List of Titles for State Law

Report Results For: Number Of Copies is greater than or equal to "1"
4787 Result(s) Found.
 Line #  Title
 1  "Bee my valentine!" 
 2  "Mrs. Riley Bought Five Itchy Aardvarks" and other painless tricks for memorizing science facts 
 3  'Twas the night b'fore Christmas : an African-American version 
 4  'Twas the night before Thanksgiving 
 5  1, 2, 3 to the zoo : a counting book 
 6  1,2,3, scream! 
 7  10 things I can do to help my world : fun and easy eco-tips 
 8  10 ways I can save the earth 
 9  The 19th Amendment 
 10  26 Fairmount Avenue 
 11  28 days : moments in black history that changed the world 
 12  100 day of school. 
 13  100 things you should know about oceans 
 14  100 things you should know about pirates 
 15  100th day of school 
 16  213 valentines 
 17  249Lest we forget : the passage from Africa to slavery and emancipation 
 18  The 500 hats of Bartholomew Cubbins 
 19  2095 
 20  A. Nonny Mouse writes again! : poems 
 21  Aardvarks, disembark! 
 22  ABCD, an alphabet book of cats and dogs 
 23  The ABCs of continents 
 24  The ABCs of habitats 
 25  Abe Lincoln at last! 
 26  Abe Lincoln remembers 
 27  Abe Lincoln's hat 
 28  Abigail Takes The Wheel 
 29  Abiyoyo : based on a South African lullaby and folk story 
 30  Abiyoyo returns 
 31  Abraham Lincoln 
 32  Abraham Lincoln 
 33  Abraham Lincoln 
 34  Abraham Lincoln : a life of respect 
 35  Abraham Lincoln comes home 
 36  The absent author 
 37  Absolutely Lucy 
 38  The accidental hero 
 39  Achoo! : all about colds 
 40  Action! 
 41  Ada Twist and the perilous pants 
 42  Ada Twist, scientist 
 43  Adam of the road 
 44  Adam of the road 
 45  Add it, dip it, fix it : a book of verbs 
 46  Adding arctic animals 
 47  Addition 
 48  Addy learns a lesson : a school story 
 49  Addy saves the day : a summer story 
 50  Addy's surprise : a Christmas story 
 51  Addy's surprise : A Christmas story 
 52  Adjectives 
 53  Adopting pets : how to choose your new best friend 
 54  Advanced weaponry 
 55  Adventures in sound with Max Axiom, super scientist : 4D, an augmented reading science experience 
 56  The adventures of Beekle : the unimaginary friend 
 57  The adventures of Midnight Son 
 58  Adverbs 
 59  Advisories to zero degrees : weather from A to Z 
 60  Aesop's fables 
 61  Aesop's fables 
 62  Aesop's fables 
 63  Africa 
 64  Africa 
 65  Africa brothers and sisters 
 66  Africa calling : nighttime falling 
 67  Africa dream 
 68  African American 
 69  African American inventors 
 70  African American women scientists and inventors 
 71  African Americans who were first : illustrated with photographs 
 72  African crafts 
 73  African portraits 
 74  African roots 
 75  African-American holidays 
 76  African-American inventors 
 77  African-American scientists 
 78  African-American soldiers in the Civil War : fighting for freedom 
 79  African-Americans in the thirteen colonies 
 80  Afternoon of the elves 
 81  Afternoon on the Amazon 
 82  Against all opposition : Black explorers in America 
 83  Aida 
 84  Air 
 85  Air : outside, inside, and all around 
 86  The airplane alphabet book 
 87  Airplanes 
 88  Airplanes 
 89  Alabama 
 90  The Alamo 
 91  Albert 
 92  Albert Einstein 
 93  Albert Einstein : genius behind the theory of relativity 
 94  Albert Einstein was a dope? 
 95  Albert's raccoon 
 96  Alcatraz to Zanzibar : famous places from A to Z 
 97  Alex and friends : animal talk, animal thinking 
 98  Alexander Graham Bell 
 99  Alexander Graham Bell 
 100  Alexander, who used to be rich last Sunday 
 101  Alexander, who's not (do you hear me? I mean it!) going to move 
 102  Alice and the boa constrictor 
 103  Alice the armadillo : a tale of self discovery 
 104  Alida's song 
 105  Alien in the classroom 
 106  Alike or not alike? : a photo sorting game 
 107  All about frogs 
 108  All about heat 
 109  All about light 
 110  All about Stacy 
 111  All Joseph wanted 
 112  All kinds of gardens 
 113  All new crafts for Earth Day 
 114  All new crafts for Kwanzaa 
 115  All new crafts for Valentine's day 
 116  All Saints, All Souls and Halloween 
 117  All the water in the world 
 118  All times, all peoples : a world history of slavery 
 119  Alligator tails and crocodile cakes 
 120  Almost to freedom 
 121  Aloha! 
 122  Along a rocky shore 
 123  Alphabet city 
 124  Alphabet times four : an international ABC 
 125  Alphaboat 
 126  Alphathoughts : alphabet poems 
 127  Always room for one more 
 128  Amanda Pig and her best friend Lollipop 
 129  Amanda Pig on her own 
 130  Amanda Pig, schoolgirl 
 131  Amanda Pig, schoolgirl 
 132  Amazing animal journeys 
 133  Amazing animals of the world 3. 
 134  Amazing birds of prey 
 135  The amazing bone 
 136  The amazing egg 
 137  Amazing frogs & toads 
 138  Amazing Grace 
 139  Amazing insects 
 140  The amazing life of Benjamin Franklin 
 141  Amazing rescues 
 142  The amazing story of cell phone technology : Max Axiom STEM adventures 
 143  The amazing thinking machine 
 144  Amazing world of night creatures 
 145  Amber Brown is feeling blue 
 146  Amber Brown is not a crayon 
 147  Amber Brown is not a crayon 
 148  Amber was brave, Essie was smart : the story of Amber and Essie told here in poems and pictures 
 149  Amelia Bedelia 
 150  Amelia Bedelia 
 151  Amelia Bedelia 4 mayor 
 152  Amelia Bedelia and the baby 
 153  Amelia Bedelia and the cat 
 154  Amelia Bedelia goes camping 
 155  Amelia Bedelia helps out 
 156  Amelia Bedelia under construction 
 157  Amelia Bedelia's family album 
 158  Amelia Bedelia, bookworm 
 159  Amelia Bedelia, rocket scientist? 
 160  Amelia Bedelia: Road Trip 
 161  Amelia Earhart 
 162  Amelia Earhart 
 163  Amelia Earhart is on the moon? 
 164  America votes : how our president is elected 
 165  The American Civil War : an overview 
 166  The American flag 
 167  American history, fresh squeezed! : 41 thirst-for-knowledge-quenching poems 
 168  An American plague : the true and terrifying story of the yellow fever epidemic of 1793 
 169  American Revolution 
 170  The American Revolution 
 171  The American Revolution, 1776 
 172  The American Revolutionary War 
 173  American tall tales 
 174  American tall tales 
 175  Amistad : a long road to freedom 
 176  The Amistad mutiny : fighting for freedom 
 177  Amos & Boris 
 178  Amos Fortune, free man 
 179  Amphibians 
 180  Amphibians 
 181  Amphibians 
 182  Amphibians 
 183  The amusement park mystery 
 184  The amusement park mystery 
 185  Anansi and the talking melon 
 186  Anansi the spider : a tale from the Ashanti 
 187  Anastasia at this address 
 188  Anastasia at your service 
 189  Anastasia Krupnik 
 190  Anastasia on her own 
 191  Anastasia's chosen career 
 192  Anastasia, absolutely 
 193  Anastasia, ask your analyst 
 194  Ancient Chinese 
 195  Ancient Egyptians 
 196  Ancient Greece 
 197  Ancient ones : the world of the old-growth Douglas fir 
 198  Ancient Rome 
 199  And everyone shouted, "Pull!" : a first look at forces and motion 
 200  And then what happened, Paul Revere? 
 201  Andrew Jackson 
 202  Andrew's bright blue T-shirt 
 203  Androcles and the lion 
 204  Angel bites the bullet 
 205  An angel for Solomon Singer 
 206  Angel in charge 
 207  Angel spreads her wings 
 208  The angel tree 
 209  Angel's mother's baby 
 210  Angel's mother's boyfriend 
 211  Angelfish 
 212  Angelfish feels angry 
 213  Angling to zorbing : sports from A to Z 
 214  Animal adaptations for survival 
 215  Animal alphabet 
 216  Animal babies 
 217  Animal ears 
 218  Animal fact/animal fable 
 219  Animal feet and legs 
 220  Animal fun 
 221  Animal heads and necks 
 222  Animal hide-and-seek 
 223  Animal homes 
 224  The animal kingdom 
 225  Animal life cycles : growing and changing 
 226  The animal shelter mystery 
 227  Animal skin and fur 
 228  Animal tails 
 229  Animals brightly colored 
 230  Animals finding food 
 231  Animals of the rainforest 
 232  Animals of the sea and shore 
 233  Animals on board 
 234  Animals raising offspring 
 235  Animals sleeping 
 236  Animals staying safe 
 237  Anna Banana and me 
 238  Anna Sunday 
 239  Annie and the Old One 
 240  Annie and the Old One/ 
 241  Annie and the wild animals 
 242  Annie's ark 
 243  Anno's alphabet; : an adventure in imagination. 
 244  Anno's journey 
 245  Another 
 246  Another important book 
 247  The ant and the dove : an Aesop tale retold 
 248  The ant and the grasshopper 
 249  Antarctica 
 250  Antarctica 
 251  Ants 
 252  Ants 
 253  Ants at the picnic : counting by tens 
 254  Antsy Ansel : Ansel Adams, a life in nature 
 255  The Apache 
 256  Ape's adventure in Alphabet Town 
 257  Apologies to Zs : manners from A to Z 
 258  Appelemando's dreams 
 259  The apple bandit 
 260  Apple fractions 
 261  Apples 
 262  April Fools' Day to Z Day : holidays from A to Z 
 263  Apt. 3 
 264  The Arabic quilt : an immigrant story 
 265  Arctic ice loss 
 266  Are we there yet? : using map scales 
 267  Are you a dragonfly? 
 268  Are you a snail? 
 269  The Area 51 files 
 270  Aren't you forgetting something, Fiona? 
 271  Arizona 
 272  Arkansas 
 273  Armadillo rodeo 
 274  Armadillos 
 275  Armadillos to zorillas : animals from A to Z 
 276  Armpits to zits : the body from A to Z 
 277  Around the world on eighty legs 
 278  Arrr, Mustache Baby! 
 279  Art 
 280  Arthur and the 1,001 dads 
 281  Arthur and the big blow-up 
 282  Arthur and the dog show 
 283  Arthur and the double dare 
 284  Arthur and the No-Brainer 
 285  Arthur and the poetry contest 
 286  Arthur and the race to read 
 287  Arthur Ashe : athlete and activist 
 288  Arthur helps out 
 289  Arthur meets the President 
 290  Arthur to the rescue 
 291  Arthur turns green 
 292  Arthur's birthday surprise 
 293  Arthur's Christmas cookies 
 294  Arthur's Christmas wish 
 295  Arthur's Eyes 
 296  Arthur's family vacation 
 297  Arthur's first sleepover 
 298  Arthur's great big valentine 
 299  Arthur's heart mix-up 
 300  Arthur's new puppy 
 301  Arthur's nose 
 302  Arthur's Thanksgiving 
 303  Arthur's tooth 
 304  Arthur's TV trouble 
 305  Arthur's valentine 
 306  The Articles of Confederation 
 307  The Articles of Confederation 
 308  The arts 
 309  As for the princess : a folktale from Quebec 
 310  As the crow flies : a first book of maps 
 311  Ashanti to Zulu : African traditions 
 312  Ashanti to Zulu : African traditions 
 313  Ashley Bryan's ABC of African-American poetry. 
 314  Asia 
 315  Asia 
 316  Asian crafts 
 317  Asiatic lion vs. Bengal tiger 
 318  Ask an expert : climate change 
 319  The assassination of Abraham Lincoln 
 320  At the marsh in the meadow 
 321  At the park 
 322  Atlas of Africa 
 323  Atlas of Australia 
 324  Atlas of Europe 
 325  Atlas of North America 
 326  Atlas of plants 
 327  Atlas of South America 
 328  Atlas of Southwest and Central Asia 
 329  Atlas of the Far East and Southeast Asia 
 330  Atlas of the poles and oceans 
 331  Attack of the 50-foot Fly Guy 
 332  The attractive story of magnetism with Max Axiom, super scientist : 4D an augmented reading science experience 
 333  Aunt Chip and the great Triple Creek dam affair 
 334  Aunt Flossie's hats (and crab cakes later) 
 335  The Austere Academy 
 336  Australia 
 337  Australia 
 338  Awful Ogre's awful day : poems 
 339  The Aztecs 
 340  A B Cedar : an alphabet of trees 
 341  B is for Bethlehem : a Christmas alphabet 
 342  B is for Bethlehem : a Christmas alphabet 
 343  Babar and Father Christmas 
 344  Babar and the succotash bird 
 345  Babar and Zephir 
 346  Babar's little girl 
 347  Babe : the gallant pig 
 348  Baboushka and the three kings : adapted from a Russian folk tale 
 349  Babushka's doll 
 350  Baby bear, baby bear, what do you see? 
 351  Baby bears 
 352  Baby cats 
 353  Baby cows 
 354  Baby deer 
 355  Baby dogs 
 356  Baby goats 
 357  The baby grand, the moon in July, & me 
 358  Baby horses 
 359  Baby monkeys 
 360  A baby panda is born 
 361  Baby pandas 
 362  Baby penguins 
 363  Baby rabbits 
 364  Baby rattlesnake 
 365  A baby sister for Frances 
 366  Baby sloths 
 367  Baby wolves 
 368  The baby-sitter burglaries 
 369  Babymouse : dragonslayer 
 370  Babymouse : skater girl 
 371  Babymouse for president 
 372  Back home 
 373  Back yard angel 
 374  Backhoes 
 375  Backyard detective : critters up close  
 376  Backyard encyclopedia 
 377  Bacteria 
 378  The bad beginning 
 379  Bad day for ballet 
 380  Bad Kitty goes on vacation 
 381  Bad Kitty joins the team 
 382  Bad news for outlaws : the remarkable life of Bass Reeves, deputy U.S. marshall 
 383  Badger vs. bobcat 
 384  Badgers and other mustelids 
 385  Balances 
 386  The bald eagle 
 387  A ball for Daisy 
 388  Ballet 
 389  Balls 
 390  Baloney (Henry P.) 
 391  A band of angels : a story inspired by the Jubilee Singers 
 392  Bar graphs 
 393  Barack Obama 
 394  Barack Obama 
 395  Barack Obama : son of promise, child of hope 
 396  Barbara Jordan : African American politician 
 397  The Barefoot book of fairy tales 
 398  Baseball 
 399  Baseball talk : grand slam, frozen rope, and more big-league lingo 
 400  Basketball in action 
 401  Basketball talk : alley-oop, buzzer beater, and more hardcourt lingo 
 402  The Bat Boy & His Violin 
 403  Bats 
 404  Bats : and other animals with amazing ears 
 405  The battle for Imperia 
 406  The battle for the castle 
 407  Battle for Wakanda : starring Black Panther 
 408  The Battle of Gettysburg 
 409  The Battle of Gettysburg 
 410  The Battle of Gettysburg and Lincoln's Gettysburg Address 
 411  The battle of the Labyrinth 
 412  Battle with the ultra beast : 2 graphic adventures 
 413  The Battles of Lexington & Concord 
 414  Battleship Island : the deserted island 
 415  Bea on Broadway : a story about New York 
 416  Beacon Hill boys 
 417  Beans to chocolate 
 418  A bear called Paddington 
 419  A bear cub grows up 
 420  The bear family's world tour Christmas 
 421  The bear report 
 422  Bear's Christmas star 
 423  Bearded dragons 
 424  Bears : polar bears, black bears and grizzly bears 
 425  Bearskin 
 426  Bearymore : story and pictures 
 427  Beast feast : poems and paintings 
 428  Beat the story-drum, pum-pum 
 429  The Beatitudes : from slavery to civil rights 
 430  Beatrice doesn't want to 
 431  Beatrix : various episodes from the life of Beatrix Potter 
 432  Beats me, Claude 
 433  Beautiful blackbird 
 434  The beautiful Christmas tree 
 435  Beauty and the beast 
 436  Beauty and the beast : the graphic novel 
 437  Beauty and the beast = : La bella y la bestia 
 438  Beauty and the dreaded sea beast : a graphic novel 
 439  The beauty of the beast : poems from the animal kingdom 
 440  Beauty, her basket 
 441  Beavers : and other animals with amazing teeth 
 442  Bedtime for Frances 
 443  Bees can't fly, but they do : things that are still a mystery to science 
 444  Bees, wasps, and ants 
 445  The Beetle and me : a love story 
 446  Beetles 
 447  Beetles 
 448  Beetles, lightly toasted 
 449  Beezus and Ramona 
 450  Beginner word problems 
 451  Behind rebel lines : the incredible story of Emma Edmonds, Civil War spy 
 452  Behind the mask : a book about prepositions 
 453  Behind the mask : a book about prepositions 
 454  Being a good citizen : a book about citizenship 
 455  Belle Prater's boy 
 456  Belle Teal 
 457  The bells of Christmas 
 458  Ben and me : a new and astonishing life of Benjamin Franklin, as written by his good mouse Amos 
 459  Ben Yokoyama and the cookie of doom 
 460  Ben Yokoyama and the cookie thief 
 461  Ben's pens : the sound of short E 
 462  Bend and stretch : learning about your bones and muscles 
 463  Beneath 
 464  Benjamin Banneker : astronomer and mathematician 
 465  Benjamin Banneker : astronomer and mathematician 
 466  Benjamin Banneker : mathematician and stargazer 
 467  Benjamin Franklin 
 468  Benjamin Franklin 
 469  Benny goes into business 
 470  Benny the adverb 
 471  Benny's new friend 
 472  Benny's Saturday surprise 
 473  The Berenstain Bears : too much noise! 
 474  The Berenstain Bears and the baby chipmunk 
 475  The Berenstain bears and the bad dream 
 476  The Berenstain Bears and the bully 
 477  The Berenstain bears and the missing honey 
 478  The Berenstain Bears and the prize pumpkin 
 479  The Berenstain bears and the trouble with friends 
 480  The Berenstain bears and too much pressure 
 481  The Berenstain bears and too much vacation 
 482  The Berenstain Bears don't pollute (anymore) 
 483  The Berenstain Bears' Easter surprise 
 484  The Berenstain Bears' funny valentine 
 485  The Berenstain Bears' new pup 
 486  Berlioz the bear 
 487  Berlioz the bear 
 488  Bernie entertaining 
 489  Berry smudges and leaf prints : finding and making colors from nature 
 490  The berry-picking man 
 491  The best bad thing 
 492  The best book of night time animals 
 493  The best book of ponies 
 494  The best detective 
 495  Best friends for Frances 
 496  Best friends forever! : and more true stories of animal friendships 
 497  The best pet yet 
 498  The best town in the world 
 499  The best way to play 
 500  Best wishes 
 501  Bet you can't 
 502  Betcha! 
 503  Betsy Ross 
 504  Betsy Ross 
 505  Between earth & sky : legends of Native American sacred places 
 506  Between two worlds : a story about Pearl Buck 
 507  Beware the Vikings 
 508  Beware the werewolf 
 509  Bewildered for three days : as to why Daniel Boone never wore his coonskin cap 
 510  Beyond Pluto 
 511  Beyond the ridge 
 512  The Bible for young children 
 513  Bicycle book 
 514  The bicycle man 
 515  Bicycle rider 
 516  Bicycle stunt riding 
 517  Bicycles : pedal power 
 518  Big and small : an animal opposites book 
 519  Big Anthony : his story 
 520  The big balloon race 
 521  Big book of what? 
 522  Big Jabe 
 523  Big moon tortilla 
 524  Big Nate goes bananas! 
 525  Big red barn 
 526  Big rig 
 527  The big sale 
 528  Big shot 
 529  The big snow 
 530  The big something 
 531  Big worry in Wonderland 
 532  The biggest bear 
 533  The biggest bear 
 534  The biggest house in the world 
 535  Bigmama's 
 536  Bigmama's 
 537  Biking 
 538  Bill Clinton : 42nd president of the United States of America 
 539  Bill Nye the science guy's great big book of tiny germs 
 540  The Bill of Rights 
 541  The Bill of Rights 
 542  Bill Pickett, rodeo-ridin' cowboy 
 543  Bintou's braids 
 544  The Bionic Bunny show / c by Marc Brown and Laurene Kransy Brown. 
 545  Birches 
 546  Bird 
 547  Bird families 
 548  Bird talk : what birds are saying and why 
 549  Birds 
 550  Birds 
 551  Birds 
 552  Birds 
 553  Birds 
 554  Birds 
 555  Birds 
 556  Birds 
 557  A birthday for Frances 
 558  The birthday party mystery 
 559  Bisbol : pioneros y leyendas del bisbol latino 
 560  Biting flies 
 561  Black and white 
 562  Black Civil War soldiers : the 54th Massachusetts Regiment 
 563  Black cowboy, wild horses : a true story 
 564  Black heroes and heroines 
 565  Black is a rainbow color 
 566  Black is brown is tan. 
 567  The black pearl 
 568  The black pearl mystery 
 569  The black snowman 
 570  The black soldier : 1492 to the present 
 571  A black woman did that 
 572  Black women of the Old West 
 573  The Blackfeet 
 574  Blizzard! : the 1888 whiteout 
 575  The blobfish book 
 576  Blood of Olympus 
 577  Bloodsuckers of the animal world 
 578  Bloomers! 
 579  Blue Bay mystery 
 580  The blue house 
 581  Blue jeans before the store 
 582  Blue whales and other baleen whales 
 583  Blueberries for Sal 
 584  The blues : birth of an American sound 
 585  Bluish : a novel 
 586  Bob, not Bob! 
 587  Bobcats 
 588  Bodie : the gold-mining ghost town 
 589  The Boggart 
 590  The bombing of Hiroshima 
 591  The bombing of Pearl Harbor, 1941 
 592  Bones and the birthday mystery 
 593  A book of Americans 
 594  Book! Book! Book! 
 595  Booker T. Washington : leader and educator 
 596  Booker T. Washington : leader and educator 
 597  Bookspeak! : poems about books 
 598  The bookstore ghost 
 599  Boom! Bellow! Bleat! : animal poems for two or more voices 
 600  The Borrowers 
 601  The Borrowers afloat 
 602  The Borrowers avenged 
 603  The Boston Massacre 
 604  The Boston Tea Party 
 605  Bouncy, big, and furry 
 606  Bound for Oregon 
 607  Boundless Grace 
 608  Boxitects 
 609  The boy and the goats 
 610  A boy called Slow : the true story of Sitting Bull 
 611  A boy named Boomer 
 612  The boy of the three-year nap 
 613  The boy who ate dog biscuits 
 614  The boy who cried "Wolf!" 
 615  The boy who didn't believe in spring. 
 616  The boy who gave his lunch away 
 617  A boy, a dog, and a frog 
 618  Boy-crazy Stacey 
 619  The brain 
 620  Brave Irene 
 621  Bravemole 
 622  Bravo, Amelia Bedelia! 
 623  Brazil 
 624  Brazil in colors 
 625  Bread and jam for Frances 
 626  The bread sister of Sinking Creek 
 627  Bread, bread, bread 
 628  Breathe in, breathe out : learning about your lungs 
 629  Brianna, Jamaica, and the Dance of Spring 
 630  Bridge to Terabithia 
 631  Bridge to the sun. 
 632  Bridges 
 633  Bright lights and shadowy shapes 
 634  A brilliant streak : the making of Mark Twain 
 635  Britannica ImageQuest 
 636  Britannica School 
 637  The Bronze bow 
 638  The bronze bow 
 639  Bronzeville boys and girls. 
 640  Brother Wolf, Sister Sparrow : stories about saints and animals 
 641  Brown angels : an album of pictures and verse 
 642  Brown Bear gets in shape 
 643  Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? 
 644  Brown girl dreaming 
 645  Brown honey in broomwheat tea : poems 
 646  Brown v. Board of Education : the battle for equal education 
 647  Brush 
 648  The buccaneers 
 649  Bud Barkin, private eye 
 650  Bud, not Buddy 
 651  Buddhism 
 652  Buds and blossoms : a book about flowers 
 653  Buffalo before breakfast 
 654  The buffalo nickel 
 655  Bug babies 
 656  The bug in the jug wants a hug : a short vowel sounds book 
 657  Bug parts 
 658  Bugs 
 659  Building a dream : Mary Bethune's school 
 660  Building blocks 
 661  Buildings 
 662  Bull's-eye : a photobiography of Annie Oakley 
 663  Bulldozers 
 664  Bulldozers 
 665  Bully for you, Teddy Roosevelt! 
 666  The bully from the Black Lagoon 
 667  Bumble bugs and elephants : a big and little book 
 668  Bunches of buttons : counting by tens 
 669  The bungalow mystery. 
 670  The bungalow mystery. 
 671  Bunnicula : a rabbit-tale of mystery 
 672  Bunnicula strikes again! 
 673  The bunny who found Easter 
 674  Bunny's noisy book 
 675  The bunny-hop hoax 
 676  Bus Drivers 
 677  A bus of our own 
 678  Buster makes the grade 
 679  A busy day 
 680  Butterflies 
 681  Butterflies & caterpillars 
 682  Butterflies and moths 
 683  The butterfly 
 684  Butterfly house 
 685  A butterfly's life 
 686  Button soup 
 687  Buttons for General Washington 
 688  By the dawn's early light : the story of the Star-spangled banner 
 689  By the great horn spoon! 
 690  By the shores of Silver Lake 
 691  The cabin faced west 
 692  Cabin fever 
 693  A cache of jewels and other collective nouns 
 694  Caddie Woodlawn. 
 695  California 
 696  Call it courage 
 697  Callie Ann and Mistah Bear 
 698  Cam Jansen and the barking treasure mystery 
 699  Cam Jansen and the catnapping mystery 
 700  Cam Jansen and the chocolate fudge mystery 
 701  Cam Jansen and the first day of school mystery 
 702  Cam Jansen and the ghostly mystery 
 703  Cam Jansen and the mystery at the haunted house 
 704  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the dinosaur bones 
 705  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the monster movie 
 706  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the U.F.O. 
 707  Cam Jansen and the scary snake mystery 
 708  Cam Jansen and the school play mystery 
 709  Cam Jansen and the snowy day mystery 
 710  Cam Jansen and the tennis trophy mystery 
 711  Cam Jansen and the Triceratops Pops mystery 
 712  Cam Jansen and the Valentine baby mystery 
 713  Cam Jansen, the mystery of flight 54 
 714  Cam Jansen, the mystery of the stolen diamonds 
 715  Cam Jansen, the mystery of the television dog 
 716  Cam Jansen, the mystery of the U.F.O. 
 717  Camel 
 718  Camp Babymouse 
 719  The camp-out mystery 
 720  Campfire stories 
 721  Camping 
 722  Can I keep him? 
 723  Can you catch a swamp monster? : an interactive monster hunt 
 724  Can you greet the whole wide world? : 12 common phrases in 12 different languages 
 725  Can you guess? 
 726  Can you guess? 
 727  Can you see what I see? : 100 fun finds 
 728  Can you tell a dolphin from a porpoise? 
 729  Can't you make them behave, King George? 
 730  The canary prince 
 731  Candy corn : poems 
 732  The candy factory mystery 
 733  Candy is dandy 
 734  The canine connection : stories about dogs and people 
 735  Canyons 
 736  Caps for sale : a tale of a peddler, some monkeys, and their monkey business 
 737  Caps, hats, socks, and mittens : a book about the four seasons 
 738  Captain Cal and the Great Space Race 
 739  The captain contest 
 740  Captain John Smith 
 741  Captain Underpants and the perilous plot of Professor Poopypants : the fourth epic novel 
 742  Captain Underpants double-crunchy book o' fun 
 743  Captive witness 
 744  Carcass chewers of the animal world 
 745  Caring 
 746  Caring in sports 
 747  Carl's afternoon in the park 
 748  Carl's Christmas 
 749  Carl's masquerade 
 750  Carnival at candlelight 
 751  Carnivores in the food chain 
 752  The carnivorous carnival 
 753  Carolina's gift : a story of Peru. 
 754  The carousel mystery 
 755  The carrot seed 
 756  The carrot seed. 
 757  Carry on, Mr. Bowditch 
 758  Cars 
 759  Cars, trucks and planes 
 760  Carter G. Woodson : the father of black history 
 761  Carter G. Woodson : the man who put "black" in American history 
 762  Cartier : Jacques Cartier in search of the Northwest Passage 
 763  Carver, a life in poems 
 764  A case for Jenny Archer 
 765  A case for Jenny Archer 
 766  The case of the climbing cat 
 767  The case of the disappearing daughter 
 768  The case of the double cross 
 769  The case of the missing caterpillar : a first look at the life cycle of a butterfly 
 770  The case of the planetarium puzzle 
 771  The case of the puzzling possum 
 772  Case of the sabotaged spaghetti 
 773  The case of the scaredy cats 
 774  The case of the sleepy sloth 
 775  The case of the twin teddy bears 
 776  Casey Jones 
 777  Casey Jones's fireman : the story of Sim Webb 
 778  Cassie's journey : going West in the 1860s 
 779  Cassie's word quilt 
 780  The castle in the attic 
 781  The castle is cold, ancient and old! 
 782  Castles, caves, and honeycombs 
 783  The cat ate my gymsuit 
 784  Cat crew 
 785  Cat Kid comic club 
 786  Cat of death! 
 787  The cat who went to heaven 
 788  Catching sunlight : a book about leaves 
 789  Cats 
 790  Cats 
 791  Cats 
 792  Cats! 
 793  Causes of climate change 
 794  The cave of stars 
 795  Caves 
 796  Celebrate the 50 states! 
 797  Celebrating a Quinceaera : a Latina's fifteenth birthday celebration 
 798  Celebrating summer 
 799  Celebrations 
 800  Celebrations! 
 801  Cell phone safety 
 802  Cell phones 
 803  Cell wars 
 804  Cells 
 805  The cereal box mystery 
 806  A certain small shepherd 
 807  Cesar Chavez 
 808  A chair for my mother 
 809  The chalk box kid 
 810  Challenger : America's space tragedy 
 811  Chameleons : and other animals with amazing skin 
 812  Chang and the bamboo flute 
 813  Chang's paper pony 
 814  Changes for Kirsten : a winter story 
 815  Changes for Molly : a winter story 
 816  Changes for Samantha : a winter story 
 817  Changes, changes. 
 818  Chanticleer and the fox 
 819  Chanticleer and the fox 
 820  Charged up : the story of electricity 
 821  Charles Drew : pioneer in medicine 
 822  Charles Lindbergh 
 823  Charles M. Schulz 
 824  Charles Schulz 
 825  Charlie and the chocolate factory 
 826  Charlie Anderson 
 827  Charlie Parker played be bop 
 828  Charlie takes his shot : how Charlie Sifford broke the color barrier in golf 
 829  Chasing Vermeer 
 830  Cheer essentials : uniforms and equipment 
 831  Cheer spirit : revving up the crowd 
 832  Cheer tryouts : making the cut 
 833  Cheetahs 
 834  Chemistry 
 835  The Cherokee 
 836  Chess 
 837  Chester 
 838  Chester's way 
 839  A chick grows up 
 840  Chicken on a broom 
 841  The Chicken sisters 
 842  Chicken soup with rice 
 843  Chicken Sunday 
 844  Chicken Sunday 
 845  Chickens 
 846  Chickens 
 847  Chickens : a level two reader 
 848  Chickens have chicks 
 849  Children of Christmas : stories for the season 
 850  The Children's Blizzard, 1888 
 851  The children's book of America 
 852  Children's counting-out rhymes, fingerplays, jump-rope, and bounce-ball chants and other rhythms : a comprehensive English-language reference 
 853  Chimpanzees 
 854  The chimpanzees I love : saving their world and ours 
 855  China in colors 
 856  Chinese New Year 
 857  Chinese New Year crafts 
 858  Chipmunk song 
 859  Chipmunks 
 860  Chita's Christmas tree 
 861  Chocolate fever 
 862  The chow chow 
 863  Christa McAuliffe : a space biography 
 864  Christianity 
 865  Christmas 
 866  Christmas after all : the great depression dairy of Minnie Swift 
 867  Christmas around the world 
 868  The Christmas candle 
 869  A Christmas carol 
 870  The Christmas cat 
 871  The Christmas crocodile 
 872  The Christmas Day kitten 
 873  Christmas in the big house, Christmas in the quarters 
 874  Christmas in the Big Woods 
 875  Christmas is coming! : poems 
 876  Christmas is- 
 877  The Christmas promise 
 878  Christmas trolls 
 879  Christopher Columbus 
 880  Christopher Columbus 
 881  Christopher Columbus 
 882  Christopher Columbus 
 883  Christopher Columbus 
 884  Christopher Columbus and the discovery of the New World 
 885  Cicadas 
 886  Cicadas 
 887  Cinco de Mayo 
 888  Cinco de Mayo 
 889  Cinco de Mayo 
 890  Cinco de Mayo crafts 
 891  Cinder-Elly 
 892  Cinderella : or, The little glass slipper 
 893  Cinderella : the graphic novel 
 894  Cinderella Penguin : :or, The Little Glass Flipper 
 895  Cinderhazel : The Cinderella of Halloween  
 896  A circle in the sky 
 897  The circulatory system 
 898  The circulatory system 
 899  Circulatory system 
 900  Circus caps for sale 
 901  Circus. 
 902  Citizenship in sports 
 903  The Civil Rights Act of 1964 : a primary source exploration of the landmark legislation 
 904  The Civil Rights Movement 
 905  The Civil War 
 906  Civil War A to Z : a young readers' guide to over 100 people, places, and points of importance 
 907  Civil War on Sunday 
 908  Clap your hands 
 909  Clara Barton 
 910  Clara Caterpillar 
 911  A class act 
 912  Class act 
 913  The class pet from the Black Lagoon 
 914  Classification of living and nonliving things 
 915  Claudette Colvin 
 916  Claudette Colvin 
 917  Claudia and mean Janine 
 918  Claudia and the new girl 
 919  Clay 
 920  Clean getaway 
 921  Clean your room, Harvey Moon! 
 922  Clementine and the family meeting 
 923  Clementine's letter 
 924  Cleopatra 
 925  Click, clack, moo : cows that type 
 926  Click, clack, quackity-quack : an alphabetical adventure 
 927  Click, clack, splish, splash : a counting adventure 
 928  Clifford's ABC. 
 929  Clifford's kitten 
 930  Climate change activism 
 931  Climate change and extreme weather 
 932  Climate change migrants 
 933  Climate change solutions 
 934  Clouds 
 935  Clouds 
 936  Clouds 
 937  Cloudy day, sunny day 
 938  Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 
 939  The clue in the diary 
 940  The clue in the jewel box. 
 941  The clue of the broken locket. 
 942  The clue of the hissing serpent. 
 943  The clue of the screeching owl 
 944  The coach that never came 
 945  Cody's secret admirer 
 946  Coffin on a case 
 947  Coffin On A Case 
 948  Cold days 
 949  Cold feet 
 950  Colin Powell 
 951  The Coliseum con 
 952  Collaborations 
 953  Colonial American crafts : the village 
 954  Colonial American crafts. 
 955  Colonial life 
 956  The color kittens 
 957  Color me dark : the diary of Nellie Lee Love, the great migration North 
 958  Color me dark : the diary of Nellie Lee Love, the great migration North 
 959  Color zoo 
 960  Colorado 
 961  Columbia : first flight of the space shuttle 
 962  Columbus Day 
 963  Columbus Day : celebrating famous explorer 
 964  Come a tide 
 965  Come back, Amelia Bedelia 
 966  Come next spring 
 967  Come play with me 
 968  The comeback dog 
 969  Comet's nine lives 
 970  Coming home : a story of Josh Gibson, baseball's greatest home run hitter 
 971  Coming home : from the life of Langston Hughes 
 972  Coming through the blizzard : a Christmas story 
 973  Commercial Appeal 
 974  Comparing fractions 
 975  Comparing numbers! 
 976  Comparing with cats 
 977  Compasses 
 978  Compost basics 
 979  Composting : nature's recyclers 
 980  Computer crook 
 981  Concrete mixers 
 982  Conductors and insulators 
 983  Confucius : the golden rule 
 984  Conjunctions 
 985  Connecticut 
 986  Connie the conjunction 
 987  Consideration 
 988  The Constitution 
 989  The contender. 
 990  Cooking the Chinese way 
 991  Cooking the East African way 
 992  Cooking the Italian way 
 993  Cooking the Japanese way 
 994  Cooking the Mexican way 
 995  Cooking the South American way 
 996  Cooking the Spanish way 
 997  Cooking the Thai way 
 998  Cooking the Vietnamese way 
 999  Cooking the West African way 
 1000  Cool as a cucumber, hot as a pepper : fruit vegetables 
 1001  Cool cards : creating fun and fascinating collections! 
 1002  Cool customs 
 1003  Cool cuts 
 1004  Cool filled cupcakes : fun & easy baking recipes for kids! 
 1005  Cool jobs for yard-working kids : ways to make money doing yard work 
 1006  A cool moonlight 
 1007  Cool rocks : creating fun and fascinating collections! 
 1008  Cool shells : creating fun and fascinating collections! 
 1009  Cool stamps : creating fun and fascinating collections! 
 1010  Cool tools 
 1011  Cool zone with the Pain & the Great One 
 1012  Cool! whoa! ah and oh! : what is an interjection? 
 1013  Cooperation 
 1014  Cooperation : a level three reader 
 1015  Copper sun 
 1016  The copycat mystery 
 1017  Coral reef food chains 
 1018  Corals 
 1019  Corduroy writes a letter 
 1020  Corduroy's garden 
 1021  Corn 
 1022  Corn is maize : the gift of the Indians 
 1023  A corner of the universe 
 1024  Cornrows 
 1025  Coronado : Francisco Vasquez de Coronado explores the Southwest 
 1026  Costa Rica 
 1027  The couch potato 
 1028  Cougar 
 1029  Count your way through Africa 
 1030  Count your way through China 
 1031  Count your way through Greece 
 1032  Count your way through Israel 
 1033  Counting money 
 1034  Counting money 
 1035  Counting money! 
 1036  Counting the continents 
 1037  A country far away 
 1038  County fair 
 1039  Courage in sports 
 1040  The courage of Helen Keller 
 1041  Courageous creatures 
 1042  Cousins 
 1043  The cow that got her wish 
 1044  Cow towns 
 1045  The cow who wouldn't come down 
 1046  Cow's fart! 
 1047  Cowboy Small 
 1048  Cowboys 
 1049  Cows 
 1050  Cows 
 1051  Cows have calves 
 1052  Coyote autumn 
 1053  Coyote steals the blanket : a Ute tale 
 1054  Craco : the medieval ghost town 
 1055  Crafts for kids who are learning about weather 
 1056  Cranes 
 1057  A crash course in forces and motion with Max Axiom, super scientist : 4D, an augmented reading science experience 
 1058  Crayons rock! 
 1059  The crazy carnival case 
 1060  A crazy day with cobras 
 1061  Creativity 
 1062  Credit cards and checks 
 1063  Crickets and grasshoppers 
 1064  The crime lab case 
 1065  Crinkleroot's guide to walking in wild places 
 1066  Crispin : the cross of lead 
 1067  Crispus Attucks and the Boston Massacre 
 1068  Criss cross 
 1069  The crisscross shadow, 
 1070  Crocs! 
 1071  Cross-country cat 
 1072  Crossing 
 1073  The crossover 
 1074  Crow chief : a Plains Indian story 
 1075  Crystals 
 1076  Cuba 
 1077  Curioddities. 
 1078  Curious George 
 1079  Curious George and the dinosaur 
 1080  Curious George feeds the animals 
 1081  Curious George flies a kite 
 1082  Curious George goes to school 
 1083  Curious George plants a tree 
 1084  Curious George plays baseball 
 1085  Curious George visits the zoo 
 1086  Curious George. 
 1087  The custodian from the Black Lagoon 
 1088  Cut, chop, and stop : a book about wedges 
 1089  Cutting in line isn't fair! 
 1090  Cyberbullying 
 1091  Cycling in action 
 1092  Da Gama : Vasco da Gama sails around the Cape of Good Hope 
 1093  Da wild, da crazy, da Vinci 
 1094  Daddy and me : a photo story of Arthur Ashe and his daughter, Camera 
 1095  Daddy makes the best spaghetti 
 1096  Daily Memphian 
 1097  Dams 
 1098  Dance away 
 1099  Dance team 
 1100  Dance with Rosie 
 1101  Dance, Annie 
 1102  The dancing skeleton 
 1103  Dandelion's vanishing vegetable garden 
 1104  Danger, Dolphins, and Ginger Beer 
 1105  Dangerous dinosaurs 
 1106  Daniel Boone and the exploration of the frontier 
 1107  Daniel's duck 
 1108  Danny and the dinosaur 
 1109  Danny, the champion of the world 
 1110  Daring women of the Civil War 
 1111  Dark day in the deep sea 
 1112  The dark stairs : a Herculeah Jones mystery 
 1113  Darwin the dolphin : a tale of bravery and courage 
 1114  The dashing dog mystery 
 1115  David gets in trouble 
 1116  David's drawings 
 1117  Davy Crockett, young rifleman 
 1118  Dawn and the impossible three 
 1119  Dawn of the light dragon 
 1120  A day 
 1121  The day before Christmas 
 1122  The day I saw my father cry 
 1123  A day in the life of a builder 
 1124  A day in the life of a garbage collector 
 1125  A day in the life of an emergency medical technician 
 1126  The day Martin Luther King, Jr., was shot : a photo history of the civil rights movement 
 1127  The day of Ahmed's secret 
 1128  Day of tears : a novel in dialogue 
 1129  Day of tears : a novel in dialogue 
 1130  Day of the Dragon King 
 1131  The day of the gamer 
 1132  The day the crayons came home 
 1133  The day the picture man came. 
 1134  A day with Dad 
 1135  Daydreamers 
 1136  Days to celebrate : a full year of poetry, people, holidays, history, fascinating facts, and more 
 1137  Days with Frog and Toad 
 1138  De Soto : Hernando de Soto explores the Southeast 
 1139  Deadliest animals 
 1140  The deadly dungeon 
 1141  Dealing with dragons 
 1142  Dear Dr. King : letters from today's children to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 
 1143  Dear Levi : letters from the Overland Trail 
 1144  Dear Lovey Hart, I am desperate 
 1145  Dear Mr. Henshaw 
 1146  Dear Mrs. Larue : letters from obedience school 
 1147  Dear Napoleon, I know you're dead, but-- 
 1148  Dear Peter Rabbit 
 1149  Dearly, nearly, insincerely : what is an adverb? 
 1150  Deck the halls 
 1151  The Declaration of Independence 
 1152  The Declaration of Independence 
 1153  The Declaration of Independence 
 1154  Decomposers in the food chain 
 1155  Deep blues : Bill Traylor, self-taught artist 
 1156  The deep end 
 1157  Deep ocean creatures 
 1158  Deep sea floor 
 1159  Deep trouble 
 1160  Deer 
 1161  Delaware 
 1162  Demi's Find-the-animal A.B.C. : an alphabet-game book. 
 1163  Desert food chains 
 1164  Desert food webs in action 
 1165  Desert mammals 
 1166  Deserts 
 1167  Deserts 
 1168  Deserts : thirsty wonderlands 
 1169  Design your own butterfly garden 
 1170  The destruction of Pompeii, AD 79 
 1171  Determination 
 1172  The devil's arithmetic 
 1173  Dew drop dead: a Sebastian Barth mystery. 
 1174  Diamonds and gemstones 
 1175  Diane Goode's book of silly stories & songs 
 1176  Diane Goodie's Book of Silly Stories & Songs 
 1177  Diary of a wimpy kid : Greg Heffley's journal 
 1178  Did you hear about Jake? 
 1179  Dig wait listen : a desert toad's tale 
 1180  The digestive system 
 1181  The digestive system 
 1182  The digestive system 
 1183  Diggers 
 1184  Dingo vs. kangaroo 
 1185  Dingoes at dinnertime 
 1186  Dinorella : a prehistoric fairy tale 
 1187  Dinosaur 
 1188  Dinosaur babies 
 1189  Dinosaur days 
 1190  Dinosaur time. 
 1191  The dinosaur who lived in my backyard 
 1192  Dinosaurs 
 1193  Dinosaurs before dark 
 1194  Dinosaurs divorce : a guide for changing families 
 1195  The dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins : an illuminating history of Mr. Waterhouse Hawkins, artist and lecturer : true dinosaur story in three ages .... 
