Labor Associations

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Memphis and Shelby County Education Association (MSCEA)
The Memphis Shelby County Education Association is one to the two professional associations representing teachers, mental health employees, education support professionals and other educators in the Shelby County Schools.


United Education Association - Shelby County Affiliate of TEA (UEA-SC) 
The United Education Association (UEA) organizes educators, parents and the community to take an active role in creating the schools that students deserve. The UEA is the new local education association in Shelby County, affiliated with the Tennessee Education Association (TEA) and the National Education Association (NEA).


AFSCME Local 1733

America’s communities never rest. Streets need cleaning. Families need care. Students deserve well-run schools, and our neighborhoods demand safety. That’s whypeople who work in public service never stop. This isn’t just a job. It’s a calling. The work matters because it means something to make a community better.


SEIU Local 205 

The Service Employees International Union is the largest and fastest growing union in North America, focused on uniting workers in the key service sectors to improve their lives and the services they provide in four service industry “divisions”: hospital systems, long term care, public services, property services. 


2024 Memphis-Shelby County Schools