Earthquakes 
 2119  Earthquakes : disaster & survival 
 2120  Earthshake : poems from the ground up 
 2121  An earthworm's life 
 2122  Earthworms 
 2123  Easter 
 2124  Easter 
 2125  Easter : parades, chocolates, and celebration 
 2126  Easter around the world 
 2127  The Easter bunny that overslept 
 2128  Easter Island : giant stone statues tell of a rich and tragic past 
 2129  Easy as apple pie : a Harry and Emily adventure 
 2130  Eat my dust! : Henry Ford's first race 
 2131  Eat your poison, dear : a Sebastian Barth mystery 
 2132  Eat your vegetables! drink your milk! 
 2133  Eats, shoots & leaves : why, commas really do make a difference! 
 2134  The ecosystem of a fallen tree 
 2135  The ecosystem of a grassy field 
 2136  The ecosystem of a milkweed patch 
 2137  The ecosystem of a stream 
 2138  Edgar Degas 
 2139  Edgar Degas : paintings that dance 
 2140  Edmontosaurus 
 2141  Edna's tale 
 2142  Education 
 2143  Edward and the pirates 
 2144  Edward Hopper : the life of an artist 
 2145  Edward in the jungle 
 2146  Edward Lear's A was once an apple pie 
 2147  Edward the emu 
 2148  Edwina victorious 
 2149  Edwurd Fudwupper fibbed big 
 2150  The eensy weensy spider 
 2151  The egg 
 2152  The egg 
 2153  Egg carton mania 
 2154  Eggbert, the slightly cracked egg 
 2155  Egypt 
 2156  Egypt 
 2157  The Egyptian box 
 2158  The Egyptian news 
 2159  Eight animals on the town 
 2160  El Capitán Cheech 
 2161  El Niño & La Niña : deadly weather 
 2162  Elbert's bad word 
 2163  Eleanor Roosevelt 
 2164  Eleanor Roosevelt 
 2165  Eleanor, Ellatony, Ellencake, and me 
 2166  Election day 
 2167  Electric mischief : battery-powered gadgets kids can build 
 2168  Electrical wizard : how Nikola Tesla lit up the world 
 2169  Electricity 
 2170  Electricity 
 2171  Electricity 
 2172  Electricity : from Benjamin Franklin to Nikola Tesla 
 2173  Electricity and magnets 
 2174  Electronics 
 2175  Elena's serenade 
 2176  Elephants 
 2177  Elephants 
 2178  Elephants and their calves 
 2179  Elephants. 
 2180  The elevator family 
 2181  The elf's hat 
 2182  Elisa in the middle 
 2183  Elisa Michaels, bigger & better 
 2184  Elizabeth Blackwell : physician and health educator 
 2185  Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony : fighting together for women's rights 
 2186  Elizabeth's song 
 2187  Elizabeti's doll 
 2188  Elizabeti's school 
 2189  Ella enchanted 
 2190  Ellen Ochoa 
 2191  Ellen Ochoa : reach for the stars! 
 2192  Ellen's broom 
 2193  Ellington was not a street 
 2194  Ellis Island 
 2195  Ellsworth's extraordinary electric ears : and other amazing alphabet anecdotes 
 2196  Elmer and Rose 
 2197  Elmer's special day 
 2198  Elsie times eight 
 2199  Elsie's bird 
 2200  The elves and the shoemaker 
 2201  The elves and the shoemaker : a fairy tale 
 2202  Elves don't wear hard hats 
 2203  Elvis lives : and other anagrams 
 2204  Elvis the rooster almost goes to heaven 
 2205  Embroidery 
 2206  Emeraldalicious 
 2207  Emergency medical technicians 
 2208  Emergency workers are on their way! 
 2209  Emiliano Zapata : Revolutionary and champion of poor farmers 
 2210  Emily Dickinson's letters to the world 
 2211  Emily's art 
 2212  Emily's first 100 days of school 
 2213  Emma dilemma : big sister poems 
 2214  Emma dilemma and the soccer nanny 
 2215  Emma Kate 
 2216  Emma's magic winter 
 2217  Emma's poem : the voice of the Statue of Liberty 
 2218  Emma's yucky brother 
 2219  The emperor and the kite 
 2220  The emperor lays an egg 
 2221  The emperor's egg 
 2222  The empty envelope 
 2223  Encore, Grace! 
 2224  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of Pablo's nose 
 2225  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the dead eagles 
 2226  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the disgusting sneakers 
 2227  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the jumping frogs 
 2228  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the midnight visitor 
 2229  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the mysterious handprints 
 2230  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the secret pitch 
 2231  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the sleeping dog 
 2232  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the treasure hunt 
 2233  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the two spies 
 2234  Encyclopedia Brown finds the clues 
 2235  Encyclopedia Brown gets his man 
 2236  Encyclopedia Brown keeps the peace 
 2237  Encyclopedia Brown saves the day 
 2238  Encyclopedia Brown shows the way 
 2239  Encyclopedia Brown solves them all 
 2240  Encyclopedia Brown takes the case 
 2241  Encyclopedia Brown tracks them down 
 2242  Encyclopedia Brown, boy detective 
 2243  Endangered chimpanzees 
 2244  Endangered elephants 
 2245  Endangered rhinoceros 
 2246  Enduring wisdom : sayings from Native Americans 
 2247  Enemies of slavery 
 2248  Enemy in the fort 
 2249  Enemy pie 
 2250  Energy 
 2251  Energy 
 2252  Energy : heat, light, and fuel 
 2253  Energy crisis 
 2254  Energy makes things happen 
 2255  Engineering 
 2256  Engineering 
 2257  England 
 2258  English colonies in the Americas 
 2259  English fresh squeezed! : 40 thirst-for-knowledge-quenching poems 
 2260  The enormous egg 
 2261  Enrico starts school 
 2262  The entrance place of wonders : poems of the Harlem Renaissance 
 2263  Epossumondas 
 2264  Equal shmequal 
 2265  Ereth's birthday 
 2266  Eric Carle's animals, animals 
 2267  Eric the math bear 
 2268  Ernest's gift 
 2269  Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's library. 
 2270  Escape from war 
 2271  Escape south 
 2272  Escape to freedom : a play about young Frederick Douglass 
 2273  Escape to West Berlin 
 2274  Escapes! 
 2275  Escaping the giant wave 
 2276  Estimating : how many gollywomples? 
 2277  Ethiopia 
 2278  Eugene's story 
 2279  Eureka! : poems about inventors 
 2280  Europe 
 2281  Europe 
 2282  Eva in the band 
 2283  Evangeline Brown and the Cadillac Motel 
 2284  Even Steven and Odd Todd 
 2285  Everest : reaching for the sky 
 2286  Everett Anderson's goodbye 
 2287  Every autumn comes the bear 
 2288  Every cloud has a silver lining 
 2289  Every man heart lay down 
 2290  Everybody bakes bread 
 2291  Everyday banking : consumer banking 
 2292  Everyday science experiments at the playground 
 2293  Everyday science experiments in the gym 
 2294  Everyday science experiments in the kitchen 
 2295  Everyday science experiments with food 
 2296  Everyone makes a difference : a story about community 
 2297  Everything bug : what kids really want to know about insects and spiders 
 2298  Everything cat : what kids really want to know about cats 
 2299  Everything dog : what kids really want to know about dogs 
 2300  Everything on a waffle 
 2301  Everywhere babies 
 2302  Evicted! : the struggle for the right to vote 
 2303  Evil star 
 2304  Examining wind energy 
 2305  Except if 
 2306  Excuse me-- are you a witch? 
 2307  Exercising for good health 
 2308  Expedition down under 
 2309  Experiments with colors 
 2310  Experiments with electricity 
 2311  Experiments with energy 
 2312  Experiments with light 
 2313  Experiments with magic 
 2314  Experiments with plants 
 2315  Experiments with simple machines 
 2316  Experiments with solids, liquids, and gases 
 2317  Experiments with sound 
 2318  Experiments with sports 
 2319  Explorer 
 2320  Explorers of North America 
 2321  Exploring Canada with the five themes of geography 
 2322  Exploring Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean 
 2323  Exploring space 
 2324  Exploring the United States with the five themes of geography 
 2325  Exploring the world of the Vikings 
 2326  Express yourself! : activities and adventures in expressionism 
 2327  Extreme climbing 
 2328  Extreme downhill skiing moves 
 2329  Extreme halfpipe snowboarding moves 
 2330  Extreme motocross 
 2331  Extreme Sports 
 2332  Eye of the wolf 
 2333  Eyes and ears 
 2334  F is for flag 
 2335  Fa Mulan : the story of a woman warrior 
 2336  Fables 
 2337  Fabulous fractions : games and activities that make math easy and fun 
 2338  Face painting 
 2339  Face-to-face with the ladybug 
 2340  Fading forests : the destruction of our rainforests 
 2341  Fairness 
 2342  Fairy Haven and the quest for the wand 
 2343  A fairy in a dairy 
 2344  The fairy rebel 
 2345  Fairy trails : a story told in English and Spanish 
 2346  Faithful elephants : a true story of animals, people, and war 
 2347  The faithful friend 
 2348  Falcons 
 2349  Fall 
 2350  Fall 
 2351  Fall :  
 2352  The fall festival 
 2353  Falling into place 
 2354  Fallout : nuclear disasters in our world 
 2355  Fame and glory in Freedom, Georgia 
 2356  Families 
 2357  Family festivals 
 2358  Family funnies : a book of family jokes 
 2359  Family is a superpower 
 2360  Family pictures 
 2361  The family under the bridge 
 2362  The fan in the can 
 2363  Fancy that 
 2364  Fannie in the kitchen : the whole story from soup to nuts of how Fannie Farmer invented recipes with precise measurements 