 1196  Diper överlöde 
 1197  Dirt : the scoop on soil 
 1198  Dirt on my shirt 
 1199  The discovery of America 
 1200  Divide and ride 
 1201  Diving dolphin 
 1202  Division 
 1203  Do bed bugs bite? : a book about insects 
 1204  Do I need it? or do I want it? : making budget choices 
 1205  Do lobsters leap waterfalls? : a book about animal migration 
 1206  Do not open 
 1207  Do tornadoes really twist? : questions and answers about tornadoes and hurricanes 
 1208  Do turtles sleep in treetops? : a book about animal homes 
 1209  Do you really taste with your nose? : questions about the senses 
 1210  Do your research 
 1211  Doctor Pied Piper and the alien invasion : a graphic novel 
 1212  Doctors 
 1213  A Dog Called Kitty 
 1214  Dog days 
 1215  Dog food 
 1216  Dog heaven 
 1217  Dog Man 
 1218  Dog Man : the scarlet shedder 
 1219  Dog Man and Cat Kid 
 1220  Dog Squad 
 1221  The dog that called the pitch 
 1222  The dog that pitched a no-hitter 
 1223  Dogs 
 1224  Dogs have paws 
 1225  Dogs in the dead of night 
 1226  Dogs lick their butts! 
 1227  Dogs, dogs, dogs! 
 1228  The doll that waved goodbye and other scary tales 
 1229  A dollar bill's journey 
 1230  The dollhouse mystery 
 1231  Dolphin 
 1232  Dolphin adventure : a true story 
 1233  Dolphins 
 1234  Dolphins and porpoises 
 1235  Dolphins at daybreak 
 1236  Domino addition 
 1237  Dominoes 
 1238  Don't know much about mummies 
 1239  Don't know much about the Pilgrims 
 1240  Don't let the pigeon drive the bus! 
 1241  Don't say ain't 
 1242  Don't slurp your soup! : a first guide to letter writing, e-mail etiquette, and other everyday manners 
 1243  Don't tell the girls : a family memoir 
 1244  The donkey's Christmas song 
 1245  The doomed amusement park 
 1246  The door in the wall 
 1247  Dora's box 
 1248  Dora's perfect pumpkin 
 1249  The double disappearance of Walter Fozbek 
 1250  Double down 
 1251  Double Dutch 
 1252  Dougal Dixon's amazing dinosaurs : the fiercest, the tallest, the toughest, the smallest 
 1253  Doughnut danger 
 1254  The doughnut kingdom 
 1255  Down a sunny dirt road : an autobiography 
 1256  Downhill skiing 
 1257  Dr. Carbles is losing his marbles! 
 1258  Dr. Dredd's wagon of wonders 
 1259  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s I have a dream speech in translation : what it really means 
 1260  Dr. Seuss 
 1261  Dr. Seuss 
 1262  Dr. Seuss 
 1263  Dracula 
 1264  Dracula doesn't drink lemonade 
 1265  The dragon's boy 
 1266  Dragonfly's tale 
 1267  The dragons are singing tonight 
 1268  Dragons don't throw snowballs 
 1269  Draw me a star 
 1270  The dream keeper : and other poems 
 1271  Dream wolf 
 1272  Dreamers & doers : inventors who changed our world 
 1273  The drop goes plop : a first look at the water cycle 
 1274  A drop in the ocean : the story of water 
 1275  Drums : a level one reader 
 1276  Drylongso 
 1277  Duck on a bike 
 1278  Duckling days 
 1279  Ducks 
 1280  Ducks 
 1281  Dumpling Soup 
 1282  Duncan & Dolores 
 1283  The dust bowl 
 1284  Dust bowl! : the 1930s black blizzards 
 1285  Dwarf planets : Pluto, Charon, Ceres, and Eris 
 1286  Eagles in the end zone 
 1287  Early American villages 
 1288  Earning money 
 1289  Earrings! 
 1290  Earth 
 1291  Earth 
 1292  The EARTH book 
 1293  Earth Day crafts 
 1294  Earth science 
 1295  Earth to Clunk 
 1296  Earth's Continents: Asia 
 1297  Earth's Continents: Europe 
 1298  Earth's crust 
 1299  Earth's history 
 1300  Earth-friendly crafts : clever ways to reuse everyday items 
 1301  Earthquake in the early morning 
 1302  Earthquake! : the 1906 San Francisco nightmare 
 1303  Earthquakes 
 1304  Earthquakes 
 1305  Earthquakes 
 1306  East of the sun & west of the moon 
 1307  Easter 
 1308  Easy earth-friendly crafts in 5 steps 
 1309  Eat your vegetables! drink your milk! 
 1310  Eating 
 1311  Eating the plates : a pilgrim book of food and manners 
 1312  Eating well 
 1313  Eats shoots & leaves : why, commas really do make a difference! 
 1314  Echoes of the white giraffe 
 1315  Ecology 
 1316  Ed Emberley's big orange drawing book. 
 1317  Ed Emberley's drawing book of trucks and trains. 
 1318  An Edward Lear alphabet 
 1319  The egg tree : story and pictures 
 1320  The Egypt game 
 1321  Egypt in colors 
 1322  An Egyptian pyramid 
 1323  Eleanor Roosevelt 
 1324  Electric guitars 
 1325  Electric mischief : battery-powered gadgets kids can build 
 1326  Electricity & batteries 
 1327  Electricity : a question and answer book 
 1328  Electricity : bulbs, batteries, and sparks 
 1329  Electricity in my world 
 1330  Elephant 
 1331  Elephants 
 1332  Elephants 
 1333  Elephants of Africa 
 1334  Elevator magic 
 1335  Eli Whitney 
 1336  Elijah of Buxton 
 1337  Elijah's angel : a story for Chanukah and Christmas 
 1338  Elizabeth I : red rose of the House of Tudor 
 1339  Ella is right, smart and bright! 
 1340  Ellen Ochoa 
 1341  Ellen Tebbits 
 1342  Ellington was not a street 
 1343  Elliot's noisy night 
 1344  Ellis Island 
 1345  Ellis Island 
 1346  Ellis Island 
 1347  Elsie times eight 
 1348  The elves and the shoemaker 
 1349  The Elves and the Shoemaker 
 1350  The Elves and the Shoemaker 
 1351  Elves don't wear hard hats 
 1352  The Emancipation Proclamation 
 1353  The Emancipation Proclamation 
 1354  Emily Post's the guide to good manners for kids 
 1355  Emily's runaway imagination 
 1356  Emma's Christmas : an old song 
 1357  The emperor lays an egg 
 1358  The emperor's egg 
 1359  The emperor's new clothes 
 1360  The emperor's silent army : terracotta warriors of Ancient China 
 1361  The empty envelope 
 1362  An enchanted hair tale 
 1363  Encore, Grace! 
 1364  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of Pablo's nose 
 1365  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the disgusting sneakers 
 1366  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the mysterious handprints 
 1367  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the sleeping dog 
 1368  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the slippery salamander 
 1369  Encyclopedia Brown solves them all 
 1370  Encyclopedia Brown takes the case 
 1371  Encyclopedia Brown, boy detective 
 1372  Endangered and extinct animals of the forests 
 1373  The endocrine system 
 1374  Enduring wisdom : sayings from Native Americans 
 1375  Energy 
 1376  Energy : heat, light, and fuel 
 1377  Energy crisis : the future of fossil fuels 
 1378  Energy in motion 
 1379  Energy is everywhere 
 1380  Energy island : how one community harnessed the wind and changed their world 
 1381  England 
 1382  English fresh squeezed! : 40 thirst-for-knowledge-quenching poems 
 1383  Epossumondas 
 1384  Ereth's birthday 
 1385  Eric the Red and Leif the Lucky 
 1386  Ernestine & Amanda : mysteries on Monroe Street 
 1387  Erosion 
 1388  Erosion : changing Earth's surface 
 1389  The ersatz elevator 
 1390  Escape from slavery : five journeys to freedom 
 1391  Escape from slavery : the boyhood of Frederick Douglass in his own words 
 1392  Esio Trot 
 1393  Estimation 
 1394  Eve of the Emperor penguin 
 1395  Even if I did something awful 
 1396  Even Steven and Odd Todd 
 1397  Everett Anderson's goodbye 
 1398  Everett Anderson's nine month long 
 1399  Every breath we take : a book about air 
 1400  Everyone uses math 
 1401  Everything horse : what kids really want to know about horses 
 1402  Everything is Matter! 
 1403  Everything on a waffle 
 1404  Everything's coming up Beatrix! 
 1405  Everywhere, wonder 
 1406  Exercising for good health 
 1407  Experiments with plants 
 1408  Exploration 
 1409  Explore Africa 
 1410  Explore Asia 
 1411  Explore Australia and Oceania 
 1412  Explore Earth's seven continents 
 1413  Explore Europe 
 1414  Explore South America 
 1415  Explorer 
 1416  The explorer of Barkham Street 
 1417  Explorers in a new world. 
 1418  Explorers of North America 
 1419  Explorers, presidents, and toilets 
 1420  Exploring Earth's surface 
 1421  Exploring ecosystems with Max Axiom, super scientist : 4D an augmented reading science experience 
 1422  Exploring space 
 1423  Exploring the New World 
 1424  The explosive world of volcanoes with Max Axiom, super scientist 
 1425  The extraordinary adventures of ordinary Basil 
 1426  Eye of the storm : a book about hurricanes 
 1427  The eyes of the Amaryllis 
 1428  Fables 
 1429  Face-to-face with the ladybug 
 1430  Facing a frenemy 
 1431  Fair game 
 1432  Fair weather : a novel 
 1433  Fairness : a level three reader 
 1434  Fairness in sports 
 1435  Faithful elephants : a true story of animals, people and war 
 1436  The falcon's feathers 
 1437  Fall 
 1438  Fame and glory in Freedom, Georgia 
 1439  A Family of poems : my favorite poetry for children 
 1440  Fancy feet 
 1441  Fang 
 1442  Fannie Lou Hamer 
 1443  Fantastic beasts and where to find them 
 1444  Fantastic fossils 
 1445  A fantastic plan : a leadership story 
 1446  Farm alphabet book 
 1447  Farm animals 
 1448  Farm friends 
 1449  Farmer boy 
 1450  A farmer boy birthday 
 1451  Fast and slow : an animal opposites books 
 1452  Fast pitch 
 1453  Father Bear comes home 
 1454  Father's Day crafts 
 1455  Favorite fairy tales told in India. 
 1456  Favorite medieval tales 
 1457  Fearless Fernie : hanging out with Fernie and me 
 1458  Feathers, flaps, & flops : fabulous early fliers 
 1459  Febold Feboldson, the fix-it farmer 
 1460  Feeling happy 
 1461  Feeling sad 
 1462  Felicity's surprise : a Christmas story 
 1463  Feliz new year, Ava Gabriela! 
 1464  Ferdinand Magellan and the first voyage around the world 
 1465  Field events in action 
 1466  The field guide 
 1467  Fighter jets 
 1468  Find out firsthand : using primary sources 
 1469  Finders keepers 
 1470  Finders keepers 
 1471  Fire and wings : dragon tales from East and West 
 1472  The fire raiser 
 1473  Fire trucks 
 1474  The firebird rocket 
 1475  Firefighters 
 1476  Firefighters 
 1477  Fireflies 
 1478  Fireflies 
 1479  First book about animals of the polar regions. 
 1480  A first book about mixing and matching 
 1481  The first dog 
 1482  First flight : the story of Tom Tate and the Wright Brothers 
 1483  First flight : the story of Tom Tate and the Wright Brothers 
 1484  The first four years 
 1485  The first four years 
 1486  First frontier 
 1487  First light 
 1488  The first strawberries : a Cherokee story 
 1489  The first strawberries : a Cherokee story 
 1490  The first Thanksgiving 
 1491  First the egg 
 1492  Fish 
 1493  Fish 
 1494  Fish 
 1495  Fish 
 1496  The fisherman and his wife : a brand-new version 
 1497  Fishes 
 1498  Fitness for fun! 
 1499  The five Chinese brothers 
 1500  Five creatures 
 1501  Flag Day 
 1502  A flag for our country 
 1503  Flakes and flurries : a book about snow 
 1504  Flamingos on the roof : poems and paintings 
 1505  Fleas 
 1506  Flight 
 1507  Flip and Flop 
 1508  Flipped 
 1509  Flood! : the 1993 midwest downpours 
 1510  Florence Nightingale 
 1511  Florence Nightingale 
 1512  Florida 
 1513  Flossie & the fox 
 1514  Flower garden 
 1515  The flower kingdom 
 1516  Flowering and nonflowering plants explained 
 1517  Flowers 
 1518  Flowers 
 1519  Fluffy, flat, and wet : a book about clouds 
 1520  Flutes 
 1521  Fly high! : the story of Bessie Coleman 
 1522  Flying 
 1523  Flying foxes and other bats 
 1524  Focus on energy 
 1525  Focus on friction 
 1526  Focus on gravity 
 1527  Focus on inertia 
 1528  Focus on light 
 1529  Focus on magnetism 
 1530  Focus on momentum 
 1531  Focus on waves 
 1532  Folk tales from Asia for children everywhere. 
 1533  Folks call me Appleseed John 
 1534  Follow that map! : a first look at mapping skills 
 1535  Food and farming 
 1536  Food and nutrition 
 1537  Food chains and you 
 1538  Food chains in a forest habitat 
 1539  Food chains in a meadow habitat 
 1540  Food chains in a tide pool habitat 
 1541  Food for thought 
 1542  Football by the numbers 
 1543  Football talk : hail Mary, pick six, and more gridiron lingo 
 1544  For the love of the game : Michael Jordan and me 
 1545  The force oversleeps 
 1546  Forces and gravity 
 1547  Forces and motion : a question and answer book 
 1548  Forces and movement 
 1549  Forecasting weather 
 1550  Forest animals 
 1551  Forest food chains 
 1552  Forest food webs in action 
 1553  Forests 
 1554  Forgiveness 
 1555  The forgotten heroes : the story of the Buffalo Soldiers 
 1556  Fortnite 
 1557  Fossil fuels : buried in the Earth 
 1558  Fossils 
 1559  Fossils 
 1560  The four gallant sisters 
 1561  Four in all 
 1562  The Fourth of July : a level two reader 
 1563  Fox and his friends 
 1564  The Fox went out on a chilly night : an old song 
 1565  Foxes 
 1566  France 
 1567  Francisco Coronado and the exploration of the American Southwest 
 1568  Frankenstein 
 1569  Frankenstein doesn't start food fights 
 1570  Franklin and the baby-sitter 
 1571  Franklin D. Roosevelt 
 1572  Franklin D. Roosevelt 
 1573  Franklin forgets 
 1574  Franklin is bossy 
 1575  Franklin wants a pet 
 1576  Franklin's birthday party 
 1577  Franklin's Christmas gift 
 1578  Franklin's Thanksgiving 
 1579  Franklin's valentines 
 1580  Franny B. Kranny there's a bird in your hair! 
 1581  Frantastic voyage 
 1582  Frederick 
 1583  Frederick Douglass : leader against slavery 
 1584  Frederick Douglass : the last day of slavery 
 1585  Frederick Douglass : voice for freedom 
 1586  Frederick Douglass and the abolitionist movement 
 1587  Freedom like sunlight : praisesongs for Black Americans 
 1588  Freedom riders : a primary source exploration of the battle for racial justice 
 1589  Freedom songs : a tale of the Underground Railroad 
 1590  The French and Indian War 
 1591  Freshwater fishing 
 1592  Friend or fiend? with the Pain & the Great One 
 1593  The Friend Ship 
 1594  The friendship 
 1595  Friendship : a level three reader 
 1596  Friendship flowers 
 1597  Frindel 
 1598  Fritz and the Beautiful Horses 
 1599  Frog and Toad all year 
 1600  Frog and Toad are friends 
 1601  Frog and Toad are friends 
 1602  Frog and Toad together 
 1603  Frog and Toad together 
 1604  A frog prince 
 1605  The frog prince, continued 
 1606  The frog prince, continued 
 1607  A frog's life 
 1608  Frogs 
 1609  Frogs 
 1610  Frogs and other amphibians 
 1611  Frogs! 
 1612  From egg to penguin 
 1613  From little acorns-- : a first look at the life cycle of a tree 
 1614  From maple trees to maple syrup 
 1615  From milk to ice cream 
 1616  From the mixed-up files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler : with a 35th anniversary afterword by the author 
 1617  From wheat to bread 
 1618  Front porch stories at the one-room school 
 1619  Frontier settlements 
 1620  Fruit 
 1621  Fry bread : a Native American family story 
 1622  Fun!: the sound of short U 
 1623  The funny face fight 
 1624  The funny little woman 
 1625  Furry & feathered friends 
 1626  G.O.A.T. baseball outfielders 
 1627  G.O.A.T. basketball point guards 
 1628  Gabriel gets a great deal 
 1629  Galápagos tortoises 
 1630  Gandhi : great soul 
 1631  Garbage gorgers of the animal world 
 1632  A garden full of sizes 
 1633  The gardener 
 1634  Gargoyles don't drive school buses 
 1635  Gases in my world 
 1636  Gears in my world 
 1637  Gemstones 
 1638  General Butterfingers 
 1639  Generosity 
 1640  The genie in the jar 
 1641  Genies don't ride bicycles 
 1642  The genius of the ancient Egyptians : innovations from past civilizations 
 1643  The genius of the ancient Greeks : innovations from past civilizations 
 1644  The genius of the Maya : innovations from past civilizations 
 1645  The genius of the Stone, Bronze, and Iron Ages : innovations from past civilizations 
 1646  The genius of the Vikings 
 1647  Gentle Annie : the true story of a Civil War nurse 
 1648  Geometry smarts! 
 1649  George and Martha 
 1650  George and Martha, one fine day 
 1651  George Crum and the Saratoga chip 
 1652  George Washington 
 1653  George Washington 
 1654  George Washington 
 1655  George Washington 
 1656  George Washington 
 1657  George Washington : a life of leadership 
 1658  George Washington and Presidents' Day 
 1659  George Washington Carver 
 1660  George Washington Carver, plant doctor 
 1661  George Washington's mother 
 1662  George Washington's teeth 
 1663  Georgia 
 1664  Georgia O'Keeffe 
 1665  Geothermal energy : hot stuff! 
 1666  Germany 
 1667  Get active! 
 1668  Get ready for second grade, Amber Brown 
 1669  Get to the right site 
 1670  Get up and go : being active 
 1671  The getaway 
 1672  The Gettysburg address 
 1673  The ghastly glasses 
 1674  The ghost at Skeleton Rock. 
 1675  The ghost cadet 
 1676  Ghost Horse 
 1677  The ghost in the first row 
 1678  The ghost of Blackwood Hall 
 1679  The ghost on the mountain 
 1680  A ghost tale for Christmas time 
 1681  Ghost town at sundown 
 1682  The ghost town mystery 
 1683  Ghosts don't eat potato chips 
 1684  Ghosts don't ride wild horses 
 1685  The ghosts of Mercy Manor 
 1686  Ghosts of the Civil War 
 1687  Ghosts! : ghostly tales from folklore 
 1688  Ghouls don't scoop ice cream 
 1689  Ghouls gone wild 
 1690  Giant pandas 
 1691  The gift of the Magi 
 1692  The gift of the sacred dog : story and illustrations 
 1693  Gila monsters 
 1694  Gila monsters meet you at the airport 
 1695  Gingerbread baby 
 1696  The gingerbread boy. 
 1697  Gingerbread Fred 
 1698  A giraffe and a half 
 1699  The giraffe and the pelly and me 
 1700  Giraffes 
 1701  Giraffes 
 1702  Giraffes can't dance 
 1703  A girl named Helen Keller 
 1704  The girl who loved wild horses 
 1705  The girl who spun gold 
 1706  Give me half! 
 1707  The giver 
 1708  The giving tree 
 1709  Glaciers 
 1710  Glaciers 
 1711  Glass 
 1712  Glass 
 1713  Global warming : greenhouse gases and the ozone layer 
 1714  Gloria rising 
 1715  Gloria's way 
 1716  The glorious flight : across the Channel with Louis Bleriot, July 25, 1909 
 1717  Go fish 
 1718  Go fish 
 1719  Goalkeeper goof 
 1720  Goats 
 1721  Goblins don't play video games 
 1722  God bless the gargoyles 
 1723  Goddesses : a world of myth and magic 
 1724  Goggles! 
 1725  Goin' someplace special 
 1726  Going to town 
 1727  Going west 
 1728  Going, going, gone! with the Pain & the Great One 
 1729  The gold bowl 
 1730  The gold Cadillac 
 1731  Goldie Socks and the three libearians 
 1732  Goldilocks and the three bears 
 1733  Goldilocks and the three bears 
 1734  Goldilocks returns 
 1735  Golem 
 1736  Gone fishing 
 1737  Good dog, Carl 
 1738  Good driving, Amelia Bedelia 
 1739  Good luck, Mrs. K! 
 1740  Good masters! Sweet Ladies! : voices from a medieval village 
 1741  Good mental health 
 1742  Good morning, gorillas 
 1743  Good trick, walking stick! 
 1744  Good work, Amelia Bedelia 
 1745  The good, the bad, and the goofy 
 1746  The good-bye book 
 1747  Good-bye Stacey, good-bye 
 1748  Good-bye, Curtis 
 1749  Goodbye Mousie 
 1750  Goodbye, Max 
 1751  Goodnight moon 
 1752  Goose chase 
 1753  Gorilla, monkey & ape 
 1754  Gorillas 
 1755  Gorillas and other apes 
 1756  Gotcha! 
 1757  Gotta catch a what?! : 2 graphic adventures 
 1758  Gracias, the Thanksgiving turkey 
 1759  Grady the Great 
 1760  Grains 
 1761  A Grand celebration : grandparents in poetry. 
 1762  Grand trial showdown : 2 graphic adventures 
 1763  Grandad Bill's song 
 1764  Granddad's dinosaur 
 1765  Grandfather's journey 
 1766  Grandma's purple flowers 
 1767  Grandma's scrapbook 
 1768  The graphic alphabet 
 1769  Graphs 
 1770  Graphs, graphs, graphs! 
 1771  Grasshopper on the road 
 1772  Grassland animals 
 1773  Grassland food webs in action 
 1774  Grasslands : fields of green and gold 
 1775  Graveyard girl 
 1776  The great American mousical 
 1777  The great big wagon that rang : how the Liberty Bell was saved 
 1778  The Great Chicago Fire, 1871 
 1779  Great day for up! 
 1780  The Great Depression 
 1781  Great ghosts 
 1782  The great interactive dream machine : another adventure in cyberspace 
 1783  The great kapok tree : a tale of the Amazon rain forest 
 1784  The great little Madison 
 1785  The great migration : an American story 
 1786  Great Migrations: Elephant 
 1787  The great pumpkin switch 
 1788  The Great Seal of the United States 
 1789  The great seal of the United States 
 1790  Great women of the American Revolution 
 1791  Great women of the Old West 
 1792  Green and growing : a book about plants 
 1793  Green Bible stories for children 
 1794  Gregory's shadow 
 1795  Gregory, the terrible eater 
 1796  The grim grotto 
 1797  Grime and punishment 
 1798  Gritty, stinky ancient Egypt : the disgusting details about life in ancient Egypt 
 1799  Grizzly bears 
 1800  Grizzly bears 
 1801  The Grizzly Gazette 
 1802  Grocery store 
 1803  The grouchy ladybug 
 1804  Groundhog day 
 1805  Groundhog Day 
 1806  Groundhog Day! 
 1807  Grouping at the dog show 
 1808  Grow a garden : sustainable foods 
 1809  Growing a garden 
 1810  The growing up feet 
 1811  Growing vegetable soup 
 1812  Gruesome ghosts 
 1813  The gruffalo 
 1814  The Gruffalo's Child 
 1815  Guess the order 
 1816  Gumshoe gang cracks the case 
 1817  Gurgles and growls : learning about your stomach 
 1818  Gustavo, the shy ghost 
 1819  Gusts and gales : a book about wind 
 1820  Guts 
 1821  The gym teacher from the Black Lagoon 
 1822  Gymnastics 
 1823  Hairy, scary, ordinary : what is an adjective? 
 1824  Haiti 
 1825  Half a moon and one whole star 
 1826  Halloween 
 1827  Halloween monster 
 1828  Hamid and the Sultan's son 
 1829  Hammer and nails 
 1830  Hamster and cheese 
 1831  Hamsters 
 1832  Hamsters 
 1833  Hand in hand : ten Black men who changed America 
 1834  A handful of seeds 
 1835  The handmade alphabet 
 1836  Hands off, Harry! 
 1837  Hank Aaron : brave in every way 
 1838  Hank the cowdog and monkey business 
 1839  Hank the Cowdog, the case of the missing bird dog 
 1840  Hank the Cowdog, the case of the vampire vacuum sweeper 
 1841  Hank the Cowdog, the garbage monster from outer space 
 1842  Hank the Cowdog, the wounded buzzard on Christmas Eve 
 1843  Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales 
 1844  Hansel and Gretel 
 1845  Hansel and Gretel 
 1846  Hansel and Gretel 
 1847  Hanukkah crafts 
 1848  Happy birthday to you! 
 1849  Happy birthday, Addy! : a springtime story 
 1850  Happy birthday, Babymouse 
 1851  Happy birthday, dear duck 
 1852  Happy birthday, Molly! : a springtime story 
 1853  Happy Easter, dear dragon 
 1854  Happy Thanksgiving! : things to make and do 
 1855  Hard hit 
 1856  Hard luck 
 1857  Hard luck 
 1858  The hard-times jar 
 1859  The hard-times jar 
 1860  The hare and the tortoise 
 1861  Harlem : a poem 
 1862  The Harlem Renaissance : a celebration of creativity 
 1863  Harold and the purple crayon 
 1864  Harold's trip to the sky 
 1865  Harp seals 
 1866  Harriet and the Promised Land 
 1867  Harriet and the Promised Land 
 1868  Harriet Beecher Stowe and the Beecher preachers 
 1869  Harriet Ross Tubman 
 1870  Harriet Tubman and the underground railroad 
 1871  Harriet Tubman and the underground railroad 
 1872  Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 
 1873  Harry Potter and the deathly hallows 
 1874  Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone 
 1875  Harry S. Truman 
 1876  Harvest time 
 1877  Harvest time 
 1878  Hat trick 
 1879  Hatchet 
 1880  Hats Off To Heroes 
 1881  Hattie and the fox 
 1882  Hattie and the wild waves : a story from Brooklyn 
 1883  The haunted bridge. 
 1884  The haunted cabin mystery 
 1885  Haunted Castle on Hallows Eve 
 1886  The haunted clock tower mystery 
 1887  The haunted fort. 
 1888  Haunting at home plate 
 1889  Have you filled a bucket today? : a guide to daily happiness for kids 
 1890  Have you met my ghoulfriend? 
 1891  Hawk, I'm your brother 
 1892  The headless horseman 
 1893  Heads up 
 1894  Heads up! : a resilience story 
 1895  Hearing. 
 1896  The heart and lungs 
 1897  Heart and soul : the story of America and African Americans 
 1898  The heart and the bottle 
 1899  Heart man : Vivien Thomas, African-American heart surgery pioneer 
 1900  Heart to heart : new poems inspired by twentieth-century American art 
 1901  Heckedy Peg 
 1902  Helen Keller 
 1903  Helen Keller 
 1904  Helen Keller 
 1905  Helen Keller 
 1906  Helen Keller : rebellious spirit 
 1907  Helga's dowry : a troll love story 
 1908  Helicopters 
 1909  Hello, doctor 
 1910  The hello, goodbye window 
 1911  Help! I'm a prisoner in the library 
 1912  Helping Sophia 
 1913  The hen can't help it : a first look at the life cycle of a chicken 
 1914  Henry and Hala build a haiku 
 1915  Henry and Mudge : the first book of their adventures 
 1916  Henry and Mudge and the bedtime thumps : the ninth book of their adventures 
 1917  Henry and Mudge and the great grandpas : the twenty-sixth book of their adventures 
 1918  Henry and Mudge and the long weekend : the eleventh book of their adventures 
 1919  Henry and Mudge in puddle trouble : the second book of their adventures 
 1920  Henry and Mudge in the green time : the third book of their adventures 
 1921  Henry and Ribsy 
 1922  Henry builds a cabin 
 1923  Henry Ford 
 1924  Henry Ford 
 1925  Henry Ford 
 1926  Henry Huggins 
 1927  Henry's freedom box 
 1928  Her seven brothers 
 1929  Her stories : African American folktales, fairy tales, and true tales 
 1930  Herbivores in the food chain 
 1931  Hernando Cortes and the conquest of Mexico 
 1932  Hernando de Soto and the exploration of Florida 
 1933  The hero and the crown 
 1934  A hero and the Holocaust : the story of Janusz Korczak and his children 
 1935  The hero of third grade. 
 1936  Hester the jester 
 1937  Hey kid, want to buy a bridge? 
 1938  Hey world, here I am! 
 1939  Hiawatha 
 1940  A hidden magic 
 1941  The hidden staircase 
 1942  The hidden staircase 
 1943  The hidden treasures 
 1944  The hidden window mystery. 
 1945  Hidden world. 
 1946  Hide and snake 
 1947  High tide in Hawaii 
 1948  The higher power of Lucky 
 1949  The highest tribute : Thurgood Marshall's life, leadership, and legacy 
 1950  Highways 
 1951  Hike 
 1952  The Hindenburg disaster, 1937 
 1953  Hinduism 
 1954  Hip-hop dance 
 1955  Hippos 
 1956  Hippos are huge! 
 1957  Hippos throw poop! 
 1958  Historic sites and monuments 
 1959  The history of the Democratic Party 
 1960  The history of the Republican Party 
 1961  The history of third parties 
 1962  The hit-away kid 
 1963  Hitty : her first hundred years 
 1964  Hockey 
 1965  Hockey talk : sauce, spinorama, and more ice-time lingo 
 1966  Hog eye 
 1967  A hole in the bottom of the sea 
 1968  The hole in the dike 
 1969  Holiday cooking around the world 
 1970  Holly, reindeer, and colored lights : the story of the Christmas symbols 
 1971  Home : a collaboration of thirty distinguished authors and illustrators of children's books to aid the homeless 
 1972  Home : a collaboration of thirty distinguished authors and illustrators of children's books to aid the homeless 
 1973  Home at last 
 1974  Home place 
 1975  The home run mystery 
 1976  Home to me : poems across America 
 1977  Homes 
 1978  Hondo & Fabian 
 1979  Honest Abe 
 1980  Honesty 
 1981  Honey, I love 
 1982  Honey, I love, and other poems 
 1983  Honeybee : the busy life of apis mellifera 
 1984  The honeybee mystery 
 1985  Honky-tonk heroes & hillbilly angels : the pioneers of country & western music 
 1986  Honor the flag : a guide to its care and display 
 1987  Honus and me : a baseball card adventure 
 1988  Hoodwinked 
 1989  Hoop doctor 
 1990  Hooray for Diffendoofer Day! 
 1991  Hooray for the Dandelion Warriors 
 1992  Hoot 
 1993  Hooway for Wodney Wat 
 1994  Horned lizards 
 1995  Horrible Harry and the kickball wedding 
 1996  The horrible play date 
 1997  Horse 
 1998  The horse and his boy 
 1999  Horseback riding in action 
 2000  Horses 
 2001  Horses! 
 2002  Horton hears a Who! 
 2003  Horton hears a Who! 
 2004  The hostile hospital 
 2005  Hot air : the (mostly) true story of the first hot-air balloon ride 
 2006  Hot and bright : a book about the sun 
 2007  Hot dog 
 2008  Hot pot : the sound of short O 
 2009  The hound of the Baskervilles 
 2010  Hour of the Olympics 
 2011  The house in the mail 
 2012  The house in the night 
 2013  A house is a house for me 
 2014  A house is a house for me 
 2015  The house of Hades 
 2016  A house of tailors 
 2017  The house on the cliff 
 2018  How a bill is passed 
 2019  How a plant grows 
 2020  How Angel Peterson got his name : and other outrageous tales about extreme sports 
 2021  How are we the same and different? 
 2022  How Chipmunk got his stripes : a tale of bragging and teasing 
 2023  How do dinosaurs go to school? 
 2024  How do octopi eat pizza pie? : pizza math. 
 2025  How I became a writer and Oggie learned to drive 
 2026  How I spent my summer vacation 
 2027  How is a government elected? 
 2028  How is a law passed? 
 2029  How long is it? 
 2030  How many cells are in your body? : questions about cells and systems 
 2031  How many fish in the sea? : a book about oceans 
 2032  How much can a bare bear bear? : what are homonyms and homophones? 
 2033  How much is a million? 
 2034  How the second grade got $8,205.50 to visit the Statue of Liberty 
 2035  How to be a detective 
 2036  How to be a WORLD EXPLORER your all-terrain training manual 
 2037  How to deal with anger 
 2038  How to deal with jealousy 
 2039  How to draw ferocious animals 
 2040  How to hide an octopus & other sea creatures 
 2041  How to lose your cookie money 
 2042  How to write a letter 
 2043  How to write a poem 
 2044  How to write a poem 
 2045  How to write a story 
 2046  How to write poetry 
 2047  How to write, recite, and delight in all kinds of poetry 
 2048  Howliday Inn 
 2049  Human body 
 2050  Human body parts 
 2051  Humphrey's Christmas. 
 2052  The hunchback of Notre-Dame 
 2053  Hunches in bunches 
 2054  A hundred days from home 
 2055  The hundred penny box 
 2056  Hurricane 
 2057  Hurricane Katrina strikes the Gulf Coast : disaster & survival 
 2058  Hurricane Katrina, 2005 
 2059  Hurricane! : the 1900 Galveston night of terror 
 2060  Hurricanes 
 2061  Hurricanes, typhoons, and cyclones : disaster & survival 
 2062  Hush 
 2063  Hush harbor : praying in secret 
 2064  Hush! : a Thai lullaby 
 2065  Hydropower : making a splash! 
 2066  I am a dolphin 
 2067  I am a leader 
 2068  I am a seal : The life of an elephant seal 
 2069  I am a star 
 2070  I am born to be awesome! 
 2071  I am every good thing 
 2072  I am helpful 
 2073  I am Jackie Robinson 
 2074  I am Lavina Cumming 
 2075  I am Martin Luther King, Jr. 
 2076  I am patriotic 
 2077  I am polite 
 2078  I am respectful 
 2079  I am responsible 
 2080  I am Small 
 2081  I am the turkey 
 2082  I am tolerant 
 2083  I and you and don't forget who : what is a pronoun? 
 2084  I can be anything! 
 2085  I can be anything! : don't tell me I can't 
 2086  I can hear the sun : a modern myth 
 2087  I can ice skate 
 2088  I can snowboard 
 2089  I can write a book about landforms 
 2090  I have a sister, my sister is deaf 
 2091  I have heard of a land 
 2092  I know a lady 
 2093  I know big and small 
 2094  I like mess 
 2095  I live here! 
 2096  I love going through this book 
 2097  I love my hair 
 2098  I promise 
 2099  I spy I love you 
 2100  I survived the Nazi invasion, 1944 
 2101  I took my frog to the library 
 2102  I use science tools 
 2103  I was a third grade science project 
 2104  I will surprise my friend! 
 2105  I wish I was a wolf 
 2106  I wonder why whales sing and other questions about sea life 
 2107  I yam a donkey! 
 2108  I'll always love you 
 2109  I'll do it later 
 2110  I'll meet you at the cucumbers 
 2111  I'm a fire breather! : meet a dragon 
 2112  I'm no turkey! 
 2113  I'm trying to love rocks 
 2114  I, Juan de Pareja 
 2115  I, too, sing America : three centuries of African American poetry 
 2116  Ice cream : the full scoop 
 2117  The ice cream scoop 
 2118  Ice hockey 
 2119  Ice magic 
 2120  Ida B : --and her plans to maximize fun, avoid disaster, and (possibly) save the world 
 2121  Ida B. Wells : mother of the civil rights movement 
 2122  Ida, always 
 2123  Idaho 
 2124  If I only had a horn : young Louis Armstrong 
 2125  If I were in charge of the world and other worries 
 2126  If I were in charge of the world and other worries : poems for children and their parents 
 2127  If maps could talk : using symbols and keys 
 2128  If you give a moose a muffin 
 2129  If you give a mouse a cookie 
 2130  If you give a pig a party 
 2131  If you made a million 
 2132  If you sailed on the Mayflower in 1620 
 2133  If you take a mouse to the movies 
 2134  If you were a noun 
 2135  If you were a verb 
 2136  If you were a writer 
 2137  If you were born a kitten 
 2138  If you were there in 1776 
 2139  If you'll be my valentine 
 2140  If you're a monster and you know it 
 2141  Iggie's house 
 2142  Iggy Peck and the mysterious mansion 
 2143  Iggy Peck, architect 
 2144  Igneous rocks 
 2145  Iguanas and other lizards 
 2146  Illinois 
 2147  An Illustrated treasury of Read-Aloud Classics for young people 
 2148  Imaginative inventions : the who, what, where, when, and why of roller skates, potato chips, marbles, and pie and more! 
