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We are grateful to all of our employees for their years of hard work and dedication in educating and taking care of our students. MSCS retirees enjoy several choices for life and health benefits if you meet specified requirements. 

Ready to start the retirement process? Memphis-Shelby County Schools Benefits recommend that employees submit their retirement information at least 90 days in advance of their retirement date. Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System (TCRS) will take at least 60-90 days to process retirement applications after they are submitted and certified by the employer (MSCS). TCRS will accept retirement applications no more than 150 days in advance of the retirement date. **


Retirement Quick Links:


For questions, please feel free to call (901) 416-5304 or email us at [email protected]

How are we doing? Take the MSCS HR Survey by clicking HERE!

2024 Memphis-Shelby County Schools