 2365  Fanny's dream 
 2366  Fantastic creatures from Greek myths 
 2367  The fantastic flying books of Mr. Morris Lessmore 
 2368  Fantastic Mr. Fox 
 2369  Fantastic planet 
 2370  Far beyond the garden gate : Alexandra David-Neel's journey to Lhasa 
 2371  Faraway home 
 2372  Farewell, my lunchbag : from the tattered casebook of Chet Gecko, private eye 
 2373  Farm animals 
 2374  Farm community 
 2375  Farm crops 
 2376  Farm flu 
 2377  Farm life 
 2378  Farm morning 
 2379  Farm tractors 
 2380  Farmer Dale's red pickup truck 
 2381  Farmer duck 
 2382  The farmer in the dell 
 2383  The farmer in the dell 
 2384  Farmer's dog goes to the forest : rhymes for two voices 
 2385  Farmers 
 2386  Farmers 
 2387  Farms long ago 
 2388  Farrah the shy fawn 
 2389  The fashion disaster that changed my life 
 2390  Fat chance Thanksgiving 
 2391  Fat men from space 
 2392  Father of the Constitution : a story about James Madison 
 2393  Father's Day crafts 
 2394  The favorite daughter 
 2395  Fawn to deer 
 2396  Fearless Jack 
 2397  Fearsome forces of nature 
 2398  Feathered dinosaurs 
 2399  Feathers : poems about birds 
 2400  February 
 2401  Feel the noise! 
 2402  Feel the power : energy all around 
 2403  Feeling scared 
 2404  Feeling your way : discover your sense of touch 
 2405  Felicity learns a lesson : a school story 
 2406  Felicity saves the day : a summer story 
 2407  Felicity takes a dare 
 2408  Felicity's surprise : a Christmas story 
 2409  Felix feels better 
 2410  FEMA : Federal Emergency Management Administration 
 2411  Fenced in 
 2412  The fences between us : the diary of Piper Davis 
 2413  Festivals 
 2414  Fever, 1793 
 2415  The Feverbird's claw 
 2416  Fiddle-i-fee 
 2417  The field guide 
 2418  The field of the dogs 
 2419  The fierce yellow pumpkin 
 2420  The fiestas 
 2421  Fighter jets 
 2422  Fighter planes 
 2423  Fighting fires 
 2424  Figure skating in action 
 2425  Fin M'Coul : the giant of Knockmany Hill 
 2426  Find a face 
 2427  Finders keepers 
 2428  Finders keepers? : a true story 
 2429  Finding Christmas 
 2430  Finding out about dinosaurs 
 2431  Finding the golden ruler 
 2432  A fine start 
 2433  A fine, fine school 
 2434  The fire : an Ethiopian folk tale 
 2435  Fire ants 
 2436  The fire cat 
 2437  Fire Chief Fran 
 2438  Fire fighters 
 2439  Fire In Her Hair : a story of friendship 
 2440  Fire in the hole! 
 2441  Fire on ice : autobiography of a champion figure skater 
 2442  A fire station 
 2443  Fire station 
 2444  Fire truck 
 2445  Fire trucks 
 2446  Fire! Fire! 
 2447  The Firebird 
 2448  Fireboat : the heroic adventures of the John J. Harvey 
 2449  Firefighters 
 2450  Firefighters 
 2451  Firefighters to the rescue! 
 2452  Fireflies 
 2453  Fireflies at midnight 
 2454  Firefly 
 2455  A firefly biologist at work 
 2456  The firekeeper's son 
 2457  Fireman Small : fire down below! 
 2458  Fires 
 2459  Fires of jubilee 
 2460  First aid for you 
 2461  First book about animals of the forests. 
 2462  First day 
 2463  The first day of school 
 2464  The first four years 
 2465  First kids 
 2466  First riding lessons 
 2467  FIRST robotics 
 2468  First snow 
 2469  First vacation 
 2470  Fish 
 2471  Fish 
 2472  Fish 
 2473  Fish eyes : a book you can count on 
 2474  Fish face 
 2475  The fish in room 11 
 2476  A fish out of water 
 2477  The fisherman and the turtle 
 2478  The fishy field trip 
 2479  A fishy story 
 2480  The five Chinese brothers 
 2481  Five creatures 
 2482  Five little monkeys jumping on the bed 
 2483  Five little monkeys play hide-and-seek 
 2484  Five little monkeys reading in bed 
 2485  Five little monkeys sitting in a tree 
 2486  Five little monkeys with nothing to do 
 2487  Five smooth stones 
 2488  Five stars for Emily 
 2489  Flag Day 
 2490  Flag Day 
 2491  The flag maker 
 2492  The flag of childhood : poems from the Middle East 
 2493  Flakes and flurries : a book about snow 
 2494  A flamingo chick grows up 
 2495  Flamingo sunset 
 2496  The Flash is caring 
 2497  Flat Stanley 
 2498  The fledgling 
 2499  Flexibility : stretch and move farther! 
 2500  Flick a switch : how electricity gets to your home 
 2501  Flight 
 2502  Flight from Bear Canyon 
 2503  Flight from Big Tangle 
 2504  The flimflam man 
 2505  Flip 
 2506  Flip turn 
 2507  Flipped 
 2508  Floating jellyfish 
 2509  Flood 
 2510  Flood, Mississippi, 1927 
 2511  Floods 
 2512  Floods 
 2513  Floods of the past and the future 
 2514  Flora & Ulysses : the illuminated adventures 
 2515  Florence Nightingale 
 2516  Florence Nightingale : founder of the Nightingale School of Nursing 
 2517  Florida manatee 
 2518  Flotsam 
 2519  Flower garden 
 2520  Flower girl butterflies 
 2521  Flowering plants 
 2522  Flowers 
 2523  Flowers, fruits, and seeds 
 2524  Flu 
 2525  Flu 
 2526  Fluffy, flat, and wet : a book about clouds 
 2527  Flush 
 2528  Fly away home 
 2529  A fly can fly 
 2530  Fly free! 
 2531  Fly Guy & Fly Girl. 
 2532  Fly Guy & Fly Girl. 
 2533  Fly Guy and the alienzz 
 2534  Fly Guy's ninja Christmas 
 2535  Fly high! : the story of Bessie Coleman 
 2536  Fly with poetry : an ABC of poetry 
 2537  Fly! 
 2538  Fly, monarch! Fly! 
 2539  The flyers 
 2540  Flying ace : the story of Amelia Earhart 
 2541  The flying canoe 
 2542  Flying colors : butterflies in your backyard 
 2543  Flying feet : a Mud Flat story 
 2544  Flying free 
 2545  Flying giants of dinosaur time 
 2546  Flying lessons 
 2547  Flying solo 
 2548  Flying squirrels 
 2549  The flying witch 
 2550  Foal to horse 
 2551  Foals 
 2552  Foals 
 2553  Fog 
 2554  Fold me a poem 
 2555  Follow the drinking gourd 
 2556  Follow the trail : a young person's guide to the great outdoors 
 2557  Follow the water from brook to ocean 
 2558  The follower 
 2559  Following rules 
 2560  Food 
 2561  Food 
 2562  The food chain 
 2563  Food chain frenzy 
 2564  Food chains in a pond habitat 
 2565  The food pyramid 
 2566  Food service workers 
 2567  Fooled you! : fakes and hoaxes through the years 
 2568  Football is fun! 
 2569  Football nightmare 
 2570  Footprints on the moon 
 2571  For Biddle's sake 
 2572  For freedom : the story of a French spy 
 2573  For the love of bubbles 
 2574  For the right to learn : Malala Yousafzai's story 
 2575  Force & motion 
 2576  Forces and motion 
 2577  Forces and motion 
 2578  Forces make things move 
 2579  Forecasting the weather 
 2580  Forecasting the weather 
 2581  Foreign-born champions of the American Revolution 
 2582  Forest child 
 2583  Forest, what would you like? 
 2584  The forested taiga : a web of life 
 2585  Forests 
 2586  Forests & jungles 
 2587  Forever Amber Brown 
 2588  Forged by fire 
 2589  Formula One cars 
 2590  Formula One race cars 
 2591  Fort Sumter 
 2592  The fortress of Kaspar Snit 
 2593  Fossil fever 
 2594  Fossils 
 2595  Fossils 
 2596  Foul play : jokes that won't strike out 
 2597  Four famished foxes and Fosdyke 
 2598  Four friends at Christmas 
 2599  Four friends in summer 
 2600  Four sides, eight nights : a new spin on Hanukkah 
 2601  Four special questions : a Passover story 
 2602  The four ugly cats in apartment 3D 
 2603  Fourth grade rats 
 2604  The Fourth of July 
 2605  Fourth of July mice! 
 2606  Fourth-grade celebrity 
 2607  Fox and Fluff 
 2608  Fox be nimble 
 2609  Fox in socks 
 2610  Fox is late 
 2611  Fox kits 
 2612  Fox the tiger 
 2613  Fox versus winter 
 2614  Foxes 
 2615  Fractions : making fair shares 
 2616  France 
 2617  France 
 2618  France 
 2619  Francie 
 2620  Francine's day 
 2621  Francine, believe it or not 
 2622  Francisca Alvarez : the Angel of Goliad = el Ángel de Goliad 
 2623  Francisco Vásquez de Coronado 
 2624  Frankenbug 
 2625  Frankenstein doesn't start food fights 
 2626  Franklin and Harriet 
 2627  Franklin and the contest 
 2628  Franklin and the cookies 
 2629  Franklin D. Roosevelt 
 2630  Franklin stays up 
 2631  Franklin's trading cards 
 2632  Freaky Fast Frankie Joe 
 2633  Freckle juice 
 2634  Fred read the red book 
 2635  Fred's midnight prowler 
 2636  Freddy Adu 
 2637  Freddy in peril : book two in the golden hamster saga 
 2638  Frederick 
 2639  Frederick Douglass 
 2640  Frederick Douglass : leader against slavery 
 2641  The Frederick Douglass you never knew 
 2642  The free and the brave : a collection of poems about the United States 
 2643  Free baseball 
 2644  Free fall 
 2645  Freedom 
 2646  Freedom like sunlight : praisesongs for Black Americans 
 2647  Freedom on the menu : the Greensboro sit-ins 
 2648  The freedom riddle 
 2649  Freedom river 
 2650  Freedom school, yes! 
 2651  Freedom Summer 
 2652  Freedom's wings 
 2653  French bulldogs 
 2654  French colonies in the Americas 
 2655  A fresh approach to teaching punctuation : helping young writers use conventions with precision and purpose 
 2656  Fresh fish 
 2657  Frida 
 2658  Frida : viva la vida = long live life 
 2659  Frida Kahlo : Mexican painter 
 2660  Frida Kahlo : the artist who painted herself : by Frieda Fry 
 2661  Friend me 
 2662  Friend on freedom river 
 2663  Friends 
 2664  Friends of the heart : amici del cuore 
 2665  Friends, enemies 
 2666  The friendship 
 2667  The friendship tree 
 2668  Frightful's mountain 
 2669  Frindle 
 2670  Frog 
 2671  Frog and Toad all year 
 2672  Frog and Toad together 
 2673  Frog in a bog 
 2674  A frog in the bog 
 2675  Frog on his own 
 2676  The frog prince, continued 
 2677  Frog went a courtin' 
 2678  Froggy bakes a cake 
 2679  Froggy gets dressed 
 2680  Froggy goes to bed 
 2681  Froggy goes to school 
 2682  Froggy learns to swim 
 2683  Froggy plays in the band 
 2684  Froggy plays soccer 
 2685  Froggy's baby sister 
 2686  Froggy's day with Dad 
 2687  Froggy's first kiss 
 2688  Froggy's Halloween 
 2689  Froggy's sleepover 
 2690  Frogs 
 2691  Frogs : awesome amphibians 
 2692  Frogs and toads 
 2693  Frogs sing songs 
 2694  The frogs wore red suspenders 
 2695  Frogs! 
 2696  From cement to bridge 
 2697  From clay to bricks 
 2698  From daybreak to good night : poems for children 
 2699  From farm to store 
 2700  From idea to book 
 2701  From maple tree to syrup 
 2702  From me to you 
 2703  From metal to airplane 
 2704  From peanut to peanut butter 
 2705  From rags to riches : a history of girls' clothing in America 
 2706  From rock to road 
 2707  From sand to glass 
 2708  From seed to pumpkin 
 2709  From sheep to sweater 
 2710  From shoot to apple 
 2711  From slave to soldier : based on a true Civil War story 
 2712  From the lighthouse 
 2713  From the mixed-up files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler 
 2714  Frontier schools and schoolteachers 
 2715  Frontier women who helped shape the American West 
 2716  Frosty the Snowman 
 2717  Frosty the Snowman 
 2718  Frosty the Snowman. 
 2719  Frozen mammoth 
 2720  The frozen tundra : a web of life 
 2721  Frozen vegetables 
 2722  Fruits 
 2723  Fruits 
 2724  Fruits on myplate 
 2725  Fudge-a-mania 
 2726  Fudge-a-mania 
 2727  The full belly bowl 
 2728  Full court press 
 2729  Full moon barnyard dance 
 2730  Fun 5-minute math practice pages, grades 2-3 
 2731  Fun and games in Colonial America 
 2732  Fun and simple Southern state crafts : Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas 
 2733  Fun-filled 5-to-10-minute math activities for young learners 
 2734  Fun-to-make crafts for every day 
 2735  Fun-to-make crafts for Halloween 
 2736  Funky junk : cool stuff to make with hardware 
 2737  Funny faces, wacky wings, and other silly big bird things 
 2738  Funny Frank 
 2739  The funny little woman 
 2740  Funny riddles 
 2741  Funny, funny Lyle 
 2742  Funtime riddles 
 2743  Fussy flamingo 
 2744  The future of coding 
 2745  G is for galaxy : an out of this world alphabet 
 2746  G is for goat 
 2747  G'day, Australia! 
 2748  Gabi's fabulous functions 
 2749  Gabi's if/then garden 
 2750  The gadget 
 2751  The gadget war 
 2752  A gaggle of geese & a clutter of cats 
 2753  Gail and Gary 
 2754  Galactic giggles : far-out and funny jokes about outer space 
 2755  Galaxy getaway 
 2756  Galen : my life in imperial Rome 
 2757  Game day 
 2758  Game design 
 2759  The game of silence 
 2760  Game time! 
 2761  Games we play 
 2762  Gandhi 
 2763  The garden that we grew 
 2764  The gardener 
 2765  Garth Williams 
 2766  Gary Paulsen 
 2767  Gaston goes to Texas 
 2768  The Gawgon and The Boy 
 2769  Geese on the farm 
 2770  Gems, crystals, and precious rocks 
 2771  Gemstones 
 2772  Generosity 
 2773  Genies don't ride bicycles 
 2774  The Gentleman Outlaw and me-- Eli : a story of the Old West 
 2775  Geogra-fleas! : riddles all over the map 
 2776  Geometry : looking down on Monster Town 
 2777  George and Martha 
 2778  George and Martha round and round 
 2779  George S. Patton Jr. 
 2780  George W. Bush 
 2781  George W. Bush 
 2782  George W. Bush : our forty-third president 
 2783  George Washington 
 2784  George Washington 
 2785  George Washington : first president, 1789-1797 
 2786  George Washington : the first president 
 2787  George Washington Carver 
 2788  George Washington Carver 
 2789  George Washington Carver : a photo-illustrated biography 
 2790  George Washington's first victory 
 2791  George's marvelous medicine 
 2792  The Georgia Colony 
 2793  Georgia O'Keeffe : desert painter 
 2794  Georgia O'Keeffe : the life of an artist 
 2795  Georgia's bones 
 2796  Geothermal power 
 2797  Geothermal power 
 2798  Gerbils 
 2799  German shepherds 
 2800  German shepherds 
 2801  Germany 
 2802  Germany 
 2803  Geronimo 
 2804  Geronimo 
 2805  Gertrude Chandler Warner 
 2806  Get in line, please! 
 2807  Get on the ice, Mo! 
 2808  Get ready for second grade, Amber Brown 
 2809  The Get Rich Quick Club 
 2810  Get well, Good Knight 
 2811  The getaway 
 2812  Getting dressed : long ago and today 
 2813  Getting near to baby 
 2814  Getting ready for space 
 2815  Getting to grips with grammar 
 2816  Geysers 
 2817  Ghana, Mali, Songhay 
 2818  The ghost and Mrs. Hobbs 
 2819  Ghost at the window 
 2820  The ghost behind the wall 
 2821  Ghost canoe 
 2822  Ghost girl : a Blue Ridge Mountain story 
 2823  Ghost horse 
 2824  Ghost horses 
 2825  The ghost of Cutler Creek 
 2826  Ghost ship 
 2827  Ghost town : seven ghostly stories 
 2828  Ghost town at sundown 
 2829  The ghost town mystery 
 2830  Ghost voyages III : Endeavour & Resolution 
 2831  Ghouls don't scoop ice cream 
 2832  The giant ball of string 
 2833  Giant children : poems 
 2834  Giant dinosaurs of the Jurassic 
 2835  The giant germ 
 2836  The giant jelly bean jar 
 2837  The Giant Rat of Sumatra, or, Pirates galore 
 2838  The giants and the Joneses 
 2839  A gift from the sea 
 2840  The gift of the crocodile : a Cinderella story 
 2841  Gifts from the sea 
 2842  Gifts to make and eat 
 2843  Giggle, giggle, quack 
 2844  The Giggler Treatment 
 2845  Gina's balance 
 2846  Gingerbread baby 
 2847  The gingerbread boy 
 2848  The Gingerbread Kid goes to school 
 2849  The gingerbread man : a classic fairy tale 
 2850  Gingersnap 
 2851  Giotto 
 2852  A giraffe calf grows up 
 2853  Giraffes 
 2854  Giraffes 
 2855  Giraffes. 
 2856  The girl on the high-diving horse 
 2857  Girl reporter sinks school! 
 2858  The girl who drank the moon 
 2859  The girl who loved wild horses 
 2860  The girl who spun gold 
 2861  The girl who struck out Babe Ruth 
 2862  The girl with 500 middle names 
 2863  The girl with the broken wing 
 2864  Girl wonder : a baseball story in nine innings 
 2865  A girl, a goat, and a goose 
 2866  Girls don't have cooties 
 2867  The girls in the circle 
 2868  Girls together 
 2869  Girls under pressure 
 2870  Give Maggie a chance 
 2871  Give me back my book! 
 2872  Give me half! 
 2873  Give my regrets to Broadway : from the tattered casebook of Chet Gecko, private eye 
 2874  Give the dog a bone 
 2875  Giving an oral presentation 
 2876  Giving an oral presentation 
 2877  Glaciers 
 2878  Glasses : who needs 'em? 
 2879  Global warming : the threat of Earth's changing climate 
 2880  Gloria rising 
 2881  Gloria's way 
 2882  The glorious flight : across the Channel with Louis Blériot, July 25, 1909 
 2883  Gnat Stokes and the Foggy Bottom Swamp Queen 
 2884  Go further with grammar : exclamations are expressive! : adverbs add extra impact 
 2885  Go to sleep, Groundhog 
 2886  Go track a yak! 
 2887  Go wild in New York City 
 2888  Go! go! Maria! : what it's like to be 1 
 2889  Go, dog, go! 
 2890  Goal 
 2891  A goal in sight 
 2892  Goalkeeper in charge 
 2893  The Goblin Wood 
 2894  God bless the child 
 2895  God created 
 2896  Goddess of yesterday 
 2897  Goggles! 
 2898  Goin' someplace special 
 2899  Going batty 
 2900  Going by car 
 2901  Going home 
 2902  Going north 
 2903  Going places 
 2904  Going shopping : long ago and today 
 2905  Going to school 
 2906  Going to school 
 2907  Going to the dentist 
 2908  Going to the firehouse 
 2909  Going to the library 
 2910  Going to war in Viking times 
 2911  Going West! : journey on a wagon train to settle a frontier town 
 2912  Gold 
 2913  Gold 
 2914  The gold rush : California or bust! 
 2915  The gold-threaded dress 
 2916  Golden eagles of Devil Mountain 
 2917  The golden flower : a Taino myth from Puerto Rico 
 2918  The Golden Mare, the Firebird, and the magic ring 
 2919  Golden retrievers 
 2920  Golden retrievers 
 2921  Goldfish 
 2922  Goldie : and the three bears 
 2923  Goldilocks and the three bears 
 2924  Goldilocks and the three bears 
 2925  Goldilocks and the three dinosaurs 
 2926  Golem 
 2927  Golf 
 2928  Golf 
 2929  Golf for fun! 
 2930  The Golly sisters ride again 
 2931  Gone fishing 
 2932  Good citizenship counts 
 2933  A good day 
 2934  The good dog 
 2935  Good dog! 
 2936  The good egg and the talent show 
 2937  The good for nothing button 
 2938  The good luck cat 
 2939  Good morning, Africa! 
 2940  Good morning, chick 
 2941  Good morning, little polar bear 
 2942  Good morning, sweetie pie : and other poems for little children 
 2943  Good night Sam 
 2944  Good night, Good Knight 
 2945  Good thing you're not an octopus! 
 2946  Good work, Amelia Bedelia 
 2947  Goodbye Mousie 
 2948  Goodnight Lulu 
 2949  Goodnight moon 
 2950  Goodnight, goodnight, construction site 
 2951  Gooney Bird and the room mother 
 2952  Gooney Bird Greene 
 2953  Gooseberry Goose 
 2954  Gordon in charge 
 2955  Gordon Parks : no excuses 
 2956  Gorillas 
 2957  Gorillas 
 2958  Gorillas and their infants 
 2959  Gossie 
 2960  Governor 
 2961  Grace Hopper : computer whiz 
 2962  Gracias, the Thanksgiving turkey 
 2963  Gracie and the emperor 
 2964  Gracie's girl 
 2965  A grain of sand 
 2966  Grains 
 2967  Grains 
 2968  The gramma war 
 2969  Grammar is great! : verbs are vital! : connectives connect 
 2970  Grand Canyon 
 2971  The Grand Canyon : the widest canyon 
 2972  Grand Canyon National Park 
 2973  Grandfather Tang's story 
 2974  Grandfather's journey 
 2975  Grandma Chickenlegs 
 2976  Grandma Esther remembers : a Jewish-American family story 
 2977  Grandma Francisca remembers : a Hispanic-American family story 
 2978  Grandma Hekmatt remembers : an Arab-American family story 
 2979  Grandma Lena's big ol' turnip 
 2980  Grandma Lois remembers : an African-American family story 
 2981  Grandma Maxine remembers : a Native American family story 
 2982  The grandma mix-up 
 2983  Grandma Susan remembers : a British-American family story 
 2984  Grandma's general store : the Ark 
 2985  Grandmas at bat 
 2986  Grandmas trick-or-treat 
 2987  Grandmother's nursery rhymes : lullabies, tongue twisters, and riddles from South America 
 2988  Grandpa Green 
 2989  Grandpa's angel 
 2990  Grandpa's Corner Store 
 2991  Grandpa's snowman 
 2992  Grandpa, is everything black bad? 
 2993  Grandparent poems 
 2994  Grandparents song 
 2995  Granny Torrelli makes soup 
 2996  Granny, will your dog bite, and other mountain rhymes 
 2997  Grape thief 
 2998  The grapes of math : mind-stretching math riddles 
 2999  Graphing story problems 
 3000  Graphing story problems 
 3001  Graphs 
 3002  Grasshopper pie and other poems 
 3003  Grasshoppers 
 3004  Grasslands 
 3005  Grasslands 
 3006  Grasslands & deserts 
 3007  The Graves family 
 3008  Gravity 
 3009  Gravity 
 3010  Gray Squirrel at Pacific Avenue 
 3011  Gray wolves 
 3012  The gray-eyed goddess 
 3013  The Great Basin Indians : daily life in the 1700s 
 3014  Great black heroes : five brilliant scientists 
 3015  The great chicken debacle 
 3016  Great Danes 
 3017  The Great Depression 
 3018  The great fuzz frenzy 
 3019  Great games for the overhead. 
 3020  The great ghost rescue 
 3021  The great good thing : a novel 
 3022  The great Googlestein Museum mystery 
 3023  The great Gracie chase : stop that dog! 
 3024  Great graphs and sensational statistics : games and activities that make math easy and fun 
 3025  Great groundhogs! 
 3026  Great horned owls 
 3027  The great kapok tree : a tale of the Amazon rain forest 
 3028  Great Lakes 
 3029  The Great Lakes 
 3030  Great map games : 20 super fun, easy reproducible games that build key map and geography skills-and help kids navigate their world! 
 3031  The great migration : an American story 
 3032  The Great Migration : journey to the North 
 3033  The great pig search 
 3034  The Great Seal of the United States 
 3035  The great shark escape 
 3036  The great ships 
 3037  The great truck rescue 
 3038  The great turkey walk 
 3039  The great wall of Lucy Wu 
 3040  The great whale of Kansas 
 3041  Great women leaders 
 3042  The greatest skating race : a World War II story from the Netherlands 
 3043  Greece 
 3044  Greece 
 3045  Greek Americans 
 3046  Green 
 3047  Green boy 
 3048  The green dog : a mostly true story 
 3049  Green eggs and ham 
 3050  Green eggs and ham 
 3051  Green eggs and ham 
 3052  The green iguana 
 3053  Green iguanas 
 3054  Green Lantern : an origin story 
 3055  Green Lantern is responsible 
 3056  Green Wilma 
 3057  Greetings, Asia! 
 3058  Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane 
 3059  Griffins 
 3060  Grizzly bears 
 3061  Grizzly bears 
 3062  The Grizzly Gazette 
 3063  The grooming of Alice 
 3064  Gross-out jokes 
 3065  Ground zero 
 3066  Ground Zero : the war on terrorism 
 3067  Groundhog Day 
 3068  Groundhog Day 
 3069  Groundhogs 
 3070  A group of one 
 3071  Grouping materials : from gold to wool 
 3072  Grover Cleveland : our twenty-second and twenty-fourth president 
 3073  Growing colors 
 3074  Growing crystals 
 3075  Growing frogs 
 3076  Growing like me 
 3077  Growing things 
 3078  Growing up in revolution and the new nation, 1775 to 1800 
 3079  Growing up wild : wolves 
 3080  Grumblebunny 
 3081  Guess how much I love you 
 3082  Guess who changes 
 3083  Guess who hides 
 3084  Gugu's house 
 3085  Guide dogs 
 3086  Guiding school improvement with action research 
 3087  Guinea pigs 
 3088  Guinea pigs 
 3089  Guji Guji 
 3090  Guns and violence 
 3091  The guns of Tortuga 
 3092  Gurgles and growls : learning about your stomach 
 3093  Gus and Grandpa and show-and-tell 
 3094  Gus and Grandpa and the Christmas cookies 
 3095  Gus and Grandpa at basketball 
 3096  Gus and Grandpa go fishing 
 3097  Gusts and gales : a book about wind 
 3098  Guy wire 
 3099  Habitat 
 3100  Habitat 
 3101  Habitat for Humanity 
 3102  Hachiko waits 
 3103  Hairdo! : what we do and did to our hair 
 3104  Hairy, scary, ordinary : what is an adjective? 
 3105  Haiti 
 3106  Half and half 
 3107  Half or whole? 
 3108  Halfway to the sky 
 3109  Hallelujah Handel 
 3110  The Hallo-wiener 
 3111  Halloween 
 3112  Halloween 
 3113  Halloween 
 3114  Halloween sky ride 
 3115  Hamlet for kids 
 3116  Hamster 
 3117  Hamster 
 3118  Hamster chase 
 3119  The hamster of the Baskervilles : from the tattered casebook of Chet Gecko, private eye 
 3120  Hamsters and gerbils 
 3121  Hamsters to the rescue 
 3122  Hana's suitcase : a true story 
 3123  Handel, who knew what he liked 
 3124  A handful of dirt 
 3125  Hands are not for hitting 
 3126  Hands-on history. 
 3127  Hang a thousand trees with ribbons : the story of Phillis Wheatley 
 3128  Hang on, monkey! 
 3129  Hank Aaron : brave in every way 
 3130  Hannah of Fairfield 
 3131  Hannah's journal : the story of an immigrant girl 
 3132  Hans Christian Andersen 
 3133  Hansel and Gretel 
 3134  Hansel and Gretel = : Hansel y Gretel 
 3135  Hanukkah 
 3136  Hanukkah : celebrating the holiday of lights 
 3137  Hanukkah lights : holiday poetry 
 3138  Happy and Honey 
 3139  Happy birthday to you! 
 3140  Happy birthday to you! 
 3141  Happy birthday, Addy! : a springtime story 
 3142  Happy Birthday, America! 
 3143  Happy birthday, Danny and the dinosaur! 
 3144  Happy birthday, Felicity! : a springtime story 
 3145  Happy birthday, Josefina! : a springtime story 
 3146  Happy birthday, Kirsten! : a springtime story 
 3147  Happy birthday, Kit! : a springtime story 
 3148  Happy birthday, Molly! : a springtime story 
 3149  Happy birthday, Moon 
 3150  Happy birthday, Mr. Kang 
 3151  Happy birthday, Samantha! : a springtime story 
 3152  Happy Dog sizzles! 
 3153  Happy haunting, Amelia Bedelia 
 3154  The happy Hocky family moves to the country! 
 3155  A harbor seal pup grows up 
 3156  Hard luck 
 3157  Hard workers 
 3158  The hard-times jar 
 3159  The Harlem Nutcracker 
 3160  The Harlem Renaissance : a celebration of creativity 
 3161  Harley 
 3162  Harley-Davidson 
 3163  Harley-Davidson motorcycles 
 3164  Harold and the purple crayon 
 3165  Harp o' gold 
 3166  Harriet and the garden 
 3167  Harriet Tubman 
 3168  Harriet Tubman 
 3169  Harriet Tubman 
 3170  Harriet Tubman 
 3171  Harriet Tubman : abolitionist and Underground Railroad conductor 
 3172  Harriet Tubman : riding the freedom train 
 3173  Harriet Tubman and the freedom train 
 3174  Harry & Hopper 
 3175  Harry Houdini : escape artist 
 3176  Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 
 3177  Harry Potter and the half-blood prince 
 3178  Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 
 3179  Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone 
 3180  Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone 
 3181  Harry S. Truman : our thirty-third president 
 3182  Harry Sue 
 3183  Harry the dirty dog 
 3184  Harry's box 
 3185  Harvey Potter's balloon farm 
 3186  The hat 
 3187  A hat for Minerva Louise 
 3188  Hat trick 
 3189  Haunted castle on Hallows Eve 
 3190  A haunted house in Starvation Lake 
 3191  The haunted lighthouse 
 3192  The haunting of Granite Falls 
 3193  Have you met my ghoulfriend? 
 3194  Hawai'i 
 3195  The hawk family 
 3196  Hawk, I'm your brother 
 3197  Hayley Wickenheiser : born to play 
 3198  Head to toe science : over 40 eye-popping, spine-tingling, heart-pounding activities that teach kids about the human body 
 3199  Head, body, legs : a story from Liberia 
 3200  Head, shoulders, knees, and toes 
 3201  Healthy habits 
 3202  Hear your heart 
 3203  Hearing 
 3204  Hearing in living things 
 3205  The heart 
 3206  The heart 
 3207  The heart of Hades 
 3208  Heart of Steele 
 3209  The Heart of the Lion 
 3210  Heartbeat 
 3211  Hearts and hooves :  
 3212  Heat waves 
 3213  Heating 
 3214  Heaven 
 3215  Heaven Eyes 
 3216  The heaven shop 
 3217  The Heavenly Village 
 3218  Hector the hermit crab 
 3219  Helen Keller 
 3220  Helen Keller 
 3221  Helen Keller 
 3222  Helen Keller : --The World In Her Heart. 
 3223  Helen Keller : author and advocate for the disabled 
 3224  Helicopters 
 3225  Hello muddah, hello faddah : (a letter from camp) 
 3226  Hello ninja. Goodbye tooth 
 3227  Hello ninja. Hello stage fright 
 3228  Hello school! : a classroom full of poems 
 3229  Hello, Europe! 
 3230  The hello, goodbye window 
 3231  Help! I'm a prisoner in the library 
 3232  Help! I'm trapped in my teacher's body 
 3233  Helping hands 
 3234  Helping Mayor Patty 
 3235  Helping others 
 3236  Helping out and staying safe : the empowerment assets 
 3237  Helping paws : dogs that serve 
 3238  Helping you heal : a book about nurses 
 3239  Helping you learn : a book about teachers 
 3240  Henri Rousseau 
 3241  Henry & the Buccaneer Bunnies 
 3242  Henry and Beezus 
 3243  Henry and Mudge and a very merry Christmas : the twenty-fifth book of their adventures 
 3244  Henry and Mudge and Annie's good move : the eighteenth book of their adventures 
 3245  Henry and Mudge and Annie's perfect pet : the twentieth book of their adventures 
 3246  Henry and Mudge and Mrs. Hopper's house : the twenty-second book of their adventures 
 3247  Henry and Mudge and the careful cousin : the thirteenth book of their adventures 
 3248  Henry and Mudge and the forever sea : the sixth book of their adventures 
 3249  Henry and Mudge and the funny lunch : the twenty-fourth book of their adventures 
 3250  Henry and Mudge and the great grandpas : the twenty-sixth book of their adventures 
 3251  Henry and Mudge and the snowman plan : the nineteenth book of their adventures 
 3252  Henry and Mudge and the starry night : the seventeenth book of their adventures 
 3253  Henry and Mudge in puddle trouble : the second book of their adventures 
 3254  Henry and Mudge in the green time : the third book of their adventures 
 3255  Henry and Mudge in the sparkle days : the fifth book of their adventures 
 3256  Henry and Mudge take the big test : the tenth book of their adventures 
 3257  Henry and Ribsy 
 3258  Henry builds a cabin 
 3259  Henry David's house 
 3260  Henry Ford 
 3261  Henry Ford 
 3262  Henry Heckelbeck and the race car derby 
 3263  Henry hikes to Fitchburg 
 3264  Henry the sailor cat 
 3265  Henry works 
 3266  Henry's show and tell 
 3267  Her stories : African American folktales, fairy tales, and true tales 
 3268  Herbie Jones 
 3269  Herbie Jones and Hamburger Head 
 3270  Here are toys! 
 3271  Here I am 
 3272  Here lies the librarian 
 3273  Here we all are 
 3274  Here we go round 
 3275  Here's to you, Rachel Robinson 
 3276  Here's what you do when you can't find your shoe : (ingenious inventions for pesky problems) 
 3277  Hernando Cortés : conquistador and empire builder 
 3278  Hernando de Soto 
 3279  Hernán Cortés 
 3280  Hero 
 3281  A hero ain't nothin' but a sandwich 
 3282  A hero and the Holocaust : the story of Janusz Korczak and his children 
 3283  The hero and the minotaur : the fantastic adventures of Theseus 
 3284  The hero Beowulf 
 3285  Heroes and she-roes : poems of amazing and everyday heroes 
 3286  Heroes don't run 
 3287  Heroes of the day : the war on terrorism 
 3288  Heroes of the Revolution 
 3289  The heroic adventure of Hercules Amsterdam 
 3290  Hey kid, want to buy a bridge? 
 3291  Hey you! C'mere : a poetry slam 
 3292  Hey, Al 
 3293  Hey, Mama Goose 
 3294  Hibernation 
 3295  The hickory chair 
 3296  Hidden 
 3297  The hidden folk : stories of fairies, dwarves, selkies, and other secret beings 
 3298  Hidden hibernators 
 3299  Hidden treasure : amazing stories of discovery 
 3300  The hideout 
 3301  High hopes for Addy 
 3302  High in the clouds 
 3303  The High-Rise Private Eyes : the case of the climbing cat 
 3304  The High-Rise Private Eyes : the case of the desperate duck 
 3305  The High-Rise Private Eyes : the case of the fidgety fox 
 3306  The High-Rise Private Eyes : the case of the puzzling possum 
 3307  The High-Rise Private Eyes : the case of the troublesome turtle 
 3308  High-tech inventions : a chapter book 
 3309  Higher-Order Thinking the Multiple Intelligences Way 
 3310  Hilary Knight's The twelve days of Christmas. 
 3311  Hillary Rodham Clinton 
 3312  The Hindenburg 
 3313  Hippopotamuses 
 3314  Hippos 
 3315  Hippos are huge! 
 3316  Hispanic-American crafts kids can do! 
 3317  Historic and famous cities 
 3318  Historical jokes 
 3319  History in the spotlight : creative drama and theatre practices for the social studies classroom 
 3320  The history of communication 
 3321  The history of space travel 
 3322  The history of the airplane 
 3323  The history of transportation 
 3324  Hitler's daughter 
 3325  Hobart 
 3326  Hockey 
 3327  The hockey book for girls 
 3328  Hockey for fun! 
 3329  Hoggee 
 3330  Hold the flag high 
 3331  Holding at third 
 3332  Holes 
 3333  Holi 
 3334  Holiday howlers : jokes for punny parties 
 3335  Holly's red boots 
 3336  Holly, jolly harmony :  
 3337  Home is east 
 3338  Home life in ancient Rome 
 3339  Home life in colonial America 
 3340  Home run : the story of Babe Ruth 
 3341  The home run mystery 
 3342  Home then and now 
 3343  Home to me : poems across America 
 3344  Homeless bird 
 3345  Homeroom exercise 
 3346  Homes 
 3347  Homes 
 3348  Homes : from start to finish 
 3349  Homes around the world ABC : an alphabet book 
 3350  Homesteading 
 3351  Homing Pigeons Navigation All-Stars 
 3352  Hondo & Fabian 
 3353  The honest-to-goodness truth 
 3354  Honey baby sugar child 
 3355  Honey in a hive 
 3356  Honey sandwich 
 3357  The honeybee mystery 
 3358  Honeybees 
 3359  Honeysuckle house 
 3360  Honus & me : a baseball card adventure 
 3361  Hoodwinked 
 3362  Hoofbeats of danger 
 3363  Hoop crazy! 
 3364  Hoop hustle 
 3365  Hoop queens : poems 
 3366  Hooper finds a family : a Hurricane Katrina dog's survival tale 
 3367  Hoops 
 3368  Hooray for Amanda & her alligator! 
 3369  Hooray for Antarctica! 
 3370  Hooray for chefs! 
 3371  Hooray for construction workers! 
 3372  Hooray for Diffendoofer Day! 
 3373  Hooray for farmers! 
 3374  Hooray for Grandparents' Day! 
 3375  Hooray for nurses! 
 3376  Hooray for pilots! 
 3377  Hooray for police officers! 
 3378  Hooray for teachers! 
 3379  Hooray for veterinarians! 
 3380  Hooray! A piñata! 
 3381  Hooway for Wodney Wat 
 3382  Hop on Pop 
 3383  Hop, bunny! : explore the forest 
 3384  Hope in my heart 
 3385  Hope through heartsongs 
 3386  Hope's crossing 
 3387  The Hopi 
 3388  Hopi 
 3389  Hopping on the number line 
 3390  Hopscotch 
 3391  Horace and Morris but mostly Dolores 
 3392  Horace and Morris join the chorus (but what about Dolores?) 
 3393  Horrible Harry and the holidaze 
 3394  Horrible Harry and the locked closet 
 3395  Horrible Harry and the mud gremlins 
 3396  Horrible Harry at Halloween 
 3397  Horrible Harry goes to sea 
 3398  Horrible Harry goes to the moon 
 3399  Horse & pony breeds 
 3400  A horse named Seabiscuit 
 3401  Horse show 
 3402  Horses 
 3403  Horseshoe crabs and shorebirds : the story of a food web 
 3404  Horton hatches the egg 
 3405  Horton hears a Who! 
 3406  The hospital 
 3407  Hospital workers in the emergency room 
 3408  Hostage 
 3409  Hot air balloons 
 3410  Hot city 
 3411  Hot fudge 
 3412  Hot potato : mealtime rhymes 
 3413  Hot, hotter, hottest : animals that adapt to great heat 
 3414  Hot-air Henry 
 3415  Hotel deep : light verse from dark water 
 3416  Houdini : world's greatest mystery man and escape king 
 3417  Hound at the hospital 
 3418  House 
 3419  A house divided 
 3420  A house for Birdie 
 3421  A house for Hermit Crab 
 3422  A house is a house for me 
 3423  House of Representatives 
 3424  House of Representatives 
 3425  A house of tailors 
 3426  The house on the gulf 
 3427  How a frog grows 
 3428  How animal babies stay safe 
 3429  How Ben Franklin stole the lightning 
 3430  How big is a foot? 
 3431  How big? : wacky ways to compare size 
 3432  How can I experiment with--?. 
 3433  How can I experiment with--?. 
 3434  How coding works 
 3435  How coding works 
 3436  How coins and bills are made 
 3437  How do animals find food? 
 3438  How do dinosaurs eat their food? 
 3439  How do dinosaurs go to school? 
 3440  How do dinosaurs love their dogs? 
 3441  How do dinosaurs say good night? 
 3442  How do dinosaurs say I love you? 
 3443  How do you know what time it is? 
 3444  How do you raise a raisin? 
 3445  How do your lungs work? 
 3446  How does your brain work? 
 3447  How does your heart work? 
 3448  How dogs came from wolves : and other explorations of science in action 
 3449  How high can we climb? : the story of women explorers 
 3450  How I became a pirate 
 3451  How I became an American 
 3452  How is a bicycle made? 
 3453  How many snails? : a counting book 
 3454  How Martha saved her parents from green beans 
 3455  How much can a bare bear bear? : what are homonyms and homophones? 
 3456  How much is a million? 
 3457  How much? : visiting markets around the world 
 3458  How my parents learned to eat 
 3459  How people immigrate 
 3460  How people learned to fly 
 3461  How Rocket learned to read 
 3462  How Santa lost his job 
 3463  How scientists work 
 3464  How sweet it is (and was) : the history of candy 
 3465  How the Easter Bunny saved Christmas 
 3466  How the Grinch stole Christmas 
 3467  How they got over : African Americans and the call of the sea 
 3468  How things move 
 3469  How things work 
 3470  How to catch a star 
 3471  How to clean a hippopotamus : a look at unusual animal partnerships 
 3472  How to compost at school 
 3473  How to cross a pond : poems about water 
 3474  How to dork your diary 
 3475  How to draw amazing airplanes and spacecraft 
 3476  How to draw comic heroes 
 3477  How to eat fried worms 
 3478  How to grow nutritious food 
 3479  How to grow nutritious food 
 3480  How to lose your class pet 
 3481  How to make an apple pie and see the world 
 3482  How to measure volcanic activity 
 3483  How to study sinkholes 
 3484  How to talk to your cat 
 3485  How to understand sound 
 3486  How to unearth fossils 
 3487  How Tía Lola came to visit stay 
 3488  How will people travel to Mars? 
 3489  How writers work : finding a process that works for you 
 3490  How's the weather in fall? 
 3491  Howard B. Wigglebottom and the power of giving : a Christmas story 
 3492  Howie Monroe and the doghouse of doom 
 3493  Howliday Inn 
 3494  Hudson : Henry Hudson searches for a passage to Asia 
 3495  The human body 
 3496  Humble pie 
 3497  Humbug Rabbit 
 3498  Hummingbird nest : a journal of poems 
 3499  A hummingbird's life 
 3500  Humvees 
 3501  Hunches in bunches 
 3502  The hundred dresses 
 3503  The hundred penny box 
 3504  A hunger for learning : a story about Booker T. Washington 
 3505  Hunger Moon 
 3506  The hungriest boy in the world 
 3507  The hungry coat : a tale from Turkey 
 3508  Hunter & Stripe and the soccer showdown 
 3509  The hunter : a Chinese folktale 
 3510  Hunwick's egg 
 3511  Hurricane 
 3512  Hurricanes 
 3513  Hush 
 3514  Hush, little baby 
 3515  Hydroelectric power 
 3516  I almost love you, Eddie Clegg 
 3517  I am a book 
 3518  I am a good citizen 
 3519  I am a seal : the life of an elephant seal 
 3520  I am a shark : the life of a hammerhead shark 
 3521  I am a whale : the life of a humpback whale 
 3522  I am America 
 3523  I am brave! 
 3524  I am Buddhist 
 3525  I am caring 
 3526  I am fair 
 3527  I am honest 
 3528  I am Jewish 
 3529  I am Marc Chagall 
 3530  I am mighty! 
 3531  I am not a chair! 
 3532  I am not going to get up today! 
 3533  I am not going to school today! 
 3534  I am patriotic 
 3535  I am respectful 
 3536  I am responsible 
 3537  I am the turkey 
 3538  I am the wallpaper 
 3539  I am your goldfish 
 3540  I am your kitten 
 3541  I and you and don't forget who : what is a pronoun? 
 3542  I asked a tiger to tea : and other poems 
 3543  I brought my rat for show-and-tell : and other funny school poems 
 3544  I can bowl 
 3545  I can make a difference : a treasury to inspire our children 
 3546  I can play soccer 
 3547  I can read with my eyes shut! 
 3548  I can read, too. : Puedo leer, también 
 3549  I can ride a bike 
 3550  I can swim 
 3551  I can use a dictionary 
 3552  I can write a letter 
 3553  I can't take a bath! 
 3554  I could do that! : Ester Morris gets women the vote 
 3555  I dream of trains 
 3556  I face the wind 
 3557  I gave my mom a castle : poems 
 3558  I got a "D" in salami 
 3559  I had a favorite dress 
 3560  I hate to be sick! 
 3561  I have a sister, my sister is deaf 
 3562  I have feelings 
 3563  I have heard of a land 
 3564  I heard a bluebird sing : children select their favorite poems 
 3565  I invited a dragon to dinner : and other poems to make you laugh out loud 
 3566  I is for idea : an inventions alphabet 
 3567  I know an old lady who swallowed a fly 
 3568  I know an old lady who swallowed a pie 
 3569  I like computers : what can I be? 
 3570  I like music : what can I be? 
 3571  I live at a military post 
 3572  I live in a town 
 3573  I live in the desert 
 3574  I live in the mountains 
 3575  I live in Tokyo 
 3576  I live on a farm 
 3577  I live on an island 
 3578  I lost my tooth in Africa 
 3579  I love my hair! 
 3580  I love trains! 
 3581  I love you as much-- 
 3582  I love you like crazy cakes 
 3583  I love you with all my heart 
 3584  I pledge allegiance : the Pledge of Allegiance 
 3585  I rode the red horse : Secretariat's Belmont race 
 3586  I saw your face 
 3587  I see the rhythm 
 3588  I spy a balloon 
 3589  I spy a butterfly : riddles 
 3590  I spy a candy cane 
 3591  I spy a circus 
 3592  I spy a dinosaur's eye : riddles 
 3593  I spy a pumpkin : riddles 
 3594  I spy a scary monster : riddles 
 3595  I spy a school bus : riddles 
 3596  I spy ABC 
 3597  I spy colors in art 
 3598  I spy extreme challenger! : a book of picture riddles 
 3599  I spy lightning in the sky 
 3600  I spy mystery : a book of picture riddles 
 3601  I spy, treasure hunt : a book of picture riddles 
 3602  I survived Hurricane Katrina, 2005 
 3603  I survived the attack of the grizzlies, 1967 
 3604  I survived the attacks of September 11, 2001 
 3605  I survived the Great Chicago Fire, 1871 
 3606  I survived the sinking of the Titanic, 1912 
 3607  I thought my soul would rise and fly : the diary of Patsy, a freed girl 
 3608  I use math at the game 
 3609  I use math in the kitchen 
 3610  I use math in the workshop 
 3611  I use math on a trip 
 3612  I use math on a trip = : Uso las matemáticas en un viaje 
 3613  I want my hat back 
 3614  I want to be a librarian 
 3615  I want to be a mechanic 
 3616  I want to be a musician 
 3617  I want to be a nurse 
 3618  I want to be a police officer 
 3619  I want to be a truck driver 
 3620  I want to be a veterinarian 
 3621  I want to be a zookeeper 
 3622  I was a rat! 
 3623  I was a third grade spy 
 3624  I will be fierce! 
 3625  I will never not ever eat a tomato 
 3626  I wish I was an orca 
 3627  I wish I were a butterfly 
 3628  I wonder as I wander 
 3629  I wonder why mountains have snow on top and other questions about mountains 
 3630  I yam a donkey 
 3631  I'll fix Anthony 
 3632  I'll play with you 
 3633  I'm not cute! 
 3634  I'm not invited? 
 3635  I'm not moving, Mama! 
 3636  I'm sorry 
 3637  I'm still here in the bathtub : brand new silly dilly songs 
 3638  I, Amber Brown 
 3639  I, Freddy : book one in the golden hamster saga 
 3640  I, Jack 
 3641  Ice ages of the past and the future 
 3642  Ice attack 
 3643  Ice cream treats : the inside scoop 
 3644  Ice magic 
 3645  Ice wreck 
 3646  Ice-cream cones for sale! 
 3647  Ichiro Suzuki 
 3648  Ichthyosaurus 
 3649  Ida, always 
 3650  Idaho 
 3651  If I ran the circus 
 3652  If I ran the zoo 
 3653  If kids ruled the school : more kids' favorite funny school poems 
 3654  If not for the cat 
 3655  If rocks could sing : a discovered alphabet 
 3656  If sharks disappeared 
 3657  If the shoe fits 
 3658  If the shoe fits : voices from Cinderella 
 3659  If the walls could talk : family life at the White House 
 3660  If the world were a village : a book about the world's people 
 3661  If you decide to go to the moon 
 3662  If you give a moose a muffin 
 3663  If you give an author a pencil 
 3664  If you take a mouse to the movies 
 3665  If you take a mouse to the movies 
 3666  If you were a writer 
 3667  Iggie's house 
 3668  Igneous rocks 
 3669  Igneous rocks 
 3670  Igraine the brave 
 3671  Iguanodon 
 3672  Illinois 
 3673  An illustrated history of Japan 
 3674  An illustrated treasury of Latino read-aloud stories : the world's best-loved stories for parent and child to share 
 3675  Imagination 
 3676  Imaginative inventions : the who, what, where, when, and why of roller skates, potato chips, marbles, and pie and more! 