 2149  Imani's music 
 2150  The impeachment process 
 2151  The important book 
 2152  In a dark, dark room : and other scary stories 
 2153  In a pig's eye 
 2154  In Aunt Lucy's kitchen 
 2155  In my momma's kitchen 
 2156  In my neighborhood 
 2157  In my new yellow shirt 
 2158  In my town 
 2159  In the days of the vaqueros : America's first true cowboys 
 2160  In the garden with Dr. Carver 
 2161  In the time of the drums 
 2162  In the yard 
 2163  In-line skating 
 2164  The Incas 
 2165  Inch by inch 
 2166  Inclined planes 
 2167  Independence Day 
 2168  India 
 2169  India 
 2170  India in colors 
 2171  Indiana 
 2172  Industrial America 
 2173  The Industrial Revolution 
 2174  Inheritance and variation of traits 
 2175  Insect invaders 
 2176  Insectlopedia : poems and paintings 
 2177  Insects 
 2178  Insects 
 2179  Insects 
 2180  Insects 
 2181  Inside the mind of a clever dolphin 
 2182  Inside, outside, upside down 
 2183  The inside-outside book of New York City 
 2184  Interdependence of organisms and the environment 
 2185  The interesting thing that happened at Perfect Acres, Inc. 
 2186  Interjections 
 2187  Interrupting cow and the wolf in sheep's clothing 
 2188  Introducing Antarctica 
 2189  Introducing Asia 
 2190  Introducing Australia 
 2191  Introducing landforms 
 2192  Introducing North America 
 2193  Introducing South America 
 2194  Inventing the future : a photobiography of Thomas Alva Edison 
 2195  Invention 
 2196  The invention of Hugo Cabret : a novel in words and pictures 
 2197  Inventors who changed the world 
 2198  Investigating the scientific method with Max Axiom, super scientist 
 2199  Invisibility 
 2200  Invisible 
 2201  Invulnerability 
 2202  Iowa 
 2203  Ira sleeps over 
 2204  Irish dance 
 2205  The Ironwood tree 
 2206  Is it flexible or rigid? 
 2207  Is it heavy or light? 
 2208  Is it hot or cold? 
 2209  Is it magnetic or nonmagnetic? 
 2210  Is it smooth or rough? 
 2211  Is it transparent or opaque? 
 2212  Isaac Newton 
 2213  Islam 
 2214  Island boy : story and pictures 
 2215  Island of the Blue Dolphins 
 2216  Islands 
 2217  It could always be worse : a Yiddish folk tale 
 2218  It could still be a cat 
 2219  It could still be a flower 
 2220  It could still be a mammal 
 2221  It's a dog's life 
 2222  It's a fair day, Amber Brown 
 2223  It's a good thing there are insects 
 2224  It's a hummingbird's life 
 2225  It's about dogs : poems 
 2226  It's all Greek to me 
 2227  It's Christmas 
 2228  It's Justin Time, Amber Brown 
 2229  It's Optimus Prime time! 
 2230  It's Valentine's Day 
 2231  Italian for beginners 
 2232  Izzy the interjection 
 2233  J is for jack-o-lantern : a halloween alphabet 
 2234  J.J. Rabbit and the monster 
 2235  Jabuti the tortoise : a trickster tale from the Amazon 
 2236  Jack adrift : fourth grade without a clue. 
 2237  Jack and the beanstalk 
 2238  Jack and the Beanstalk 
 2239  Jack and the giant : a story full of beans 
 2240  The jacket 
 2241  Jackie Robinson 
 2242  Jackie Robinson 
 2243  Jackie Robinson : baseball's first Black major leaguer 
 2244  Jackie Robinson and the story of all-black baseball 
 2245  Jackson Pollock 
 2246  The Jacob ladder 
 2247  Jafta 
 2248  The jaguar's jewel 
 2249  Jaguar, my twin 
 2250  Jaguars 
 2251  Jaguarundi 
 2252  Jakarta missing 
 2253  Jake Drake class clown 
 2254  Jake Drake teacher's pet 
 2255  Jake the adjective 
 2256  Jake's 100th day of school 
 2257  Jamaica and Brianna 
 2258  Jamaica and the substitute teacher 
 2259  Jamaica tag-along 
 2260  Jamaica tag-along 
 2261  Jamaica's blue marker 
 2262  Jamaica's find 
 2263  Jamela's dress 
 2264  James A. Garfield 
 2265  James and the giant peach : a children's story 
 2266  Jane Goodall 
 2267  Janet's thingamajigs 
 2268  Janie's private eyes 
 2269  The janitor's boy 
 2270  January's sparrow 
 2271  Japan in colors 
 2272  The Japanese Tsunami, 2011 
 2273  Jason and the Argonauts 
 2274  Jazz dance 
 2275  The Jazz Man 
 2276  Jean Laffite and the big ol' whale 
 2277  Jedi Academy 
 2278  Jellyfish 
 2279  Jellyfish 
 2280  Jellyfish feels jealous 
 2281  Jennifer, Hecate, Macbeth, William McKinley, and me, Elizabeth 
 2282  Jericho's journey 
 2283  Jesse James 
 2284  Jesse Owens 
 2285  Jesse Owens 
 2286  Jesse Owens : Olympic star 
 2287  Jessi's secret language 
 2288  Jessica 
 2289  The Jewish American family album 
 2290  Jim and the beanstalk 
 2291  Jimmy Lee did it 
 2292  Joan of Arc 
 2293  Jobs in my neighborhood 
 2294  Joe Cinders 
 2295  Joe Mauer 
 2296  Joey Pigza loses control 
 2297  Johann Gutenberg : master of modern printing 
 2298  Johann Sebastian Bach 
 2299  John Adams 
 2300  John F. Kennedy 
 2301  John F. Kennedy 
 2302  John Glenn returns to orbit : life on the space shuttle 
 2303  John Henry 
 2304  John Henry, steel-driving man 
 2305  John Muir 
 2306  John Philip Duck 
 2307  John Quincy Adams : letters from a southern planter's son 
 2308  Johnny Appleseed 
 2309  Johnny Appleseed 
 2310  Johnny Appleseed 
 2311  Johnny Appleseed : a poem 
 2312  Johnny Lion's bad day. 
 2313  Johnny Long Legs 
 2314  The Joplin tornado, 2011 
 2315  The Josefina story quilt 
 2316  Joseph had a little overcoat 
 2317  Josephine : the dazzling life of Josephine Baker 
 2318  Josie's Beau 
 2319  The journal of Biddy Owens, the Negro leagues 
 2320  The journey 
 2321  Journey home 
 2322  Journey outside 
 2323  Journey to the center of the earth 
 2324  Joy to the world : Christmas stories from around the globe 
 2325  Joyful noise : poems for two voices 
 2326  Juan Ponce de Leon and the search for the Fountain of Youth 
 2327  Juana & Lucas 
 2328  Judaism 
 2329  Judy Moody, M.D. : the doctor is in 
 2330  Julian is a mermaid 
 2331  Julian's glorious summer 
 2332  Julian, dream doctor 
 2333  Julian, secret agent 
 2334  Jumanji 
 2335  Jump back, Honey 
 2336  Jump! : the adventures of Brer Rabbit 
 2337  Junebug 
 2338  Junebug and the Reverend 
 2339  Junebug in trouble 
 2340  Jungle animals 
 2341  Junie B. Jones and the stupid smelly bus 
 2342  Junie B. Jones loves handsome Warren 
 2343  Junie B., first grader (at last!) 
 2344  Junie B., first grader : cheater pants 
 2345  Junie B., first grader : one-man band 
 2346  Junie B., first grader : shipwrecked 
 2347  Jupiter 
 2348  Jupiter 
 2349  Just a dream 
 2350  Just ask! : be different, be brave, be you 
 2351  Just kids : pictures, poems and other silly animal stuff just for kids! 
 2352  Just me 
 2353  Just plain fancy 
 2354  Just so stories 
 2355  Just the way you are 
 2356  Just us women 
 2357  Just you and me 
 2358  Justin and the best biscuits in the world 
 2359  Justin and the best biscuits in the world 
 2360  Justin and the best biscuits in the world 
 2361  Justin and the best biscuits in the world 
 2362  Kamala Harris : Vice President 
 2363  A kangaroo's life 
 2364  Kangaroos have joeys 
 2365  Kansas 
 2366  Karen's roller skates 
 2367  Karen's witch : a graphic novel 
 2368  Karen's worst day 
 2369  Karl and Carolina uncover the parts of a book 
 2370  Katy and the big snow 
 2371  Kayaking 
 2372  Keeker and the sneaky pony 
 2373  Keep Ms. Sugarman in the fourth grade 
 2374  Keep the lights burning, Abbie 
 2375  Keeping a Christmas secret 
 2376  Keeping fit 
 2377  The keeping quilt 
 2378  Kenny & the dragon 
 2379  Kente colors 
 2380  Kentucky 
 2381  Kenya in colors 
 2382  Kerplunk! 
 2383  Kevin Durant 
 2384  A kick in the head : an everyday guide to poetic forms 
 2385  A kid's guide to the economy 
 2386  Kidnap at the Catfish Cafe 
 2387  Kinda like brothers 
 2388  The king & the three thieves : a Persian tale 
 2389  The king and the tortoise 
 2390  King Arthur 
 2391  King Arthur and the Round Table 
 2392  King Bidgood's in the bathtub 
 2393  King cobra vs. mongoose 
 2394  King Grisly-Beard; : [a tale from the brothers Grimm] 
 2395  King Midas and the golden touch 
 2396  King of the Wind 
 2397  The king with a horse's ear : an Irish graphic folktale 
 2398  The king's secret : the legend of King Sejong 
 2399  The Kingfisher atlas of the ancient world 
 2400  Kira-kira 
 2401  Kirsten learns a lesson : a school story 
 2402  Kitoto the mighty 
 2403  The kitten caper 
 2404  Kitten's first full moon 
 2405  Kitty from the start 
 2406  Kneeknock Rise. 
 2407  The knight at dawn 
 2408  The knight at dawn 
 2409  Knights : facts, things to make, activities 
 2410  Knights in shining armor 
 2411  Knights of the kitchen table 
 2412  Knitting 
 2413  Knots in my yo-yo string : the autobiography of a kid 
 2414  Knots on a counting rope 
 2415  Know your hometown history : projects and activities 
 2416  Koala bears 
 2417  Koala Lou 
 2418  Komodo dragons 
 2419  Kristy and the snobs 
 2420  Kristy's great idea : a graphic novel 
 2421  The Ku Klux Klan : a hooded brotherhood 
 2422  Kwanzaa 
 2423  Kwanzaa : a level two reader 
 2424  Kwanzaa crafts 
 2425  A Kwanzaa fable / : Eric V. Copage. 
 2426  Labrador retrievers 
 2427  The lady and the spider 
 2428  Ladybugs 
 2429  Lake and pond food webs in action 
 2430  Lakes 
 2431  The lamp, the ice, and the boat called Fish : based on a true story 
 2432  The land 
 2433  The Land of the Dead 
 2434  Land of the wild llama : a story of the Patagonian Andes. 
 2435  The Landry News 
 2436  Langston Hughes 
 2437  Langston Hughes : American poet 
 2438  Langston Hughes : great American poet 
 2439  Laser man : Theodore H. Maiman and his brilliant invention 
 2440  The last holiday concert 
 2441  The Last Invisible Boy 
 2442  The Last Kids on Earth and the Cosmic Beyond 
 2443  The last kids on Earth and the Nightmare King 
 2444  The last Olympian 
 2445  The last straw 
 2446  The last wolf of Ireland 
 2447  Later, Gator 
 2448  Laundry day overload 
 2449  Laura Ingalls Wilder 
 2450  Laura Ingalls Wilder : a biography 
 2451  Laura Numeroff's 10-step guide to living with your monster 
 2452  The leanin' dog 
 2453  Leap, frog 
 2454  Learn to play blues 
 2455  Learning about achievement from the life of Maya Angelou 
 2456  Learning about earth's cycles with graphic organizers 
 2457  Learning about energy with graphic organizers 
 2458  Learning about equal rights from the life of Ruth Bader Ginsburg 
 2459  Learning about fairness from the life of Susan B. Anthony 
 2460  Learning about food chains and food webs with graphic organizers 
 2461  Learning about heat and temperature with graphic organizers 
 2462  Learning about love from the life of Mother Teresa 
 2463  Learning about plant growth with graphic organizers 
 2464  Learning about public service from the life of John F. Kennedy Jr. 
 2465  Learning about rocks 
 2466  Learning about rocks, weathering, and erosion with graphic organizers 
 2467  Learning about simple machines with graphic organizers 
 2468  Learning about the effects of natural events with graphic organizers 
 2469  Learning about the movement of the sun and other stars with graphic organizers 
 2470  Learning about the water cycle with graphic organizers 
 2471  Learning about weather with graphic organizers 
 2472  Leaves 
 2473  LeBron James 
 2474  The legacy of Mr. Banjo! 
 2475  The legend of the bluebonnet : an old tale of Texas 
 2476  Lego 
 2477  Lemonade for sale 
 2478  Lemony Snicket : the unauthorized autobiography 
 2479  Lemur landing : a story of a Madagascan tropical dry forest 
 2480  Leo the late bloomer 
 2481  Leprechaun in late winter 
 2482  Leprechauns don't play basketball 
 2483  Lessons in science safety with Max Axiom, super scientist : 4D, an augmented reading science experience 
 2484  Let it shine : stories of Black women freedom fighters 
 2485  Let it shine : three favorite spirituals 
 2486  Let me help! 
 2487  Let the circle be unbroken 
 2488  Let's celebrate Christmas 
 2489  Let's celebrate St. Patrick's Day 
 2490  Let's celebrate Thanksgiving 
 2491  Let's go home, Little Bear 
 2492  Let's go to a baseball game 
 2493  Let's go to a car race 
 2494  Let's go to a play 
 2495  Let's go to a science center 
 2496  Let's go to the museum 
 2497  Let's graph 
 2498  Let's look at fall 
 2499  Let's look at summer 
 2500  Let's look at winter 
 2501  Let's make a bike with everyday materials 
 2502  Let's make a dump truck with everyday materials 
 2503  Let's make a fish with everyday materials 
 2504  Let's make a lion with everyday materials 
 2505  Let's make a monkey with everyday materials 
 2506  Let's make an owl with everyday materials 
 2507  Let's meet Jackie Robinson 
 2508  Let's meet Martin Luther King, Jr. 
 2509  Let's share, grumpy bunny! 
 2510  A letter to Mrs. Roosevelt 
 2511  Levers 
 2512  Levers in my world 
 2513  Lewis and Clark 
 2514  Lewis and Clark : explorers of the Louisiana Purchase 
 2515  The Lewis and Clark Expedition 
 2516  Li'l Pete the preposition 
 2517  Liang and the magic paintbrush 
 2518  The Liberty Bell 
 2519  Liberty or death : a story about Patrick Henry 
 2520  The librarian who measured the earth 
 2521  Librarians 
 2522  Library 
 2523  The Library Card 
 2524  The library card 
 2525  Library lion 
 2526  The life and death of Crazy Horse 
 2527  The life cycle of a frog 
 2528  The life cycle of a grasshopper 
 2529  The life cycle of a penguin 
 2530  Life in a medieval village 
 2531  Life long ago 
 2532  Life on a mountain 
 2533  Life science 
 2534  Lift 
 2535  Lift ev'ry voice and sing 
 2536  Light 
 2537  Light 
 2538  Light 
 2539  Light : a question and answer book 
 2540  Light in my world 
 2541  A light in the attic 
 2542  A light in the attic 
 2543  The lighthouse mystery 
 2544  Lightland 
 2545  The lightning thief 
 2546  Like a hundred drums 
 2547  Lilly's big day 
 2548  Lilly's purple plastic purse 
 2549  Lily learns about wants and needs 
 2550  A lime, a mime, a pool of slime : more about nouns 
 2551  Limpopo the lion : a tale of laziness and lethargy 
 2552  Lincoln : a photobiography 
 2553  The Lincoln Memorial 
 2554  Lincoln, slavery, and the Emancipation Proclamation 
 2555  The Lincolns : a scrapbook look at Abraham and Mary 
 2556  Lines, segments, rays, and angles 
 2557  The lion & the mouse 
 2558  The lion and the mouse 
 2559  A lion for Lewis 
 2560  The lion, the witch, and the wardrobe 
 2561  Lions at lunchtime 
 2562  Liquids in my world 
 2563  Listen to the rain 
 2564  The little auto 
 2565  Little Bear marches in the St. Patrick's Day parade. 
 2566  Little Cliff and the cold place 
 2567  Little Cliff and the porch people 
 2568  Little Cliff's first day of school 
 2569  Little Cliff's first day of school 
 2570  Little Dog 
 2571  The little drummer boy 
 2572  The little farm 
 2573  The little house 
 2574  The little house 
 2575  Little house in the big woods 
 2576  Little house in the big woods 
 2577  Little house in the big woods 
 2578  Little house on the prairie 
 2579  Little house on the prairie 
 2580  The little island 
 2581  Little leaders : bold women in black history 
 2582  The little match girl 
 2583  Little Mouse's big valentine 
 2584  Little Nino's pizzeria 
 2585  The little old lady who was not afraid of anything 
 2586  Little Pig Figwort can't get to sleep 
 2587  Little polar bear 
 2588  A little prairie house : adapted from the Little house books by Laura Ingalls Wilder 
 2589  Little Raccoon 
 2590  Little Red Gliding Hood 
 2591  The little red hen 
 2592  The little red hen : an old story 
 2593  Little Red Riding Hood 
 2594  Little Red Riding Hood 
 2595  The Little Rock nine : a primary source exploration of the battle for school integration 
 2596  Little sharks, big sharks 
 2597  Little Sure Shot : the story of Annie Oakley 
 2598  Little town on the prairie 
 2599  The little train 
 2600  Little women 
 2601  The littlest angel 
 2602  Living and nonliving 
 2603  Living and nonliving in the desert 
 2604  Living and nonliving in the grasslands 
 2605  Living and nonliving in the mountains 
 2606  Living and nonliving in the ocean 
 2607  Living and nonliving in the polar regions 
 2608  Living and nonliving in the rain forest 
 2609  Living green 
 2610  Living in a desert 
 2611  Living in the mountains 
 2612  Living near a river 
 2613  Living near the sea 
 2614  Living on the plains 
 2615  Living or nonliving? 
 2616  Living with cerebral palsy 
 2617  Lizards 
 2618  Lizards 
 2619  Llamas 
 2620  Lobsters and other crustaceans 
 2621  Locomotive 
 2622  The log cabin church 
 2623  Logan likes Mary Anne! 
 2624  Lon Po Po : a Red-Riding Hood story from China 
 2625  The lonely library 
 2626  The loner 
 2627  Long and short : an animal opposites book 
 2628  The long haul 
 2629  A long way from Chicago : a novel in stories 
 2630  Longhouses 
 2631  Look and compare : a photo analogy game 
 2632  Look and count 
 2633  A look at magnets 
 2634  Look how it changes! 
 2635  Look out, college, here I come! 
 2636  Look! : a book about sight 
 2637  Look, listen, taste, touch, and smell : learning about your five senses 
 2638  Looking at ants 
 2639  Looking at glass through the ages 
 2640  Looking at landforms 
 2641  Looking at nature 
 2642  Looking at the United States 
 2643  Loose tooth 
 2644  The Lorax 
 2645  Lord of the deep 
 2646  Lord of the nutcracker men 
 2647  Loser 
 2648  Lost and found 
 2649  Lost in cyberspace 
 2650  Lost in the museum 
 2651  Lost in translation 
 2652  The lost locket 
 2653  The loud librarian 
 2654  Loud sounds, soft sounds 
 2655  Loudmouth George and the sixth-grade bully 
 2656  Louie 
 2657  Louie and Bear bite back 
 2658  Louis Armstrong 
 2659  Louis Braille 
 2660  Louis Pasteur 
 2661  The Louisiana Purchase 
 2662  Love to Langston 
 2663  love your world 
 2664  Low power 
 2665  Lucinda's secret 
 2666  The luckiest one of all 
 2667  The lucky baseball bat 
 2668  Lucky Boy 
 2669  The lucky buckeye : a story about Ohio 
 2670  The lucky horseshoes 
 2671  Lucky Lady 
 2672  The lucky lottery 
 2673  The lucky sovereign 
 2674  The Lunch Bunch 
 2675  Lunch lines, tryouts, and making the grade : questions and answers about school 
 2676  Lunch with Milly 
 2677  The M&M's brand counting book 
 2678  M.C. Higgins, the great 
 2679  Machu Picchu : the lost civilization 
 2680  Mad as a wet hen! : and other funny idioms 
 2681  Mad Jack 
 2682  Madam C.J. Walker : self-made millionaire 
 2683  Madeline 
 2684  Madeline and the bad hat 
 2685  Madeline Finn and the library dog 
 2686  Madeline in London 
 2687  Madeline says merci : the always-be-polite book 
 2688  Madeline's rescue 
 2689  Madeline's rescue 
 2690  Mae Jemison 
 2691  Mae Jemison 
 2692  Magellan : Ferdinand Magellan and the first trip around the world 
 2693  Magellan : Ferdinand Magellan and the first trip around the world 
 2694  Maggie and Silky and Joe 
 2695  The magic babushka : an original Russian tale 
 2696  The magic beans 
 2697  The magic finger. 
 2698  The magic gourd 
 2699  The magic school bus : in the time of the dinosaurs 
 2700  The Magic School Bus and the climate challenge 
 2701  The magic school bus and the electric field trip 
 2702  The magic school bus and the electric field trip 
 2703  The magic school bus at the waterworks 
 2704  The magic school bus butterfly and the bog beast : a book about butterfly camouflage 
 2705  The magic school bus explores the senses 
 2706  The magic school bus explores the senses 
 2707  The magic school bus gets a bright idea : a book about light 
 2708  The Magic School Bus gets ants in its pants : a book about ants 
 2709  The magic school bus gets cold feet : a book about warm-and-cold-blooded animals 
 2710  The magic school bus gets eaten : a book about food chains 
 2711  The magic school bus going batty : a book about bats 
 2712  The magic school bus hops home : a book about animal habitats 
 2713  The Magic School Bus in the Arctic : a book about heat 
 2714  The magic school bus in the time of the dinosaurs 
 2715  The magic school bus in the time of the dinosaurs 
 2716  The magic school bus inside a beehive 
 2717  The magic school bus inside a hurricane 
 2718  The magic school bus inside a hurricane 
 2719  The magic school bus inside the earth 
 2720  The magic school bus inside the Earth 
 2721  The magic school bus inside the human body 
 2722  The magic school bus on the ocean floor 
 2723  The magic school bus on the ocean floor 
 2724  The magic school bus plants seeds : a book about how living things grow 
 2725  The magic school bus ups and downs : a book about floating and sinking 
 2726  The magic school bus wet all over : a book about the water cycle 
 2727  The magic show mystery 
 2728  The magic tapestry : a Chinese graphic folktale 
 2729  Magic tree house incredible fact book 
 2730  Magic words! 
 2731  The magician's nephew 
 2732  Magnetism 
 2733  Magnetism : a question and answer book 
 2734  The magpie's tail : a Swedish graphic folktale 
 2735  Mail carriers 
 2736  Maine 
 2737  Make a wish, honey bear! 
 2738  Make it move! 
 2739  Make it yourself! : bots & circuits 
 2740  Make it yourself! : collages & sculptures 
 2741  Make it yourself! : coloring & doodling 
 2742  Make it yourself! : comics & graphic novels 
 2743  Make it yourself! : from junk to jewelry 
 2744  Make it yourself! : paper pop-up art 
 2745  Make like a tree and leave 
 2746  Make way for ducklings 
 2747  Make way for Sam Houston 
 2748  Makeda makes a birthday treat 
 2749  Making change at the fair 
 2750  Making music 
 2751  Making shade 
 2752  Making shapes 
 2753  Mama don't allow : starring Miles and the Swamp Band 
 2754  Mama's coming home 
 2755  Mammals 
 2756  Mammals 
 2757  Mammals 
 2758  Mammals 
 2759  Mammoth 
 2760  Man from the sky 
 2761  The man who caught fish 
 2762  The man who invented basketball : James Naismith and his amazing game 
 2763  The man who loved clowns 
 2764  The man who walked between the towers 
 2765  The man-eating tigers of Sundarbans 
 2766  Manatees 
 2767  Manatees 
 2768  Manatees 
 2769  Mandela : from the life of the South African statesman 
 2770  Mandy 
 2771  Maniac Magee : a novel 
 2772  Maniac Magee : a novel 
 2773  Manners at a friend's home 
 2774  Manners at a restaurant 
 2775  Manners at the library 
 2776  Manners in public 
 2777  Manners in the classroom 
 2778  Manners on the playground 
 2779  Many moons 
 2780  Mapping Earth 
 2781  Maps are flat, globes are round 
 2782  Maps, maps, maps! 
 2783  The march on Washington 
 2784  The March on Washington : a primary source exploration of the pivotal protest 
 2785  Marco Polo and the Roc 
 2786  Marco Polo and the wonders of the East 
 2787  Marcus Garvey 
 2788  Marge in charge and the missing orangutan 
 2789  Margo and Marky's adventures in reading 
 2790  Margret & H. A. Rey's Curious George's dinosaur discovery 
 2791  Marian Anderson 
 2792  Marian Anderson : a great singer 
 2793  Marie Antoinette : princess of Versailles 
 2794  Marie Curie 
 2795  Marie Curie 
 2796  Marie Curie 
 2797  Marie Curie 
 2798  Mariel of Redwall 
 2799  Maritcha : a nineteenth-century American girl 
 2800  The Mark of Athena 
 2801  The Market Square dog 
 2802  Mars 
 2803  Mars 
 2804  Martha Graham : a dancer's life 
 2805  Martha moth makes socks 
 2806  Martin Luther King Jr Day 
 2807  Martin Luther King Jr. 
 2808  Martin Luther King Jr. : a life of determination 
 2809  Martin Luther King Jr. Day 
 2810  Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 
 2811  Marvin Redpost, a flying birthday cake? 
 2812  Marvin Redpost, class president 
 2813  Marvin Redpost, kidnapped at birth? 
 2814  Marvin's best Christmas present ever 
 2815  Mary Alice returns 
 2816  Mary Anne saves the day 
 2817  Mary Church Terrell : leader for equality 
 2818  Mary McLeod Bethune 
 2819  Mary McLeod Bethune : a great American educator 
 2820  Mary McLeod Bethune : a great teacher 
 2821  Mary Poppins 
 2822  Mary, Queen of Scots : queen without a country 
 2823  Maryland 
 2824  The masked monkey 
 2825  Matchit 
 2826  The matchlock gun 
 2827  Materials 
 2828  Math curse 
 2829  Math for all seasons : mind-stretching math riddles 
 2830  Math tools 
 2831  Matthew Henson 
 2832  Matthew's dream 
 2833  Maurice Sendak 
 2834  Max 
 2835  Max & Mo go apple picking 
 2836  Max and Zoe at school 
 2837  Max and Zoe at the doctor 
 2838  Max and Zoe at the library 
 2839  Max goes to the farmers' market 
 2840  Max goes to the recycling center 
 2841  The Maya 
 2842  Maya Angelou : greeting the morning 
 2843  Maybe something beautiful : how art transformed a neighborhood 
 2844  The Mayflower Compact 
 2845  McBroom tells a lie 
 2846  McBroom tells the truth 
 2847  McBroom the rainmaker 
 2848  McBroom's ghost 
 2849  The me inside of me : a novel 
 2850  Me oh Maya! 
 2851  Meadow food chains 
 2852  The meanest thing to say 
 2853  Measurement 
 2854  Measurement action 
 2855  Measuring with monkeys 
 2856  Meat and beans 
 2857  Medgar Evers 
 2858  Meet A. A. Milne 
 2859  Meet Addy : an American girl 
 2860  Meet Coretta Scott King 
 2861  Meet Danitra Brown 
 2862  Meet E. B. White 
 2863  Meet Kirsten, an American girl, 1854 
 2864  Meet Laura Ingalls Wilder 
 2865  Meet Martin Luther King Jr. 
 2866  Meet Molly : an American girl 
 2867  Meet our new student from China 
 2868  Meet our new student from Great Britain 
 2869  Meet our new student from Korea 
 2870  Meet our new student from Mexico 
 2871  Meet our new student from Nigeria 
 2872  Meet Rosa Parks 
 2873  Meet Samantha : an American girl 
 2874  Meet Shel Silverstein 
 2875  Meet the boxcar children 
 2876  Meet the panda 
 2877  Mel fell 
 2878  The meltdown 
 2879  Meltdown : a race against nuclear disaster at Three Mile Island : a reporter's story 
 2880  The memory box 
 2881  The memory string 
 2882  Memphis Grizzlies 
 2883  Memphis Grizzlies 
 2884  Mercury 
 2885  Mercy Watson goes for a ride 
 2886  Mercy Watson thinks like a pig 
 2887  Mercy Watson to the rescue 
 2888  Meri Mercer doesn't lie, mostly 
 2889  Mermaids don't run track 
 2890  Merriam-Webster's alphabet book 
 2891  The merry Christmas book : a first book of holiday stories and poems 
 2892  Merry Christmas, Amelia Bedelia 
 2893  Merry Christmas, dear dragon 
 2894  Merry Christmas, Strega Nona 
 2895  Merry-go-round : a book about nouns 
 2896  Messenger 
 2897  Messy Bessey's family reunion 
 2898  Messy Bessey's holidays 
 2899  Messy Bessey's school desk 
 2900  Metal 
 2901  Metals 
 2902  Metamorphic rocks 
 2903  Meteor! 
 2904  Meteors and comets 
 2905  Mexico in colors 
 2906  Michael Hague's family Easter treasury 
 2907  Michael Jackson : ultimate music legend 
 2908  Michelle Obama : first lady, going higher 
 2909  Mick Harte was here 
 2910  The midnight farm 
 2911  Midnight on the moon 
 2912  The midnight ride of Paul Revere 
 2913  Mieko and the fifth treasure 
 2914  Mike Fink : a tall tale 
 2915  Miles Davis : jazz master 
 2916  The milk makers 
 2917  Milk to ice cream 
 2918  Milk, yogurt, and cheese 
 2919  The Milky Way 
 2920  A million fish. . . more or less 
 2921  Millions of cats 
 2922  Millions of cats 
 2923  Millions of cats 
 2924  Milo imagines the world 
 2925  Milo's hat trick 
 2926  Milton the early riser 
 2927  Mim's Christmas jam 
 2928  Mimi can't camouflage : a story about avoiding bias 
 2929  Mine, all mine : a book about pronouns 
 2930  Minecraft 
 2931  Minecraft : essential handbook 
 2932  Minecraft, 1 
 2933  Minecraft, 2 
 2934  Minecraft, 3 
 2935  Minecraft, 4 
 2936  Minecraft, 5 
 2937  Minecraft, 6 
 2938  Minecraft, 7 
 2939  Minecraft, 8 
 2940  Minerals 
 2941  Minerals 
 2942  Ming Lo moves the mountain 
 2943  A mink, a fink, a skating rink : what is a noun? 
 2944  Minnesota 
 2945  The minstrel's tale 
 2946  Minty : a story of young Harriet Tubman 
 2947  The Minutemen 
 2948  Miracle on 34th Street 
 2949  Miracle's boys 
 2950  Mirandy and Brother Wind 
 2951  The miserable mill 
 2952  Miss Bindergarten celebrates the 100th day of kindergarten 
 2953  Miss Bindergarten gets ready for kindergarten 
 2954  Miss Bindergarten plans a circus with kindergarten 
 2955  Miss Bindergarten stays home from kindergarten 
 2956  Miss Daisy is crazy! 
 2957  Miss Hickory 
 2958  Miss Hunnicutt's hat 
 2959  Miss Nelson is back 
 2960  Miss Nelson is missing! 
 2961  Miss Rumphius 
 2962  Miss Tizzy 
 2963  Miss Viola and Uncle Ed Lee 
 2964  Missing May 
 2965  The missing mummy 
 2966  The missing piece 
 2967  The missing piece meets the Big O 
 2968  The missing programmer 
 2969  Missing Rabbit 
 2970  Missions and presidios 
 2971  Missy the show-me mule : a story about Missouri 
 2972  Mitch and Amy 
 2973  The mitten : a Ukrainian folktale 
 2974  Moby Dick 
 2975  Modern dance 
 2976  Molly learns a lesson : a school story 
 2977  Molly's pilgrim 
 2978  Monarch butterfly 
 2979  Monarchs and other butterflies 
 2980  Monday with a mad genius 
 2981  Money 
 2982  Money for toys 
 2983  Money math 
 2984  Monkey business 
 2985  Monkey-Monkey's trick : based on an African folk tale 
 2986  Monkeys of Asia and Africa 
 2987  Monkeys of Central and South America 
 2988  Monster math 
 2989  Monster math 
 2990  Monster math school time 
 2991  Monster trucks 
 2992  Monsters don't scuba dive 
 2993  Montana 
 2994  Months 
 2995  Monticello 
 2996  The moon 
 2997  The moon 
 2998  Moonlight on the magic flute 
 2999  The Moonstone Castle mystery 
 3000  Moose and Mouse 
 3001  Mop top 
 3002  A more perfect union : the story of our Constitution 
 3003  More small poems 
 3004  More stories Julian tells 
 3005  More than anything else 
 3006  Morris the artist 
 3007  Moses : when Harriet Tubman led her people to freedom 
 3008  Mother Goose : a collection of classic nursery rhymes 
 3009  Mother's Day crafts 
 3010  Moths 
 3011  Motion 
 3012  Motion 
 3013  Motion 
 3014  Motion : push and pull, fast and slow 
 3015  Motorcycles 
 3016  Mount Rushmore 
 3017  Mount Vernon 
 3018  Mountain mammals 
 3019  Mountains 
 3020  Mountains 
 3021  The mouse and the motorcycle 
 3022  Mouse soup 
 3023  Mouse tales 
 3024  Move it or lose it! 
 3025  Moving 
 3026  Mr. Cool 
 3027  Mr. Lincoln's whiskers 
 3028  Mr. Popper's penguins 
 3029  Mr. Putter and Tabby pour the tea 
 3030  Mrs. Katz and Tush 
 3031  Mrs. Katz and Tush 
 3032  Mrs. McNosh hangs up her wash 
 3033  Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle 
 3034  Mrs. Portree's pony 
 3035  Mrs. Toggle and the dinosaur 
 3036  Ms. Krup cracks me up! 
 3037  Ms. McCaw learns to draw 
 3038  Much ado about Aldo 
 3039  Much bigger than Martin 
 3040  Mufaro's beautiful daughters : an African tale 
 3041  Muffy's secret admirer 
 3042  Muhammad Ali 
 3043  Multiply this! 
 3044  Mummies in the morning 
 3045  Mummies made in Egypt 
 3046  Mummy 
 3047  The muscular system 
 3048  The muscular system 
 3049  Museum mix-up 
 3050  Museum trip 
 3051  Mushroom in the rain : adapted from the Russian of V. Suteyev 
 3052  Muskrat 
 3053  A Mustache Baby Christmas 
 3054  My "d" sound box 
 3055  My "e" sound box 
 3056  My "f" sound box 
 3057  My "g" sound box 
 3058  My "h" sound box 
 3059  My "i" sound box 
 3060  My "j" sound box 
 3061  My Black me: a beginning book of Black poetry. 
 3062  My body 
 3063  My bones and muscles 
 3064  My brother fine with me 
 3065  My brother the duck 
 3066  My brother, the pest 
 3067  My camp-out 
 3068  My family 
 3069  My father's dragon 
 3070  My first book of sign 
 3071  My first Christmas book 
 3072  My first French words to see and learn 
 3073  My first Thanksgiving book 
 3074  My first words to see and learn 
 3075  My five senses 
 3076  My friend Rabbit 
 3077  My librarian is a camel : how books are brought to children around the world 
 3078  My life in dog years 
 3079  My little island 
 3080  My mama says there aren't any zombies : ghosts, vampires, creatures, demons, monsters, fiends, goblins, or things 
 3081  My man Blue : poems 
 3082  My name is Yoon 
 3083  My parents think I'm sleeping : poems 
 3084  My rotten redheaded older brother 
 3085  My senator and me : a dog's eye view of Washington, D.C. 
 3086  My visit to the aquarium 
 3087  My week 
 3088  The mysteries of Harris Burdick 
 3089  Mystery at Devil's Paw 
 3090  The Mystery at Lilac Inn 
 3091  The mystery at the ballpark 
 3092  The mystery in New York 
 3093  Mystery math : a first book of algebra 
 3094  The mystery of Alligator Swamp 
 3095  The mystery of Drear House : the conclusion of the Dies Drear chronicle 
 3096  The mystery of Sara Beth 
 3097  The mystery of the 99 steps. 
 3098  The mystery of the hidden painting 
 3099  The mystery of the pirate ship 
 3100  The mystery of the snow puppy 
 3101  The mystery of the stinky, spooky night 
 3102  The Mystery of the sunken treasure : sea math. 
 3103  The mystery of the tiger's eye 
 3104  N.C. Wyeth's pilgrims 
 3105  The NAACP : an organization working to end discrimination 
 3106  Naked mole rats 
 3107  The name quilt 
 3108  Nana Upstairs & Nana Downstairs 
 3109  The napping house 
 3110  The narrow escapes of Davy Crockett 
 3111  Nat Turner : slave revolt leader 
 3112  Nat Turner and the slave revolt 
 3113  Nate the Great and the big sniff 
 3114  Nate the Great and the monster mess 
 3115  Nate the Great and the mushy valentine 
 3116  Nate the Great and the tardy tortoise 
 3117  Nate the Great on the Owl Express 
 3118  Nate the Great, San Francisco detective 
 3119  The national anthem 
 3120  National Geographic essential visual history of the world. 
 3121  Native American doctor : the story of Susan LaFlesche Picotte 
 3122  Nattie Parsons' good-luck lamb 
 3123  Natural or man-made 
 3124  Nature's fireworks : a book about lightning 
 3125  Navajo ABC : a Dine alphabet book 
 3126  Navajo code talkers 
 3127  Navajo long walk : the tragic story of a proud people's forced march from their homeland 
 3128  Nebraska 
 3129  Nella and the dragon 
 3130  Nelly's garden 
 3131  Nelson Mandela : world leader for human rights 
 3132  Nelson the noun 
 3133  Neptune 
 3134  Neptune 
 3135  The nervous system 
 3136  The nervous system 
 3137  The nervous system 
 3138  A new Barker in the house 
 3139  The new hippos. 
 3140  New kid 
 3141  New Mexico 
 3142  New Orleans! 
 3143  New Year's Day 
 3144  Next Spring an Oriole 
 3145  The nice mice in the rice : a long vowel sounds book 
 3146  The night before Christmas 
 3147  Night flight. 
 3148  Night light : a book about the moon 
 3149  Night of the Ninjas 
 3150  Night on Neighborhood Street 
 3151  Night tree 
 3152  Nightingale's adventure in Alphabet Town. 
 3153  Nightmare at the book fair 
 3154  Nighty-nightmare 
 3155  The ninth nugget 
 3156  No brainer 
 3157  No fighting, no biting! 
 3158  NO is all I know 
 3159  No more homework! no more tests! : kids' favorite funny school poems 
 3160  No talking 
 3161  Noah and the rainbow; 
 3162  Noah's ark 
 3163  Noah's ark 
 3164  Nobody owns the sky : the story of "brave Bessie" Coleman 
 3165  Nobody's orphan 
 3166  Nobunny's perfect 
 3167  Noodleheads Fortress of Doom 
 3168  Norman the doorman 
 3169  North America 
 3170  North America 
 3171  North to freedom 
 3172  North, south, east, and west 
 3173  Northern spotted owls 
 3174  Not a buzz to be found : insects in winter 
 3175  Not I, not I 
 3176  The not-so-jolly Roger 
 3177  The not-so-wicked stepmother 
 3178  Nothing but trouble : the story of Althea Gibson 
 3179  Now & Ben : the modern inventions of Benjamin Franklin 
 3180  Now is your time! : the African-American struggle for freedom 
 3181  Nuclear energy : amazing atoms 
 3182  Number one puppy 
 3183  Number the stars 
 3184  Numbers 
 3185  Numbers : counting it up 
 3186  Nutcracker 
 3187  Nzingha : warrior Queen of Matamba 
 3188  Nzingha, warrior queen of Matamba 
 3189  An oak tree dies and a journey begins 
 3190  Ocean 
 3191  Ocean food webs in action 
 3192  Ocean life 
 3193  Ocean sunlight : how tiny plants feed the seas 
 3194  Oceans 
 3195  Oceans 
 3196  Oceans : underwater worlds 
 3197  Octopuses 
 3198  Odd and even socks 
 3199  Officer Buckle and Gloria 
 3200  Oh Lord, I wish I was a buzzard 
 3201  Oh say, I can't see 
 3202  Oh, Kojo! How could you! : an Ashanti tale 
 3203  Oh, the places you'll go! 
 3204  Ohio 
 3205  Ohio thunder 
 3206  Oils 
 3207  Oklahoma 
 3208  The old ladies who liked cats 
 3209  Old Mother West Wind 
 3210  Old Rock (is not boring) 
 3211  Old school 
 3212  Old Turtle 
 3213  The old woman who loved to read 
 3214  The old woman who named things 
 3215  The oldest student : how Mary Walker learned to read 
 3216  Olive's ocean 
 3217  Oliver & Amanda and the big snow 
 3218  Oliver and Amanda's Halloween 
 3219  Olivia and the fairy princesses 
 3220  Olivia goes to Venice 
 3221  Omnivores in the food chain 
 3222  On Christmas Eve 
 3223  On my boat : the sound of long o 
 3224  On my honor 
 3225  On purpose 
 3226  Once a mouse- : a fable cut in wood 
 3227  Once I was a cardboard box...but now I'm a book about polar bears! 
 3228  Once upon a Tim 
 3229  Once upon a zombie : tales for brave readers 
 3230  Once upon an Eid : stories of hope and joy by 15 Muslim voices 
 3231  Once upon MacDonald's farm-- 
 3232  One ballerina two 
 3233  One child, one seed : a South African counting book 
 3234  One crazy summer 
 3235  One fine day 
 3236  One frog too many 
 3237  One good apple : growing our food for the sake of the earth 
 3238  One green apple 
 3239  One green frog 
 3240  The one in the middle is the green kangaroo 
 3241  The one in the middle is the green kangaroo 
 3242  One land, many cultures 
 3243  One Monday morning. 
 3244  One nation under a groove : rap music and its roots 
 3245  One Night in Doom House 
 3246  One of the problems of Everett Anderson 
 3247  One small blue bead 
 3248  One true friend 
 3249  One winter's night 
 3250  One-dog canoe 
 3251  Onion John 
 3252  Only one 
 3253  Ooh la la, Lottie! 
 3254  Oona 
 3255  Operation sisterhood 
 3256  Opposites 
 3257  Oprah : the little speaker 
 3258  The orange outlaw 
 3259  Orange you glad it's Halloween, Amber Brown? 
 3260  Orange you glad it's Halloween, Amber Brown? 
 3261  Orangutans 
 3262  The ordinary princess 
 3263  Oregon 
 3264  The Oregon Trail 
 3265  The orphan singer 
 3266  Osa's pride 
 3267  Ostriches 
 3268  Ostriches 
 3269  The other side 
 3270  The other side of truth 
 3271  The other side of truth 
 3272  Otherwise known as Sheila the Great 
 3273  The otter in charge : a conflict resolution story 
 3274  Our Abe Lincoln 
 3275  Our American flag 
 3276  Our children can soar : a celebration of Rosa, Barack, and the pioneers of change 
 3277  Our Christmas book 
 3278  Our Gracie Aunt 
 3279  Our Minecraft unicorn 
 3280  Our national anthem 
 3281  Our national symbols 
 3282  Out of the dust 
 3283  The outcasts of 19 Schuyler Place 
 3284  Outside the Box a book of Poems 
 3285  Outside the lines : poetry at play 
 3286  Over in the meadow 
 3287  Over in the meadow : a counting rhyme 
 3288  Over the river 
 3289  Over the river : a turkey's tale 
 3290  Over the river and through the wood : the New England boy's song about Thanksgiving day 
 3291  Owen 
 3292  Owl at home 
 3293  Owl at home 
 3294  Owl moon 
 3295  Owl's adventure in Alphabet Town 
 3296  Owls 
 3297  Owls : and other animals with amazing eyes 
 3298  The ox and the donkey : a Christmas story 
 3299  The ox of the wonderful horns, and other African folktales 
 3300  Ox-cart man 
 3301  Ozzie on his own 
 3302  P.S. Be eleven 
 3303  Paddington bear 
 3304  Paddington Bear and the Christmas surprise 
 3305  Paint a sun in the sky : a first look at the seasons 
 3306  Painted eggs and chocolate bunnies 
 3307  Pancakes for breakfast 
 3308  Pandas 
 3309  Papa Lucky's shadow 
 3310  Paper 
 3311  The paper crane 
 3312  The paperboy 
 3313  Parents in the pigpen, pigs in the tub 
 3314  Paris! 
 3315  Parrots and parakeets as pets 
 3316  The patchwork quilt 
 3317  Patience : a level three reader 
 3318  Patrick's dinosaurs 
 3319  Patrick's dinosaurs on the Internet 
 3320  Patriotism 
 3321  Patterning 
 3322  Patterns : what comes next? 
 3323  Patterns everywhere 
 3324  Patti's pet gorilla 
 3325  Patty Reed's doll : the story of the Donner party 
 3326  Paul Bunyan : a tall tale 
 3327  Paul Bunyan, a tall tale 
 3328  Paul Revere 
 3329  Paul Revere's ride 
 3330  Paul Robeson : a voice to remember 
 3331  Paul Robeson. 
 3332  Peaceful protest : the life of Nelson Mandela 
 3333  The peanut butter and jelly mystery 
 3334  Peanut butter and jellyfishes : a very silly alphabet book 
 3335  Pearl Harbor 
 3336  Pearl Harbor 
 3337  Pecos Bill 
 3338  Pecos Bill : a tall tale 
 3339  A peculiar sequence of events 
 3340  Peeping Beauty 
 3341  Pen pals compare 
 3342  The Penderwicks : a summer tale of four sisters, two rabbits, and a very interesting boy 
 3343  Penguins! 
 3344  Penguins! 
 3345  Peninsulas 
 3346  The Pentagon 
 3347  The penultimate peril 
 3348  People and the environment 
 3349  The people could fly : American Black folktales 
 3350  The people in Pineapple Place 
 3351  Percentage 
 3352  Perfect pigs : an introduction to manners 
 3353  Perfect princess pets! : a collection of six early readers 
 3354  The perfect Thanksgiving 
 3355  Perimeter 
 3356  Perseverance in sports 
 3357  Personal hygiene and good health 
 3358  Perspectives 
 3359  Pet 
 3360  Pete the cat : I love my white shoes 
 3361  Pete the cat and his four groovy buttons 
 3362  Pete the cat and the space chase 
 3363  Pete the cat's groovy imagination 
 3364  Peter and the wolf 
 3365  Peter's chair 
 3366  Pets 
 3367  Pets 
 3368  Pezzettino 
 3369  The phantom bully 
 3370  Phantoms don't drive sports cars 
 3371  Phoebe the spy 
 3372  Physical science 
 3373  Pianos : a level one reader 
 3374  The pickle is dilly, cool and chilly! 
 3375  Pictographs 
 3376  A picture book of Abraham Lincoln 
 3377  A picture book of Anne Frank 
 3378  A picture book of Christopher Columbus 
 3379  A picture book of Dwight David Eisenhower 
 3380  A picture book of Eleanor Roosevelt 
 3381  A picture book of Frederick Douglass 
 3382  A picture book of George Washington 
 3383  A picture book of George Washington Carver 
 3384  A picture book of Jackie Robinson 
 3385  A picture book of Sacagawea 
 3386  A picture book of Sojourner Truth 
 3387  The picture history of great explorers 
 3388  A picture of grandmother 
 3389  Picture this : a first introduction to paintings 
 3390  Pictures for Miss Josie 
 3391  The Pied Piper of Peru 
 3392  The piggy in the puddle 
 3393  Pigs 
 3394  Pigs 
 3395  Pigs have piglets 
 3396  Pigs in the mud in the middle of the rud 
 3397  Pigskins to paintbrushes : the story of football-playing artist Ernie Barnes 
 3398  Pink and Say 
 3399  Pinkerton, behave! 
 3400  Pioneer bear : based on a true story 
 3401  Pippi goes on board 
 3402  Pippi Longstocking 
 3403  Pippi Longstocking's after-Christmas party 
 3404  Pippi to the rescue 
 3405  Pippi's extraordinary ordinary day 
 3406  Pirates ahoy! 
 3407  Pirates don't wear pink sunglasses 
 3408  Pirates past noon 
 3409  Pitch and throw, grasp and know : what is a synonym? 
 3410  Pitcher pressure 
 3411  Pizza! : a slice of history 
 3412  Place value 
 3413  Planets 
 3414  Plant 
 3415  Plant development and growth 
 3416  Plant life 
 3417  Plant packages : a book about seeds 
 3418  Plant plumbing : a book about roots and stems 
 3419  Plant reproduction 
 3420  Plants 
 3421  Plants 
 3422  Plants and the environment 
 3423  Plants in different habitats 
 3424  Plants of the desert 
 3425  Plants that never ever bloom 
 3426  Plastic 
 3427  Play ball, Amelia Bedelia 
 3428  Play ball, Amelia Bedelia 
 3429  Play ball, Jackie! 
 3430  Play day : the sound of long A 
 3431  Play like a girl : a celebration of women in sports 
 3432  Play soccer like a pro : key skills and tips 
 3433  Play with me 
 3434  Playing together 
 3435  Playing with wind 
 3436  Plays of Black Americans : episodes from the Black experience in America, dramatized for young people 
 3437  Please bury me in the library 
 3438  The Pledge of Allegiance 
 3439  Plenty of petals : counting by tens 
 3440  The Plymouth Colony 
 3441  Pocahontas 
 3442  Pocahontas 
 3443  Pocahontas 
 3444  Pocahontas 
 3445  Pocahontas 
 3446  A pocketful of goobers : a story about George Washington Carver 
 3447  Poems to read to the very young 
 3448  A poke in the I : a collection of concrete poems 
 3449  Polar bear vs. walrus 
 3450  Polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear? 
 3451  Polar bears 
 3452  Polar bears 
 3453  Polar bears past bedtime 
 3454  The Polar Express 
 3455  The Polar Express 
 3456  Polar ice caps in danger : expedition to Antarctica 
 3457  Polar mammals 
 3458  Police officers 
 3459  Policeman Small 
 3460  Pooh's school day 
 3461  Poop and puke eaters of the animal world 
 3462  Poopsie gets lost 
 3463  Popcorn 
 3464  Popcorn at the palace 
 3465  Poppleton everyday 
 3466  Poppleton forever 
 3467  Poppleton. 
 3468  Position and direction 
 3469  Possum magic 
 3470  Potions & parameters 
 3471  The power of one : Daisy Bates and the Little Rock Nine 
 3472  Prairie food chains 
 3473  Prefixes and suffixes 
 3474  Prehistoric Pinkerton 