 3677  Imagine you're a fairy! 
 3678  Imagine you're a mermaid! 
 3679  Imagine you're a pirate! 
 3680  Imagine you're a wizard! 
 3681  Imani and the Flying Africans 
 3682  Imani's music 
 3683  Imogene's antlers 
 3684  In Enzo's splendid gardens 
 3685  In my life 
 3686  In my neighborhood 
 3687  In our backyard garden 
 3688  In plain sight 
 3689  In the bathroom 
 3690  In the beginning 
 3691  In the clear 
 3692  In the days of the vaqueros : America's first true cowboys 
 3693  In the heart of the village : the world of the Indian banyan tree 
 3694  In the hollow of your hand : slave lullabies 
 3695  In the jungle 
 3696  In the paint 
 3697  In the small, small pond 
 3698  In the snow 
 3699  In the spin of things : poetry of motion 
 3700  In the tall, tall grass 
 3701  In the time of knights : the real-life story of history's greatest knight 
 3702  In the woods : who's been here? 
 3703  In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson 
 3704  Incas 
 3705  Inch by inch 
 3706  Inchworm and a half 
 3707  The Incredible Hulk : an origin story 
 3708  Incredible me! 
 3709  The incredible Polly McDoodle 
 3710  The incredible search for the treasure ship Atocha 
 3711  The incredible story of computers and the Internet 
 3712  Independence Day 
 3713  Independence Day 
 3714  Independence Day 
 3715  Independence now : the American Revolution, 1763-1783 
 3716  India 
 3717  India 
 3718  Indiana 
 3719  Indigo's star 
 3720  The Indus Valley 
 3721  Indy 500 : the inside track 
 3722  Information technology 
 3723  Information technology 
 3724  The ink drinker 
 3725  Inkspell 
 3726  Inline skater 
 3727  Insect detector 
 3728  Insect invaders 
 3729  Insect life cycles 
 3730  Insects 
 3731  Insects 
 3732  Inside Grandad 
 3733  Inside out & back again 
 3734  Inside out & back again 
 3735  Inside your outside! 
 3736  Instructional units for gifted and talented learners : grades K-6. 
 3737  Interjections 
 3738  The International Space Station 
 3739  Internet 
 3740  The Internet for kids 
 3741  Interplanetary avenger 
 3742  Interrupted journey : saving endangered sea turtles 
 3743  Interrupting chicken 
 3744  Into the A, B, sea : an ocean alphabet 
 3745  Into the air : the story of the Wright brothers' first flight 
 3746  Into the land of freedom : African Americans in Reconstruction 
 3747  Introduction to problem solving : strategies for the elementary math classroom 
 3748  The Inuit : ivory carvers of the far north 
 3749  Invasion of the Mind Swappers from Asteroid 6! 
 3750  Inventions : FAQ, frequently asked questions 
 3751  Inventors and inventions in colonial America 
 3752  InvestiGators. 
 3753  InvestiGators. 
 3754  The invisible boy 
 3755  The invisible island 
 3756  Iowa 
 3757  Iqbal : a novel 
 3758  Ira sleeps over 
 3759  Iran 
 3760  Iran 
 3761  Iraq 
 3762  Iraq 
 3763  Ireland 
 3764  Iris and Walter : the sleepover 
 3765  Iris and Walter and the field trip 
 3766  Irish step dancing 
 3767  The ironwood tree 
 3768  The Iroquois 
 3769  A is for artist : an alphabet 
 3770  A is for axel : an ice skating alphabet 
 3771  Is it hot? Is it not? 
 3772  Is it red? Is it yellow? Is it blue? : an adventure in color 
 3773  Is it rough? Is it smooth? Is it shiny? 
 3774  Is it symmetrical? 
 3775  Is Milton missing? 
 3776  Is my friend at home? : pueblo fireside tales 
 3777  Is this a flower? 
 3778  Is your mama a llama? 
 3779  Islamic mosques 
 3780  Island of the aunts 
 3781  The island of the Skog 
 3782  Island. 
 3783  Island. 
 3784  Island. 
 3785  Islands 
 3786  Israel 
 3787  It can't be done, Nellie Bly! : a reporter's race around the world 
 3788  It could always be worse : a Yiddish folk tale 
 3789  It could still be endangered 
 3790  It doesn't have to be this way : a barrio story 
 3791  It happened at a hanging 
 3792  It is the wind 
 3793  It's a baby, Andy Russell 
 3794  It's a hummingbird's life 
 3795  It's about time! 
 3796  It's all Greek to me 
 3797  It's Christmas, David! 
 3798  It's itchcraft! 
 3799  It's Justin time, Amber Brown 
 3800  It's not fair! 
 3801  It's not my fault! 
 3802  It's not the end of the world 
 3803  It's Purim time! 
 3804  It's raining pigs & noodles : poems 
 3805  It's shoe time! 
 3806  It's simple, said Simon 
 3807  It's St. Patrick's Day! 
 3808  It's test day, Tiger Turcotte 
 3809  Italian Americans 
 3810  Italian immigrants : 1880-1920 
 3811  Italy 
 3812  Itching and twitching : a Nigerian folktale 
 3813  Itsy bitsy spider 
 3814  Ivy takes care 
 3815  Izzy's place 
 3816  J is for jump shot : a basketball alphabet 
 3817  J.K. Rowling 
 3818  J.T. 
 3819  Jabberwocky 
 3820  Jabutí the tortoise : a trickster tale from the Amazon 
 3821  Jack : the story of a beaver 
 3822  Jack and the beanstalk 
 3823  Jack and the beanstalk : how a small fellow solved a big problem 
 3824  Jack and the beanstalk and the french fries :  
 3825  Jack and the dreamsack 
 3826  Jack and the seven deadly giants 
 3827  Jack on the tracks : four seasons of fifth grade 
 3828  Jack's garden 
 3829  The jacket 
 3830  Jackie & me : a baseball card adventure 
 3831  Jackie Robinson 
 3832  Jackie Robinson 
 3833  Jackie Robinson 
 3834  Jackie Robinson : strong inside and out 
 3835  Jackie Robinson and the big game 
 3836  Jackie's Wild Seattle 
 3837  Jacks 
 3838  Jackson Jones and Mission Greentop 
 3839  Jackson Jones and the puddle of thorns 
 3840  The Jacob ladder 
 3841  Jacob Lawrence 
 3842  Jacques Cartier 
 3843  Jacques Cousteau 
 3844  Jaden Smith 
 3845  The jaguar's jewel 
 3846  Jaguarundi 
 3847  Jake Drake, bully buster ; : Jake Drake, know-it-all 
 3848  Jake Drake, class clown 
 3849  Jake Drake, know-it-all 
 3850  Jake Drake, teacher's pet 
 3851  Jamaica 
 3852  Jamaica's blue marker 
 3853  James A. Garfield : our twentieth president 
 3854  James and the giant peach : a children's story 
 3855  James Brown 
 3856  James Buchanan : our fifteenth president /cby Gerry and Janet Souter. 
 3857  James Cook 
 3858  James Earl Carter : our thirty-ninth president 
 3859  James K. Polk : eleventh president, 1845-1849 
 3860  James Madison : fourth president, 1809-1817 
 3861  James Madison : our fourth president 
 3862  James Monroe : fifth president, 1817-1825 
 3863  James Monroe : our fifth president 
 3864  The Jamestown Colony 
 3865  Jamie Foxx 
 3866  Jane Addams 
 3867  Jane Addams : social reformer and Nobel Prize winner 
 3868  Jane Goodall 
 3869  The janitor's boy 
 3870  Japan 
 3871  Japan 
 3872  Japan : the culture 
 3873  Japanese immigrants : 1850-1950 
 3874  Jars of hope : how one woman helped save 2,500 children during the Holocaust 
 3875  Jason and the deadly diamonds 
 3876  Jason rat-a-tat 
 3877  Jason's gold 
 3878  Jay and the bounty of books 
 3879  Jazz age poet : a story about Langston Hughes 
 3880  Jazz dancing 
 3881  Jeff Gordon 
 3882  Jefferson's sons : a founding father's secret children 
 3883  Jellyfish 
 3884  Jellyfish 
 3885  Jennie's hat 
 3886  Jennifer Jones won't leave me alone 
 3887  Jennifer Murdley's toad 
 3888  Jericho walls 
 3889  Jesse Jackson 
 3890  Jesse Owens 
 3891  Jessica 
 3892  Jewish synagogues 
 3893  Jill and the giant spill 
 3894  Jim and the beanstalk 
 3895  Jim Henson's Muppets in Kermit and the new bicycle : a book about honesty 
 3896  Jim Thorpe's bright path 
 3897  Jim Ugly 
 3898  Jimmy Coates: assassin? 
 3899  Jin Woo 
 3900  Joan of Arc 
 3901  Joan of Arc : heroine of France 
 3902  A job for Jenny Archer 
 3903  Joe Louis : America's fighter 
 3904  Joe Louis, my champion 
 3905  Joe-Joe's first flight 
 3906  Joey Pigza loses control 
 3907  Joey Pigza swallowed the key 
 3908  Johannes Vermeer 
 3909  John Adams : our second president 
 3910  John Adams : second president, 1797-1801 
 3911  John Blair and the great Hinckley fire 
 3912  John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry 
 3913  John C. Frémont 
 3914  John Cabot 
 3915  John F. Kennedy 
 3916  John F. Kennedy 
 3917  John F. Kennedy : the making of a leader 
 3918  John Henry 
 3919  John Henry, an American legend 
 3920  John Jacob Astor and the fur trade 
 3921  John Patrick Norman McHennessy : the boy who was always late 
 3922  John Philip Duck 
 3923  John Quincy Adams : our sixth president 
 3924  John Quincy Adams : sixth president, 1825-1829 
 3925  John Singer Sargent : the life of an artist 
 3926  John Tyler : tenth president, 1841-1845 
 3927  John Winthrop : Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony 
 3928  John, Paul, George & Ben 
 3929  Johnny Appleseed 
 3930  Johnny Appleseed 
 3931  Johnny Appleseed : the story of a legend 
 3932  Johnny Hangtime 
 3933  Johnny Mutton, he's so him! 
 3934  Join in and play 
 3935  The joke's on George 
 3936  Jorinda and Jorindel 
 3937  Josefina saves the day : a summer story 
 3938  Josefina's song 
 3939  Josefina's surprise : a Christmas story 
 3940  Joseph had a little overcoat 
 3941  Joshua T. Bates takes charge 
 3942  Joshua's song 
 3943  José! : born to dance : the story of José Limón 
 3944  The journal of Augustus Pelletier : the Lewis and Clark Expedition 
 3945  The journal of Patrick Seamus Flaherty, United States Marine Corps 
 3946  The journal of Rufus Rowe : a witness to the Battle of Fredricksburg 
 3947  The journal of William Thomas Emerson : a Revolutionary War patriot 
 3948  Journey 
 3949  The journey 
 3950  The journey 
 3951  The journey home 
 3952  A journey into a lake 
 3953  A journey into a river 
 3954  The journey of : the one and only Declaration of Independence 
 3955  A journey of faith 
 3956  The journey of Oliver K. Woodman 
 3957  The journey of Tunuri and the Blue Deer : a Huichol Indian story 
 3958  The journey that saved Curious George : the true wartime escape of Margret and H.A. Rey 
 3959  Journey to Cahokia : a boy's visit to the great mound city 
 3960  Juan Bobo goes to work : a Puerto Rican folktale 
 3961  Juan Ponce de Leon 
 3962  Juan Verdades : the man who couldn't tell a lie 
 3963  Jubal's wish 
 3964  Judge 
 3965  Judy Blume 
 3966  Judy Moody 
 3967  Judy Moody predicts the future 
 3968  Julian Nava : my Mexican-American journey 
 3969  Julian's glorious summer 
 3970  Julian, dream doctor 
 3971  Julie of the wolves 
 3972  Juliet Dove, Queen of Love 
 3973  Julio's magic 
 3974  Julius, the baby of the world 
 3975  July 
 3976  Jumanji 
 3977  The Jump at the Sun treasury : an African American picture book collection 
 3978  Jump! : from the life of Michael Jordan 
 3979  Jump, kangaroo, jump! 
 3980  Jumping kangaroos 
 3981  June 29, 1999 
 3982  Junebug and the Reverend 
 3983  Junebug in trouble 
 3984  Juneteenth 
 3985  Juneteenth : a day to celebrate freedom from slavery 
 3986  Jungle gym jitters 
 3987  Jungle islands : my South Sea adventure 
 3988  Junie B. Jones and a little monkey business 
 3989  Junie B. Jones and her big fat mouth 
 3990  Junie B. Jones and that meanie Jim's birthday 
 3991  Junie B. Jones and the yucky blucky fruitcake 
 3992  Junie B. Jones has a peep in her pocket 
 3993  Junie B. Jones is (almost) a flower girl 
 3994  Junie B. Jones is a graduation girl 
 3995  Junie B. Jones is a party animal 
 3996  Junie B., first grader : aloha-ha-ha! 
 3997  Junie B., first grader : one-man band 
 3998  The junkyard wonders 
 3999  Junonia 
 4000  Jupiter 
 4001  Jupiter 
 4002  Just a dream 
 4003  Just a little sick 
 4004  Just a minute : a trickster tale and counting book 
 4005  Just as long as we're together 
 4006  Just ducks! 
 4007  Just for kicks 
 4008  Just Juice 
 4009  Just like a mama 
 4010  Just plain fancy 
 4011  Just the opposite dirty, clean 
 4012  Just us women 
 4013  Justice 
 4014  Justice and fairness 
 4015  Justin and the best biscuits in the world 
 4016  Justin Bieber : musical phenom 
 4017  K is for kissing a cool kangaroo 
 4018  K is for kitten 
 4019  Kailey 
 4020  A kangaroo joey grows up 
 4021  Kangaroos. 
 4022  Kansas 
 4023  Kat Kong : starring Flash, Rabies, and Dwayne and introducing Blueberry as the monster 
 4024  Kat's mystery gift 
 4025  Kate and the beanstalk 
 4026  Kathy Ross crafts : numbers 
 4027  Kathy Ross crafts : triangles, rectangles, circles, and squares! 
 4028  Katie and the mustang 
 4029  Katy and the big snow 
 4030  Kawasaki 
 4031  Kaya and Lone Dog : a friendship story 
 4032  Kaya shows the way : a sister story 
 4033  Kaya's escape! : a survival story 
 4034  Kaya's hero : a story of giving 
 4035  Keep climbing, girls 
 4036  Keeper 
 4037  The keeper and the crows 
 4038  Keeper of the doves 
 4039  Keeping money safe 
 4040  The keeping quilt 
 4041  Keeping the promise : a Torah's journey 
 4042  Keeping track of time : go fly a kite! 
 4043  Keeping you healthy : a book about doctors 
 4044  Keeping you safe : a book about police officers 
 4045  Kensuke's kingdom 
 4046  Kentucky 
 4047  Kentucky 
 4048  Kenya 
 4049  Kevin Durant 
 4050  The key collection 
 4051  Keyboards 
 4052  Kibitzers and fools : tales my zayda (grandfather) told me 
 4053  A kid's guide to African American history 
 4054  Kidnapped at the Capital 
 4055  Kids around the world celebrate! : the best feasts and festivals from many lands 
 4056  The kids book of golf 
 4057  The kids book of the far north 
 4058  Kids in sports : a chapter book 
 4059  The kids winter handbook 
 4060  The kids' book of weather forecasting : build a weather station, "read" the sky, & make predictions! 
 4061  The kids' guide to working out conflicts : how to keep cool, stay safe, and get along 
 4062  The kids' natural history book : making dinos, fossils, mammoths & more! 
 4063  Kidtopia : 'round the country and back through time in 60 projects 
 4064  Killer whales 
 4065  Killer whales 
 4066  Kind like Fred Rogers 
 4067  Kindergarten kids : riddles, rebuses, wiggles, giggles, and more! 
 4068  King & Kayla and the case of the lost tooth 
 4069  King & Kayla and the case of the missing dog treats 
 4070  King Arthur 
 4071  King Bidgood's in the bathtub 
 4072  King Hugo's huge ego 
 4073  King Jack and the dragon 
 4074  King o' the cats 
 4075  The king of kindergarten 
 4076  King of the pond 
 4077  The king on a spring 
 4078  King Tut : tales from the tomb 
 4079  King Tut's tomb : ancient treasures uncovered 
 4080  The king's shadow 
 4081  The Kingfisher children's illustrated dictionary & thesaurus. 
 4082  Kiowa 
 4083  Kipper's A to Z : an alphabetical adventure 
 4084  Kira-kira 
 4085  Kirsten learns a lesson : a school story 
 4086  Kirsten saves the day : a summer story 
 4087  Kirsten snowbound! 
 4088  Kirsten's surprise : a Christmas story 
 4089  Kiss good night 
 4090  The kiss that missed 
 4091  Kit : the adventures of a raccoon 
 4092  Kit learns a lesson : a school story 
 4093  Kit saves the day : a summer story 
 4094  Kit's friendship fun 
 4095  Kit's surprise : a Christmas story 
 4096  The kite festival 
 4097  Kitoto the mighty 
 4098  Kitten to tiger 
 4099  Kitten's first full moon 
 4100  Kitten's first full moon 
 4101  Kittens 
 4102  Kitty riddles 
 4103  Klimt and his cat 
 4104  Knee-deep in blazing snow : growing up in Vermont : poems 
 4105  Knight for a day 
 4106  Knights of the kitchen table 
 4107  Knitting 
 4108  Knock on wood : poems about superstitions 
 4109  Knots on a counting rope 
 4110  Knuffle Bunny : a cautionary tale 
 4111  A koala joey grows up 
 4112  Kobe Bryant 
 4113  Kobe Bryant 
 4114  Kobe Bryant : basketball big shot 
 4115  Kokopelli, drum in belly 
 4116  Komodo dragons 
 4117  Komodo dragons 
 4118  Kradji : a child of Cambodia 
 4119  Kwanzaa 
 4120  Kwanzaa 
 4121  Kwanzaa 
 4122  Kwanzaa 
 4123  Kwanzaa 
 4124  Kwanzaa : African American celebration of culture 
 4125  Lab magic 
 4126  Labor Day 
 4127  Labrador retrievers 
 4128  Labrador retrievers 
 4129  The lace dowry 
 4130  Ladies first : women athletes who made a difference 
 4131  The lady & the lion : a Brothers Grimm tale 
 4132  Lady Lollipop 
 4133  Ladybug 
 4134  Ladybugs 
 4135  Ladybugs 
 4136  Lake Erie 
 4137  Lake Huron 
 4138  Lake of Skulls 
 4139  Lake Ontario 
 4140  Lake Superior 
 4141  Lakes 
 4142  The Lambkins 
 4143  Lambs 
 4144  The lamp, the ice, and the boat called Fish : based on a true story 
 4145  Lance Armstrong 
 4146  Lance Armstrong : the race of his life 
 4147  The land 
 4148  Land and resources of ancient Greece 
 4149  Land and resources of ancient Rome 
 4150  The Land of the Dead 
 4151  Landfill 
 4152  Landslides 
 4153  Langston Hughes 
 4154  The language of birds 
 4155  Lanterns and firecrackers : a Chinese New Year story 
 4156  Lapin plays possum : trickster tales from the Louisiana Bayou 
 4157  Larky Mavis 
 4158  The last holiday concert 
 4159  The last kids on Earth and the forbidden fortress 
 4160  The last kids on Earth and the midnight blade 
 4161  The last kids on Earth and the skeleton road 
 4162  The last puppy 
 4163  The last puppy 
 4164  The last river : John Wesley Powell & the Colorado River Exploration Expedition / by Stuart Waldman ; illustrated by Gregory Manchess. 
 4165  The last treasure 
 4166  Late for school 
 4167  Latino legends : Hispanics in major league baseball 
 4168  Laugh till you cry 
 4169  Laura Bush 
 4170  Laura Bush : America's first lady 
 4171  Laura Ingalls Wilder 
 4172  Laura Secord : a story of courage 
 4173  Laura's ma 
 4174  Laurence Yep 
 4175  Leaders of the American Revolution 
 4176  Leadership 
 4177  Leadership 
 4178  Leaf Man 
 4179  The leaf thief 
 4180  Leap, frog 
 4181  Leaping Beauty : and other animal fairy tales 
 4182  Leaping lizards 
 4183  Learn about the past 
 4184  Learning about equal rights from the life of Ruth Bader Ginsburg 
 4185  Learning about urban growth in America with graphic organizers 
 4186  Leaves 
 4187  Leaving home 
 4188  Leaving the log house 
 4189  LeBron James 
 4190  Lebron James 
 4191  The legacy of Gloria Russell 
 4192  The legend of Freedom Hill 
 4193  The legend of Leelanau 
 4194  The legend of Saint Christopher : from the Golden legend, Englished by William Caxton, 1483 
 4195  The legend of Saint Nicholas 
 4196  The Leia chronicles 
 4197  Leif Eriksson 
 4198  Leif Eriksson : Norwegian explorer 
 4199  Lemonade and other poems squeezed from a single word 
 4200  Lemonade sun : and other summer poems 
 4201  Lemurs, lorises, and other lower primates 
 4202  Length 
 4203  Lenny and Mel's summer vacation 
 4204  Leo the late bloomer 
 4205  Leo's poster challenge 
 4206  Leonardo da Vinci 
 4207  Leonardo the terrible monster 
 4208  Leonardo, beautiful dreamer 
 4209  Less than perfect 
 4210  Less than zero 
 4211  A lesson for Martin Luther King, Jr. 
 4212  Let it shine : stories of Black women freedom fighters 
 4213  Let them play 
 4214  Let there be light : poems and prayers for repairing the world 
 4215  Let's celebrate St. Patrick's Day 
 4216  Let's clean up! 
 4217  Let's cook with popcorn! : delicious & fun popcorn dishes kids can make 
 4218  Let's fly a kite 
 4219  Let's get dressed : what people wear 
 4220  Let's get ready for Earth Day 
 4221  Let's get ready for Hanukkah 
 4222  Let's get ready for Independence Day 
 4223  Let's get ready for Memorial Day 
 4224  Let's get ready for Passover 
 4225  Let's get ready for Valentine's Day 
 4226  Let's go to a baseball game 
 4227  Let's Go To A Movie 
 4228  Let's go, Froggy! 
 4229  Let's graph it! 
 4230  Let's make pizza 
 4231  Let's play baseball! 
 4232  Let's skateboard! 
 4233  Let's take a field trip to an ant colony 
 4234  Let's talk : how we communicate 
 4235  Let's talk about living with a grandparent 
 4236  Let's talk about race 
 4237  Let's trade : a book about bartering 
 4238  Let's try it out in the air 
 4239  Let's try it out in the water 
 4240  Let's try it out with towers and bridges 
 4241  Let's visit the bank 
 4242  Let's visit the fire station 
 4243  Let's visit the police station 
 4244  Let's visit the post office 
 4245  Let's visit the supermarket 
 4246  Letter carriers 
 4247  A letter to Amy 
 4248  Letters and sounds 
 4249  Lewis and Clark 
 4250  Lewis and Clark : a prairie dog for the president 
 4251  Lewis and Clark : American explorers 
 4252  Lewis and Clark and me : a dog's tale 
 4253  Lexington and Concord, April 19, 1775 
 4254  Liar, liar, pants on fire 
 4255  Liar, liar, pants on fire 
 4256  The liberation of Gabriel King 
 4257  Liberty 
 4258  The Liberty Bell 
 4259  The Liberty Bell 
 4260  The Liberty Bell : introducing primary sources 
 4261  Liberty! : how the Revolutionary War began 
 4262  Librarian 
 4263  Librarian = : El bibliotecario 
 4264  The librarian of Basra : a true story from Iraq 
 4265  Librarians 
 4266  The library 
 4267  The library 
 4268  The library card 
 4269  The Library Fish 
 4270  Library Lil 
 4271  Lies and other tall tales 
 4272  The life and times of a drop of water 
 4273  Life at Ellis Island 
 4274  The life cycle of a bird 
 4275  The life cycle of a butterfly 
 4276  The life cycle of a frog 
 4277  The life cycle of a grasshopper 
 4278  The life cycle of a koala 
 4279  The life cycle of a mosquito 
 4280  The life cycle of a penguin 
 4281  The life cycle of a salmon 
 4282  Life cycle of a salmon 
 4283  The life cycle of a sea horse 
 4284  The life cycle of an earthworm 
 4285  Life cycle of an oak tree 
 4286  Life in a colonial town 
 4287  Life in a desert 
 4288  Life in a desert cactus 
 4289  Life in a forest 
 4290  Life in a garbage dump 
 4291  Life in a Greek trading port 
 4292  Life in a Mississippi River town 
 4293  Life in a pond 
 4294  Life in a rain forest 
 4295  Life in a sand dune 
 4296  Life in a Sioux village 
 4297  Life in a stream 
 4298  Life in a Viking town 
 4299  Life in a wetland 
 4300  Life in America's first cities 
 4301  Life in an ocean 
 4302  Life in the Arctic 
 4303  Life in the cities 
 4304  Life in the deserts 
 4305  Life in the Dust Bowl 
 4306  Life in the human body 
 4307  Life in the islands 
 4308  Life in the mountains 
 4309  Life in the oceans 
 4310  Life in the plains 
 4311  Life in the polar lands 
 4312  Life in the rain forests 
 4313  The life of a bean 
 4314  The life of a knight 
 4315  The life of an astronaut 
 4316  Life of the ancient Celts 
 4317  Life of the Navajo 
 4318  Life on a chicken farm 
 4319  Life on a crop farm 
 4320  Life on a dairy farm 
 4321  Life on a goat farm 
 4322  Life on a pioneer homestead 
 4323  Life on a sheep farm 
 4324  Life on a southern plantation 
 4325  Life on an apple orchard 
 4326  Life on the coastlines 
 4327  Life on the Underground Railroad 
 4328  Life under a stone 
 4329  Life under ice 
 4330  Life without Mooch 
 4331  Life! how I love you 
 4332  Lifeguards 
 4333  Lifetime guarantees : toward ambitious literacy teaching 
 4334  Liftoff! 
 4335  Light 
 4336  Light 
 4337  Light & sound 
 4338  Light : from sun to bulbs 
 4339  Light and dark 
 4340  Light and dark 
 4341  Light and optics 
 4342  The light bulb 
 4343  A light in the attic 
 4344  A light in the storm : the Civil War diary of Amelia Martin 
 4345  The light of Christmas 
 4346  Lighthouse : a story of remembrance 
 4347  The lightning thief 
 4348  Lights out! 
 4349  Like a windy day 
 4350  Like likes like 
 4351  Lil Wayne 
 4352  Lila the Fair 
 4353  Lilly in the Middle 
 4354  Lilly's big day 
 4355  Lilly's purple plastic purse 
 4356  Lily B. on the brink of cool 
 4357  The lily pond 
 4358  Lily Quench : and the treasure of Mote Ely 
 4359  Lily Quench and the lighthouse of Skellig Mor 
 4360  Lily's crossing 
 4361  Lincoln's legacy 
 4362  Linda Brown, you are not alone : the Brown v. Board of Education decision : a collection 
 4363  Line graphs 
 4364  A line in the sand : the Alamo diary of Lucinda Lawrence 
 4365  Ling Cho and his three friends 
 4366  The lion and the mouse, narrated by the timid but truthful mouse 
 4367  The lion or the mouse? 
 4368  Lionel at school 
 4369  Lionel in the summer 
 4370  The lioness & her knight 
 4371  Lions 
 4372  Lions. 
 4373  Listen and learn 
 4374  The literacy map : guiding children to where they need to be (4-6) 
 4375  Little Bear, you're a star! : a Greek myth 
 4376  The little book of not so 
 4377  Little Buggy runs away 
 4378  Little Cliff and the cold place 
 4379  Little Cliff's first day of school 
 4380  Little cloud 
 4381  Little Critter's picture dictionary. 
 4382  Little daughter of the snow 
 4383  Little Dog and Duncan : poems 
 4384  The little drummer boy 
 4385  The little engine that could 
 4386  Little farm in the Ozarks 
 4387  Little gold star : a Spanish American Cinderella tale 
 4388  The little house 
 4389  Little house by Boston Bay 
 4390  Little house friends 
 4391  Little house in the big woods 
 4392  Little house on Rocky Ridge 
 4393  Little house on the prairie 
 4394  The little island 
 4395  The little land 
 4396  Little legends : exceptional men in black history 
 4397  The little match girl 
 4398  The little mermaid 
 4399  Little numbers : and pictures that show just how little they are! 
 4400  Little penguins 
 4401  Little Pierre : a Cajun story from Louisiana 
 4402  Little Pig is capable 
 4403  Little Rat sets sail 
 4404  Little Red 
 4405  The little red fort 
 4406  The Little Red Hen 
 4407  Little red ink drinker 
 4408  Little Red Riding Hood 
 4409  Little Red Riding Hood 
 4410  Little Red Riding Hood : a newfangled prairie tale 
 4411  The Little Rock Nine : young champions for school integration 
 4412  The Little Rock Nine challenge segregation : courageous kids of the civil rights movement 
 4413  The little scarecrow boy 
 4414  Little shark 
 4415  Little Sister is not my name! 
 4416  Little Stevie Wonder 
 4417  Little town in the Ozarks 
 4418  Little Town on the Prarie 
 4419  Little treasures : endearments from around the world 
 4420  Little white rabbit 
 4421  Little Wolf : terror of the Shivery Sea 
 4422  Little Wolf's book of badness 
 4423  Little Wolf's diary of daring deeds 
 4424  Littlebat's Halloween story 
 4425  The Littles go exploring 
 4426  Living in a rain forest 
 4427  Living in a rain forest 
 4428  Living in a small town 
 4429  Living in the taiga 
 4430  Living in the tundra 
 4431  Living lights : fireflies in your backyard 
 4432  Living on : portraits of Tennessee survivors and liberators : a project of the Tennessee Holocaust Commission 
 4433  Living on a mountain 
 4434  Lizards 
 4435  Lizards, frogs, and polliwogs : poems and paintings 
 4436  Llama Llama and the bully goat 
 4437  The loathsome dragon 
 4438  The log cabin quilt 
 4439  Loggerhead turtle 
 4440  Lola sleeps over 
 4441  Lon Po Po : a Red-Riding Hood story from China 
 4442  Long and short : an animal opposites book 
 4443  Long shot 
 4444  A long way from Chicago : a novel in stories 
 4445  A long way to go 
 4446  The long winter 
 4447  Longhouses 
 4448  Longhouses 
 4449  A look at China 
 4450  A look at Mexico 
 4451  Look at my book : how kids can write & illustrate terrific books 
 4452  A look at Russia 
 4453  Look to the north : a wolf pup diary 
 4454  Look what came from Austria 
 4455  Look what came from Spain 
 4456  Look what came from Switzerland 
 4457  Look what came from the Netherlands 
 4458  Look what you can make with craft sticks 
 4459  Look what you can make with newspapers, magazines, and greeting cards 
 4460  Look what you can make with plastic bottles and tubs 
 4461  Look what you can make with plastic-foam trays 
 4462  Look, listen, taste, touch, and smell : learning about your five senses 
 4463  Looking at liberty 
 4464  Looking at Lincoln 
 4465  Looking at maps and globes 
 4466  Looking for Bobowicz : a Hoboken chicken story 
 4467  Looking for jaguar : and other rainforest poems 
 4468  Looking out for Sarah 
 4469  Loose threads 
 4470  Loose tooth 
 4471  The Lorax 
 4472  Lord of the nutcracker men 
 4473  Loser 
 4474  Lost cities 
 4475  Lost city : the discovery of Machu Picchu 
 4476  Lost in cyberspace 
 4477  Lost in Sierra 
 4478  Lost treasure of the emerald eye 
 4479  Lost! : a story in string 
 4480  Lots of grandparents 
 4481  The Lottie project 
 4482  Loud and quiet : an animal opposites book 
 4483  The loudest, fastest, best drummer in Kansas 
 4484  Loudmouth George and the sixth-grade bully 
 4485  Louie 
 4486  Louie's goose 
 4487  Louie's search 
 4488  Louis Armstrong 
 4489  The Louis Armstrong you never knew 
 4490  Louis Sachar 
 4491  Louisiana 
 4492  Love and roast chicken : a trickster tale from the Andes Mountains 
 4493  Love is loud : how Diane Nash led the Civil Rights Movement 
 4494  The love of two stars 
 4495  Love song for a baby 
 4496  Love that dog 
 4497  Love to Langston 
 4498  Love you forever 
 4499  The low-down, bad-day blues 
 4500  Loyalty 
 4501  Lu & Clancy's secret languages 
 4502  Lu & Clancy's spy stuff 
 4503  Lu and the swamp ghost 
 4504  Luba : the angel of Bergen-Belsen 
 4505  Lucha libre : the Man in the Silver Mask : a bilingual cuento 
 4506  Lucinda's secret 
 4507  Lucky beans 
 4508  Lucky boy 
 4509  Lucky ducklings 
 4510  Lucky pennies and hot chocolate 
 4511  The lucky penny? 
 4512  Lucky stars 
 4513  Lucy Maud Montgomery : a writer's life 
 4514  Lulu's hat 
 4515  Lumber camp library 
 4516  Lunch money 
 4517  The lunchroom of doom 
 4518  The lungs 
 4519  Lupé : a wolf pup's first year 
 4520  Lyle and the birthday party 
 4521  Lyle at the office 
 4522  Lyle finds his mother 
 4523  Lyle, Lyle, crocodile 
 4524  Lyrebirds : master mimics 
 4525  M is for melody : a music alphabet 
 4526  M is for music 
 4527  Ma Dear's aprons 
 4528  Maasai 
 4529  Mabela the clever 
 4530  Mack made movies 
 4531  Madam C. J. Walker : pioneer businesswoman 
 4532  Madam C.J. Walker : self-made millionaire 
 4533  Madame Squidley and Beanie 
 4534  Maddi's fridge 
 4535  Maddie on TV 
 4536  Maddie wants new clothes 
 4537  Made you look : a novel 
 4538  Madeline 
 4539  Madeline in London 
 4540  Madeline says merci : the-always-be-polite book 
 4541  Madeline's rescue 
 4542  Mae among the stars 
 4543  Mae Jemison 
 4544  Mae Jemison 
 4545  Mae Jemison : out of this world 
 4546  The maestro plays 
 4547  Maggie's door 
 4548  The magic apple 
 4549  Magic beach 
 4550  The magic fan 
 4551  The magic gourd 
 4552  The magic hat 
 4553  The magic paintbrush 
 4554  The magic pretzel 
 4555  The magic school bus and the electric field trip 
 4556  The magic school bus at the waterworks 
 4557  The magic school bus blows its top : a book about volcanoes 
 4558  The magic school bus butterfly and the bog beast : a book about butterfly camouflage 
 4559  The magic school bus explores the senses 
 4560  The magic school bus gets all dried up : a book about deserts 
 4561  The magic school bus gets ants in its pants : a book about ants 
 4562  The magic school bus gets baked in a cake : a book about kitchen chemistry 
 4563  The magic school bus gets programmed : a book about computers 
 4564  The magic school bus hops home : a book about animal habitats 
 4565  The magic school bus inside a beehive 
 4566  The magic school bus inside a hurricane 
 4567  The magic school bus inside the human body 
 4568  The magic school bus kicks up a storm : a book about weather 
 4569  The magic school bus lost in the solar system 
 4570  The magic school bus makes a rainbow : a book about color 
 4571  The magic school bus meets the rot squad : a book about decomposition 
 4572  The magic school bus on the ocean floor 
 4573  The magic school bus out of this world : a book about space rocks 
 4574  The magic school bus shows and tells : a book about archaeology 
 4575  The magic school bus wet all over : a book about the water cycle 
 4576  Magic tree house. 
 4577  Magic tree house. 
 4578  The Magical Maya mystery 
 4579  The magician's boy 
 4580  The magician's nephew 
 4581  Magma 
 4582  Magnets 
 4583  Magnets 
 4584  Magnus maybe 
 4585  Mahjong all day long 
 4586  Maiasaura 
 4587  Maiasaura 
 4588  Mailbox magic 
 4589  Mailing May 
 4590  Maine 
 4591  Maizon at Blue Hill 
 4592  Make a wish, Molly 
 4593  Make it grow 
 4594  Make mine with everything 
 4595  Make way for ducklings 
 4596  Maker Faire 
 4597  Makerspaces 
 4598  Making a law 
 4599  Making animal babies 
 4600  Making fleece crafts 
 4601  Making graphs 
 4602  Making masks 
 4603  Making music 
 4604  Making shadow puppets 
 4605  Making tens : groups of gollywomples 
 4606  Making the Bill of Rights 
 4607  Making the Bill of Rights 
 4608  Malcolm X : a fire burning brightly 
 4609  Malcolm X : force for change 
 4610  Mallard ducks 
 4611  Mallory on the move 
 4612  The malted falcon : from the tattered casebook of Chet Gecko, private eye 
 4613  The Maltese mummy 
 4614  Mama : a true story in which a baby hippo loses his mama during the tsunami, but finds a new home, and a new mama 
 4615  Mama does the mambo 
 4616  Mama Elizabeti 
 4617  Mama had to work on Christmas 
 4618  Mama likes to mambo 
 4619  Mama's window 
 4620  Mama, do you love me? 
 4621  Mammalabilia : poems and paintings 
 4622  Mammals 
 4623  Mammals 
 4624  Mammoth Cave National Park 
 4625  Mamá Goose : a Latino nursery treasury : un tesoro de rimas infantiles 
 4626  The man behind the mask 
 4627  Man in the moon 
 4628  The man in the moonstone 
 4629  Man on the moon 
 4630  The man who walked between the towers 
 4631  The man with bad manners 
 4632  Manatees 
 4633  The mangrove tree : planting trees to feed families 
 4634  Maniac Magee : a novel 
 4635  Manneken pis : a simple story of a boy who peed on a war 
 4636  Manners at a friend's home 
 4637  Manners at the library 
 4638  Manners in the classroom 
 4639  Manners on the telephone 
 4640  Many moons 
 4641  The many troubles of Andy Russell 
 4642  The map that breathed 
 4643  Mapping Penny's world 
 4644  Maps 
 4645  Maps and mapping 
 4646  Marc Brown 
 4647  Marc Chagall 
 4648  March of the penguins 
 4649  The march on Washington 
 4650  Mardi Gras 
 4651  Marie Curie 
 4652  Marilou forecasts the future 
 4653  Marilou's long nose 
 4654  Marine mammals 
 4655  Marisol and Magdalena : the sound of our sisterhood 
 4656  Marisol McDonald doesn't match 
 4657  Marjorie Weinman Sharmat 
 4658  Mark Twain at work! 
 4659  Market day : a story told with folk art 
 4660  Marooned! 
 4661  Mars 
 4662  Mars needs moms! 
 4663  Martha and Skits 
 4664  Martha calling 
 4665  Martha speaks 
 4666  Martha walks the dog 
 4667  Martial arts in action 
 4668  Martin Luther King Jr. Day 
 4669  Martin Luther King Jr. Day 
 4670  Martin Luther King, Jr. 
 4671  Martin Luther King, Jr. 
 4672  Martin Luther King, Jr. : civil rights hero 
 4673  Martin Luther King, Jr. and the march on Washington 
 4674  Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 
 4675  Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 
 4676  Martin Luther King, Jr. Day : honoring a man of peace 
 4677  Martin Van Buren : eighth president, 1837-1841 
 4678  Martin Van Buren : our eighth president 
 4679  Marvin and the meanest girl 
 4680  Marvin K. Mooney, will you please go now! 
 4681  Marvin Redpost : a flying birthday cake? 
 4682  Marvin Redpost : alone in his teacher's house 
 4683  Marvin Redpost : class president 
 4684  Marvin Redpost : super fast, out of control! 
 4685  Mary 
 4686  Mary Cassatt 
 4687  Mary Cassatt : family pictures : by Claire Leonard 
 4688  Mary had a little lamb 
 4689  Mary McLeod Bethune 
 4690  Mary McLeod Bethune 
 4691  Mary Middling, and other silly folk : nursery rhymes and nonsense poems 
 4692  Mary Moon is missing 
 4693  Mary Smith 
 4694  Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen 
 4695  Maryland 
 4696  The Maryland Colony 
 4697  The mask on the cruise ship 
 4698  Masks 
 4699  Massachusetts 
 4700  The Massachusetts Bay Colony 
 4701  Master of Disaster 
 4702  Mastering the 5-paragraph essay 
 4703  Mastiffs 
 4704  Matchit 
 4705  The matchlock gun 
 4706  Mateo's progress : tales for children of all ages = Jornadas de Mateo : cuentos para niños de todas las edades 
 4707  Materials 
 4708  Materials 
 4709  Math 
 4710  Math and coding 
 4711  Math and coding 
 4712  Math and literature, grades 2-3 
 4713  Math and literature. 
 4714  Math and literature. 
 4715  Math appeal : mind stretching math riddles 
 4716  Math curse 
 4717  Math Focal Points 
 4718  Math in the kitchen 
 4719  Math links : teaching the NCTM 2000 standards through children's literature 
 4720  Math mats & games. 
 4721  Math practice puzzles : multiplication and division 
 4722  Math rashes and other classroom tales 
 4723  Mathematickles! : poems 
 4724  Matilda 
 4725  Matter 
 4726  Matter : see it, touch it, taste it, smell it 
 4727  Matter and material 
 4728  Matter and materials 
 4729  Matthew Henson 
 4730  The matzah man : a Passover story 
 4731  Maurice Sendak 
 4732  Max and Ruby in Pandora's box 
 4733  Max Axiom and the Society of Super Scientists. 
 4734  Max Malone makes a million 
 4735  Max Meow. 
 4736  Max's words 
 4737  May Belle and the ogre 
 4738  May I bring a friend? 
 4739  The Maya 
 4740  Maya Lin 
 4741  Maybe something beautiful : how art transformed a neighborhood 
 4742  Mayday! mayday! : a Coast Guard rescue 
 4743  Mayor 
 4744  Mayor for a day 
 4745  Mayors 
 4746  McBroom tells the truth 
 4747  Me & Mama 
 4748  Me and Billy 
 4749  Me and my dragon 
 4750  Me and my mummy 
 4751  Me and Uncle Romie : a story inspired by the life and art of Romare Bearden 
 4752  Me Tarzan 
 4753  Me, Mop, and the Moondance Kid 
 4754  Me...Jane 
 4755  A mealworm's life 
 4756  The meanest doll in the world 
 4757  The meanest hound around 
 4758  Measurement mania : games and activities that make math easy and fun 
 4759  Measuring 
 4760  Measuring Penny 
 4761  Meats and proteins 
 4762  Medical math 
 4763  Medicine : from Hippocrates to Jonas Salk 
 4764  A medieval castle 
 4765  Medieval myths, legends, and songs 
 4766  Medusa 
 4767  Meet A. A. Milne 
 4768  Meet Addy : an American girl 
 4769  Meet Daniel Pinkwater 
 4770  Meet Danitra Brown 
 4771  Meet Eve Bunting 
 4772  Meet Gail Carson Levine 
 4773  Meet Jane Yolen 
 4774  Meet Jerry Spinelli 
 4775  Meet Kaya : an American girl 
 4776  Meet Kirsten : an American girl 
 4777  Meet Kit : an American girl 
 4778  Meet Laurence Yep 
 4779  Meet Molly : an American girl : 1944 
 4780  Meet our flag, Old Glory 
 4781  Meet Samantha : an American girl 
 4782  Meet Samantha : an American girl 
 4783  Meet Shel Silverstein 
 4784  Meet the Barkers : Morgan and Moffat go to school 
 4785  Meet The Gecko 
 4786  Meet the ponies of Ponyville :  
 4787  Meet Vampirina 
 4788  Meg and I 
 4789  Meg Mackintosh and the stage fright secret : a solve-it-yourself mystery 
 4790  Megalosaurus 
 4791  Megalosaurus 
 4792  Megastars 
 4793  The Meltdown 
 4794  The meltdown 
 4795  Member of Congress 
 4796  Memorial 
 4797  Memorial Day 
 4798  Memorial Day 
 4799  Memorial Day 
 4800  Memories of sun : stories of Africa and America 
 4801  The memory string 
 4802  Memphians 
 4803  Memphis Innovations: People, ideas, and innovations that changed our world. 
 4804  Memphis, Martin, and the mountaintop : the Sanitation Strike of 1968 
 4805  Menominee 
 4806  Meow means mischief 
 4807  Mercury 
 4808  Mercury 
 4809  Mercury 
 4810  Mercy Watson fights crime 
 4811  Mercy Watson goes for a ride 
 4812  Mercy Watson to the rescue 
 4813  Meriwether Lewis 
 4814  Mermaids 
 4815  Mermaids 
 4816  Merriam-Webster's alphabet book 
 4817  Merriam-Webster's elementary dictionary. 
 4818  Merry Christmas, bugs! 
 4819  Messengers of rain : and other poems from Latin America 
 4820  Metal 
 4821  Metamorphic rocks 
 4822  Metamorphic rocks 
 4823  Metamorphosis 
 4824  Metaphors, similes, and other word pictures 
 4825  Meteorologists 
 4826  Mexican Americans 
 4827  The Mexican-American War 
 4828  Mexico 
 4829  Mexico 
 4830  Mi barrio = : My neighborhood 
 4831  Mi escuela = : My school 
 4832  Mi familia = : My family 
 4833  Mia Hamm 
 4834  Miami gets it straight 
 4835  Mice 
 4836  Mice and beans 
 4837  Michael Dell : from child entrepreneur to computer magnate 
 4838  Michael Jackson 
 4839  Michael Phelps 
 4840  Michelangelo 
 4841  Michelle Obama 
 4842  Michigan 
 4843  Michigan 
 4844  Mick Harte was here 
 4845  Mickey & me : a baseball card adventure 
 4846  Microlife that rots things 
 4847  Microscopes 
 4848  A mid-semester night's dream 
 4849  Midday meals around the world 
 4850  Middle school bites 
 4851  Midnight babies 
 4852  The midnight diary of Zoya Blume 
 4853  Midnight for Charlie Bone 
 4854  Midnight magic 
 4855  The Midwest 
 4856  Mighty Jackie : the strike-out queen 
 4857  Mighty marvels! : with Spider-Man, Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel and the Green Goblin 
 4858  The mighty Thor : an origin story 
 4859  Migrant 
 4860  Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel 
 4861  Mike's mystery 
 4862  Mildred and Sam go to school 
 4863  Miles Morales shock waves : a Spider-Man graphic novel  
 4864  Miles' song 
 4865  Milk 
 4866  The Milky Way 
 4867  Millard Fillmore : our 13th president 
 4868  Millicent Min, girl genius 
 4869  Millicent's gift 
 4870  Millions 
 4871  Millions of cats 
 4872  Millipedeology 
 4873  Milton Hershey 
 4874  Milton Hershey : Hershey's chocolate creator 
 4875  Mim's Christmas jam 
 4876  Mim, gym, and June 
 4877  Mimmy and Sophie : all around the town 
 4878  Minecraft : the island 
 4879  Minecraft. 
 4880  Minecraft. 
 4881  Minecraft. 
 4882  Minecraft. 
 4883  Minerals 
 4884  Miniature schnauzers 
 4885  Minn and Jake 
 4886  Minnesota 
 4887  Minnie & Moo and the seven wonders of the world 
 4888  The Minpins 
 4889  The minstrel's melody 
 4890  Minty : a story of young Harriet Tubman 
 4891  Miracle : the true story of the wreck of the Sea Venture 
 4892  Miracle at the plate 
 4893  Miracle's boys 
 4894  The miraculous journey of Edward Tulane 
 4895  Mirandy and Brother Wind 
 4896  Mirette on the high wire 
 4897  Mirror mirror : a book of reversible verse 
 4898  Mis abuelos = : My grandparents 
 4899  Mis amigos = : My friends 
 4900  Mis bailes = : My dances 
 4901  Mis juegos = : My games 
 4902  Misconduct 
 4903  Miss Alaineus : a vocabulary disaster 
 4904  Miss Bindergarten gets ready for kindergarten 
 4905  Miss Bindergarten plans a circus with kindergarten 
 4906  Miss Blake is a flake! 
 4907  Miss Bridie chose a shovel 
 4908  Miss Brooks loves books! (and I don't) 
 4909  Miss Brown is upside down! 
 4910  Miss Hickory 
 4911  Miss Holly is too jolly! 
 4912  Miss Malarkey won't be in today 
 4913  Miss Nelson is back 
 4914  Miss Nelson is missing! 
 4915  Miss Smith's incredible storybook 
 4916  Miss Suki is kooky! 
 4917  Missing from Haymarket Square 
 4918  The missing manatee 
 4919  Missing math - A number mystery. 
 4920  The missing mitten mystery 
 4921  Missing mittens 
 4922  Missing Molly 
 4923  The missing mummy 
 4924  Missing on Superstition Mountain 
 4925  Missing! 
 4926  Mississippi 
 4927  Mississippi 
 4928  Mississippi bridge 
 4929  The Mississippi River 
 4930  Mississippi River : a journey down the father of waters 
 4931  Mississippi trial, 1955 
 4932  Missouri 
 4933  Missouri 
 4934  The Missouri River 
 4935  Missy Violet & me 
 4936  Mixed beasts, or, A miscellany of rare and fantastic creatures 
 4937  Mixed magics 
 4938  The mixed-up chameleon 
 4939  Mo Willems 
 4940  Models 
 4941  Modern Olympics 
 4942  Moira's birthday 
 4943  Moja means one : Swahili counting book 
 4944  Mole music 
 4945  Moles 
 4946  Moles and hedgehogs : what they have in common 
 4947  Molly and the magic wishbone 
 4948  Molly learns a lesson : a school story 
 4949  Molly marches on 
 4950  Molly Moon's hypnotic time travel adventure 
 4951  Molly Moon's incredible book of hypnotism 
 4952  Molly Pitcher 
 4953  Molly saves the day : a summer story 
 4954  Molly takes flight 
 4955  Molly's pilgrim 
 4956  Molly's surprise : a Christmas story 
 4957  Mommy's bed 
 4958  Money 
 4959  Money : a rich history 
 4960  Money business : banks and banking 
 4961  Money math learning centers 
 4962  Money through the ages 
 4963  The Monitor : the iron warship that changed the world 
 4964  A monkey baby grows up 
 4965  Monkey business 
 4966  Monkeys 
 4967  Monkeys of Central and South America 
 4968  Monster blood for breakfast! 
 4969  Monster Goose 