 3475  Prepositions 
 3476  President of the Underground Railroad : a story about Levi Coffin 
 3477  Presidents. 
 3478  Pretend you're a cat 
 3479  Pride : a level three reader 
 3480  Prince Caspian : the return to Narnia 
 3481  Prince Cinders 
 3482  Princess Academy 
 3483  Princess Gorilla and a new kind of water : a Mpongwe tale 
 3484  The Princess in Black 
 3485  The Princess in Black and the hungry bunny horde 
 3486  The Princess in Black and the mysterious playdate 
 3487  The Princess in Black and the perfect princess party 
 3488  The Princess in Black and the science fair scare 
 3489  The Princess in Black takes a vacation 
 3490  The princess of the Fillmore Street School 
 3491  Princess Rosa's winter 
 3492  The principal's new clothes 
 3493  Pripyat : the Chernobyl ghost town 
 3494  Priscilla Alden and the first Thanksgiving 
 3495  Private eye princess and the emerald pea : a graphic novel 
 3496  Probability 
 3497  Producers in the food chain 
 3498  Pronouns 
 3499  Protists and fungi 
 3500  The Pueblo 
 3501  Pull, lift, and lower : a book about pulleys 
 3502  Pulleys 
 3503  Pulleys in my world 
 3504  Pulling my leg : story 
 3505  Pumpkin soup 
 3506  Punctuation 
 3507  Puppies for sale 
 3508  The puppy problem 
 3509  The puppy who wanted a boy 
 3510  Puss in boots 
 3511  Puzzles 
 3512  Pyramid 
 3513  The quagga 
 3514  Quail and other galliforms 
 3515  Quick and slow animals 
 3516  The quickest kid in Clarksville 
 3517  Quidditch through the ages 
 3518  The quilt 
 3519  The quilt story 
 3520  The quiltmaker's gift 
 3521  Quinn and Penny investigate how to research 
 3522  Quirky, jerky, extra-perky : more about adjectives 
 3523  Rabbit Hill 
 3524  Rabbit hill 
 3525  Rabbits 
 3526  Rabbits 
 3527  Rabbits & raindrops 
 3528  Raccoons 
 3529  Raccoons and ripe corn 
 3530  Raccoons and ripe corn 
 3531  Race to the sun 
 3532  Rachel Carson 
 3533  Rachel Fister's blister 
 3534  Rachel Vellars, how could you? 
 3535  Racing the past 
 3536  Radical Red 
 3537  Raggin' : a story about Scott Joplin 
 3538  Ragtime Tumpie 
 3539  Ragweed's Farm Dog Handbook 
 3540  Rain 
 3541  Rain 
 3542  Rain fish 
 3543  Rain forest animals 
 3544  Rain forests 
 3545  Rain forests : gardens of green 
 3546  Rain player 
 3547  The rain puddle. 
 3548  Rain talk 
 3549  Rainbow Dash 
 3550  The rainbow mystery 
 3551  Rainbow soup : adventures in poetry 
 3552  Rainbows 
 3553  Raising the flag 
 3554  raising the flagShow some respect 
 3555  Ralph J. Bunche : peacemaker 
 3556  Ralph S. Mouse 
 3557  Ramona forever 
 3558  Ramona Quimby, age 8 
 3559  Rapunzel 
 3560  Rapunzel vs. Frankenstein : a graphic novel 
 3561  Rattlesnakes 
 3562  Rattletrap car 
 3563  Ray and the best family reunion ever 
 3564  Ready...Set...Read! : the beginning reader's treasury 
 3565  Rebound 
 3566  Rechenka's eggs 
 3567  Rechenka's eggs 
 3568  The red pyramid 
 3569  Reflections of a Black cowboy 
 3570  Regrouping 
 3571  The reluctant dragon 
 3572  Remember : the journey to school integration 
 3573  Remember the bridge : poems of a people 
 3574  The reptile room 
 3575  Reptiles 
 3576  Reptiles and amphibians explained 
 3577  Rescuing Mrs. Birdley 
 3578  Respect 
 3579  Respect in sports 
 3580  The respiratory system 
 3581  The respiratory system 
 3582  The respiratory system 
 3583  Respiratory system 
 3584  Responsibility 
 3585  Responsibility in sports 
 3586  Return of the homework machine 
 3587  The Revolutionary War 
 3588  Revolutionary War 
 3589  Revolutionary War on Wednesday 
 3590  Revolutionary War on Wednesday 
 3591  Rhinoceroses 
 3592  Rhinos for lunch and elephants for supper! : a Maasai tale /  
 3593  Rhode Island 
 3594  Rhyme time valentine 
 3595  Ricky's rat gang 
 3596  Ride a purple pelican 
 3597  Riding to Washington 
 3598  Rikki-tikki-tavi 
 3599  Rip Van Winkle 
 3600  Riptide 
 3601  Riptide 
 3602  The rise of the goldfish 
 3603  Rising waters : a book about floods 
 3604  A river ran wild : an environmental history 
 3605  Rivers 
 3606  Rivers and lakes 
 3607  The road to Memphis 
 3608  Roads 
 3609  Roald Dahl's revolting recipes 
 3610  Roanoke : the Lost Colony 
 3611  Robert and the weird & wacky facts 
 3612  Robert Frost 
 3613  Robert Fulton 
 3614  Robert Goddard 
 3615  Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island 
 3616  Robin Hood 
 3617  Robin Hood : the tale of the great outlaw hero 
 3618  Robinson Crusoe 
 3619  The robot book 
 3620  Robotics 
 3621  Robots & repeats 
 3622  Robots don't catch chicken pox 
 3623  Rock 
 3624  Rock 
 3625  Rock climbing 
 3626  Rockets 
 3627  Rockin' rocks 
 3628  Rocking in my school shoes 
 3629  Rocks 
 3630  Rocks 
 3631  Rocks : hard, soft, smooth, and rough 
 3632  Rocks and minerals 
 3633  Rodrick rules 
 3634  Roger the pronoun 
 3635  Roll of thunder, hear my cry 
 3636  Roller coasters 
 3637  Roller coasters 
 3638  Rollers 
 3639  Ronald Morgan goes to bat 
 3640  Ronald Reagan 
 3641  The Rooster crows : a book of American rhymes and jingles 
 3642  The rooster crows : a book of American rhymes and jingles 
 3643  Roots 
 3644  Roots in the Outfield 
 3645  Rosa Parks 
 3646  Rosa Parks : a life of courage 
 3647  Roses are pink, your feet really stink 
 3648  Rosie Revere and the Raucous Riveters 
 3649  Rosie Revere, engineer 
 3650  Rosie's walk 
 3651  Rosie's walk 
 3652  The rough-face girl 
 3653  Rounding 
 3654  Roxaboxen 
 3655  Rubia and the three osos 
 3656  Ruby Holler 
 3657  Rules 
 3658  Rumble, boom! : a book about thunderstorms 
 3659  Rumpelstiltskin 
 3660  Rumpelstiltskin 
 3661  Rumpelstiltskin 
 3662  Rumpelstiltskin's daughter 
 3663  Runaway Ralph 
 3664  Rupert and the Liberty Bell : a story about Pennsylvania 
 3665  Russia in colors 
 3666  Ruth and The Green Book 
 3667  Ruth Heller's how to hide a meadow frog & other amphibians. 
 3668  Ruth Heller's how to hide a parakeet & other birds. 
 3669  Safari guide 
 3670  Safe social networking 
 3671  Saint George and the dragon : a golden legend 
 3672  Salamandastron 
 3673  Salamanders : and other animals with amazing tails 
 3674  Sally and the limpet 
 3675  Sally Ann Thunder Ann Whirlwind Crockett : a tall tale 
 3676  Salma the Syrian chef 
 3677  Salmon moon 
 3678  Sam Patch, the big time jumper 
 3679  Sam Samurai 
 3680  Sam, the sea cow 
 3681  Sam. 
 3682  Sami and the time of the troubles 
 3683  Sammy Keyes and the art of deception 
 3684  Sammy Keyes and the dead giveaway 
 3685  Sammy Keyes and the hotel thief 
 3686  Sammy Keyes and the psycho kitty queen 
 3687  Sammy Keyes and the runaway elf 
 3688  Sammy Keyes and the search for Snake Eyes 
 3689  Sammy Keyes and the Sisters of Mercy 
 3690  The sand castle mystery 
 3691  Sandmare 
 3692  Santa Claus doesn't mop floors 
 3693  Sarah and me and the lady from the sea 
 3694  Sarah, plain and tall 
 3695  Sarn, the story of an otter in spring 
 3696  Satchel Paige 
 3697  Satchel Paige : the best arm in baseball 
 3698  Saturday 
 3699  Saturday school 
 3700  Saturn 
 3701  Saturn 
 3702  Save the ... gorillas 
 3703  Save the ... lions 
 3704  Save the ... polar bears 
 3705  Save the elephants! 
 3706  Saving money 
 3707  Saving money 
 3708  Saving Shiloh 
 3709  The scarlet slipper mystery 
 3710  Scavengers and parasites in the food chain 
 3711  Scholastic The magic school bus gets all dried up : a book about deserts 
 3712  Scholastic's The magic school bus hops home : a book about animal habitats 
 3713  Scholastic's the magic school bus inside Ralphie : a book about germs. 
 3714  Scholastic's the magic school bus makes a rainbow : a book about color 
 3715  Scholastic's The Magic School Bus Plants Seeds: A Book About How Living Things Grow 
 3716  Scholastic's the magic school bus shows and tells : a book about archaeology 
 3717  School bus 
 3718  The school bus driver from the Black Lagoon 
 3719  School Library Journal 
 3720  The school skeleton 
 3721  School's first day of school 
 3722  Science : fresh squeezed! : 41 thirst-for-knowledge-quenching poems 
 3723  The science book of things that grow 
 3724  Science detectives 
 3725  Science experiments with simple machines 
 3726  The science fair from the Black Lagoon 
 3727  The science of a guitar : the science of sound 
 3728  The science of air 
 3729  The science of magnets 
 3730  Science safety : being careful 
 3731  Scientists ask questions 
 3732  Scissors, paper, & sharing 
 3733  Scooby-Doo! a number comparisons mystery : the case of the lunchroom gobbler 
 3734  Scooby-Doo! an addition mystery : the case of the angry adder 
 3735  Scoop, seesaw, and raise : a book about levers 
 3736  Scott Joplin : the king of ragtime 
 3737  The screeching door : or, What happened at the Elephant Hotel 
 3738  Screws 
 3739  Sea horses 
 3740  Sea horses 
 3741  Sea jellies : from corals to jellyfish 
 3742  The sea of monsters 
 3743  Sea slugs 
 3744  Sea stars 
 3745  Sea stars 
 3746  Sea story 
 3747  A sea turtle's life 
 3748  Sea turtles 
 3749  Sea turtles 
 3750  Sea turtles 
 3751  Seals 
 3752  Seals, sea lions, and walruses 
 3753  Seaman : the dog who explored the West with Lewis & Clark 
 3754  The search for delicious. 
 3755  Seashore food chains 
 3756  Season of the sandstorms 
 3757  Seasons 
 3758  Seasons 
 3759  Seasons : a book of poems 
 3760  Second cousins 
 3761  The secret agent on flight 101 
 3762  Secret holes 
 3763  The secret in the old attic 
 3764  The secret in the spooky woods 
 3765  The secret life of Dagmar Schultz 
 3766  The secret of Shadow Ranch 
 3767  The secret of Skull Mountain 
 3768  Secret of the Andes 
 3769  The secret of the old clock 
 3770  The secret of the Sphinx 
 3771  Secrets & sequences 
 3772  Secrets and sidekicks 
 3773  Secrets of the Sphinx 
 3774  Sector 7 
 3775  Sedimentary rocks 
 3776  See the cat : three stories about a dog 
 3777  See you later, gladiator 
 3778  A seed in need : a first look at the plant cycle 
 3779  A seed is sleepy 
 3780  Seed power : discovering how plants grow 
 3781  Seeds 
 3782  Seeds, bulbs, and sprouts 
 3783  Seeing 
 3784  Seeing lessons : the story of Abigail Carter and America's first school for blind people 
 3785  Self-discipline 
 3786  Sentences 
 3787  Serena Williams : Tennis Star 
 3788  Seriously, Cinderella is so annoying! : the story of Cinderella as told by the wicked stepmother 
 3789  The serpent's shadow 
 3790  Sets : sorting into groups 
 3791  Seven wonders of the ancient world 
 3792  The several tricks of Edgar Dolphin. 
 3793  Shades of black : a celebration of our children 
 3794  Shadow boxer 
 3795  Shadow of a bull 
 3796  Shakespeare 
 3797  Shakespeare : his work & his world 
 3798  Shanti saves her money 
 3799  Shapes 
 3800  Shapes : discovering flats and solids 
 3801  Shapes and things. 
 3802  Shapes in the city 
 3803  Shapes in the sky : a book about clouds 
 3804  The shapes we eat 
 3805  Shapes with snakes 
 3806  Shapeshifting 
 3807  Sharing : a level three reader 
 3808  Sharing the mound 
 3809  The shark attacks of 1916 
 3810  Shark feels shy 
 3811  A shark pup grows up 
 3812  Shark swimathon 
 3813  Sharks! 
 3814  She flew no flags 
 3815  She persisted : Florence Griffith Joyner 
 3816  Sheep 
 3817  Sheep have lambs 
 3818  Sheila Rae, the brave 
 3819  Shelter dogs : amazing stories of adopted strays 
 3820  Sherlock Holmes : selected stories 
 3821  Shiloh 
 3822  Ship of dreams 
 3823  Shipwreck Saturday 
 3824  Shipwrecked! : the true adventures of a Japanese boy 
 3825  Shirley Chisholm dared : the story of the first black woman in congress 
 3826  Shizuko's daughter 
 3827  The shocking world of electricity with Max Axiom, super scientist : 4D, an augmented reading science experience 
 3828  Shoes for everyone : a story about Jan Matzeliger 
 3829  Shoes, shoes, shoes 
 3830  Shoeshine girl 
 3831  Shoot for the hoop 
 3832  The Shore road mystery 
 3833  Show us your wings 
 3834  Show way 
 3835  Shrinking Violet 
 3836  Siblings, curfews, and how to deal : questions and answers about family life 
 3837  A sick day for Amos McGee 
 3838  Sidewalk story 
 3839  Sideways stories from Wayside School 
 3840  Sight. 
 3841  The silent storm 
 3842  Silly little goose! 
 3843  Silly street 
 3844  The silly tail book 
 3845  Silly Tilly's Thanksgiving dinner 
 3846  Silver 
 3847  The silver chair 
 3848  The silver charm : a folktale from Japan 
 3849  Simon's biles 
 3850  Simone Biles 
 3851  Simone Biles : Olympic Gymnast 
 3852  Simple machines 
 3853  Simple machines 
 3854  The simulated friend 
 3855  The singing suspects 
 3856  A single shard 
 3857  Sirko and the wolf : a Ukrainian tale 
 3858  Sisters 
 3859  Sisters against slavery : a story about Sarah and Angelina Grimk 
 3860  Sitting Bull 
 3861  Six hogs on a scooter 
 3862  Six-dinner Sid 
 3863  Sizzle! : a book about heat waves 
 3864  Skeeter 
 3865  The skeletal system 
 3866  The skeletal system 
 3867  The skeletal system 
 3868  Skinny and fats, best friends 
 3869  Skinnybones 
 3870  Skip counting with meerkats 
 3871  The sky fox : a Peruvian graphic folktale 
 3872  The sky is full of stars 
 3873  Skyscrapers 
 3874  Slavery and the underground railroad : bound for freedom 
 3875  Sleeping for good health 
 3876  Sleepy and busy animals 
 3877  Slender Ella and her Fairy Hogfather 
 3878  Slide and slurp, scratch and burp : more about verbs 
 3879  Sliding into home 
 3880  Slinky, scaly, slithery snakes 
 3881  Slip and slide 
 3882  The slippery slope 
 3883  Slowest animals 
 3884  The sly spy 
 3885  Small Bad Wolf 
 3886  A small miracle 
 3887  Small steps 
 3888  Smallest animals 
 3889  A smart kid's guide to social networking online 
 3890  A smart, smart school 
 3891  Smelling things 
 3892  Smile 
 3893  Smiles : the sound of long I 
 3894  Sniff, sniff : a book about smell 
 3895  Snot Stew 
 3896  Snow 
 3897  Snow White 
 3898  Snow White and the seven dwarfs 
 3899  Snowboard maverick 
 3900  Snowbound mystery 
 3901  Snowflake Bentley 
 3902  The Snowman Storybook 
 3903  Snowman surprise 
 3904  The snowy day 
 3905  So many sounds 
 3906  So tall within : Sojourner Truth's long walk toward freedom 
 3907  So that's how the moon changes shape! 
 3908  So you want to be an explorer? 
 3909  So you want to be an inventor? 
 3910  So you want to be president? 
 3911  Soccer 
 3912  Soccer 
 3913  Soccer 
 3914  Soccer circus 
 3915  Soccer for fun! 
 3916  Soccer scoop 
 3917  Soccer shoe clue 
 3918  Sofia Valdez and the vanishing vote 
 3919  Sofia Valdez, future prez 
 3920  Soft and smooth, rough and bumpy : a book about touch 
 3921  Soil 
 3922  Soil 
 3923  Soil basics 
 3924  Sojourner Truth : ain't I a woman? 
 3925  Solar energy : running on sunshine 
 3926  The solar system 
 3927  Solids and liquids : who messed up my sand? 
 3928  Solids in my world 
 3929  Solids, liquids, and gases 
 3930  Solids, liquids, and gases 
 3931  Solids, liquids, gases 
 3932  Some birthday! 
 3933  Some from the moon, some from the sun : poems and songs for everyone 
 3934  Somebody loves you, Mr. Hatch 
 3935  Something upstairs : a tale of ghosts 
 3936  Sometimes cows wear polka dots : a tolerance story 
 3937  Song and dance man 
 3938  Song of the circus 
 3939  Song of the trees 
 3940  Song of the water boatman & other pond poems 
 3941  Song of the water boatman : & other pond poems 
 3942  Soof 
 3943  Sophie's masterpiece : a spider's tale 
 3944  The sorely trying day. 
 3945  Sound 
 3946  Sound 
 3947  Sound : a question and answer book 
 3948  Sound off 
 3949  Sounder 
 3950  Soupy Saturdays with the Pain & the Great One 
 3951  South Africa : a question and answer book 
 3952  South America 
 3953  South America 
 3954  South Carolina 
 3955  South Dakota 
 3956  Space 
 3957  Space case 
 3958  Space challenger : the story of Guion Bluford : an authorized biography 
 3959  Space exploration 
 3960  Space leftovers : a book about comets, asteroids, and meteoroids 
 3961  Space science 
 3962  Space shuttles 
 3963  Space stations 
 3964  Spaghetti park 
 3965  Spain 
 3966  Speak up 
 3967  Speed, speed, centipede! : counting by tens 
 3968  Spider 
 3969  Spider and his son find wisdom : an Akan tale 
 3970  A spiderling grows up 
 3971  Splat! 
 3972  Splish, splash! : a book about rain 
 3973  Sponges 
 3974  Sports 
 3975  Sports! Sports! Sports! 
 3976  Sportsmanship 
 3977  Spotlight on Africa 
 3978  Spotlight on Asia 
 3979  Spotlight on Australia 
 3980  Spotlight on Europe 
 3981  Spotlight on Mexico 
 3982  Spotlight on North America 
 3983  Spotlight on the United States of America 
 3984  Spots of light : a book about stars 
 3985  Spotted beetles : ladybugs in your backyard 
 3986  Spring 
 3987  Spring 
 3988  Spring has sprung 
 3989  Spring planting 
 3990  Spring-Heeled Jack 
 3991  Springtime addition 
 3992  Spycatcher 
 3993  Squanto's journey : the story of the first Thanksgiving 
 3994  Squids 
 3995  Squirrels 
 3996  St. Patrick's Day 
 3997  St. Patrick's day 
 3998  St. Patrick's Day crafts 
 3999  St. Patrick's Day in the morning 
 4000  The stable rat and other Christmas poems 
 4001  Stadiums 
 4002  Stage fright 
 4003  Stage fright on a summer night 
 4004  Stand tall, Abe Lincoln 
 4005  Stand tall, Molly Lou Melon 
 4006  The star fisher 
 4007  The star-spangled banner 
 4008  The star-spangled banner 
 4009  Starfish feels scared 
 4010  Starring Grace 
 4011  Starry messenger : a book depicting the life of a famous scientist, mathematician, astronomer, philosopher, physicist, Galileo Galilei 
 4012  Starry messenger : a book depicting the life of a famous scientist, mathematician, astronomer, philosopher, physicist, Galileo Galilei 
 4013  Starry messenger : a book depicting the life of a famous scientist, mathematician, astronomer, philosopher, physicist, Galileo Galilei 
 4014  Stars 
 4015  The stars 
 4016  Stars of the NFL 
 4017  Start something : you can make a difference 
 4018  The state governor 
 4019  The State judicial branch 
 4020  The state legislative branch 
 4021  State seals 
 4022  State songs 
 4023  States in my world 
 4024  The Statue of Liberty 
 4025  The Statue of Liberty 
 4026  The Statue of Liberty 
 4027  The Statue of Liberty 
 4028  Steady hands : poems about work 
 4029  Stealing home 
 4030  Stealth technology 
 4031  Stella Diaz has something to say 
 4032  Stella Diaz never gives up 
 4033  Stella's stellar hair 
 4034  Stems 
 4035  A step from heaven 
 4036  Stephen Curry 
 4037  Steve Jobs 
 4038  Steven Caney's invention book. 
 4039  Stick dog 
 4040  Stick Dog chases a pizza 
 4041  Stick Dog craves candy 
 4042  The Stinky Cheese Man : & other fairly stupid tales 
 4043  Stomachaches 
 4044  Stone soup 
 4045  The stonecutter : a Japanese folk tale 
 4046  Stonewall 
 4047  Stop and go, yes and no : what is an antonym? 
 4048  Storks and other large wading birds 
 4049  The storm 
 4050  Storm in the night 
 4051  Storm is coming! 
 4052  Storms 
 4053  The story about Ping 
 4054  The story of Hanukkah 
 4055  The story of Johnny Appleseed 
 4056  The story of Jumping Mouse : a native American legend 
 4057  The story of noodles 
 4058  The story of Ruby Bridges 
 4059  Story of the Christmas rose 
 4060  The story of the Star-Spangled Banner 
 4061  The story of the Statue of Liberty 
 4062  Story painter : the life of Jacob Lawrence 
 4063  Story thieves 
 4064  A story, a story : an African tale 
 4065  A story, a story : an African tale 
 4066  The straw maid 
 4067  Strawberry moon 
 4068  The stray dog 
 4069  Strega Nona : an original tale 
 4070  Strega Nona, her story 
 4071  Strider 
 4072  Strike-out scare 
 4073  Striking out 
 4074  Strings 
 4075  A strong right arm : the story of Mamie "Peanut" Johnson 
 4076  Stuart's cape 
 4077  Submarines 
 4078  Subtraction 
 4079  Suitcase 
 4080  Sukey and the mermaid 
 4081  Sulwe 
 4082  Summer 
 4083  Summer 
 4084  Summer of the sea serpent 
 4085  Summer reading is killing me! 
 4086  Summer with Elisa 
 4087  The sun 
 4088  The sun 
 4089  Sun up, sun down : the story of day and night 
 4090  Sundiata, the African king 
 4091  Sunny days 
 4092  Sunscreen, frogsicles, and other amazing amphibian adaptations 
 4093  Sunset of the sabertooth 
 4094  Sunshine 
 4095  Sunshine 
 4096  Sunshine : a book about sunlight 
 4097  Super family! 
 4098  Super healing 
 4099  Super sharks 
 4100  Super sleuth : twelve solve-it-yourself mysteries 
 4101  The super-duper supermoon mystery 
 4102  Superbuns! : kindness is her superpower 
 4103  Surrounded by sea : life on a New England fishing island 
 4104  Susan B. Anthony 
 4105  Susan B. Anthony 
 4106  Susan B. Anthony : a life of fairness 
 4107  Swallows Her Pride 
 4108  Swamp Angel 
 4109  Swapping (exchanging) 
 4110  Sweet Clara and the freedom quilt 
 4111  A sweet smell of roses 
 4112  Sweet whispers, Brother Rush 
 4113  Sweet, sweet memory 
 4114  Sweetgrass 
 4115  Swimming 
 4116  Swimmy 
 4117  Swimmy. 
 4118  Swordfish feels sad 
 4119  Sylvester and the magic pebble 
 4120  Sylvia & Miz Lula Maye 
 4121  Synonyms and antonyms 
 4122  T-shirt painting 
 4123  Tacky the penguin 
 4124  Tadpole 
 4125  A tadpole grows up 
 4126  Tail feather fun : counting by tens 
 4127  Take a stand! : what you can do about bullying 
 4128  Take a walk on a rainbow : a first look at color 
 4129  Take a walk, Johnny 
 4130  Take your mama to work today 
 4131  Taking away with tigers 
 4132  Taking care of your diplodocus 
 4133  Taking care of your iguanodon 
 4134  Taking care of your stegosaurus 
 4135  Taking care of your T. rex 
 4136  Taking care of your triceratops 
 4137  The tale of Despereaux : being the story of a mouse, a princess, some soup, and a spool of thread 
 4138  The tale of the flopsy bunnies 
 4139  The tale of the mandarin ducks 
 4140  A tale of two cities 
 4141  A tale of two kitties 
 4142  Talent show trouble 
 4143  Tales from a not-so-graceful ice princess 
 4144  Tales from a not-so-popular party girl 
 4145  Tales of a fourth grade nothing. 
 4146  Tales of Edgar Allan Poe 
 4147  Talk to me about the alphabet 
 4148  Talkin' about Bessie : the story of aviator Elizabeth Coleman 
 4149  The talking eggs : a folktale from the American South 
 4150  The talking T. Rex 
 4151  The tamarack tree : a novel of the siege of Vicksburg 
 4152  Tangles, growth spurts, and being you : questions and answers about growing up 
 4153  Tanya and the red shoes 
 4154  Tap dance 
 4155  Tar beach 
 4156  The tar pit 
 4157  Taste. 
 4158  Tasting things 
 4159  Tattletale traitor 
 4160  Teachers 
 4161  A team stays together! 
 4162  The teeny-tiny woman : a ghost story 
 4163  TEL Tennessee Electronic Library 
 4164  Television and movies 
 4165  Tell me a story, Mama 
 4166  Temperature 
 4167  Temperature : heating up and cooling down 
 4168  Ten black dots 
 4169  Ten black dots 
 4170  Ten copycats in a boat, and other riddles 
 4171  Ten little rabbits 
 4172  Ten, nine, eight 
 4173  Tennessee 
 4174  Tennessee 
 4175  Tennessee Titans 
 4176  Tennis 
 4177  Tennis 
 4178  Tennis 
 4179  Tennis in action 
 4180  The tenth city 
 4181  The tenth good thing about Barney 
 4182  Termites 
 4183  Terrible twin mania 
 4184  The terrific tale of television technology : Max Axiom STEM adventures 
 4185  Thank you, Amelia Bedelia 
 4186  Thank you, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr! 
 4187  Thanksgiving 
 4188  Thanksgiving : a level two reader 
 4189  Thanksgiving Day crafts 
 4190  Thanksgiving is-- 
 4191  That Book Woman 
 4192  Theodore Roosevelt : letters from a young coal miner 
 4193  There is a rainbow 
 4194  There was an old lady who swallowed a fly 
 4195  There's a frog in my throat! : 440 animal sayings a little bird told me 
 4196  There's a girl in my hammerlock 
 4197  There's a little bit of me in Jamey 
 4198  Thermometers 
 4199  They all saw a cat 
 4200  They were strong and good 
 4201  Thimble summer 
 4202  Think, think, think : learning about your brain 
 4203  Thinking and feeling 
 4204  The third wheel 
 4205  The thirteen colonies 
 4206  The thirteen colonies 
 4207  This book is my best friend 
 4208  This is baseball 
 4209  This land was made for you and me : the life and songs of Woody Guthrie 
 4210  This place is cold 
 4211  Thomas Alva Edison 
 4212  Thomas Jefferson 
 4213  Thomas Jefferson 
 4214  Thomas Jefferson : a life of patriotism 
 4215  Thomas Jefferson : father of liberty 
 4216  Thomas Jefferson : letters from a Philadelphia bookworm 
 4217  Thorns, horns, and crescent moons : reading and writing nature poems 
 4218  Thread one to a star : a book of poems 
 4219  The three billy goats Gruff 
 4220  Three Billy Goats Gruff 
 4221  Three Billy Goats Gruff 
 4222  Three Billy Goats Gruff 
 4223  Three brave women 
 4224  Three cheers for good times! 
 4225  Three cheers for trees! : a book about our carbon footprint 
 4226  Three cool kids 
 4227  Three days 
 4228  Three days on a river in a red canoe 
 4229  Three dog winter 
 4230  The three little pigs 
 4231  The three questions 
 4232  Three samurai cats : a story from Japan 
 4233  Three smart pals 
 4234  Three young pilgrims 
 4235  Through my eyes 
 4236  Through the hidden door 
 4237  Thumbelina 
 4238  Thunder and lightning 
 4239  Thunder cake 
 4240  Tickles, pickles, and floofing persnickles : reading and writing nonsense poems 
 4241  Tiger's tough time : a story about managing emotions 
 4242  Tigers at twilight 
 4243  Tight times 
 4244  Tikki Tikki Tembo 
 4245  Time 
 4246  Time for bed? 
 4247  Time Out At Home 
 4248  Time train 
 4249  Timelines, timelines, timelines! 
 4250  Times tables cheat 
 4251  Timothy of the Cay 
 4252  The tin can man 
 4253  Tiny life in the air 
 4254  Tiny life in your home 
 4255  Tiny life on plants 
 4256  Tiny life on your body 
 4257  The tiny seed 
 4258  Tires, spokes, and sprockets : a book about wheels and axles 
 4259  The Titan's curse 
 4260  The Titanic 
 4261  Titanic 
 4262  To root, to toot, to parachute : what is a verb? 
 4263  Toad triumphant 
 4264  Toasting marshmallows : camping poems 
 4265  Today is Monday 
 4266  Tolerance 
 4267  Tom Thumb 
 4268  Tomatoes to ketchup 
 4269  Tomie dePaola 
 4270  Tomie dePaola's Mother Goose. 
 4271  Toni Morrison 
 4272  Tonight on the Titanic 
 4273  Too many balloons 
 4274  Too many kangaroo things to do! 
 4275  Too many valentines 
 4276  Too small 
 4277  Too-Tall Paul, Too-Small Paul 
 4278  Tools for the garden 
 4279  The toothpaste millionaire 
 4280  Tops & bottoms 
 4281  Tornadoes 
 4282  Tornadoes : disaster & survival 
 4283  The tortoise and the dare 
 4284  The tortoise and the hare 
 4285  The tortoise and the hare : a West African graphic folktale 
 4286  Tosca's surprise. 
 4287  Toucans 
 4288  Touch. 
 4289  The tower treasure 
 4290  Town mouse, country mouse 
 4291  Track events in action 
 4292  Tractors 
 4293  The Trail of Tears 
 4294  Train song 
 4295  Trains 
 4296  Trains 
 4297  Trains 
 4298  Traitor, the case of Benedict Arnold 
 4299  The transcontinental railroad 
 4300  Transportation 
 4301  Transportation technology 
 4302  The trap door 
 4303  Trash magic : a book about recycling a plastic bottle 
 4304  Traveling man : the journey of Ibn Battuta, 1325-1354 
 4305  Travels with Tess and Tim 
 4306  The treasure hunt 
 4307  Treasure Island 
 4308  Tree of cranes 
 4309  Tree of hope 
 4310  Tree trunk traffic 
 4311  Tree-House Comix proudly presents Dog Man : a tale of two kitties 
 4312  Trees 
 4313  Trees : worlds within leaves 
 4314  Trees to paper 
 4315  Trolls don't ride roller coasters 
 4316  Trouble at Camp Treehouse 
 4317  Trouble for Lucy 
 4318  Trudel's siege 
 4319  The true confessions of Charlotte Doyle 
 4320  The true gift : a Christmas story 
 4321  The true story of the 3 little pigs 
 4322  The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs! 
 4323  Trumpet of the Swan 
 4324  Trust me, Jack's beanstalk stinks! : the story of Jack and the beanstalk as told by the giant 
 4325  Trust, truth, and ridiculous goofs : reading and writing friendship poems 
 4326  Trustworthiness in sports 
 4327  Truth & lies : an anthology of poems 
 4328  The truth about Stacey 
 4329  Tsunami! : the 1946 Hilo wave of terror 
 4330  Tuck everlasting 
 4331  Tuck everlasting 
 4332  Tucker 
 4333  Tumble Math 
 4334  Tumble Premium 
 4335  Tundra food webs 
 4336  Tunnel king 
 4337  A turkey for Thanksgiving 
 4338  Turtle and the geese : an Indian graphic folktale 
 4339  The turtle and the monkey : a Philippine tale 
 4340  The turtle and the moon 
 4341  A turtle hatchling grows up 
 4342  Turtle's adventure in Alphabet Town 
 4343  Turtles 
 4344  Turtles take their time 
 4345  The Tuskegee airmen : African-American pilots of World War II 
 4346  Tut, tut 
 4347  Twenty and ten 
 4348  Twenty thousand fleas under the sea 
 4349  The twin in the tavern 
 4350  Twins 
 4351  Twister on Tuesday 
 4352  Twisters : a book about tornadoes 
 4353  The Twits 
 4354  Two and too much 
 4355  Two dog biscuits 
 4356  Two friends : Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass 
 4357  Two little trains 
 4358  Ty's one-man band 
 4359  Types of maps 
 4360  The U.S. Constitution 
 4361  The U.S. Constitution 
 4362  The U.S. House of Representatives 
 4363  The U.S. presidency 
 4364  The U.S. Senate 
 4365  The U.S. Supreme Court 
 4366  The ugly duckling 
 4367  The ugly duckling. 
 4368  The ugly princess and the wise fool 
 4369  The ugly truth 
 4370  Ulysses S. Grant : triumph over adversity, 1822-1865 
 4371  Umpire's adventure in Alphabet Town 
 4372  Uncle Elephant 
 4373  Uncle Sam 
 4374  Uncle Shelby's story of Lafcadio, the lion who shot back 
 4375  Uncommon traveler : Mary Kingsley in Africa 
 4376  Under cover 
 4377  Under the quilt of night 
 4378  Under the same sky 
 4379  Under, over, by the clover : what is a preposition? 
 4380  Underground 
 4381  The Underground Railroad 
 4382  Understanding global warming with Max Axiom, super scientist : 4D an augmented reading science experience 
 4383  Understanding our muscles 
 4384  Understanding our organs 
 4385  Understanding photosynthesis with Max Axiom, super scientist : 4D, an augmented reading science experience 
 4386  Understood Betsy 
 4387  Unicorns don't give sleigh rides 
 4388  The United States : a question and answer book 
 4389  United States Coast Guard 
 4390  United States Marine Corps 
 4391  United States Navy 
 4392  The unwilling umpire 
 4393  Up north and down south : using map directions 
 4394  Up the learning tree 
 4395  Up, up, and away : a book about adverbs 
 4396  Up-close mysteries : zoomed-in photo puzzles 
 4397  Uranus 
 4398  Uranus 
 4399  The US Air Force in action 
 4400  The US Army in action 
 4401  The US Coast Guard in action 
 4402  The US Constitution 
 4403  The US Marine Corps in action 
 4404  The US National Guard in action 
 4405  The US Navy in action 
 4406  The US Space Force in action 
 4407  Usborne first thousand words in English 
 4408  The Usborne Internet-linked first thousand words in Italian : with Internet-linked pronunciation guide 
 4409  Using math to be a zoo vet 
 4410  Using math to conquer extreme sports 
 4411  Using math to create a movie stunt 
 4412  Using math to fly a jumbo jet 
 4413  Using math to solve a crime 
 4414  Utah 
 4415  Vacation under the volcano 
 4416  Valentine hearts : holiday poetry 
 4417  Valentine's Day : a level two reader 
 4418  Valentine's Day crafts 
 4419  Valentine's Day is-- 
 4420  Valley Forge 
 4421  Valleys and canyons 
 4422  Vasco da Gama 
 4423  Vasco da Gama and the Portuguese explorers 
 4424  Vegetables 
 4425  The vegetables we eat 
 4426  The Velveteen Rabbit, or, How toys become real 
 4427  Venus 
 4428  Venus 
 4429  Venus among the fishes 
 4430  Verbs 
 4431  Verbs 
 4432  Verbs, verbs, verbs : the trickiest action-packed words in English 
 4433  Vermont 
 4434  Vertebrates and invertebrates explained 
 4435  The very first Americans 
 4436  Veteran's Day 
 4437  Veterans Day 
 4438  The Vice Presidency 
 4439  Victor's adventure in Alphabet Town 
 4440  The view from Saturday 
 4441  Viking it & liking it 
 4442  Viking ships at sunrise 
 4443  Vikings don't wear wrestling belts 
 4444  The vile village 
 4445  The village of round and square houses 
 4446  Vinny the action verb & Lucy the linking verb 
 4447  Virgie goes to school with us boys 
 4448  Virginia 
 4449  Viruses 
 4450  Visiting day 
 4451  Visiting Langston 
 4452  The Visual dictionary of plants. 
 4453  A voice of her own : the story of Phillis Wheatley, slave poet 
 4454  The voice that won the vote : how one woman's words made history 
 4455  Voices after midnight : a novel 
 4456  Volcano 
 4457  Volcano! : the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption 
 4458  Volcanoes 
 4459  Volcanoes : disaster & survival 
 4460  Volleyball for boys and girls : start right and play well 
 4461  The voyage of the Continental 
 4462  The voyage of the Dawn Treader 
 4463  The voyage of the Mayflower 
 4464  The voyages of Odysseus 
 4465  The wailing siren mystery, 
 4466  Wait! no paint! 
 4467  A walk in the boreal forest 
 4468  A walk in the deciduous forest 
 4469  A walk in the prairie 
 4470  A walk in the tundra 
 4471  Walk two moons 
 4472  The walkie-talkie mystery 
 4473  Walkingsticks 
 4474  Walt Disney 
 4475  Walt Disney : creator of Mickey Mouse 
 4476  Walter the baker 
 4477  Walter Warthog 
 4478  The War of 1812 
 4479  The warlord's puzzle 
 4480  Warrior son of a warrior son : a Masai tale 
 4481  Washington 
 4482  Washington Irving's Rip Van Winkle 
 4483  Watch out! man-eating snake 
 4484  Watch out, Ronald Morgan! 
 4485  Watch the stars come out 
 4486  Water 
 4487  Water : up, down, and all around 
 4488  Water as a gas 
 4489  Water cycle 
 4490  The water cycle 
 4491  Water sports 
 4492  Waterways 
 4493  Ways to find your way : types of maps 
 4494  We all have different abilities 
 4495  We all have different families 
 4496  We are heroes! 
 4497  We are in a book! 
 4498  We love fruit! 
 4499  We need plumbers 
 4500  We will rock our classmates 
 4501  The weather 
 4502  The wedding gift goof 
 4503  Wedges 
 4504  Wedges in my world 
 4505  A week 
 4506  A week in the woods 
 4507  Weird but true space facts 
 4508  Weird but true! human body : 300 outrageous facts about you awesome anatomy. 
 4509  Welcome to the green house 
 4510  Welcome to the sea of sand 
 4511  Welcome to Zanzibar Road 
 4512  Welcoming Elijah : a Passover tale with a tail 
 4513  The well : David's story 
 4514  Wemberly worried 
 4515  Werewolves don't go to summer camp 
 4516  Werewolves don't run for president 
 4517  West Virginia 
 4518  Wet and dry : an animal opposites book 
 4519  Wetlands 
 4520  Wetlands : soggy habitat 
 4521  Whale feels worried 
 4522  Whales 
 4523  Whales 
 4524  Whales 
 4525  Whales & dolphins 
 4526  What a trip, Amber Brown 
 4527  What about me? 
 4528  What are atoms? 
 4529  What are baby koalas called? : a book about baby animals 
 4530  What are food chains and webs? 
 4531  What are germs? 
 4532  What are inclined planes? 
 4533  What are levers? 
 4534  What are pulleys? 
 4535  What are the levels of government? 
 4536  What are wedges? 
 4537  What are you figuring now? : a story about Benjamin Banneker 
 4538  What can you do with money? : earning, spending, and saving 
 4539  What child is this? : a Christmas story 
 4540  What Columbus found : it was orange, it was round 
 4541  What do we buy? : a look at goods and services 
 4542  What do you do with a tail like this? 
 4543  What do you know about colonial America? 
 4544  What do you know about fossils? 
 4545  What do you know about the age of exploration? 
 4546  What do you know about the American Revolution? 
 4547  What do you know about the Civil War? 
 4548  What do you know about the Gold Rush? 
 4549  What do you know about westward expansion? 
 4550  What do you mean? : a story about Noah Webster 
 4551  What do you see in a cloud? 
 4552  What grows from a tree? 
 4553  What happened to Patrick's dinosaurs? 
 4554  What happened to the dinosaurs? : a book about extinction 
 4555  What hatches? 
 4556  What is a family? 
 4557  What is a government? 
 4558  What is a lever? 
 4559  What is a mammal? 
 4560  What is a map? 
 4561  What is a pulley? 
 4562  What is a wedge? 
 4563  What is a wheel and axle? 
 4564  What is an amphibian? 
 4565  What is an amphibian? 
 4566  What is climate? 
 4567  What is culture? 
 4568  What is friction? 
 4569  What is mass? 
 4570  What is money, anyway? : why dollars and coins have value 
 4571  What is religion? 
 4572  What is symmetry in nature? 
 4573  What is the moon made of? : and other questions kids have about space 
 4574  What is the world made of? : all about solids, liquids, and gases 
 4575  What is volume? 
 4576  What kind of family do you have? 
 4577  What Mary Jo shared. 
 4578  What time is it? 
 4579  What to expect when you're expecting larvae : a guide for insect parents (and curious kids) 
 4580  What would Joey do? 
 4581  What's a bird? 
 4582  What's a fish? 
 4583  What's a mammal? 
 4584  What's a reptile? 
 4585  What's an amphibian? 
 4586  What's an insect? 
 4587  What's in the Midwest? 
 4588  What's in the Northeast? 
 4589  What's in the Southeast? 
 4590  What's in the Southwest? 
 4591  What's in the West? 
 4592  What's so great about Cindy Snappleby? 
 4593  What's sprouting in my trash? : a book about composting 
 4594  What's the big idea, Ben Franklin? 
 4595  What's the matter in Mr. Whisker's room? 
 4596  What's the matter Mr. Giraffe? 
 4597  What's the Matter, Mr. Giraffe? 
 4598  Wheels and axles 
 4599  Wheels and axles in my world 
 4600  When Africa was home 
 4601  When birds could talk & bats could sing : the adventures of Bruh Sparrow, Sis Wren, and their friends 
 4602  When I grow up 
 4603  When lightning comes in a jar 
 4604  When Sophie gets angry- really, really angry- 
 4605  When Sophie gets angry- really, really angry-- 
 4606  When the wind stops 
 4607  When you reach me 
 4608  Where am I? 
 4609  Where do we keep money? : how banks work 
 4610  Where do you think you're going, Christopher Columbus? 
 4611  Where is Christmas, Jesse Bear? 
 4612  Where is Max? 
 4613  Where the wild things are 
 4614  Where to look for a dinosaur 
 4615  Where was Patrick Henry on the 29th of May? 
 4616  Where's Mommy? 
 4617  Where's that insect? 
 4618  The whispering statue 
 4619  Whistle for Willie 
 4620  Whistle for Willie 
 4621  The White House 
 4622  White snow, bright snow 
 4623  White water : inspired by a true story 
 4624  Whiteout! : a book about blizzards 
 4625  Who builds? 
 4626  Who is a friend? 
 4627  Who knew there'd be ghosts? 
 4628  Who put the pepper in the pot? 
 4629  Who sees the lighthouse? 
 4630  Who stole the cookies? 
 4631  Who took the cookies from the cookie jar? 
 4632  Who wants a cheap rhinoceros? 
 4633  Who was Albert Einstein? 
 4634  Who was Annie Oakley? 
 4635  Who was Aretha Franklin? 
 4636  Who was Ben Franklin? 
 4637  Who was born this special day? 
 4638  Who was Frederick Douglass? 
 4639  Who was George Washington Carver? 
 4640  Who was Jesse Owens? 
 4641  Who was Marco Polo? 
 4642  Who was Martin Luther King, Jr.? 
 4643  Who was Sacagawea? 
 4644  Who's buying? Who's selling? : understanding consumers and producers 
 4645  Who's in Rabbit's house? : a Masai tale 
 4646  Whoa, jealousy 
 4647  Why are elections important? 
 4648  Why did the chicken cross the road? : and other riddles old and new 
 4649  Why did the monster cross the road? 
 4650  Why do bears sleep all winter? : a book about hibernation 
 4651  Why do birds sing? : a book about animal communication 
 4652  Why do geese fly south in winter? : a book about migration 
 4653  Why do roosters crow? : first questions and answers about farms. 
 4654  Why do tigers have stripes? : a book about camouflage 
 4655  Why do x-rays show your bones? : questions about bones and the skeleton 
 4656  Why does the cat do that? 
 4657  Why don't you get a horse, Sam Adams? 
 4658  Why is the Sahara so dry? : a book about deserts 
 4659  Why is the South Pole so cold? : a book about Antarctica 
 4660  Why is today cloudy and gray? 
 4661  Why mosquitoes buzz in people's ears : a West African tale 
 4662  Why the frog has big eyes 
 4663  Why we have Thanksgiving 
 4664  The wide window 
 4665  Widget 
 4666  Wilbur's adventure : a Charlotte's web picture book 
 4667  Wild about books 
 4668  The wild Christmas reindeer 
 4669  Wild West 
 4670  Wildfire! : the 1871 Peshtigo firestorm 
 4671  Will and Orv 
 4672  Will Rogers : an American legend 
 4673  Will you sign here, John Hancock? 
 4674  Willie the Frog Prince 
 4675  Wilma Rudolph 
 4676  Wilma Rudolph 
 4677  Wilma unlimited : how Wilma Rudolph became the world's fastest woman 
 4678  Wind 
 4679  The wind blew. 
 4680  Wind energy : blown away! 
 4681  Wind flyers 
 4682  Windows, rings, and grapes : a look at different shapes 
 4683  Wings : a novel 
 4684  Wings on the wind : bird poems 
 4685  Winter 
 4686  Winter 
 4687  Winter poems 
 4688  Winter storytime 
 4689  Wisconsin 
 4690  The wise woman and her secret 
 4691  Witches don't do backflips 
 4692  With lots of love 
 4693  With love, Little Red Hen 
 4694  Witnesses to freedom : young people who fought for civil rights 
 4695  The wolf who cried boy 
 4696  Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 
 4697  Wolfmen don't hula dance 
 4698  Wolves 
 4699  Women explorers of the air : Harriet Quimby, Bessie Coleman, Amelia Earhart, Beryl Markham, Jacqueline Cochran 
 4700  Women explorers of the mountains : Nina Mazuchelli, Fanny Bullock Workman, Mary Vaux Walcott, Gertrude Benham, Junko Tabei 
 4701  Women in 19th-century America 
 4702  Women's suffrage 
 4703  The wonder of dolphins 
 4704  The wonder of elephants 
 4705  The wonder of foxes 
 4706  The wonder of kangaroos 
 4707  The wonder of koalas 
 4708  The wonder of pandas 
 4709  The wonderful book 
 4710  Wonderful world of space 
 4711  A wonderful, terrible time, 
 4712  Wonders of Learning: Discover Farm Animals 
 4713  Wonders of the desert 
 4714  Wonders of the pond 
 4715  Wood 
 4716  Wood 
 4717  Woodpeckers 
 4718  Words that built a nation 
 4719  Words with wings : a treasury of African American poetry and art 
 4720  Working cotton 
 4721  Working in space 
 4722  World Almanac for Kids 
 4723  World News Digest 
 4724  The world of food chains with Max Axiom, super scientist 
 4725  The world of food chains with Max Axiom, super scientist : 4D, an augmented reading science experience 
 4726  The world's fastest animals 
 4727  The world's greatest baseball players 
 4728  The world's greatest soccer players 
 4729  The world's largest plants : a book about trees 
 4730  Would I trade my parents? 
 4731  A wreath for Emmett Till 
 4732  The wreck of the Zephyr 
 4733  Wrecking ball 
 4734  Wrestling in action 
 4735  The Wright Brothers 
 4736  The Wright brothers : how they invented the airplane 
 4737  Write it down! : a girl's guide to keeping a journal 
 4738  Writing mysteries, movies, monster stories, and more 
 4739  Writing to correspond 
 4740  Writing to describe 
 4741  Writing to explain 
 4742  Writing to instruct 
 4743  Writing to persuade 
 4744  Writing to retell 
 4745  The wump world 
 4746  Wyoming 
 4747  A year down yonder 
 4748  The year of Miss Agnes 
 4749  The year of the perfect Christmas tree : an Appalachian story 
 4750  Yell and scream for your team! 
 4751  Yellow ball 
 4752  Yellow Bird and Me 
 4753  The yellow boat 
 4754  The yellow boat 
 4755  The yellow feather mystery 
 4756  The yellow yacht 
 4757  Yonder Mountain : a Cherokee legend 
 4758  You can't smell a flower with your ear!: all about your 5 senses 
 4759  You read to me, I'll read to you : very short fables to read together 
 4760  You read to me, I'll read to you : very short fairy tales to read together (in which wolves are tamed, trolls are transformed, and peas are triumphant) 
 4761  You read to me, I'll read to you : very short fairy tales to read together : (in which wolves are tamed, trolls are transformed, and peas are triumphant) 
 4762  You read to me, I'll read to you : very short Mother Goose tales to read together 
 4763  You read to me, I'll read to you : very short stories to read together 
 4764  You want women to vote, Lizzie Stanton? 
 4765  Young Cam Jansen and the 100th day of school mystery 
 4766  Young Cam Jansen and the library mystery 
 4767  Young Martin's promise 
 4768  Young riders of the Pony Express 
 4769  Your bones 
 4770  Your brain 
 4771  Your heart 
 4772  Your mother was a Neanderthal 
 4773  Your pet cat 
 4774  Your pet gerbil 
 4775  Your pet hamster 
 4776  Zany zoo 
 4777  Zanzibar the zebra : a tale of individuality 
 4778  Zeely 
 4779  Zen shorts 
 4780  Zimani's drum : a Malawian tale 
 4781  Zion Williamson 
 4782  Zombies don't play soccer 
 4783  Zoo clue 
 4784  Zora Hurston and the chinaberry tree 
 4785  Zora Neale Hurston 
 4786  Zora Neale Hurston, writer and storyteller 
 4787  Zucchini out West 
 Line #  Title
 1  "Bee my valentine!" 