 4970  Monster laughs : frightfully funny jokes about monsters 
 4971  Monster musical chairs 
 4972  The monster trap 
 4973  Monsters 
 4974  Monsters don't scuba dive 
 4975  The monsters of Morley Manor 
 4976  Montana 
 4977  The Montgomery bus boycott : integrating public buses 
 4978  Months of the year 
 4979  Moo who? 
 4980  The Moon 
 4981  The moon 
 4982  The moon 
 4983  The moon quilt 
 4984  Moon runner 
 4985  Moon, have you met my mother? : the collected poems of Karla Kuskin 
 4986  Moonbear's shadow 
 4987  Mooncake 
 4988  Moonshiner's son 
 4989  Moonshot : the flight of Apollo 11 
 4990  Moonsilver 
 4991  The Moonstone Castle mystery 
 4992  Moony Luna / : Luna, Lunita Lunera / cuento, Jorge Argueta ; ilustraciones, Elizabeth Gómez. 
 4993  The moose is in the mousse 
 4994  Mop top 
 4995  More or less 
 4996  More perfect than the moon 
 4997  More Rootabaga stories 
 4998  More science through children's literature : an integrated approach 
 4999  More sideways arithmetic from Wayside School 
 5000  More spice than sugar : poems about feisty females 
 5001  More stories Julian tells 
 5002  More super science with simple stuff 
 5003  More than anything else 
 5004  More than meets the eye : seeing art with all five senses 
 5005  More than, less than 
 5006  Morgan's pet plot 
 5007  Morgan's secret 
 5008  Morgy coast to coast 
 5009  Morocco 
 5010  Morris's disappearing bag 
 5011  Mosquito bite 
 5012  The most beautiful kite in the world 
 5013  The most dominant dynasties of all time 
 5014  The most famous pirates 
 5015  A mother for Choco 
 5016  Mother Goose math 
 5017  Mother knows best 
 5018  Mother Mother I feel sick, send for the doctor quick quick quick 
 5019  Mother to tigers 
 5020  Mother's Day 
 5021  The mother's day mice 
 5022  Motion : push and pull, fast and slow 
 5023  Mount Everest 
 5024  Mount Rushmore 
 5025  Mount Rushmore 
 5026  Mount Vernon 
 5027  Mountain pose 
 5028  Mountain top mystery 
 5029  Mountain town 
 5030  Mountains 
 5031  Mouse & lion 
 5032  The mouse and his child 
 5033  Mouse count 
 5034  Mouse in a meadow 
 5035  Mouse paint 
 5036  The mouse rap 
 5037  Mouse soup 
 5038  Mouse tales 
 5039  The mouse that snored 
 5040  Mouse's first day of school 
 5041  Movement 
 5042  Movie magic madness 
 5043  Mr. Badger and Mrs. Fox. 
 5044  Mr. Brown can moo! Can you? 
 5045  Mr. Docker is off his rocker! 
 5046  Mr. George Baker 
 5047  Mr. Klutz is nuts! 
 5048  Mr. Lincoln's way 
 5049  Mr. Louie is screwy! 
 5050  Mr. Maxwell's mouse 
 5051  Mr. Putter & Tabby paint the porch 
 5052  Mr. Putter & Tabby pour the tea 
 5053  Mr. Tanen's ties 
 5054  Mr. Wiggle looks for answers 
 5055  Mr. Wiggle's book 
 5056  Mr. Wiggle's library 
 5057  Mr. Williams 
 5058  Mrs. Armitage : queen of the road 
 5059  Mrs. Brice's mice 
 5060  Mrs. Brown on exhibit : and other museum poems 
 5061  Mrs. Chicken and the hungry crocodile 
 5062  Mrs. Frisby and the rats of NIMH 
 5063  Mrs. Katz and Tush 
 5064  Mrs. Kormel is not normal! 
 5065  Mrs. Mack 
 5066  Mrs. McBloom, clean up your classroom! 
 5067  Mrs. McCool and the giant Cuhullin : an Irish tale 
 5068  Mrs. Roopy is loopy! 
 5069  Mrs. Wishy-Washy's farm 
 5070  Ms. Coco is loco! 
 5071  Ms. Hannah is bananas! 
 5072  Ms. LaGrange is strange! 
 5073  Ms. Todd is odd! 
 5074  Ms. Turtle, the babysitter 
 5075  Much ado about nothing for kids 
 5076  Much bigger than Martin 
 5077  Mucky Duck 
 5078  The Mud Flat mystery 
 5079  Mud soup 
 5080  Mudball 
 5081  Mufaro's beautiful daughters : an African tale 
 5082  Muffy's secret admirer 
 5083  Muhammad Ali 
 5084  Muhammad Ali : the man who could float like a butterfly and sting like a bee 
 5085  Multicultural meals 
 5086  Multicultural theatre II : contemporary Hispanic, Asian, and African-American plays 
 5087  Mummies 
 5088  Munch & learn math story mats 
 5089  Muncha! muncha! muncha! 
 5090  Mural on Second Avenue : and other city poems 
 5091  Murals : walls that sing 
 5092  Murder, my tweet : from the tattered casebook of Chet Gecko, private eye 
 5093  The muscular system 
 5094  The muscular system 
 5095  The museum 
 5096  Museums 
 5097  Music CDs : from start to finish 
 5098  The music in Derrick's heart 
 5099  Music is 
 5100  Music makers & toys 
 5101  The music of dolphins 
 5102  The music teacher from the Black Lagoon 
 5103  The music teacher from the Black Lagoon 
 5104  Musical beds 
 5105  Musical genius : a story about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 
 5106  Musical instruments 
 5107  The musicians of Bremen = : Los músicos de Bremen 
 5108  Muskrats 
 5109  Mutiny's daughter 
 5110  MVP* : *Magellan Voyage Project 
 5111  My best friend moved away 
 5112  My big sister 
 5113  My brother 
 5114  My brother made me do it 
 5115  My brother Martin : a sister remembers growing up with the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 
 5116  My brother Sam is dead 
 5117  My brother's hero 
 5118  My brother's keeper 
 5119  My brothers' flying machine : Wilbur, Orville, and me 
 5120  My car 
 5121  My chimp Friday : the Nana Banana chronicles 
 5122  My Chinatown : one year in poems 
 5123  My contract with Henry 
 5124  My dad 
 5125  My Divali 
 5126  My dog is a carrot 
 5127  My dog, my hero 
 5128  My family plays music 
 5129  My Father's Arms Are a Boat 
 5130  My first book of soccer 
 5131  My first Oxford book of poems 
 5132  My first Oxford book of stories 
 5133  My five senses 
 5134  My friend the enemy 
 5135  My goldfish 
 5136  My grandparents 
 5137  My great-aunt Arizona 
 5138  My Hanukkah 
 5139  My house is singing 
 5140  My legs and feet 
 5141  My life of crime 
 5142  My lucky day 
 5143  My math toolbox 
 5144  My mom 
 5145  My mother talks to trees 
 5146  My mouth 
 5147  My name is Gabriela : the life of Gabriela Mistral = Me llamo Gabriela : la vida de Gabriela Mistral 
 5148  My name is not Isabella 
 5149  My ol' man 
 5150  My pet hamster 
 5151  My pig Amarillo 
 5152  My pup. 
 5153  My Rosh Hashanah 
 5154  My rows and piles of coins 
 5155  My school bus : a book about school bus safety 
 5156  My season with penguins : an Antarctic journal 
 5157  My secret bully 
 5158  My shoelaces are hard to tie! 
 5159  My stars, it's Mrs. Gaddy! : the three Mrs. Gaddy stories 
 5160  My steps 
 5161  My teacher ate my homework 
 5162  My tour of Europe : by Teddy Roosevelt, age 10 
 5163  My town 
 5164  My weird school. 
 5165  My weird school. 
 5166  My weird school. 
 5167  My weird school. 
 5168  The mysterious circus 
 5169  The mysterious disappearance of Roanoke Colony in American history 
 5170  The mysterious guests : a Sukkoth story 
 5171  The mysterious mummer 
 5172  The mysterious tadpole 
 5173  The mystery at Lilac Inn, 
 5174  The mystery at Skeleton Point 
 5175  The mystery bookstore 
 5176  The mystery of Alligator Swamp 
 5177  The mystery of Drear House : the conclusion of the Dies Drear chronicle 
 5178  The mystery of Mr. Nice : from the tattered casebook of Chet Gecko, private eye 
 5179  The mystery of the abominable snowman 
 5180  The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle 
 5181  Mystery of the Dark Tower 
 5182  The mystery of the hairy tomatoes 
 5183  The mystery of the screech owl 
 5184  The mystery of the snow puppy 
 5185  The mystery of the stolen bike 
 5186  The mystery of the stolen statue 
 5187  The mystery of the swimming gorilla 
 5188  The mystery of the tiger's eye 
 5189  The mystery of too many Elvises 
 5190  The mystery on Blizzard Mountain 
 5191  Myths 
 5192  Myths and monsters : secrets revealed 
 5193  The NAACP : an organization working to end discrimination 
 5194  Naamah and the ark at night : a lullaby 
 5195  Nacho and Lolita 
 5196  The naked mole-rat letters 
 5197  Nana Upstairs & Nana Downstairs 
 5198  Nancy makes her mark 
 5199  Nancy's mysterious letter 
 5200  Nanomedicine 
 5201  The napping house 
 5202  Naptime for Slippers 
 5203  Narrative paragraphs 
 5204  Narrative paragraphs 
 5205  Nasty stinky sneakers 
 5206  Nat Love : African American cowboy 
 5207  Nat Love : African American cowboy = vaquero afroamericano 
 5208  The Natchez Trace 
 5209  Nate the Great 
 5210  Nate the Great and the big sniff 
 5211  Nate the Great and the musical note 
 5212  Nate the Great and the stolen base 
 5213  Nate the Great on the Owl Express 
 5214  Nate the Great, San Francisco detective 
 5215  Nathan Hale : patriot spy 
 5216  Nathaniel talking 
 5217  A nation's hope : the story of boxing legend Joe Louis 
 5218  The national anthem 
 5219  National government 
 5220  The National Guard 
 5221  National parks 
 5222  National parks 
 5223  National Velvet 
 5224  Native crafts : inspired by North America's first peoples 
 5225  Native-American life 
 5226  Natural and man-made 
 5227  Natural disasters 
 5228  Natural gas 
 5229  Natural-born killers : a chapter book 
 5230  The nature club 
 5231  Nature in the neighborhood 
 5232  Nature's amazing partners 
 5233  Nature's fireworks : a book about lightning 
 5234  Navajo 
 5235  Nebraska 
 5236  Needs and wants 
 5237  A Negro league scrapbook 
 5238  Negro leagues : all-Black baseball by Emily Brooks 
 5239  The neighborhood Mother Goose 
 5240  Neighborhoods & communities 
 5241  Neil Armstrong 
 5242  Nepal 
 5243  Neptune 
 5244  Neptune 
 5245  The Netherlands 
 5246  Netherlands 
 5247  Nevada 
 5248  Never forgotten 
 5249  Never smile at a monkey : and 17 other important things to remember 
 5250  A new coat for Anna 
 5251  New dawn on Rocky Ridge 
 5252  New found land : a novel 
 5253  New Hampshire 
 5254  The New Hampshire Colony 
 5255  New Jersey 
 5256  The new kid 
 5257  New Mexico 
 5258  New Orleans Saints 
 5259  New pig in town 
 5260  New pup on the block 
 5261  New year be coming! : a Gullah year 
 5262  New Year's Day 
 5263  New Year's Day 
 5264  New Year's Day 
 5265  New York 
 5266  New Zealand 
 5267  New Zealand ABCs : a book about the people and places of New Zealand 
 5268  A newspaper 
 5269  Newspaper carriers 
 5270  Next spring an oriole 
 5271  Next stop! 
 5272  Next stop, Neptune : experiencing the solar system 
 5273  Niagara Falls 
 5274  Nick plays baseball 
 5275  Nigeria : the culture 
 5276  Night before Christmas 
 5277  Night city 
 5278  Night fliers : moths in your backyard 
 5279  Night flight : Amelia Earhart crosses the Atlantic 
 5280  Night golf 
 5281  The night I flunked my field trip 
 5282  The night I followed the dog 
 5283  Night noises 
 5284  Night of the twisters 
 5285  Night of the Vam-Wolf-Zom 
 5286  Night on Neighborhood Street 
 5287  The night the bells rang 
 5288  Night tree 
 5289  Night-night, Emily! 
 5290  Nightsong 
 5291  Nim's island 
 5292  Nine animals and the well 
 5293  Nine ducks nine 
 5294  Ninja at the firehouse 
 5295  The ninth nugget 
 5296  No bad news 
 5297  No brainer 
 5298  No dogs allowed! 
 5299  No more dead dogs 
 5300  No more! : stories and songs of slave resistance 
 5301  No ordinary day 
 5302  No sleep for the sheep! 
 5303  No T. Rex in the library 
 5304  No, David! 
 5305  Noah and the devil : a legend of Noah's Ark from Romania 
 5306  Nobody owns the sky : the story of "brave Bessie" Coleman 
 5307  Nora's ark 
 5308  North America 
 5309  North America 
 5310  North Carolina 
 5311  North Dakota 
 5312  Northern Ireland 
 5313  Northern lights 
 5314  The Northwest Indians : daily life in the 1700s 
 5315  Norway 
 5316  Nory Ryan's song 
 5317  A nose for adventure 
 5318  Noses are red 
 5319  Not one damsel in distress : world folktales for strong girls 
 5320  Not so true stories & unreasonable rhymes 
 5321  The not very merry pout-pout fish 
 5322  Nothin' but net 
 5323  Nothing beats a pizza 
 5324  Nothing but miracles : from Leaves of grass 
 5325  Nothing wrong with a three-legged dog 
 5326  Nouns 
 5327  Now and long ago 
 5328  Nuclear power 
 5329  Nuclear power 
 5330  Nuclear power 
 5331  Number conservation : planting monster melons 
 5332  Number lines : how far to the car? 
 5333  Numbers 
 5334  Nurse 
 5335  Nutik, the wolf pup 
 5336  Nuts to you! 
 5337  O'Dwyer & Grady starring in Tough act to follow 
 5338  Oak tree 
 5339  Oak trees inside and out 
 5340  Obeying laws 
 5341  Ocean : the living world 
 5342  Ocean counting : odd numbers 
 5343  Ocean habitats 
 5344  Ocean hunters 
 5345  Oceans 
 5346  Oceans : an activity guide for ages 6-9 
 5347  Oceans and seas 
 5348  Oceans, lakes, and rivers 
 5349  Odd boy out : young Albert Einstein 
 5350  Oddhopper opera : a bug's garden of verses 
 5351  Of mice and nutcrackers : a Peeler Christmas 
 5352  Of thee I sing : a letter to my daughters 
 5353  Off season 
 5354  Off to school 
 5355  Off to the sweet shores of Africa and other talking drum rhymes 
 5356  Off track 
 5357  Office of the President 
 5358  Office of the President 
 5359  Officer Buckle and Gloria 
 5360  Officer Spence makes no sense! 
 5361  Offside! 
 5362  Offsides : a novel 
 5363  Oh my baby, little one 
 5364  Oh no, gotta go! 
 5365  Oh say can you say? 
 5366  Oh yeah! 
 5367  Oh, cats! 
 5368  Oh, Harry! 
 5369  Oh, look! 
 5370  Oh, the places you'll go! 
 5371  Oh, the thinks you can think! 
 5372  Ohio 
 5373  The Ohio River 
 5374  Oil 
 5375  Oil & gas 
 5376  The Ojibwa : wild rice gatherers 
 5377  Okay for now 
 5378  Oklahoma 
 5379  Okomi, the new baby 
 5380  Oktoberfest 
 5381  The Old African 
 5382  Old Bear 
 5383  Old black fly 
 5384  Old Cricket 
 5385  Old friends 
 5386  Old Granny and the bean thief 
 5387  Old MacDonald had a woodshop 
 5388  Old Mother Hubbard 
 5389  The Old Spanish Trail : from Santa Fe, New Mexico to Los Angeles, California 
 5390  Old town in the green groves : Laura Ingalls Wilder's lost little house years 
 5391  Old Turtle 
 5392  Olive's ocean 
 5393  Oliver 
 5394  Oliver and Albert, friends forever 
 5395  Oliver Cat on Planet B 
 5396  Oliver the Mighty Pig 
 5397  Olivia 
 5398  Olivia Kidney 
 5399  Ollie the Stomper 
 5400  OMG! : all about me diary! 
 5401  Omnibeasts : animal poems and paintings 
 5402  On beyond zebra 
 5403  On Earth 
 5404  On Etruscan time 
 5405  On my honor 
 5406  On my way 
 5407  On my way to buy eggs 
 5408  On Noah's ark 
 5409  On or under : where's Eddie? 
 5410  On pointe 
 5411  On the back burner 
 5412  On the banks of Plum Creek 
 5413  On the banks of the Bayou 
 5414  On the bike with-- Lance Armstrong 
 5415  On the Blue Comet 
 5416  On the court with-- Venus and Serena Williams 
 5417  On the far side of the mountain 
 5418  On the go 
 5419  On the move 
 5420  On the night you were born 
 5421  On the other side of the hill 
 5422  On the same day in March : a tour of the world's weather 
 5423  On the trail of Lewis and Clark : a journey up the Missouri River 
 5424  On the trail of Sacagawea 
 5425  On Tide Mill Lane 
 5426  Once a mouse-- : a fable cut in wood 
 5427  Once upon a curse 
 5428  The one and only Bob 
 5429  The one and only Shrek! : plus 5 other stories 
 5430  One checkered flag : a counting book about racing 
 5431  One cool friend 
 5432  One fine day 
 5433  One fine day : a radio play 
 5434  One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish 
 5435  One frog too many 
 5436  One hundred days (plus one) 
 5437  One hundred hungry ants 
 5438  The one in the middle is the green kangaroo 
 5439  One leaf rides the wind : counting in a Japanese garden 
 5440  One missing finger 
 5441  One of the problems of Everett Anderson 
 5442  One riddle, one answer 
 5443  One small dog 
 5444  One small garden 
 5445  One small place in a tree 
 5446  One smooth move 
 5447  One terrible Halloween 
 5448  One tiny turtle 
 5449  One true friend 
 5450  One was Johnny : a counting book 
 5451  One winter's night 
 5452  One, two, skip a few! : first number rhymes 
 5453  One-dog canoe 
 5454  One-eyed cat : a novel 
 5455  The one-eyed giant 
 5456  Onion John 
 5457  Only passing through : the story of Sojourner Truth 
 5458  Only the stars 
 5459  Only you 
 5460  Oops, sorry! : a first book of manners 
 5461  Opal Lee and what it means to be free : the true story of the grandmother of Juneteenth 
 5462  Operation Clean Sweep 
 5463  Ophie out of Oz 
 5464  Opossums 
 5465  Oprah Winfrey 
 5466  The orange outlaw 
 5467  Oranges to orange juice 
 5468  Orangutans 
 5469  Ordinary Mary's extraordinary deed 
 5470  Oregon 
 5471  The Oregon Trail 
 5472  Orienteering 
 5473  Orphan train 
 5474  Orphan train rider : one boy's true story 
 5475  The orphans of Normandy : a true story of World War II told through drawings by children 
 5476  The Osage 
 5477  The other side 
 5478  The other side : shorter poems 
 5479  The other side of truth 
 5480  Otherwise known as Sheila the Great 
 5481  Otis 
 5482  Otters 
 5483  Otters Tool Users 
 5484  Otto and the flying twins 
 5485  Our celebrations 
 5486  Our favorite things to do 
 5487  Our flag 
 5488  Our Gracie Aunt 
 5489  Our granny 
 5490  Our libraries 
 5491  Our many foods 
 5492  Our national holidays 
 5493  Our sixth-grade sugar babies 
 5494  Our strange new land 
 5495  Out and about at city hall 
 5496  Out and about at the aquarium 
 5497  Out and about at the bank 
 5498  Out and about at the planetarium 
 5499  Out and about at the planetarium 
 5500  Out and about at the public library 
 5501  Out and about at the science center 
 5502  Out and about at the supermarket 
 5503  Out and about at the veterinary clinic 
 5504  Out for blood 
 5505  Out for the summer! 
 5506  Out of bounds 
 5507  Out of the deep 
 5508  Out of the dust 
 5509  Out of the dust 
 5510  The outcasts of 19 Schuyler Place 
 5511  Outlaw princess of Sherwood : a tale of Rowan Hood 
 5512  Outside the lines : poetry at play 
 5513  Over and over 
 5514  Over and under the snow 
 5515  Over in the meadow 
 5516  Over in the meadow : a counting rhyme 
 5517  Over in the pink house : new jump rope rhymes 
 5518  Over the candlestick : classic nursery rhymes and the real stories behind them 
 5519  Over the edge 
 5520  Overnight 
 5521  Owen 
 5522  Owen Foote, mighty scientist 
 5523  Owen Foote, money man 
 5524  Owen Foote, super spy 
 5525  Owl moon 
 5526  Owl moon 
 5527  Owlets 
 5528  Owls 
 5529  Owls : the silent hunters 
 5530  Ox-cart man 
 5531  Oxygen 
 5532  P is for passport : a world alphabet 
 5533  P.S. longer letter later 
 5534  Pa Jinglebob, the fastest knitter in the West 
 5535  Pablo Picasso 
 5536  Pablo Picasso : breaking all the rules 
 5537  Pablo Picasso : master of modern art 
 5538  Pachycephalosaurus 
 5539  A packet of seeds 
 5540  Paddington takes the test 
 5541  The Pain and the Great One 
 5542  Painless grammar 
 5543  Paint me a poem : poems inspired by masterpieces of art 
 5544  Painting the wind 
 5545  Paints plus 
 5546  Pajama day 
 5547  Pakistan 
 5548  Pakistan 
 5549  Pakistani Americans 
 5550  The palm of my heart : poetry by African American children 
 5551  Panama 
 5552  The Panama Canal 
 5553  Panda : a guide horse for Ann 
 5554  Panda bear, panda bear, what do you see? 
 5555  The panda puzzle 
 5556  Pandas. 
 5557  Pandora 
 5558  Panic in the snow : the 1888 New York City blizzard 
 5559  Panic of the composite creatures 
 5560  Papa Francisco 
 5561  Papa's mechanical fish 
 5562  Paper 
 5563  The paper bag princess 
 5564  Paper crafts 
 5565  The paper crane 
 5566  Paper cup mania 
 5567  The paper doorway : funny verse and nothing worse 
 5568  Paper lanterns 
 5569  Paper plate mania 
 5570  The paperboy 
 5571  Papier mâché fun 
 5572  Papier-mâché 
 5573  Parachuting hamsters and Andy Russell 
 5574  Paradise : based on a true story of survival 
 5575  Parakeets 
 5576  Parasaurolophus 
 5577  Parker dresses up 
 5578  The Parker inheritance 
 5579  Parrots around the world 
 5580  Partners 
 5581  Parts of a plant 
 5582  Pascual and the kitchen angels 
 5583  Passenger trains 
 5584  Passover 
 5585  Passover 
 5586  Passover 
 5587  Password to Larkspur Lane. 
 5588  Past perfect, present tense : new and collected stories 
 5589  The patchwork path : a quilt map to freedom 
 5590  The patchwork quilt 
 5591  Patience 
 5592  Patrick's dinosaurs 
 5593  Patriot school : the United States military academy at West Point 
 5594  Patriotism 
 5595  Patriotism 
 5596  Patriots in petticoats : heroines of the American Revolution 
 5597  Patrol : an American soldier in Vietnam 
 5598  Patterns 
 5599  Patterns 
 5600  Patterns : what comes next? 
 5601  Patterns in poetry : recognizing and analyzing poetic form and meter 
 5602  Patterns in the park 
 5603  Paul Bunyan 
 5604  Paul Bunyan, a tall tale 
 5605  Paul Cézanne 
 5606  Paul Revere 
 5607  Paul Revere 
 5608  Paul Revere and the bell ringers 
 5609  Paul Revere's midnight ride 
 5610  Paul Revere's ride 
 5611  Paul Revere's ride 
 5612  Paws. 
 5613  Paying taxes 
 5614  Paying without money 
 5615  Peacock and other poems 
 5616  Peacocks 
 5617  Pearl Harbor 
 5618  Pearl Harbor 
 5619  Pearl Harbor is burning! : a story of World War II 
 5620  Pearl's passover : a family celebration through stories, recipes, crafts, and songs 
 5621  Pecan pie baby 
 5622  Pecos Bill : a tall tale 
 5623  Pedro's journal : a voyage with Christopher Columbus, August 3, 1492-Februrary 14, 1493 
 5624  Peeking at plants with a scientist 
 5625  Peeping Beauty 
 5626  Pelicans 
 5627  The penguin : a funny bird 
 5628  Penguin and Little Blue 
 5629  Penguin chick 
 5630  A penguin pup for Pinkerton 
 5631  Penguin puzzle 
 5632  Penguins = : Los pingüinos 
 5633  Penguins swim but don't get wet : and other amazing facts about polar animals 
 5634  Penguins. 
 5635  Pennsylvania 
 5636  The penny pot 
 5637  People and places 
 5638  People and places 
 5639  People around the world 
 5640  The people could fly : American Black folktales 
 5641  The people could fly : the picture book 
 5642  The people of Sparks 
 5643  People of the Northwest & Subarctic 
 5644  People of the Plateau 
 5645  People of the Southwest 
 5646  People who care about you : the support assets 
 5647  People work 
 5648  Pepito the brave 
 5649  Peppa Pig. 
 5650  Pepper at the vet 
 5651  The Pequot tribe 
 5652  A perfect day 
 5653  Perfect harmony : a musical journey with the Boys Choir of Harlem 
 5654  A perfect place 
 5655  The perfect puppy for me! 
 5656  Perfect square 
 5657  The perfect Thanksgiving 
 5658  Period 
 5659  Personal hygiene 
 5660  Personal space travel 
 5661  A personal tour of Hull-House 
 5662  Persuasive paragraphs 
 5663  Persuasive paragraphs 
 5664  Peru 
 5665  A pet for Fly Guy 
 5666  A pet for me : poems 
 5667  Pet show! 
 5668  Petals in the ashes 
 5669  Pete the Cat : I Love My White Shoes 
 5670  Pete the cat and his magic sunglasses 
 5671  Pete the cat and the lost tooth 
 5672  Pete the cat and the surprise teacher 
 5673  Pete the cat and the tip-top tree house 
 5674  Pete the Cat plays hide-and-seek 
 5675  Pete the cat's 12 groovy days of Christmas 
 5676  Pete the cat. 
 5677  Pete the Kitty and the unicorn's missing colors 
 5678  Pete's a pizza 
 5679  Peter's chair 
 5680  Petite Rouge : a Cajun Red Riding Hood 
 5681  Pets ABC : an alphabet book 
 5682  Peyton Manning 
 5683  Peyton Manning 
 5684  Pezzettino 
 5685  Phantoms don't drive sports cars 
 5686  Pharmacists 
 5687  Phases of the moon 
 5688  The Philippines 
 5689  Phillis Wheatley 
 5690  Phillis Wheatley : African American poet 
 5691  Phillis Wheatley : colonial American poet 
 5692  Photo perfect 
 5693  Photosynthesis 
 5694  The physics of toys and games science projects 
 5695  The piano 
 5696  Pickles to Pittsburgh : the sequel to Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 
 5697  Picky Peggy 
 5698  Picnic 
 5699  Pictographs 
 5700  A picture book of Anne Frank 
 5701  A picture book of Harriet Beecher Stowe 
 5702  A picture book of Jesse Owens 
 5703  A picture book of Lewis and Clark 
 5704  A picture of grandmother 
 5705  Picture this : fun photography and crafts 
 5706  Pictures at an exhibition 
 5707  Pictures for Miss Josie 
 5708  Pie graphs 
 5709  Pieces : a year in poems & quilts 
 5710  Pier 21 : gateway of hope 
 5711  Pierre the penguin : a true story 
 5712  Pig 
 5713  Pig enough 
 5714  The pig in the spigot : poems 
 5715  Pig picnic 
 5716  Pig Pig gets a job 
 5717  The Pig Scrolls 
 5718  Pig the monster 
 5719  Pig the stinker 
 5720  The pig with a wig 
 5721  Piglets 
 5722  Pigs at odds : fun with math and games 
 5723  Pigs go to market : fun with math and shopping 
 5724  Pigs in the pantry : fun with math and cooking 
 5725  Pigs on a blanket : fun with math and time 
 5726  Pigs on the farm 
 5727  Pigs will be pigs : fun with math and money 
 5728  The Pilgrim Village mystery 
 5729  The Pilgrims and me by Carrie Rosen 
 5730  Pill bugs 
 5731  Pin it! : pinterest projects for the real world 
 5732  The pinballs 
 5733  Pinduli 
 5734  Pine tree 
 5735  Pink and Say 
 5736  Pinkalicious and the amazing sled run 
 5737  Pinkalicious and the pirates 
 5738  Pinkalicious. 
 5739  Pinkalicious. 
 5740  Pinkalicious: pinkamazing storybook favorites 
 5741  Pinkerton, behave! 
 5742  Pinkie Pie 
 5743  Pinkie Pie & Applejack 
 5744  Pinkie Pie & Princess Luna 
 5745  Pinkie Pie keeps a secret :  
 5746  Pinky and Rex 
 5747  Pinky and Rex 
 5748  Pinky and Rex and the bully 
 5749  Pinky and Rex and the double-dad weekend 
 5750  Pinky and Rex and the just-right pet 
 5751  Pinky and Rex and the new neighbors 
 5752  Pinky and Rex and the school play 
 5753  Pinky and Rex and the spelling bee 
 5754  Pioneer sisters 
 5755  Pioneers : life as a homesteader 
 5756  Piper 
 5757  Pippi Longstocking 
 5758  Pippin's big jump 
 5759  Piranha 
 5760  Pirate girl 
 5761  The pirate of kindergarten 
 5762  The pirate princess and other fairy tales 
 5763  Pirates don't change diapers 
 5764  Pirates past noon 
 5765  Pirican Pic and Pirican Mor 
 5766  Pizza and Taco. 
 5767  Pizza counting 
 5768  Pizza for Sam 
 5769  A place for Joey 
 5770  A place for Zero : a math adventure 
 5771  Places we call home 
 5772  Places we live 
 5773  Plain City 
 5774  Planes 
 5775  The planet of Junior Brown 
 5776  The planets 
 5777  The planets 
 5778  Planets around the sun 
 5779  Planets! 
 5780  Plank houses 
 5781  Plant life cycles 
 5782  Planting the wild garden 
 5783  Plants grow from seeds 
 5784  Plantzilla 
 5785  Plastic 
 5786  A platypus, probably 
 5787  Play ball like the pros : tips for kids from 20 big league stars 
 5788  Play ball, Amelia Bedelia 
 5789  Play on 
 5790  Players in pigtails 
 5791  The playground problem 
 5792  Playground survival 
 5793  Playing the field 
 5794  Plays from fairy tales : grades K-3 
 5795  Please bury me in the library 
 5796  Please, Malese! : a trickster tale from Haiti 
 5797  The Pledge of Allegiance 
 5798  The pledge of allegiance : introducing primary sources 
 5799  The Pledge of Allegiance : the story behind our patriotic promise 
 5800  Pluto 
 5801  Pluto 
 5802  Pluto 
 5803  The Plymouth Colony 
 5804  A Plymouth partnership : Pilgrims and native Americans 
 5805  Pocahontas 
 5806  Pocahontas 
 5807  Pocahontas 
 5808  Pocahontas 1595-1617 
 5809  Pocket charts for math : easy how-tos & reproducible templates for making 15 interactive pocket charts that teach primary math skills 
 5810  A pocket for Corduroy 
 5811  A pocket full of kisses 
 5812  Pocket poems 
 5813  A pocketful of poems 
 5814  Poe Park 
 5815  Poems about anger 
 5816  Poems about scho[o]l 
 5817  Poems to dream together = : Poemas para soñar juntos 
 5818  Poetry for Young People 
 5819  Poetry from the masters : the pioneers : an introduction to African-American poets 
 5820  Poetry speaks to children 
 5821  Pointers 
 5822  Poison dart frog 
 5823  Poison dart frogs 
 5824  Poison dart frogs up close 
 5825  Poisoned planet : pollution in our world 
 5826  A poke in the I 
 5827  Poland 
 5828  Polar animals 
 5829  Polar animals 
 5830  A polar bear biologist at work 
 5831  A polar bear journey 
 5832  Polar bear math : learning about fractions from Klondike and Snow 
 5833  Polar bear patrol 
 5834  Polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear? 
 5835  Polar bears 
 5836  Polar bears 
 5837  Polar bears past bedtime 
 5838  The Polar Express 
 5839  The Polar Express 
 5840  Police officers 
 5841  Police officers 
 5842  Police station 
 5843  Politeness 
 5844  Pollination 
 5845  Polly's absolutely worst birthday ever 
 5846  Polly's pen pal 
 5847  Polly's picnic 
 5848  Ponce de Léon : explorer of Florida 
 5849  Pond life 
 5850  Ponies 
 5851  Ponies 
 5852  Ponies love pets! :  
 5853  Pony problems 
 5854  Poodles 
 5855  Pool princess 
 5856  Pope Francis 
 5857  Poppy 
 5858  Poppy's return 
 5859  Poppy's return 
 5860  Porch lies : tales of slicksters, tricksters, and other wily characters 
 5861  The porcupine mouse 
 5862  Porcupines 
 5863  Portuguese colonies in the Americas 
 5864  Poseidon 
 5865  Post it! : Facebook projects for the real world 
 5866  A pot o' gold : a treasury of Irish stories, poetry, folklore, and (of course) blarney 
 5867  The pot that Juan built 
 5868  Potato : a tale from the Great Depression 
 5869  Poultrygeist 
 5870  The power of one : Daisy Bates and the Little Rock Nine 
 5871  Powerboats 
 5872  Prairie dogs 
 5873  Prairie school 
 5874  Prairie whispers 
 5875  Praying at the Sweetwater Motel : a novel 
 5876  Preacher's boy 
 5877  Precious and the Boo Hag 
 5878  Precipitation 
 5879  Predator attack! 
 5880  Prefixes and suffixes 
 5881  Prehistoric peoples 
 5882  Prehistoric Pinkerton 
 5883  Prehistory 
 5884  Prepositions 
 5885  Preschool to the rescue 
 5886  President 
 5887  President Batman 
 5888  President of the Underground Railroad : a story about Levi Coffin 
 5889  The President's daughter 
 5890  Presidential losers 
 5891  The presidents 
 5892  Presidents' Day 
 5893  Presidents' Day 
 5894  Presidents' Day 
 5895  Presidents' Day 
 5896  Presidents' Day 
 5897  Presidents' Day : honoring the birthdays of Washington and Lincoln 
 5898  Prevention and good health 
 5899  Prickly porcupines 
 5900  Prickly porcupines 
 5901  Primary science : taking the plunge 
 5902  A primary source guide to India 
 5903  A primary source guide to Japan 
 5904  A primary source guide to Kenya 
 5905  Prince Caspian 
 5906  Prince Fly Guy 
 5907  Prince Harry 
 5908  The prince, the cook, and the cunning king 
 5909  Princess 
 5910  Princess Academy 
 5911  The princess and the pig 
 5912  The Princess and the pit stop 
 5913  The princess and the white bear king 
 5914  The Princess of Neptune 
 5915  Princess Peppa 
 5916  Princess Smartypants 
 5917  Principals 
 5918  Printing 
 5919  The printing press : an information revolution 
 5920  Probably pistachio 
 5921  The problem with pumpkins : a Hip & Hop story 
 5922  Project hippopotamus 
 5923  Project Mulberry : a novel 
 5924  Project orangutan 
 5925  Project Otter 
 5926  Project polar bear 
 5927  Project tiger 
 5928  Promises 
 5929  Pronouns 
 5930  Pronouns 
 5931  Protecting your home : a book about firefighters 
 5932  Proud rooster and little hen 
 5933  Prudence 
 5934  Prudence wants a pet 
 5935  Prudy's problem and how she solved it 
 5936  Pteranodon 
 5937  The puddle 
 5938  The Pueblo : farmers of the Southwest 
 5939  Pueblos 
 5940  Puerto Rico 
 5941  Puerto Rico 
 5942  Puerto Rico 
 5943  Pug's sleepover 
 5944  Pugs 
 5945  Pumpkin Jack 
 5946  Pumpkin, pumpkin 
 5947  Pumpkinhead 
 5948  Pumpkins 
 5949  Punctuation 
 5950  Punctuation takes a vacation 
 5951  Punk Farm 
 5952  Punny places : jokes to make you mappy 
 5953  Puns, allusions, and other word secrets 
 5954  Punxsutawney Phyllis 
 5955  Pup at the palace 
 5956  The puppeteer's apprentice 
 5957  Puppy in a puddle 
 5958  Pure dead brilliant 
 5959  Pure dead magic 
 5960  Purim 
 5961  Push and pull 
 5962  Push or pull? 
 5963  Pushing the limits : a chapter book 
 5964  Pushing up the sky : seven native American plays for children 
 5965  Puss in boots 
 5966  Puss in boots = : El gato con botas 
 5967  Put your eyes up here and other school poems 
 5968  The puzzle of the pretty pink handkerchief 
 5969  Pyramids 
 5970  Pyramids 
 5971  Pyramids & mummies 
 5972  Pythons 
 5973  Qu'Appelle 
 5974  Quackers 
 5975  The Quangle Wangle's hat 
 5976  A quarter from the Tooth Fairy 
 5977  Quarter horses 
 5978  Queen Elizabeth II : monarch of our times 
 5979  Queen of hearts 
 5980  The Queen of Kindergarten 
 5981  Queen of the toilet bowl 
 5982  Queen Sophie Hartley 
 5983  The Queen's progress : an Elizabethan alphabet 
 5984  Question mark 
 5985  The quickest kid in Clarksville 
 5986  The quicksand question 
 5987  Quiet owls 
 5988  Quiet! you're invisible 
 5989  The Quigleys 
 5990  The Quigleys at large 
 5991  The quilt 
 5992  Quilt alphabet 
 5993  Quilting 
 5994  The quilting bee 
 5995  The quiltmaker's journey 
 5996  Quinn and Quenton 
 5997  Quotation marks 
 5998  Rabbit 
 5999  Rabbit goes duck hunting : a traditional Cherokee legend 
 6000  Rabbit hill 
 6001  Rabbit kits 
 6002  Rabbits 
 6003  Rabbits & raindrops 
 6004  Raccoon cubs 
 6005  Raccoon on his own 
 6006  Raccoons 
 6007  Race cars 
 6008  Race for the sky : the Kitty Hawk diaries of Johnny Moore 
 6009  Race into space 
 6010  Rachel Carson : preserving a sense of wonder 
 6011  Racism 
 6012  Racso and the rats of NIMH 
 6013  The radio 
 6014  Radio 
 6015  The radio : the world tunes in 
 6016  Radio rescue 
 6017  Rage of fire 
 6018  Ragweed 
 6019  Rain 
 6020  The rain came down 
 6021  Rain forest animals 
 6022  Rainbow crow : a Lenape tale 
 6023  The rainbow fish 
 6024  Rainbow Fish and the big blue whale 
 6025  Rainbow Fish and the Sea Monsters' Cave 
 6026  Rainbow Fish discovers the deep sea 
 6027  Rainbow Fish to the rescue! 
 6028  The rainbow mystery 
 6029  Rainbow soup : adventures in poetry 
 6030  The rainy day 
 6031  Raising Yoder's barn 
 6032  Rallo's goal 
 6033  Rama and Sita : a tale from ancient Java 
 6034  Ramadan 
 6035  Ramadan 
 6036  Ramona and her father 
 6037  Ramona's world 
 6038  Ranching 
 6039  The ransom of Mercy Carter 
 6040  Ransom's mark : a story based on the life of the pioneer Olive Oatman 
 6041  Rap a tap tap : here's Bojangles-- think of that! 
 6042  Raps, riddles, and concrete 
 6043  Raptor 
 6044  Raptor pack 
 6045  Rapunzel 
 6046  Rapunzel : a fairy tale 
 6047  Rapunzel : a fairy tale 
 6048  Rare animals 
 6049  Rattlesnake Mesa : stories from a Native American childhood 
 6050  Rattlesnakes 
 6051  Raven : a trickster tale from the Pacific Northwest 
 6052  Raven quest 
 6053  Raven's gate 
 6054  Ravens : problem solvers 
 6055  Ray Charles 
 6056  Read a rhyme, write a rhyme : poems 
 6057  Read about Amelia Earhart 
 6058  Read about Annie Oakley 
 6059  Read about Benjamin Franklin 
 6060  Read about George Washington Carver 
 6061  Read and rise 
 6062  Reading to learn : lessons from exemplary fourth-grade classrooms 
 6063  Ready, set, go cart! 
 6064  Ready, set, race! 
 6065  A real American 
 6066  The real lucky charm 
 6067  Real-world math for hands-on fun! 
 6068  Really hot science projects with temperature : how hot is it? how cold is it? 
 6069  The really rotten princess and the wonderful, wicked class play 
 6070  Really, truly, everything's fine 
 6071  Rebel 
 6072  Rebel with a cause : the daring adventure of Dicey Langston, girl spy of the American Revolution 
 6073  The rebellious colonists and the causes of the American Revolution 
 6074  Rebound 
 6075  The Recess Queen 
 6076  Rechenka's eggs 
 6077  Record breakers : a chapter book 
 6078  Recycled paper : from start to finish 
 6079  Recycling a can 
 6080  Red foxes 
 6081  Red leaf, yellow leaf 
 6082  Red pandas 
 6083  Red Riding Hood and the sweet little Wolf 
 6084  Red rubber boot day 
 6085  Red sled 
 6086  The Red Tails : World War II's Tuskegee airmen 
 6087  The red wolf 
 6088  The Red-Hot Rattoons 
 6089  Red-line blues 
 6090  Reflections 
 6091  Regarding the fountain : a tale, in letters, of liars and leaks 
 6092  Reina Ramos works it out! 
 6093  The relatives came 
 6094  Religions around the world 
 6095  The reluctant dragon 
 6096  The reluctant pitcher 
 6097  Reluctantly Alice 
 6098  A remainder of one 
 6099  Rembrandt 
 6100  Rembrandt's hat 
 6101  Remember : the journey to school integration 
 6102  Remember the bridge : poems of a people 
 6103  Remember the ladies : a story about Abigail Adams 
 6104  Renaissance 
 6105  Rent party jazz 
 6106  Replay : a new book 
 6107  The reptile room 
 6108  Reptiles 
 6109  Reptiles 
 6110  Reptiles are my life 
 6111  The rescue 
 6112  Rescue on the Outer Banks 
 6113  Rescue pup 
 6114  Researching with videos 
 6115  Researching with videos 
 6116  Resources and conservation 
 6117  Respecting others 
 6118  The respiratory system 
 6119  Responsibility 
 6120  The return of Gabriel 
 6121  The return of Rinaldo the sly fox 
 6122  Return of the home run kid 
 6123  The return of the Indian 
 6124  Return to Gallows Hill 
 6125  Return to Howliday Inn 
 6126  Revenge of the dragon lady 
 6127  Revenge of the living dummy 
 6128  A revolutionary field trip : poems of colonial America 
 6129  The Revolutionary War 
 6130  Revolutionary War 
 6131  The Revolutionary War and George Washington's army in American history 
 6132  Revolutionary War on Wednesday 
 6133  Rex Tabby, cat detective 
 6134  Rhinoceroses 
 6135  Rhinos 
 6136  Rhinos for lunch and elephants for supper! : a Maasai tale 
 6137  Rhode Island 
 6138  Ribbit riddles 
 6139  Richard M. Nixon : our thirty-seventh president 
 6140  Richard Wright and the library card 
 6141  Riddle me this! : riddles and stories to challenge your mind 
 6142  The riddle of the stolen sand 
 6143  Riding school : learn how to ride at a real riding school 
 6144  Riding the slides 
 6145  The right dog for the job : Ira's path from service dog to guide dog 
 6146  The righteous revenge of Artemis Bonner 
 6147  Rigor is not a four-letter word 
 6148  Rikki-tikki-tavi 
 6149  Rin, rin, rin, do, re, mi : libro ilustrado en español e inglés : a picture book in Spanish and English 
 6150  Ringo saves the day! : a true story 
 6151  Rip's secret spot 
 6152  Rip-roaring Russell 
 6153  Ripley's believe it or not! : amazing escapes 
 6154  Ripley's believe it or not! : creepy stuff 
 6155  River boy : the story of Mark Twain 
 6156  River discoveries 
 6157  River explorer 
 6158  River to victory : the Civil War in the West, 1861-1863 
 6159  Rivers 
 6160  The rivers of Zadaa 
 6161  Rivka's first Thanksgiving 
 6162  Road trip 
 6163  Roadrunners 
 6164  Roald Dahl's even more revolting recipes 
 6165  The roar of the crowd 
 6166  Robbie Packford-- alien monster 
 6167  Robert and the great escape 
 6168  Robert Cade : Gatorade inventor 
 6169  Robert Fulton 
 6170  Robert La Salle 
 6171  Robert Louis Stevenson 
 6172  Robert Smalls sails to freedom 
 6173  Robert's snowflakes : artists' snowflakes for cancer's cure 
 6174  Robin : an origin story 
 6175  Robotics : from Leonardo Da Vinci to Isaac Asimov 
 6176  Robots 
 6177  Robots 
 6178  Robots 
 6179  Robots 
 6180  Robots, robots everywhere! 
 6181  Robyn makes the news 
 6182  Rock climbing 
 6183  The rock cycle 
 6184  The rock cycle 
 6185  Rocket has a sleepover 
 6186  Rocket man : the Mercury adventure of John Glenn 
 6187  Rockets 
 6188  Rocks 
 6189  Rocks and minerals 
 6190  Rocks in his head 
 6191  Rocks, minerals, and fossils 
 6192  Rocky road trip 
 6193  Rodrick rules 
 6194  Rodzina 
 6195  Roll over! : a counting song 
 6196  Roller coaster 
 6197  Roller coasters 
 6198  Rolling in the aisles : a collection of laugh-out-loud poems 
 6199  Rome 
 6200  Ronald Morgan goes to bat 
 6201  Ronald Reagan : our fortieth president 
 6202  A rookery of penguins, and other bird groups 
 6203  Room on the broom 
 6204  A room with a zoo 
 6205  Rooster 
 6206  The rooster crows : a book of American rhymes and jingles 
 6207  Rooster's off to see the world 
 6208  Rootabaga stories 
 6209  The rope trick 
 6210  Rosa Parks 
 6211  Rosa Parks 
 6212  Rosa Parks 
 6213  Rosa Parks 
 6214  Rosa Raposa 
 6215  A Rose for Pinkerton 
 6216  Rosh Hashanah 
 6217  Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur 
 6218  Rosie : a visiting dog's story 
 6219  Rosie's walk 
 6220  Rosy Cole's worst ever, best yet tour of New York City 
 6221  Rotten Ralph helps out 
 6222  The rough-face girl 
 6223  Round trip 
 6224  Roundup of the street rovers 
 6225  Rover saves Christmas 
 6226  Rowan and the ice creepers 
 6227  Rowan and the Keeper of the Crystal 
 6228  Rowan of Rin 
 6229  Rowley Jefferson's Awesome friendly adventure 
 6230  Roxaboxen 
 6231  Roy makes a car 
 6232  Ruby bakes a cake 
 6233  Ruby Bridges takes her seat : courageous kid of the civil rights movement 
 6234  Ruby Lu, brave and true 
 6235  Ruby paints a picture 
 6236  Ruby's wish 
 6237  Rude giants 
 6238  Rude mule 
 6239  Rudi's pond 
 6240  Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer 
 6241  Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer 
 6242  Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer 
 6243  Rudolph W. Giuliani : America's mayor 
 6244  Rudyard Kipling 
 6245  The ruins of Gorlan 
 6246  Rumpelstiltskin's daughter 
 6247  Run away home 
 6248  Run, jump, hide, slide, splash : the 200 best outdoor games ever 
 6249  Runaway 
 6250  Runaway pumpkins 
 6251  The runaway racehorse 
 6252  Runaway Radish 
 6253  Runaway Ralph 
 6254  The runaway rice cake 
 6255  Running for public office 
 6256  Runny Babbit : a billy sook 
 6257  Runt 
 6258  Russell sprouts 
 6259  Russia 
 6260  Russia : the land 
 6261  Russian colonies in the Americas 
 6262  The rusty, trusty tractor 
 6263  Rutherford B. Hayes : our nineteenth president 
 6264  S.O.R. losers 
 6265  Sacagawea 
 6266  Sacagawea 
 6267  Sacajawea : her true story 
 6268  The sacrifice 
 6269  Sadiq and the Desert Star 
 6270  Sadiq and the green thumbs 
 6271  Sadiq and the pet problem 
 6272  Safari Park 
 6273  Safe at home 
 6274  Safe surfing on the Internet 
 6275  Safely to shore : America's lighthouses 
 6276  Safety during emergencies 
 6277  Safety in my neighborhood 
 6278  Safety on the Internet 
 6279  Saguaro moon : a desert journal 
 6280  Sail away 
 6281  Sailor Moo : cow at sea 
 6282  A sailor returns 
 6283  Saint Francis and the wolf 
 6284  Saint Francis of Assisi : a life of joy 
 6285  Saint George and the dragon : a golden legend 
 6286  Saint Nicholas 
 6287  Saint Patrick's Day 
 6288  Sally Ride : astronaut, scientist, teacher 
 6289  Salsa stories 
 6290  Salt in his shoes : Michael Jordan in pursuit of a dream 
 6291  Salta, cachorrito! 
 6292  Salting the ocean : 100 poems by young poets 
 6293  Sam and the lucky money 
 6294  Sam finds a monster 
 6295  Sam Johnson and the blue ribbon quilt 
 6296  Sam Samurai 
 6297  Sam, Bangs & moonshine 
 6298  Samantha and the missing pearls 
 6299  Samantha learns a lesson : a school story 
 6300  Samantha saves the day : a summer story 
 6301  Samantha saves the wedding 
 6302  Samantha's surprise : a Christmas story 
 6303  Same old horse 
 6304  The same stuff as stars 
 6305  Same, same but different 
 6306  Samir and Yonatan 
 6307  Sammy Keyes and the dead giveaway 
 6308  Sammy Keyes and the hotel thief 
 6309  Sammy Keyes and the search for Snake Eyes 
 6310  Samuel de Champlain 
 6311  Samuel F. B. Morse : inventor and code creator 
 6312  Sand 
 6313  Sand trap! : with Spider-Man, Squirrel-Girl, and the Sandman 
 6314  The sandbox 
 6315  Sandra Day O'Connor : Supreme Court justice 
 6316  Sanitation worker 
 6317  Santa calls 
 6318  Santa Claus : the world's number one toy expert 
 6319  Santa Claus doesn't mop floors 
 6320  The Santa Fe Trail : from Independence, Missouri to Santa Fe, New Mexico 
 6321  Santa Paws to the rescue 
 6322  Santa Paws, our hero 
 6323  Santa's moose 
 6324  Santa's secrets revealed : all your questions answered about Santa's super sleigh, his flying reindeer, and other wonders 