 2  "Mrs. Riley Bought Five Itchy Aardvarks" and other painless tricks for memorizing science facts 
 3  'Twas the night b'fore Christmas : an African-American version 
 4  'Twas the night before Thanksgiving 
 5  1, 2, 3 to the zoo : a counting book 
 6  1,2,3, scream! 
 7  10 things I can do to help my world : fun and easy eco-tips 
 8  10 ways I can save the earth 
 9  The 19th Amendment 
 10  26 Fairmount Avenue 
 11  28 days : moments in black history that changed the world 
 12  100 day of school. 
 13  100 things you should know about oceans 
 14  100 things you should know about pirates 
 15  100th day of school 
 16  213 valentines 
 17  249Lest we forget : the passage from Africa to slavery and emancipation 
 18  The 500 hats of Bartholomew Cubbins 
 19  2095 
 20  A. Nonny Mouse writes again! : poems 
 21  Aardvarks, disembark! 
 22  ABCD, an alphabet book of cats and dogs 
 23  The ABCs of continents 
 24  The ABCs of habitats 
 25  Abe Lincoln at last! 
 26  Abe Lincoln remembers 
 27  Abe Lincoln's hat 
 28  Abigail Takes The Wheel 
 29  Abiyoyo : based on a South African lullaby and folk story 
 30  Abiyoyo returns 
 31  Abraham Lincoln 
 32  Abraham Lincoln 
 33  Abraham Lincoln 
 34  Abraham Lincoln : a life of respect 
 35  Abraham Lincoln comes home 
 36  The absent author 
 37  Absolutely Lucy 
 38  The accidental hero 
 39  Achoo! : all about colds 
 40  Action! 
 41  Ada Twist and the perilous pants 
 42  Ada Twist, scientist 
 43  Adam of the road 
 44  Adam of the road 
 45  Add it, dip it, fix it : a book of verbs 
 46  Adding arctic animals 
 47  Addition 
 48  Addy learns a lesson : a school story 
 49  Addy saves the day : a summer story 
 50  Addy's surprise : a Christmas story 
 51  Addy's surprise : A Christmas story 
 52  Adjectives 
 53  Adopting pets : how to choose your new best friend 
 54  Advanced weaponry 
 55  Adventures in sound with Max Axiom, super scientist : 4D, an augmented reading science experience 
 56  The adventures of Beekle : the unimaginary friend 
 57  The adventures of Midnight Son 
 58  Adverbs 
 59  Advisories to zero degrees : weather from A to Z 
 60  Aesop's fables 
 61  Aesop's fables 
 62  Aesop's fables 
 63  Africa 
 64  Africa 
 65  Africa brothers and sisters 
 66  Africa calling : nighttime falling 
 67  Africa dream 
 68  African American 
 69  African American inventors 
 70  African American women scientists and inventors 
 71  African Americans who were first : illustrated with photographs 
 72  African crafts 
 73  African portraits 
 74  African roots 
 75  African-American holidays 
 76  African-American inventors 
 77  African-American scientists 
 78  African-American soldiers in the Civil War : fighting for freedom 
 79  African-Americans in the thirteen colonies 
 80  Afternoon of the elves 
 81  Afternoon on the Amazon 
 82  Against all opposition : Black explorers in America 
 83  Aida 
 84  Air 
 85  Air : outside, inside, and all around 
 86  The airplane alphabet book 
 87  Airplanes 
 88  Airplanes 
 89  Alabama 
 90  The Alamo 
 91  Albert 
 92  Albert Einstein 
 93  Albert Einstein : genius behind the theory of relativity 
 94  Albert Einstein was a dope? 
 95  Albert's raccoon 
 96  Alcatraz to Zanzibar : famous places from A to Z 
 97  Alex and friends : animal talk, animal thinking 
 98  Alexander Graham Bell 
 99  Alexander Graham Bell 
 100  Alexander, who used to be rich last Sunday 
 101  Alexander, who's not (do you hear me? I mean it!) going to move 
 102  Alice and the boa constrictor 
 103  Alice the armadillo : a tale of self discovery 
 104  Alida's song 
 105  Alien in the classroom 
 106  Alike or not alike? : a photo sorting game 
 107  All about frogs 
 108  All about heat 
 109  All about light 
 110  All about Stacy 
 111  All Joseph wanted 
 112  All kinds of gardens 
 113  All new crafts for Earth Day 
 114  All new crafts for Kwanzaa 
 115  All new crafts for Valentine's day 
 116  All Saints, All Souls and Halloween 
 117  All the water in the world 
 118  All times, all peoples : a world history of slavery 
 119  Alligator tails and crocodile cakes 
 120  Almost to freedom 
 121  Aloha! 
 122  Along a rocky shore 
 123  Alphabet city 
 124  Alphabet times four : an international ABC 
 125  Alphaboat 
 126  Alphathoughts : alphabet poems 
 127  Always room for one more 
 128  Amanda Pig and her best friend Lollipop 
 129  Amanda Pig on her own 
 130  Amanda Pig, schoolgirl 
 131  Amanda Pig, schoolgirl 
 132  Amazing animal journeys 
 133  Amazing animals of the world 3. 
 134  Amazing birds of prey 
 135  The amazing bone 
 136  The amazing egg 
 137  Amazing frogs & toads 
 138  Amazing Grace 
 139  Amazing insects 
 140  The amazing life of Benjamin Franklin 
 141  Amazing rescues 
 142  The amazing story of cell phone technology : Max Axiom STEM adventures 
 143  The amazing thinking machine 
 144  Amazing world of night creatures 
 145  Amber Brown is feeling blue 
 146  Amber Brown is not a crayon 
 147  Amber Brown is not a crayon 
 148  Amber was brave, Essie was smart : the story of Amber and Essie told here in poems and pictures 
 149  Amelia Bedelia 
 150  Amelia Bedelia 
 151  Amelia Bedelia 4 mayor 
 152  Amelia Bedelia and the baby 
 153  Amelia Bedelia and the cat 
 154  Amelia Bedelia goes camping 
 155  Amelia Bedelia helps out 
 156  Amelia Bedelia under construction 
 157  Amelia Bedelia's family album 
 158  Amelia Bedelia, bookworm 
 159  Amelia Bedelia, rocket scientist? 
 160  Amelia Bedelia: Road Trip 
 161  Amelia Earhart 
 162  Amelia Earhart 
 163  Amelia Earhart is on the moon? 
 164  America votes : how our president is elected 
 165  The American Civil War : an overview 
 166  The American flag 
 167  American history, fresh squeezed! : 41 thirst-for-knowledge-quenching poems 
 168  An American plague : the true and terrifying story of the yellow fever epidemic of 1793 
 169  American Revolution 
 170  The American Revolution 
 171  The American Revolution, 1776 
 172  The American Revolutionary War 
 173  American tall tales 
 174  American tall tales 
 175  Amistad : a long road to freedom 
 176  The Amistad mutiny : fighting for freedom 
 177  Amos & Boris 
 178  Amos Fortune, free man 
 179  Amphibians 
 180  Amphibians 
 181  Amphibians 
 182  Amphibians 
 183  The amusement park mystery 
 184  The amusement park mystery 
 185  Anansi and the talking melon 
 186  Anansi the spider : a tale from the Ashanti 
 187  Anastasia at this address 
 188  Anastasia at your service 
 189  Anastasia Krupnik 
 190  Anastasia on her own 
 191  Anastasia's chosen career 
 192  Anastasia, absolutely 
 193  Anastasia, ask your analyst 
 194  Ancient Chinese 
 195  Ancient Egyptians 
 196  Ancient Greece 
 197  Ancient ones : the world of the old-growth Douglas fir 
 198  Ancient Rome 
 199  And everyone shouted, "Pull!" : a first look at forces and motion 
 200  And then what happened, Paul Revere? 
 201  Andrew Jackson 
 202  Andrew's bright blue T-shirt 
 203  Androcles and the lion 
 204  Angel bites the bullet 
 205  An angel for Solomon Singer 
 206  Angel in charge 
 207  Angel spreads her wings 
 208  The angel tree 
 209  Angel's mother's baby 
 210  Angel's mother's boyfriend 
 211  Angelfish 
 212  Angelfish feels angry 
 213  Angling to zorbing : sports from A to Z 
 214  Animal adaptations for survival 
 215  Animal alphabet 
 216  Animal babies 
 217  Animal ears 
 218  Animal fact/animal fable 
 219  Animal feet and legs 
 220  Animal fun 
 221  Animal heads and necks 
 222  Animal hide-and-seek 
 223  Animal homes 
 224  The animal kingdom 
 225  Animal life cycles : growing and changing 
 226  The animal shelter mystery 
 227  Animal skin and fur 
 228  Animal tails 
 229  Animals brightly colored 
 230  Animals finding food 
 231  Animals of the rainforest 
 232  Animals of the sea and shore 
 233  Animals on board 
 234  Animals raising offspring 
 235  Animals sleeping 
 236  Animals staying safe 
 237  Anna Banana and me 
 238  Anna Sunday 
 239  Annie and the Old One 
 240  Annie and the Old One/ 
 241  Annie and the wild animals 
 242  Annie's ark 
 243  Anno's alphabet; : an adventure in imagination. 
 244  Anno's journey 
 245  Another 
 246  Another important book 
 247  The ant and the dove : an Aesop tale retold 
 248  The ant and the grasshopper 
 249  Antarctica 
 250  Antarctica 
 251  Ants 
 252  Ants 
 253  Ants at the picnic : counting by tens 
 254  Antsy Ansel : Ansel Adams, a life in nature 
 255  The Apache 
 256  Ape's adventure in Alphabet Town 
 257  Apologies to Zs : manners from A to Z 
 258  Appelemando's dreams 
 259  The apple bandit 
 260  Apple fractions 
 261  Apples 
 262  April Fools' Day to Z Day : holidays from A to Z 
 263  Apt. 3 
 264  The Arabic quilt : an immigrant story 
 265  Arctic ice loss 
 266  Are we there yet? : using map scales 
 267  Are you a dragonfly? 
 268  Are you a snail? 
 269  The Area 51 files 
 270  Aren't you forgetting something, Fiona? 
 271  Arizona 
 272  Arkansas 
 273  Armadillo rodeo 
 274  Armadillos 
 275  Armadillos to zorillas : animals from A to Z 
 276  Armpits to zits : the body from A to Z 
 277  Around the world on eighty legs 
 278  Arrr, Mustache Baby! 
 279  Art 
 280  Arthur and the 1,001 dads 
 281  Arthur and the big blow-up 
 282  Arthur and the dog show 
 283  Arthur and the double dare 
 284  Arthur and the No-Brainer 
 285  Arthur and the poetry contest 
 286  Arthur and the race to read 
 287  Arthur Ashe : athlete and activist 
 288  Arthur helps out 
 289  Arthur meets the President 
 290  Arthur to the rescue 
 291  Arthur turns green 
 292  Arthur's birthday surprise 
 293  Arthur's Christmas cookies 
 294  Arthur's Christmas wish 
 295  Arthur's Eyes 
 296  Arthur's family vacation 
 297  Arthur's first sleepover 
 298  Arthur's great big valentine 
 299  Arthur's heart mix-up 
 300  Arthur's new puppy 
 301  Arthur's nose 
 302  Arthur's Thanksgiving 
 303  Arthur's tooth 
 304  Arthur's TV trouble 
 305  Arthur's valentine 
 306  The Articles of Confederation 
 307  The Articles of Confederation 
 308  The arts 
 309  As for the princess : a folktale from Quebec 
 310  As the crow flies : a first book of maps 
 311  Ashanti to Zulu : African traditions 
 312  Ashanti to Zulu : African traditions 
 313  Ashley Bryan's ABC of African-American poetry. 
 314  Asia 
 315  Asia 
 316  Asian crafts 
 317  Asiatic lion vs. Bengal tiger 
 318  Ask an expert : climate change 
 319  The assassination of Abraham Lincoln 
 320  At the marsh in the meadow 
 321  At the park 
 322  Atlas of Africa 
 323  Atlas of Australia 
 324  Atlas of Europe 
 325  Atlas of North America 
 326  Atlas of plants 
 327  Atlas of South America 
 328  Atlas of Southwest and Central Asia 
 329  Atlas of the Far East and Southeast Asia 
 330  Atlas of the poles and oceans 
 331  Attack of the 50-foot Fly Guy 
 332  The attractive story of magnetism with Max Axiom, super scientist : 4D an augmented reading science experience 
 333  Aunt Chip and the great Triple Creek dam affair 
 334  Aunt Flossie's hats (and crab cakes later) 
 335  The Austere Academy 
 336  Australia 
 337  Australia 
 338  Awful Ogre's awful day : poems 
 339  The Aztecs 
 340  A B Cedar : an alphabet of trees 
 341  B is for Bethlehem : a Christmas alphabet 
 342  B is for Bethlehem : a Christmas alphabet 
 343  Babar and Father Christmas 
 344  Babar and the succotash bird 
 345  Babar and Zephir 
 346  Babar's little girl 
 347  Babe : the gallant pig 
 348  Baboushka and the three kings : adapted from a Russian folk tale 
 349  Babushka's doll 
 350  Baby bear, baby bear, what do you see? 
 351  Baby bears 
 352  Baby cats 
 353  Baby cows 
 354  Baby deer 
 355  Baby dogs 
 356  Baby goats 
 357  The baby grand, the moon in July, & me 
 358  Baby horses 
 359  Baby monkeys 
 360  A baby panda is born 
 361  Baby pandas 
 362  Baby penguins 
 363  Baby rabbits 
 364  Baby rattlesnake 
 365  A baby sister for Frances 
 366  Baby sloths 
 367  Baby wolves 
 368  The baby-sitter burglaries 
 369  Babymouse : dragonslayer 
 370  Babymouse : skater girl 
 371  Babymouse for president 
 372  Back home 
 373  Back yard angel 
 374  Backhoes 
 375  Backyard detective : critters up close  
 376  Backyard encyclopedia 
 377  Bacteria 
 378  The bad beginning 
 379  Bad day for ballet 
 380  Bad Kitty goes on vacation 
 381  Bad Kitty joins the team 
 382  Bad news for outlaws : the remarkable life of Bass Reeves, deputy U.S. marshall 
 383  Badger vs. bobcat 
 384  Badgers and other mustelids 
 385  Balances 
 386  The bald eagle 
 387  A ball for Daisy 
 388  Ballet 
 389  Balls 
 390  Baloney (Henry P.) 
 391  A band of angels : a story inspired by the Jubilee Singers 
 392  Bar graphs 
 393  Barack Obama 
 394  Barack Obama 
 395  Barack Obama : son of promise, child of hope 
 396  Barbara Jordan : African American politician 
 397  The Barefoot book of fairy tales 
 398  Baseball 
 399  Baseball talk : grand slam, frozen rope, and more big-league lingo 
 400  Basketball in action 
 401  Basketball talk : alley-oop, buzzer beater, and more hardcourt lingo 
 402  The Bat Boy & His Violin 
 403  Bats 
 404  Bats : and other animals with amazing ears 
 405  The battle for Imperia 
 406  The battle for the castle 
 407  Battle for Wakanda : starring Black Panther 
 408  The Battle of Gettysburg 
 409  The Battle of Gettysburg 
 410  The Battle of Gettysburg and Lincoln's Gettysburg Address 
 411  The battle of the Labyrinth 
 412  Battle with the ultra beast : 2 graphic adventures 
 413  The Battles of Lexington & Concord 
 414  Battleship Island : the deserted island 
 415  Bea on Broadway : a story about New York 
 416  Beacon Hill boys 
 417  Beans to chocolate 
 418  A bear called Paddington 
 419  A bear cub grows up 
 420  The bear family's world tour Christmas 
 421  The bear report 
 422  Bear's Christmas star 
 423  Bearded dragons 
 424  Bears : polar bears, black bears and grizzly bears 
 425  Bearskin 
 426  Bearymore : story and pictures 
 427  Beast feast : poems and paintings 
 428  Beat the story-drum, pum-pum 
 429  The Beatitudes : from slavery to civil rights 
 430  Beatrice doesn't want to 
 431  Beatrix : various episodes from the life of Beatrix Potter 
 432  Beats me, Claude 
 433  Beautiful blackbird 
 434  The beautiful Christmas tree 
 435  Beauty and the beast 
 436  Beauty and the beast : the graphic novel 
 437  Beauty and the beast = : La bella y la bestia 
 438  Beauty and the dreaded sea beast : a graphic novel 
 439  The beauty of the beast : poems from the animal kingdom 
 440  Beauty, her basket 
 441  Beavers : and other animals with amazing teeth 
 442  Bedtime for Frances 
 443  Bees can't fly, but they do : things that are still a mystery to science 
 444  Bees, wasps, and ants 
 445  The Beetle and me : a love story 
 446  Beetles 
 447  Beetles 
 448  Beetles, lightly toasted 
 449  Beezus and Ramona 
 450  Beginner word problems 
 451  Behind rebel lines : the incredible story of Emma Edmonds, Civil War spy 
 452  Behind the mask : a book about prepositions 
 453  Behind the mask : a book about prepositions 
 454  Being a good citizen : a book about citizenship 
 455  Belle Prater's boy 
 456  Belle Teal 
 457  The bells of Christmas 
 458  Ben and me : a new and astonishing life of Benjamin Franklin, as written by his good mouse Amos 
 459  Ben Yokoyama and the cookie of doom 
 460  Ben Yokoyama and the cookie thief 
 461  Ben's pens : the sound of short E 
 462  Bend and stretch : learning about your bones and muscles 
 463  Beneath 
 464  Benjamin Banneker : astronomer and mathematician 
 465  Benjamin Banneker : astronomer and mathematician 
 466  Benjamin Banneker : mathematician and stargazer 
 467  Benjamin Franklin 
 468  Benjamin Franklin 
 469  Benny goes into business 
 470  Benny the adverb 
 471  Benny's new friend 
 472  Benny's Saturday surprise 
 473  The Berenstain Bears : too much noise! 
 474  The Berenstain Bears and the baby chipmunk 
 475  The Berenstain bears and the bad dream 
 476  The Berenstain Bears and the bully 
 477  The Berenstain bears and the missing honey 
 478  The Berenstain Bears and the prize pumpkin 
 479  The Berenstain bears and the trouble with friends 
 480  The Berenstain bears and too much pressure 
 481  The Berenstain bears and too much vacation 
 482  The Berenstain Bears don't pollute (anymore) 
 483  The Berenstain Bears' Easter surprise 
 484  The Berenstain Bears' funny valentine 
 485  The Berenstain Bears' new pup 
 486  Berlioz the bear 
 487  Berlioz the bear 
 488  Bernie entertaining 
 489  Berry smudges and leaf prints : finding and making colors from nature 
 490  The berry-picking man 
 491  The best bad thing 
 492  The best book of night time animals 
 493  The best book of ponies 
 494  The best detective 
 495  Best friends for Frances 
 496  Best friends forever! : and more true stories of animal friendships 
 497  The best pet yet 
 498  The best town in the world 
 499  The best way to play 
 500  Best wishes 
 501  Bet you can't 
 502  Betcha! 
 503  Betsy Ross 
 504  Betsy Ross 
 505  Between earth & sky : legends of Native American sacred places 
 506  Between two worlds : a story about Pearl Buck 
 507  Beware the Vikings 
 508  Beware the werewolf 
 509  Bewildered for three days : as to why Daniel Boone never wore his coonskin cap 
 510  Beyond Pluto 
 511  Beyond the ridge 
 512  The Bible for young children 
 513  Bicycle book 
 514  The bicycle man 
 515  Bicycle rider 
 516  Bicycle stunt riding 
 517  Bicycles : pedal power 
 518  Big and small : an animal opposites book 
 519  Big Anthony : his story 
 520  The big balloon race 
 521  Big book of what? 
 522  Big Jabe 
 523  Big moon tortilla 
 524  Big Nate goes bananas! 
 525  Big red barn 
 526  Big rig 
 527  The big sale 
 528  Big shot 
 529  The big snow 
 530  The big something 
 531  Big worry in Wonderland 
 532  The biggest bear 
 533  The biggest bear 
 534  The biggest house in the world 
 535  Bigmama's 
 536  Bigmama's 
 537  Biking 
 538  Bill Clinton : 42nd president of the United States of America 
 539  Bill Nye the science guy's great big book of tiny germs 
 540  The Bill of Rights 
 541  The Bill of Rights 
 542  Bill Pickett, rodeo-ridin' cowboy 
 543  Bintou's braids 
 544  The Bionic Bunny show / c by Marc Brown and Laurene Kransy Brown. 
 545  Birches 
 546  Bird 
 547  Bird families 
 548  Bird talk : what birds are saying and why 
 549  Birds 
 550  Birds 
 551  Birds 
 552  Birds 
 553  Birds 
 554  Birds 
 555  Birds 
 556  Birds 
 557  A birthday for Frances 
 558  The birthday party mystery 
 559  Bisbol : pioneros y leyendas del bisbol latino 
 560  Biting flies 
 561  Black and white 
 562  Black Civil War soldiers : the 54th Massachusetts Regiment 
 563  Black cowboy, wild horses : a true story 
 564  Black heroes and heroines 
 565  Black is a rainbow color 
 566  Black is brown is tan. 
 567  The black pearl 
 568  The black pearl mystery 
 569  The black snowman 
 570  The black soldier : 1492 to the present 
 571  A black woman did that 
 572  Black women of the Old West 
 573  The Blackfeet 
 574  Blizzard! : the 1888 whiteout 
 575  The blobfish book 
 576  Blood of Olympus 
 577  Bloodsuckers of the animal world 
 578  Bloomers! 
 579  Blue Bay mystery 
 580  The blue house 
 581  Blue jeans before the store 
 582  Blue whales and other baleen whales 
 583  Blueberries for Sal 
 584  The blues : birth of an American sound 
 585  Bluish : a novel 
 586  Bob, not Bob! 
 587  Bobcats 
 588  Bodie : the gold-mining ghost town 
 589  The Boggart 
 590  The bombing of Hiroshima 
 591  The bombing of Pearl Harbor, 1941 
 592  Bones and the birthday mystery 
 593  A book of Americans 
 594  Book! Book! Book! 
 595  Booker T. Washington : leader and educator 
 596  Booker T. Washington : leader and educator 
 597  Bookspeak! : poems about books 
 598  The bookstore ghost 
 599  Boom! Bellow! Bleat! : animal poems for two or more voices 
 600  The Borrowers 
 601  The Borrowers afloat 
 602  The Borrowers avenged 
 603  The Boston Massacre 
 604  The Boston Tea Party 
 605  Bouncy, big, and furry 
 606  Bound for Oregon 
 607  Boundless Grace 
 608  Boxitects 
 609  The boy and the goats 
 610  A boy called Slow : the true story of Sitting Bull 
 611  A boy named Boomer 
 612  The boy of the three-year nap 
 613  The boy who ate dog biscuits 
 614  The boy who cried "Wolf!" 
 615  The boy who didn't believe in spring. 
 616  The boy who gave his lunch away 
 617  A boy, a dog, and a frog 
 618  Boy-crazy Stacey 
 619  The brain 
 620  Brave Irene 
 621  Bravemole 
 622  Bravo, Amelia Bedelia! 
 623  Brazil 
 624  Brazil in colors 
 625  Bread and jam for Frances 
 626  The bread sister of Sinking Creek 
 627  Bread, bread, bread 
 628  Breathe in, breathe out : learning about your lungs 
 629  Brianna, Jamaica, and the Dance of Spring 
 630  Bridge to Terabithia 
 631  Bridge to the sun. 
 632  Bridges 
 633  Bright lights and shadowy shapes 
 634  A brilliant streak : the making of Mark Twain 
 635  Britannica ImageQuest 
 636  Britannica School 
 637  The Bronze bow 
 638  The bronze bow 
 639  Bronzeville boys and girls. 
 640  Brother Wolf, Sister Sparrow : stories about saints and animals 
 641  Brown angels : an album of pictures and verse 
 642  Brown Bear gets in shape 
 643  Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? 
 644  Brown girl dreaming 
 645  Brown honey in broomwheat tea : poems 
 646  Brown v. Board of Education : the battle for equal education 
 647  Brush 
 648  The buccaneers 
 649  Bud Barkin, private eye 
 650  Bud, not Buddy 
 651  Buddhism 
 652  Buds and blossoms : a book about flowers 
 653  Buffalo before breakfast 
 654  The buffalo nickel 
 655  Bug babies 
 656  The bug in the jug wants a hug : a short vowel sounds book 
 657  Bug parts 
 658  Bugs 
 659  Building a dream : Mary Bethune's school 
 660  Building blocks 
 661  Buildings 
 662  Bull's-eye : a photobiography of Annie Oakley 
 663  Bulldozers 
 664  Bulldozers 
 665  Bully for you, Teddy Roosevelt! 
 666  The bully from the Black Lagoon 
 667  Bumble bugs and elephants : a big and little book 
 668  Bunches of buttons : counting by tens 
 669  The bungalow mystery. 
 670  The bungalow mystery. 
 671  Bunnicula : a rabbit-tale of mystery 
 672  Bunnicula strikes again! 
 673  The bunny who found Easter 
 674  Bunny's noisy book 
 675  The bunny-hop hoax 
 676  Bus Drivers 
 677  A bus of our own 
 678  Buster makes the grade 
 679  A busy day 
 680  Butterflies 
 681  Butterflies & caterpillars 
 682  Butterflies and moths 
 683  The butterfly 
 684  Butterfly house 
 685  A butterfly's life 
 686  Button soup 
 687  Buttons for General Washington 
 688  By the dawn's early light : the story of the Star-spangled banner 
 689  By the great horn spoon! 
 690  By the shores of Silver Lake 
 691  The cabin faced west 
 692  Cabin fever 
 693  A cache of jewels and other collective nouns 
 694  Caddie Woodlawn. 
 695  California 
 696  Call it courage 
 697  Callie Ann and Mistah Bear 
 698  Cam Jansen and the barking treasure mystery 
 699  Cam Jansen and the catnapping mystery 
 700  Cam Jansen and the chocolate fudge mystery 
 701  Cam Jansen and the first day of school mystery 
 702  Cam Jansen and the ghostly mystery 
 703  Cam Jansen and the mystery at the haunted house 
 704  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the dinosaur bones 
 705  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the monster movie 
 706  Cam Jansen and the mystery of the U.F.O. 
 707  Cam Jansen and the scary snake mystery 
 708  Cam Jansen and the school play mystery 
 709  Cam Jansen and the snowy day mystery 
 710  Cam Jansen and the tennis trophy mystery 
 711  Cam Jansen and the Triceratops Pops mystery 
 712  Cam Jansen and the Valentine baby mystery 
 713  Cam Jansen, the mystery of flight 54 
 714  Cam Jansen, the mystery of the stolen diamonds 
 715  Cam Jansen, the mystery of the television dog 
 716  Cam Jansen, the mystery of the U.F.O. 
 717  Camel 
 718  Camp Babymouse 
 719  The camp-out mystery 
 720  Campfire stories 
 721  Camping 
 722  Can I keep him? 
 723  Can you catch a swamp monster? : an interactive monster hunt 
 724  Can you greet the whole wide world? : 12 common phrases in 12 different languages 
 725  Can you guess? 
 726  Can you guess? 
 727  Can you see what I see? : 100 fun finds 
 728  Can you tell a dolphin from a porpoise? 
 729  Can't you make them behave, King George? 
 730  The canary prince 
 731  Candy corn : poems 
 732  The candy factory mystery 
 733  Candy is dandy 
 734  The canine connection : stories about dogs and people 
 735  Canyons 
 736  Caps for sale : a tale of a peddler, some monkeys, and their monkey business 
 737  Caps, hats, socks, and mittens : a book about the four seasons 
 738  Captain Cal and the Great Space Race 
 739  The captain contest 
 740  Captain John Smith 
 741  Captain Underpants and the perilous plot of Professor Poopypants : the fourth epic novel 
 742  Captain Underpants double-crunchy book o' fun 
 743  Captive witness 
 744  Carcass chewers of the animal world 
 745  Caring 
 746  Caring in sports 
 747  Carl's afternoon in the park 
 748  Carl's Christmas 
 749  Carl's masquerade 
 750  Carnival at candlelight 
 751  Carnivores in the food chain 
 752  The carnivorous carnival 
 753  Carolina's gift : a story of Peru. 
 754  The carousel mystery 
 755  The carrot seed 
 756  The carrot seed. 
 757  Carry on, Mr. Bowditch 
 758  Cars 
 759  Cars, trucks and planes 
 760  Carter G. Woodson : the father of black history 
 761  Carter G. Woodson : the man who put "black" in American history 
 762  Cartier : Jacques Cartier in search of the Northwest Passage 
 763  Carver, a life in poems 
 764  A case for Jenny Archer 
 765  A case for Jenny Archer 
 766  The case of the climbing cat 
 767  The case of the disappearing daughter 
 768  The case of the double cross 
 769  The case of the missing caterpillar : a first look at the life cycle of a butterfly 
 770  The case of the planetarium puzzle 
 771  The case of the puzzling possum 
 772  Case of the sabotaged spaghetti 
 773  The case of the scaredy cats 
 774  The case of the sleepy sloth 
 775  The case of the twin teddy bears 
 776  Casey Jones 
 777  Casey Jones's fireman : the story of Sim Webb 
 778  Cassie's journey : going West in the 1860s 
 779  Cassie's word quilt 
 780  The castle in the attic 
 781  The castle is cold, ancient and old! 
 782  Castles, caves, and honeycombs 
 783  The cat ate my gymsuit 
 784  Cat crew 
 785  Cat Kid comic club 
 786  Cat of death! 
 787  The cat who went to heaven 
 788  Catching sunlight : a book about leaves 
 789  Cats 
 790  Cats 
 791  Cats 
 792  Cats! 
 793  Causes of climate change 
 794  The cave of stars 
 795  Caves 
 796  Celebrate the 50 states! 
 797  Celebrating a Quinceaera : a Latina's fifteenth birthday celebration 
 798  Celebrating summer 
 799  Celebrations 
 800  Celebrations! 
 801  Cell phone safety 
 802  Cell phones 
 803  Cell wars 
 804  Cells 
 805  The cereal box mystery 
 806  A certain small shepherd 
 807  Cesar Chavez 
 808  A chair for my mother 
 809  The chalk box kid 
 810  Challenger : America's space tragedy 
 811  Chameleons : and other animals with amazing skin 
 812  Chang and the bamboo flute 
 813  Chang's paper pony 
 814  Changes for Kirsten : a winter story 
 815  Changes for Molly : a winter story 
 816  Changes for Samantha : a winter story 
 817  Changes, changes. 
 818  Chanticleer and the fox 
 819  Chanticleer and the fox 
 820  Charged up : the story of electricity 
 821  Charles Drew : pioneer in medicine 
 822  Charles Lindbergh 
 823  Charles M. Schulz 
 824  Charles Schulz 
 825  Charlie and the chocolate factory 
 826  Charlie Anderson 
 827  Charlie Parker played be bop 
 828  Charlie takes his shot : how Charlie Sifford broke the color barrier in golf 
 829  Chasing Vermeer 
 830  Cheer essentials : uniforms and equipment 
 831  Cheer spirit : revving up the crowd 
 832  Cheer tryouts : making the cut 
 833  Cheetahs 
 834  Chemistry 
 835  The Cherokee 
 836  Chess 
 837  Chester 
 838  Chester's way 
 839  A chick grows up 
 840  Chicken on a broom 
 841  The Chicken sisters 
 842  Chicken soup with rice 
 843  Chicken Sunday 
 844  Chicken Sunday 
 845  Chickens 
 846  Chickens 
 847  Chickens : a level two reader 
 848  Chickens have chicks 
 849  Children of Christmas : stories for the season 
 850  The Children's Blizzard, 1888 
 851  The children's book of America 
 852  Children's counting-out rhymes, fingerplays, jump-rope, and bounce-ball chants and other rhythms : a comprehensive English-language reference 
 853  Chimpanzees 
 854  The chimpanzees I love : saving their world and ours 
 855  China in colors 
 856  Chinese New Year 
 857  Chinese New Year crafts 
 858  Chipmunk song 
 859  Chipmunks 
 860  Chita's Christmas tree 
 861  Chocolate fever 
 862  The chow chow 
 863  Christa McAuliffe : a space biography 
 864  Christianity 
 865  Christmas 
 866  Christmas after all : the great depression dairy of Minnie Swift 
 867  Christmas around the world 
 868  The Christmas candle 
 869  A Christmas carol 
 870  The Christmas cat 
 871  The Christmas crocodile 
 872  The Christmas Day kitten 
 873  Christmas in the big house, Christmas in the quarters 
 874  Christmas in the Big Woods 
 875  Christmas is coming! : poems 
 876  Christmas is- 
 877  The Christmas promise 
 878  Christmas trolls 
 879  Christopher Columbus 
 880  Christopher Columbus 
 881  Christopher Columbus 
 882  Christopher Columbus 
 883  Christopher Columbus 
 884  Christopher Columbus and the discovery of the New World 
 885  Cicadas 
 886  Cicadas 
 887  Cinco de Mayo 
 888  Cinco de Mayo 
 889  Cinco de Mayo 
 890  Cinco de Mayo crafts 
 891  Cinder-Elly 
 892  Cinderella : or, The little glass slipper 
 893  Cinderella : the graphic novel 
 894  Cinderella Penguin : :or, The Little Glass Flipper 
 895  Cinderhazel : The Cinderella of Halloween  
 896  A circle in the sky 
 897  The circulatory system 
 898  The circulatory system 
 899  Circulatory system 
 900  Circus caps for sale 
 901  Circus. 
 902  Citizenship in sports 
 903  The Civil Rights Act of 1964 : a primary source exploration of the landmark legislation 
 904  The Civil Rights Movement 
 905  The Civil War 
 906  Civil War A to Z : a young readers' guide to over 100 people, places, and points of importance 
 907  Civil War on Sunday 
 908  Clap your hands 
 909  Clara Barton 
 910  Clara Caterpillar 
 911  A class act 
 912  Class act 
 913  The class pet from the Black Lagoon 
 914  Classification of living and nonliving things 
 915  Claudette Colvin 
 916  Claudette Colvin 
 917  Claudia and mean Janine 
 918  Claudia and the new girl 
 919  Clay 
 920  Clean getaway 
 921  Clean your room, Harvey Moon! 
 922  Clementine and the family meeting 
 923  Clementine's letter 
 924  Cleopatra 
 925  Click, clack, moo : cows that type 
 926  Click, clack, quackity-quack : an alphabetical adventure 
 927  Click, clack, splish, splash : a counting adventure 
 928  Clifford's ABC. 
 929  Clifford's kitten 
 930  Climate change activism 
 931  Climate change and extreme weather 
 932  Climate change migrants 
 933  Climate change solutions 
 934  Clouds 
 935  Clouds 
 936  Clouds 
 937  Cloudy day, sunny day 
 938  Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 
 939  The clue in the diary 
 940  The clue in the jewel box. 
 941  The clue of the broken locket. 
 942  The clue of the hissing serpent. 
 943  The clue of the screeching owl 
 944  The coach that never came 
 945  Cody's secret admirer 
 946  Coffin on a case 
 947  Coffin On A Case 
 948  Cold days 
 949  Cold feet 
 950  Colin Powell 
 951  The Coliseum con 
 952  Collaborations 
 953  Colonial American crafts : the village 
 954  Colonial American crafts. 
 955  Colonial life 
 956  The color kittens 
 957  Color me dark : the diary of Nellie Lee Love, the great migration North 
 958  Color me dark : the diary of Nellie Lee Love, the great migration North 
 959  Color zoo 
 960  Colorado 
 961  Columbia : first flight of the space shuttle 
 962  Columbus Day 
 963  Columbus Day : celebrating famous explorer 
 964  Come a tide 
 965  Come back, Amelia Bedelia 
 966  Come next spring 
 967  Come play with me 
 968  The comeback dog 
 969  Comet's nine lives 
 970  Coming home : a story of Josh Gibson, baseball's greatest home run hitter 
 971  Coming home : from the life of Langston Hughes 
 972  Coming through the blizzard : a Christmas story 
 973  Commercial Appeal 
 974  Comparing fractions 
 975  Comparing numbers! 
 976  Comparing with cats 
 977  Compasses 
 978  Compost basics 
 979  Composting : nature's recyclers 
 980  Computer crook 
 981  Concrete mixers 
 982  Conductors and insulators 
 983  Confucius : the golden rule 
 984  Conjunctions 
 985  Connecticut 
 986  Connie the conjunction 
 987  Consideration 
 988  The Constitution 
 989  The contender. 
 990  Cooking the Chinese way 
 991  Cooking the East African way 
 992  Cooking the Italian way 
 993  Cooking the Japanese way 
 994  Cooking the Mexican way 
 995  Cooking the South American way 
 996  Cooking the Spanish way 
 997  Cooking the Thai way 
 998  Cooking the Vietnamese way 
 999  Cooking the West African way 
 1000  Cool as a cucumber, hot as a pepper : fruit vegetables 
 1001  Cool cards : creating fun and fascinating collections! 
 1002  Cool customs 
 1003  Cool cuts 
 1004  Cool filled cupcakes : fun & easy baking recipes for kids! 
 1005  Cool jobs for yard-working kids : ways to make money doing yard work 
 1006  A cool moonlight 
 1007  Cool rocks : creating fun and fascinating collections! 
 1008  Cool shells : creating fun and fascinating collections! 
 1009  Cool stamps : creating fun and fascinating collections! 
 1010  Cool tools 
 1011  Cool zone with the Pain & the Great One 
 1012  Cool! whoa! ah and oh! : what is an interjection? 
 1013  Cooperation 
 1014  Cooperation : a level three reader 
 1015  Copper sun 
 1016  The copycat mystery 
 1017  Coral reef food chains 
 1018  Corals 
 1019  Corduroy writes a letter 
 1020  Corduroy's garden 
 1021  Corn 
 1022  Corn is maize : the gift of the Indians 
 1023  A corner of the universe 
 1024  Cornrows 
 1025  Coronado : Francisco Vasquez de Coronado explores the Southwest 
 1026  Costa Rica 
 1027  The couch potato 
 1028  Cougar 
 1029  Count your way through Africa 
 1030  Count your way through China 
 1031  Count your way through Greece 
 1032  Count your way through Israel 
 1033  Counting money 
 1034  Counting money 
 1035  Counting money! 
 1036  Counting the continents 
 1037  A country far away 
 1038  County fair 
 1039  Courage in sports 
 1040  The courage of Helen Keller 
 1041  Courageous creatures 
 1042  Cousins 
 1043  The cow that got her wish 
 1044  Cow towns 
 1045  The cow who wouldn't come down 
 1046  Cow's fart! 
 1047  Cowboy Small 
 1048  Cowboys 
 1049  Cows 
 1050  Cows 
 1051  Cows have calves 
 1052  Coyote autumn 
 1053  Coyote steals the blanket : a Ute tale 
 1054  Craco : the medieval ghost town 
 1055  Crafts for kids who are learning about weather 
 1056  Cranes 
 1057  A crash course in forces and motion with Max Axiom, super scientist : 4D, an augmented reading science experience 
 1058  Crayons rock! 
 1059  The crazy carnival case 
 1060  A crazy day with cobras 
 1061  Creativity 
 1062  Credit cards and checks 
 1063  Crickets and grasshoppers 
 1064  The crime lab case 
 1065  Crinkleroot's guide to walking in wild places 
 1066  Crispin : the cross of lead 
 1067  Crispus Attucks and the Boston Massacre 
 1068  Criss cross 
 1069  The crisscross shadow, 
 1070  Crocs! 
 1071  Cross-country cat 
 1072  Crossing 
 1073  The crossover 
 1074  Crow chief : a Plains Indian story 
 1075  Crystals 
 1076  Cuba 
 1077  Curioddities. 
 1078  Curious George 
 1079  Curious George and the dinosaur 
 1080  Curious George feeds the animals 
 1081  Curious George flies a kite 
 1082  Curious George goes to school 
 1083  Curious George plants a tree 
 1084  Curious George plays baseball 
 1085  Curious George visits the zoo 
 1086  Curious George. 
 1087  The custodian from the Black Lagoon 
 1088  Cut, chop, and stop : a book about wedges 
 1089  Cutting in line isn't fair! 
 1090  Cyberbullying 
 1091  Cycling in action 
 1092  Da Gama : Vasco da Gama sails around the Cape of Good Hope 
 1093  Da wild, da crazy, da Vinci 
 1094  Daddy and me : a photo story of Arthur Ashe and his daughter, Camera 
 1095  Daddy makes the best spaghetti 
 1096  Daily Memphian 
 1097  Dams 
 1098  Dance away 
 1099  Dance team 
 1100  Dance with Rosie 
 1101  Dance, Annie 
 1102  The dancing skeleton 
 1103  Dandelion's vanishing vegetable garden 
 1104  Danger, Dolphins, and Ginger Beer 
 1105  Dangerous dinosaurs 
 1106  Daniel Boone and the exploration of the frontier 
 1107  Daniel's duck 
 1108  Danny and the dinosaur 
 1109  Danny, the champion of the world 
 1110  Daring women of the Civil War 
 1111  Dark day in the deep sea 
 1112  The dark stairs : a Herculeah Jones mystery 
 1113  Darwin the dolphin : a tale of bravery and courage 
 1114  The dashing dog mystery 
 1115  David gets in trouble 
 1116  David's drawings 
 1117  Davy Crockett, young rifleman 
 1118  Dawn and the impossible three 
 1119  Dawn of the light dragon 
 1120  A day 
 1121  The day before Christmas 
 1122  The day I saw my father cry 
 1123  A day in the life of a builder 
 1124  A day in the life of a garbage collector 
 1125  A day in the life of an emergency medical technician 
 1126  The day Martin Luther King, Jr., was shot : a photo history of the civil rights movement 
 1127  The day of Ahmed's secret 
 1128  Day of tears : a novel in dialogue 
 1129  Day of tears : a novel in dialogue 
 1130  Day of the Dragon King 
 1131  The day of the gamer 
 1132  The day the crayons came home 
 1133  The day the picture man came. 
 1134  A day with Dad 
 1135  Daydreamers 
 1136  Days to celebrate : a full year of poetry, people, holidays, history, fascinating facts, and more 
 1137  Days with Frog and Toad 
 1138  De Soto : Hernando de Soto explores the Southeast 
 1139  Deadliest animals 
 1140  The deadly dungeon 
 1141  Dealing with dragons 
 1142  Dear Dr. King : letters from today's children to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 
 1143  Dear Levi : letters from the Overland Trail 
 1144  Dear Lovey Hart, I am desperate 
 1145  Dear Mr. Henshaw 
 1146  Dear Mrs. Larue : letters from obedience school 
 1147  Dear Napoleon, I know you're dead, but-- 
 1148  Dear Peter Rabbit 
 1149  Dearly, nearly, insincerely : what is an adverb? 
 1150  Deck the halls 
 1151  The Declaration of Independence 
 1152  The Declaration of Independence 
 1153  The Declaration of Independence 
 1154  Decomposers in the food chain 
 1155  Deep blues : Bill Traylor, self-taught artist 
 1156  The deep end 
 1157  Deep ocean creatures 
 1158  Deep sea floor 
 1159  Deep trouble 
 1160  Deer 
 1161  Delaware 
 1162  Demi's Find-the-animal A.B.C. : an alphabet-game book. 
 1163  Desert food chains 
 1164  Desert food webs in action 
 1165  Desert mammals 
 1166  Deserts 
 1167  Deserts 
 1168  Deserts : thirsty wonderlands 
 1169  Design your own butterfly garden 
 1170  The destruction of Pompeii, AD 79 
 1171  Determination 
 1172  The devil's arithmetic 
 1173  Dew drop dead: a Sebastian Barth mystery. 
 1174  Diamonds and gemstones 
 1175  Diane Goode's book of silly stories & songs 
 1176  Diane Goodie's Book of Silly Stories & Songs 
 1177  Diary of a wimpy kid : Greg Heffley's journal 
 1178  Did you hear about Jake? 
 1179  Dig wait listen : a desert toad's tale 
 1180  The digestive system 
 1181  The digestive system 
 1182  The digestive system 
 1183  Diggers 
 1184  Dingo vs. kangaroo 
 1185  Dingoes at dinnertime 
 1186  Dinorella : a prehistoric fairy tale 
 1187  Dinosaur 
 1188  Dinosaur babies 
 1189  Dinosaur days 
 1190  Dinosaur time. 
 1191  The dinosaur who lived in my backyard 
 1192  Dinosaurs 
 1193  Dinosaurs before dark 
 1194  Dinosaurs divorce : a guide for changing families 
 1195  The dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins : an illuminating history of Mr. Waterhouse Hawkins, artist and lecturer : true dinosaur story in three ages .... 