 6325  Sarah, plain and tall 
 6326  Satchel Paige 
 6327  Satellites 
 6328  Satellites and the GPS 
 6329  Saturday at The New You 
 6330  Saturdays and teacakes 
 6331  Saturn 
 6332  Saturn 
 6333  Saudi Arabia 
 6334  Saved by the boats : the heroic sea evacuation of September 11 
 6335  Saving birds : heroes around the world 
 6336  Saving money 
 6337  Saving money 
 6338  Saving Shiloh 
 6339  Saving Sweetness 
 6340  Saving the Liberty Bell 
 6341  Saxophones 
 6342  Say hola to Spanish at the circus 
 6343  Say something 
 6344  Say what? 
 6345  The scarecrow's hat 
 6346  Scared silly 
 6347  Scarlett the cat to the rescue : fire hero 
 6348  Scary, scary Halloween 
 6349  Scat, cat! 
 6350  Scat, cats! 
 6351  School days 
 6352  School daze : a book of riddles about school 
 6353  School jokes 
 6354  School Library Journal 
 6355  School picture day 
 6356  School secretaries 
 6357  The school skeleton 
 6358  A school year of poems : 180 favorites from Highlights 
 6359  Schoolhouse mystery 
 6360  Schoolyard games 
 6361  Schoolyard snickers : classy jokes that make the grade 
 6362  Science 
 6363  The science behind Batman's flying machines 
 6364  The science behind Batman's ground vehicles 
 6365  The science behind Batman's tools 
 6366  The science behind Batman's uniform 
 6367  Science experiments with color 
 6368  Science experiments with forces 
 6369  The science of the environment 
 6370  Science through children's literature : an integrated approach 
 6371  Score one for the sloths 
 6372  Score! : you can play soccer 
 6373  Scorpia 
 6374  The Scorpio Races 
 6375  Scorpions : the sneaky stingers 
 6376  Scotland 
 6377  Scotland 
 6378  Scott Joplin : the king of ragtime 
 6379  The scrambled states of America 
 6380  Scranimals : poems 
 6381  Sculpting & drama 
 6382  Sea giants of dinosaur time 
 6383  Sea horses 
 6384  Sea lions 
 6385  Sea lions 
 6386  Sea monsters don't ride motorcycles 
 6387  The sea of monsters 
 6388  The Sea of Trolls 
 6389  Sea serpents don't juggle water balloons 
 6390  Sea shores 
 6391  Sea snakes 
 6392  Sea turtles 
 6393  Seahorses 
 6394  The Seal Island seven 
 6395  Sealed with a kiss 
 6396  Seals 
 6397  The seals on the bus 
 6398  The search for Belle Prater 
 6399  The search for poison-dart frogs 
 6400  The search for the missing bones 
 6401  The search for the ultimate race car 
 6402  Searching for grizzlies 
 6403  Searching for Oliver K. Woodman 
 6404  Searching for stormy weather with a scientist 
 6405  The seashore 
 6406  Season of promise 
 6407  Seasons 
 6408  The seasons 
 6409  The seasons 
 6410  The seasons of Arnold's apple tree 
 6411  Seaweed soup 
 6412  Second banana 
 6413  Second cousins 
 6414  Secret along the St. Mary's 
 6415  The secret birthday message 
 6416  The secret footprints 
 6417  Secret holes 
 6418  Secret identity 
 6419  The secret language of girls 
 6420  The secret of Shazam! 
 6421  The secret of the green skin 
 6422  The secret of the old clock 
 6423  The secret of the red flame 
 6424  The secret of the stones : a folktale 
 6425  Secret summer dreams 
 6426  The secret world of the Aztecs 
 6427  Secrets of the Sphinx 
 6428  Secrets on 26th Street 
 6429  Sector 7 
 6430  Sediment 
 6431  Sedimentary rocks 
 6432  See me run 
 6433  See you around, Sam! 
 6434  See you later, gladiator 
 6435  Seed to plant 
 6436  Seedfolks 
 6437  Seeds 
 6438  Seeing in living things 
 6439  Seeing lessons : the story of Abigail Carter and America's first school for blind people 
 6440  The seeing stone 
 6441  Seeing Sugar 
 6442  Seeker of knowledge : the man who deciphered Egyptian hieroglyphs 
 6443  Self-driving cars 
 6444  Self-driving cars 
 6445  Self-respect 
 6446  Selina and the bear paw quilt 
 6447  The Seminole 
 6448  Senate 
 6449  The Seneca Falls Women's Rights Convention 
 6450  Sentences 
 6451  Sergei Prokofiev's Peter and the wolf 
 6452  Sergio and the hurricane 
 6453  Serious farm 
 6454  Serving in the military 
 6455  Serving on a jury 
 6456  Serving on a jury 
 6457  Sets : sorting into groups 
 6458  The settling of Jamestown 
 6459  Seurat and La Grande Jatte : connecting the dots 
 6460  Seven brave women 
 6461  The seven Chinese brothers 
 6462  The seven Chinese sisters 
 6463  The seven silly eaters 
 6464  The seven wonders of Sassafras Springs 
 6465  Seven wonders of the natural world 
 6466  Seymour Simon's book of trains. 
 6467  Shades of black : a celebration of our children 
 6468  Shadow 
 6469  Shadow beast 
 6470  Shadow on the stars 
 6471  Shadows in the glasshouse 
 6472  Shake dem Halloween bones 
 6473  Shake, rattle & roll : the founders of rock & roll 
 6474  Shakespeare 
 6475  The Shakespeare stealer 
 6476  Shakespeare's daughter 
 6477  Shakespeare's secret 
 6478  The shaman's apprentice : a tale of the Amazon rain forest 
 6479  The Shamer's signet 
 6480  Shampoozel 
 6481  The shape of me and other stuff 
 6482  The shape of me and other stuff. 
 6483  Shaper 
 6484  Shapes 
 6485  Shapes : discovering flats and solids 
 6486  Shapes at home 
 6487  Shapes, shapes, shapes 
 6488  Shaquille O'Neal 
 6489  Share it! : Instagram projects for the real world 
 6490  Shark swimathon 
 6491  Sharkabet : a sea of sharks from A to Z 
 6492  Sharks 
 6493  Sharks! : strange and wonderful 
 6494  Sharon and Shawn 
 6495  Shattering earthquakes 
 6496  She'll be comin' 'round the mountain 
 6497  Sheep 
 6498  Sheep in a shop 
 6499  Sheep on a ship 
 6500  Sheep trick or treat 
 6501  Sheila Rae, the brave 
 6502  Shelley shock 
 6503  Sherman Crunchley 
 6504  Shetland in the shed 
 6505  Shiloh 
 6506  Shipwreck Saturday 
 6507  Shipwrecks 
 6508  Shoeless Joe & Black Betsy 
 6509  Shop talk 
 6510  Short takes : fast-break basketball poetry 
 6511  Should I share my ice cream? 
 6512  Show and tell 
 6513  Show me insects 
 6514  Show way 
 6515  Showing distance in art 
 6516  Shrek 2 gag book 
 6517  Shrek the third : friends and foes 
 6518  Shrek! 
 6519  Shrinking Violet 
 6520  The shrouding woman 
 6521  Shut-out! 
 6522  Sick day jitters 
 6523  Sid the Science Kid : a cavity is a hole in your tooth 
 6524  Sid the Science Kid : the trouble with germs 
 6525  Sid the Science Kid : why are my shoes shrinking? 
 6526  Sid the Science Kid : why did my ice pop melt? 
 6527  Sidekicks 
 6528  Sideways stories from Wayside School 
 6529  Sideways stories from Wayside School 
 6530  The siege of the Alamo 
 6531  The sign of the beaver 
 6532  The sign of the twisted candles 
 6533  The sign painter 
 6534  Silent Letters Loud and Clear. 
 6535  Silent night : the song and its story 
 6536  The silent witness : a true story of the Civil War 
 6537  Silk 
 6538  Silk umbrellas 
 6539  Silly cars 
 6540  Silly Sally 
 6541  Silver 
 6542  Silver dollar girl 
 6543  Silver seeds : a book of nature poems 
 6544  The silver thread 
 6545  Silverwing 
 6546  Similes and metaphors 
 6547  Simon and the snowflakes 
 6548  Simply Alice 
 6549  Sindbad's secret 
 6550  Sing a song of piglets : a calendar in verse 
 6551  Sing a song of sixpence : a pocketful of nursery rhymes and tales 
 6552  Sing me a story : song-and-dance tales from the Caribbean 
 6553  The singing man : a West African folktale 
 6554  Sinking and floating 
 6555  The sinking of the Titanic 
 6556  Sioux 
 6557  Sir Cumference and the sword in the cone : a math adventure 
 6558  Sir Francis Drake 
 6559  Sirens and sea monsters 
 6560  Sister Anne's hands 
 6561  Sit-ins and freedom rides : the power of nonviolent resistance 
 6562  Sitting Bull 
 6563  Sitting Bull, 1831-1890 
 6564  Six million paper clips : the making of a children's Holocaust memorial 
 6565  Six sheep sip thick shakes : and other tricky tongue twisters 
 6566  Six-dinner Sid 
 6567  Sixteen fleecy sheep : a book about vowels 
 6568  Sixth grade secrets 
 6569  Size : many ways to measure 
 6570  Sizes at school 
 6571  Skate, Robyn, skate! 
 6572  Skateboard renegade 
 6573  Skateboards 
 6574  The skeletal system 
 6575  The skeletal system 
 6576  The skeletal system 
 6577  Skeleton bones & goblin groans : poems for Halloween 
 6578  The skeleton in the closet 
 6579  The skeleton in the Smithsonian 
 6580  Skeletons don't play tubas 
 6581  Skellig 
 6582  Skellig : the play ; Wild girl, wild boy : a play 
 6583  Sketches from a spy tree : poems 
 6584  The skies 
 6585  The skin 
 6586  Skinny and fats, best friends 
 6587  Skinny-dipping at Monster Lake 
 6588  Skinnybones 
 6589  The skirt 
 6590  The skull alphabet book 
 6591  Skunk kits 
 6592  Skunk scout 
 6593  Skunks 
 6594  Sky color 
 6595  Sky watcher 
 6596  Skyscrapers 
 6597  Skyscrapers 
 6598  SkySisters 
 6599  A slave family 
 6600  The slave trade in early America 
 6601  Slavery and the Underground Railroad : bound for freedom 
 6602  Sleds on Boston Common : a story from the American Revolution 
 6603  Sleep tight, Little Mouse 
 6604  Sleeping Beauty 
 6605  Sleeping Bobby 
 6606  Sleeping for good health 
 6607  Sleeping over 
 6608  Sleeping ugly 
 6609  Sleepover sleuths 
 6610  Sleepy Sheepy 
 6611  Sloane and Sly 
 6612  Sloths 
 6613  Sludge and slime : oil spills in our world 
 6614  Slugs 
 6615  Slugs and snails 
 6616  The sly fox and the chicks 
 6617  Sly the Sleuth and the pet mysteries 
 6618  Small pig 
 6619  Small steps 
 6620  Small town 
 6621  Smart about the fifty states 
 6622  The smart cookie 
 6623  Smartypants : (Pete in school) 
 6624  Smelling 
 6625  Smelling in living things 
 6626  Smile a lot! 
 6627  The Smithsonian Institution 
 6628  Smoky night 
 6629  Smooth and rough 
 6630  The smuggler's treasure 
 6631  Snack time around the world 
 6632  The snake by the lake 
 6633  Snake camp 
 6634  Snake charmer 
 6635  Snakes 
 6636  Snap it! : snapchat projects for the real world 
 6637  Sneakers 
 6638  The sneetches : and other stories 
 6639  Snow 
 6640  Snow 
 6641  Snow 
 6642  Snow and more snow! 
 6643  The snow child 
 6644  Snow is falling 
 6645  Snow White stories around the world : 4 beloved tales 
 6646  Snowball soup 
 6647  Snowballs 
 6648  Snowboarding on Monster Mountain 
 6649  Snowbound mystery 
 6650  Snowed in with Grandmother Silk 
 6651  Snowflake Bentley 
 6652  A snowflake fell : poems about winter 
 6653  Snowgre 
 6654  Snowmen at night 
 6655  Snug in Mama's arms 
 6656  So B. It : a novel 
 6657  So far from home : the diary of Mary Driscoll, an Irish mill girl 
 6658  So far from the sea 
 6659  So many cats! 
 6660  So you have to teach math? : sound advice for K-6 teachers 
 6661  So you want to be an explorer? 
 6662  So you want to be president? 
 6663  Soapmaking : 50 fun & fabulous soaps to melt & pour 
 6664  Soaring bald eagles 
 6665  Soaring through the universe : astronomy through children's literature 
 6666  Soccer 
 6667  Soccer beat 
 6668  Soccer duel 
 6669  Soccer is fun! 
 6670  The soccer mom from outer space 
 6671  Soccer scoop 
 6672  Soccer switch 
 6673  Socks 
 6674  Sofia Valdez, future prez 
 6675  Soft and hard 
 6676  Soft hay will catch you : poems by young people 
 6677  Soil 
 6678  Soil 
 6679  Soil 
 6680  Soil : a resource our world depends on 
 6681  Sojourner Truth 
 6682  Sojourner Truth 
 6683  Sojourner Truth : a voice for freedom 
 6684  Solar power 
 6685  Solar power 
 6686  Solar power 
 6687  The solar system 
 6688  Solar systems : planets, stars, and orbits 
 6689  Soldering 
 6690  Soldier bear 
 6691  The solid truth about matter 
 6692  Solid, liquid, and gas 
 6693  Solids, liquids, and gases 
 6694  Some folks like cats and other poems 
 6695  Some friend 
 6696  Some frog! 
 6697  Some from the moon, some from the sun : poems and songs for everyone 
 6698  Some kids are deaf 
 6699  Some kids use wheelchairs 
 6700  Some kids wear leg braces 
 6701  Some things change 
 6702  Something beautiful 
 6703  Something from nothing : adapted from a Jewish folktale 
 6704  Something special for me 
 6705  Sometimes my mommy gets angry 
 6706  Song and dance man 
 6707  A song for Gwendolyn Brooks 
 6708  Song Lee and the "I hate you" notes 
 6709  Song Lee in Room 2B 
 6710  Song of the trees 
 6711  Songbirds : the language of song 
 6712  Songs of myself : an anthology of poems and art 
 6713  Sonny the daring squirrel 
 6714  Sonny's house of spies 
 6715  Sophie's masterpiece : a spider's tale 
 6716  Sophie's squash 
 6717  Sorcerer of the waves 
 6718  Sore throats and tonsillitis 
 6719  Sorting plants : what is a flower? 
 6720  Soul looks back in wonder 
 6721  Sound 
 6722  Sound 
 6723  Sound and hearing 
 6724  Sound and hearing 
 6725  Sound and light 
 6726  Sound effects 
 6727  Sounder 
 6728  Souperchicken 
 6729  The sour grape 
 6730  South Africa 
 6731  South Africa 
 6732  South America 
 6733  South Carolina 
 6734  South Dakota 
 6735  The Southeast Indians : daily life in the 1500s 
 6736  The Southwest Indians : daily life in the 1500s 
 6737  The Sower of Tales 
 6738  Space 
 6739  Space & art activities 
 6740  Space : FAQ, frequently asked questions 
 6741  Space dramas 
 6742  Space exploration 
 6743  Space exploration : from Galileo Galilei to Neil Degrasse Tyson 
 6744  Space explorers 
 6745  Space missions 
 6746  Space mysteries 
 6747  Space mysteries 
 6748  Space pirates : a map-reading adventure 
 6749  Space race 
 6750  Space science 
 6751  Space science 
 6752  The space shuttle 
 6753  Space station rat 
 6754  Space stations 
 6755  Space travel 
 6756  Space travelers 
 6757  Space walks 
 6758  Spacecraft 
 6759  Spanish colonies in the Americas 
 6760  Sparrow Jack 
 6761  Speak English for us, Marisol! 
 6762  Spelling rules 
 6763  Spending money 
 6764  Spending money 
 6765  Spheres 
 6766  The spider and the fly 
 6767  Spiderology 
 6768  Spiders 
 6769  Spiders and their web sites 
 6770  Spiders and their webs 
 6771  Spiders! 
 6772  Spiders, inside and out 
 6773  The spiffiest giant in town 
 6774  Spike in the city 
 6775  Spinosaurus 
 6776  Spinosaurus 
 6777  Splash! 
 6778  Splat the Cat gets a job! 
 6779  Splatoon squid kids comedy show. 
 6780  Splatoon squid kids comedy show. 
 6781  SpongeBob Airpants : the lost episode 
 6782  SpongeBob superstar 
 6783  The spoon in the bathroom wall 
 6784  Sports hall of fame, weird 
 6785  Sportsmanship 
 6786  Spotlight on Cody 
 6787  Spots, feathers, and curly tails 
 6788  Spring :  
 6789  Spring : March, April, and May 
 6790  The spring equinox : celebrating the greening of the earth 
 6791  Spring song 
 6792  Springer spaniels 
 6793  Springtime addition 
 6794  Spunky tells all 
 6795  The spy in the alley 
 6796  Squanto and the first Thanksgiving 
 6797  Squanto and the first Thanksgiving 
 6798  Squeaking of art : the mice go to the museum 
 6799  Squeal and squawk : barnyard talk 
 6800  Squeeze : poems from a juicy universe 
 6801  Squid 
 6802  The squiggle 
 6803  Squirrel and John Muir 
 6804  Squirrel kits 
 6805  Squishy circuits 
 6806  Squizzy the black squirrel : a fabulous fable of friendship 
 6807  St. Patrick's Day 
 6808  St. Patrick's Day : parades, shamrocks, and leprechauns 
 6809  St. Patrick's day alphabet 
 6810  St. Patrick's Day crafts 
 6811  Stadiums 
 6812  Stage fright on a summer night 
 6813  Stagestruck 
 6814  Stamp it! : 50 amazing projects to make 
 6815  Stand tall, Molly Lou Melon 
 6816  Stanley mows the lawn 
 6817  Stanley, flat again! 
 6818  The star-bearer : a creation myth from ancient Egypt 
 6819  The Star-Spangled Banner 
 6820  The Star-Spangled Banner 
 6821  The Star-Spangled Banner 
 6822  The star-spangled banner : America's national anthem and its history 
 6823  Star-spangled crafts 
 6824  Starring Grace 
 6825  Stars 
 6826  Stars 
 6827  Stars 
 6828  Stars and stripes : the story of the American flag 
 6829  Start and stop 
 6830  Start writing about things I do 
 6831  Start writing adventure stories 
 6832  Start writing amazing stories 
 6833  Starting with Alice 
 6834  Starting with Shakespeare : successfully introducing Shakespeare to children 
 6835  The starving time 
 6836  The state governor 
 6837  The state legislative branch 
 6838  States of matter 
 6839  States of matter 
 6840  The Statue of Liberty 
 6841  The Statue of Liberty 
 6842  The Statue of Liberty : introducing primary sources 
 6843  Stay in line 
 6844  Stay! : Keeper's story 
 6845  Staying safe 
 6846  Staying safe online 
 6847  Staying safe online 
 6848  Stealing home 
 6849  Stealing Thunder 
 6850  The steam engine : fueling the Industrial Revolution 
 6851  Stefan's story 
 6852  Stegosaurus 
 6853  Stella Louella's runaway book 
 6854  Stellaluna 
 6855  Step gently out 
 6856  Steph Curry 
 6857  Stephanie's ponytail 
 6858  The Steps 
 6859  Steve Irwin 
 6860  The stick and stone age 
 6861  Stick and Stone on the go 
 6862  Stick and Stone. 
 6863  Stick Dog comes to town 
 6864  Still there, Clare 
 6865  Still-life stew 
 6866  Stinky 
 6867  The Stinky Cheese Man and other fairly stupid tales 
 6868  The stinky cheese surprise 
 6869  Stock cars 
 6870  Stocking up for the storm 
 6871  The stone : a Persian legend of the Magi 
 6872  The stone lamp : eight stories of Hanukkah through history 
 6873  Stone soup 
 6874  Stopping by woods on a snowy evening 
 6875  Stopping to home 
 6876  A storm called Katrina 
 6877  Storm in the night 
 6878  Storm Maker's tipi 
 6879  Storms of the past and the future 
 6880  The story goes on 
 6881  The story of a seagull and the cat who taught her to fly 
 6882  The story of Blue Elk 
 6883  The story of Cassiopeia 
 6884  The story of chopsticks 
 6885  The story of Divaali 
 6886  The story of Ferdinand 
 6887  The story of Ferdinand 
 6888  The story of figure skating 
 6889  The story of Halloween 
 6890  The story of Johnny Appleseed 
 6891  The story of Jumping Mouse : a Native American legend 
 6892  The story of Muhammad Ali 
 6893  The story of Pegasus 
 6894  The story of Perseus 
 6895  The story of Ruby Bridges 
 6896  The story of soccer 
 6897  The story of the Easter Bunny 
 6898  The story of the H.L. Hunley and Queenie's coin 
 6899  The story of the incredible orchestra : an introduction to musical instruments and the symphony orchestra 
 6900  The story of the Jeep 
 6901  Story of the Nile 
 6902  The story of Ursa Major and Ursa Minor : a Roman constellation myth : a retelling 
 6903  A story, a story : an African tale 
 6904  The storytelling princess 
 6905  Stowaway 
 6906  Strange Mr. Satie 
 6907  Strawberry moon 
 6908  The stray dog 
 6909  Straydog 
 6910  Strega Nona : her story 
 6911  Strega Nona meets her match 
 6912  Strega Nona takes a vacation 
 6913  Strega Nona's magic lessons 
 6914  Strider 
 6915  Stuart at the library 
 6916  Stuart Little 
 6917  Stubby and the Puppy Pack to the rescue 
 6918  Stuff for your space 
 6919  The stuffed bear mystery 
 6920  Stunt bicycle riding 
 6921  The stupendous dodgeball fiasco 
 6922  Subira subira 
 6923  Submarines 
 6924  Substitute teacher plans 
 6925  Suburb 
 6926  Subway 
 6927  Suddenly twins! 
 6928  Sugar 
 6929  Sugar 
 6930  Sukey and the mermaid 
 6931  Sumi's first day of school ever 
 6932  Summer :  
 6933  Summer : an alphabet acrostic 
 6934  The summer camp mystery 
 6935  Summer in Savannah 
 6936  The summer my father was ten 
 6937  Summer of adventure 
 6938  Summer of changes 
 6939  The summer of Riley 
 6940  Summer of suspense 
 6941  Summer of the skunks 
 6942  The summer of the swans 
 6943  Summer party 
 6944  Summer reading is killing me! 
 6945  Summer sun risin' 
 6946  Summer with Elisa 
 6947  Summer's vacation 
 6948  Summerland 
 6949  Summersaults : poems & paintings 
 6950  The summit 
 6951  The sun 
 6952  The sun 
 6953  Sun 
 6954  The sun 
 6955  The sun 
 6956  Sun & Spoon 
 6957  Sun bread 
 6958  The sun in me : poems about the planet 
 6959  The sun is my favorite star 
 6960  Sun Mother wakes the world : an Australian creation story 
 6961  The sundae scoop 
 6962  Sunday best 
 6963  Sunflower 
 6964  Sunny Boy! : the life and times of a tortoise 
 6965  Sunrise, sunset 
 6966  The Sunset Gates 
 6967  Sunshine 
 6968  Sunwing 
 6969  Super paramedic! 
 6970  A super scary Narwhalloween 
 6971  Super senses 
 6972  Super-completely and totally the messiest 
 6973  Super-sized science projects with volume : how much space does it take up? 
 6974  Superdog the Heart of a Hero 
 6975  Superfudge 
 6976  Supergirl : an origin story 
 6977  Superman : an origin story 
 6978  Superman is a good citizen 
 6979  Supermarket 
 6980  Supreme Court 
 6981  Supreme Court 
 6982  Sure as sunrise : stories of Bruh Rabbit & his walkin' talkin' friends 
 6983  Surprise Island 
 6984  Surprising sharks 
 6985  Surviving Brick Johnson 
 6986  Surviving Jamestown : the adventures of young Sam Collier 
 6987  Surviving the Applewhites 
 6988  Susan B. Anthony 
 6989  Susan laughs 
 6990  Suspended 
 6991  Swamp : Bayou Teche, Louisiana, 1851 
 6992  Swamp Angel 
 6993  Swamp monsters don't chase wild turkeys 
 6994  Swan sister : fairy tales retold 
 6995  Swan song : poems of extinction 
 6996  Swear to howdy 
 6997  Sweet Briar goes to school 
 6998  Sweet Clara and the freedom quilt 
 6999  Sweet dream pie 
 7000  Sweet potato pie 
 7001  A sweet smell of roses 
 7002  The sweet treasure 
 7003  Sweet whispers, Brother Rush 
 7004  Sweet, sweet memory 
 7005  Swim team 
 7006  Swimming and diving 
 7007  Swimming salmon 
 7008  Swimmy 
 7009  Swine Lake 
 7010  Swing around the sun : poems 
 7011  Swing sloth! : explore the rain forest 
 7012  Swirl by swirl : spirals in nature 
 7013  Switch play! 
 7014  Switcharound 
 7015  Switzerland 
 7016  Sybil Ludington's midnight ride 
 7017  Sylvester and the magic pebble 
 7018  Sylvia & Miz Lula Maye 
 7019  Sylvie 
 7020  Synonyms and antonyms 
 7021  T is for teachers : a school alphabet 
 7022  T is for touchdown : a football alphabet 
 7023  Tabby in the tub 
 7024  Tackling Dad 
 7025  Tacky and the Winter Games 
 7026  Tadpole 
 7027  Tai chi morning : snapshots of China 
 7028  Take a technowalk : to learn about mechanisms and energy 
 7029  Take me out of the bathtub and other silly dilly songs 
 7030  Take me out to the ballgame : the sensational baseball song 
 7031  Takedown 
 7032  Taking care of Moses 
 7033  Taking care of my teeth 
 7034  Taking root 
 7035  Taking you places : a book about bus drivers 
 7036  The tale of Despereaux : being the story of a mouse, a princess, some soup, and a spool of thread 
 7037  The tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle 
 7038  The tale of the Firebird 
 7039  The tale of Tricky Fox : a New England trickster tale 
 7040  Tales for very picky eaters 
 7041  Tales from a not-so dorky drama queen 
 7042  Tales from a not-so-best friend forever 
 7043  Tales from a not-so-best friend forever 
 7044  Tales from a not-so-dorky drama queen 
 7045  Tales from a not-so-fabulous life 
 7046  Tales from a not-so-friendly frenemy 
 7047  Tales from a not-so-glam TV star 
 7048  Tales from a not-so-happily ever after 
 7049  Tales from a not-so-happy birthday 
 7050  Tales from a not-so-happy heartbreaker 
 7051  Tales from a not-so-perfect pet sitter 
 7052  Tales from a not-so-secret crush catastrophe 
 7053  Tales from old Ireland 
 7054  Tales of a fourth grade nothing 
 7055  Tales of cats 
 7056  Tales of enchantment 
 7057  The tales of Uncle Remus : the adventures of Brer Rabbit 
 7058  Tales told in tents : stories from Central Asia 
 7059  Talkin' about Bessie : the story of aviator Elizabeth Coleman 
 7060  The talking eggs : a folktale from the American South 
 7061  The talking T. Rex 
 7062  Tall story 
 7063  Tally charts 
 7064  Tally O'Malley 
 7065  Tam and Tom 
 7066  Tanka Tanka Skunk! : rhythm and rhyme 
 7067  Tanks 
 7068  Tanzania 
 7069  Tap the magic tree 
 7070  Tap-dance fever 
 7071  Tarantulas 
 7072  Taste 
 7073  Taste 
 7074  Tasting 
 7075  Tasting in living things 
 7076  The tattletale mystery 
 7077  Tatty Ratty 
 7078  Taxes, taxes! : where the money goes 
 7079  Teach us, Amelia Bedelia 
 7080  Teacher Appreciation Day 
 7081  Teacher-centered professional development 
 7082  Teaching & learning through multiple intelligences 
 7083  Teaching every student in the Digital Age : universal design for learning 
 7084  Teaching language arts through literature : grades 4-6 
 7085  Teaching reading with multicultural books kids love 
 7086  Teaching state history : a guide to developing a multicultural curriculum 
 7087  Teaching with Cinderella stories from around the world 
 7088  Teaching with favorite read-alouds in kindergarten 
 7089  Teamwork 
 7090  Technology 
 7091  Tecumseh, 1768-1813 
 7092  Teddy bears : from start to finish 
 7093  Teddy Roosevelt : the people's president 
 7094  Teeth 
 7095  Teeth, tails, & tentacles : an animal counting book 
 7096  TEL Tennessee Electronic Library 
 7097  The telephone 
 7098  Telephone and fax 
 7099  Telephones 
 7100  The telescope : looking into space 
 7101  Telescopes 
 7102  Telescopes 
 7103  Television 
 7104  Television 
 7105  The television : window to the world 
 7106  Television reporters 
 7107  Tell me the day backwards 
 7108  Telling time : how to tell time on digital and analog clocks! 
 7109  The temperate forest : a web of life 
 7110  Temperature 
 7111  Temperature : heating up and cooling down 
 7112  Ten apples up on top! 
 7113  Ten black dots 
 7114  Ten little caterpillars 
 7115  Ten little rabbits 
 7116  Ten mice for Tet 
 7117  Ten red apples 
 7118  Ten sly piranhas : a counting story in reverse (a tale of wickedness--and worse!) 
 7119  Ten, nine, eight 
 7120  Ten-Gallon Bart and the Wild West Show 
 7121  Tennessee 
 7122  Tennessee 
 7123  Tennessee 
 7124  Tennessee 
 7125  Tennessee facts and symbols 
 7126  The Tennessee River 
 7127  Tennessee Titans 
 7128  Tennessee Titans 
 7129  Tennis 
 7130  Tennis 
 7131  Tentacles! : tales of the giant squid 
 7132  Tepees 
 7133  Terrible tyrannosaurs 
 7134  Terrier in the tinsel 
 7135  The terror of the pink dodo balloons 
 7136  Test better, teach better : the instructional role of assessment 
 7137  Texas 
 7138  Thailand 
 7139  Thailand 
 7140  Thank you, Miss Doover 
 7141  Thank you, Mr. Falker 
 7142  Thanksgiving 
 7143  Thanksgiving 
 7144  Thanksgiving 
 7145  The Thanksgiving door 
 7146  Thanksgiving in the White House 
 7147  Thanksgiving is-- 
 7148  Thanksgiving on Plymouth Plantation 
 7149  A Thanksgiving turkey 
 7150  That costs two shells : the history of money 
 7151  That dancin' dolly : a retelling of "Buffalo Gals," a traditional American song 
 7152  That is not a good idea! 
 7153  That's hard, that's easy 
 7154  That's our gym teacher! 
 7155  That's our librarian! 
 7156  Then again, maybe I won't : a novel 
 7157  Theodore Roosevelt : the adventurous president 
 7158  There are monsters everywhere 
 7159  There is a flower at the tip of my nose smelling me 
 7160  There once was a very odd school and other lunch-box limericks 
 7161  There was an old astronaut who swallowed the moon! 
 7162  There was an old lady who swallowed a clover! 
 7163  There was an old lady who swallowed Fly Guy 
 7164  There was an old lady who swallowed some books! 
 7165  There was an old pirate who swallowed a map! 
 7166  There was an old scientist who swallowed a dinosaur! 
 7167  There you are : a novel 
 7168  There's a bat in bunk five 
 7169  There's a boy in the girls' bathroom 
 7170  There's a frog in my throat! : 440 animal sayings a little bird told me 
 7171  There's a girl in my hammerlock 
 7172  There's a house inside my mommy 
 7173  There's a monster under my bed 
 7174  There's a nightmare in my closet 
 7175  There's a wocket in my pocket! 
 7176  There's a zoo in room 22 
 7177  There's an alligator under my bed 
 7178  There's an owl in the shower 
 7179  Thermometers 
 7180  Thesaurus Rex 
 7181  They call me woolly : what animal names can tell us 
 7182  They led the way 
 7183  The thief, the fool, and the big fat king 
 7184  The thieves of Ostia : a Roman mystery 
 7185  Things I like about grandma 
 7186  Things that sometimes happen : very short stories for little listeners 
 7187  Things will never be the same 
 7188  Thinking mathematically : integrating arithmetic and algebra in elementary school 
 7189  Third Gift 
 7190  Third grade stinks! 
 7191  The third wheel 
 7192  The thirteen colonies 
 7193  This amazing world 
 7194  This boat 
 7195  This first Thanksgiving day : a counting story 
 7196  This gum for hire : from the tattered casebook of Chet Gecko, private eye 
 7197  This is my town 
 7198  This is the dog 
 7199  This is the dream 
 7200  This is the farmer 
 7201  This is the house that Jack built 
 7202  This is the house that was tidy & neat 
 7203  This is the turkey 
 7204  This little light of mine 
 7205  This little light of mine 
 7206  This place I know : poems of comfort 
 7207  This train is bound for glory 
 7208  This year's garden 
 7209  Thomas Alva Edison 
 7210  Thomas Edison 
 7211  Thomas Edison : a brilliant inventor 
 7212  Thomas Edison to the rescue! 
 7213  Thomas Jefferson 
 7214  Thomas Jefferson : third president, 1801-1809 
 7215  Thoroughbred horses 
 7216  A thread of kindness : a tzedaka story 
 7217  The three billy goats gruff 
 7218  The three billy goats Gruff 
 7219  The three billygoats Gruff and Mean Calypso Joe 
 7220  Three cat and mouse tales 
 7221  Three days 
 7222  Three good deeds 
 7223  The three little pigs : an old story 
 7224  The three little rabbits : a Balkan folktale 
 7225  The three little wolves and the big bad pig 
 7226  Three more stories you can read to your cat 
 7227  The three pigs 
 7228  Three rotten eggs 
 7229  Three samurai cats : a story from Japan 
 7230  The three silly girls Grubb 
 7231  Three swords for Granada 
 7232  A three-minute speech : Lincoln's remarks at Gettysburg 
 7233  The thumb in the box 
 7234  Thumbelina 
 7235  Thunder at Gettysburg 
 7236  Thunder cake 
 7237  Thunder Rose 
 7238  Thunderbirds : rescue mission 
 7239  Thunderbirds forever! 
 7240  Thurgood Marshall 
 7241  Thurgood Marshall : civil rights champion 
 7242  Tide Stealers. 
 7243  Tierra del Fuego : a journey to the end of the earth 
 7244  The tiger and the wise man 
 7245  The tiger has a toothache : helping animals at the zoo 
 7246  Tiger math : learning to graph from a baby tiger 
 7247  Tiger Woods 
 7248  Tiger Woods 
 7249  Tiger's fall 
 7250  Tigers 
 7251  Tigers 
 7252  Tigers. 
 7253  Time for Andrew : a ghost story 
 7254  Time for school, mouse! 
 7255  The time hackers 
 7256  Time of wonder 
 7257  Time remote 
 7258  A time to dance 
 7259  Time to sleep 
 7260  Time to tell time 
 7261  Time with a calendar 
 7262  Time with a clock 
 7263  A timeline of the White House 
 7264  Times of the day 
 7265  Timothy Tunny swallowed a bunny 
 7266  Tinka 
 7267  Tinker Bell's tea party 
 7268  The tinker's daughter : a story based on the life of Mary Bunyan 
 7269  Tiny life on plants 
 7270  Tiny workers : ants in your backyard 
 7271  Tippy Lemmey 
 7272  Titanic : a nonfiction companion to Tonight on the Titanic 
 7273  The Titanic, lost-- and found 
 7274  Tito, the firefighter / : Tito, el bombero / escrito por Tim Hoppey ; ilustrado por Kimberly Hoffman ; traducido por Eida de la Vega. 
 7275  TJ and the haunted house 
 7276  To be an artist 
 7277  To catch a Clownosaurus 
 7278  To everything there is a season 
 7279  To fly : the story of the Wright brothers 
 7280  To market, to market 
 7281  To root, to toot, to parachute : what is a verb? 
 7282  To scratch a thief : a novel 
 7283  To the Pacific 
 7284  To the top of Everest 
 7285  Toasting marshmallows : camping poems 
 7286  Toby's best friend 
 7287  Today is cold 
 7288  Today is hot 
 7289  Today is rainy 
 7290  Today is snowy 
 7291  Today is sunny 
 7292  Today is windy 
 7293  Toes 
 7294  Togo 
 7295  Tolerance 
 7296  Tolerance 
 7297  Tom bites back 
 7298  Tom's tail 
 7299  Tomatoes to ketchup 
 7300  Tomorrow is a brand new day 
 7301  Tomás and the library lady 
 7302  Tomás Rivera 
 7303  Toni Morrison 
 7304  Toni Morrison : the magic of words 
 7305  Tonight on the Titanic 
 7306  Toning the sweep 
 7307  Tony Hawk 
 7308  Tony Hawk, Andy Macdonald : ride to the top 
 7309  Too cool for school 
 7310  Too many valentines 
 7311  Tooga : the story of a polar bear 
 7312  Toot & Puddle : I'll be home for Christmas 
 7313  The tooth fairy wars 
 7314  Tooth Fairy's first night 
 7315  Toots the cat 
 7316  Top 10 birds for kids 
 7317  The top 10 ways to ruin the first day of 5th grade 
 7318  Top secret anniversary 
 7319  Tornadoes 
 7320  The tortoise and the hare : an Aesop fable 
 7321  Toss & learn games. 
 7322  Totally Joe 
 7323  Toucans 
 7324  Touch blue 
 7325  Touching 
 7326  Touching in living things 
 7327  Tough Boris 
 7328  Town mouse, country mouse 
 7329  Toxic waste : chemical spills in our world 
 7330  Toy box subtraction 
 7331  Toys and games then and now 
 7332  Trabajos rodantes = : Jobs on wheels 
 7333  Tracks in the snow 
 7334  Trading places with Tank Talbott 
 7335  Traditional crafts from the Caribbean 
 7336  Trail of bones 
 7337  The Trail of Tears, 1838 
 7338  The train of states 
 7339  Train to Somewhere 
 7340  The train to Spain 
 7341  Trains 
 7342  Trains 
 7343  A traitor among the boys 
 7344  The transmogrification of Roscoe Wizzle 
 7345  Transportation then and now 
 7346  Trapped! 
 7347  Trashy town 
 7348  Travel math 
 7349  Traveling man : the journey of Ibn Battuta, 1325-1354 
 7350  Traveling shoes : the story of Willye White, US Olympian and long jump champion 
 7351  Travels with Tarra 
 7352  The treasure 
 7353  Treasure map 
 7354  Treasures of the heart 
 7355  A treasury of children's songs : forty favorites to sing and play 
 7356  Tree frogs 
 7357  Tree girl 
 7358  Tree house mystery 
 7359  A tree is nice 
 7360  The trellis and the seed : a book of encouragement for all ages 
 7361  Tremendous tractors 
 7362  Tria and the great Star rescue 
 7363  The trial of the stone : a folktale retold 
 7364  Triceratops 
 7365  Triceratops 
 7366  Triceratops 
 7367  Trick or treat, Crankenstein 
 7368  Triple threat 
 7369  Tripping over the lunch lady : and other school stories 
 7370  Tristan makes a snowman 
 7371  Tristan makes lunch 
 7372  Triumph on Everest : a photobiography of Sir Edmund Hillary 
 7373  The trolls 
 7374  Trolls don't ride roller coasters 
 7375  Trombones 
 7376  Troodon 
 7377  The tropical rain forest : a web of life 
 7378  Trouble in the Barkers' class 
 7379  Trouble is my beeswax : from the tattered casebook of Chet Gecko, private eye 
 7380  The trouble with cats 
 7381  Trouble with girls 
 7382  The trouble with Tink 
 7383  Trouble with trolls 
 7384  The trouble with weddings 
 7385  Truck drivers 
 7386  Trucks 
 7387  Trucksgiving 
 7388  True blue : a novel 
 7389  True heart 
 7390  True stories of World War II 
 7391  The true story of Christmas 
 7392  The true story of the 3 little pigs 
 7393  The true-or-false book of cats 
 7394  Truly Winnie 
 7395  The trumpet of the swan 
 7396  The truth about bats 
 7397  The truth about sparrows 
 7398  The truth about twelve 
 7399  The truth of me : about a boy, his grandmother, and a very good dog 
 7400  Tsunami! : the 1946 Hilo wave of terror 
 7401  Tsunamis 
 7402  Tubas 
 7403  Tuck everlasting 
 7404  Tuesday 
 7405  Tulsa burning 
 7406  Tundra 
 7407  Tunnels 
 7408  Turkey monster Thanksgiving 
 7409  Turkey trick or treat 
 7410  Turkeys on the farm 
 7411  Turtle and Frog at the pond 
 7412  Turtle and Snake and the Christmas tree 
 7413  Turtle and Snake's day at the beach 
 7414  Turtle and the geese : an Indian graphic folktale 
 7415  The turtle saver 
 7416  Turtle splash! : countdown at the pond 
 7417  Turtle's race with Beaver : a traditional Seneca story 
 7418  Turtles 
 7419  Turtles 
 7420  Turtles. 
 7421  The Tuskegee Airmen story 
 7422  Tut, tut 
 7423  TV reporter 
 7424  Tweak, tweak 
 7425  Tweet it! : Twitter projects for the real world 
 7426  Twelve travelers, twenty horses 
 7427  Twenty and ten 
 7428  The twenty-one balloons 
 7429  Twenty-one steps : guarding the tomb of the unknown soldier 
 7430  The twins and the Bird of Darkness : a hero tale from the Caribbean 
 7431  Twister trouble 
 7432  Twisters and other terrible storms : a nonfiction companion to Twister on Tuesday 
 7433  Twizzlers percentages book 
 7434  Two bad ants 
 7435  Two Christmas mice 
 7436  Two homes 
 7437  Two in the wilderness : adventures of a mother and daughter in the Adirondack Mountains 
 7438  The two mountains : an Aztec legend 
 7439  Two Mrs. Gibsons 
 7440  The two princesses of Bamarre 
 7441  Two times the fun 
 7442  The two Tyrones 
 7443  Two under par 
 7444  Two ways to count to ten : a Liberian folktale 
 7445  Types of money 
 7446  Tyrannosaurus rex 
 7447  Tìa Isa wants a car 
 7448  The U.S. Air Force 
 7449  The U.S. Army 
 7450  The U.S. Capitol 
 7451  The U.S. Capitol 
 7452  The U.S. Capitol : introducing primary sources 
 7453  The U.S. Cavalry and the Indian Wars 
 7454  The U.S. Constitution : introducing primary sources 
 7455  The U.S. flag : introducing primary sources 
 7456  The U.S. House of Representatives 
 7457  The U.S. presidency 
 7458  The U.S. Senate 
 7459  The U.S. Supreme Court 
 7460  Uganda 
 7461  The ugly caterpillar 
 7462  The ugly duckling 
 7463  The ugly princess and the wise fool 
 7464  The ultimate Peter Rabbit : a visual guide to the world of Beatrix Potter 
 7465  The ultimate wave 
 7466  Ulysses S. Grant : our eighteenth president 
 7467  The umbrella 
 7468  Uncle Andy's 
 7469  Uncle Jed's barbershop 
 7470  Uncle rain cloud 
 7471  Uncle Sam 
 7472  Uncommon traveler : Mary Kingsley in Africa 
 7473  Under Copp's Hill 
 7474  Under one rock : bugs, slugs and other ughs 
 7475  Under the mesquite 
 7476  Under the sea 
 7477  Under the Sunday tree 
 7478  Under, over, by the clover : what is a preposition? 
 7479  Undercover creatures 
 7480  Undercurrents 
 7481  Underdog 
 7482  Underground 
 7483  The Underground Railroad 
 7484  The Underground Railroad 
 7485  The underground reporters 
 7486  Understanding coding with Minecraft 
 7487  Understanding differences 
 7488  Understanding global warming with Max Axiom, super scientist 
 7489  Underwear : what we wear under there 
 7490  Unexpected detour 
 7491  The unforgotten coat 
 7492  Unicorns 
 7493  United no more! : stories of the Civil War 
 7494  The United States 
 7495  Up 
 7496  Up close : a chapter book 
 7497  Up the hill and down : poems for the very young 
 7498  Up the learning tree 
 7499  Uptown 
 7500  Uranus 
 7501  Uranus 
 7502  US Air Force 
 7503  US Army 
 7504  US Navy 
 7505  Using color in art 
 7506  Using color in your art! : choosing colors for impact & pizzazz 
 7507  Using computers : machine with a mouse 
 7508  Using electricity 
 7509  Using levers 
 7510  Using pulleys and gears 
 7511  Using ramps and wedges 
 7512  Using screws 
 7513  Using shadows in art 
 7514  Using springs 
 7515  Using stories to make art : creative activities using children's literature 
 7516  Using wheels and axles 
 7517  Utah 
 7518  V is for volunteer : a Tennessee alphabet 
 7519  The vacation 
 7520  Vacation under the volcano 
 7521  Vaccinations 
 7522  Valentine hearts : holiday poetry 
 7523  Valentine's Day 
 7524  Valentine's Day 
 7525  Valentine's Day 
 7526  Valentine's Day : candy, love, and hearts 
 7527  Valentine's Day crafts 
 7528  Valley of death 
 7529  The vampire ate my homework 
 7530  The vampire's vacation 
 7531  Varjak Paw 
 7532  Vasco da Gama 
 7533  Vee is for Valentine 
 7534  Vee's monster bash 
 7535  Vehicles 
 7536  Velociraptor 
 7537  Venezuela 
 7538  Venus 
 7539  Venus 
 7540  Venus 
 7541  Venus 
 7542  Venus and Serena Williams 
 7543  Venus and Serena Williams 
 7544  Vera goes to the dentist 
 7545  Verbs 
 7546  Verbs 
 7547  Verdi 
 7548  Vermont 
 7549  Verses for dad's heart 
 7550  The very hungry caterpillar 
 7551  The very noisy night 
 7552  A very special Kwanzaa 
 7553  A very witchy spelling bee 
 7554  Veterans day 
 7555  Veterans day 
 7556  Veterans Day 
 7557  Veterans Day 
 7558  Veterans Day 
 7559  Veterinarians help keep animals healthy 
 7560  Vherses : a celebration of outstanding women 
 7561  Vibrations 
 7562  Vice president 
 7563  Victorian days : discover the past with fun projects, games, activities, and recipes 
 7564  The victory garden 
 7565  Video game coding 
 7566  Vietnam 
 7567  Vietnam 
 7568  The Vietnam Veterans Memorial 
 7569  The view from Saturday 
 7570  Viking it and liking it 
 7571  Viking ships at sunrise 
 7572  The vile village 
 7573  The village of round and square houses 
 7574  Vincent van Gogh : sunflowers and swirly stars 
 7575  Violent volcanoes 
 7576  Violet's music 
 7577  Virgie goes to school with us boys 
 7578  Virginia 
 7579  Virginia bound 
 7580  The Virginia Colony 
 7581  Virtual Cody 
 7582  Virtual reality 
 7583  Virtual reality 
 7584  Vision of beauty : the story of Sarah Breedlove Walker 
 7585  Visiting day 
 7586  Visiting Langston 
 7587  Visiting volcanoes with a scientist 
 7588  A voice of her own : the story of Phillis Wheatley, slave poet 
 7589  Voices of ancient Egypt 
 7590  Voices of the Trojan War 
 7591  Volcanoes 
 7592  Volcanoes : nature's incredible fireworks 
 7593  Volleyball 
 7594  Volume 
 7595  Volunteering 
 7596  Volunteering 
 7597  Vote! 
 7598  Voting 
 7599  Voting : being an active citizen 
 7600  Voting and elections 
 7601  Voting in elections 
 7602  Voyage of ice : chronicles of courage 
 7603  Voyage on the great Titanic : the diary of Margaret Ann Brady 
 7604  Voyage to the volcano 
 7605  W.E.B. Dubois 
 7606  Wacky jokes 
 7607  Wacky Wednesday 
 7608  Wading birds : from herons to hammerkops 
 7609  The wagon train 
 7610  Wait till Helen comes : a ghost story 
 7611  Wait! No paint! 
 7612  Waiting for Pelly 
 7613  Waiting for the magic 
 7614  Waiting for wings 
 7615  Waiting to dive 
 7616  Wake up, sleepy head! : early morning poems 
 7617  Wales 
 7618  A walk in the boreal forest 
 7619  A walk in the deciduous forest 
 7620  A walk in the desert 
 7621  A walk in the prairie 
 7622  Walk two moons 
 7623  Walking home to Rosie Lee 
 7624  Walking to the bus-rider blues 
 7625  Walking with Henry : based on the life and works of Henry David Thoreau 
 7626  Walking with the dead 
 7627  The wall 
 7628  Wallace's lists 
 7629  The walrus 
 7630  Walt Disney 
 7631  Walt Disney : a photo-illustrated biography 
 7632  Walter the farting dog : trouble at the yard sale 
 7633  Wanted-- Mud Blossom 
 7634  War comes to Willy Freeman 
 7635  War of 1812 
 7636  The War of 1812 
 7637  Warren G. Harding : our twenty-ninth president 
 7638  A was an apple pie : an English nursery rhyme 
 7639  Washington 
 7640  The Washington Monument 
 7641  The Washington Monument 
 7642  Washington, D.C. 
 7643  Washington, D.C. 
 7644  Washington, D.C. 
 7645  Waste not : time to recycle 
 7646  Watch the stars come out 
 7647  The watcher : Jane Goodall's life with the chimps 
 7648  Watcher in the piney woods 
 7649  Water 
 7650  Water 
 7651  Water 
 7652  Water 
 7653  Water 
 7654  The water cycle 
 7655  The water cycle 
 7656  Water dance 
 7657  Water for everyone 
 7658  Water in glaciers 
 7659  Water in oceans 
 7660  Water in rivers and lakes 
 7661  Water in the atmosphere 
 7662  The water of possibility 
 7663  Water pollution 
 7664  Water power 
 7665  Water power 
 7666  Water science fair projects : using ice cubes, super soakers, and other wet stuff 
 7667  Water sports 
 7668  Water under ground 
 7669  Waterways 
 7670  The Watsons go to Birmingham--1963 : a novel 
 7671  Wax to crayons 
 7672  The way cool license plate book 
 7673  Ways things move 
 7674  Ways we communicate 
 7675  Wayside School gets a little stranger 
 7676  Wayside School is falling down 
 7677  We are family :  
 7678  We are patriots 
 7679  We are the many : a picture book of American Indians 
 7680  We are the ship : the story of Negro League baseball 
 7681  We can jump! 
 7682  We can work it out : conflict resolution for children 
 7683  We don't lose our class goldfish 
 7684  We had a picnic this Sunday past 
 7685  We like music! 
 7686  We need auto mechanics 
 7687  We need farmers 
 7688  We need nurses 
 7689  We need pharmacists 
 7690  We need plumbers 
 7691  We need school bus drivers 
 7692  We rode the orphan trains 
 7693  We shall overcome 
 7694  We the kids : the preamble to the Constitution of the United States 
 7695  We visit Morocco 
 7696  We're riding on a caravan : an adventure on the Silk Road 
 7697  Weather 
 7698  Weather 
 7699  Weather 
 7700  Weather : FAQ, frequently asked questions 
 7701  Weather and climate 
 7702  Weather patterns 
 7703  Weave little stars into my sleep : Native American lullabies 
 7704  Weaving the rainbow 
 7705  Web design 
 7706  The wedding 
 7707  A wedding for Wiglaf? 
 7708  The Wednesday surprise 
 7709  Wee little bunny 
 7710  Wee Winnie Witch's Skinny : an original African American scare tale 
 7711  A weekend with Wendell 
 7712  Weight 
 7713  Weird friends : unlikely allies in the animal kingdom 
 7714  Welcome Comfort 
 7715  Welcome Dede! : an African naming ceremony 
 7716  Welcome to Canada 
 7717  Welcome to North America! 
 7718  Welcome to the Globe! : the story of Shakespeare's theater 
 7719  Welcome to the world of hummingbirds 
 7720  Welcome to the world of orangutans 
 7721  Welcome to the world of sharks 
 7722  Welcome to the world of wild horses 
 7723  Welcome to Turkey 
 7724  The well : David's story 
 7725  Wemberly worried 
 7726  Wenny has wings 
 7727  Werewolves don't go to summer camp 
 7728  Weslandia 
 7729  West to a land of plenty : the diary of Teresa Angelino Viscardi 
 7730  West Virginia 
 7731  The Westing game 
 7732  The Westing game 
 7733  Westward to home 
 7734  Wet dog! 
 7735  The whale : giant of the ocean 
 7736  Whales 
 7737  Whales 
 7738  Whales and dolphins : what they have in common 
 7739  Whales! : strange and wonderful 
 7740  Wham! it's a poetry jam : discovering performance poetry 
 7741  What a scare, Jesse Bear 
 7742  What a trip, Amber Brown 
 7743  What a year 
 7744  What about me? 
 7745  What are atoms? 
 7746  What are forests? 
 7747  What are mountains? 
 7748  What are stars made of? 
 7749  What are you waiting for? 
 7750  What baby needs 
 7751  What can build? 
 7752  What can fly? 
 7753  What can I be? 
 7754  What can jump? 
 7755  What can run? 
 7756  What can swim? 
 7757  What dads can't do 
 7758  What do authors do? 
 7759  What do doctors do? 
 7760  What do firefighters do? 
 7761  What do garbage collectors do? 
 7762  What do librarians do? 
 7763  What do mail carriers do? 
 7764  What do police officers do? 
 7765  What do you do with a tail like this? 
 7766  What does a doctor do? 
 7767  What does a firefighter do? 
 7768  What does a mail carrier do? 
 7769  What does a police officer do? 
 7770  What does a sanitation worker do? 
 7771  What does an EMT do? 
 7772  What does peace feel like? 
 7773  What eats what in an ocean food chain? 
 7774  What happened to the mammoths? : and other explorations of science in action 
 7775  What happens to space probes? 
 7776  What I believe : a novel 
 7777  What I like! : poems for the very young 
 7778  What if you met a pirate? : an historical voyage of seafaring speculation 
 7779  What is a forest? 
 7780  What is a fungus? 
 7781  What is a preposition? 
 7782  What is a river? 
 7783  What is a sculpture? 
 7784  What is a thermometer? 
 7785  What is a wise bird like you doing in a silly tale like this? 
 7786  What is an attribute? 
 7787  What is an elephant? 
 7788  What is an ocean? 
 7789  What is electricity? 
 7790  What is energy? : exploring science with hands-on activities 
 7791  What is friction? 
 7792  What is goodbye? 
 7793  What is gravity? 
 7794  What is hibernation? 
 7795  What is migration? 
 7796  What is money? 
 7797  What is my song? 
 7798  What is on the far side of the Moon? 
 7799  What is space junk? 
 7800  What is the sky? 
 7801  What makes you cough, sneeze, burp, hiccup, blink, yawn, sweat, and shiver? 
 7802  What moms can't do 
 7803  What plants and animals need 
 7804  What presidents are made of 
 7805  What should we eat? 
 7806  What time is it, Mr. Crocodile? 
 7807  What we wear 
 7808  What you never knew about tubs, toilets & showers 
 7809  What you will see inside a Catholic Church 
 7810  What's a pair? what's a dozen? 
 7811  What's a serious detective like me doing in such a silly movie? 
 7812  What's cooking, Jamela? 
 7813  What's cooking, Jenny Archer? 
 7814  What's Michael? 
 7815  What's older than a giant tortoise? 
 7816  What's opposite? 
 7817  What's that awful smell? 
 7818  What's the difference? : 10 animal look-alikes 
 7819  What's the hurry, Fox? : and other animal stories 
 7820  What's the matter with Herbie Jones? 
 7821  What's the time, Grandma Wolf? 
 7822  What's the weather? 
 7823  What's up, what's down? 
 7824  What's your angle Pythagoras? : a math adventure 
 7825  Wheel of misfortune 
 7826  The wheel on the school 
 7827  The wheels on the bus 
 7828  When a dragon moves in 
 7829  When Catherine the Great and I were eight! 
 7830  When Christmas comes again : the World War I diary of Simone Spencer 
 7831  When eagles fall 
 7832  When everybody wore a hat 
 7833  When I am old with you 
 7834  When I get bigger 
 7835  When I grow up 
 7836  When I heard the learn'd astronomer 
 7837  When I was little : a four-year-old's memoir of her youth 
 7838  When I went to the library 
 7839  When Johnny comes marching home : a song about a soldier's return 
 7840  When Mama comes home tonight 
 7841  When Marian sang : the true recital of Marian Anderson : the voice of a century 
 7842  When pirates came to Brooklyn 
 7843  When Ratboy lived next door 
 7844  When reading begins : the teacher's role in decoding, comprehension, and fluency 
 7845  When Santa fell to Earth 
 7846  When sheep cannot sleep : the counting book 
 7847  When Sophie gets angry-- : really, really angry-- 
 7848  When the circus came to town 
 7849  When the moon is full 
 7850  When the soldiers were gone 
 7851  When Tiny was tiny 
 7852  When you were inside Mommy 
 7853  Where do chicks come from? 
 7854  Where does your food go? 
 7855  Where heroes hide 
 7856  Where in the world 
 7857  Where is Christmas, Jesse Bear? 
 7858  Where is my continent? 
 7859  Where is my country? 
 7860  Where is my state? 
 7861  Where is my town? 
 7862  Where is your home? 
 7863  Where on Earth is my bagel? 
 7864  Where the great hawk flies 
 7865  Where the sidewalk ends : the poems & drawings 
 7866  Where the sidewalk ends : the poems & drawings 
 7867  Where the wild things are 
 7868  Where's mom's hair? : a family's journey through cancer 
 7869  Where's Waldo now? 
 7870  Where's Waldo? : the wonder book 
 7871  Which switch is which? : a first look at electricity 
 7872  While you were out 
 7873  The whipping boy 
 7874  Whisper and shout : poems to memorize 
 7875  Whisper in the dark 
 7876  Whispering to witches 
 7877  Whistle for Willie 
 7878  The white horse talisman 
 7879  The White House 
 7880  The White House 
 7881  White snow, bright snow 
 7882  White with other colors 
 7883  Whiteout! : a book about blizzards 
 7884  Whitewater scrubs 
 7885  Whitney Houston : recording artist & actress 
 7886  Who am I? 
 7887  Who came first? : new clues to prehistoric Americans 
 7888  Who gets the sun out of bed? 
 7889  Who helps animals? 
 7890  Who helps keep us healthy? 
 7891  Who helps keep us safe? 
 7892  Who helps us get around? 
 7893  Who helps us learn? 
 7894  Who hoots? 
 7895  Who is LeBron James? 
 7896  Who is Maria Tallchief? 
 7897  Who keeps us safe? 
 7898  Who killed Cock Robin? 
 7899  Who really discovered America? : unraveling the mystery & solving the puzzle 
 7900  Who swallowed Harold? : and other poems about pets 
 7901  Who took the cookies from the cookie jar? 
 7902  Who wants I scream? 
 7903  Who was Albert Einstein? 
 7904  Who was Annie Oakley? 
 7905  Who was Ben Franklin? 
 7906  Who was born this special day? 
 7907  Who was Eleanor Roosevelt? 
 7908  Who was Ferdinand Magellan? 
 7909  Who was Harriet Tubman? 
 7910  Who was Harry Houdini? 
 7911  Who was Helen Keller? 
 7912  Who was John F. Kennedy? 
 7913  Who was King Tut? 
 7914  Who was Leonardo da Vinci? 
 7915  Who was Louis Armstrong? 
 7916  Who was Mark Twain? 
 7917  Who was Ronald Reagan? 
 7918  Who was the woman who wore the hat? 
 7919  Who was Thomas Jefferson? 
 7920  Who was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart? 
 7921  Who were the Beatles? 
 7922  Who will tell my brother? 
 7923  Who's afraid of the big bad book? 
 7924  Who's that girl? 
 7925  Who's that knocking on Christmas Eve? 
 7926  Who's there? : a book of knock-knock jokes 
 7927  Who's who in a neighborhood 
 7928  Who's who in a public housing community 
 7929  Who's who in a rural community 
 7930  Who's who in a suburban community 
 7931  Who's who in an urban community 
 7932  Whose baby am I? 
 7933  Whose baby is this? 
 7934  Whose bottom is this? 
 7935  Whose food is this? : a look at what animals eat-leaves, bugs, and nuts 
 7936  Whose house is this? : a look at animal homes-webs, nests, and shells 
 7937  Whose mouse are you? 
 7938  Whose nose is this? 
 7939  Whose teeth are these? 
 7940  Why do birds sing? 
 7941  Why do bones break? : and other questions about movement 
 7942  Why do bruises change color? : and other questions about blood 
 7943  Why do cats meow? 
 7944  Why do dogs bark? 
 7945  Why do I get a toothache? : and other questions about nerves 
 7946  Why do I sneeze? : and other questions about breathing 
 7947  Why do I vomit? : and other questions about digestion 
 7948  Why do we need to eat? 
 7949  Why does my body smell? : and other questions about hygiene 
 7950  Why don't gorillas lay eggs? 
 7951  Why don't worms have legs? 
 7952  Why epossumondas has no hair on his tail 
 7953  Why German immigrants came to America 
 7954  Why Irish immigrants came to America 
 7955  Why is the sun so bright? 
 7956  Why Italian immigrants came to America 
 7957  Why Japanese immigrants came to America 
 7958  Why Mexican immigrants came to America 
 7959  Why mosquitoes buzz in people's ears : a West African tale 
 7960  Why should I get off the couch? : and other questions about health and exercise 
 7961  Why should I go to bed now? : and other questions about a healthy mind 
 7962  Why should I turn down the volume? : and other questions about healthy eyes and ears 
 7963  Why should I wash my body? : and other questions about keeping clean and healthy 
 7964  Why should I wash my hair? : and other questions about healthy skin and hair 
 7965  Why Vietnamese immigrants came to America 
 7966  The wicked, wicked ladies in the haunted house 
 7967  Wickiups 
 7968  Widget 
 7969  Wiggle 
 7970  Wiggling worms at work 
 7971  Wild baby animals 
 7972  Wild boy : a tale of Rowan Hood 
 7973  The wild Christmas reindeer 
 7974  Wild horse 
 7975  Wild Robert 
 7976  The wild whale watch 
 7977  Wild wings : poems for young people 
 7978  The wild year 
 7979  Wildfire! 
 7980  Wildfires 
 7981  Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge 
 7982  Will Rogers : an American legend 
 7983  Willem de Kooning : the life of an artist 
 7984  William and the guinea pig 
 7985  William Henry Harrison : ninth president, 1841 
 7986  William Henry Harrison : our ninth president 
 7987  William McKinley : our twenty-fifth president 
 7988  William Penn : founder of the Pennsylvania Colony 
 7989  William Shakespeare's Hamlet 
 7990  William Shakespeare's The tempest 
 7991  William Wordsworth 
 7992  William Wrigley Jr. : Wrigley's Chewing Gum founder 
 7993  Willie McLean and the Civil War surrender 
 7994  Willie's word world 
 7995  Wilma Rudolph 
 7996  Wilma Rudolph : Olympic runner 
 7997  Wilma unlimited : how Wilma Rudolph became the world's fastest woman 
 7998  Wind 
 7999  Wind 
 8000  Wind 
 8001  The wind blew 
 8002  A wind in the door 
 8003  Wind power 
 8004  Wind power 
 8005  Wind power 
 8006  Windmill windup 
 8007  Wing nut 
 8008  The wing on a flea : a book about shapes 
 8009  Wings and rockets : the story of women in air and space 
 8010  Wings of fire. 
 8011  Wings on the wind : bird poems 
 8012  Winking, blinking, wiggling, and waggling 
 8013  Winners take all 
 8014  Winnie dancing on her own 
 8015  Winnie's midnight dragon 
 8016  Winslow Homer 
 8017  Winston Churchill 
 8018  Winter :  
 8019  Winter : an alphabet acrostic 
 8020  Wintering well 
 8021  Wisconsin 
 8022  The wish 
 8023  The wish giver : three tales of Coven Tree 
 8024  The Wish Master 
 8025  Wish, change, friend 
 8026  Wishes, kisses, and pigs 
 8027  The wishing bone and other poems 
 8028  The witch family 
 8029  The witch's walking stick 
 8030  Witch's wishes 
 8031  Witches don't do backflips 
 8032  With love 
 8033  With love from Spain, Melanie Martin 
 8034  With love, Little Red Hen 
 8035  Witness 
 8036  Wizard at work : a novel in stories 
 8037  Wizards don't need computers 
 8038  A wolf at the door : and other retold fairy tales 
 8039  Wolf brother 
 8040  The wolf of Gubbio 
 8041  Wolf stalker 
 8042  The wolf who cried boy 
 8043  The wolf who loved music 
 8044  The wolf's chicken stew 
 8045  Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : musical genius 
 8046  The wolves in the walls 
 8047  Wolves. 
 8048  Women in the West 
 8049  The women suffrage movement, 1848-1920 
 8050  Wonder 
 8051  Wonder Woman : an origin story 
 8052  Wonder woman is respectful 
 8053  Wonderful houses around the world 
 8054  The wonderful sky boat : and other Native American tales of the Southeast 
 8055  Wonderful weather 
 8056  Wonderful words : poems about reading, writing, speaking, and listening 
 8057  A Wonderful, colorful adventure at the doctor's office 
 8058  The wondrous whirligig : the Wright Brothers' first flying machine 
 8059  Wood 
 8060  Wood 
 8061  Wood and cork. 
 8062  Woodpecker in the backyard 
 8063  Woodpeckers 
 8064  Woodpeckers, toucans, and their kin 
 8065  Woodrow Wilson 
 8066  Woodwind 
 8067  Woodwind instruments 
 8068  Woolly monkey 
 8069  The word eater 
 8070  Words : a computer lesson 
 8071  Words of promise : a story about James Weldon Johnson 
 8072  Words with wings : a treasury of African-American poetry and art 
 8073  Work in Colonial America 
 8074  Working cotton 
 8075  The world according to Humphrey 
 8076  The world almanac and book of facts, 2015. 
 8077  The world almanac and book of facts, 2016. 
 8078  World Almanac for Kids 
 8079  The World Book atlas. 
 8080  The World Book dictionary 
 8081  The World Book encyclopedia of people and places 
 8082  The World Book encyclopedia. 
 8083  The World Book student discovery science encyclopedia. 
 8084  World myths and legends : 25 projects you can build yourself 
 8085  World News Digest 
 8086  The world of birthdays 
 8087  A world of wonders : geographic travels in verse and rhyme 
 8088  World War II 
 8089  World War II days : discover the past with exciting projects, games, activities, and recipes 
 8090  World Wide Web 
 8091  The world's greatest Valentine 
 8092  World's worst germs 
 8093  Worlds apart 
 8094  Worlds apart : traveling with Fernie and me 
 8095  Worms 
 8096  Worms for lunch? 
 8097  The worrywarts 
 8098  The worst helper ever! 
 8099  Would you survive? 
 8100  The wrath of Mulgarath 
 8101  Wrecking ball 
 8102  Wrestling 
 8103  The Wright brothers 
 8104  The Wright brothers 
 8105  The Wright brothers : a flying start 
 8106  The Wright Brothers take off 
 8107  Wringer 
 8108  A wrinkle in time 
 8109  Writing in ancient Egypt 
 8110  Writing in ancient Mesopotamia 
 8111  The wrong kind of bark 
 8112  Wynken, Blynken, and Nod 
 8113  Wyoming 
 8114  The X'ed-out X-ray 
 8115  Yakety-yak, the alien's back 
 8116  Yamaha 
 8117  A Yank among us 
 8118  Yankee Doodle 
 8119  Yankee Doodle : a song from the American Revolution 
 8120  Yankee Doodle riddles : American history fun 
 8121  The Yanomami of South America 
 8122  Yao Ming 
 8123  Yasmin the builder 
 8124  Yasmin the chef 
 8125  Yasmin the fashionista 
 8126  Yasmin the painter 
 8127  Yasmin the superhero 
 8128  Yasmin the teacher 
 8129  Yasmin the zookeeper 
 8130  A year down yonder 
 8131  A year goes round : poems for the months 
 8132  The year I didn't go to school 
 8133  The year I flew away 
 8134  The year of Miss Agnes 
 8135  Year of no rain 
 8136  Yellow Dog blues 
 8137  The yellow house mystery 
 8138  The yellow star : the legend of King Christian X of Denmark 
 8139  The yellow yacht 
 8140  Yertle the turtle and other stories 
 8141  Yesterday I had the blues 
 8142  Yoko 
 8143  Yoko's paper cranes 
 8144  Yolonda's genius 
 8145  Yonder Mountain : a Cherokee legend 
 8146  York's adventures with Lewis and Clark : an African-American's part in the great expedition 
 8147  Yorkshire terriers 
 8148  You are a scientist 
 8149  You are special 
 8150  You are special, little one 
 8151  You can use a magnifying glass 
 8152  You can work in dance 
 8153  You can work in fashion 
 8154  You can work in movies 
 8155  You can work in music 
 8156  You can work in publishing 
 8157  You can work on Broadway 
 8158  You can't eat your chicken pox, Amber Brown 
 8159  You can, toucan, math : word problem-solving fun 
 8160  You forgot your skirt, Amelia Bloomer! : a very improper story 
 8161  You have healthy bones! 
 8162  You have to write 
 8163  You move, you lose 
 8164  You must be joking! : lots of cool jokes 
 8165  You read to me, I'll read to you : very short fairy tales to read together : (in which wolves are tamed, trolls are transformed, and peas are triumphant) 
 8166  You read to me, I'll read to you : very short Mother Goose tales to read together 
 8167  You read to me, I'll read to you : very short stories to read together 
 8168  You wouldn't want to be a polar explorer! : an expedition you'd rather not go on 
 8169  You wouldn't want to be a Roman gladiator! : gory things you'd rather not know 
 8170  You wouldn't want to be an Aztec sacrifice! : gruesome things you'd rather not know 
 8171  You wouldn't want to be in a medieval dungeon! : prisoners you'd rather not meet 
 8172  You wouldn't want to be on Apollo 13! : a mission you'd rather not go on 
 8173  You wouldn't want to sail on the Titanic! : one voyage you'd rather not make 
 8174  You wouldn't want to sail with Christopher Columbus! : uncharted waters you'd rather not cross 
 8175  You wouldn't want to work on the railroad! : a track you'd rather not go down 
 8176  You'll soon grow into them, Titch 
 8177  You're a grand old flag : a jubilant song about Old Glory 
 8178  You're on your way, Teddy Roosevelt! 
 8179  Young Cam Jansen and the baseball mystery 
 8180  Young Cam Jansen and the dinosaur game 
 8181  Young Cam Jansen and the Double Beach mystery 
 8182  Young Cam Jansen and the ice skate mystery 
 8183  Young Cam Jansen and the library mystery 
 8184  Young Cam Jansen and the lost tooth 
 8185  Young Cam Jansen and the missing cookie 
 8186  Young Cam Jansen and the new girl mystery 
 8187  Young Cam Jansen and the pizza shop mystery 
 8188  Young Cam Jansen and the zoo note mystery 
 8189  Young Fredle 
 8190  The young landlords 
 8191  Young magician : card tricks 
 8192  The young man and the sea 
 8193  Young Martin's promise 
 8194  Young Thomas Edison 
 8195  Your allowance 
 8196  Your friend, Parker 
 8197  Your job is easy 
 8198  Your mother was a Neanderthal 
 8199  Your move 
 8200  Yours truly, Goldilocks 
 8201  Yucky riddles 
 8202  Yuri Gagarin : the first man in space 
 8203  Z is for zamboni : a hockey alphabet 
 8204  Zachary Taylor : twelfth president, 1849-1850 
 8205  Zak's lunch 
 8206  Zany rainy days : indoor ideas for active kids 
 8207  Zany tongue-twisters 
 8208  Zara's hats 
 8209  Zebras 
 8210  Zebras 
 8211  Zebras. 
 8212  Zee 
 8213  Zendaya : star performer 
 8214  Zigazak! : a magical Hanukkah night 
 8215  Ziggy piggy and the three little pigs 
 8216  Zigzag 
 8217  Zimbabwe 
 8218  Zin! zin! zin! a violin 
 8219  Zinnia and Dot 
 8220  Zip, zoom! 
 8221  The zombie zone 
 8222  Zoo's who : poems and paintings 
 8223  Zoodles : a book of riddles about animals 
 8224  Zoom Broom 
 8225  Zoom! 
 8226  Zooman Sam 
 8227  Zora Hurston and the chinaberry tree 
 8228  Zora Neale Hurston : African-American writer 
 8229  Zora Neale Hurston, writer and storyteller