 1196  Diper överlöde 
 1197  Dirt : the scoop on soil 
 1198  Dirt on my shirt 
 1199  The discovery of America 
 1200  Divide and ride 
 1201  Diving dolphin 
 1202  Division 
 1203  Do bed bugs bite? : a book about insects 
 1204  Do I need it? or do I want it? : making budget choices 
 1205  Do lobsters leap waterfalls? : a book about animal migration 
 1206  Do not open 
 1207  Do tornadoes really twist? : questions and answers about tornadoes and hurricanes 
 1208  Do turtles sleep in treetops? : a book about animal homes 
 1209  Do you really taste with your nose? : questions about the senses 
 1210  Do your research 
 1211  Doctor Pied Piper and the alien invasion : a graphic novel 
 1212  Doctors 
 1213  A Dog Called Kitty 
 1214  Dog days 
 1215  Dog food 
 1216  Dog heaven 
 1217  Dog Man 
 1218  Dog Man : the scarlet shedder 
 1219  Dog Man and Cat Kid 
 1220  Dog Squad 
 1221  The dog that called the pitch 
 1222  The dog that pitched a no-hitter 
 1223  Dogs 
 1224  Dogs have paws 
 1225  Dogs in the dead of night 
 1226  Dogs lick their butts! 
 1227  Dogs, dogs, dogs! 
 1228  The doll that waved goodbye and other scary tales 
 1229  A dollar bill's journey 
 1230  The dollhouse mystery 
 1231  Dolphin 
 1232  Dolphin adventure : a true story 
 1233  Dolphins 
 1234  Dolphins and porpoises 
 1235  Dolphins at daybreak 
 1236  Domino addition 
 1237  Dominoes 
 1238  Don't know much about mummies 
 1239  Don't know much about the Pilgrims 
 1240  Don't let the pigeon drive the bus! 
 1241  Don't say ain't 
 1242  Don't slurp your soup! : a first guide to letter writing, e-mail etiquette, and other everyday manners 
 1243  Don't tell the girls : a family memoir 
 1244  The donkey's Christmas song 
 1245  The doomed amusement park 
 1246  The door in the wall 
 1247  Dora's box 
 1248  Dora's perfect pumpkin 
 1249  The double disappearance of Walter Fozbek 
 1250  Double down 
 1251  Double Dutch 
 1252  Dougal Dixon's amazing dinosaurs : the fiercest, the tallest, the toughest, the smallest 
 1253  Doughnut danger 
 1254  The doughnut kingdom 
 1255  Down a sunny dirt road : an autobiography 
 1256  Downhill skiing 
 1257  Dr. Carbles is losing his marbles! 
 1258  Dr. Dredd's wagon of wonders 
 1259  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s I have a dream speech in translation : what it really means 
 1260  Dr. Seuss 
 1261  Dr. Seuss 
 1262  Dr. Seuss 
 1263  Dracula 
 1264  Dracula doesn't drink lemonade 
 1265  The dragon's boy 
 1266  Dragonfly's tale 
 1267  The dragons are singing tonight 
 1268  Dragons don't throw snowballs 
 1269  Draw me a star 
 1270  The dream keeper : and other poems 
 1271  Dream wolf 
 1272  Dreamers & doers : inventors who changed our world 
 1273  The drop goes plop : a first look at the water cycle 
 1274  A drop in the ocean : the story of water 
 1275  Drums : a level one reader 
 1276  Drylongso 
 1277  Duck on a bike 
 1278  Duckling days 
 1279  Ducks 
 1280  Ducks 
 1281  Dumpling Soup 
 1282  Duncan & Dolores 
 1283  The dust bowl 
 1284  Dust bowl! : the 1930s black blizzards 
 1285  Dwarf planets : Pluto, Charon, Ceres, and Eris 
 1286  Eagles in the end zone 
 1287  Early American villages 
 1288  Earning money 
 1289  Earrings! 
 1290  Earth 
 1291  Earth 
 1292  The EARTH book 
 1293  Earth Day crafts 
 1294  Earth science 
 1295  Earth to Clunk 
 1296  Earth's Continents: Asia 
 1297  Earth's Continents: Europe 
 1298  Earth's crust 
 1299  Earth's history 
 1300  Earth-friendly crafts : clever ways to reuse everyday items 
 1301  Earthquake in the early morning 
 1302  Earthquake! : the 1906 San Francisco nightmare 
 1303  Earthquakes 
 1304  Earthquakes 
 1305  Earthquakes 
 1306  East of the sun & west of the moon 
 1307  Easter 
 1308  Easy earth-friendly crafts in 5 steps 
 1309  Eat your vegetables! drink your milk! 
 1310  Eating 
 1311  Eating the plates : a pilgrim book of food and manners 
 1312  Eating well 
 1313  Eats shoots & leaves : why, commas really do make a difference! 
 1314  Echoes of the white giraffe 
 1315  Ecology 
 1316  Ed Emberley's big orange drawing book. 
 1317  Ed Emberley's drawing book of trucks and trains. 
 1318  An Edward Lear alphabet 
 1319  The egg tree : story and pictures 
 1320  The Egypt game 
 1321  Egypt in colors 
 1322  An Egyptian pyramid 
 1323  Eleanor Roosevelt 
 1324  Electric guitars 
 1325  Electric mischief : battery-powered gadgets kids can build 
 1326  Electricity & batteries 
 1327  Electricity : a question and answer book 
 1328  Electricity : bulbs, batteries, and sparks 
 1329  Electricity in my world 
 1330  Elephant 
 1331  Elephants 
 1332  Elephants 
 1333  Elephants of Africa 
 1334  Elevator magic 
 1335  Eli Whitney 
 1336  Elijah of Buxton 
 1337  Elijah's angel : a story for Chanukah and Christmas 
 1338  Elizabeth I : red rose of the House of Tudor 
 1339  Ella is right, smart and bright! 
 1340  Ellen Ochoa 
 1341  Ellen Tebbits 
 1342  Ellington was not a street 
 1343  Elliot's noisy night 
 1344  Ellis Island 
 1345  Ellis Island 
 1346  Ellis Island 
 1347  Elsie times eight 
 1348  The elves and the shoemaker 
 1349  The Elves and the Shoemaker 
 1350  The Elves and the Shoemaker 
 1351  Elves don't wear hard hats 
 1352  The Emancipation Proclamation 
 1353  The Emancipation Proclamation 
 1354  Emily Post's the guide to good manners for kids 
 1355  Emily's runaway imagination 
 1356  Emma's Christmas : an old song 
 1357  The emperor lays an egg 
 1358  The emperor's egg 
 1359  The emperor's new clothes 
 1360  The emperor's silent army : terracotta warriors of Ancient China 
 1361  The empty envelope 
 1362  An enchanted hair tale 
 1363  Encore, Grace! 
 1364  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of Pablo's nose 
 1365  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the disgusting sneakers 
 1366  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the mysterious handprints 
 1367  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the sleeping dog 
 1368  Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the slippery salamander 
 1369  Encyclopedia Brown solves them all 
 1370  Encyclopedia Brown takes the case 
 1371  Encyclopedia Brown, boy detective 
 1372  Endangered and extinct animals of the forests 
 1373  The endocrine system 
 1374  Enduring wisdom : sayings from Native Americans 
 1375  Energy 
 1376  Energy : heat, light, and fuel 
 1377  Energy crisis : the future of fossil fuels 
 1378  Energy in motion 
 1379  Energy is everywhere 
 1380  Energy island : how one community harnessed the wind and changed their world 
 1381  England 
 1382  English fresh squeezed! : 40 thirst-for-knowledge-quenching poems 
 1383  Epossumondas 
 1384  Ereth's birthday 
 1385  Eric the Red and Leif the Lucky 
 1386  Ernestine & Amanda : mysteries on Monroe Street 
 1387  Erosion 
 1388  Erosion : changing Earth's surface 
 1389  The ersatz elevator 
 1390  Escape from slavery : five journeys to freedom 
 1391  Escape from slavery : the boyhood of Frederick Douglass in his own words 
 1392  Esio Trot 
 1393  Estimation 
 1394  Eve of the Emperor penguin 
 1395  Even if I did something awful 
 1396  Even Steven and Odd Todd 
 1397  Everett Anderson's goodbye 
 1398  Everett Anderson's nine month long 
 1399  Every breath we take : a book about air 
 1400  Everyone uses math 
 1401  Everything horse : what kids really want to know about horses 
 1402  Everything is Matter! 
 1403  Everything on a waffle 
 1404  Everything's coming up Beatrix! 
 1405  Everywhere, wonder 
 1406  Exercising for good health 
 1407  Experiments with plants 
 1408  Exploration 
 1409  Explore Africa 
 1410  Explore Asia 
 1411  Explore Australia and Oceania 
 1412  Explore Earth's seven continents 
 1413  Explore Europe 
 1414  Explore South America 
 1415  Explorer 
 1416  The explorer of Barkham Street 
 1417  Explorers in a new world. 
 1418  Explorers of North America 
 1419  Explorers, presidents, and toilets 
 1420  Exploring Earth's surface 
 1421  Exploring ecosystems with Max Axiom, super scientist : 4D an augmented reading science experience 
 1422  Exploring space 
 1423  Exploring the New World 
 1424  The explosive world of volcanoes with Max Axiom, super scientist 
 1425  The extraordinary adventures of ordinary Basil 
 1426  Eye of the storm : a book about hurricanes 
 1427  The eyes of the Amaryllis 
 1428  Fables 
 1429  Face-to-face with the ladybug 
 1430  Facing a frenemy 
 1431  Fair game 
 1432  Fair weather : a novel 
 1433  Fairness : a level three reader 
 1434  Fairness in sports 
 1435  Faithful elephants : a true story of animals, people and war 
 1436  The falcon's feathers 
 1437  Fall 
 1438  Fame and glory in Freedom, Georgia 
 1439  A Family of poems : my favorite poetry for children 
 1440  Fancy feet 
 1441  Fang 
 1442  Fannie Lou Hamer 
 1443  Fantastic beasts and where to find them 
 1444  Fantastic fossils 
 1445  A fantastic plan : a leadership story 
 1446  Farm alphabet book 
 1447  Farm animals 
 1448  Farm friends 
 1449  Farmer boy 
 1450  A farmer boy birthday 
 1451  Fast and slow : an animal opposites books 
 1452  Fast pitch 
 1453  Father Bear comes home 
 1454  Father's Day crafts 
 1455  Favorite fairy tales told in India. 
 1456  Favorite medieval tales 
 1457  Fearless Fernie : hanging out with Fernie and me 
 1458  Feathers, flaps, & flops : fabulous early fliers 
 1459  Febold Feboldson, the fix-it farmer 
 1460  Feeling happy 
 1461  Feeling sad 
 1462  Felicity's surprise : a Christmas story 
 1463  Feliz new year, Ava Gabriela! 
 1464  Ferdinand Magellan and the first voyage around the world 
 1465  Field events in action 
 1466  The field guide 
 1467  Fighter jets 
 1468  Find out firsthand : using primary sources 
 1469  Finders keepers 
 1470  Finders keepers 
 1471  Fire and wings : dragon tales from East and West 
 1472  The fire raiser 
 1473  Fire trucks 
 1474  The firebird rocket 
 1475  Firefighters 
 1476  Firefighters 
 1477  Fireflies 
 1478  Fireflies 
 1479  First book about animals of the polar regions. 
 1480  A first book about mixing and matching 
 1481  The first dog 
 1482  First flight : the story of Tom Tate and the Wright Brothers 
 1483  First flight : the story of Tom Tate and the Wright Brothers 
 1484  The first four years 
 1485  The first four years 
 1486  First frontier 
 1487  First light 
 1488  The first strawberries : a Cherokee story 
 1489  The first strawberries : a Cherokee story 
 1490  The first Thanksgiving 
 1491  First the egg 
 1492  Fish 
 1493  Fish 
 1494  Fish 
 1495  Fish 
 1496  The fisherman and his wife : a brand-new version 
 1497  Fishes 
 1498  Fitness for fun! 
 1499  The five Chinese brothers 
 1500  Five creatures 
 1501  Flag Day 
 1502  A flag for our country 
 1503  Flakes and flurries : a book about snow 
 1504  Flamingos on the roof : poems and paintings 
 1505  Fleas 
 1506  Flight 
 1507  Flip and Flop 
 1508  Flipped 
 1509  Flood! : the 1993 midwest downpours 
 1510  Florence Nightingale 
 1511  Florence Nightingale 
 1512  Florida 
 1513  Flossie & the fox 
 1514  Flower garden 
 1515  The flower kingdom 
 1516  Flowering and nonflowering plants explained 
 1517  Flowers 
 1518  Flowers 
 1519  Fluffy, flat, and wet : a book about clouds 
 1520  Flutes 
 1521  Fly high! : the story of Bessie Coleman 
 1522  Flying 
 1523  Flying foxes and other bats 
 1524  Focus on energy 
 1525  Focus on friction 
 1526  Focus on gravity 
 1527  Focus on inertia 
 1528  Focus on light 
 1529  Focus on magnetism 
 1530  Focus on momentum 
 1531  Focus on waves 
 1532  Folk tales from Asia for children everywhere. 
 1533  Folks call me Appleseed John 
 1534  Follow that map! : a first look at mapping skills 
 1535  Food and farming 
 1536  Food and nutrition 
 1537  Food chains and you 
 1538  Food chains in a forest habitat 
 1539  Food chains in a meadow habitat 
 1540  Food chains in a tide pool habitat 
 1541  Food for thought 
 1542  Football by the numbers 
 1543  Football talk : hail Mary, pick six, and more gridiron lingo 
 1544  For the love of the game : Michael Jordan and me 
 1545  The force oversleeps 
 1546  Forces and gravity 
 1547  Forces and motion : a question and answer book 
 1548  Forces and movement 
 1549  Forecasting weather 
 1550  Forest animals 
 1551  Forest food chains 
 1552  Forest food webs in action 
 1553  Forests 
 1554  Forgiveness 
 1555  The forgotten heroes : the story of the Buffalo Soldiers 
 1556  Fortnite 
 1557  Fossil fuels : buried in the Earth 
 1558  Fossils 
 1559  Fossils 
 1560  The four gallant sisters 
 1561  Four in all 
 1562  The Fourth of July : a level two reader 
 1563  Fox and his friends 
 1564  The Fox went out on a chilly night : an old song 
 1565  Foxes 
 1566  France 
 1567  Francisco Coronado and the exploration of the American Southwest 
 1568  Frankenstein 
 1569  Frankenstein doesn't start food fights 
 1570  Franklin and the baby-sitter 
 1571  Franklin D. Roosevelt 
 1572  Franklin D. Roosevelt 
 1573  Franklin forgets 
 1574  Franklin is bossy 
 1575  Franklin wants a pet 
 1576  Franklin's birthday party 
 1577  Franklin's Christmas gift 
 1578  Franklin's Thanksgiving 
 1579  Franklin's valentines 
 1580  Franny B. Kranny there's a bird in your hair! 
 1581  Frantastic voyage 
 1582  Frederick 
 1583  Frederick Douglass : leader against slavery 
 1584  Frederick Douglass : the last day of slavery 
 1585  Frederick Douglass : voice for freedom 
 1586  Frederick Douglass and the abolitionist movement 
 1587  Freedom like sunlight : praisesongs for Black Americans 
 1588  Freedom riders : a primary source exploration of the battle for racial justice 
 1589  Freedom songs : a tale of the Underground Railroad 
 1590  The French and Indian War 
 1591  Freshwater fishing 
 1592  Friend or fiend? with the Pain & the Great One 
 1593  The Friend Ship 
 1594  The friendship 
 1595  Friendship : a level three reader 
 1596  Friendship flowers 
 1597  Frindel 
 1598  Fritz and the Beautiful Horses 
 1599  Frog and Toad all year 
 1600  Frog and Toad are friends 
 1601  Frog and Toad are friends 
 1602  Frog and Toad together 
 1603  Frog and Toad together 
 1604  A frog prince 
 1605  The frog prince, continued 
 1606  The frog prince, continued 
 1607  A frog's life 
 1608  Frogs 
 1609  Frogs 
 1610  Frogs and other amphibians 
 1611  Frogs! 
 1612  From egg to penguin 
 1613  From little acorns-- : a first look at the life cycle of a tree 
 1614  From maple trees to maple syrup 
 1615  From milk to ice cream 
 1616  From the mixed-up files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler : with a 35th anniversary afterword by the author 
 1617  From wheat to bread 
 1618  Front porch stories at the one-room school 
 1619  Frontier settlements 
 1620  Fruit 
 1621  Fry bread : a Native American family story 
 1622  Fun!: the sound of short U 
 1623  The funny face fight 
 1624  The funny little woman 
 1625  Furry & feathered friends 
 1626  G.O.A.T. baseball outfielders 
 1627  G.O.A.T. basketball point guards 
 1628  Gabriel gets a great deal 
 1629  Galápagos tortoises 
 1630  Gandhi : great soul 
 1631  Garbage gorgers of the animal world 
 1632  A garden full of sizes 
 1633  The gardener 
 1634  Gargoyles don't drive school buses 
 1635  Gases in my world 
 1636  Gears in my world 
 1637  Gemstones 
 1638  General Butterfingers 
 1639  Generosity 
 1640  The genie in the jar 
 1641  Genies don't ride bicycles 
 1642  The genius of the ancient Egyptians : innovations from past civilizations 
 1643  The genius of the ancient Greeks : innovations from past civilizations 
 1644  The genius of the Maya : innovations from past civilizations 
 1645  The genius of the Stone, Bronze, and Iron Ages : innovations from past civilizations 
 1646  The genius of the Vikings 
 1647  Gentle Annie : the true story of a Civil War nurse 
 1648  Geometry smarts! 
 1649  George and Martha 
 1650  George and Martha, one fine day 
 1651  George Crum and the Saratoga chip 
 1652  George Washington 
 1653  George Washington 
 1654  George Washington 
 1655  George Washington 
 1656  George Washington 
 1657  George Washington : a life of leadership 
 1658  George Washington and Presidents' Day 
 1659  George Washington Carver 
 1660  George Washington Carver, plant doctor 
 1661  George Washington's mother 
 1662  George Washington's teeth 
 1663  Georgia 
 1664  Georgia O'Keeffe 
 1665  Geothermal energy : hot stuff! 
 1666  Germany 
 1667  Get active! 
 1668  Get ready for second grade, Amber Brown 
 1669  Get to the right site 
 1670  Get up and go : being active 
 1671  The getaway 
 1672  The Gettysburg address 
 1673  The ghastly glasses 
 1674  The ghost at Skeleton Rock. 
 1675  The ghost cadet 
 1676  Ghost Horse 
 1677  The ghost in the first row 
 1678  The ghost of Blackwood Hall 
 1679  The ghost on the mountain 
 1680  A ghost tale for Christmas time 
 1681  Ghost town at sundown 
 1682  The ghost town mystery 
 1683  Ghosts don't eat potato chips 
 1684  Ghosts don't ride wild horses 
 1685  The ghosts of Mercy Manor 
 1686  Ghosts of the Civil War 
 1687  Ghosts! : ghostly tales from folklore 
 1688  Ghouls don't scoop ice cream 
 1689  Ghouls gone wild 
 1690  Giant pandas 
 1691  The gift of the Magi 
 1692  The gift of the sacred dog : story and illustrations 
 1693  Gila monsters 
 1694  Gila monsters meet you at the airport 
 1695  Gingerbread baby 
 1696  The gingerbread boy. 
 1697  Gingerbread Fred 
 1698  A giraffe and a half 
 1699  The giraffe and the pelly and me 
 1700  Giraffes 
 1701  Giraffes 
 1702  Giraffes can't dance 
 1703  A girl named Helen Keller 
 1704  The girl who loved wild horses 
 1705  The girl who spun gold 
 1706  Give me half! 
 1707  The giver 
 1708  The giving tree 
 1709  Glaciers 
 1710  Glaciers 
 1711  Glass 
 1712  Glass 
 1713  Global warming : greenhouse gases and the ozone layer 
 1714  Gloria rising 
 1715  Gloria's way 
 1716  The glorious flight : across the Channel with Louis Bleriot, July 25, 1909 
 1717  Go fish 
 1718  Go fish 
 1719  Goalkeeper goof 
 1720  Goats 
 1721  Goblins don't play video games 
 1722  God bless the gargoyles 
 1723  Goddesses : a world of myth and magic 
 1724  Goggles! 
 1725  Goin' someplace special 
 1726  Going to town 
 1727  Going west 
 1728  Going, going, gone! with the Pain & the Great One 
 1729  The gold bowl 
 1730  The gold Cadillac 
 1731  Goldie Socks and the three libearians 
 1732  Goldilocks and the three bears 
 1733  Goldilocks and the three bears 
 1734  Goldilocks returns 
 1735  Golem 
 1736  Gone fishing 
 1737  Good dog, Carl 
 1738  Good driving, Amelia Bedelia 
 1739  Good luck, Mrs. K! 
 1740  Good masters! Sweet Ladies! : voices from a medieval village 
 1741  Good mental health 
 1742  Good morning, gorillas 
 1743  Good trick, walking stick! 
 1744  Good work, Amelia Bedelia 
 1745  The good, the bad, and the goofy 
 1746  The good-bye book 
 1747  Good-bye Stacey, good-bye 
 1748  Good-bye, Curtis 
 1749  Goodbye Mousie 
 1750  Goodbye, Max 
 1751  Goodnight moon 
 1752  Goose chase 
 1753  Gorilla, monkey & ape 
 1754  Gorillas 
 1755  Gorillas and other apes 
 1756  Gotcha! 
 1757  Gotta catch a what?! : 2 graphic adventures 
 1758  Gracias, the Thanksgiving turkey 
 1759  Grady the Great 
 1760  Grains 
 1761  A Grand celebration : grandparents in poetry. 
 1762  Grand trial showdown : 2 graphic adventures 
 1763  Grandad Bill's song 
 1764  Granddad's dinosaur 
 1765  Grandfather's journey 
 1766  Grandma's purple flowers 
 1767  Grandma's scrapbook 
 1768  The graphic alphabet 
 1769  Graphs 
 1770  Graphs, graphs, graphs! 
 1771  Grasshopper on the road 
 1772  Grassland animals 
 1773  Grassland food webs in action 
 1774  Grasslands : fields of green and gold 
 1775  Graveyard girl 
 1776  The great American mousical 
 1777  The great big wagon that rang : how the Liberty Bell was saved 
 1778  The Great Chicago Fire, 1871 
 1779  Great day for up! 
 1780  The Great Depression 
 1781  Great ghosts 
 1782  The great interactive dream machine : another adventure in cyberspace 
 1783  The great kapok tree : a tale of the Amazon rain forest 
 1784  The great little Madison 
 1785  The great migration : an American story 
 1786  Great Migrations: Elephant 
 1787  The great pumpkin switch 
 1788  The Great Seal of the United States 
 1789  The great seal of the United States 
 1790  Great women of the American Revolution 
 1791  Great women of the Old West 
 1792  Green and growing : a book about plants 
 1793  Green Bible stories for children 
 1794  Gregory's shadow 
 1795  Gregory, the terrible eater 
 1796  The grim grotto 
 1797  Grime and punishment 
 1798  Gritty, stinky ancient Egypt : the disgusting details about life in ancient Egypt 
 1799  Grizzly bears 
 1800  Grizzly bears 
 1801  The Grizzly Gazette 
 1802  Grocery store 
 1803  The grouchy ladybug 
 1804  Groundhog day 
 1805  Groundhog Day 
 1806  Groundhog Day! 
 1807  Grouping at the dog show 
 1808  Grow a garden : sustainable foods 
 1809  Growing a garden 
 1810  The growing up feet 
 1811  Growing vegetable soup 
 1812  Gruesome ghosts 
 1813  The gruffalo 
 1814  The Gruffalo's Child 
 1815  Guess the order 
 1816  Gumshoe gang cracks the case 
 1817  Gurgles and growls : learning about your stomach 
 1818  Gustavo, the shy ghost 
 1819  Gusts and gales : a book about wind 
 1820  Guts 
 1821  The gym teacher from the Black Lagoon 
 1822  Gymnastics 
 1823  Hairy, scary, ordinary : what is an adjective? 
 1824  Haiti 
 1825  Half a moon and one whole star 
 1826  Halloween 
 1827  Halloween monster 
 1828  Hamid and the Sultan's son 
 1829  Hammer and nails 
 1830  Hamster and cheese 
 1831  Hamsters 
 1832  Hamsters 
 1833  Hand in hand : ten Black men who changed America 
 1834  A handful of seeds 
 1835  The handmade alphabet 
 1836  Hands off, Harry! 
 1837  Hank Aaron : brave in every way 
 1838  Hank the cowdog and monkey business 
 1839  Hank the Cowdog, the case of the missing bird dog 
 1840  Hank the Cowdog, the case of the vampire vacuum sweeper 
 1841  Hank the Cowdog, the garbage monster from outer space 
 1842  Hank the Cowdog, the wounded buzzard on Christmas Eve 
 1843  Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales 
 1844  Hansel and Gretel 
 1845  Hansel and Gretel 
 1846  Hansel and Gretel 
 1847  Hanukkah crafts 
 1848  Happy birthday to you! 
 1849  Happy birthday, Addy! : a springtime story 
 1850  Happy birthday, Babymouse 
 1851  Happy birthday, dear duck 
 1852  Happy birthday, Molly! : a springtime story 
 1853  Happy Easter, dear dragon 
 1854  Happy Thanksgiving! : things to make and do 
 1855  Hard hit 
 1856  Hard luck 
 1857  Hard luck 
 1858  The hard-times jar 
 1859  The hard-times jar 
 1860  The hare and the tortoise 
 1861  Harlem : a poem 
 1862  The Harlem Renaissance : a celebration of creativity 
 1863  Harold and the purple crayon 
 1864  Harold's trip to the sky 
 1865  Harp seals 
 1866  Harriet and the Promised Land 
 1867  Harriet and the Promised Land 
 1868  Harriet Beecher Stowe and the Beecher preachers 
 1869  Harriet Ross Tubman 
 1870  Harriet Tubman and the underground railroad 
 1871  Harriet Tubman and the underground railroad 
 1872  Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 
 1873  Harry Potter and the deathly hallows 
 1874  Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone 
 1875  Harry S. Truman 
 1876  Harvest time 
 1877  Harvest time 
 1878  Hat trick 
 1879  Hatchet 
 1880  Hats Off To Heroes 
 1881  Hattie and the fox 
 1882  Hattie and the wild waves : a story from Brooklyn 
 1883  The haunted bridge. 
 1884  The haunted cabin mystery 
 1885  Haunted Castle on Hallows Eve 
 1886  The haunted clock tower mystery 
 1887  The haunted fort. 
 1888  Haunting at home plate 
 1889  Have you filled a bucket today? : a guide to daily happiness for kids 
 1890  Have you met my ghoulfriend? 
 1891  Hawk, I'm your brother 
 1892  The headless horseman 
 1893  Heads up 
 1894  Heads up! : a resilience story 
 1895  Hearing. 
 1896  The heart and lungs 
 1897  Heart and soul : the story of America and African Americans 
 1898  The heart and the bottle 
 1899  Heart man : Vivien Thomas, African-American heart surgery pioneer 
 1900  Heart to heart : new poems inspired by twentieth-century American art 
 1901  Heckedy Peg 
 1902  Helen Keller 
 1903  Helen Keller 
 1904  Helen Keller 
 1905  Helen Keller 
 1906  Helen Keller : rebellious spirit 
 1907  Helga's dowry : a troll love story 
 1908  Helicopters 
 1909  Hello, doctor 
 1910  The hello, goodbye window 
 1911  Help! I'm a prisoner in the library 
 1912  Helping Sophia 
 1913  The hen can't help it : a first look at the life cycle of a chicken 
 1914  Henry and Hala build a haiku 
 1915  Henry and Mudge : the first book of their adventures 
 1916  Henry and Mudge and the bedtime thumps : the ninth book of their adventures 
 1917  Henry and Mudge and the great grandpas : the twenty-sixth book of their adventures 
 1918  Henry and Mudge and the long weekend : the eleventh book of their adventures 
 1919  Henry and Mudge in puddle trouble : the second book of their adventures 
 1920  Henry and Mudge in the green time : the third book of their adventures 
 1921  Henry and Ribsy 
 1922  Henry builds a cabin 
 1923  Henry Ford 
 1924  Henry Ford 
 1925  Henry Ford 
 1926  Henry Huggins 
 1927  Henry's freedom box 
 1928  Her seven brothers 
 1929  Her stories : African American folktales, fairy tales, and true tales 
 1930  Herbivores in the food chain 
 1931  Hernando Cortes and the conquest of Mexico 
 1932  Hernando de Soto and the exploration of Florida 
 1933  The hero and the crown 
 1934  A hero and the Holocaust : the story of Janusz Korczak and his children 
 1935  The hero of third grade. 
 1936  Hester the jester 
 1937  Hey kid, want to buy a bridge? 
 1938  Hey world, here I am! 
 1939  Hiawatha 
 1940  A hidden magic 
 1941  The hidden staircase 
 1942  The hidden staircase 
 1943  The hidden treasures 
 1944  The hidden window mystery. 
 1945  Hidden world. 
 1946  Hide and snake 
 1947  High tide in Hawaii 
 1948  The higher power of Lucky 
 1949  The highest tribute : Thurgood Marshall's life, leadership, and legacy 
 1950  Highways 
 1951  Hike 
 1952  The Hindenburg disaster, 1937 
 1953  Hinduism 
 1954  Hip-hop dance 
 1955  Hippos 
 1956  Hippos are huge! 
 1957  Hippos throw poop! 
 1958  Historic sites and monuments 
 1959  The history of the Democratic Party 
 1960  The history of the Republican Party 
 1961  The history of third parties 
 1962  The hit-away kid 
 1963  Hitty : her first hundred years 
 1964  Hockey 
 1965  Hockey talk : sauce, spinorama, and more ice-time lingo 
 1966  Hog eye 
 1967  A hole in the bottom of the sea 
 1968  The hole in the dike 
 1969  Holiday cooking around the world 
 1970  Holly, reindeer, and colored lights : the story of the Christmas symbols 
 1971  Home : a collaboration of thirty distinguished authors and illustrators of children's books to aid the homeless 
 1972  Home : a collaboration of thirty distinguished authors and illustrators of children's books to aid the homeless 
 1973  Home at last 
 1974  Home place 
 1975  The home run mystery 
 1976  Home to me : poems across America 
 1977  Homes 
 1978  Hondo & Fabian 
 1979  Honest Abe 
 1980  Honesty 
 1981  Honey, I love 
 1982  Honey, I love, and other poems 
 1983  Honeybee : the busy life of apis mellifera 
 1984  The honeybee mystery 
 1985  Honky-tonk heroes & hillbilly angels : the pioneers of country & western music 
 1986  Honor the flag : a guide to its care and display 
 1987  Honus and me : a baseball card adventure 
 1988  Hoodwinked 
 1989  Hoop doctor 
 1990  Hooray for Diffendoofer Day! 
 1991  Hooray for the Dandelion Warriors 
 1992  Hoot 
 1993  Hooway for Wodney Wat 
 1994  Horned lizards 
 1995  Horrible Harry and the kickball wedding 
 1996  The horrible play date 
 1997  Horse 
 1998  The horse and his boy 
 1999  Horseback riding in action 
 2000  Horses 
 2001  Horses! 
 2002  Horton hears a Who! 
 2003  Horton hears a Who! 
 2004  The hostile hospital 
 2005  Hot air : the (mostly) true story of the first hot-air balloon ride 
 2006  Hot and bright : a book about the sun 
 2007  Hot dog 
 2008  Hot pot : the sound of short O 
 2009  The hound of the Baskervilles 
 2010  Hour of the Olympics 
 2011  The house in the mail 
 2012  The house in the night 
 2013  A house is a house for me 
 2014  A house is a house for me 
 2015  The house of Hades 
 2016  A house of tailors 
 2017  The house on the cliff 
 2018  How a bill is passed 
 2019  How a plant grows 
 2020  How Angel Peterson got his name : and other outrageous tales about extreme sports 
 2021  How are we the same and different? 
 2022  How Chipmunk got his stripes : a tale of bragging and teasing 
 2023  How do dinosaurs go to school? 
 2024  How do octopi eat pizza pie? : pizza math. 
 2025  How I became a writer and Oggie learned to drive 
 2026  How I spent my summer vacation 
 2027  How is a government elected? 
 2028  How is a law passed? 
 2029  How long is it? 
 2030  How many cells are in your body? : questions about cells and systems 
 2031  How many fish in the sea? : a book about oceans 
 2032  How much can a bare bear bear? : what are homonyms and homophones? 
 2033  How much is a million? 
 2034  How the second grade got $8,205.50 to visit the Statue of Liberty 
 2035  How to be a detective 
 2036  How to be a WORLD EXPLORER your all-terrain training manual 
 2037  How to deal with anger 
 2038  How to deal with jealousy 
 2039  How to draw ferocious animals 
 2040  How to hide an octopus & other sea creatures 
 2041  How to lose your cookie money 
 2042  How to write a letter 
 2043  How to write a poem 
 2044  How to write a poem 
 2045  How to write a story 
 2046  How to write poetry 
 2047  How to write, recite, and delight in all kinds of poetry 
 2048  Howliday Inn 
 2049  Human body 
 2050  Human body parts 
 2051  Humphrey's Christmas. 
 2052  The hunchback of Notre-Dame 
 2053  Hunches in bunches 
 2054  A hundred days from home 
 2055  The hundred penny box 
 2056  Hurricane 
 2057  Hurricane Katrina strikes the Gulf Coast : disaster & survival 
 2058  Hurricane Katrina, 2005 
 2059  Hurricane! : the 1900 Galveston night of terror 
 2060  Hurricanes 
 2061  Hurricanes, typhoons, and cyclones : disaster & survival 
 2062  Hush 
 2063  Hush harbor : praying in secret 
 2064  Hush! : a Thai lullaby 
 2065  Hydropower : making a splash! 
 2066  I am a dolphin 
 2067  I am a leader 
 2068  I am a seal : The life of an elephant seal 
 2069  I am a star 
 2070  I am born to be awesome! 
 2071  I am every good thing 
 2072  I am helpful 
 2073  I am Jackie Robinson 
 2074  I am Lavina Cumming 
 2075  I am Martin Luther King, Jr. 
 2076  I am patriotic 
 2077  I am polite 
 2078  I am respectful 
 2079  I am responsible 
 2080  I am Small 
 2081  I am the turkey 
 2082  I am tolerant 
 2083  I and you and don't forget who : what is a pronoun? 
 2084  I can be anything! 
 2085  I can be anything! : don't tell me I can't 
 2086  I can hear the sun : a modern myth 
 2087  I can ice skate 
 2088  I can snowboard 
 2089  I can write a book about landforms 
 2090  I have a sister, my sister is deaf 
 2091  I have heard of a land 
 2092  I know a lady 
 2093  I know big and small 
 2094  I like mess 
 2095  I live here! 
 2096  I love going through this book 
 2097  I love my hair 
 2098  I promise 
 2099  I spy I love you 
 2100  I survived the Nazi invasion, 1944 
 2101  I took my frog to the library 
 2102  I use science tools 
 2103  I was a third grade science project 
 2104  I will surprise my friend! 
 2105  I wish I was a wolf 
 2106  I wonder why whales sing and other questions about sea life 
 2107  I yam a donkey! 
 2108  I'll always love you 
 2109  I'll do it later 
 2110  I'll meet you at the cucumbers 
 2111  I'm a fire breather! : meet a dragon 
 2112  I'm no turkey! 
 2113  I'm trying to love rocks 
 2114  I, Juan de Pareja 
 2115  I, too, sing America : three centuries of African American poetry 
 2116  Ice cream : the full scoop 
 2117  The ice cream scoop 
 2118  Ice hockey 
 2119  Ice magic 
 2120  Ida B : --and her plans to maximize fun, avoid disaster, and (possibly) save the world 
 2121  Ida B. Wells : mother of the civil rights movement 
 2122  Ida, always 
 2123  Idaho 
 2124  If I only had a horn : young Louis Armstrong 
 2125  If I were in charge of the world and other worries 
 2126  If I were in charge of the world and other worries : poems for children and their parents 
 2127  If maps could talk : using symbols and keys 
 2128  If you give a moose a muffin 
 2129  If you give a mouse a cookie 
 2130  If you give a pig a party 
 2131  If you made a million 
 2132  If you sailed on the Mayflower in 1620 
 2133  If you take a mouse to the movies 
 2134  If you were a noun 
 2135  If you were a verb 
 2136  If you were a writer 
 2137  If you were born a kitten 
 2138  If you were there in 1776 
 2139  If you'll be my valentine 
 2140  If you're a monster and you know it 
 2141  Iggie's house 
 2142  Iggy Peck and the mysterious mansion 
 2143  Iggy Peck, architect 
 2144  Igneous rocks 
 2145  Iguanas and other lizards 
 2146  Illinois 
 2147  An Illustrated treasury of Read-Aloud Classics for young people 
 2148  Imaginative inventions : the who, what, where, when, and why of roller skates, potato chips, marbles, and pie and more! 
 2149  Imani's music 
 2150  The impeachment process 
 2151  The important book 
 2152  In a dark, dark room : and other scary stories 
 2153  In a pig's eye 
 2154  In Aunt Lucy's kitchen 
 2155  In my momma's kitchen 
 2156  In my neighborhood 
 2157  In my new yellow shirt 
 2158  In my town 
 2159  In the days of the vaqueros : America's first true cowboys 
 2160  In the garden with Dr. Carver 
 2161  In the time of the drums 
 2162  In the yard 
 2163  In-line skating 
 2164  The Incas 
 2165  Inch by inch 
 2166  Inclined planes 
 2167  Independence Day 
 2168  India 
 2169  India 
 2170  India in colors 
 2171  Indiana 
 2172  Industrial America 
 2173  The Industrial Revolution 
 2174  Inheritance and variation of traits 
 2175  Insect invaders 
 2176  Insectlopedia : poems and paintings 
 2177  Insects 
 2178  Insects 
 2179  Insects 
 2180  Insects 
 2181  Inside the mind of a clever dolphin 
 2182  Inside, outside, upside down 
 2183  The inside-outside book of New York City 
 2184  Interdependence of organisms and the environment 
 2185  The interesting thing that happened at Perfect Acres, Inc. 
 2186  Interjections 
 2187  Interrupting cow and the wolf in sheep's clothing 
 2188  Introducing Antarctica 
 2189  Introducing Asia 
 2190  Introducing Australia 
 2191  Introducing landforms 
 2192  Introducing North America 
 2193  Introducing South America 
 2194  Inventing the future : a photobiography of Thomas Alva Edison 
 2195  Invention 
 2196  The invention of Hugo Cabret : a novel in words and pictures 
 2197  Inventors who changed the world 
 2198  Investigating the scientific method with Max Axiom, super scientist 
 2199  Invisibility 
 2200  Invisible 
 2201  Invulnerability 
 2202  Iowa 
 2203  Ira sleeps over 
 2204  Irish dance 
 2205  The Ironwood tree 
 2206  Is it flexible or rigid? 
 2207  Is it heavy or light? 
 2208  Is it hot or cold? 
 2209  Is it magnetic or nonmagnetic? 
 2210  Is it smooth or rough? 
 2211  Is it transparent or opaque? 
 2212  Isaac Newton 
 2213  Islam 
 2214  Island boy : story and pictures 
 2215  Island of the Blue Dolphins 
 2216  Islands 
 2217  It could always be worse : a Yiddish folk tale 
 2218  It could still be a cat 
 2219  It could still be a flower 
 2220  It could still be a mammal 
 2221  It's a dog's life 
 2222  It's a fair day, Amber Brown 
 2223  It's a good thing there are insects 
 2224  It's a hummingbird's life 
 2225  It's about dogs : poems 
 2226  It's all Greek to me 
 2227  It's Christmas 
 2228  It's Justin Time, Amber Brown 
 2229  It's Optimus Prime time! 
 2230  It's Valentine's Day 
 2231  Italian for beginners 
 2232  Izzy the interjection 
 2233  J is for jack-o-lantern : a halloween alphabet 
 2234  J.J. Rabbit and the monster 
 2235  Jabuti the tortoise : a trickster tale from the Amazon 
 2236  Jack adrift : fourth grade without a clue. 
 2237  Jack and the beanstalk 
 2238  Jack and the Beanstalk 
 2239  Jack and the giant : a story full of beans 
 2240  The jacket 
 2241  Jackie Robinson 
 2242  Jackie Robinson 
 2243  Jackie Robinson : baseball's first Black major leaguer 
 2244  Jackie Robinson and the story of all-black baseball 
 2245  Jackson Pollock 
 2246  The Jacob ladder 
 2247  Jafta 
 2248  The jaguar's jewel 
 2249  Jaguar, my twin 
 2250  Jaguars 
 2251  Jaguarundi 
 2252  Jakarta missing 
 2253  Jake Drake class clown 
 2254  Jake Drake teacher's pet 
 2255  Jake the adjective 
 2256  Jake's 100th day of school 
 2257  Jamaica and Brianna 
 2258  Jamaica and the substitute teacher 
 2259  Jamaica tag-along 
 2260  Jamaica tag-along 
 2261  Jamaica's blue marker 
 2262  Jamaica's find 
 2263  Jamela's dress 
 2264  James A. Garfield 
 2265  James and the giant peach : a children's story 
 2266  Jane Goodall 
 2267  Janet's thingamajigs 
 2268  Janie's private eyes 
 2269  The janitor's boy 
 2270  January's sparrow 
 2271  Japan in colors 
 2272  The Japanese Tsunami, 2011 
 2273  Jason and the Argonauts 
 2274  Jazz dance 
 2275  The Jazz Man 
 2276  Jean Laffite and the big ol' whale 
 2277  Jedi Academy 
 2278  Jellyfish 
 2279  Jellyfish 
 2280  Jellyfish feels jealous 
 2281  Jennifer, Hecate, Macbeth, William McKinley, and me, Elizabeth 
 2282  Jericho's journey 
 2283  Jesse James 
 2284  Jesse Owens 
 2285  Jesse Owens 
 2286  Jesse Owens : Olympic star 
 2287  Jessi's secret language 
 2288  Jessica 
 2289  The Jewish American family album 
 2290  Jim and the beanstalk 
 2291  Jimmy Lee did it 
 2292  Joan of Arc 
 2293  Jobs in my neighborhood 
 2294  Joe Cinders 
 2295  Joe Mauer 
 2296  Joey Pigza loses control 
 2297  Johann Gutenberg : master of modern printing 
 2298  Johann Sebastian Bach 
 2299  John Adams 
 2300  John F. Kennedy 
 2301  John F. Kennedy 
 2302  John Glenn returns to orbit : life on the space shuttle 
 2303  John Henry 
 2304  John Henry, steel-driving man 
 2305  John Muir 
 2306  John Philip Duck 
 2307  John Quincy Adams : letters from a southern planter's son 
 2308  Johnny Appleseed 
 2309  Johnny Appleseed 
 2310  Johnny Appleseed 
 2311  Johnny Appleseed : a poem 
 2312  Johnny Lion's bad day. 
 2313  Johnny Long Legs 
 2314  The Joplin tornado, 2011 
 2315  The Josefina story quilt 
 2316  Joseph had a little overcoat 
 2317  Josephine : the dazzling life of Josephine Baker 
 2318  Josie's Beau 
 2319  The journal of Biddy Owens, the Negro leagues 
 2320  The journey 
 2321  Journey home 
 2322  Journey outside 
 2323  Journey to the center of the earth 
 2324  Joy to the world : Christmas stories from around the globe 
 2325  Joyful noise : poems for two voices 
 2326  Juan Ponce de Leon and the search for the Fountain of Youth 
 2327  Juana & Lucas 
 2328  Judaism 
 2329  Judy Moody, M.D. : the doctor is in 
 2330  Julian is a mermaid 
 2331  Julian's glorious summer 
 2332  Julian, dream doctor 
 2333  Julian, secret agent 
 2334  Jumanji 
 2335  Jump back, Honey 
 2336  Jump! : the adventures of Brer Rabbit 
 2337  Junebug 
 2338  Junebug and the Reverend 
 2339  Junebug in trouble 
 2340  Jungle animals 
 2341  Junie B. Jones and the stupid smelly bus 
 2342  Junie B. Jones loves handsome Warren 
 2343  Junie B., first grader (at last!) 
 2344  Junie B., first grader : cheater pants 
 2345  Junie B., first grader : one-man band 
 2346  Junie B., first grader : shipwrecked 
 2347  Jupiter 
 2348  Jupiter 
 2349  Just a dream 
 2350  Just ask! : be different, be brave, be you 
 2351  Just kids : pictures, poems and other silly animal stuff just for kids! 
 2352  Just me 
 2353  Just plain fancy 
 2354  Just so stories 
 2355  Just the way you are 
 2356  Just us women 
 2357  Just you and me 
 2358  Justin and the best biscuits in the world 
 2359  Justin and the best biscuits in the world 
 2360  Justin and the best biscuits in the world 
 2361  Justin and the best biscuits in the world 
 2362  Kamala Harris : Vice President 
 2363  A kangaroo's life 
 2364  Kangaroos have joeys 
 2365  Kansas 
 2366  Karen's roller skates 
 2367  Karen's witch : a graphic novel 
 2368  Karen's worst day 
 2369  Karl and Carolina uncover the parts of a book 
 2370  Katy and the big snow 
 2371  Kayaking 
 2372  Keeker and the sneaky pony 
 2373  Keep Ms. Sugarman in the fourth grade 
 2374  Keep the lights burning, Abbie 
 2375  Keeping a Christmas secret 
 2376  Keeping fit 
 2377  The keeping quilt 
 2378  Kenny & the dragon 
 2379  Kente colors 
 2380  Kentucky 
 2381  Kenya in colors 
 2382  Kerplunk! 
 2383  Kevin Durant 
 2384  A kick in the head : an everyday guide to poetic forms 
 2385  A kid's guide to the economy 
 2386  Kidnap at the Catfish Cafe 
 2387  Kinda like brothers 
 2388  The king & the three thieves : a Persian tale 
 2389  The king and the tortoise 
 2390  King Arthur 
 2391  King Arthur and the Round Table 
 2392  King Bidgood's in the bathtub 
 2393  King cobra vs. mongoose 
 2394  King Grisly-Beard; : [a tale from the brothers Grimm] 
 2395  King Midas and the golden touch 
 2396  King of the Wind 
 2397  The king with a horse's ear : an Irish graphic folktale 
 2398  The king's secret : the legend of King Sejong 
 2399  The Kingfisher atlas of the ancient world 
 2400  Kira-kira 
 2401  Kirsten learns a lesson : a school story 
 2402  Kitoto the mighty 
 2403  The kitten caper 
 2404  Kitten's first full moon 
 2405  Kitty from the start 
 2406  Kneeknock Rise. 
 2407  The knight at dawn 
 2408  The knight at dawn 
 2409  Knights : facts, things to make, activities 
 2410  Knights in shining armor 
 2411  Knights of the kitchen table 
 2412  Knitting 
 2413  Knots in my yo-yo string : the autobiography of a kid 
 2414  Knots on a counting rope 
 2415  Know your hometown history : projects and activities 
 2416  Koala bears 
 2417  Koala Lou 
 2418  Komodo dragons 
 2419  Kristy and the snobs 
 2420  Kristy's great idea : a graphic novel 
 2421  The Ku Klux Klan : a hooded brotherhood 
 2422  Kwanzaa 
 2423  Kwanzaa : a level two reader 
 2424  Kwanzaa crafts 
 2425  A Kwanzaa fable / : Eric V. Copage. 
 2426  Labrador retrievers 
 2427  The lady and the spider 
 2428  Ladybugs 
 2429  Lake and pond food webs in action 
 2430  Lakes 
 2431  The lamp, the ice, and the boat called Fish : based on a true story 
 2432  The land 
 2433  The Land of the Dead 
 2434  Land of the wild llama : a story of the Patagonian Andes. 
 2435  The Landry News 
 2436  Langston Hughes 
 2437  Langston Hughes : American poet 
 2438  Langston Hughes : great American poet 
 2439  Laser man : Theodore H. Maiman and his brilliant invention 
 2440  The last holiday concert 
 2441  The Last Invisible Boy 
 2442  The Last Kids on Earth and the Cosmic Beyond 
 2443  The last kids on Earth and the Nightmare King 
 2444  The last Olympian 
 2445  The last straw 
 2446  The last wolf of Ireland 
 2447  Later, Gator 
 2448  Laundry day overload 
 2449  Laura Ingalls Wilder 
 2450  Laura Ingalls Wilder : a biography 
 2451  Laura Numeroff's 10-step guide to living with your monster 
 2452  The leanin' dog 
 2453  Leap, frog 
 2454  Learn to play blues 
 2455  Learning about achievement from the life of Maya Angelou 
 2456  Learning about earth's cycles with graphic organizers 
 2457  Learning about energy with graphic organizers 
 2458  Learning about equal rights from the life of Ruth Bader Ginsburg 
 2459  Learning about fairness from the life of Susan B. Anthony 
 2460  Learning about food chains and food webs with graphic organizers 
 2461  Learning about heat and temperature with graphic organizers 
 2462  Learning about love from the life of Mother Teresa 
 2463  Learning about plant growth with graphic organizers 
 2464  Learning about public service from the life of John F. Kennedy Jr. 
 2465  Learning about rocks 
 2466  Learning about rocks, weathering, and erosion with graphic organizers 
 2467  Learning about simple machines with graphic organizers 
 2468  Learning about the effects of natural events with graphic organizers 
 2469  Learning about the movement of the sun and other stars with graphic organizers 
 2470  Learning about the water cycle with graphic organizers 
 2471  Learning about weather with graphic organizers 
 2472  Leaves 
 2473  LeBron James 
 2474  The legacy of Mr. Banjo! 
 2475  The legend of the bluebonnet : an old tale of Texas 
 2476  Lego 
 2477  Lemonade for sale 
 2478  Lemony Snicket : the unauthorized autobiography 
 2479  Lemur landing : a story of a Madagascan tropical dry forest 
 2480  Leo the late bloomer 
 2481  Leprechaun in late winter 
 2482  Leprechauns don't play basketball 
 2483  Lessons in science safety with Max Axiom, super scientist : 4D, an augmented reading science experience 
 2484  Let it shine : stories of Black women freedom fighters 
 2485  Let it shine : three favorite spirituals 
 2486  Let me help! 
 2487  Let the circle be unbroken 
 2488  Let's celebrate Christmas 
 2489  Let's celebrate St. Patrick's Day 
 2490  Let's celebrate Thanksgiving 
 2491  Let's go home, Little Bear 
 2492  Let's go to a baseball game 
 2493  Let's go to a car race 
 2494  Let's go to a play 
 2495  Let's go to a science center 
 2496  Let's go to the museum 
 2497  Let's graph 
 2498  Let's look at fall 
 2499  Let's look at summer 
 2500  Let's look at winter 
 2501  Let's make a bike with everyday materials 
 2502  Let's make a dump truck with everyday materials 
 2503  Let's make a fish with everyday materials 
 2504  Let's make a lion with everyday materials 
 2505  Let's make a monkey with everyday materials 
 2506  Let's make an owl with everyday materials 
 2507  Let's meet Jackie Robinson 
 2508  Let's meet Martin Luther King, Jr. 
 2509  Let's share, grumpy bunny! 
 2510  A letter to Mrs. Roosevelt 
 2511  Levers 
 2512  Levers in my world 
 2513  Lewis and Clark 
 2514  Lewis and Clark : explorers of the Louisiana Purchase 
 2515  The Lewis and Clark Expedition 
 2516  Li'l Pete the preposition 
 2517  Liang and the magic paintbrush 
 2518  The Liberty Bell 
 2519  Liberty or death : a story about Patrick Henry 
 2520  The librarian who measured the earth 
 2521  Librarians 
 2522  Library 
 2523  The Library Card 
 2524  The library card 
 2525  Library lion 
 2526  The life and death of Crazy Horse 
 2527  The life cycle of a frog 
 2528  The life cycle of a grasshopper 
 2529  The life cycle of a penguin 
 2530  Life in a medieval village 
 2531  Life long ago 
 2532  Life on a mountain 
 2533  Life science 
 2534  Lift 
 2535  Lift ev'ry voice and sing 
 2536  Light 
 2537  Light 
 2538  Light 
 2539  Light : a question and answer book 
 2540  Light in my world 
 2541  A light in the attic 
 2542  A light in the attic 
 2543  The lighthouse mystery 
 2544  Lightland 
 2545  The lightning thief 
 2546  Like a hundred drums 
 2547  Lilly's big day 
 2548  Lilly's purple plastic purse 
 2549  Lily learns about wants and needs 
 2550  A lime, a mime, a pool of slime : more about nouns 
 2551  Limpopo the lion : a tale of laziness and lethargy 
 2552  Lincoln : a photobiography 
 2553  The Lincoln Memorial 
 2554  Lincoln, slavery, and the Emancipation Proclamation 
 2555  The Lincolns : a scrapbook look at Abraham and Mary 
 2556  Lines, segments, rays, and angles 
 2557  The lion & the mouse 
 2558  The lion and the mouse 
 2559  A lion for Lewis 
 2560  The lion, the witch, and the wardrobe 
 2561  Lions at lunchtime 
 2562  Liquids in my world 
 2563  Listen to the rain 
 2564  The little auto 
 2565  Little Bear marches in the St. Patrick's Day parade. 
 2566  Little Cliff and the cold place 
 2567  Little Cliff and the porch people 
 2568  Little Cliff's first day of school 
 2569  Little Cliff's first day of school 
 2570  Little Dog 
 2571  The little drummer boy 
 2572  The little farm 
 2573  The little house 
 2574  The little house 
 2575  Little house in the big woods 
 2576  Little house in the big woods 
 2577  Little house in the big woods 
 2578  Little house on the prairie 
 2579  Little house on the prairie 
 2580  The little island 
 2581  Little leaders : bold women in black history 
 2582  The little match girl 
 2583  Little Mouse's big valentine 
 2584  Little Nino's pizzeria 
 2585  The little old lady who was not afraid of anything 
 2586  Little Pig Figwort can't get to sleep 
 2587  Little polar bear 
 2588  A little prairie house : adapted from the Little house books by Laura Ingalls Wilder 
 2589  Little Raccoon 
 2590  Little Red Gliding Hood 
 2591  The little red hen 
 2592  The little red hen : an old story 
 2593  Little Red Riding Hood 
 2594  Little Red Riding Hood 
 2595  The Little Rock nine : a primary source exploration of the battle for school integration 
 2596  Little sharks, big sharks 
 2597  Little Sure Shot : the story of Annie Oakley 
 2598  Little town on the prairie 
 2599  The little train 
 2600  Little women 
 2601  The littlest angel 
 2602  Living and nonliving 
 2603  Living and nonliving in the desert 
 2604  Living and nonliving in the grasslands 
 2605  Living and nonliving in the mountains 
 2606  Living and nonliving in the ocean 
 2607  Living and nonliving in the polar regions 
 2608  Living and nonliving in the rain forest 
 2609  Living green 
 2610  Living in a desert 
 2611  Living in the mountains 
 2612  Living near a river 
 2613  Living near the sea 
 2614  Living on the plains 
 2615  Living or nonliving? 
 2616  Living with cerebral palsy 
 2617  Lizards 
 2618  Lizards 
 2619  Llamas 
 2620  Lobsters and other crustaceans 
 2621  Locomotive 
 2622  The log cabin church 
 2623  Logan likes Mary Anne! 
 2624  Lon Po Po : a Red-Riding Hood story from China 
 2625  The lonely library 
 2626  The loner 
 2627  Long and short : an animal opposites book 
 2628  The long haul 
 2629  A long way from Chicago : a novel in stories 
 2630  Longhouses 
 2631  Look and compare : a photo analogy game 
 2632  Look and count 
 2633  A look at magnets 
 2634  Look how it changes! 
 2635  Look out, college, here I come! 
 2636  Look! : a book about sight 
 2637  Look, listen, taste, touch, and smell : learning about your five senses 
 2638  Looking at ants 
 2639  Looking at glass through the ages 
 2640  Looking at landforms 
 2641  Looking at nature 
 2642  Looking at the United States 
 2643  Loose tooth 
 2644  The Lorax 
 2645  Lord of the deep 
 2646  Lord of the nutcracker men 
 2647  Loser 
 2648  Lost and found 
 2649  Lost in cyberspace 
 2650  Lost in the museum 
 2651  Lost in translation 
 2652  The lost locket 
 2653  The loud librarian 
 2654  Loud sounds, soft sounds 
 2655  Loudmouth George and the sixth-grade bully 
 2656  Louie 
 2657  Louie and Bear bite back 
 2658  Louis Armstrong 
 2659  Louis Braille 
 2660  Louis Pasteur 
 2661  The Louisiana Purchase 
 2662  Love to Langston 
 2663  love your world 
 2664  Low power 
 2665  Lucinda's secret 
 2666  The luckiest one of all 
 2667  The lucky baseball bat 
 2668  Lucky Boy 
 2669  The lucky buckeye : a story about Ohio 
 2670  The lucky horseshoes 
 2671  Lucky Lady 
 2672  The lucky lottery 
 2673  The lucky sovereign 
 2674  The Lunch Bunch 
 2675  Lunch lines, tryouts, and making the grade : questions and answers about school 
 2676  Lunch with Milly 
 2677  The M&M's brand counting book 
 2678  M.C. Higgins, the great 
 2679  Machu Picchu : the lost civilization 
 2680  Mad as a wet hen! : and other funny idioms 
 2681  Mad Jack 
 2682  Madam C.J. Walker : self-made millionaire 
 2683  Madeline 
 2684  Madeline and the bad hat 
 2685  Madeline Finn and the library dog 
 2686  Madeline in London 
 2687  Madeline says merci : the always-be-polite book 
 2688  Madeline's rescue 
 2689  Madeline's rescue 
 2690  Mae Jemison 
 2691  Mae Jemison 
 2692  Magellan : Ferdinand Magellan and the first trip around the world 
 2693  Magellan : Ferdinand Magellan and the first trip around the world 
 2694  Maggie and Silky and Joe 
 2695  The magic babushka : an original Russian tale 
 2696  The magic beans 
 2697  The magic finger. 
 2698  The magic gourd 
 2699  The magic school bus : in the time of the dinosaurs 
 2700  The Magic School Bus and the climate challenge 
 2701  The magic school bus and the electric field trip 
 2702  The magic school bus and the electric field trip 
 2703  The magic school bus at the waterworks 
 2704  The magic school bus butterfly and the bog beast : a book about butterfly camouflage 
 2705  The magic school bus explores the senses 
 2706  The magic school bus explores the senses 
 2707  The magic school bus gets a bright idea : a book about light 
 2708  The Magic School Bus gets ants in its pants : a book about ants 
 2709  The magic school bus gets cold feet : a book about warm-and-cold-blooded animals 
 2710  The magic school bus gets eaten : a book about food chains 
 2711  The magic school bus going batty : a book about bats 
 2712  The magic school bus hops home : a book about animal habitats 
 2713  The Magic School Bus in the Arctic : a book about heat 
 2714  The magic school bus in the time of the dinosaurs 
 2715  The magic school bus in the time of the dinosaurs 
 2716  The magic school bus inside a beehive 
 2717  The magic school bus inside a hurricane 
 2718  The magic school bus inside a hurricane 
 2719  The magic school bus inside the earth 
 2720  The magic school bus inside the Earth 
 2721  The magic school bus inside the human body 
 2722  The magic school bus on the ocean floor 
 2723  The magic school bus on the ocean floor 
 2724  The magic school bus plants seeds : a book about how living things grow 
 2725  The magic school bus ups and downs : a book about floating and sinking 
 2726  The magic school bus wet all over : a book about the water cycle 
 2727  The magic show mystery 
 2728  The magic tapestry : a Chinese graphic folktale 
 2729  Magic tree house incredible fact book 
 2730  Magic words! 
 2731  The magician's nephew 
 2732  Magnetism 
 2733  Magnetism : a question and answer book 
 2734  The magpie's tail : a Swedish graphic folktale 
 2735  Mail carriers 
 2736  Maine 
 2737  Make a wish, honey bear! 
 2738  Make it move! 
 2739  Make it yourself! : bots & circuits 
 2740  Make it yourself! : collages & sculptures 
 2741  Make it yourself! : coloring & doodling 
 2742  Make it yourself! : comics & graphic novels 
 2743  Make it yourself! : from junk to jewelry 
 2744  Make it yourself! : paper pop-up art 
 2745  Make like a tree and leave 
 2746  Make way for ducklings 
 2747  Make way for Sam Houston 
 2748  Makeda makes a birthday treat 
 2749  Making change at the fair 
 2750  Making music 
 2751  Making shade 
 2752  Making shapes 
 2753  Mama don't allow : starring Miles and the Swamp Band 
 2754  Mama's coming home 
 2755  Mammals 
 2756  Mammals 
 2757  Mammals 
 2758  Mammals 
 2759  Mammoth 
 2760  Man from the sky 
 2761  The man who caught fish 
 2762  The man who invented basketball : James Naismith and his amazing game 
 2763  The man who loved clowns 
 2764  The man who walked between the towers 
 2765  The man-eating tigers of Sundarbans 
 2766  Manatees 
 2767  Manatees 
 2768  Manatees 
 2769  Mandela : from the life of the South African statesman 
 2770  Mandy 
 2771  Maniac Magee : a novel 
 2772  Maniac Magee : a novel 
 2773  Manners at a friend's home 
 2774  Manners at a restaurant 
 2775  Manners at the library 
 2776  Manners in public 
 2777  Manners in the classroom 
 2778  Manners on the playground 
 2779  Many moons 
 2780  Mapping Earth 
 2781  Maps are flat, globes are round 
 2782  Maps, maps, maps! 
 2783  The march on Washington 
 2784  The March on Washington : a primary source exploration of the pivotal protest 
 2785  Marco Polo and the Roc 
 2786  Marco Polo and the wonders of the East 
 2787  Marcus Garvey 
 2788  Marge in charge and the missing orangutan 
 2789  Margo and Marky's adventures in reading 
 2790  Margret & H. A. Rey's Curious George's dinosaur discovery 
 2791  Marian Anderson 
 2792  Marian Anderson : a great singer 
 2793  Marie Antoinette : princess of Versailles 
 2794  Marie Curie 
 2795  Marie Curie 
 2796  Marie Curie 
 2797  Marie Curie 
 2798  Mariel of Redwall 
 2799  Maritcha : a nineteenth-century American girl 
 2800  The Mark of Athena 
 2801  The Market Square dog 
 2802  Mars 
 2803  Mars 
 2804  Martha Graham : a dancer's life 
 2805  Martha moth makes socks 
 2806  Martin Luther King Jr Day 
 2807  Martin Luther King Jr. 
 2808  Martin Luther King Jr. : a life of determination 
 2809  Martin Luther King Jr. Day 
 2810  Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 
 2811  Marvin Redpost, a flying birthday cake? 
 2812  Marvin Redpost, class president 
 2813  Marvin Redpost, kidnapped at birth? 
 2814  Marvin's best Christmas present ever 
 2815  Mary Alice returns 
 2816  Mary Anne saves the day 
 2817  Mary Church Terrell : leader for equality 
 2818  Mary McLeod Bethune 
 2819  Mary McLeod Bethune : a great American educator 
 2820  Mary McLeod Bethune : a great teacher 
 2821  Mary Poppins 
 2822  Mary, Queen of Scots : queen without a country 
 2823  Maryland 
 2824  The masked monkey 
 2825  Matchit 
 2826  The matchlock gun 
 2827  Materials 
 2828  Math curse 
 2829  Math for all seasons : mind-stretching math riddles 
 2830  Math tools 
 2831  Matthew Henson 
 2832  Matthew's dream 
 2833  Maurice Sendak 
 2834  Max 
 2835  Max & Mo go apple picking 
 2836  Max and Zoe at school 
 2837  Max and Zoe at the doctor 
 2838  Max and Zoe at the library 
 2839  Max goes to the farmers' market 
 2840  Max goes to the recycling center 
 2841  The Maya 
 2842  Maya Angelou : greeting the morning 
 2843  Maybe something beautiful : how art transformed a neighborhood 
 2844  The Mayflower Compact 
 2845  McBroom tells a lie 
 2846  McBroom tells the truth 
 2847  McBroom the rainmaker 
 2848  McBroom's ghost 
 2849  The me inside of me : a novel 
 2850  Me oh Maya! 
 2851  Meadow food chains 
 2852  The meanest thing to say 
 2853  Measurement 
 2854  Measurement action 
 2855  Measuring with monkeys 
 2856  Meat and beans 
 2857  Medgar Evers 
 2858  Meet A. A. Milne 
 2859  Meet Addy : an American girl 
 2860  Meet Coretta Scott King 
 2861  Meet Danitra Brown 
 2862  Meet E. B. White 
 2863  Meet Kirsten, an American girl, 1854 
 2864  Meet Laura Ingalls Wilder 
 2865  Meet Martin Luther King Jr. 
 2866  Meet Molly : an American girl 
 2867  Meet our new student from China 
 2868  Meet our new student from Great Britain 
 2869  Meet our new student from Korea 
 2870  Meet our new student from Mexico 
 2871  Meet our new student from Nigeria 
 2872  Meet Rosa Parks 
 2873  Meet Samantha : an American girl 
 2874  Meet Shel Silverstein 
 2875  Meet the boxcar children 
 2876  Meet the panda 
 2877  Mel fell 
 2878  The meltdown 
 2879  Meltdown : a race against nuclear disaster at Three Mile Island : a reporter's story 
 2880  The memory box 
 2881  The memory string 
 2882  Memphis Grizzlies 
 2883  Memphis Grizzlies 
 2884  Mercury 
 2885  Mercy Watson goes for a ride 
 2886  Mercy Watson thinks like a pig 
 2887  Mercy Watson to the rescue 
 2888  Meri Mercer doesn't lie, mostly 
 2889  Mermaids don't run track 
 2890  Merriam-Webster's alphabet book 
 2891  The merry Christmas book : a first book of holiday stories and poems 
 2892  Merry Christmas, Amelia Bedelia 
 2893  Merry Christmas, dear dragon 
 2894  Merry Christmas, Strega Nona 
 2895  Merry-go-round : a book about nouns 
 2896  Messenger 
 2897  Messy Bessey's family reunion 
 2898  Messy Bessey's holidays 
 2899  Messy Bessey's school desk 
 2900  Metal 
 2901  Metals 
 2902  Metamorphic rocks 
 2903  Meteor! 
 2904  Meteors and comets 
 2905  Mexico in colors 
 2906  Michael Hague's family Easter treasury 
 2907  Michael Jackson : ultimate music legend 
 2908  Michelle Obama : first lady, going higher 
 2909  Mick Harte was here 
 2910  The midnight farm 
 2911  Midnight on the moon 
 2912  The midnight ride of Paul Revere 
 2913  Mieko and the fifth treasure 
 2914  Mike Fink : a tall tale 
 2915  Miles Davis : jazz master 
 2916  The milk makers 
 2917  Milk to ice cream 
 2918  Milk, yogurt, and cheese 
 2919  The Milky Way 
 2920  A million fish. . . more or less 
 2921  Millions of cats 
 2922  Millions of cats 
 2923  Millions of cats 
 2924  Milo imagines the world 
 2925  Milo's hat trick 
 2926  Milton the early riser 
 2927  Mim's Christmas jam 
 2928  Mimi can't camouflage : a story about avoiding bias 
 2929  Mine, all mine : a book about pronouns 
 2930  Minecraft 
 2931  Minecraft : essential handbook 
 2932  Minecraft, 1 
 2933  Minecraft, 2 
 2934  Minecraft, 3 
 2935  Minecraft, 4 
 2936  Minecraft, 5 
 2937  Minecraft, 6 
 2938  Minecraft, 7 
 2939  Minecraft, 8 
 2940  Minerals 
 2941  Minerals 
 2942  Ming Lo moves the mountain 
 2943  A mink, a fink, a skating rink : what is a noun? 
 2944  Minnesota 
 2945  The minstrel's tale 
 2946  Minty : a story of young Harriet Tubman 
 2947  The Minutemen 
 2948  Miracle on 34th Street 
 2949  Miracle's boys 
 2950  Mirandy and Brother Wind 
 2951  The miserable mill 
 2952  Miss Bindergarten celebrates the 100th day of kindergarten 
 2953  Miss Bindergarten gets ready for kindergarten 
 2954  Miss Bindergarten plans a circus with kindergarten 
 2955  Miss Bindergarten stays home from kindergarten 
 2956  Miss Daisy is crazy! 
 2957  Miss Hickory 
 2958  Miss Hunnicutt's hat 
 2959  Miss Nelson is back 
 2960  Miss Nelson is missing! 
 2961  Miss Rumphius 
 2962  Miss Tizzy 
 2963  Miss Viola and Uncle Ed Lee 
 2964  Missing May 
 2965  The missing mummy 
 2966  The missing piece 
 2967  The missing piece meets the Big O 
 2968  The missing programmer 
 2969  Missing Rabbit 
 2970  Missions and presidios 
 2971  Missy the show-me mule : a story about Missouri 
 2972  Mitch and Amy 
 2973  The mitten : a Ukrainian folktale 
 2974  Moby Dick 
 2975  Modern dance 
 2976  Molly learns a lesson : a school story 
 2977  Molly's pilgrim 
 2978  Monarch butterfly 
 2979  Monarchs and other butterflies 
 2980  Monday with a mad genius 
 2981  Money 
 2982  Money for toys 
 2983  Money math 
 2984  Monkey business 
 2985  Monkey-Monkey's trick : based on an African folk tale 
 2986  Monkeys of Asia and Africa 
 2987  Monkeys of Central and South America 
 2988  Monster math 
 2989  Monster math 
 2990  Monster math school time 
 2991  Monster trucks 
 2992  Monsters don't scuba dive 
 2993  Montana 
 2994  Months 
 2995  Monticello 
 2996  The moon 
 2997  The moon 
 2998  Moonlight on the magic flute 
 2999  The Moonstone Castle mystery 
 3000  Moose and Mouse 
 3001  Mop top 
 3002  A more perfect union : the story of our Constitution 
 3003  More small poems 
 3004  More stories Julian tells 
 3005  More than anything else 
 3006  Morris the artist 
 3007  Moses : when Harriet Tubman led her people to freedom 
 3008  Mother Goose : a collection of classic nursery rhymes 
 3009  Mother's Day crafts 
 3010  Moths 
 3011  Motion 
 3012  Motion 
 3013  Motion 
 3014  Motion : push and pull, fast and slow 
 3015  Motorcycles 
 3016  Mount Rushmore 
 3017  Mount Vernon 
 3018  Mountain mammals 
 3019  Mountains 
 3020  Mountains 
 3021  The mouse and the motorcycle 
 3022  Mouse soup 
 3023  Mouse tales 
 3024  Move it or lose it! 
 3025  Moving 
 3026  Mr. Cool 
 3027  Mr. Lincoln's whiskers 
 3028  Mr. Popper's penguins 
 3029  Mr. Putter and Tabby pour the tea 
 3030  Mrs. Katz and Tush 
 3031  Mrs. Katz and Tush 
 3032  Mrs. McNosh hangs up her wash 
 3033  Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle 
 3034  Mrs. Portree's pony 
 3035  Mrs. Toggle and the dinosaur 
 3036  Ms. Krup cracks me up! 
 3037  Ms. McCaw learns to draw 
 3038  Much ado about Aldo 
 3039  Much bigger than Martin 
 3040  Mufaro's beautiful daughters : an African tale 
 3041  Muffy's secret admirer 
 3042  Muhammad Ali 
 3043  Multiply this! 
 3044  Mummies in the morning 
 3045  Mummies made in Egypt 
 3046  Mummy 
 3047  The muscular system 
 3048  The muscular system 
 3049  Museum mix-up 
 3050  Museum trip 
 3051  Mushroom in the rain : adapted from the Russian of V. Suteyev 
 3052  Muskrat 
 3053  A Mustache Baby Christmas 
 3054  My "d" sound box 
 3055  My "e" sound box 
 3056  My "f" sound box 
 3057  My "g" sound box 
 3058  My "h" sound box 
 3059  My "i" sound box 
 3060  My "j" sound box 
 3061  My Black me: a beginning book of Black poetry. 
 3062  My body 
 3063  My bones and muscles 
 3064  My brother fine with me 
 3065  My brother the duck 
 3066  My brother, the pest 
 3067  My camp-out 
 3068  My family 
 3069  My father's dragon 
 3070  My first book of sign 
 3071  My first Christmas book 
 3072  My first French words to see and learn 
 3073  My first Thanksgiving book 
 3074  My first words to see and learn 
 3075  My five senses 
 3076  My friend Rabbit 
 3077  My librarian is a camel : how books are brought to children around the world 
 3078  My life in dog years 
 3079  My little island 
 3080  My mama says there aren't any zombies : ghosts, vampires, creatures, demons, monsters, fiends, goblins, or things 
 3081  My man Blue : poems 
 3082  My name is Yoon 
 3083  My parents think I'm sleeping : poems 
 3084  My rotten redheaded older brother 
 3085  My senator and me : a dog's eye view of Washington, D.C. 
 3086  My visit to the aquarium 
 3087  My week 
 3088  The mysteries of Harris Burdick 
 3089  Mystery at Devil's Paw 
 3090  The Mystery at Lilac Inn 
 3091  The mystery at the ballpark 
 3092  The mystery in New York 
 3093  Mystery math : a first book of algebra 
 3094  The mystery of Alligator Swamp 
 3095  The mystery of Drear House : the conclusion of the Dies Drear chronicle 
 3096  The mystery of Sara Beth 
 3097  The mystery of the 99 steps. 
 3098  The mystery of the hidden painting 
 3099  The mystery of the pirate ship 
 3100  The mystery of the snow puppy 
 3101  The mystery of the stinky, spooky night 
 3102  The Mystery of the sunken treasure : sea math. 
 3103  The mystery of the tiger's eye 
 3104  N.C. Wyeth's pilgrims 
 3105  The NAACP : an organization working to end discrimination 
 3106  Naked mole rats 
 3107  The name quilt 
 3108  Nana Upstairs & Nana Downstairs 
 3109  The napping house 
 3110  The narrow escapes of Davy Crockett 
 3111  Nat Turner : slave revolt leader 
 3112  Nat Turner and the slave revolt 
 3113  Nate the Great and the big sniff 
 3114  Nate the Great and the monster mess 
 3115  Nate the Great and the mushy valentine 
 3116  Nate the Great and the tardy tortoise 
 3117  Nate the Great on the Owl Express 
 3118  Nate the Great, San Francisco detective 
 3119  The national anthem 
 3120  National Geographic essential visual history of the world. 
 3121  Native American doctor : the story of Susan LaFlesche Picotte 
 3122  Nattie Parsons' good-luck lamb 
 3123  Natural or man-made 
 3124  Nature's fireworks : a book about lightning 
 3125  Navajo ABC : a Dine alphabet book 
 3126  Navajo code talkers 
 3127  Navajo long walk : the tragic story of a proud people's forced march from their homeland 
 3128  Nebraska 
 3129  Nella and the dragon 
 3130  Nelly's garden 
 3131  Nelson Mandela : world leader for human rights 
 3132  Nelson the noun 
 3133  Neptune 
 3134  Neptune 
 3135  The nervous system 
 3136  The nervous system 
 3137  The nervous system 
 3138  A new Barker in the house 
 3139  The new hippos. 
 3140  New kid 
 3141  New Mexico 
 3142  New Orleans! 
 3143  New Year's Day 
 3144  Next Spring an Oriole 
 3145  The nice mice in the rice : a long vowel sounds book 
 3146  The night before Christmas 
 3147  Night flight. 
 3148  Night light : a book about the moon 
 3149  Night of the Ninjas 
 3150  Night on Neighborhood Street 
 3151  Night tree 
 3152  Nightingale's adventure in Alphabet Town. 
 3153  Nightmare at the book fair 
 3154  Nighty-nightmare 
 3155  The ninth nugget 
 3156  No brainer 
 3157  No fighting, no biting! 
 3158  NO is all I know 
 3159  No more homework! no more tests! : kids' favorite funny school poems 
 3160  No talking 
 3161  Noah and the rainbow; 
 3162  Noah's ark 
 3163  Noah's ark 
 3164  Nobody owns the sky : the story of "brave Bessie" Coleman 
 3165  Nobody's orphan 
 3166  Nobunny's perfect 
 3167  Noodleheads Fortress of Doom 
 3168  Norman the doorman 
 3169  North America 
 3170  North America 
 3171  North to freedom 
 3172  North, south, east, and west 
 3173  Northern spotted owls 
 3174  Not a buzz to be found : insects in winter 
 3175  Not I, not I 
 3176  The not-so-jolly Roger 
 3177  The not-so-wicked stepmother 
 3178  Nothing but trouble : the story of Althea Gibson 
 3179  Now & Ben : the modern inventions of Benjamin Franklin 
 3180  Now is your time! : the African-American struggle for freedom 
 3181  Nuclear energy : amazing atoms 
 3182  Number one puppy 
 3183  Number the stars 
 3184  Numbers 
 3185  Numbers : counting it up 
 3186  Nutcracker 
 3187  Nzingha : warrior Queen of Matamba 
 3188  Nzingha, warrior queen of Matamba 
 3189  An oak tree dies and a journey begins 
 3190  Ocean 
 3191  Ocean food webs in action 
 3192  Ocean life 
 3193  Ocean sunlight : how tiny plants feed the seas 
 3194  Oceans 
 3195  Oceans 
 3196  Oceans : underwater worlds 
 3197  Octopuses 
 3198  Odd and even socks 
 3199  Officer Buckle and Gloria 
 3200  Oh Lord, I wish I was a buzzard 
 3201  Oh say, I can't see 
 3202  Oh, Kojo! How could you! : an Ashanti tale 
 3203  Oh, the places you'll go! 
 3204  Ohio 
 3205  Ohio thunder 
 3206  Oils 
 3207  Oklahoma 
 3208  The old ladies who liked cats 
 3209  Old Mother West Wind 
 3210  Old Rock (is not boring) 
 3211  Old school 
 3212  Old Turtle 
 3213  The old woman who loved to read 
 3214  The old woman who named things 
 3215  The oldest student : how Mary Walker learned to read 
 3216  Olive's ocean 
 3217  Oliver & Amanda and the big snow 
 3218  Oliver and Amanda's Halloween 
 3219  Olivia and the fairy princesses 
 3220  Olivia goes to Venice 
 3221  Omnivores in the food chain 
 3222  On Christmas Eve 
 3223  On my boat : the sound of long o 
 3224  On my honor 
 3225  On purpose 
 3226  Once a mouse- : a fable cut in wood 
 3227  Once I was a cardboard box...but now I'm a book about polar bears! 
 3228  Once upon a Tim 
 3229  Once upon a zombie : tales for brave readers 
 3230  Once upon an Eid : stories of hope and joy by 15 Muslim voices 
 3231  Once upon MacDonald's farm-- 
 3232  One ballerina two 
 3233  One child, one seed : a South African counting book 
 3234  One crazy summer 
 3235  One fine day 
 3236  One frog too many 
 3237  One good apple : growing our food for the sake of the earth 
 3238  One green apple 
 3239  One green frog 
 3240  The one in the middle is the green kangaroo 
 3241  The one in the middle is the green kangaroo 
 3242  One land, many cultures 
 3243  One Monday morning. 
 3244  One nation under a groove : rap music and its roots 
 3245  One Night in Doom House 
 3246  One of the problems of Everett Anderson 
 3247  One small blue bead 
 3248  One true friend 
 3249  One winter's night 
 3250  One-dog canoe 
 3251  Onion John 
 3252  Only one 
 3253  Ooh la la, Lottie! 
 3254  Oona 
 3255  Operation sisterhood 
 3256  Opposites 
 3257  Oprah : the little speaker 
 3258  The orange outlaw 
 3259  Orange you glad it's Halloween, Amber Brown? 
 3260  Orange you glad it's Halloween, Amber Brown? 
 3261  Orangutans 
 3262  The ordinary princess 
 3263  Oregon 
 3264  The Oregon Trail 
 3265  The orphan singer 
 3266  Osa's pride 
 3267  Ostriches 
 3268  Ostriches 
 3269  The other side 
 3270  The other side of truth 
 3271  The other side of truth 
 3272  Otherwise known as Sheila the Great 
 3273  The otter in charge : a conflict resolution story 
 3274  Our Abe Lincoln 
 3275  Our American flag 
 3276  Our children can soar : a celebration of Rosa, Barack, and the pioneers of change 
 3277  Our Christmas book 
 3278  Our Gracie Aunt 
 3279  Our Minecraft unicorn 
 3280  Our national anthem 
 3281  Our national symbols 
 3282  Out of the dust 
 3283  The outcasts of 19 Schuyler Place 
 3284  Outside the Box a book of Poems 
 3285  Outside the lines : poetry at play 
 3286  Over in the meadow 
 3287  Over in the meadow : a counting rhyme 
 3288  Over the river 
 3289  Over the river : a turkey's tale 
 3290  Over the river and through the wood : the New England boy's song about Thanksgiving day 
 3291  Owen 
 3292  Owl at home 
 3293  Owl at home 
 3294  Owl moon 
 3295  Owl's adventure in Alphabet Town 
 3296  Owls 
 3297  Owls : and other animals with amazing eyes 
 3298  The ox and the donkey : a Christmas story 
 3299  The ox of the wonderful horns, and other African folktales 
 3300  Ox-cart man 
 3301  Ozzie on his own 
 3302  P.S. Be eleven 
 3303  Paddington bear 
 3304  Paddington Bear and the Christmas surprise 
 3305  Paint a sun in the sky : a first look at the seasons 
 3306  Painted eggs and chocolate bunnies 
 3307  Pancakes for breakfast 
 3308  Pandas 
 3309  Papa Lucky's shadow 
 3310  Paper 
 3311  The paper crane 
 3312  The paperboy 
 3313  Parents in the pigpen, pigs in the tub 
 3314  Paris! 
 3315  Parrots and parakeets as pets 
 3316  The patchwork quilt 
 3317  Patience : a level three reader 
 3318  Patrick's dinosaurs 
 3319  Patrick's dinosaurs on the Internet 
 3320  Patriotism 
 3321  Patterning 
 3322  Patterns : what comes next? 
 3323  Patterns everywhere 
 3324  Patti's pet gorilla 
 3325  Patty Reed's doll : the story of the Donner party 
 3326  Paul Bunyan : a tall tale 
 3327  Paul Bunyan, a tall tale 
 3328  Paul Revere 
 3329  Paul Revere's ride 
 3330  Paul Robeson : a voice to remember 
 3331  Paul Robeson. 
 3332  Peaceful protest : the life of Nelson Mandela 
 3333  The peanut butter and jelly mystery 
 3334  Peanut butter and jellyfishes : a very silly alphabet book 
 3335  Pearl Harbor 
 3336  Pearl Harbor 
 3337  Pecos Bill 
 3338  Pecos Bill : a tall tale 
 3339  A peculiar sequence of events 
 3340  Peeping Beauty 
 3341  Pen pals compare 
 3342  The Penderwicks : a summer tale of four sisters, two rabbits, and a very interesting boy 
 3343  Penguins! 
 3344  Penguins! 
 3345  Peninsulas 
 3346  The Pentagon 
 3347  The penultimate peril 
 3348  People and the environment 
 3349  The people could fly : American Black folktales 
 3350  The people in Pineapple Place 
 3351  Percentage 
 3352  Perfect pigs : an introduction to manners 
 3353  Perfect princess pets! : a collection of six early readers 
 3354  The perfect Thanksgiving 
 3355  Perimeter 
 3356  Perseverance in sports 
 3357  Personal hygiene and good health 
 3358  Perspectives 
 3359  Pet 
 3360  Pete the cat : I love my white shoes 
 3361  Pete the cat and his four groovy buttons 
 3362  Pete the cat and the space chase 
 3363  Pete the cat's groovy imagination 
 3364  Peter and the wolf 
 3365  Peter's chair 
 3366  Pets 
 3367  Pets 
 3368  Pezzettino 
 3369  The phantom bully 
 3370  Phantoms don't drive sports cars 
 3371  Phoebe the spy 
 3372  Physical science 
 3373  Pianos : a level one reader 
 3374  The pickle is dilly, cool and chilly! 
 3375  Pictographs 
 3376  A picture book of Abraham Lincoln 
 3377  A picture book of Anne Frank 
 3378  A picture book of Christopher Columbus 
 3379  A picture book of Dwight David Eisenhower 
 3380  A picture book of Eleanor Roosevelt 
 3381  A picture book of Frederick Douglass 
 3382  A picture book of George Washington 
 3383  A picture book of George Washington Carver 
 3384  A picture book of Jackie Robinson 
 3385  A picture book of Sacagawea 
 3386  A picture book of Sojourner Truth 
 3387  The picture history of great explorers 
 3388  A picture of grandmother 
 3389  Picture this : a first introduction to paintings 
 3390  Pictures for Miss Josie 
 3391  The Pied Piper of Peru 
 3392  The piggy in the puddle 
 3393  Pigs 
 3394  Pigs 
 3395  Pigs have piglets 
 3396  Pigs in the mud in the middle of the rud 
 3397  Pigskins to paintbrushes : the story of football-playing artist Ernie Barnes 
 3398  Pink and Say 
 3399  Pinkerton, behave! 
 3400  Pioneer bear : based on a true story 
 3401  Pippi goes on board 
 3402  Pippi Longstocking 
 3403  Pippi Longstocking's after-Christmas party 
 3404  Pippi to the rescue 
 3405  Pippi's extraordinary ordinary day 
 3406  Pirates ahoy! 
 3407  Pirates don't wear pink sunglasses 
 3408  Pirates past noon 
 3409  Pitch and throw, grasp and know : what is a synonym? 
 3410  Pitcher pressure 
 3411  Pizza! : a slice of history 
 3412  Place value 
 3413  Planets 
 3414  Plant 
 3415  Plant development and growth 
 3416  Plant life 
 3417  Plant packages : a book about seeds 
 3418  Plant plumbing : a book about roots and stems 
 3419  Plant reproduction 
 3420  Plants 
 3421  Plants 
 3422  Plants and the environment 
 3423  Plants in different habitats 
 3424  Plants of the desert 
 3425  Plants that never ever bloom 
 3426  Plastic 
 3427  Play ball, Amelia Bedelia 
 3428  Play ball, Amelia Bedelia 
 3429  Play ball, Jackie! 
 3430  Play day : the sound of long A 
 3431  Play like a girl : a celebration of women in sports 
 3432  Play soccer like a pro : key skills and tips 
 3433  Play with me 
 3434  Playing together 
 3435  Playing with wind 
 3436  Plays of Black Americans : episodes from the Black experience in America, dramatized for young people 
 3437  Please bury me in the library 
 3438  The Pledge of Allegiance 
 3439  Plenty of petals : counting by tens 
 3440  The Plymouth Colony 
 3441  Pocahontas 
 3442  Pocahontas 
 3443  Pocahontas 
 3444  Pocahontas 
 3445  Pocahontas 
 3446  A pocketful of goobers : a story about George Washington Carver 
 3447  Poems to read to the very young 
 3448  A poke in the I : a collection of concrete poems 
 3449  Polar bear vs. walrus 
 3450  Polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear? 
 3451  Polar bears 
 3452  Polar bears 
 3453  Polar bears past bedtime 
 3454  The Polar Express 
 3455  The Polar Express 
 3456  Polar ice caps in danger : expedition to Antarctica 
 3457  Polar mammals 
 3458  Police officers 
 3459  Policeman Small 
 3460  Pooh's school day 
 3461  Poop and puke eaters of the animal world 
 3462  Poopsie gets lost 
 3463  Popcorn 
 3464  Popcorn at the palace 
 3465  Poppleton everyday 
 3466  Poppleton forever 
 3467  Poppleton. 
 3468  Position and direction 
 3469  Possum magic 
 3470  Potions & parameters 
 3471  The power of one : Daisy Bates and the Little Rock Nine 
 3472  Prairie food chains 
 3473  Prefixes and suffixes 
 3474  Prehistoric Pinkerton 
 3475  Prepositions 
 3476  President of the Underground Railroad : a story about Levi Coffin 
 3477  Presidents. 
 3478  Pretend you're a cat 
 3479  Pride : a level three reader 
 3480  Prince Caspian : the return to Narnia 
 3481  Prince Cinders 
 3482  Princess Academy 
 3483  Princess Gorilla and a new kind of water : a Mpongwe tale 
 3484  The Princess in Black 
 3485  The Princess in Black and the hungry bunny horde 
 3486  The Princess in Black and the mysterious playdate 
 3487  The Princess in Black and the perfect princess party 
 3488  The Princess in Black and the science fair scare 
 3489  The Princess in Black takes a vacation 
 3490  The princess of the Fillmore Street School 
 3491  Princess Rosa's winter 
 3492  The principal's new clothes 
 3493  Pripyat : the Chernobyl ghost town 
 3494  Priscilla Alden and the first Thanksgiving 
 3495  Private eye princess and the emerald pea : a graphic novel 
 3496  Probability 
 3497  Producers in the food chain 
 3498  Pronouns 
 3499  Protists and fungi 
 3500  The Pueblo 
 3501  Pull, lift, and lower : a book about pulleys 
 3502  Pulleys 
 3503  Pulleys in my world 
 3504  Pulling my leg : story 
 3505  Pumpkin soup 
 3506  Punctuation 
 3507  Puppies for sale 
 3508  The puppy problem 
 3509  The puppy who wanted a boy 
 3510  Puss in boots 
 3511  Puzzles 
 3512  Pyramid 
 3513  The quagga 
 3514  Quail and other galliforms 
 3515  Quick and slow animals 
 3516  The quickest kid in Clarksville 
 3517  Quidditch through the ages 
 3518  The quilt 
 3519  The quilt story 
 3520  The quiltmaker's gift 
 3521  Quinn and Penny investigate how to research 
 3522  Quirky, jerky, extra-perky : more about adjectives 
 3523  Rabbit Hill 
 3524  Rabbit hill 
 3525  Rabbits 
 3526  Rabbits 
 3527  Rabbits & raindrops 
 3528  Raccoons 
 3529  Raccoons and ripe corn 
 3530  Raccoons and ripe corn 
 3531  Race to the sun 
 3532  Rachel Carson 
 3533  Rachel Fister's blister 
 3534  Rachel Vellars, how could you? 
 3535  Racing the past 
 3536  Radical Red 
 3537  Raggin' : a story about Scott Joplin 
 3538  Ragtime Tumpie 
 3539  Ragweed's Farm Dog Handbook 
 3540  Rain 
 3541  Rain 
 3542  Rain fish 
 3543  Rain forest animals 
 3544  Rain forests 
 3545  Rain forests : gardens of green 
 3546  Rain player 
 3547  The rain puddle. 
 3548  Rain talk 
 3549  Rainbow Dash 
 3550  The rainbow mystery 
 3551  Rainbow soup : adventures in poetry 
 3552  Rainbows 
 3553  Raising the flag 
 3554  raising the flagShow some respect 
 3555  Ralph J. Bunche : peacemaker 
 3556  Ralph S. Mouse 
 3557  Ramona forever 
 3558  Ramona Quimby, age 8 
 3559  Rapunzel 
 3560  Rapunzel vs. Frankenstein : a graphic novel 
 3561  Rattlesnakes 
 3562  Rattletrap car 
 3563  Ray and the best family reunion ever 
 3564  Ready...Set...Read! : the beginning reader's treasury 
 3565  Rebound 
 3566  Rechenka's eggs 
 3567  Rechenka's eggs 
 3568  The red pyramid 
 3569  Reflections of a Black cowboy 
 3570  Regrouping 
 3571  The reluctant dragon 
 3572  Remember : the journey to school integration 
 3573  Remember the bridge : poems of a people 
 3574  The reptile room 
 3575  Reptiles 
 3576  Reptiles and amphibians explained 
 3577  Rescuing Mrs. Birdley 
 3578  Respect 
 3579  Respect in sports 
 3580  The respiratory system 
 3581  The respiratory system 
 3582  The respiratory system 
 3583  Respiratory system 
 3584  Responsibility 
 3585  Responsibility in sports 
 3586  Return of the homework machine 
 3587  The Revolutionary War 
 3588  Revolutionary War 
 3589  Revolutionary War on Wednesday 
 3590  Revolutionary War on Wednesday 
 3591  Rhinoceroses 
 3592  Rhinos for lunch and elephants for supper! : a Maasai tale /  
 3593  Rhode Island 
 3594  Rhyme time valentine 
 3595  Ricky's rat gang 
 3596  Ride a purple pelican 
 3597  Riding to Washington 
 3598  Rikki-tikki-tavi 
 3599  Rip Van Winkle 
 3600  Riptide 
 3601  Riptide 
 3602  The rise of the goldfish 
 3603  Rising waters : a book about floods 
 3604  A river ran wild : an environmental history 
 3605  Rivers 
 3606  Rivers and lakes 
 3607  The road to Memphis 
 3608  Roads 
 3609  Roald Dahl's revolting recipes 
 3610  Roanoke : the Lost Colony 
 3611  Robert and the weird & wacky facts 
 3612  Robert Frost 
 3613  Robert Fulton 
 3614  Robert Goddard 
 3615  Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island 
 3616  Robin Hood 
 3617  Robin Hood : the tale of the great outlaw hero 
 3618  Robinson Crusoe 
 3619  The robot book 
 3620  Robotics 
 3621  Robots & repeats 
 3622  Robots don't catch chicken pox 
 3623  Rock 
 3624  Rock 
 3625  Rock climbing 
 3626  Rockets 
 3627  Rockin' rocks 
 3628  Rocking in my school shoes 
 3629  Rocks 
 3630  Rocks 
 3631  Rocks : hard, soft, smooth, and rough 
 3632  Rocks and minerals 
 3633  Rodrick rules 
 3634  Roger the pronoun 
 3635  Roll of thunder, hear my cry 
 3636  Roller coasters 
 3637  Roller coasters 
 3638  Rollers 
 3639  Ronald Morgan goes to bat 
 3640  Ronald Reagan 
 3641  The Rooster crows : a book of American rhymes and jingles 
 3642  The rooster crows : a book of American rhymes and jingles 
 3643  Roots 
 3644  Roots in the Outfield 
 3645  Rosa Parks 
 3646  Rosa Parks : a life of courage 
 3647  Roses are pink, your feet really stink 
 3648  Rosie Revere and the Raucous Riveters 
 3649  Rosie Revere, engineer 
 3650  Rosie's walk 
 3651  Rosie's walk 
 3652  The rough-face girl 
 3653  Rounding 
 3654  Roxaboxen 
 3655  Rubia and the three osos 
 3656  Ruby Holler 
 3657  Rules 
 3658  Rumble, boom! : a book about thunderstorms 
 3659  Rumpelstiltskin 
 3660  Rumpelstiltskin 
 3661  Rumpelstiltskin 
 3662  Rumpelstiltskin's daughter 
 3663  Runaway Ralph 
 3664  Rupert and the Liberty Bell : a story about Pennsylvania 
 3665  Russia in colors 
 3666  Ruth and The Green Book 
 3667  Ruth Heller's how to hide a meadow frog & other amphibians. 
 3668  Ruth Heller's how to hide a parakeet & other birds. 
 3669  Safari guide 
 3670  Safe social networking 
 3671  Saint George and the dragon : a golden legend 
 3672  Salamandastron 
 3673  Salamanders : and other animals with amazing tails 
 3674  Sally and the limpet 
 3675  Sally Ann Thunder Ann Whirlwind Crockett : a tall tale 
 3676  Salma the Syrian chef 
 3677  Salmon moon 
 3678  Sam Patch, the big time jumper 
 3679  Sam Samurai 
 3680  Sam, the sea cow 
 3681  Sam. 
 3682  Sami and the time of the troubles 
 3683  Sammy Keyes and the art of deception 
 3684  Sammy Keyes and the dead giveaway 
 3685  Sammy Keyes and the hotel thief 
 3686  Sammy Keyes and the psycho kitty queen 
 3687  Sammy Keyes and the runaway elf 
 3688  Sammy Keyes and the search for Snake Eyes 
 3689  Sammy Keyes and the Sisters of Mercy 
 3690  The sand castle mystery 
 3691  Sandmare 
 3692  Santa Claus doesn't mop floors 
 3693  Sarah and me and the lady from the sea 
 3694  Sarah, plain and tall 
 3695  Sarn, the story of an otter in spring 
 3696  Satchel Paige 
 3697  Satchel Paige : the best arm in baseball 
 3698  Saturday 
 3699  Saturday school 
 3700  Saturn 
 3701  Saturn 
 3702  Save the ... gorillas 
 3703  Save the ... lions 
 3704  Save the ... polar bears 
 3705  Save the elephants! 
 3706  Saving money 
 3707  Saving money 
 3708  Saving Shiloh 
 3709  The scarlet slipper mystery 
 3710  Scavengers and parasites in the food chain 
 3711  Scholastic The magic school bus gets all dried up : a book about deserts 
 3712  Scholastic's The magic school bus hops home : a book about animal habitats 
 3713  Scholastic's the magic school bus inside Ralphie : a book about germs. 
 3714  Scholastic's the magic school bus makes a rainbow : a book about color 
 3715  Scholastic's The Magic School Bus Plants Seeds: A Book About How Living Things Grow 
 3716  Scholastic's the magic school bus shows and tells : a book about archaeology 
 3717  School bus 
 3718  The school bus driver from the Black Lagoon 
 3719  School Library Journal 
 3720  The school skeleton 
 3721  School's first day of school 
 3722  Science : fresh squeezed! : 41 thirst-for-knowledge-quenching poems 
 3723  The science book of things that grow 
 3724  Science detectives 
 3725  Science experiments with simple machines 
 3726  The science fair from the Black Lagoon 
 3727  The science of a guitar : the science of sound 
 3728  The science of air 
 3729  The science of magnets 
 3730  Science safety : being careful 
 3731  Scientists ask questions 
 3732  Scissors, paper, & sharing 
 3733  Scooby-Doo! a number comparisons mystery : the case of the lunchroom gobbler 
 3734  Scooby-Doo! an addition mystery : the case of the angry adder 
 3735  Scoop, seesaw, and raise : a book about levers 
 3736  Scott Joplin : the king of ragtime 
 3737  The screeching door : or, What happened at the Elephant Hotel 
 3738  Screws 
 3739  Sea horses 
 3740  Sea horses 
 3741  Sea jellies : from corals to jellyfish 
 3742  The sea of monsters 
 3743  Sea slugs 
 3744  Sea stars 
 3745  Sea stars 
 3746  Sea story 
 3747  A sea turtle's life 
 3748  Sea turtles 
 3749  Sea turtles 
 3750  Sea turtles 
 3751  Seals 
 3752  Seals, sea lions, and walruses 
 3753  Seaman : the dog who explored the West with Lewis & Clark 
 3754  The search for delicious. 
 3755  Seashore food chains 
 3756  Season of the sandstorms 
 3757  Seasons 
 3758  Seasons 
 3759  Seasons : a book of poems 
 3760  Second cousins 
 3761  The secret agent on flight 101 
 3762  Secret holes 
 3763  The secret in the old attic 
 3764  The secret in the spooky woods 
 3765  The secret life of Dagmar Schultz 
 3766  The secret of Shadow Ranch 
 3767  The secret of Skull Mountain 
 3768  Secret of the Andes 
 3769  The secret of the old clock 
 3770  The secret of the Sphinx 
 3771  Secrets & sequences 
 3772  Secrets and sidekicks 
 3773  Secrets of the Sphinx 
 3774  Sector 7 
 3775  Sedimentary rocks 
 3776  See the cat : three stories about a dog 
 3777  See you later, gladiator 
 3778  A seed in need : a first look at the plant cycle 
 3779  A seed is sleepy 
 3780  Seed power : discovering how plants grow 
 3781  Seeds 
 3782  Seeds, bulbs, and sprouts 
 3783  Seeing 
 3784  Seeing lessons : the story of Abigail Carter and America's first school for blind people 
 3785  Self-discipline 
 3786  Sentences 
 3787  Serena Williams : Tennis Star 
 3788  Seriously, Cinderella is so annoying! : the story of Cinderella as told by the wicked stepmother 
 3789  The serpent's shadow 
 3790  Sets : sorting into groups 
 3791  Seven wonders of the ancient world 
 3792  The several tricks of Edgar Dolphin. 
 3793  Shades of black : a celebration of our children 
 3794  Shadow boxer 
 3795  Shadow of a bull 
 3796  Shakespeare 
 3797  Shakespeare : his work & his world 
 3798  Shanti saves her money 
 3799  Shapes 
 3800  Shapes : discovering flats and solids 
 3801  Shapes and things. 
 3802  Shapes in the city 
 3803  Shapes in the sky : a book about clouds 
 3804  The shapes we eat 
 3805  Shapes with snakes 
 3806  Shapeshifting 
 3807  Sharing : a level three reader 
 3808  Sharing the mound 
 3809  The shark attacks of 1916 
 3810  Shark feels shy 
 3811  A shark pup grows up 
 3812  Shark swimathon 
 3813  Sharks! 
 3814  She flew no flags 
 3815  She persisted : Florence Griffith Joyner 
 3816  Sheep 
 3817  Sheep have lambs 
 3818  Sheila Rae, the brave 
 3819  Shelter dogs : amazing stories of adopted strays 
 3820  Sherlock Holmes : selected stories 
 3821  Shiloh 
 3822  Ship of dreams 
 3823  Shipwreck Saturday 
 3824  Shipwrecked! : the true adventures of a Japanese boy 
 3825  Shirley Chisholm dared : the story of the first black woman in congress 
 3826  Shizuko's daughter 
 3827  The shocking world of electricity with Max Axiom, super scientist : 4D, an augmented reading science experience 
 3828  Shoes for everyone : a story about Jan Matzeliger 
 3829  Shoes, shoes, shoes 
 3830  Shoeshine girl 
 3831  Shoot for the hoop 
 3832  The Shore road mystery 
 3833  Show us your wings 
 3834  Show way 
 3835  Shrinking Violet 
 3836  Siblings, curfews, and how to deal : questions and answers about family life 
 3837  A sick day for Amos McGee 
 3838  Sidewalk story 
 3839  Sideways stories from Wayside School 
 3840  Sight. 
 3841  The silent storm 
 3842  Silly little goose! 
 3843  Silly street 
 3844  The silly tail book 
 3845  Silly Tilly's Thanksgiving dinner 
 3846  Silver 
 3847  The silver chair 
 3848  The silver charm : a folktale from Japan 
 3849  Simon's biles 
 3850  Simone Biles 
 3851  Simone Biles : Olympic Gymnast 
 3852  Simple machines 
 3853  Simple machines 
 3854  The simulated friend 
 3855  The singing suspects 
 3856  A single shard 
 3857  Sirko and the wolf : a Ukrainian tale 
 3858  Sisters 
 3859  Sisters against slavery : a story about Sarah and Angelina Grimk 
 3860  Sitting Bull 
 3861  Six hogs on a scooter 
 3862  Six-dinner Sid 
 3863  Sizzle! : a book about heat waves 
 3864  Skeeter 
 3865  The skeletal system 
 3866  The skeletal system 
 3867  The skeletal system 
 3868  Skinny and fats, best friends 
 3869  Skinnybones 
 3870  Skip counting with meerkats 
 3871  The sky fox : a Peruvian graphic folktale 
 3872  The sky is full of stars 
 3873  Skyscrapers 
 3874  Slavery and the underground railroad : bound for freedom 
 3875  Sleeping for good health 
 3876  Sleepy and busy animals 
 3877  Slender Ella and her Fairy Hogfather 
 3878  Slide and slurp, scratch and burp : more about verbs 
 3879  Sliding into home 
 3880  Slinky, scaly, slithery snakes 
 3881  Slip and slide 
 3882  The slippery slope 
 3883  Slowest animals 
 3884  The sly spy 
 3885  Small Bad Wolf 
 3886  A small miracle 
 3887  Small steps 
 3888  Smallest animals 
 3889  A smart kid's guide to social networking online 
 3890  A smart, smart school 
 3891  Smelling things 
 3892  Smile 
 3893  Smiles : the sound of long I 
 3894  Sniff, sniff : a book about smell 
 3895  Snot Stew 
 3896  Snow 
 3897  Snow White 
 3898  Snow White and the seven dwarfs 
 3899  Snowboard maverick 
 3900  Snowbound mystery 
 3901  Snowflake Bentley 
 3902  The Snowman Storybook 
 3903  Snowman surprise 
 3904  The snowy day 
 3905  So many sounds 
 3906  So tall within : Sojourner Truth's long walk toward freedom 
 3907  So that's how the moon changes shape! 
 3908  So you want to be an explorer? 
 3909  So you want to be an inventor? 
 3910  So you want to be president? 
 3911  Soccer 
 3912  Soccer 
 3913  Soccer 
 3914  Soccer circus 
 3915  Soccer for fun! 
 3916  Soccer scoop 
 3917  Soccer shoe clue 
 3918  Sofia Valdez and the vanishing vote 
 3919  Sofia Valdez, future prez 
 3920  Soft and smooth, rough and bumpy : a book about touch 
 3921  Soil 
 3922  Soil 
 3923  Soil basics 
 3924  Sojourner Truth : ain't I a woman? 
 3925  Solar energy : running on sunshine 
 3926  The solar system 
 3927  Solids and liquids : who messed up my sand? 
 3928  Solids in my world 
 3929  Solids, liquids, and gases 
 3930  Solids, liquids, and gases 
 3931  Solids, liquids, gases 
 3932  Some birthday! 
 3933  Some from the moon, some from the sun : poems and songs for everyone 
 3934  Somebody loves you, Mr. Hatch 
 3935  Something upstairs : a tale of ghosts 
 3936  Sometimes cows wear polka dots : a tolerance story 
 3937  Song and dance man 
 3938  Song of the circus 
 3939  Song of the trees 
 3940  Song of the water boatman & other pond poems 
 3941  Song of the water boatman : & other pond poems 
 3942  Soof 
 3943  Sophie's masterpiece : a spider's tale 
 3944  The sorely trying day. 
 3945  Sound 
 3946  Sound 
 3947  Sound : a question and answer book 
 3948  Sound off 
 3949  Sounder 
 3950  Soupy Saturdays with the Pain & the Great One 
 3951  South Africa : a question and answer book 
 3952  South America 
 3953  South America 
 3954  South Carolina 
 3955  South Dakota 
 3956  Space 
 3957  Space case 
 3958  Space challenger : the story of Guion Bluford : an authorized biography 
 3959  Space exploration 
 3960  Space leftovers : a book about comets, asteroids, and meteoroids 
 3961  Space science 
 3962  Space shuttles 
 3963  Space stations 
 3964  Spaghetti park 
 3965  Spain 
 3966  Speak up 
 3967  Speed, speed, centipede! : counting by tens 
 3968  Spider 
 3969  Spider and his son find wisdom : an Akan tale 
 3970  A spiderling grows up 
 3971  Splat! 
 3972  Splish, splash! : a book about rain 
 3973  Sponges 
 3974  Sports 
 3975  Sports! Sports! Sports! 
 3976  Sportsmanship 
 3977  Spotlight on Africa 
 3978  Spotlight on Asia 
 3979  Spotlight on Australia 
 3980  Spotlight on Europe 
 3981  Spotlight on Mexico 
 3982  Spotlight on North America 
 3983  Spotlight on the United States of America 
 3984  Spots of light : a book about stars 
 3985  Spotted beetles : ladybugs in your backyard 
 3986  Spring 
 3987  Spring 
 3988  Spring has sprung 
 3989  Spring planting 
 3990  Spring-Heeled Jack 
 3991  Springtime addition 
 3992  Spycatcher 
 3993  Squanto's journey : the story of the first Thanksgiving 
 3994  Squids 
 3995  Squirrels 
 3996  St. Patrick's Day 
 3997  St. Patrick's day 
 3998  St. Patrick's Day crafts 
 3999  St. Patrick's Day in the morning 
 4000  The stable rat and other Christmas poems 
 4001  Stadiums 
 4002  Stage fright 
 4003  Stage fright on a summer night 
 4004  Stand tall, Abe Lincoln 
 4005  Stand tall, Molly Lou Melon 
 4006  The star fisher 
 4007  The star-spangled banner 
 4008  The star-spangled banner 
 4009  Starfish feels scared 
 4010  Starring Grace 
 4011  Starry messenger : a book depicting the life of a famous scientist, mathematician, astronomer, philosopher, physicist, Galileo Galilei 
 4012  Starry messenger : a book depicting the life of a famous scientist, mathematician, astronomer, philosopher, physicist, Galileo Galilei 
 4013  Starry messenger : a book depicting the life of a famous scientist, mathematician, astronomer, philosopher, physicist, Galileo Galilei 
 4014  Stars 
 4015  The stars 
 4016  Stars of the NFL 
 4017  Start something : you can make a difference 
 4018  The state governor 
 4019  The State judicial branch 
 4020  The state legislative branch 
 4021  State seals 
 4022  State songs 
 4023  States in my world 
 4024  The Statue of Liberty 
 4025  The Statue of Liberty 
 4026  The Statue of Liberty 
 4027  The Statue of Liberty 
 4028  Steady hands : poems about work 
 4029  Stealing home 
 4030  Stealth technology 
 4031  Stella Diaz has something to say 
 4032  Stella Diaz never gives up 
 4033  Stella's stellar hair 
 4034  Stems 
 4035  A step from heaven 
 4036  Stephen Curry 
 4037  Steve Jobs 
 4038  Steven Caney's invention book. 
 4039  Stick dog 
 4040  Stick Dog chases a pizza 
 4041  Stick Dog craves candy 
 4042  The Stinky Cheese Man : & other fairly stupid tales 
 4043  Stomachaches 
 4044  Stone soup 
 4045  The stonecutter : a Japanese folk tale 
 4046  Stonewall 
 4047  Stop and go, yes and no : what is an antonym? 
 4048  Storks and other large wading birds 
 4049  The storm 
 4050  Storm in the night 
 4051  Storm is coming! 
 4052  Storms 
 4053  The story about Ping 
 4054  The story of Hanukkah 
 4055  The story of Johnny Appleseed 
 4056  The story of Jumping Mouse : a native American legend 
 4057  The story of noodles 
 4058  The story of Ruby Bridges 
 4059  Story of the Christmas rose 
 4060  The story of the Star-Spangled Banner 
 4061  The story of the Statue of Liberty 
 4062  Story painter : the life of Jacob Lawrence 
 4063  Story thieves 
 4064  A story, a story : an African tale 
 4065  A story, a story : an African tale 
 4066  The straw maid 
 4067  Strawberry moon 
 4068  The stray dog 
 4069  Strega Nona : an original tale 
 4070  Strega Nona, her story 
 4071  Strider 
 4072  Strike-out scare 
 4073  Striking out 
 4074  Strings 
 4075  A strong right arm : the story of Mamie "Peanut" Johnson 
 4076  Stuart's cape 
 4077  Submarines 
 4078  Subtraction 
 4079  Suitcase 
 4080  Sukey and the mermaid 
 4081  Sulwe 
 4082  Summer 
 4083  Summer 
 4084  Summer of the sea serpent 
 4085  Summer reading is killing me! 
 4086  Summer with Elisa 
 4087  The sun 
 4088  The sun 
 4089  Sun up, sun down : the story of day and night 
 4090  Sundiata, the African king 
 4091  Sunny days 
 4092  Sunscreen, frogsicles, and other amazing amphibian adaptations 
 4093  Sunset of the sabertooth 
 4094  Sunshine 
 4095  Sunshine 
 4096  Sunshine : a book about sunlight 
 4097  Super family! 
 4098  Super healing 
 4099  Super sharks 
 4100  Super sleuth : twelve solve-it-yourself mysteries 
 4101  The super-duper supermoon mystery 
 4102  Superbuns! : kindness is her superpower 
 4103  Surrounded by sea : life on a New England fishing island 
 4104  Susan B. Anthony 
 4105  Susan B. Anthony 
 4106  Susan B. Anthony : a life of fairness 
 4107  Swallows Her Pride 
 4108  Swamp Angel 
 4109  Swapping (exchanging) 
 4110  Sweet Clara and the freedom quilt 
 4111  A sweet smell of roses 
 4112  Sweet whispers, Brother Rush 
 4113  Sweet, sweet memory 
 4114  Sweetgrass 
 4115  Swimming 
 4116  Swimmy 
 4117  Swimmy. 
 4118  Swordfish feels sad 
 4119  Sylvester and the magic pebble 
 4120  Sylvia & Miz Lula Maye 
 4121  Synonyms and antonyms 
 4122  T-shirt painting 
 4123  Tacky the penguin 
 4124  Tadpole 
 4125  A tadpole grows up 
 4126  Tail feather fun : counting by tens 
 4127  Take a stand! : what you can do about bullying 
 4128  Take a walk on a rainbow : a first look at color 
 4129  Take a walk, Johnny 
 4130  Take your mama to work today 
 4131  Taking away with tigers 
 4132  Taking care of your diplodocus 
 4133  Taking care of your iguanodon 
 4134  Taking care of your stegosaurus 
 4135  Taking care of your T. rex 
 4136  Taking care of your triceratops 
 4137  The tale of Despereaux : being the story of a mouse, a princess, some soup, and a spool of thread 
 4138  The tale of the flopsy bunnies 
 4139  The tale of the mandarin ducks 
 4140  A tale of two cities 
 4141  A tale of two kitties 
 4142  Talent show trouble 
 4143  Tales from a not-so-graceful ice princess 
 4144  Tales from a not-so-popular party girl 
 4145  Tales of a fourth grade nothing. 
 4146  Tales of Edgar Allan Poe 
 4147  Talk to me about the alphabet 
 4148  Talkin' about Bessie : the story of aviator Elizabeth Coleman 
 4149  The talking eggs : a folktale from the American South 
 4150  The talking T. Rex 
 4151  The tamarack tree : a novel of the siege of Vicksburg 
 4152  Tangles, growth spurts, and being you : questions and answers about growing up 
 4153  Tanya and the red shoes 
 4154  Tap dance 
 4155  Tar beach 
 4156  The tar pit 
 4157  Taste. 
 4158  Tasting things 
 4159  Tattletale traitor 
 4160  Teachers 
 4161  A team stays together! 
 4162  The teeny-tiny woman : a ghost story 
 4163  TEL Tennessee Electronic Library 
 4164  Television and movies 
 4165  Tell me a story, Mama 
 4166  Temperature 
 4167  Temperature : heating up and cooling down 
 4168  Ten black dots 
 4169  Ten black dots 
 4170  Ten copycats in a boat, and other riddles 
 4171  Ten little rabbits 
 4172  Ten, nine, eight 
 4173  Tennessee 
 4174  Tennessee 
 4175  Tennessee Titans 
 4176  Tennis 
 4177  Tennis 
 4178  Tennis 
 4179  Tennis in action 
 4180  The tenth city 
 4181  The tenth good thing about Barney 
 4182  Termites 
 4183  Terrible twin mania 
 4184  The terrific tale of television technology : Max Axiom STEM adventures 
 4185  Thank you, Amelia Bedelia 
 4186  Thank you, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr! 
 4187  Thanksgiving 
 4188  Thanksgiving : a level two reader 
 4189  Thanksgiving Day crafts 
 4190  Thanksgiving is-- 
 4191  That Book Woman 
 4192  Theodore Roosevelt : letters from a young coal miner 
 4193  There is a rainbow 
 4194  There was an old lady who swallowed a fly 
 4195  There's a frog in my throat! : 440 animal sayings a little bird told me 
 4196  There's a girl in my hammerlock 
 4197  There's a little bit of me in Jamey 
 4198  Thermometers 
 4199  They all saw a cat 
 4200  They were strong and good 
 4201  Thimble summer 
 4202  Think, think, think : learning about your brain 
 4203  Thinking and feeling 
 4204  The third wheel 
 4205  The thirteen colonies 
 4206  The thirteen colonies 
 4207  This book is my best friend 
 4208  This is baseball 
 4209  This land was made for you and me : the life and songs of Woody Guthrie 
 4210  This place is cold 
 4211  Thomas Alva Edison 
 4212  Thomas Jefferson 
 4213  Thomas Jefferson 
 4214  Thomas Jefferson : a life of patriotism 
 4215  Thomas Jefferson : father of liberty 
 4216  Thomas Jefferson : letters from a Philadelphia bookworm 
 4217  Thorns, horns, and crescent moons : reading and writing nature poems 
 4218  Thread one to a star : a book of poems 
 4219  The three billy goats Gruff 
 4220  Three Billy Goats Gruff 
 4221  Three Billy Goats Gruff 
 4222  Three Billy Goats Gruff 
 4223  Three brave women 
 4224  Three cheers for good times! 
 4225  Three cheers for trees! : a book about our carbon footprint 
 4226  Three cool kids 
 4227  Three days 
 4228  Three days on a river in a red canoe 
 4229  Three dog winter 
 4230  The three little pigs 
 4231  The three questions 
 4232  Three samurai cats : a story from Japan 
 4233  Three smart pals 
 4234  Three young pilgrims 
 4235  Through my eyes 
 4236  Through the hidden door 
 4237  Thumbelina 
 4238  Thunder and lightning 
 4239  Thunder cake 
 4240  Tickles, pickles, and floofing persnickles : reading and writing nonsense poems 
 4241  Tiger's tough time : a story about managing emotions 
 4242  Tigers at twilight 
 4243  Tight times 
 4244  Tikki Tikki Tembo 
 4245  Time 
 4246  Time for bed? 
 4247  Time Out At Home 
 4248  Time train 
 4249  Timelines, timelines, timelines! 
 4250  Times tables cheat 
 4251  Timothy of the Cay 
 4252  The tin can man 
 4253  Tiny life in the air 
 4254  Tiny life in your home 
 4255  Tiny life on plants 
 4256  Tiny life on your body 
 4257  The tiny seed 
 4258  Tires, spokes, and sprockets : a book about wheels and axles 
 4259  The Titan's curse 
 4260  The Titanic 
 4261  Titanic 
 4262  To root, to toot, to parachute : what is a verb? 
 4263  Toad triumphant 
 4264  Toasting marshmallows : camping poems 
 4265  Today is Monday 
 4266  Tolerance 
 4267  Tom Thumb 
 4268  Tomatoes to ketchup 
 4269  Tomie dePaola 
 4270  Tomie dePaola's Mother Goose. 
 4271  Toni Morrison 
 4272  Tonight on the Titanic 
 4273  Too many balloons 
 4274  Too many kangaroo things to do! 
 4275  Too many valentines 
 4276  Too small 
 4277  Too-Tall Paul, Too-Small Paul 
 4278  Tools for the garden 
 4279  The toothpaste millionaire 
 4280  Tops & bottoms 
 4281  Tornadoes 
 4282  Tornadoes : disaster & survival 
 4283  The tortoise and the dare 
 4284  The tortoise and the hare 
 4285  The tortoise and the hare : a West African graphic folktale 
 4286  Tosca's surprise. 
 4287  Toucans 
 4288  Touch. 
 4289  The tower treasure 
 4290  Town mouse, country mouse 
 4291  Track events in action 
 4292  Tractors 
 4293  The Trail of Tears 
 4294  Train song 
 4295  Trains 
 4296  Trains 
 4297  Trains 
 4298  Traitor, the case of Benedict Arnold 
 4299  The transcontinental railroad 
 4300  Transportation 
 4301  Transportation technology 
 4302  The trap door 
 4303  Trash magic : a book about recycling a plastic bottle 
 4304  Traveling man : the journey of Ibn Battuta, 1325-1354 
 4305  Travels with Tess and Tim 
 4306  The treasure hunt 
 4307  Treasure Island 
 4308  Tree of cranes 
 4309  Tree of hope 
 4310  Tree trunk traffic 
 4311  Tree-House Comix proudly presents Dog Man : a tale of two kitties 
 4312  Trees 
 4313  Trees : worlds within leaves 
 4314  Trees to paper 
 4315  Trolls don't ride roller coasters 
 4316  Trouble at Camp Treehouse 
 4317  Trouble for Lucy 
 4318  Trudel's siege 
 4319  The true confessions of Charlotte Doyle 
 4320  The true gift : a Christmas story 
 4321  The true story of the 3 little pigs 
 4322  The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs! 
 4323  Trumpet of the Swan 
 4324  Trust me, Jack's beanstalk stinks! : the story of Jack and the beanstalk as told by the giant 
 4325  Trust, truth, and ridiculous goofs : reading and writing friendship poems 
 4326  Trustworthiness in sports 
 4327  Truth & lies : an anthology of poems 
 4328  The truth about Stacey 
 4329  Tsunami! : the 1946 Hilo wave of terror 
 4330  Tuck everlasting 
 4331  Tuck everlasting 
 4332  Tucker 
 4333  Tumble Math 
 4334  Tumble Premium 
 4335  Tundra food webs 
 4336  Tunnel king 
 4337  A turkey for Thanksgiving 
 4338  Turtle and the geese : an Indian graphic folktale 
 4339  The turtle and the monkey : a Philippine tale 
 4340  The turtle and the moon 
 4341  A turtle hatchling grows up 
 4342  Turtle's adventure in Alphabet Town 
 4343  Turtles 
 4344  Turtles take their time 
 4345  The Tuskegee airmen : African-American pilots of World War II 
 4346  Tut, tut 
 4347  Twenty and ten 
 4348  Twenty thousand fleas under the sea 
 4349  The twin in the tavern 
 4350  Twins 
 4351  Twister on Tuesday 
 4352  Twisters : a book about tornadoes 
 4353  The Twits 
 4354  Two and too much 
 4355  Two dog biscuits 
 4356  Two friends : Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass 
 4357  Two little trains 
 4358  Ty's one-man band 
 4359  Types of maps 
 4360  The U.S. Constitution 
 4361  The U.S. Constitution 
 4362  The U.S. House of Representatives 
 4363  The U.S. presidency 
 4364  The U.S. Senate 
 4365  The U.S. Supreme Court 
 4366  The ugly duckling 
 4367  The ugly duckling. 
 4368  The ugly princess and the wise fool 
 4369  The ugly truth 
 4370  Ulysses S. Grant : triumph over adversity, 1822-1865 
 4371  Umpire's adventure in Alphabet Town 
 4372  Uncle Elephant 
 4373  Uncle Sam 
 4374  Uncle Shelby's story of Lafcadio, the lion who shot back 
 4375  Uncommon traveler : Mary Kingsley in Africa 
 4376  Under cover 
 4377  Under the quilt of night 
 4378  Under the same sky 
 4379  Under, over, by the clover : what is a preposition? 
 4380  Underground 
 4381  The Underground Railroad 
 4382  Understanding global warming with Max Axiom, super scientist : 4D an augmented reading science experience 
 4383  Understanding our muscles 
 4384  Understanding our organs 
 4385  Understanding photosynthesis with Max Axiom, super scientist : 4D, an augmented reading science experience 
 4386  Understood Betsy 
 4387  Unicorns don't give sleigh rides 
 4388  The United States : a question and answer book 
 4389  United States Coast Guard 
 4390  United States Marine Corps 
 4391  United States Navy 
 4392  The unwilling umpire 
 4393  Up north and down south : using map directions 
 4394  Up the learning tree 
 4395  Up, up, and away : a book about adverbs 
 4396  Up-close mysteries : zoomed-in photo puzzles 
 4397  Uranus 
 4398  Uranus 
 4399  The US Air Force in action 
 4400  The US Army in action 
 4401  The US Coast Guard in action 
 4402  The US Constitution 
 4403  The US Marine Corps in action 
 4404  The US National Guard in action 
 4405  The US Navy in action 
 4406  The US Space Force in action 
 4407  Usborne first thousand words in English 
 4408  The Usborne Internet-linked first thousand words in Italian : with Internet-linked pronunciation guide 
 4409  Using math to be a zoo vet 
 4410  Using math to conquer extreme sports 
 4411  Using math to create a movie stunt 
 4412  Using math to fly a jumbo jet 
 4413  Using math to solve a crime 
 4414  Utah 
 4415  Vacation under the volcano 
 4416  Valentine hearts : holiday poetry 
 4417  Valentine's Day : a level two reader 
 4418  Valentine's Day crafts 
 4419  Valentine's Day is-- 
 4420  Valley Forge 
 4421  Valleys and canyons 
 4422  Vasco da Gama 
 4423  Vasco da Gama and the Portuguese explorers 
 4424  Vegetables 
 4425  The vegetables we eat 
 4426  The Velveteen Rabbit, or, How toys become real 
 4427  Venus 
 4428  Venus 
 4429  Venus among the fishes 
 4430  Verbs 
 4431  Verbs 
 4432  Verbs, verbs, verbs : the trickiest action-packed words in English 
 4433  Vermont 
 4434  Vertebrates and invertebrates explained 
 4435  The very first Americans 
 4436  Veteran's Day 
 4437  Veterans Day 
 4438  The Vice Presidency 
 4439  Victor's adventure in Alphabet Town 
 4440  The view from Saturday 
 4441  Viking it & liking it 
 4442  Viking ships at sunrise 
 4443  Vikings don't wear wrestling belts 
 4444  The vile village 
 4445  The village of round and square houses 
 4446  Vinny the action verb & Lucy the linking verb 
 4447  Virgie goes to school with us boys 
 4448  Virginia 
 4449  Viruses 
 4450  Visiting day 
 4451  Visiting Langston 
 4452  The Visual dictionary of plants. 
 4453  A voice of her own : the story of Phillis Wheatley, slave poet 
 4454  The voice that won the vote : how one woman's words made history 
 4455  Voices after midnight : a novel 
 4456  Volcano 
 4457  Volcano! : the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption 
 4458  Volcanoes 
 4459  Volcanoes : disaster & survival 
 4460  Volleyball for boys and girls : start right and play well 
 4461  The voyage of the Continental 
 4462  The voyage of the Dawn Treader 
 4463  The voyage of the Mayflower 
 4464  The voyages of Odysseus 
 4465  The wailing siren mystery, 
 4466  Wait! no paint! 
 4467  A walk in the boreal forest 
 4468  A walk in the deciduous forest 
 4469  A walk in the prairie 
 4470  A walk in the tundra 
 4471  Walk two moons 
 4472  The walkie-talkie mystery 
 4473  Walkingsticks 
 4474  Walt Disney 
 4475  Walt Disney : creator of Mickey Mouse 
 4476  Walter the baker 
 4477  Walter Warthog 
 4478  The War of 1812 
 4479  The warlord's puzzle 
 4480  Warrior son of a warrior son : a Masai tale 
 4481  Washington 
 4482  Washington Irving's Rip Van Winkle 
 4483  Watch out! man-eating snake 
 4484  Watch out, Ronald Morgan! 
 4485  Watch the stars come out 
 4486  Water 
 4487  Water : up, down, and all around 
 4488  Water as a gas 
 4489  Water cycle 
 4490  The water cycle 
 4491  Water sports 
 4492  Waterways 
 4493  Ways to find your way : types of maps 
 4494  We all have different abilities 
 4495  We all have different families 
 4496  We are heroes! 
 4497  We are in a book! 
 4498  We love fruit! 
 4499  We need plumbers 
 4500  We will rock our classmates 
 4501  The weather 
 4502  The wedding gift goof 
 4503  Wedges 
 4504  Wedges in my world 
 4505  A week 
 4506  A week in the woods 
 4507  Weird but true space facts 
 4508  Weird but true! human body : 300 outrageous facts about you awesome anatomy. 
 4509  Welcome to the green house 
 4510  Welcome to the sea of sand 
 4511  Welcome to Zanzibar Road 
 4512  Welcoming Elijah : a Passover tale with a tail 
 4513  The well : David's story 
 4514  Wemberly worried 
 4515  Werewolves don't go to summer camp 
 4516  Werewolves don't run for president 
 4517  West Virginia 
 4518  Wet and dry : an animal opposites book 
 4519  Wetlands 
 4520  Wetlands : soggy habitat 
 4521  Whale feels worried 
 4522  Whales 
 4523  Whales 
 4524  Whales 
 4525  Whales & dolphins 
 4526  What a trip, Amber Brown 
 4527  What about me? 
 4528  What are atoms? 
 4529  What are baby koalas called? : a book about baby animals 
 4530  What are food chains and webs? 
 4531  What are germs? 
 4532  What are inclined planes? 
 4533  What are levers? 
 4534  What are pulleys? 
 4535  What are the levels of government? 
 4536  What are wedges? 
 4537  What are you figuring now? : a story about Benjamin Banneker 
 4538  What can you do with money? : earning, spending, and saving 
 4539  What child is this? : a Christmas story 
 4540  What Columbus found : it was orange, it was round 
 4541  What do we buy? : a look at goods and services 
 4542  What do you do with a tail like this? 
 4543  What do you know about colonial America? 
 4544  What do you know about fossils? 
 4545  What do you know about the age of exploration? 
 4546  What do you know about the American Revolution? 
 4547  What do you know about the Civil War? 
 4548  What do you know about the Gold Rush? 
 4549  What do you know about westward expansion? 
 4550  What do you mean? : a story about Noah Webster 
 4551  What do you see in a cloud? 
 4552  What grows from a tree? 
 4553  What happened to Patrick's dinosaurs? 
 4554  What happened to the dinosaurs? : a book about extinction 
 4555  What hatches? 
 4556  What is a family? 
 4557  What is a government? 
 4558  What is a lever? 
 4559  What is a mammal? 
 4560  What is a map? 
 4561  What is a pulley? 
 4562  What is a wedge? 
 4563  What is a wheel and axle? 
 4564  What is an amphibian? 
 4565  What is an amphibian? 
 4566  What is climate? 
 4567  What is culture? 
 4568  What is friction? 
 4569  What is mass? 
 4570  What is money, anyway? : why dollars and coins have value 
 4571  What is religion? 
 4572  What is symmetry in nature? 
 4573  What is the moon made of? : and other questions kids have about space 
 4574  What is the world made of? : all about solids, liquids, and gases 
 4575  What is volume? 
 4576  What kind of family do you have? 
 4577  What Mary Jo shared. 
 4578  What time is it? 
 4579  What to expect when you're expecting larvae : a guide for insect parents (and curious kids) 
 4580  What would Joey do? 
 4581  What's a bird? 
 4582  What's a fish? 
 4583  What's a mammal? 
 4584  What's a reptile? 
 4585  What's an amphibian? 
 4586  What's an insect? 
 4587  What's in the Midwest? 
 4588  What's in the Northeast? 
 4589  What's in the Southeast? 
 4590  What's in the Southwest? 
 4591  What's in the West? 
 4592  What's so great about Cindy Snappleby? 
 4593  What's sprouting in my trash? : a book about composting 
 4594  What's the big idea, Ben Franklin? 
 4595  What's the matter in Mr. Whisker's room? 
 4596  What's the matter Mr. Giraffe? 
 4597  What's the Matter, Mr. Giraffe? 
 4598  Wheels and axles 
 4599  Wheels and axles in my world 
 4600  When Africa was home 
 4601  When birds could talk & bats could sing : the adventures of Bruh Sparrow, Sis Wren, and their friends 
 4602  When I grow up 
 4603  When lightning comes in a jar 
 4604  When Sophie gets angry- really, really angry- 
 4605  When Sophie gets angry- really, really angry-- 
 4606  When the wind stops 
 4607  When you reach me 
 4608  Where am I? 
 4609  Where do we keep money? : how banks work 
 4610  Where do you think you're going, Christopher Columbus? 
 4611  Where is Christmas, Jesse Bear? 
 4612  Where is Max? 
 4613  Where the wild things are 
 4614  Where to look for a dinosaur 
 4615  Where was Patrick Henry on the 29th of May? 
 4616  Where's Mommy? 
 4617  Where's that insect? 
 4618  The whispering statue 
 4619  Whistle for Willie 
 4620  Whistle for Willie 
 4621  The White House 
 4622  White snow, bright snow 
 4623  White water : inspired by a true story 
 4624  Whiteout! : a book about blizzards 
 4625  Who builds? 
 4626  Who is a friend? 
 4627  Who knew there'd be ghosts? 
 4628  Who put the pepper in the pot? 
 4629  Who sees the lighthouse? 
 4630  Who stole the cookies? 
 4631  Who took the cookies from the cookie jar? 
 4632  Who wants a cheap rhinoceros? 
 4633  Who was Albert Einstein? 
 4634  Who was Annie Oakley? 
 4635  Who was Aretha Franklin? 
 4636  Who was Ben Franklin? 
 4637  Who was born this special day? 
 4638  Who was Frederick Douglass? 
 4639  Who was George Washington Carver? 
 4640  Who was Jesse Owens? 
 4641  Who was Marco Polo? 
 4642  Who was Martin Luther King, Jr.? 
 4643  Who was Sacagawea? 
 4644  Who's buying? Who's selling? : understanding consumers and producers 
 4645  Who's in Rabbit's house? : a Masai tale 
 4646  Whoa, jealousy 
 4647  Why are elections important? 
 4648  Why did the chicken cross the road? : and other riddles old and new 
 4649  Why did the monster cross the road? 
 4650  Why do bears sleep all winter? : a book about hibernation 
 4651  Why do birds sing? : a book about animal communication 
 4652  Why do geese fly south in winter? : a book about migration 
 4653  Why do roosters crow? : first questions and answers about farms. 
 4654  Why do tigers have stripes? : a book about camouflage 
 4655  Why do x-rays show your bones? : questions about bones and the skeleton 
 4656  Why does the cat do that? 
 4657  Why don't you get a horse, Sam Adams? 
 4658  Why is the Sahara so dry? : a book about deserts 
 4659  Why is the South Pole so cold? : a book about Antarctica 
 4660  Why is today cloudy and gray? 
 4661  Why mosquitoes buzz in people's ears : a West African tale 
 4662  Why the frog has big eyes 
 4663  Why we have Thanksgiving 
 4664  The wide window 
 4665  Widget 
 4666  Wilbur's adventure : a Charlotte's web picture book 
 4667  Wild about books 
 4668  The wild Christmas reindeer 
 4669  Wild West 
 4670  Wildfire! : the 1871 Peshtigo firestorm 
 4671  Will and Orv 
 4672  Will Rogers : an American legend 
 4673  Will you sign here, John Hancock? 
 4674  Willie the Frog Prince 
 4675  Wilma Rudolph 
 4676  Wilma Rudolph 
 4677  Wilma unlimited : how Wilma Rudolph became the world's fastest woman 
 4678  Wind 
 4679  The wind blew. 
 4680  Wind energy : blown away! 
 4681  Wind flyers 
 4682  Windows, rings, and grapes : a look at different shapes 
 4683  Wings : a novel 
 4684  Wings on the wind : bird poems 
 4685  Winter 
 4686  Winter 
 4687  Winter poems 
 4688  Winter storytime 
 4689  Wisconsin 
 4690  The wise woman and her secret 
 4691  Witches don't do backflips 
 4692  With lots of love 
 4693  With love, Little Red Hen 
 4694  Witnesses to freedom : young people who fought for civil rights 
 4695  The wolf who cried boy 
 4696  Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 
 4697  Wolfmen don't hula dance 
 4698  Wolves 
 4699  Women explorers of the air : Harriet Quimby, Bessie Coleman, Amelia Earhart, Beryl Markham, Jacqueline Cochran 
 4700  Women explorers of the mountains : Nina Mazuchelli, Fanny Bullock Workman, Mary Vaux Walcott, Gertrude Benham, Junko Tabei 
 4701  Women in 19th-century America 
 4702  Women's suffrage 
 4703  The wonder of dolphins 
 4704  The wonder of elephants 
 4705  The wonder of foxes 
 4706  The wonder of kangaroos 
 4707  The wonder of koalas 
 4708  The wonder of pandas 
 4709  The wonderful book 
 4710  Wonderful world of space 
 4711  A wonderful, terrible time, 
 4712  Wonders of Learning: Discover Farm Animals 
 4713  Wonders of the desert 
 4714  Wonders of the pond 
 4715  Wood 
 4716  Wood 
 4717  Woodpeckers 
 4718  Words that built a nation 
 4719  Words with wings : a treasury of African American poetry and art 
 4720  Working cotton 
 4721  Working in space 
 4722  World Almanac for Kids 
 4723  World News Digest 
 4724  The world of food chains with Max Axiom, super scientist 
 4725  The world of food chains with Max Axiom, super scientist : 4D, an augmented reading science experience 
 4726  The world's fastest animals 
 4727  The world's greatest baseball players 
 4728  The world's greatest soccer players 
 4729  The world's largest plants : a book about trees 
 4730  Would I trade my parents? 
 4731  A wreath for Emmett Till 
 4732  The wreck of the Zephyr 
 4733  Wrecking ball 
 4734  Wrestling in action 
 4735  The Wright Brothers 
 4736  The Wright brothers : how they invented the airplane 
 4737  Write it down! : a girl's guide to keeping a journal 
 4738  Writing mysteries, movies, monster stories, and more 
 4739  Writing to correspond 
 4740  Writing to describe 
 4741  Writing to explain 
 4742  Writing to instruct 
 4743  Writing to persuade 
 4744  Writing to retell 
 4745  The wump world 
 4746  Wyoming 
 4747  A year down yonder 
 4748  The year of Miss Agnes 
 4749  The year of the perfect Christmas tree : an Appalachian story 
 4750  Yell and scream for your team! 
 4751  Yellow ball 
 4752  Yellow Bird and Me 
 4753  The yellow boat 
 4754  The yellow boat 
 4755  The yellow feather mystery 
 4756  The yellow yacht 
 4757  Yonder Mountain : a Cherokee legend 
 4758  You can't smell a flower with your ear!: all about your 5 senses 
 4759  You read to me, I'll read to you : very short fables to read together 
 4760  You read to me, I'll read to you : very short fairy tales to read together (in which wolves are tamed, trolls are transformed, and peas are triumphant) 
 4761  You read to me, I'll read to you : very short fairy tales to read together : (in which wolves are tamed, trolls are transformed, and peas are triumphant) 
 4762  You read to me, I'll read to you : very short Mother Goose tales to read together 
 4763  You read to me, I'll read to you : very short stories to read together 
 4764  You want women to vote, Lizzie Stanton? 
 4765  Young Cam Jansen and the 100th day of school mystery 
 4766  Young Cam Jansen and the library mystery 
 4767  Young Martin's promise 
 4768  Young riders of the Pony Express 
 4769  Your bones 
 4770  Your brain 
 4771  Your heart 
 4772  Your mother was a Neanderthal 
 4773  Your pet cat 
 4774  Your pet gerbil 
 4775  Your pet hamster 
 4776  Zany zoo 
 4777  Zanzibar the zebra : a tale of individuality 
 4778  Zeely 
 4779  Zen shorts 
 4780  Zimani's drum : a Malawian tale 
 4781  Zion Williamson 
 4782  Zombies don't play soccer 
 4783  Zoo clue 
 4784  Zora Hurston and the chinaberry tree 
 4785  Zora Neale Hurston 
 4786  Zora Neale Hurston, writer and storyteller 
 4787  Zucchini out West